CDP 2019 2024

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Among the first towns of Pampanga in Central Luzon is called Arayat, but the origin of
the term is shrouded in mist. Some say the word derives from dayat or dayatan, which in
the local language means irrigation of rice lands during the dry season. Only later did
Arayat appear in speech.

Others believe the town’s name came from another native word arayat meaning "to the
east” where the place is located with its beautiful mountain called Bunduk Alaya or
eastern mountain. The term Arayat both as a settlement and a mountain emerged from
the term alaya when the Spaniards first came to the Philippines in the 16th century. Mt.
Arayat became a popular and majestic landmark also called Mt. Sinukuan after a
Kapampangan legendary god by the name of Aring Sinukuan. Another version of
legends about the mountain ascribes its name to the enchanted goddess Mariang

A more specific account from historians traces the town's origin to the existence of a
Spanish encomendero by the name of Fernando de Arayat, who came from a certain
Arayat village in Spain and eventually settled in the town. Thus, the town and the
mountain were both named after the Spanish village.

There is no exact date on the founding, however. It is known only that, based on
historical records, Arayat was among the very first towns of Pampanga to have thrived
between the 14th and 16th centuries ahead of the Spanish conquest. Others claim that
the town was founded by either Prince Balagtas of the Madjapahit Empire, or his son,
Lord Malangsic (Draw). The center was called Balayan ning Pambuit (Town of Pambuit)
located at Barangay Panlinlang.

By 1571, Arayat was already considered to be one of the most progressive Spanish
settlements in Pampanga. In 1590, the first Agustinian mission was established in the
town by Fray Juan de Valderama.

Arayat became a Spanish military fort in 1600. By 1853, records show that it consisted of
11 barangays (barrios), 23 barangays in 1903. The number of barangays has increased
to 30 as of the present time. During the revolutionary years in the early 1900s, General
Jose Alejandrino, Mamerto Natividad and his brother Benito and Aranias Diokno are
among the popular sons of Arayat that took up arms against the American colonizers.

In the mid 30’s, no less than President Manuel L. Quezon who used to visit the place
together with Dr. Emigdio Cruz, a native of Arayat, made it a second home. Quezon
procured farm lands in Barangay Camba (Kaledian) and Suclayin. He created a Model
Farm and spent his birthday every August 19 in his farm where he also built a “Little
Malacanang”, a chapel, school, hospital, irrigation system with flood control, model
homes for the farm helpers. He maintained a group of agronomists and Japanese
experts teaching plant and animal husbandry. Quezon and his family used to offer mass
at St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church located at the town proper.

President Quezon also did more than anyone else to promote Arayat to his constituents
in government and to his foreign visitors. He made an immense improvement on roads,
built a bridge linking the town of Arayat with Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, and put up
recreational facilities, swimming pools, living quarters and nursery at the base of the
mountain, which is now called the Mount Arayat National Park. The Model Farm

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 1

deteriorated after his death, but the National Park has earned recognition as the oldest
National Park in the country.

This Chapter explains in a common manner how a Comprehensive Land Use Plan
(CLUP) is prepared, at the same time the approaches and methodologies used to
prepare a particular CLUP for the municipality of Arayat. Arayat being situated within the
Province of Pampanga is thereby affected by regional developments and national
policies, thus linkages of the plan with the provincial, regional and national developments
will also be discussed. Plus, the relative proximity of Arayat to certain nationally
significant investment centers and development areas necessitate mentioning some
relevant national plans.

Arayat is located in the northern-eastern portion of Pampanga. It is bounded on the north
by Magalang, Candaba and Sta. Ana on the south, Mexico on the west and east by
Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. The Mount Arayat national park lies on the north and is formed by
the municipalities of Arayat and Magalang.

Arayat has a total land area of 17,602 hectares or 176.02 sq. km. and ranks as sixth
largest among the cities and municipalities in Pampanga. The municipality of Arayat is
composed of 30 barangays: Arenas, Baliti, Batasan, Buensuceso, Camba, Candating,
Cupang, Gatiawin, Guemasan, La Paz Turu, Lacmit, Lacquios, Mangga Cacutud,
Mapalad, Matamo, Panlinlang, Paralaya, Plazang Luma, Poblacion, San Agustin Norte,
San Agustin Sur, San Antonio, San Jose Mesulo, San Juan Bano, San Mateo, San
Nicolas, San Roque Bitas, Sto. Nino Tabuan, Suclayin, and Telepayong. La Paz Turu,
San Juan Bano, and Suclayin are the barangays having the largest land areas with
estimated 3,151 hectares, 1,549 hectares, and 1,377 hectares respectively. The
barangays with small land areas consist of Buensuceso, Paralaya and Poblacion with an
estimated 169 hectares, 36 hectares, 14.7 hectares respectively.

Territorial Jurisdiction and Barangay Subdivision

Map 1: Provincial Map

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 2



Table 6 below shows the elevation (in meters above sea level) of Arayat. Approximately
half of the municipality’s land area falls under the elevation category of 0 to 10 meters
above sea level. The highest point in the municipality, which is located in the
mountainous areas of Arayat, is at 1,024 meters above sea level.

Table 1: Elevation Categories in Arayat

Elevation (meters above sea level) Area (%) Area (Hectares)

0 to 10 51.26 9022.777

10 to 20 9.12 1605.301

20 to 50 15.4 2710.705

50 to 100 4.18 735.7629

100 to 200 7.31 1286.705

200 to 300 4.3 756.8853

300 to 400 2.3 404.8456

400 to 500 1.66 292.1929

500 to 600 1.39 244.6676

600 to 1024 3.08 542.1411

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 3

Map 2: Elevation Map


Based on the data from DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Arayat has the
following soil categories: Coarse sand, fine sand,, sandy loam, clay loam, and sandy
clay loam.


Map 3 portrays the different bodies of water flowing through the municipality. The
Pampanga River is observed passing through the eastern side of Arayat in the following
barangays: San Mateo, La Paz Turu, San Juan Bano, Santo Nino Tabuan, Kaledian
Camba, Lacquios, San Agustin Norte, Suclayin, San Agustin Sur, Paralaya, Batasan,
Guemasan, Santa Lucia Cupang, Candating and Santa Lucia Matamo. Small channels
and creeks are observed to branch out from the major river basin in Arayat.


The climatic conditions in Arayat are determined by the parameters provided by the
weather station in Clark, Pampanga. Based on the climate map of the Philippines, the
climate type of Arayat belongs to Type 1 in which there are two pronounced seasons:
dry season from November to April and wet season during the rest of the year.

There are two climate related hazards in the Municipality of Arayat – flooding and rain-
induced landslide. Maps below show the hazard related information of the municipality.
Hazards maps were gathered from various mandated agencies such as DOST-Project
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 4
NOAH (Nationwide Operation of Assessments and Hazards) and Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOCS).

Flood Susceptibility

The 100-year flood susceptibility map from Project NOAH reveals that Municipality of
Arayat, is generally susceptible to flooding. Flood susceptibility ranges from low to high,
where 19.40% of the municipality’s area is categorized as low risk, 24.90% of the area is
at medium risk and 19.50% of the area is categorized as high risk. On the other hand,
36.20% of the areas do not experience flooding. Highly flood prone barangays are
Suclayin, Batasan, Candating, Sta. Lucia Matamo, La Paz Turu and parts of San Agustin

Based on flood susceptibility mapping of Project NOAH, the municipality’s

different levels of susceptibility to flooding are distributed as follows:

Table 2: Flood Susceptibility

Flood Area (square km) Percentage Area (%)

Low 3,414.8 19.4
Medium 4,382.7 24.9
High 3,433.08 19.5
No Flood 6,371.4 36.2

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 5

Map 3: Flood Susceptibility Map, 2016

Based on landslide susceptibility mapping of Project NOAH, the municipality’s different

levels of susceptibility to rain induced landslide are distributed as follows:

Table 3: Landslide Hazard Susceptibility

Landslide Area (square km) Percentage Area (%)

Low 292.25 1.66
Medium 559.82 3.18
High 2,060.61 11.71
No Landslide 14,689.3 83.45

Rain-induced landslide map shows that Municipality of Arayat is generally not landslide
prone municipality, 83.45% of Arayat do not experience rain-induced landslide. Rain-
induced landslide susceptibility of Arayat ranges from low to high, where 1.66% of the
municipality’s area is categorized as low risk, 3.18% of the area is medium risk, while
11.71% of the area is high risk. Most of these areas are located near Mt. Arayat.

Map 4: Rain-Induced LandslideSusceptibility Map,

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 6

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 6

Table 4: Arayat, Population per Barangay, 2007, 2010, 2015

Barangay Population

Year 2007 2010 2015

Arenas 4,142 4,107 4,133

Baliti 2,315 2,360 2,582

Batasan 2,314 2,374 2,493

Buensuceso 3,544 3,801 4,322

Candating 4,698 4,771 5,029

Gatiawin 5,366 6,132 6,323

Guemasan 4,033 3,983 4,118

La Paz (Turu) 752 876 1,059

Lacmit 4,698 4,838 5,124

Lacquios 2,907 3,130 3,698

Mangga-Cacutud 8,750 9,321 10,133

Mapalad 2,712 3,222 3,735

Panlinlang 3,059 2,929 3,214

Paralaya 1,914 1,784 1,913

Plazang Luma 5,042 4,760 5,330

Poblacion 3,234 3,174 3,167

San Agustin Norte 3,220 3,495 3,593

San Agustin Sur 1,436 1,619 1,772

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 7

San Antonio 3,286 2,975 3,361

San Jose Mesulo 4,984 4,841 5,004

San Juan Bano 8,159 7,572 9,065

San Mateo 5,135 5,629 6,382

San Nicolas 8,028 7,855 8,227

San Roque Bitas 4,849 5,051 5,389

Cupang (Santa Lucia) 3,264 3,335 3,763

Matamo (Santa Lucia) 2,608 2,982 3,554

Santo Niño Tabuan 2,277 2,303 2,725

Suclayin 2,840 3,090 3,291

Telapayong 4,375 4,816 5,570

Kaledian (Camba) 4,731 4,223 5,423

Total 118,672 121,348 133,492

Source: National Statistics Office for 2007 and 2010 population, Philippine Statistical
Authority for 2015 population

Total Population

The municipality of Arayat has a total population of 133,492 as reported in the 2015
census (Philippine Statistical Authority). The number accounts for 0.06% of the
provincial total population. Table 4 identifies the population and population densities of
the barangays in Arayat during the past three years (2007, 2010, and 2015). In 2010,
population figures in 11 barangays decreased from the previous census. No significant
changes have been observed in the population growth of all barangays. In 2015, Arayat
had a total population of 133,492.

Table 5 presents the annual population growth rate of Arayat based on its population
data from 2007 to 2015. Arayat had a growth rate of 0.743% from the 2007-2010
population data while the APGR from the data of 2010-2015 increased to 1.907%. Using
the growth rate of 1.907 and the exponential growth rate method, the projected
population of Arayat by 2026 is estimated to be 164,518.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 8

Table 5: Arayat, Population and Annual Population Growth Rate, 2007,
2010, 2015

Municipality POPULATION Projected APGR%


2007* 2010* 2015** 2026 2007-2010 2010-2015

Arayat 118,672 121,348 133,492 164,518 0.743 1.907

Source: * National Statistics Office (NSO) and ** Philippine Statistical Authority

Educational Facilities

Arayat, as of 2017, has 30 public elementary schools, 5 public secondary schools, and 5
private schools. Of the 6 private schools, 4 offer both elementary and secondary
education. Those offering tertiary education consist of one private college.

Table 6 - Educational Facilities

Public Schools Private Schools

Elementary and Technical Vocation
Elementary Secondary Tertiary
30 5 1 6 0

Health Facilities

Arayat has 15 health facilities, ranging from district hospital to private clinics --all with a
total of 215 beds.

Table 7 - Health Facilities and Bed Capacities

Health Facilities
Government Private Diagnostic Health Birthing
Clinic BHS
Hospital Hospital Center Unit Stations
1 3 5 3 3 6 30
50 100 7 0 12 16 30

Early Childhood Care and Development Centers

There are 30 Early Childhood Care and Development Centers (ECCDCs) throughout the
municipality. All barangays have their own child care center.

Protective Services Facilities

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 9

There are 42 police personnel as of 2017. The number of personnel provides a police
personnel-to-population ratio of 1:3,178. This is below the national standard of 1:500

There are14 fire protection personnel at the Arayat BFP, giving the municipality a fire
fighter-to-population ratio of 1:9,535, which is below the national standards of 1:2,000.

There are 2 fire trucks used throughout the municipality: a fire truck-to-population ratio of
1:66,746 that is below the national standard ratio of 1:28,000.

Table 8 - Protective Services, Personnel, and Vehicles

Police Police Vehicle Fire Fighting

2015 Fire Truck
Personnel Manpower
Qty. Ratio Qty. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio
133,492 42 1:3,178 5 1:26,699 14 1:9,535 2 1:66,746

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 10


Primary Sector


Arayat has crop production as its main source of economic activities in the primary
sector. Twenty eight (28) barangays in Arayat have contributed an average of 5,174
hectares land for irrigated rice production yielding an average of 793.37 metric tons of
irrigated rice crops from 2011 to 2015. Other crops include corn and vegetables. The
vast agricultural lands that sustain food production is one reason for Pampanga’s low
poverty incidence.

Arayat, in particular, has many areas with fertile soil that produce crops abundantly. To
supplement their production, farmers may consider the processing of their produce. This
diversification could be the start of a new economic activity in Arayat.

Livestock & Poultry

For livestock and poultry in Arayat, both commercial and backyard production are
common. There are 8 kinds of animals being raised for commercial production namely:
cattle, piglets, broilers, sheep, layers, game fowls, Mallard ducks and quails. Broilers,
layers, and quails are highly produced while game fowls, sheep and cattle are the least
produced. For backyard production there are 13 kinds that are being cultured including:
cattle, carabaos, boars, sows, piglets, native pigs, goats, sheep, broilers, native
chickens, game fowls, Muscovy ducks, and pigeons. Native chickens, carabaos, and
goats are those that are highly produced while the least produced backyard animals are
native pigs, boars, and sheep..

Table 9: Table: Livestock and Poultry Production

COMMERCIAL (reference
No. of
No. of Heads Raisers Raisers

1. Cattle 20 1 180 48

2. Carabao 1,292 989

3. Swine

Boar 15 4

Sow 280 110

Fattener/Piglet 350 2 300 150

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 11

4. Native pig 42 3

5. Goat 1,108 998

6. Sheep 30 1 5 1

7. Broilers 20,000 1 180 6

8. Layers 6,701 2

9. Native Chicken 22,631 444

10. Gamefowl 340 12 55 20

11. Mallard Duck 2,000 5

12. Muscovy Duck 900 287

13. Rabbit

14. Quail 5,621 1

15. Pigeon 350 85

Source: Agriculture Office – Local Government Unit


Fishponds and fish cages are found in Tabuan, Candating, Suclayin, Bitas, Cupang, and
Baliti as shown in Table 39. These barangays are producing tilapia with regular price
standard yearly. The price has consistently increased from 2011 to 2015. The barangays
with the biggest areas for fisheries are Tabuan (50 has.), Candating (50 has.), and
Suclayin (40 has.)

Table 10 : Fishpond/Fish Cages Production, 2011-2015

Baranga Production (Volume/Areas) – Production (Volume) – per kilogram

y Has.

201 201 201 201 201 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 2 3 4 5

Tabuan 50 50 50 50 50 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

Has. Has. kg kg kg kg kg
Has. Has. Has.

Candatin 50 50 50 50 50 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

g kg kg kg kg kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Suclayin 40 40 40 40 40 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 12

Has. kg kg kg kg kg

Has. Has. Has Has

Bitas 10 10 10 8 8 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

kg kg kg kg kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Cupang 4 4 4 4 4 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

kg kg kg kg kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Baliti 3 3 3 1 1 P42.00/ P43.00/ P45.00/ P48.00/ P50.00/

kg kg kg kg kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Source: Agriculture Office – Local Government Unit

Commerce and Trade

Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, transport & storage, communication,
financial intermediation, real estate renting and business activities, education, health and
social work and other community, social and personal service activities are among the
economic activities in the municipality. Wholesale and retail and communication are the
most and the least common economic activities in the municipality respectively.


Arayat observes four cultural/tourism activities, holidays and festivals annually, which
last from one day to one week.

