US Crete HF - 2020

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A 4 component polyurethane trowel applied in thickness from 6-9 US CRETE HF
mm screed for industrial application and repairing system in matt
US Primer
anti – skid finish offering versatility in performance, aesthetics and
economics. Substrate

Hygienic floor for kitchen, wetfood, beverage processing and
packaging plants. Chemical resistance floor for chemical process,
containment area and wash down rooms. Thermal shock resistance
floor for freezers, refrigerators, and oven installed spaces.
Mechanically durable floor for loading docks and warehouses.
Anti - skid finish for safety in oily / slippery service condition.

Anti – skid surface for safety
Excellent chemical resistance.
Resists bacterial growth; fungi, mould and mildew.
Easily cleaned and maintained smooth seam less surface.
High – density systems with maximum wear, abrasion and
impact resistance.
User – friendly, NO solvent odour during installation.
One of the fastest "turn a round time" polymer modified
product which reduces cost.
High temperature resistance up to 130°C
Seamless without joints for optimum sanitation and hygienic
finish. Meets Japanese Standard JISZ 2801:2000, 5.2

Standard US Crete colors. US Crete floor system is functionally
formulated to with stand severe chemical, mechanical, and thermal
damages. As a direct results light yellowing of the floor surface
exposed to UV may occure specially in light colors (eg.light grey)
without affecting its functionality.

Technical Data
Density,kg/mm/m² 2.2
Compressive Strength 50N/mm²
Tensile strength 7N/ mm²
Flexural strength 15N/mm²
Dynamic elastic modulus 20000 N/mm²
Adhesive strength Concrete failure
Thermal conductivity 1.0W/m°C
Taber abrasion resistance 1 gms / 1000 gms loading 1000 rpm
Co efficient of thermal expansion,°C 2.5X10-5°C
Impact resistance < 0.5 (BRE Screed tester) ml
Temperature resistance 130°C
Mixing Ratio 3:3:14:12 by weight of Part A & Part B & Part C & Part D
Pot life 15 min. at 30ºC 25 min. at 15°C 35 min. at 8°C
Packaging 32kg
Storage & Shelf Life un opened in dry conditions between 10°C - 32°C / 1years
Estimated Coverage 12.6kg/m²/6mm or 2.1kg/m²/1mm
Note: Coverage figure given is theoretical. Due to wastage factory, the variety nature of the substrate, and the site application condition,
etc…The practical coverage maybe reduced.

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Substrate will normally be concrete or polymer modified 25ºC 35ºC
screeds with minimum compressive strength 25 N/mm² and
Foot traffic. hr 10 8
pull - off strength 1.5N/mm². For floor in need of repair above
10mm use US Duraflor EM. Preferably vacuum shot blast the Light traffic. hr 24 18
surface with non- impact method. Concrete surface planer, grit Full traffic. hr 48 24
blasting and surface grinding or other mechanical means until a Foot cure. days
profile is evident can be satis factory. Substrate must be clean, free 7 5
from dust, oil, water, paint residues, loose constituents or any
contaminants. Prepare grooves, 8mm wide x 8mm deep, at all
All moving joints must be carried through the US CRETE HF
edges, bay joints columns, door ways, and drains for anchoring
and properly sealed. Construction joint sand cracks maybe
covered but if substrate movement occurs, the US CRETE HF
will reflect the crack.
Old floor needs thorough inspection for its integrity providing an
ideal substrate for maximum adhesion. It has to be free from all CHEMICAL RESISTANCE
contaminants. Grooves 8 mm wide and 8 mm deep have to be US CRETE HF will resist spillages of :
created diagonally into the floor every 1m² area of the floor to Dilute and concentrated acids: hydrochloric, nitric,
facilitate mechanical bonding. phosphoric and sulphuric.
Dilute and concentrated alkalis, including sodium hydroxide to
MIXING 50% concentration.
Shake well part A to a clean mixing drum. Add Part A and Part Most dilute and concentrated organic acids.
B and mix for 10 second until uniform using a helical spinner. Fats, oil and sugar.
Add the pigmented Part C and Part D powder and further mix Mineral oils, kerosene, gasoline and brake fluids.
for 1 minute 30 second to achieve a fully homogenized Most organic solvents.
consistent mortar. Scrap out residue of previous mix from the Resistance is maintained in many cases to 130ºC, which should be
sides of the drum and discard before the next pack, stir mix well regarded as the maximum service temperature.
both contents with high power mixer 750rpm.
Clean all tools with acetone, xylene or other solvents prior to
material taking a hardset. Small unreacted Part B in container to
Apply US CRETE HF within its pot life.
be decontaminated with a 5% solution of washing soda (sodium
carbonate) prior to disposal. After material has set it is virtually
Spread the composite matrix to thickness 6 – 10mm and impossible to get oV and must wear oV over time.
consolidate with steel trowel to the correct depth. Use short nap
roller dipped in xylene and roll lightly on the surface to bring MAINTENANCE
up the resin. Regular cleaning and maintenance will prolong the life of all resin
floors, enhance the appearance and reduce the tendency to retain
1st Coat / Primer dirt.
All US CRETE HF floor should be applied on to cured US
Some of the component sof this product may be hazardous during
TEMPERATURE mixing and application. Always use with suitable protective gears.
US CRETE HF should not be applied on material or floor Close container tightly after use. Keep out of reach of children.
temperatures below 10°C. Temperatures should not fall below 5°C For further information, refer to the product Material Safety Data
in the 24hours after application. Service temperature is depending Sheet, available upon request.
on thickness but may be up to 130°C on intermittent splash. Not
With a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over
SERVICE TEMPERATURES many years in our pursuit of excellence especially in the
protective, flooring and concrete technology, make US CRETE
At 6 mm :130ºC max. & -25ºC
your patner today! Contact hotline NOW!
At 9 mm :140ºC max. & -35ºC

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