Mastering Objection Handling Closing
Mastering Objection Handling Closing
Mastering Objection Handling Closing
After prequalifying, objection handling is where a sales rep tends to fail the most and where the sale is
lost. As mentioned in the presentation/demonstration phase of the sales process; if you deliver a
powerful, quality presentation; most if not all objections should be removed. Objections come up
through all phases of the sales process beginning at the initial greeting stage to the final close and
sometimes after the sale has been consummated (buyer’s remorse).
It is imperative if you are going to elevate your business to the next level that you become an expert at
handling or managing objections. In order for you to become an expert or “master” objection handler,
you must gain an understanding of:
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Becoming a Master Objection Handling/Closer (cont’d)
3. If you successfully overcome an objection, you are one step closer to a sale.
4. If you don’t master objection handling, many sales will be lost as a result.
Create an objection handling script and commit the answers to memory. Review, rehearse and role play
daily. Practice before going on the field like all professional athletes, entertainers etc. Always refine,
improve and change your script and response as needed to get desired results. When you are “prepared”
you transition from a position of fear, flight, hesitation and weakness to confidence, boldness and a
winning attitude. Remember an objection is a request for clarification or more information. Your
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prospects have a problem and you are the solution provider to their problem. What you are doing is
simply and methodically satisfying their needs. Keep in mind that each obstacle you hurdle positions
yourself one step closer to making the sale. Failure to break through and master will result in sales lost
and money slipping from your fingertips that could otherwise end up in your pocket.
1. I’m not interested. Most clients benefit with our (product/service) by ________________ (benefit). If I
could show you how you could benefit from our (Product/Service) would you be
interested then?
2. Just looking. Is there anything in particular you are looking for that I could point you in the right
3. Too busy. When would a better time be for us to meet when we could discuss the benefits you
will receive?
4. Call me later. I would be happy to do that. By saying this does it mean you are interested in our
(product/service). When would it be best for you to meet again?
There are other ways to respond to these smoke screens. You must keep your foot in the door and
conversation going. The art of overcoming objections is to:
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The last thing you ever want to do with your client is to argue, disagree or arm wrestle them. You must
maintain calm, patient and stay in control of your emotions. Never get angry. Instead of disagreeing or
discounting what the prospect says, agree in your response that you understand what they said. There
are many ways to do that. Here are some:
• I understand
• I understand what you are saying
• Say “and” instead of “but;” “and” says “I understand and in addition we could ….”
• “But” negates anything said prior and takes you to a confrontation level with your
• Use feel, felt, found (used mostly on objections, later in the process). “I understand how
you feel, I have felt the same way and what others like you have found is when they ….”
• Genuinely show you care.
Depending on the situation, you might ask some or all of those questions. Get the prospect to talk and
give you all the information you need to satisfy them.
Active Listening Response: “To make sure I understand what you are saying, I want to clarify that I
understand you say before you make any decision on purchasing a product like ours you need to
compare first. Is that correct?”
That doesn’t mean if the prospect responds by saying “yes” you stop there, let him off the hook to
shop. It shows you really want to make sure you understand and are listening. In general, you should be
listening 80% of the time and talking 20% (asking questions and responding to their answers).
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You must ask questions to pullout the true hold up or objection that is delaying the sale. Many times,
the prospect won’t say what is causing them to stall. Sometimes it is a result of their non-
confrontational behavior style (S, S/C and S/I) that won’t tell you. When you have completed the
presentation and overcome all objections, and from your standpoint the prospect should close but
doesn’t, you need to find out why. The following questions are examples of how to identify the
objection holding up the sale.
Once you have identified the objection based on their response, you must isolate the objection by
identifying again if this is the objection or are any additional lingering hang-ups remaining that need to
be addressed as well. The following questions are examples of how to isolate the objection.
“Is (state objection) the only thing holding us up or is there anything else?”
“Besides (objection) is there anything else that would prevent us from coming together
“If I can solve (objection) for you to your satisfaction, would we have a basis for doing
business today?”
“Is there anything else, or if I solve (objection) to your satisfaction could we get together
Once you have identified and isolated the bottom line objection(s) and have determined that if you
satisfy them you have their business, you must overcome the remaining one or two objections. Like a
surgeon, take each objection and carefully address each one. ASK FOR CLARIFICATION AND
Once you have received confirmation that you satisfied those needs, you move to ask for the sale.
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You have earned the right to ask for the sale. If the above steps have been done correctly the answer
should be YES! In most cases, assuming the sale works best. Closing questions include:
“Should we go ahead and get started?”
“Since all of your needs are satisfied should we take the next step and get started?”
“Is there any other reason why we shouldn’t just go ahead with the final step now?”
“Are you ready to make a commitment now?”
“Should I start the paperwork process?”
“I can have this ready for you by the end of the day, or would you like me to expedite
things sooner?”
When the prospect says yes, they become a client and your goal now is to make them a client for life.
Providing genuine service, client care and staying consistently in contact with them continually
providing value will keep them and their friends-family coming to you for years to come.
2) Focus
a) Play to win.
3) Conviction
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4) Passion
5) Enthusiasm
a) Display genuine excitement for the future, possibilities and business relationship with prospect.
6) Flexibility-Adaptability
b) Role play.
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11) Assertiveness
12) Integrity-Ethics
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