Table 11: Local Festivals

Activity Frequency of Activity Duration of Activity

Mais Festival - Lacmit annually 1 day
General Jose Alejandrino Day annually 1 day
Fiesta in honor of Patron Saint
annually 3 days
– St. Catherine of Alexandria
Holy Week annually 1 week
Santacruzan and Flores de
annually 1 day
9 Evening or Dawn Masses for
Simbang Gabi annually

Located in five barangays are 2 ancestral houses which form part of the cultural
heritage tourism areas of the municipality

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 13

Table 12: Ancestral Houses

Name Location Name Location

White House Poblacion Bahay Antigo Paralaya

There are various landmarks in the municipality which are associated with
culture, history, and religion of Arayat.

Table 13: Landmarks

Name Location Name Location

St. Catherine of
Mt. Arayat National Park San Juan Baño Poblacion
Alexandria Parish
Church Bellfry (St.
Monument of General Inside Town
Catherine of Alexandria Poblacion
Jose Alejandrino Hall
There are also four tourism related establishments which boost the tourism development
in the municipality.

Table 14: Tourism Facilities

Location (Barangay) Name of Tourism Establishments/Resorts

Poblacion Kabigting’s Halo Halo Restaurant
Poblacion Jurado’s Restaurant
Cacutud Cinta Spa
Gatiawin MICS Paradise Resort
Bitas Cesares Resort
Buensuceso Floral Farm Resort, Inc.
Bitas Funville Farm Resort
Suclayin Golden Paradise Resort
San Antonio Jamne Resort
San Nicolas Magic Jade Dream Park
San Nicolas Marigold Resort
Arenas Montara Water’s Resort
San Nicolas Ning’s Resort
Gatiawin Tapak Resort
Bitas Villa Arizona Resort
Telapayong Villa Carlos Resort
Gatiawin Villa Jumera Resort
Bitas Villamart Resort


Roads, Transport and Utilities

The tables below present the condition and length of national and barangay roads in
Arayat. There are different types of roads, including concrete, asphalt, and earth.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 14

While most of the concrete roads are reported to be in good condition, Camba,
Lacquios, Mapalad, San Agustin Norte and San Nicolas have roads that are in poor
condition. The barangays with the longest roads are Telepayong (46km), Bitas (17.5km),
and Candating (6.5km); those with the shortest are San Antonio (0.6km), San Nicolas
(0.8km), and Batasan (1.3km)

Table 15: Inventory of Roads by System Classification and Type of

Pavement - Concrete

Barangay Road By System Road Surface

Classification Total Length Concrete
(Km) Km % C

Arenas National/Provincial
Barangay Road 6km 100% Good
Baliti National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.05km 100% Good
Batasan National/Provincial
Barangay Road 1.3km 83% Good
Bitas National/Provincial
Barangay Road 17.5km 78% Good
Buensuceso National/Provincial 1km 100% Good
Barangay Road 3.1km 56% Good
Cacutud National/Provincial 0.9km 100% Good
Barangay Road 3.5km 95% Good
Camba National/Provincial 5.6km 100% Good
Barangay Road 5.3km 77% Generally good with one road
in poor condition
Candating National/Provincial
Barangay Road 6.5km 75% Good
Cupang National/Provincial
Barangay Road 9.2km 95% Good
Gatiawin National/Provincial
Barangay Road 5.9km 95% Good
Guemasan National/Provincial
Barangay Road 90% Good
Lacmit National/Provincial
Barangay Road 3.2km 96% Good
Lacquios National/Provincial 1km 90% Good
Barangay Road 1.7km 79% 3 roads in good condition, 2
in poor condition, 1 in critical
La Paz Turu National/Provincial
Barangay Road 0.95km 73% Good
Mapalad National/Provincial 1.57 km 100% Poor
Barangay Road 2.08km 87% Generally good with 2
barangays with poor concrete
road condition
Matamo National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.7km 100% Good
Mesulo National/Provincial

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 15

Barangay Road 3.4km 99% Good
Palinlang National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.3km 97% Good
Paralaya National/Provincial
Barangay Road 850m 100% Good
Plazang Luma National/Provincial 0.2km 100% Good
Barangay Road 1.35km 100% Good
Poblacion National/Provincial
Barangay Road 3.129km 90% Good
San Agustin National/Provincial 1 km
Norte Barangay Road 1.66km 68% Good with one road in poor
San Agustin National/Provincial
Sur Barangay Road 1.6km 95% Good
San Antonio National/Provincial 2.7km 92% Good
Barangay Road 0.6km 85% Good
San Juan Bano National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.98km 97% Good
San Mateo National/Provincial
Barangay Road 1.9km 92% Good
San Nicolas National/Provincial 2.7km 100% Good
Barangay Road 0.8km 30% Poor
Sto. Nino National/Provincial 2km 100% Good
Tabuan Barangay Road 2km 100% Good
Suclayin National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.9km 97% Good
Telepayong National/Provincial 0.4km 90% Good
Barangay Road 46km 95% Good
Source: DPWH/Provincial/Municipal/City Engineering Office

Only five barangays, namely Cupang, Guemasan, Mesulo, San Agustin Sur, and San
Mateo are reported to have asphalt roads. Four of the five roads need to be improved.

Table 16: Inventory of Roads by System Classification and Type of

Pavement – Asphalt

Barangay Road By System Road Surface

Classification Total Asphalt
Length (Km) Km % C

Cupang National/Provincial
Barangay Road 9.2km 30% Poor
Guemasan National/Provincial
Barangay Road 100 Good
Mesulo National/Provincial
Barangay Road 3.4km 10% Poor
San Agustin National/Provincial

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 16

Sur Barangay Road 1.6km 30% Poor
San Mateo National/Provincial
Barangay Road 1.9km 10% Poor
Source: DPWH/Provincial/Municipal/City Engineering Office

There are 17 barangays in Arayat with road surface classified as earth. All of these
barangays have poor roads in need of priority action.

Table 17: Inventory of Roads by System Classification and Type of

Pavement – Earth

Barangay Road By System Road Surface

Classification Total Length Earth
(Km) Km % C

Batasan National/Provincial
Barangay Road 1.3km 43% One good and the other in
poor condition
Bitas National/Provincial
Barangay Road 17.5km 93% Poor
Buensuceso National/Provincial 1km
Barangay Road 3.1km 64% Generally poor and one in
critical condition
Camba National/Provincial 5.6km 60% poor
Barangay Road 5.3km 50% Poor
Candating National/Provincial
Barangay Road 6.5km 35% Poor
Gatiawin National/Provincial
Barangay Road 5.9km 30% Poor
Guemasan National/Provincial
Barangay Road 75% Poor
La Paz Turu National/Provincial
Barangay Road 0.95km 40% Poor
Mapalad National/Provincial 1.57 km
Barangay Road 2.08km 48% Poor
Palinlang National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.3km 20% Poor
Poblacion National/Provincial
Barangay Road 3.129km 38% Poor
San Agustin National/Provincial 1 km
Norte Barangay Road 1.66km 85% Critical
San Antonio National/Provincial 2.7km 13% Poor
Barangay Road 0.6km 30% Poor
San Juan Bano National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.98km 20% Poor
San Nicolas National/Provincial 2.7km
Barangay Road 0.8km 70% Poor
Suclayin National/Provincial
Barangay Road 2.9km 20% Poor

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 17

Telepayong National/Provincial 0.4km 10% poor
Barangay Road 46km 50% Poor
Source: DPWH/Provincial/Municipal/City Engineering Offic

The total length of road of Arayat is 164.77 kilometers (KM): 10.9 km national road,
30.7KM provincial, 62.6KM municipal road, 88.56KM barangay road. Major roads
traversing the municipality are Arayat-Magalang Road, Arayat-Candaba Road, Arayat-
Santa Ana Road, Arayat-Cabiao Nueva Ecija Road and Arayat-Mexico Road.

Water Supply

Balibago Waterworks is serving 15 barangays in the Municipality of Arayat. More than

7,507 households and 350 commercial consumers are connected to level III water
supply system by Balibago Waterworks, serving 15 barangays.

Power Supply

Pampanga Electric Cooperative I (PELCO I) is the major power provider in the

municipality. More than 17,000 households have already been served. Households in
Barangay San Antonio, Arenas, Telapayong, Buensuceso and Baliti are being supplied
by Pampanga Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PRESCO), which is based in Anao,
Mexico, Pampanga.

Political subdivisions
Arayat belongs to the 3rd District of Pampanga and has twenty thirty (30) barangays:

1. Arenas 16. Poblacion

2. Baliti 17. San Agustin Norte
3. Batasan 18. San Agustin Sur
4. Bensuceso 19. San Antonio
5. Candating 20. San Jose Mesulo
6. Gatiawin 21. San Juan Bano
7. Guemasan 22. San Mateo
8. La Paz (Turu) 23. San Nicolas
9. Lacmit 24. San Roque Bitas
10. Lacquios 25. Cupang (Santa Lucia)
11. Mangga-Cacutud 26. Matamo (Santa Lucia)
12. Mapalad 27. Santo Nino Tabuan
13. Panlinlang 28. Suclayin
14. Paralaya 29. Telapayong
15. Plazang Luma 30. Keledian (Camba)

Organizational Structure

Figure 1: Organizational Structure

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 18

Organizational Chart

Financial Profile

In 2017, the municipality’s income was 256,987,104.52, 90.51% was from the external
sources, 3.40% from Non-Tax Revenue and 7.06% from Tax Revenue. The table below
summarizes Arayat’s income for 2017.

Table 18: Financial Profile in the Previous Years 2016, 2017 and 2015

Source of Funds 2016 2017 2015

Tax Revenue 16,651,851.35 15,588,801.32 18,154,084.71
Non-Tax Revenue 7,290,980.54 7,488,424.40 8,743,535.15
External Sources 184,724,566.02 203,448,221.33 232,601,061.97
Total 208,667,397.91 226,525,447.05 259,498,681.83
Less Educational Fund 3,206,708.05 2,166.285.51 2,511,577.31
Net Available 205,460,689.86 224,359,161.54 256,987,104.52
Source: Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, 2015-2015

In 2017, Arayat spent 249,551,374.49 on various sectors mainly expenditures on

General Public Services followed by Social Services and Social Welfare, Economic
Services Health, Housing and Community Development and the least expenditure was
on Education, Culture & Sports/Manpower Development. No expenditure on Debt
Service was reported.

Table 19: Arayat Expenditure in the Previous Years 2015, 2016 and 2017

Expenses 2015 2016 2017

COE 60,400,862.83 68,617,933.43 67,722,499.11

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 19

MOE 72,126,664.25 79,158,959.63 93,285,241.68
Capital Outlays 6,667,865.25 4,699,398.36 3,443,763.50
Special 65,673,047.82 69,399,942.04 85,099,870.20
Total Expenditures 204,868,440.15 221,876,233.46 249,551,374.49

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019– 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 20

During the formulation of the comprehensive land use plan of Arayat in 2015, a multi-
sectoral workshop was conducted to determine the vision of the Municipality for the
coming 8 years. Five key elements were focused in articulating the aspired state of the
municipality and its constituents:

1. the quality of the people as individuals and as a society

2. the nature of the local economy
3. the state of the natural environment with due consideration to Disaster
Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation principles
4. the condition of the built environment
5. the qualities of local leadership

The group came up with the following vision:

“We envision Arayat to be a premier eco-tourism destination and to have a

modernized agricultural sector as well as a vibrant, environment-friendly economy
that fosters the quality of life of a God-fearing and disciplined citizenry under a
resolute, supportive leadership.”

The identified desired future of Arayat provides a most compelling reason to mount
substantial programs and projects for the attainment of the vision. Thus, in October
2016, the Executive-Legislative Agenda Seminar Workshop, attended by municipal
officials, department heads as well as consultants, revisited the vision. Going right into
the heart of the matter, they started crafting a comprehensive multi-sectoral plan-- a
most practical development paradigm. Social, economic, environmental, infrastructure,
and institutional development plans were to be designed in pursuit of the state of Arayat
by 2025. And the product of the collective endeavors of these sectors is the
Comprehensive Development Plan of the Municipality.


To achieve this vision the plan will depend on (2) vital development strategies:
1.An urban and rural development based on selective specific policy zones
focusing on:
Preservative activities.
Development activities that adheres to the principle of equitable distribution of
growth in the municipality
2 .A spatial development based on expansion-orientation that is agro-politan in
nature (meaning, it aspires to the delocalization of primary production).


The current planning concerns of the municipality will be reflected in the developmental
inputs of the five (5) sectors and their basic goals. The latter bring the fundamental
aspirations of the Arayat community into sharp focus.

Social Sector
To have an all encompassing methodology in addressing the requirements of the
citizenry with the end goal that each individual from the community is healthy, educated,
profitable, socially and culturally mindful, secure, and adequately protected.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 21

Economic Sector

To maintain a focused monetary execution and be economically competitive by

advancing in investment ventures, by enhancing agrarian productivity with the goal that
Arayat will remain as part of Central Luzon’s "sustenance bin" and additionally
demonstrate its claim as the "sweetest atis capital" of the Philippines and by creating
tourism territories to build guests' entry and income..

Infrastructure Sector

To construct well-planned infrastructure, transportation and utility systems based on the

principle of proper and efficient utilization of spaces to avoid problems such as traffic
congestion, etc. currently encountered in urbanizing places.

Environment Sector

To apply appropriate stewardship in looking after common assets, natural resources,

keeping up clean, convenient and green environment through proficient waste
administration, and expanding the versatility of water and land assets to the effects of
disaster and climate change.

Institutional Sector

To satisfy the standard of good administration by having an effective system of financial

and human resources administration, by building a solid organization structure with very
much prepared, well-trained, innovatively equipped and ethically upright leaders and
work force.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 22

Vision Reality Gap Analysis

A vision realty gap analysis workshop was conducted to decide the divergence between
the most suitable state of of Arayat as explained in its vision statement and the present
reality in view of the attained indicators of accomplishment as listed in LDIS/RAPIDs and
pointers distinguished and examined amid the workshop. Every indicator was scored
from 0 to 10 (0 being the lowest, which means, nothing has been accomplished with
respect to the set indicator; and 10 being the most astounding, which means, full
achievement of the success indicator). The accompanying is the result of the

Table 20: Matrix of Vision-Reality Gap Analysis

Descriptor Success Indicator Rating Gap
Citizenry Effective and Decrease in the number of
efficient delivery of under-five mortality by 10% 5 5
health services annually for the next 6 years
Zero maternal mortality rate 10 0
Increase in the number of fully-
8 2
immunized children
100% of maternal deliveries to
be attended by skilled health 9.8 0.2
Decrease in the prevalence
rates on causes of morbidity
(Respiratory disease, 7 3
hypertension, TB, Acute Gastro,
UTI, Diabetes and HIV/AIDS
100% Philhealth Accreditation
5 5
for the two Rural Health Units
100% of households to have
9.3 0.7
sanitary toilets
Increase in the number of
2 8
hospital beds at DALDH
All poor 3-4 year- old children
7 3
attending DCS/SP
Conducive and adequate
classroom and school facilities 4 6
with secured land tenure
Adequate alternative programs
5 5
for OSY
Decrease in number of ISFs 8 2

LGBT Involvement 4 6
All poor 6-12 y/o attending
7 3
Decrease in number of women
6 4
in difficult circumstances
PWDs’ awareness of their right 7 3
Senior citizens’ full enjoyment
7 3
of their rights and privileges
Enhanced community 6 4

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 23

Descriptor Success Indicator Rating Gap
Intensified police operations 8 2
Maintained and deployed
competent investigative 8 2
Modernized fire station 7 3
Adequate and functional fire
7 3
truck for BFP Arayat
Utilization of barangays as first-
7 3
Constant structural fire
8 2
incidence reduction
Further reduction of grassfires 8 2
Low crime incidence
6 4
No armed insurgency activities
8 2
No users/pushers of dangerous
drug 6 4

Properly regulated
gaming/amusement activities 7 3

Local culture and heritage

7 3
Self-sufficiency in the
production of rice, corn, pork, 8 2
eggs, chicken and tilapia
Appropriate Farming
6 4
Increased production of crop
6 4
per hectare
Available credit facilities 5 5

Available irrigation facilities 6 4

Organized and active
cooperatives and farmers 6 4
Economy Established carabao based
Modernization 5 5
enterprise development project
Competent Agricultural
8 2
Extension Workers
Transfer of Appropriate
6 4
Adaptable climate smart
agriculture-based integrated 6 4
farming system
Well trained artificial
7 3
insemination technicians
Skills-ready applicant 5 5
Modern technology adaptive
7 3
labour force
Segregation of wastes at 3 7
household levels

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 24

Descriptor Success Indicator Rating Gap
Compliance with RA 9003 3 7
Percentage of private homes
inspected with regard to water 2 8
waste facilities / septic tanks
Implementation of Water
Quality Management Plan in 2 8
compliance with R.A. 9275.
Functional & Effective central
6 4
Material Recovery Facility.
Garbage freesurroundings 8 2
Enforcement of No Littering
Ordinance (# 3, s. 2011) & No
0 10
Segregation No Collection rule
(Section 15, Ord. # 3, s. 2011)
Absence of Informal Settlers
Families (ISF's) living along 2 8
water ways
Established and institutionalized
6 4
Zero dengue case & other
8 2
health issues.
100% Rehabilitation of Existing
5 5
Brgy. Roads
Construction of a Farm-to-
5 5
Market Roads
Eco- 100% Repair/Rehabilitation of
Premier destination 5 5
Tourism Existing Bridges
Construction of infrastructure
3 7
support facilities
Improved telecommunication
7 3
Competent and skilled
3 7
Proactive legislation 6 4

Access to electronic information 2 8

Less dependency on IRA 2 8

8 2
Local Resolute and Venue for airing complaints and
Governance supportive 7 3
grievances available

Adequate social protection

services for marginalized sector 7 3

Functional barangay justice

system 8 2

Increased capacity to resolve

local conflicts 8 2

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 25

In the wake of preparing the distinguished gaps between the vision and actual state of
Arayat, the LGU expected the undertaking of standing up to the issues and offering
useful, valuable and effective arrangements. In particular, every sector ought to give its
own "action plan" in the light of the information accumulated and find a way to close the

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 26

I. Health and Family Planning

Situational Analysis

The Municipality of Arayat is a first-class municipality and has a total population of

133,492 according to the 2015 Census on Population by the Philippine Statistics
Authority. Health services of its residents are primarily provided by with Dr. Emigdio C.
Cruz Memorial Hospital in Barangay Lacquios.

The municipality currently maintains three Rural Health Units (RHU) located in Barangay
Camba, Plazang Luma and San Roque Bitas. In terms of personnel, the RHUs of Arayat
only have 3 doctors, 4 nurses, 17 midwives, and 3 sanitary inspectors.

Considering the DOH standard ratio, the number of health stations and personnel in the
public health system of Arayat needs to be improved to attain the national requirements.
Based on the latest data provided by the Municipal Health Office (MHO), Arayat has 25
barangay health centers for 30 barangays-- which is below the standard of 1 health
center per barangay.

There is no alarming trend between birth, death and mortality rates from 2011-2015.
Even though there is a recorded rise in the Infant Mortality Rate and Young Child
Mortality Rate in 2012, there has been a significant decrease in these rates during the
succeeding years.

Conversely, the effect of limited accessibility and availability of quality health services is
still felt as observed in some of the leading health indicators. Although there is a very
slim maternal death recorded, 0.10 percent of maternal deliveries are still carried out by
unregistered midwives. Moreover, approximately 1.0% out of every 1,000 children under
five years old died due to various causes.

In addition, there was an increasing trend of malnutrition recorded from 2013 to 2015.
Throughout those years, acute respiratory infections remained to be the top cause of
morbidity in the municipality. The top causes of mortality from 2013 to 2015 included
both communicable or infectious and non-communicable diseases, which are mostly

As of 2015, municipal records show that there were 2,442 households with water-sealed
toilet facilities connected to septic tanks. Almost half of these have toilet systems
connected to a shared septic tank. There are households that still do not have a proper
toilet system, 885 still depend on the use of “pail system,” and 830 do not have any
toilet facility.

The municipality's social welfare services cater to the marginalized sector. These
services include: family life education and counseling, family planning assistance, day
care services supplement feeding, medical care, relief/rehabilitation, others: aics, food
for work, and cash for work. Day Care Centers, Senior citizen centers, and drop-in

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 27

centers are among of the facilities that Arayat provides for its constituents. Data for
social welfare both come from the LGU’s Social Welfare Office and National Household
Targeting System (NHTS).


9.1.1 Children (3-4 years old)

There is a total of 40 day care centers with 40 day care workers serving 2,495
clients including 3-4 year-old children in 30 barangays. Five (5) day care centers, on the
other hand, are under renovation as presented in Table 24.

Table 21: Type of Clientele

Type of Clientele Previous Year Current Year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 No

3-4 years old 1,805 2,106 2,402 2,495

Source: MSWD


Having a sound citizenry makes a functioning and gainful network. The fundamental
issue of Arayat regarding wellbeing has something to do with access to quality human
services especially for children. Current health facilities and services are route behind
the propelling norms in wellbeing and health - a condition that ought to be enhanced
since accessibility and availability of sufficient health services is commensurate to
having solid human resources. General absence of familiarity with the presence of social
insurance services and facilities additionally makes it troublesome for individuals to look
for and acquire treatment or help.


Improve the accessibility and availability of quality health services to all families and
especially to children.


 Decrease the number of preventable diseases and deaths from all causes.
 To ensure the safety and welfare of the people starting from being a new born
child to senior citizens.
 To support family planning and make it widely available and easily accessible to

 Decreased under-five mortality
 Zero maternal mortality.
 Decreased morbidity cases
 Increased fully immunized children protected from different harmful diseases.
 100% deliveries by skilled birth attendants
 Decreased malnourished children
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 28
 Integration of Mental Health Program
 100% toilet facilities for all households
 A more educated families about the importance of birth control.


 Increase coverage of quality health services.

 Improve health and nutritional status through supplemental feeding
 Provide additional infrastructure for health
 Give priorities to protection of children.
 Educate the public about the importance of family planning and to advocate for
getting rid of penalties for promoting birth control.

Issues and Concerns

 below the standard of 1 health center per barangay

 limited accessibility and availability of quality health services
 Inadequate Information and Education Campaigns
 Not enough toilet facilities in households without any existing toilets
 Inadequate Birthing Station in the Municipality
 Limited Philhealth coverage
 Lack of Training on Health and Fitness for health providers
 Expensive medicines

Programs / Projects

 Improvement of functionality of all Barangay Health Stations

 Strengthening of health institutions
 Intensification of Information and Education Campaigns
 Provision of toilet facilities in households without any existing toilets
 Creation of RHU III with Birthing Station
 Expansion of PhilHealth Program
 Training on Health and Fitness for health providers
 Expansion of Certified DOH Botika sa Barangays


 Health-related activities (e.g. Medical Mission, Operation Tuli, visit to sick

constituents, etc.)
 House to House Survey (Master listing of all pregnant mothers and children)
 Regular mother classes
 Tracking of all children with incomplete immunizations
 Yearly Buntis Congress
 Provision of vaccines and medicines
 Provision of free contraceptives to parents.

Sector: SOCIAL
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 29
Problems/Issues Identified Goals Objectives

To have a Plantilla To appropriate budget for

position for a Social the creation of a plantilla
Welfare Officer II position for a social
Lack of registered social welfare welfare officer

Non-implementation of RA 9433 To Implement RA 9433 To appropriate budget for

(Magna Carta for Public Social the implementation of RA
Welfare and Development 9433

To Uplift the living To appropriate budget to

Inadequate subsidy for day care condition and well being increase the subsidy of
worker of day care workers daycare workers

To alleviate poverty and To Allocate budget from

avail of health services the LGU sponsorship of
Low Philhealth coverage
of indigent families philhealth coverage 2000

To sustain health and To allocate budget by

Lack of budget for financing well being of indigent 20% of IRA allocation
health programs and families in Arayat

To implement efficiently To hire

the health programs and
services 1-RHP 35,000 (4doctors)
Low ratio of health personnel
against patient 1- PHN 25,000
1- MW- 5,000
To boost the morale of To formulate an ordinance
BHW in their for the additional
Lack of budget and incentives volunteerism service incentives and allowances
for BHW to BHW.

To have a fully To appropriate funds for

Lack of equipment, supplies for functional MDDRMO the purchase of
disasters relief operation equipments and supplies

Lack of utility vehicle during To ensure prompt TO allocate funds for the
disaster response during disaster purchase of Vehicles

To fully equip with To train responders /

Lack of training and capability knowledge, attitude & volunteers from various
development activities of the skills in discharging their barangays.
MDRRMO staff duties

II. Education

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 30

Situational Analysis

The Department of Education (DepEd) District of Arayat administers 30 public

elementary schools and 5 public high schools. In addition, there are 3 private schools
providing primary and secondary education, 2 offer both elementary and secondary
education. Based on records, majority of the public elementary schools lack adequate
facilities such as laboratories, libraries and clinics.

Located in Arayat is Exact Colleges of Asia, a leading institution in Central Luzon that
provides higher education in both technical and education courses.

There are 337 teachers and 8,404 enrolees recorded for SY 2016-2017 in public
elementary schools. Almost all public elementary schools are compliant with the
standard classroom-to-student ratio of 1;65.66 (8,404/128). Also, the teacher-to-student
ratio in SY 2016-2017 for all public elementary schools is within the national standards.
However, this might not be the case in the high school level as lack of classrooms is
already apparent. For instance, Camba High School has to conduct morning and
afternoon classes to accommodate all students. Taking this into account as well as the
projected enrolment of elementary students in the coming school years, construction of
additional classrooms and employment of additional teachers will be necessary.


Lack of conducive learning environment produces negative impacts on the

students; no effective teaching and learning process will take place.

A corollary problem is that there are schools located in areas with no land title.
Without this legal document, the land can be claimed anytime by the government
(e.g. National Housing Authority) or a private land owner.


To provide the school children safe classrooms which are conducive for learning.


To provide a land title for the schools and to construct additional education-
related facilities such as classrooms and libraries


 Acquire land titles for all schools

 Repair dilapidated school facilities
 Build necessary education-related facilities per school


Ask for the assistance of the Department of Education with the help of the LGU
to make the project possible.


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 31

 Inadequate educaton-related facilities.
 Limited Programs for Out-of-School Youth
 Inaccessible vocational/technical educational facilities
 Limited linkage with TESDA and possible employers
 Issues in Documentation/Titling of School Real Estate Properties

Programs / Projects

 Construction of additional education-related facilities (e.g. classrooms, multi-

purpose halls, libraries, etc.)
 Alternative Program for Out-of-School Youth
 Establishment of different vocational/technical educational facilities
 Establishment of linkage with TESDA and possible employers
 Documentation/Titling of School Real Estate Properties


 Conduct of Needs Analysis

 Negotiation with Land Owners / Expropriation Proceedings
 Alternative Learning System (ALS)
 TESDA Trainings (e.g. Food Processing, Commercial Cooking, Handicraft and
Dressmaking, etc.)

III.Social Welfare and Services

Situational Analysis

The 2015 population data of the municipality indicated a total of 4,157 households. Many
are considered poor and are primarily located in the Barangays of San Juan Baňo and
Mangga Cacutud. Struggles due to poverty persist in these households. A number of
children from these poor families are unable to attend child development centers (CDC)
even if there are 30 functional day-care centers.

Out of these poor families,3,362 qualify as beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps). Conditional cash grants are given to the families if children stay
in school and get regular health check-ups. Parents are also encouraged to participate in
monthly community-based family development sessions.

Moreover, the results of the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction
points out that there are around 9,993 senior citizens (SC) and 1,680 persons with
disabilities (PWDs) in Arayat at this time. This problem has to be addressed since it is
stated in the Constitution that the priority services shall be for the needs of the under-
privileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women, and children.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 32

Youth coming from low income families are involved in petty crimes due to deprivation,
pressure from peers, and vices. In these cases, the municipality encourages the young
people to undergo a rehabilitation process before possible reintegration with their family
and community.

Taking into account all these sectors, the conclusion is that a huge chunk of the
population warrants utmost care and attention. The Municipality of Arayat should
enhance its social welfare programs to appropriately cater to the needs of the poor, the
vulnerable and the disadvantaged. The LGU should strengthen its social welfare
facilities along with provision of capacity building activities to its social workers and other
concerned groups and individuals.


It is the role of the local government unit to provide social welfare services and create an
environment suitable for achieving everyone’s full potential. Poor Early Childhood Care
and Development (ECCD) implementation impacts the emotional, social and physical
development of young children as well as delay the physical and mental development of
school -aged children


 To provide a quality life for all the disadvantaged/marginalized sector.

 To provide protection to children.
 To provide assistance to persons with disabilities.
 To provide support to senior citizens.


To provide interventions, protection and rehabilitation to the poor, vulnerable,

disadvantaged and distressed persons especially children and their families,
PWDs and Senior Citizens.


 2,593 day care children covered by ECCD.

 1,680 persons with disabilities (PWDs)
 9,993 senior citizens (SC)


 Ensure 3-4 years old children are enrolled in Child Development Center
 Reduce the prevalence of abandoned, abused, neglected and maltreated child
 Provide knowledge on PWDs rights and privileges
 Promote the best welfare of senior citizens
 Provide livelihood trainings and employment to indigent parents.


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 33

 Inadequate Social Protection Program for the Neglected, Disadvantaged and
Marginalized sector
 Underweight children ages 3-4 years old.
 Lack of registered social workers
 Lack of participation of focal persons from different sectors
 Poor Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
 Limited Protection for Youth and Children
 Insufficient knowledge in PWDs rights and privileges
 Lack of facilities that cater the needs of PWDs
 Lack of programs for under privileged senior citizens
 The need for recognizing the value of senior citizens in the society.


 Social Protection Program for the Neglected, Disadvantaged and Marginalized

 Supplementary Feeding for Day Care & Primary School
 Hiring of a registered social worker
 Designation of focal person for the different sectors
 Early Childhood Care and Development
 Social Protection for Children and Youth
 Capacity Building for Persons with Disability (PWDs)
 Construction of PWD centers
 Senior Citizen Engagement
 Celebration of Senior Citizens Day

 Day Care Service
 Supplemental Feeding
 Case Management of Children in Conflict with the Law
 Assessment for Travel Clearance
 Practical Skills Training
 Educational Assistance
 Scholarship referral
 Peer Group Counselling
 Youth Association
 Sports Activities
 After Care Service
 Issuance of PWD ID
 Livelihood Assistance
 Provision of Assistive Devices
 Issuance of Senior Citizen ID
 Provision of monthly Honorarium to all PWD Presidents
 Social Pension and Financial Assistance
 Emergency Shelter Assistance

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 34

IV. Protective Services

Situational Analysis

Arayat is considered to be one of the most peaceful towns in Pampanga. Crime volume
decreased to a total of 397 recorded incidents in 2017 because of the combined efforts
of the Philippine National Police, civilian populace, its citizens and various civil society
organizations. However, the existing police-to-population ratio 1:3,178 needs to be
augmented to ensure that peace and order is maintained.

The Arayat Bureau of Fire Protection is also experiencing this dilemma. Although there
was only a total of 8 fire incidents from 2013 to 2017, the fire protection services of the
municipality would still need some improvement. Currently, the LGU has only two fire
trucks and 14 fire protection personnel. The prevailing fire fighter-to-population ratio of
1:9,535 and fire truck-to-population ratio of 1:66,646 are way below the ideal
ratios/national standards of fire fighter-to-population ratio of 1:2000 and truck-to-
population of 1:28,000


Safety and security is essential in creating a healthy community. Weak implementation

of police operations due to lack of adequate personnel could result in an increased
number of unsolved cases. Consequently, this creates a negative impression not only on
the locals but also on the foreign and domestic tourists. Inefficiency of fire fighting
operations may lead to greater loss of lives and damage to properties. The unreliability
of fire safety services and the existing fire station cannot accommodate the growing
demands of fire safety modernization.


Improve the availability of protective services (police, fire and barangay tanods)
to ensure the safety and security in the municipality


 To intensify police operations

 To enhance community engagement in peace and order


 Increase in the number of community awareness activities initiated

 Regular Conduct of Barangay Visitation
 Increase in the number of approved and adopted Local Anti-Criminality Plan
 Reduction of Average Monthly Index Crime Rate
 100% operational readiness of Arayat fire trucks by the end of 2020.


Strengthen the Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
and the Barangay Peace and Order.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 35

Programs / Projects

 Training/Seminar for Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Team

 Regular Training for First Aid
 Increase number of PNP and BFP Personnel
 Improvement of transportation and communication service
 Increase the number of COP-Kababayan Police Sub-Station
 Purchase of additional mobile patrol vehicles
 Purchase of additional fire trucks
 Establishment of additional Fire Sub-Stations
 Improve existing fire hydrants / establish additional fire hydrants
 Hiring of additional qualified personnel as Barangay Tanods and Lupon
 Procurement of necessary equipment needed by the barangay tanods Lupon
Tagapamayapa (e.g. vehicles, two-way radio, appropriate firearms, etc.)

 Orientation of new Barangay Tanods and Lupon Tagapamayapa

V. Housing

Situational Analysis

The State is expected to undertake a continuing program of urban land reform and
housing which will make available at affordable cost decent housing and basic services
to the under-privileged and homeless citizens. Furthermore, Section 21 of Republic Act
7279 (Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992) emphasizes that socialized
housing or resettlement areas shall be provided by the local government unit or the
National Housing Authority in cooperation with the private developers and concerned

Squatting is prevalent along the riverbanks in Arayat. Majority of these informal settlers
are Kapampangans, Muslims and Bisaya. This situation is becoming challenging as
some are exploiting it as a money-making scheme. There are already documented
displaced families from the Barangays of San Mateo, Camba, San Agustin Sur, San
Agustin Norte, Lacquios, San Juan Banio and Guemasan. Constraints pertaining to
basic services and livelihood are ultimately what attract informal settlers to stay in the
slum areas.


Informal settlers especially along the riverbanks are vulnerable to hazards such as
flooding, landslide and solid waste management problems. Poor enforcement of
housing-related laws and ordinances triggers the proliferation of professional squatters
and squatting syndicates.


To control the proliferation of informal settlements in the municipality

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 36
To achieve zero informal settlers


 Zero informal settlers

 1 Local Housing Board created


Provide Housing Projects in the Local Government Unit

Programs / Projects

 Provision of Resettlement or Relocation Site for the Informal Settlers Families

 Formulation of Local Shelter Plan
 Creation of the Local Housing Board (LHB)
 Creation of Anti-Squatting Task Force
 Financial Assistance


 Monitoring of professional squatters and implementors of the Balikbayan

 Assistance in applying in the housing project of Socialized Housing Finance
Corporation (SHFC)

VI. Gender and Development

Situational Analysis

The State recognizes the role of women in nation building and should ensure
fundamental equality before the law of women and men. Yet, the reality is that threats to
women’s lives and well-being still linger in their everyday lives.

Some lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Filipinos still face discrimination,
bullying and abuse. The Municipality of Arayat is geared towards creating a more
inclusive community for them.


Gender and Development initiatives take away the culture of gender stereotyping and
generalization. The integration of gender as a concept in the formulation of plans will not
only ensure understanding of issues affecting women and men, as well as the LGBT
community, but also manifest adherence to the mainstreaming effort of the government.


To create an inclusive community which empowers citizens regardless of gender


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 37

 To provide adequate learning about laws and benefits covering Solo Parents
 To generate more participation from LGBT in the promotion of Arts and Culture

 Decreased number of Violence Against Women cases
 Organized LGBT association


 Involvement in LGU activities

Programs / Projects

 Advocacy on Women Empowerment

 Creation of LGBT Organization
 LGBT involvement
 LGBT Survey


 Issuance of Solo Parent ID

 Provision of PhilHealth
 Training on Marriage Counselling Services (MCS)
 Value Orientation
 Organization of Groups
 Job Referrals and Trainings

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 38

Summary of Programs/Projects




Functional Barangay Health
SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 5,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10,000,000.00
Training of Health Personnel
and BHWs (all health SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Provision of quality maternal
SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
and child health services

Purchase of Medicines SOCIAL 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00

Nutrition Drive for Barangays
SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
with High Malnutrition Rate
Strengthen the Health
SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 100,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 200,000,000.00
Intensify Dengue Prevention
SOCIAL DOH/PROVINCE/LGU 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
and Control Program
100% toilet and safe water
SOCIAL LGU/NGO 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 15,000,000.00
facilities for all households
Construction of additional
education-related facilities
SOCIAL DEPED/LGU 900,000.00 900,000.00
(e.g. classrooms, multi-
purpose halls, libraries, etc
Alternative Program for Out-
SOCIAL DEPED/LGU 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
of-School Youth
Establishment of different
vocational/technical SOCIAL 20,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 40,000,000.00
educational facilities
Establishment of linkage with SOCIAL LGU/TESDA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
TESDA and possible

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 39



Social Protection Program for
the Neglected,
SOCIAL LGU/NGO 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Disadvantaged and
Marginalized sector
Early Childhood Care and
SOCIAL LGU 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Financial/Medical Assistance
SOCIAL LGU 10,000,000.00 8,652,240.00 18,652,240.00
Social Protection for Children
SOCIAL LGU 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 5,000,000.00
and Youth
Capacity Building for Persons
SOCIAL LGU/NGO 600,000.00 600,000.00
with Disability (PWDs)
Construction of PWD centers SOCIAL LGU/NGO/PRIVATE 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

Senior Citizen Engagement SOCIAL LGU/NGO 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00

Training/Seminar for
Volunteer Fire Brigade and SOCIAL BFP/LGU 600,000.00 600,000.00
Rescue Team
Expansion of Philhealth
SOCIAL LGU 6,240,000.00 6,240,000.00
Sports Development
SOCIAL LGU 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00
Improvement of
transportation and
SOCIAL PNP/PROVINCE/LGU 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 18,000,000.00
communication service for
police and firemen
Increase the number of COP-
Kababayan Police Sub- SOCIAL LGU 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
Purchase of additional
SOCIAL PNP/PROVINCE/LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
mobile patrol vehicles

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 40



Hiring of a registered social
SOCIAL LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
Purchase of additional fire
SOCIAL BFP/LGU 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 15,000,000.00
Establishment of additional
SOCIAL BFP/PROVINCE/LGU 5,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10,000,000.00
Fire Sub-Stations
Improve existing fire hydrants
/ establish additional fire SOCIAL BFP/LGU 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 5,000,000.00
Procurement of necessary
equipment needed by the
barangay tanods (e.g. SOCIAL LGU 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
vehicles, two-way radio,
appropriate firearms, etc.)
Provision of Resettlement or
Relocation Site for the SOCIAL NHA/LGU/PRIVATE 400,000,000.00 84,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 884,000,000.00
Informal Settlers Families
Supplementary Feeding for
SOCIAL DEPED/LGU 12,600,000.00 12,000,000.00 24,600,000.00
Day Care & Primary School
Creation of the Local
SOCIAL LGU 100,000.00 100,000.00
Housing Board (LHB)
Creation of Anti-Squatting
SOCIAL LGU 100,000.00 100,000.00
Task Force
Anti-Drug and Peace and
SOCIAL LGU 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 12,000,000.00
Advocacies on Women
SOCIAL LGU/NGO 100,000.00 100,000.00
Educational Assistance SOCIAL LGU 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00
Installation of CCTV SOCIAL LGU 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 18,000,000.00
LGBT involvement SOCIAL LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
TOTAL 565,100,000.00 263,840,000.00 132,452,240.00 1,366,392,240.00 1,366,392,240.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 41

Program/Project Briefs

Training of health personnel and BHWs (all health

Name of Program:
Capacity development for all health personnel and BHWs in
Brief Description:
order to intensify IEC in all barangays.
Allocation of budget 1st month of the year
Training proper 2nd month of the year
Program Component: 2nd – 3rd month of the year for
House to house survey master- listing of target
Proponents: Mayor’s Office, MHO/RHP
a) To improve capabilities of all health personnel and BHWs
Justification: in conducting IEC
b) Master listing done
Intended Beneficiaries: 34 RHU personnel and 187 BHWs
a) Trainings =P 187,200.00 per year
Estimated Cost:
b) cash subsidy for BHW’s =P 374,000.00 per year
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/ Success a) Trained health personnel and 187 BHWs
Indicators: b) Master listing per households done
a) Lack of funds
Possible Risks:
b) Unresponsive household members
Expected Private a) Assistance during house to house surveys/master listing /
Sector Response: defaulters’ tracking

Name of Program: Provision of quality maternal and child health services

Increase knowledge of mothers on health to prevent
Brief Description:
maternal and child complications leading to death
Propose SB resolution January 2019
Prohibit maternal deliveries at
Master list all pregnant and Feb – Dec 2019-2024
Program Component: lactating mothers
January 2019 quarterly
Quarterly maternal and infant onwards (WITH
death reviews PRIVATE
Proponents: Mayor’s office, SB, MHO/RHP
a)Zero maternal mortality maintained
b)Increase FIC to 95% of target population
a)All pregnant and post-partum mothers (2.7% of TP)
Intended Beneficiaries:
b)All 0-15 months children
Estimated Cost: a)Yearly Buntis Congress = P720,000.00 yearly
Program Term: 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 42

a)100% maternal deliveries by skilled health personnel in
Target Output/ Success
accredited health facilities
b)Zero maternal mortality death
a)Lack of funds
Possible Risks:
b)Misguided beliefs of mothers
Expected Private
Cooperation of private doctors and maternity clinics
Sector Response:

Name of Program: Functional Barangay Health Stations(30)

Assure the delivery of basic quality health services in all 270
Brief Description:
a)request DOH deployed
Jan 2019 to Jan 2024
health personnel
Program Component:
b) Add budget allocation for Annual budget
medical supplies preparation/request
Proponents: MO, MHO, RHP, SB from DOH/PHO
Justification: To make available health services in all barangays
Intended Beneficiaries: All constituents (total population)
a) TEV for DOH deployed staff =P 114,000.00
Estimated Cost:
b) Additional medical supplies =P 5,000,000.00
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/ Success
Functional barangay health stations (30)
a) Lack of budget
Possible Risks: b) A few BHSs have no stand-alone buildings(request from
DOH pending)
Expected Private
Improve referral system from private clinics
Sector Response:

Name of Program: 100% toilet safe water facilities for all households
Improve environmental health to prevent vector-borne
Brief Description:
a) house to house survey 2 months
January yearly for wells and
Program Component: b) request additional budget
toilet facilities
c)actual construction in
as scheduled
target households
Proponents: MO
Decrease vector-borne diseases causing acute
gastroenteritis cases
Intended Beneficiaries: Households without toilet and safe water facilities
Estimated Cost: P1,200,000 = 2000 toilet bowls/ P1,000,000 = public wells
Program Term: 2019 – 2024

Target Output/ Success

Decrease in number of vector-borne diseases

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 43

a) Lack of budget
Possible Risks:
b) Intended beneficiaries not chosen by barangay officials

Expected Private
Additional funds for construction of facilities / IEC
Sector Response:

Name of Program: Strengthen the Health Institution

Accessibility of quality health services in all barangays to
Brief Description:
reduce top 10 causes of morbidity
a) allocate additional budget
a)creation of 10 plantilla
during yearly budget
health positions
b) allocate funds for 25%
Program Component:
yearly increase in LGU
Philhealth beneficiaries
c) creation of RHU IV at the
resettlement sites
Proponents: MO, MHO, SB
Reduction in all morbidity cases through IEC, easy
accessibility to health services, health
Intended Beneficiaries: Production to marginalized population
a) 10 plantilla positions =P 15,000,000.00
b) additional Philhealth beneficiaries(3,051)-P7,322,400.00
Estimated Cost:
c) RHU IV =P 3,000,000.00 *included on Infrastructure
Program Term: 2019-2024
a) 10 plantilla positions
Target Output/ Success
b) additional LGU Philhealth beneficiaries
c) creation of RHU IV

Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Expected Private Meeting with business establishments to ensure Philhealth

Sector Response: enrolment of all of their workers.

Nutrition Drive for Barangays with High Malnutrition

Name of Program:
Aims to give comprehensive/integrated nutrition assistance
Brief Description:
to barangays with high malnutrition rate
a) Updating of the data
requirement/Profiling of HH April to June 2019
with underweight

Program Component: b) Community Mobilizing July to August 2019

September to December
c) Nutrition Drive Proper
d) Monitoring and Evaluation December 2019


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 44

To give supplemental feeding to underweight pre-schoolers
coupled with capability building of mothers and caregivers on
proper caring behaviour and basic family nutrition through
Promoting Good Nutrition Modules (Pabasa sa Nutrisyon,
Egg Module, Vegetable Module, Breastfeeding TSEK) and
Livelihood Skills Development
Intended Beneficiaries: Underweight Preschoolers, Mothers and caregivers
Estimated Cost: P 500,000.00 per year
Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success a) Lower malnutrition rates in succeeding years

Indicators: b) 0 malnutrition rate by 2024

a) Lack of funds
Possible Risks: b) Lack of Political Will
c) None Participant of Target Beneficiaries
a) Food Sponsorship
Expected Private
b) Training Sponsorship
Sector Response:
c) Market for livelihood opportunities

Name of Program: Enhancement Training for Effective Implementation of

Basic Social Programs and Services
Brief Description: MSWD Staff and ECCD Workers will be trained for a more
efficient delivery of services to clients; and be oriented and
updated with latest legal basis regarding PWD / Senior
Citizens / VAWCC / Youth and Children Welfare, etc.
Two-Day training / Seminar
Program Components Allocation of budget 1st month of the
Preparation of Project Proposal March 2019
Preparation of Materials / Leaflets /
Identification of Speaker /
Confirmation of Speaker
Training Proper May 2019
Proponents: MSWDO / Mayor’s Office / DSWD / HRMO
Justification: Renewal of commitment to Service
Improved Skills / Capabilities to Serve
Knowledge on Legal Basis / Policies
Intended Beneficiaries: 10 MSWD Staff & 33 ECCD Workers
Estimated Cost: P1,800 x 43 participants x 2 days
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/Success 1. 10 MSWDO Staff and 33 ECCD Workers attended the
Indicators: activity
2. Organization different sectors (PWD / Youth / Solo
3. Improvement of delivery of services to eligible clients
4. Smooth Linkages with other agencies (GO’s and NGO’s

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 45

that have social programs)
5. Coordinated well with barangay officials / leaders

Possible Risks: 1. Lack of funds for the different sectors

2. Client fail to complete the documentary requirement for
the services ask for
3. Ineligible clients
Expected Private 1. NGO’ or Private Sectors are willing to coordinate with the
Sector Response: office for some social service implementation
2. Private Sectors’ sponsorships

Resettlement or Relocation Site of the Local

Name of Program:
Government Unit for the Informal Settlers.
A relocation site needed for the Informal Settlers residing
Brief Description: along the Riverbanks of Seventeen Barangays of Arayat
and for families evicted by law.
Phase 1
1.Program Formulation 6 months
Program Components:
2.Program Preparation 1 year
3.Program Implementation
Office of the Mayor, MPDO, Office of the Vice Mayor and
Proponents: Sangguniang Bayan, Municipal Engineers Office, NHA,
HUDCC,HLURB and Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO).
Justification: In compliance with the Republic Act 7279
Informal Settlers in seventeen (17) barangays of Arayat and
Intended Beneficiaries: families evicted by law. Indigent families who are renting
Estimated Cost: One (1) Hectare per year is 7.5 million pesos.
Program Term: 2019 (Pilot Year) Lot Acquisition six (6) year plan.
Target Output/ Success
Zero ISF and Zero Backlog
Possible Risks: Lack of funds
Expected Private Sector
Conduct public dialogues

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 46



Situational Analysis


Arayat is basically an agricultural town with around 76 percent of its land area used
primarily for agricultural production; the rest are dedicated for non-agricultural activities.
Of the total land area dedicated to agricultural production, around 89% of the latter are
harvested--which may indicate that 11% of the land dedicated to agricultural production
are currently idle. These idle lands may either have absentee owners or be occupied by
owners who have other sources of income which could provide far more than what they
could earn through agricultural production. Worse is that both types of owners might just
be waiting for the right price and the right buyers so they could sell the land and gain
more profit in the process. There is nothing against the law about this possibility, but it is
definitely economically inefficient as land is a productive asset that is not being utilized.

For water ecosystem, Fishponds and fish cages are found in Tabuan, Candating,
Suclayin, Bitas, Cupang, and Baliti as shown in Table 39. These barangays are
producing tilapia with regular price standard yearly. The price has consistently increased
from 2011 to 2015. The barangays with the biggest areas for fisheries are Tabuan (50
has.), Candating (50 has.), and Suclayin (40 has.)

Table 1: Fishpond/Fish Cages Production, 2011-2015

Barangay Production (Volume/Areas) – Production (Volume) – per kilogram


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Tabuan 50 50 50 50 50 P42.00 P43.0 P45.00 P48.0 P50.00/kg

Has. Has. /kg 0/kg /kg 0/kg
Has. Has. Has.

Candatin 50 50 50 50 50 P42.00 P43.0 P45.00 P48.0 P50.00/kg

g /kg 0/kg /kg 0/kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Suclayin 40 40 40 40 40 P42.00 P43.0 P45.00 P48.0 P50.00/kg

/kg 0/kg /kg 0/kg
Has. Has. Has. Has Has

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 47

Bitas 10 10 10 8 8 P42.00 P43.0 P45.00 P48.0 P50.00/kg
/kg 0/kg /kg 0/kg
Has. Has. Has. Has. Has.

Cupan 4 4 4 4 4 P42.0 P43. P45.0 P48. P50.00/kg

g 0/kg 00/kg 0/kg 00/kg
Has Has Has Has Has
. . . . .

Baliti 3 3 3 1 1 P42.0 P43. P45.0 P48. P50.00/kg

0/kg 00/kg 0/kg 00/kg
Has Has Has Has Has
. . . . .

Source: Agriculture Office – Local Government Unit


There are two issues at hand with regard to the employment situation in the municipality:

(1) those of working age but chose not to work (most probably because they either
have substantial savings that they can 'dip their hands on' and/or have relatives
who work in the metropolis or abroad and are sending them funds for their daily
sustenance); and,

(2) the unemployed (those looking for work but cannot find work

Together, these two groups, making up around 25% of the population, are currently idle
and not contributing to the economic activity of the municipality. Again these are assets
that are not efficiently utilized. Given the current population and employment situation in
Arayat, the real dependency ratio becomes 64% which means that for every working
individual there will be 3 persons (including himself) that will be dependent on him. With
productivity being low in the municipality-- given that its main source of income is
agriculture using mostly traditional and low technology processes--poverty incidence is
expected to be high.


To improve productivity, scarce resources should be optimally utilized. High productivity

equates to high income, thus reducing poverty incidence in the agricultural sector. To put
this into proper perspective, government should initiate different programs that will not
only utilize idle assets but also upgrade utilization of assets that are currently under-


To have food security by Increasing agricultural productivity for both land and
water and improve standard of living in the municipality.


To produce more output from idle and existing lands and water being used for
agricultural production and increase employment in the sector


 Local farmers and fishers who are currently employed and the unemployed, and
those who have given up working altogether
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 48

 Educate farmers and fishers in the use of new technology processes

 Intensify campaigns for continued use of new technologies by constant
 Set up buying centers for farmers to market their products at a sustainable price
 Set up infrastructures that would enable farmers and fishers to bring their product
to the market at a reasonable amount of time and at an affordable cost
 Encourage interaction between the stakeholders in the sector and the agricultural
schools so that the latter could share and test their research and development
output and the former to adopt these new technologies and gain from the result


 Upgrade farm productivity of land and fish ponds in current use.


1. Continuous conduct of seminars and trainings in new agricultural



a. Introduce new high yielding varieties

b. Introduce SMART agriculture in response to climate change
c. Introduce greenhouse technologies
d. Provide 'LAKBAY ARAL' programs for farmers and fishers.

2. Establishment of techno demo farms


a. Continuous training of farmers on the adoption of new technologies

b. Continuous monitoring of farmer's productivity to ensure that they are
correctly using the new technology

3. Encourage the use of organic farming technology


a. Introduce farmers to the use of organic fertilizers and pesticides

b. Continuous training and monitoring of farmers in the adoption of
organic farming technologies


Encourage use of idle lands for agricultural production purposes


1. Promotion of agro- tourism as option for additional economic activities

a. Creation of legislative measure to encourage owners of idle lands to
adopt farm tourism on their idle property.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 49

b. Initiation of seminars and trainings to orient possible stakeholders
on the concept of farm tourism
2. Introduction of new farming products such as but not limited to 'Aglibut'
Tamarind variety and cut flower/decorative plant production


a. Creation of legislative measures in support of the program

b. Introduction of new high yielding varieties
c. Introduction of SMART agriculture in response to climate change
d. Introduction of greenhouse technologies
e. Provision of 'LAKBAY ARAL' programs for farmers
f. Market matching


Although this sub-sector may not be as big as the agriculture side of the economy, it can
enhance and/or augment incomes of farmers, especially those who are underemployed
or who have interest in this type of productive activity.


 Augment income from agriculture for households whose agricultural output may
not be enough to sustain a decent standard of living
 Improve sanitary condition of slaughterhouse in the Municipality.


 To be able to utilize idle land and those currently being used for agriculture and
augment income from agricultural production


Local farmers who are currently employed and the unemployed, and those who
have given up working altogether


 Educate farmers in the use of new technology processes

 Intensify campaigns for continued use of new technologies by constant
 Setup buying centers for farmers to market their products at a sustainable price
 Set up infrastructures that would enable farmers to bring their produce to the
market at a reasonable amount of time and at an affordable cost
 Encourage interaction between the stakeholders in the sector and the agricultural
schools so that the latter could share and test their research and development
output and the former to adopt these new technologies


Livelihood development programs


Animal dispersal (native pigs, chicken, goat, cows)

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 50


a. Encourage establishment of multiplier farms

b. Encourage establishment of veterinary services
c. Facilitate livelihood seminars and trainings in products such as salted egg
production, milk processing, local cheese making, verge noodles making,
picked vegetables
d. Provide/assist in obtaining financial backing for farmers who want to go into
these livelihood programs




It is no doubt that continuously increasing production would mean increase in

utilization of resources and inputs-- all of which in one way or the other would
require intervention of financial institutions and other support facilities. It is therefore
incumbent upon the municipal government to:

1. encourage the setting up of financial centers like banks and other lending
institutions from which the local farmers and entrepreneurs could source cheap
and easy financing for their productive activities.
2. encourage the setting up of linkages between business sector, and local
farmers and other entrepreneurs where the latter can market their products at a
reasonable and favorable rate of exchange.


 Facilitate availability of credit for local farmers and entrepreneurs

 Facilitate availability of markets for exchange of local production


 Provide local farmers and entrepreneurs with cheap and easy source of financing
for their expanding economic activities.
 Provide link between citizens of the municipality with financial institutions and
other authorized lending institutions
 Provide farmers and entrepreneurs a venue by which favorable exchange of their
products would be facilitated
 Establish complementary marketing support activities to the agriculture sector
 Broaden source of employment for the local citizens


 All local farmers, entrepreneurs and other citizens of the municipality requiring
credit and marketing support for their productive activities.


 Government to link up with financial institutions on risk sharing

 Educate citizens on financial literacy and accountability
 Enact laws, ordinances, policies, incentives that would facilitate ease of doing
business in the municipality

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 51

 Allocate areas for designated agro-support zone
 Strictly implement zoning ordinances to curb unregulated real estate


Credit facilitation


Establishment of branches of lending institutions in the municipality


a. LGU assistance on risk reduction and management such as thru a subsidy

b. LGU to enter into agreement with financial institutions on risk sharing.
c. Conduct continuing seminars and trainings on financial literacy and
accountability for the citizens.
d. Require schools starting from elementary level to have a subject on financial
literacy and responsibility
e. Enact laws, ordinances, policies that will make Arayat a business friendly
and safe place for financial and other business institutions to set up
branches in the municipality


Initiate marketing programs for animal and crop production


Initiation of linkages with the business sector


a. LGU to establish support facilities such as but not limited to buying centers,
farm to market roads, post-harvest facilities, and irrigation facilities
b. LGU to assist farmers in linking with possible market partners for their



Small and Medium Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Development Program is a

programme meant to develop both enterprising and entrepreneurial abilities
among the people. In other words, it refers to inculcation, development, and
polishing of entrepreneurial skills into a person needed to establish and
successfully run his/her enterprise. Thus, the concept of small and medium
enterprise and entrepreneurship development programme involves equipping a
person with the required skills and knowledge needed for starting and running
the enterprise. It is a crucial for the municipal government to:

1. encourage the setting up of financial centers like banks and other lending
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 52
institutions from which the local small and medium businesses and entrepreneurs
could source cheap and easy financing for their productive activities.
2. encourage the setting up of linkages between business sector, and local
small/medium businesses and entrepreneurs where the latter can market their
products at a reasonable and favorable rate of exchange.


 Facilitate availability of credit for local small/medium enterprise and

 Facilitate availability of markets for exchange of local production


 an attempt to develop a person as entrepreneur through structural

 Provide local entrepreneurs with cheap and easy source of financing for their
expanding economic activities.
 Provide link between citizens of the municipality with financial institutions and
other authorized lending institutions
 Provide small/medium businesses and entrepreneurs a venue by which favorable
exchange of their products would be facilitated
 Establish complementary marketing support activities to small/medium
businesses and entrepreneurs.
 Broaden source of employment for the local citizens


 All local small/medium business and entrepreneurs and other citizens of the
municipality requiring credit and marketing support for their productive activities.


 Government to link up with financial institutions on risk sharing

 Educate citizens on financial literacy and accountability
 Enact laws, ordinances, policies, incentives that would facilitate ease of doing
business in the municipality
 Strictly implement zoning ordinances to curb unregulated real estate


Credit facilitation


Establishment of branches of lending institutions in the municipality


a. LGU to enter into agreement with financial institutions on risk sharing.

b. Conduct continuing seminars and trainings on financial literacy and
accountability for the citizens.
c. Require schools starting from elementary level to have a subject on
financial literacy and responsibility
d. Enact laws, ordinances, policies that will make Arayat a business
friendly and safe place for financial and other business institutions to
set up branches in the municipality

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 53
Initiate marketing programs for small.medium businesses and entrepreneur’s


Initiation of linkages with the business sector


c. LGU to establish buying centers as support facilities.

d. LGU to assist small/medium businesses and entrepreneurs in linking with
possible market partners for their product.



Sustainable area development is dealing with an integrated approach of issues to

develop areas according to the four pillars of sustainability: Planet, People,
Prosperity and Process. All four elements must be treated and applied in real life
cases and be a guide in municipal governance decision-making in implementing
Sustainable Area Development Program.

Sustainable Area Development (SAD) framework is useful even at the barangay

level. This is contrary to earlier perception that SAD is difficult to put into
operation because: a) it requires considerable amount of financial, human and
technical resources; and that b) it can only be implemented in a larger
geographical area and broader context to achieve its promised impact. Putting
SAD into operation would require significant amount of resources. But such
requirements can be achieved by integrating and coordinating independent,
separate and uncoordinated initiatives of NGOs at different levels. It is therefore
incumbent upon the municipal government to protect the Mt. Arayat Forests, as
well as, complying with the CLUP on the maintenance, conservation and
preservation of protected forest and agricultural lands.


 Good standard of living, with better job opportunities.

 A healthy, clean and safe environment.
 Economic prosperity, in general.


 Reducing pollution, poverty, poor housing and unemployment.

 Global environmental threats, such as climate change and poor air quality
must be reduced.
 The use of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels should not be
stopped overnight, but they must be used efficiently and the development
of alternatives should be encouraged to help phase them out.
 Businesses must offer a high standard of products that consumers
throughout the world want, at the prices they are prepared to pay. For this,
we need a workforce equipped with suitable skills and education within a
framework to support them.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 54


 Government to link up with DENR and Department of Agriculture for the

protection of forests and agricultural lands.
 Educate citizens on forests conservation and reservation.
 Enact laws, ordinances, policies, incentives that would facilitate ease of
protecting and managing our forests and agricultural lands.
 Strictly implement zoning ordinances to curb unregulated use or
development of forest and agricultural lands.

D. Strategies

 Reforestation and Urban Greening

 Tree Planting
 Waste Management
 Flood Control and Erosion/Landslide Control and Mitigation
 Acquisition of Modern Agricultural Supplies and Equipment
 Construction of Irrigation canals.


(Not Applicable)



The two engines of growth most responsible for the consumption-driven economy of the
Philippines today are the remittances from overseas Filipinos and the earnings of the
Business Process/Knowledge Process Outsourcing industries. Together, the two can
account for as much as 25% of the Philippine GDP. However, a concern from certain
sectors is that all eggs are put in the same baskets. Thus, it may be necessary to
diversify the current engines of growth.

A recent report of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) gives a clue regarding
another engine of growth that can take the slack of any of these two sectors if they begin
to sputter. The most obvious candidate is tourism and travel.

According to WTTC, the Philippine travel and tourism industry contributed in 2015 a total
of P1.43 trillion or 10.6% to Philippine GDP. This figure includes the multiplier effects of
tourism and travel on investments, suppliers of goods and services, and induced income
impacts. This contribution is expected to grow by 6.6% in 2015 and can grow at an
annual rate of 5.4% in the next years, leading to total earnings of P2.6 trillion by 2026.
As regards the direct contribution (those coming from hotels, travel agents, airlines, and
other transport services) the figure in 2015 was P569 billion, representing 4.2% of GDP,
growing by 6% in 2016 to P604 billion and by 5.3 annually in the next ten years,
ballooning to P1 trillion by 2026. The number of foreign tourists in 2016 is estimated to
be 5.5 million and is extrapolated to grow yearly at 6.6% annually, hitting 9.19 million by

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 55

2026. This expected demand will induce investments to grow from P76 billion in 2015 to
P140 billion in 2026 registering an annual growth of 5.5%. The sector generated 1.3
million jobs in 2015. This figure includes employment by hotels, travel agents, airlines
and other transport services as well as restaurants, shopping centers, and leisure
industries directly supported by tourists, whether foreign or domestic. Such employment
is projected to rise by 3.1% in 2015 and by 2.4% yearly in the next ten years so that by
2026, there will be 1.65 million jobs in the industry

Although a target of 10 million or more foreign tourists if attained in the next five to ten
years could be a great achievement, it must be pointed out that there are already some
40 million domestic tourists who are discovering their own country and traveling with
their whole families in tow. These are not only the families of the ten million OFWs who
are increasingly discovering known and newly known destinations around the country
but also families representing the 20 to 30 percent of the population who are already part
of the middle class and are spending more on travel and leisure.

The whole of Central Luzon can be developed as a tourist destination for both foreign
and domestic travelers now that the Administration has declared Clark as the new
International Airport to be endowed with the necessary infrastructures for connectivity to
all points in the Archipelago.

Arayat, being one of the nearest towns to Clark, should start positioning itself to
take advantage of this geographical location and develop its potential tourist attractions.
This goal may require huge infrastructure development that may take time and
resources but must be done if Arayat is to compete with other well known tourist
destinations. As an agricultural town it can position itself as the gourmet center of
Central Luzon and take advantage of Pampanga's reputation for good food and gourmet
dining. Moreover, the plan to make it the Food Center of the Philippines and possibly the
world can definitely attract both local and foreign tourists to visit the place. Its natural
endowment of having areas at the foot of Arayat mountain can lure visitors for Eco-
Tourism and nature conservation.

Cultural activities in Arayat also stand as tourism attraction. Currently, there are four
yearly celebrations lasting from a day to three days: Alejandrino Day, Arayat Town
Fiesta, Barangay Fiesta, and Pampanga Day. Table 44 presents the cultural activities in
the municipality.

Table 2: Cultural Activities in Arayat

Activity Frequency of Activity Duration of Activity

Alejandrino Day Yearly 1 day

Arayat Town Fiesta Yearly 3 days

Barangay Fiesta Yearly 2 days

Pampanga Day Yearly 1 day

Source: Municipal Tourism Office


 To position Arayat as one of the top tourist destinations in Central Luzon by using

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 56

Clark International Airport as the gateway and jumping point.
 To Promote Culture and the Arts of Arayateños.


 To give the local citizens other forms of generating income besides agricultural
 To take advantage of the municipality's proximity to Clark International Airport to
lure tourists
 To develop tourism as one of the top earning economic activity in the
 To make the Arayat known for its Culture and Arts.


 Citizens who want to have alternative means of livelihood aside from agriculture.
 The millions of local and international tourists who are projected to visit the
Philippines in the near future; most specially those who will be arriving thru the
Clark International Airport.
 Culture and Arts of Arayateños as one of the purposes of the tourists upon their
visit in the Municipality.


 Increase household income through tourism


1. Organize accredited mountain guides


a. Train local guides on how to conduct mountain guided Eco-tourism

tours and other experiential tours
b. Enact necessary laws, ordinances, policies and incentives that will
make Arayat a tourist friendly destination
c. Encourage local schools starting from elementary to teach subjects on
tourism in general and eco-tourism and nature preservation in
2. Enhance tourism products


a. Develop effective tourism products such as guided tours on

cultural/heritage sites in Arayat, Eco-tourism package, nature
conservation tour package, culinary tour package
b. Preserve heritage sites that have cultural and historical significance
c. Procure tourism related equipment such as tourist buses
d. Encourage setting up of tourist class accommodations and restaurants
within Arayat


Promote livelihood thru tourism related activities


Develop Souvenir making in Arayat


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 57

a. Provide government subsidy to souvenir makers
b. Initiate campaign regarding the benefits of souvenir making


Preservation of cultural heritage and sites


1. Preservation and protection of heritage houses and sites

2. Yearly celebrations of traditional town festivals and fiestas
3. Promotion, preservation and encouragement of a lantern industry and
over the traditional role of San Fernando, Pampanga as the center.
4. Encouragement of food and culinary festivals highlighting the products
Pampanga is well known for.


e. Conduct of municipal wide cultural mapping

f. Official declaration by the Municipality thru enactment of laws, official
declarations and codes of conduct - adoption of legislative measures
in support of tourism and cultural heritage programs.
g. Official declaration by the province of Pampanga as cultural heritage
landmarks, sites and activities
h. Official recognition if not official declaration as world heritage sites,
landmarks and activities by UNESCO
i. Capacity building for cultural heritage stakeholders
j. Restoration of priority heritage structures such as the old municipal
hall and heliograph.

Tourism Infrastructure, Facilities, and Equipment Build-up


1. Roads and bridges leading to the tourism sites

2. Heritage houses, sites and landmarks
3. Development of accommodation and support facilities such as hotels,
restaurants, souvenir shops, travel agencies, banks, hospitals and health
care facilities
4. Development of a tourist/visitor center


a. Construction/Rehabilitation of tourism service facilities such as but not

limited to:
 360 degrees view deck at Mt. Arayat
 Bridge rehabilitation
 Construction of transportation terminal
 Construction of public toilets in important areas of the municipality.
 Rehabilitation of glorietta.
 Installation of guide maps, signs and tourism information board in
important areas of the municipality
 Construction of accommodation and support facilities
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 58
 Construction of budget hotels and motels that can cater to both
local and international tourists
 Development of a mountain resort and hotel along Mt. Arayat
 Encourage set up of health care facilities, travel agencies, banks,
souvenir shops


Development and Marketing of Tourism Products


1. Development of farm/agri tourism

2. Development and promotion of eco-tourism and nature preservation
3. Aggressive marketing and promotional campaigns
4. Tourism Master Plan for Arayat.


a. Formulation of tourism master plan

b. Enactment of laws, ordinances, policies, that will incentivize the local
populations to set up farm and agri tourism ventures
c. Enactment of laws, ordinances, policies, that will incentivize the local
and non-local entrepreneurs to set up tourism related facilities and
d. Adoption of legislative measure to support tourism and cultural
heritage programs
e. Development of promotional materials for all types of media such as
but not limited to newspapers, magazines, television, cable networks,
Facebook, Tweeter not just locally but internationally as well.
Aggressive marketing and promotion campaigns of heritage sites, landmarks, local
cultural cottage industry (such as lantern making), town festivals and fiestas, and, food

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 59

Summary of Programs/Projects
Establishment of techno- DA/PROVINCE
ECONOMIC 300,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 600,000.00
demo farm /LGU
Skills training for Agri
ECONOMIC DA-ATI/LGU 300,000.00 300,000.00 600,000.00
personnel and farmers
Provision of
ECONOMIC DA/LGU 5,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
Certified/Hybrid seeds
Establishment of trading DA/PROVINCE
ECONOMIC 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
post /LGU
Provision of animal health
care and treatment of ECONOMIC 800,000.00 800,000.00 400,000.00 2,000,000.00
Development of DA/DOT/
ECONOMIC 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Farm/Agri Tourism PROVINCE/LGU
Marketing programs for
animal and crop ECONOMIC PROVINCE/LGU 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00
Municipal wide Cultural
ECONOMIC NCCA/LGU 100,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00
Capacity Building for
Cultural Heritage ECONOMIC NCCA/LGU 100,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00
Construction/ ECONOMIC DOT/TIEZA/ 65,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 150,000,000.00
Rehabilitation of PROVINCE/LGU
Tourism Service
Facilities: *360 degree
view deck at Mt. Arayat
*Bridge rehabilitation
*Service roads leading
to San Juan Baňo
Terminal *Public
Toilets inside Mt.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 60

Arayat National Park@
*Rehabilitation of
Glorietta *Guide, Signs
and Information board
for tourism.
Formulation of Tourism
ECONOMIC LGU 500,000.00 500,000.00
Master Plan
Adoption of Legislative
measure in support for
ECONOMIC LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Tourism and Cultural
Heritage Programs
Development for Agri- ECONOMIC 450,000.00 450,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00
Organize accredited
ECONOMIC DOT/DENR/LGU 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00
mountain guides
SPES (Special Program
for Employment of ECONOMIC DOLE/LGU 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00
Livelihood Program ECONOMIC LGU 5,000,000.00 w5,000,000.00
Construction of
accommodation and
support facilities
development: *Budget
Hotel (caters both local ECONOMIC PROVINCE/LGU 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 300,000,000.00
and international
tourist) *Mountain
Hotel and Resort along
Mt. Arayat
Safeguarding and
Promotion of Intangible
Heritage of Arayat ECONOMIC PROVINCE/LGU 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 61

Emergency Employment:
ECONOMIC DOLE/LGU 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Skills Training Program ECONOMIC DOLE/LGU 300,000.00 300,000.00 600,000.00
Establishment of Green
House and Post Harvest ECONOMIC 20,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
Formulation and Updating
of mandated plans (Traffic ECONOMIC PROVINCE/LGU 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00
Management Plan etc)
Establish Skills Registry
ECONOMIC DOLE/LGU 900,000.00 100,000.00 1,000,000.00

TOTALS 202,250,000.00 180,400.000.00 145,050,000.00 527,700,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 62

Program/Project Briefs
Name of Program Increase in farm productivity of existing land use.

Brief Description 1. Introduction of new high yielding varieties;

2. Introduction of SMART agriculture in response to climate
3. Introduction of green house technologies; and
4. Promotion of Lakbay Aral Programs for farmers.

Program 1. Trainings for all agricultural technologist;

Components 2. Establishment of techo-demo farms; and
3. Promotion of organic agriculture.

Proponents 1. LGU Arayat

2. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist
3. Municipal Budget Office
4. Municipal Treasurer
5. Farmer-Beneficiaries

Justification To maximize utilization of land use coupled with the adoption of

new technologies will redound to an increase in farm

Intended Farmer-beneficiaries of the Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga.


Estimated Cost Cost Estimates for 10 Demo Farms in 10 Barangays per Year
 Seeds and farm inputs @ P150T
 Greenhouse: one (1) per year @ P500T
 Lakbay Aral @ P100T

Program Term Five (5) Years

Target Output 1. Trained Agricultural Technologist on new farm

technologies for proper dissemination to farmer-
2. Techno-demo farms that will showcase new farm
technologies for farmer-beneficiaries to adapt.
3. Organic agriculture that will lessen cost of production
thru the production of organic fertilizer by farmer
beneficiaries themselves.

Success Indicators 1. Attained rice, corn and vegetable sufficiency level.

2. Increase in income by farmer-beneficiaries.

Possible Risk 1. Lack of funding

2. Natural calamities
3. Fluctuating price of farm commodities

Expected Private 1. Consumers will be assured of continuous supply of basic

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 63

Sector Response farm commodities needed for proper nutrition.
2. Increased in farm income will subsequently increase
spending thereby boosting the local and national

Name of Program Credit Facilitation / Financing

Brief Description Assist farmer-beneficiaries in getting low interest rates on loan

accommodation sought for their farm activities.

Program 1. Linkages to financial institutions

Components 2. Assist in the preparation of bank financial requirements
3. Conduct trainings on financial management
4. Crop insurance thru Philippine Crop Insurance

Proponents 1. Local banks

2. Cooperatives
3. Farmer-Beneficiaries
4. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist

Justification 1. Low cost financing on farm activities will result to

increase in farm income.

Intended Farmer-beneficiaries of the Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga.


Estimated Cost  Trainings on financial management for farmer-

beneficiaries and Agricultural Technologist: P100,000.00
per year.

Program Term Five (5) Years

Target Output 1. Awareness from local banks on the financial needs of

2. Preparation of financial requirements will facilitate the
easy access of farmers to banking institutions.
3. Trainings in financial management will help farmers be
aware of their financial responsibilities in prioritizing their

Success Indicators 1. Local banks willingness to finance farm activities.

2. Easy access to bank financial facilitation with lower
interest rates.
3. Crop insurance thru PCIC shall be an alternative
acceptable form of collateral in lieu of real estate

Possible Risk 1. Refusal of financial institutions to grant clean loans to

2. Natural calamities

Expected Private This will be a welcome treat to farmers who have long been

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 64

Sector Response suffering on high interest rates from loan sharks.

Name of Program Marketing Program for Crop and Animal Production

Brief Description Provision of post-harvest facilities and construction of farm-to-

market roads and buying stations.

Program 1. Request post harvest facilities and farm-to-market roads

Components 2. Land acquisition for buying stations and construction of
post-harvest facilities.

Proponents 1. Department of Agriculture

2. LGU Arayat
3. Office of the Municipal Engineer
4. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist

Justification Facilitation in the marketing of crop and animal produce to

minimize post production losses.

Intended Farmer-beneficiaries of the Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga.


Estimated Cost  Farm-to-market roads @ P5.0M/kilometer at 5km/year

 Land Acquisition estimated @P1.0M
 Construction of buying station at P1.0M
 Post harvest facilities @ P2.0M

Program Term Five (5) Years

Target Output 1. All-year-round availability of marketing facilities.

2. Facilitation in the transport of farm produce.
3. Increase in farm income thru post-harvest facilities

Success Indicators 1. Facilitation in marketing of farm produce

2. Minimize middlemen
3. Provision of permanent buying station for farmers
4. Post-harvest-facilities will lessen production losses.

Possible Risk Lack of funds.

Expected Private Will show sincerity from the government in helping farmers
Sector Response market their products which have been a problem over the

Name of Program Livelihood Development Program

Brief Description Provide livelihood program for farmers, mothers and out-of-
school youths.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 65

Program 1. Livelihood trainings on milk processing, veggie noodles
Components and pickled vegetable making.
2. Establishment of multiplier farm

Proponents 1. Department of Agriculture

2. Philippine Carabao Center
3. Dept. of Science and Technology
4. Dept. of Trade and Industry
5. LGU Arayat
6. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist

Justification Provide additional income to the community.

Intended Farmers, housewives, out-of-school youths of the Municipality of

Beneficiaries Arayat, Pampanga.

Estimated Cost  Milk Processing Training @ P100T

 Veggie Noodles Making @ P100T
 Pickled Vegetable Making @ P100T
 Multiplier Farm @ P1.0M

Program Term Five (5) Years

Target Output Additional income to farmers, housewives and out-of-school


Success Indicators 1. Farmers: Improve farmers income

2. Housewives: Augment family income
3. Out-of-school Youths: To be productive citizens
4. Muiltiplier Farms: Availability of animal dispersal to those
potential qualified beneficiaries.

Possible Risk Lack of funds.

Expected Private Improve quality of life in the farming community.

Sector Response

Name of Program Use of Agricultural Idle Lands for Vegetable Crop


Brief Description Identify vacant idle agricultural lands to be planted with different
vegetable crops.

Program 1. Creation of legislative measures for the use of idle lands

Components in coordination with farm-owners.
2. Provision of vegetable seeds and farm inputs.

Proponents 1. Land owners

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 66

2. LGU Arayat
3. Office of the Vice Mayor & SB Members
4. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist
5. Department of Agriculture

Justification 1. Make idle agricultural lands productive

2. Make the Municipality of Arayat a Farm Tourism

Intended Farmers, housewives, out-of-school youths of the Municipality of

Beneficiaries Arayat, Pampanga.

Estimated Cost  Seeds and farm inputs @ P200T

 Garden tools @ P100T
 Farm implements @ P300T

Program Term Five (5) Years

Target Output Additional income to farmers, housewives and out-of-school


Success Indicators 1. Turn Arayat into a green municipality and a tourism

destination in Pampanga.
2. Additional income to all beneficiaries.

Possible Risk Lack of funds.

Expected Private Improve quality of life in the farming community.

Sector Response

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 67


While the existing infrastructure of an urbanizing place like Arayat will likely to carry
weight for some time, particularly as far as transport goes, that is no reason to lose
confidence in establishing new goals to produce meaningful infrastructure plans. The
basic requirement is to take a strategic view of the land use plan of the municipality,
particularly centers of new development, industries and services, heritage sites, etc.
Local government functions such as education, health, social services should also be
taken into account to ensure that investment is made in the right places and that
housing, schools, market facilities, industry and roads not only meet the needs of the
community but also do so in accordance with acceptable environmental criteria.

In a sense, infrastructure development planning has to consider a kind of balancing act

because it has the most demanding concerns. For one thing, all sectors are critically
reliant on infrastructure projects. For another, patterns of development and transport are
not only driven by financial considerations and the concept of progress but will have to
deal with environmental and cultural challenges ahead.

I. Transportation Management
As of 2017, the total road length of Arayat was 140.78 km, composed of national,
provincial, municipal, and barangay roads. Of the 140.78 kim, 126.56 km
(89.90%) is concreted, 1.52km (1.08%) is asphalted, 1.87km (1.3%) is
gravelled ,and 10.83 km (7.69%) is still unpaved.

Situational Analysis

The current road infrastructure in Arayat is still inadequate since the road
network has a total length of only 192.76 kilometers. The standard to be met is
2.4 kilometers per 1,000 population; thus, Arayat network was short of 78.79
kilometers to serve its 113,147 population as of 2015. In addition, existing
barangay roads are in poor condition. There are several potholes and cracks due
to frequent passing of heavy vehicles. Erosion, heavy rain and other extreme
weather conditions over the long period also contribute to cumulative damages.
Most of the roads also are narrow with width of four meters or less. Due to limited
space, PUJs, PUVs and farm trucks have difficulty passing through.

Just like roads, bridges also exhibit deterioration due to aging. A number of
bridges have visible sag and deflection. Due to these visible manifestations, the
locals fear for their safety when crossing bridges. Communities’ anxiety has basis
as several accidents have already happened.

 To improve the mobility of people, and of farm produce

 To make the roads and bridges passable

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 68

 To lessen traffic delays and to avoid road-related accidents
 To make the roads and bridges highly durable
 To reduce transportation delays and costs for farmers, and to provide easy
access to their farmlands


 100% rehabilitation of existing barangay roads

 Construction of new farm-to-market roads
 100% rehabilitation of existing bridges


 Rehabilitate and maintain existing barangay roads with drainage component

 Rehabilitate and maintain existing bridges completely

Proposed Programs, Projects and Activities

 Upgrading/retrofitting of San Antonio - Palinlang Bridge (12.50 m.)

 Expansion of Street lights

II. Power and Energy

Pampanga Electric Cooperative I (PELCO I) is the major power provider in the
municipality. More than 17,000 households have already been served. The power
rate as of June 2016 has ranged from 6.5287 to 7.9834 Rate per KWH. Households in
Barangay San Antonio, Buensuceso, Arenas, Telapayong and Baliti are being
supplied by Pampanga Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PRESCO), which is based in
Anao, Mexico, Pampanga, while the rest of barangays are served by PELCO II.

Water Supply

Balibago Waterworks is serving 15 barangays in the Municipality of Arayat. More

than 7,507 households and 350 commercial consumers are connected to level III
water supply system by Balibago Waterworks, serving 15 barangays.


There are two postal services companies, two cable companies, and one
telecommunication company operating in the Municipality.

Table 21: Communication Establishment

Type Name Barangay Ownership

Arayat Post Office Plazang Luma Government
Postal Services
LBC Express Poblacion Private

Cable Air Cable Mesulo Private

Telecommunication Converge Mesulo Private

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 69

Drainage, Flood Control and Sewerage

Drainage and Flood Control

Approximately 60% of the total land area of Arayat is susceptible to flooding based on
the 100-year flood hazard map of Project NOAH.

Waste Management

Based on the waste analysis characterization study (WACS) conducted in 2015, the
estimated daily waste of Arayat was 64,563.95 kilograms. The average waste generation
per capita of the municipality based on the 2015 population is at 0.419 kg/person per
day. The total waste of the Municipality was 23,565.84 tons.


There are three types of irrigation systems in Arayat covering more than 6,900 hectares
of farmland and being enjoyed by more than 2,400 farmers.

Sectoral Goals (Infrastructure Sector)

To provide well-planned infrastructure facilities for the sustenance of economic, social

and institutional growth

Issues and Concerns (Infrastructure Sector)

 Poor condition of barangay roads

Unpaved barangay roads
Narrow width of existing barangay roads
 Insufficient farm-to-market roads
Difficulty in transporting agricultural produce
Local farmers spending more money for transport vehicles and diesel
 Poor condition of bridges
Visible sag and deflection
Aged and deteriorated
Occurrence of accidents
 Inadequate support facilities
Absence of multi-purpose building for evacuation center
Inadequate number of rural health center units
Absence of public market with common/formal terminal in urban center
Insufficient irrigation facilities
Inadequate office space and government facilities
 Weak internet signal

Infrastructure Sector

Arayat envisions the built infrastructures within the Municipality to be well-planned which

Infrastructure projects will undergo rigid pre-planning before implementation

Project implementations will be strict on budget and timeline
Infrastructures will be adherent to pertinent standards and regulations.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 70

The Municipality’s infrastructures will be consolidated into one well-planned

III. Sectoral Support Facilities

Situational Analysis

If not totally absent, a number of support facilities in Arayat are inadequate or in need of
rehabilitation to continuously sustain the growth that the Municipality is envisioning.

Existing slaughterhouse is not compliant with NMIS, thus posing health concerns as well
as negative economic implications. Rural health center units are no longer sufficient to
serve the whole population of the Municipality. Lack of a multi-purpose building that
could serve as an evacuation center in times of calamity is also a concern.

Aside from insufficient farm-to-market roads, the lack of a formal transport terminal
adjacent to the public market impedes a healthy economic activity within the
Municipality. A common terminal near the marketplace will provide easier access for the
farmers to sell their produce and minimize the current accrued cost.

Government offices and facilities are also inadequate to accommodate the needs of the
populace. If provided with adequate equipment and offices to work in, the local
government could be more efficient in rendering its services. New facilities that will
provide convenience such as one stop service centers and automated services will not
only be inviting to the locals to comply with government requirements but also be
appealing to more investors.


To provide adequate support facilities for the sustenance of economic, social and
institutional growth


 To provide access and convenience to market vendors and market goers

 To make government services easily accessible
 To maintain cleanliness and proper sanitation


 Construction of an NMIS-compliant slaughterhouse

 Rehabilitation of public market with optimized number of stalls and has proper
arrangement/sectioning of goods
 Construction of a multi-purpose building
 Construction of RHU III

Proposed Programs, Projects and Activities

 Construction/Rehabilitation of slaughterhouse
 Construction of Multi-Purpose building
 Construction of Rural Health Unit (RHU III)

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 71

 Construction of public market with common terminal
 Establishment & Construction of new government Center Bldg
 Development of Glorietta

IV. Utilities

Domestic water supply and distribution

Situational Analysis

According to 2017 census conducted by LGU, there were 23,033 households in the
Municipality but only 10,239 households (44%) experience level III water supply service
and have their own faucets tapped in a pipe system. 6,374 households (27%) source
water through level II communal faucet systems. There are still 3,973 households (17%)
whose water source is from either rainwater collector, well or springs, or about 822
households (4%) who have no source at all.


 To increase the number of households with level III water source

 To decrease the number of households with level I water source


 50% of household with level III water source

 15% of household with level I water source
 No household without any water source


 Coordinate with water service providers on their plans and projects

Proposed Programs, Projects and Activities

 Aid water service providers in acquisition of right-of-way

 Conduct seminars about water conservation

V. Drainage, Sanitation, Flood Control, and Sewerage

Situational Analysis

Existing drainage system in the Municipality is observed to be poor. Locals dump

their wastes in gutters, thus causing clogs that prevent the natural flow of water.
Concrete slab covers are also broken resulting in the emission of unpleasant smell.
With approximately 60% of the total land area of Arayat susceptible to flooding, it is
imperative to establish a good and effective drainage system.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 72

In terms of sanitation, 17,771 (77%) of the 23,033 households have their own septic
tanks; 1,465 (6%) have shared septic tanks; 1,052 (5%) have other means of
disposing their wastes. 556 (2%);have no means of disposing their wastes. Since it
may not be economical yet to establish a centralized sewerage system, it is
recommended that all households have their own septic tanks.


 To establish a good and effective drainage system

 To promote good sanitation

 Centralized drainage system
 All households have own septic tanks.

 Integrate drainage components in road projects
 Create community awareness on waste disposal and sanitation

Proposed Programs, Projects and Activities

 Design roads with drainage components
 Drainage clean up drive
 Septic tank cleaning

VI. Telecommunications

Situational Analysis

There are still weak internet signals from service providers within the Municipality of
Arayat due to insufficient communication towers to accommodate the usage of the
populace. The poor signal experienced in government offices and major tourist
destinations impedes the overall service that they are supposed to provide.


 To improve telecommunication signals within the Municipality


 4G/LTE signals in government facilities

 4G/LTE signals in major tourist destinations


 Invite additional internet service provider to install additional communication

 Rehabilitation of wireless telecommunication infrastructure

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 73

Proposed Programs, Projects and Activities

Aid telecommunication service providers in acquisition of right-of-way for the

construction of communication towers

Replacement of telecommunication infrastructures in government facilities

 to install additional communication tower

 Rehabilitate wireless telecommunication infrastructure

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 74

Summary of Programs/Projects
Desilting of waterways 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
Construction of San Juan DA/
Baňo-La Paz Turu By Pass PROVINCE/ 400,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 440,000,000.00
Road with 2 Bridges LGU
Construction of Road & PHYSICAL PROVINCE/
Concrete Bridge /INFRA LGU 195,314,857.80 100,000,000.00
Upgrading / retrofitting of
San Antonio – Palinlang 21,000,000.00
Bridge (12.50m.) 11,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Expansion of Street lights 30,000,000.00
INFRA LGU 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00
Construction of Various PHYSICAL/ LGU/
barangay road (FMR) INFRA PROVINCE 150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00
Construction of Multi-
5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
building(Evacuation INFRA PROVINCE
Improvement of Rural PHYSICAL/
DOH/LGU 3,000,000.00
Health Unit (RHU III) INFRA 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Purchase of Boom Truck 2,000,000.00
INFRA LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Construction of irrigation PHYSICAL/
PROVINCE/ 85,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 150,000,000.00
facilities INFRA
Construction of public
market with common 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 75

Establishment &
Construction of new LGU 130,000,000.00
government Center Bldg 130,000,000.00
15,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 20,000,000.00
Development of Glorietta INFRA PROVINCE
Improvement of signals in PHYSICAL/
PRIVATE 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
government facilities INFRA
Construction/Rehabilitation PHYSICAL/
LGU 2,462,360.00 2,462,360.00
of Canals INFRA
/Rehabilitation of LGU 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
Rehabilitation of LGU 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
government Facilities
Construction of farm to
markets roads (Various 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 400,000,000.00
Construction/Rehabilitation PHYSICAL/ PROVINCE/
16,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 31,000,000.00
of local core Roads INFRA LGU
TOTAL: 401,000,000.00 739,314,857.80 854,462,360.00 103,000,000.00 2,102,777,217.80

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 76

Program/Project Briefs

Name of Program: Rehabilitation and maintenance of roads with drainage


Brief Description: This program will provide upgrading of 10 km. narrow road to 6.0 m
wide concrete roads.
Program - preparation of profffffgram works
Components: - integration of drainage component to road construction
- request of resolution for funding
- preparation of road inventory, for regular maintenance
-creation of transport related policies (ex. traffic rerouting, truck
ban, load limits)
- identification of major roads in need of street lights
- purchase of street lights
- installation of street lights (contractor)
- operations and maintenance

Proponents: Municipal Government, DPWH

Justification: To ease traffic congestion along major roads, easy access to

various services

Intended Students, residents, Business Communities and Commuting Public

Program 1. Construction of San Juan Banio-Lapaz Turu 440,000,000.00
Budget/Cost Road
2. Widening of San Mateo Road
3. Widening of Candating Road 23,943,213.00

4. Widening of Buensuceso Road 94,500,000.00

6. Expansion of Street lights 1,000,000.00
Program Term: Phase 1

Target 1. Increased mobility

Output/Success 2. Reduced travel time
Possible Risks: 1. Lack of funds
2. Non-prioritization

Expected Private Involvement in the program implementation

Sector Response:

Name of Program: Construction of roads (FMR)

Brief Description: This program will provide a 16km concrete farm to market roads
allowing easy and good access to rural areas of this municipality.
Program -negotiation of turnover of ROW
Components: -resolution from SB to acquire ROW

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 77

- preparation of DED, program works
- request for resolution for funding

Proponents: Municipal Government, D.A, DPWH

Justification: Farmers, agro-industrial investors and residents will benefit from

these programs thru efficient delivery of services.

Intended Farmers, Residents and Investors

Program Budget/Cost 1. Construction of alternate road from
Batasan-Candating (FMR) 25,500,000.00
2. Construction Camba- Tabuan road 40,500,000.00

3. Construction of Tabuan road (FMR) 28,800,000.00

4. Construction of Bitas road (FMR) 42,000,000.00

5. Construction of Buensuceso road 94,500,000.00


Program Term: Phase II

Target 1. Increased mobility

Output/Success 2. Reduced travel time
Indicators: 3. Minimized production and marketing cost
Possible Risks: 1. Non-prioritization
2. Lack of Funds

Expected Private Involvement of the private sector is highly expected in the program
Sector Response: implementation

Name of Program: Rehabilitation and construction of bridges

Brief Description: This program will provide rehabilitation, repair and construction of
220 meters bridges adaptive to climate change conditions

Program preparation of DED, program works

Components: request of resolution for funding
Proponents: DPWH, PEO
Justification: Commuting public, investors, residents as well as farmers will
benefit from this program. No interruption of commerce and
delivery of services during calamity and disaster

Intended Commuting public, Residents, Investors and farmers

Program 1. Upgrading/retrofitting of San Antonio Bridge 6,250,000.00
2. Upgrading/retrofitting of Cacutud/Gatiawin Bridge 7,5000,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 78

3. Replacement/Const. of Panlinlang Bridge 25,000,000.00
4. Upgrading of Baliti Bridge 12,000,000.00
5. Construction of Panlinlang- Baliti Road 30,000,000.00
6. Construction of Gatiawin Bridge 15,00,000.0

7. Construction of Panlinlang Bridge 6,250,000.00

Program Term: Phase III

Target 1. Increased mobility

Output/Success 2. Reduced travel time
Indicators: 3. Good infrastructure
Possible Risks: 1. Non-Prioritization
2. Lack of funds
Expected Private The involvement is expected in the program implementation
Sector Response:

Name of Program: Construction of infrastructure support facilities

Brief Description: This program involves upgrading and construction of various
facilities to effectively deliver basic services.
Program -preparation of DED, program works
Components: -request of resolution for funding
- preparation of DED, program works
- request of resolution for funding
identify strategic location for public market
- preparation of DED, program works
- request of resolution for funding
-Acquisition of Municipal lot for the establishment of government
- preparation of DED, program works
- request of resolution for funding
Proponents: LGU, DPWH, NIA, DOH

Justification: To improve various infrastructure facilities for the municipality

Intended The Magaleños
Program 1. Construction/Rehabilitation of 10,000,000.00
Budget/Cost slaughterhouse
2. Construction of Multi-Purpose building 10,000,000.00
3./ Improvement of Rural Health Unit (RHUI, II 5,000,000.00
and III
4. Construction of irrigation facilities, 20,000,000.00
5. Rehabilitation of existing irrigational canal, 10,000,000.00
7. Construction of public market with common 350,000,000.00
8. Establishment & Construction of new 120,000,000.00
government Center Bldg.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 79

10 Development of Glorietta 40,000,000.00
Program Term: Phase IV
Target 1. Improve delivery of basic services.
Output/Success 2. Increased agricultural productivity
Indicators: 3. Improve quality of life
Possible Risks: May involve heavy budget and may require intensive construction

Expected Private Involvement is highly expected

Sector Response:


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 80


The discussion of the Environment Management Development Plan of Arayat follows the
ridge-to-reef approach to better understand the dynamic interrelationship and inter-
connectedness of the ecosystem from mountains to sea, and in the case of the
municipality, to freshwater ecosystem only. However programs, plans and activities of
the environment sector heavily focus on Urban Ecosystem though considering other
ecosystems as well. Solid and liquid waste management, air and water quality
management, and Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Office activation and
equipment to efficiently and effectively carry out its mandate of managing the built and
natural environment of the municipality are among the bases of the programs, projects
and activities of the environmental management plan.

I. Forest Land Use and Management

Primary impact of climate stimuli in the forest system is typhoon. Typhoon may increase
the likelihood of occurrence of rain-induced landslide in the mountain affecting the
upland farming and residential houses at the foot of the mountain. Rain-induced
landslide may also affect the flora and fauna of the mountains.

Warmer/drier days may affect the survival of some species in the mountain, biodiversity
loss may happen. Further, it may also cause forest fire which is threating to the whole
ecosystem of the mountain. Warmer/drier may lessen the water within the mountain.

Overall, damages in the mountain may affect the forest, urban and agricultural system
alike as these systems are interrelated to each other. Few farmers are dependent on the
upland for farming while few barangays are dependent in the water coming from the
mountain. Likewise, damaged mountain may affect the tourism, as Mt. Arayat is the
premier tourist destination of the municipality.

Sectoral Goal

 To apply proper stewardship in caring for natural resources, maintaining clean

and green environment through efficient waste management, and increasing the
resilience of water and land resources to disaster and climate-risk impacts.

Sectoral Objectives

 To achieve full compliance of all households and commercial establishments on

solid and liquid waste management.
 To institutionalize regular monitoring of air and water quality
 To enhance Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Office

Sectoral Targets

 Compliance and cooperation of all stakeholders in environmental management

efforts of the LGU.

Sectoral Strategies

 Enhance solid waste management from segregation, collection and waste

 Implement applicable national laws and local ordinances related to environment
 Enjoin all citizen to participate in caring the environment

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 81

Figure 2: Sectoral Impact Diagram – Forest System

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 82

Mount Arayat National Park is a protected area as declared through Republic Act No.
7960 and under the National Integrated Protected Areas System. The Park has a total
land area of 3,715.23 hectares which covers two municipalities of the province, namely,
Arayat and Magalang. There are five barangays of Magalang that are within the Mt.
Arayat National Park area: Ayala, San Agustin, San Vicente, Sto. Nino and Turu, while
there are 8 for Arayat, namely: San Juan Banio, Turu, Baliti, Bitas, Gatiawin, Palinlang,
Lacquios and San Mateo, also serves as an entry/exit point to the mountain since a
visitor and information office was established there by the DENR to cater to the
mountaineers hiking at the national park.

Any activity within the foot of the mountain may affect the overall ecosystem of the
mountain and the whole municipality; thus, the utilization of land and activities in the
mountain within the municipal jurisdiction must strictly conform to the management plan
of the national park, and the LGU should do its part conscientiously particularly in
monitoring the observance of the plan.

Lowland Agriculture Ecosystem

Land Use and Land Productivity

Urban Use

The following information is presented for the Urban Use attribute table of Arayat.

For exposure, the land use categories for the urban use areas as well as the size of
these land uses are presented. These land uses vary from different categories such as
Agri-Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Parks and Recreation, and Cemeteries.
Barangays Camba, San Juan Bano, Baliti have the largest area sizes for Urban Uses
estimated at 17.6763, 15.9613, and 14.7884 hectares respectively while Guemasan, La
Paz Turu, and Paralaya have the smallest area sizes for urban use estimated at 0.167,
0.0885, and 0.0049 hectares respectively.

There is only one sensitivity indicator for urban use areas: proportion of buildings in
dilapidated condition. According to the municipal engineer, the estimated proportion of
structures in Arayat which are old but still usable is at around 30%, while the proportion
of new structures is around 70%. All of the structures are made of concrete and hazard
design compliant as well, especially for new buildings since it is a necessary requirement
upon the issuance of building permit.

The following are adaptive capacity indicators for Urban Use: Government regulations,
Capacity and willingness to retrofit or relocate, and Available alternative sites. For
government regulations, policies on structural design & standards are being
implemented specially during building permit application however monitoring is still weak
due to manpower constraints. For capacity and willingness to retrofit or relocate,
damaged properties are repaired fast and without waiting for the government’s
assistance. For alternative sites of development, Arayat still has ample land for
development, as long as there is adherence to the zoning regulations.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 83

Table22: Urban Use

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 84

Map 5: Urban Use Exposure Map, 2016

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 85

Natural Resource Production Area

The following information is presented for the Natural Resource Production Area
attribute table of Arayat.

For exposure, details on the major crops of Arayat are discussed including the allotted
area for agriculture for each crop. According to the Agriculture office, there are 27
barangays with agricultural areas. Among these barangays, La Paz Turu, Suclayin, and
Tabuan are estimated to have the largest agricultural lands at 1374.23, 1338.55, and
988.99 hectares respectively while Mesulo, Lacquios, and San Agustin Norte have the
smallest agricultural lands estimated at 76.8, 60.4, and 57.01 hectares respectively. Rice
and corn are considered the major crops of the municipality. For irrigated rice
production, Candating, San Mateo, and Mapalad have the largest area with 847.56,
360.17, and 403.63 hectares respectively. On the other hand, 13 barangays are
associated with non-irrigated rice production, with La Paz Turu, San Mateo, and Lacmit
having the largest areas at 90.5, 87.6, and 66.7 hectares respectively. For green corn,
there are 8 barangays associated with this type of production with Candating and San
Agustin Norte having the largest areas allotted for corn production at 75.5 and 70.7
hectares respectively. Finally, for yellow corn production, there are 10 barangays with
Lacmit and Bitas having the largest production areas at 160.2 and 100.46 hectares
The sensitivity indicators for natural resource production areas include the following:
Access to water impounding facilities, Access to climate field school, Number of farmers
with access to hazard information, and Access to irrigation. For access to irrigation, the
following barangays have their irrigation system from NIA: Mapalad, San Mateo,
Tabuan, Camias, Suclayin, San Juan Bano, Lacquios, San Agustin Norte, San Agustin
Sur, Plazang Luma, Cacutud, San Nicolas, Cupang, Matamo, Mesulo, Gatiawin, and
Lacmit. Irrigation from Mt. Arayat/Sibul only involves Candating. For access to water
impounding facilities, only Barangay Candating has a water impounding facility. All
farmers don’t have access to climate field school and hazard information as well.

Table 23: Natural Resource Production Area Attribute

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 86

Freshwater Ecosystem

Surface and Groundwater Quality

The Pampanga River is observed passing through the eastern side of Arayat in the
following barangays: San Mateo, La Paz Turu, San Juan Bano, Santo Nino Tabuan,
Kaledian Camba, Lacquios, San Agustin Norte, Suclayin, San Agustin Sur, Paralaya,
Batasan, Guemasan, Santa Lucia Cupang, Candating and Santa Lucia Matamo. Small
channels and creeks are observed to branch out from the major river basin in Arayat.
Threats facing these water resources in the municipality, if not properly managed, are 1.
pollution due to water waste from households, business establishments and ISFs
particularly along rivers and creeks, and 2. drought particularly because creeks draining
the mountain might dry due to the dwindling number of trees.


Ecosystem Diversity

A portion of Mount Arayat is within the Municipality of Arayat; thus biodiversity of the
mountain may also be reflected in the data of the municipality. Per Mt. Arayat National
Park Ecotourism Management Plan, there are seventy (70) dominant trees and 68
undergrowth species in Mount Arayat. Balete is the most common tree species present
in terms of frequency, density and dominance, followed by Dungan, and rain tree based
on the Resource Basic Inventory conducted by PAWS CENRO and Regional EMPAS.
Regarding fauna, there are 24 species found on the mountain.Among the rare species
are musang or civet, jungle fowl, phyton, monitored lizard, crow, Philippine myna, lawin
or brahminy kite or lawin and Philippine cuckoo.

Lowland agricultural and urban ecosystem diversity includes common temporary

agricultural crops such as rice, corn, vegetables, legumes (peanut, pole sitao), root
crops (cassava, sweet potato and gabi), spices (red and green pepper), bananas and
dragon fruits, and permanent crops such as mango, coconut, cacao coffee, calamansi,
papaya, guyabano, cashew, guava, chico, santol, jackfruit, atis, mango and tamarind. In
terms of animals, cattle, carabao, swine, native pig, goat, sheep, commercial chicken,
native chicken, mallard and muscovy duck, ostrich, quail, pigeon, turkey, horse,
peacock, domestic cats and dogs.

Diversity at the foot of the mountain is at risk due to competing land use between
agricultural and residential; displacement and habitat loss of species is possible.
Development and exploitation of resources in the lowland and urban areas are among
the threats on the diversity. Flora and fauna of each ecosystem keep the balance of the
overall environment of the municipality.

Climate change hazard inventory

Below is the climate change hazard for every barangay in the municipality. All barangays
are susceptible to flooding. On the other hand, only few barangays are susceptible to
rain-induced landslide, mostly barangays within the perimeter of the mountain.

Table 24: Climate Hazard Inventory, 2016

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 87

Flood Rain-induced Landslide
Low Medium High Low Medium High
Arenas 
Baliti 
Batasan  
Buensuceso 
Candating 
Gatiawin  
Guemasan 
Kaledian (Camba) 
La Paz (Turu)   
Lacmit 
Lacquios 
Mangga-Cacutud 
Mapalad 
Panlinlang  
Paralaya 
Plazang Luma 
Poblacion 
San Agustin Norte 
San Agustin Sur 
San Antonio 
San Jose Mesulo 
San Juan Bano   
San Mateo 
San Nicolas 
San Roque Bitas  
Cupang (Santa Lucia) 
Matamo (Santa Lucia) 
Santo Niño Tabuan 
Suclayin 
Telapayong 
Source: Flood and Rain-induced landslipe maps, 2016

This portion highlights the solutions addressing issues on Urban Ecosystems particularly
solid and liquid waste management, air and water quality, and projects related to
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 88

Solid and Liquid Waste Management

I. Solid Waste Management

Situational Analysis

Based on the 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan, as the population increases
so does the waste generation. As of 2017, waste generation per capita was pegged
at an estimated 20,997.36 kilogram per day. Currently, only one dilapidated MRF
that lacks the needed machines and equipment is available in the municipality.
Moreover, majority of the households are still not practicing waste segregation.
Irregular collection of garbage due to outdated garbage truck that needs constant
repair hampers the management of waste. Also, monitoring of every household and
establishment in liquid waste management is not yet practiced in the municipality.

No monitoring system is implemented yet for air and water quality despite the law
requirement,i.e. the LGU has the responsibility in the management and improvement
of air and water quality within its jurisdiction.

Absence of environment office in the municipality is also an issue. Currently only a

focal person, with limited authority and function, is responsible for the environmental
management of the whole municipality


 Unmanageable waste in the municipality

 Improper waste disposal of the citizens
 High operational cost for the municipality
 Recurring environmental problems
 Possible hazardous effect on health and wellness of the citizens

Sectoral Goal

 To apply proper stewardship in caring for natural resources, maintaining clean

and green environment through efficient waste management, and increasing the
resilience of water and land resources to disaster and climate-risk impacts.

Sectoral Objectives

 To achieve full compliance of all households and commercial establishments on

solid and liquid waste management.
 To institutionalize regular monitoring of air and water quality
 To enhance Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Office

Sectoral Targets

 Compliance and cooperation of all stakeholders in environmental management

efforts of the LGU.

Sectoral Strategies

 Enhance solid waste management from segregation, collection and waste


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 89

 Implement applicable national laws and local ordinances related to environment
 Enjoin all citizen to participate in caring the environment

Segregation at source

High volume of collected unsegregated waste at the central Material Recovery Facility,
which costs a lot in the operation of the municipality, is still a problem. Non-compliance
of all households and establishment to the segregation policy of the municipality is the
cause of the problem.


 To make the town clean and healthy thru effective waste segregation.


 To achieve 100% waste segregation compliance among households.

 To achieve 100% compliance with provision of RA 9003 of an MRF on
every/clustered barangays.


 Waste segregation compliance of 16,247 households of the municipality.

 Materials Recovery Facilities enhancement in all barangays.

Programs, Projects and Activities


o Information Education Campaign (IEC) and Seminar focusing on the

following subject matter: Waste segregation, Impact of unclean
surroundings, Climate Change, Best practices of other countries
 Year round focused implementation of information dissemination
to all stakeholders of our LGU
 Designation of Environment Protectors
 Scout design on new IEC
o Conduct of Seminar focusing on the following subject matter: Waste
segregation, Impact of unclean surroundings, Climate Change, Best
practices of other countries
 Year round conduct of seminars on environment concerns.
 Enrol in /look for accreditation as legitimate environment
 Employ / ask assistance from DILG for a training/seminar on solid
waste management (training the Trainer)
o Motivate/Empower Barangay Officials through existing programs
 Design an incentive program targeting all barangay officials and
their constituents to implement / enforce, observe proper waste
 Support barangays in IEC like collateral on waste management
like no littering, no segregation and environmental thoughts
o Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) in every Barangay
 Design modern MRF launching program per barangay with waste
management orientation

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 90

 Support/supply barangay MRF's with equipment by soliciting to
Provincial Government ENRO and other private entities, like
waste bins, shredder, compost mill etc.
 Design a contest program for a most effective or model MRF

II. Liquid Waste Management

Liquid waste management is one of the types of waste management that are
often neglected. It is timely that liquid waste management be prioritized by the
municipality since investors are starting to establish their businesses in Arayat. A
clear and strict policy must be implemented to monitor the compliance of private
homes and establishments as regards wastewater facilities and septic tanks.


 To make our town clean and healthy thru compliance on Liquid Waste


 Regular inspection schedule shall be in place and assigned focused team


 Inspection of all private homes and business establishments

Programs, Projects and Activities


o Inspection of private homes & establishments compliance on waste water

facilities and septic tanks.
 Establish regular schedule on inspection for private homes &
 Designate focused inspection team consisting of MENRO Team,
PNP, RHU Engineering.
 Send letters for non-compliant private homes & establishments.
 Strict issuances of Mayor's/Business permit.
o Implementation of Water Quality Management Plan in compliance with
R.A. 9275.

III. Functional & Effective Central Material Recovery Facility

To effectively handle the solid waste management of the municipality, a functional and
effective central material facility must be available; however, the current structure of
MRF is dilapidated and lacks needed equipment.


 To establish an effective & efficient central MRF.


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 91

 To cause the construction of the MRF building & purchasing of needed
equipment’s & complete all amenities like, plants & veggies nursery & trees for
fence purposes.


 An enhanced central MRF located at Brgy. Sto. Nino, Tabuan

Programs, Projects and Activities


o Functional & Effective central Material Recovery Facility

 Construction of MRF's main building

 Purchasing of equipment like, grinder, compost mill, shredder,
conveyor & deep well pump with complete accessories.
 Greening of MRF: planting of NIRDA TREE within the perimeter
(fence) plus Nursery & Veggies planting.
(School Chairs from WASTE PLASTIC)

IV. Garbage Free Surrounding

Proper waste disposal is also one of the many issues in solid waste management in the
municipality, There are some undisciplined citizens who do not observe time and day of
disposal of their garbage. Irregular collection of dues and poor maintenance of garbage
truck are common problems.


 To make the town clean, healthy & its surrounding cleared of garbage.


 Incentive and merit system for MENRO employees and Special Team
 IEC (Information Education Campaign)
 Visible Thoughts on Environmental Protection



Programs, Projects and Activities


o Incentive program for MENRO Special Team assisting in environmental
care & management
o Information Education Campaign (IEC)
 b. IEC Distribution
o Visible Environmental THOUGHTS Signage (Environmental Protection)
o New set of UNIFORM Sweeper, Garbage, Patio & MRF)
 New uniform by January 2019.
o Elevate at least 10% of current MENRO manpower from job order to
casual status.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 92

 Change status by January 2019 (J.O. to Casual)
o Refresher seminar for MENRO and Special Team (environmental
 Quarterly refresher seminar for Special Team

V. Enforcement of No Littering and No Segregation, No

Collection Ordinances

The existence of ordinances related to solid waste manage does not assure that a
municipality will be free from garbage problems. Enforcement must be put into place.
Currently, no focal team is yet assigned to implement/enforce these two (2) important
measures; hence problem on solid waste management still exists.


 To make our town clean, safe and healthy thru compliance of all stakeholders
with ordinances regarding solid and liquid waste management.


 Regular inspection schedule shall be in place and assigned focused team


 SB Team, PNP & MENRO Team.

Programs, Projects and Activities


o Establish regular schedule on "OPERATION HULI" for litterer and pilot
testing for barangays on NO SEGREGATION, NO COLLECTION
o Designate focused TEAM by January 2015 consist MENRO Team & PNP
o Send letters for non-compliant private homes & establishments.
o Stiffer penalties for apprehended violators.

VI. Informal Settler Families

The magnitude of the problem on ISFs in the municipality that extends in 30 barangays
is becoming an environmental issue since these settlers contribute to environmental
pollution for lack of systematic disposal of solid and liquid waste. Moreover those living
on waterways of the municipality aggravate the pollution problem because of their
unsanitary practices.


 To inculcate proper solid and liquid waste disposal among ISFs at the moment
relocation/resettlement is yet being implemented

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 93


 Well informed ISFs on proper waste management


 All ISF households in the municipality

Programs, Projects and Activities


o IEC Distribution
o Dialogue with Informal Settlers Families
o Installation/Posting of FRIENDLY REMINDERS like: No Littering
Ordinance, "Multa sa Maling Pagtatapon ng Basura”, May Multa", No
Segregation, No Collection, Tree Planting

VII. Institutionalized MENRO Organization

So many plans for environment have been discussed so far but the real problem is the
available personnel who will implement such plans, As of now, the function of MENRO is
not yet fully maximized due to lack of organizational structure, plantilla/item, and
resources needed; hence, limited authority of the current focal person to exercise his
functions to the fullest remains a problem.


 Establish and motivate MENRO


 To plan execute a full blast MENRO operations by 2019


 a Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Office

Programs, Plans and Activities

 LCE to endorse to Sangguniang Bayan the establishment of MENRO & its


VIII. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change

Adaptation Project

To ensure that municipality are adaptive to the changing climate and can mitigate its
impact to people and environment, the following projects are to be implemented.


 A climate adaptive and disaster risk resilient municipality


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 94

 Enhance resiliency of the municipality

 MDRRMO, all disaster susceptible area

Projects, Programs and Activities

 Purchase of equipment for disaster response and rescue (1,000,000.00), GIS

geo hazard mapping, early warning system and communication, DRRM office,
and materials for life saving and disaster risk reduction activities. (uniform,
medical supplies and equipment, and other DRRM paraphernalia)
 Purchase of Rescue Vehicle

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 95

Summary of Programs/Projects


Information, Education
Campaign on proper
ENVIRONMENT LGU 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Purchase of ECO-BIKE &
SEGREGATION PURPOSES ENVIRONMENT LGU 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00
(30 units ECO-BIKE, 30 units
Construction of Barangay
Material Recovery Facility for ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 50,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 54,000,000.00
Clean and Green Program
ENVIRONMENT DA/PROVINCE/LGU 15,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 20,000,000.00
and Tree Planting Project
Procurement of Heavy
ENVIRONMENT /LGU//PROVINCE 50,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 60,000,000.00
Equipment/Garbage Truck
Establishment of EcoPark of
ENVIRONMENT /LGU//PROVINCE 4,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
closed controlled dumpsite
Incentive Program for Best
ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00
Lakbay Aral - Best Practices
ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00
of other LGUs
Greening program @ MRF
(Nursery, Tree Planting, ENVIRONMENT DA/LGU/PROVINCE 30,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 14,500,000.00 64,500,000.00
Fencing, etc.)
Water & Air Quality
management orientation &
ENVIRONMENT DENR/LGU 150,000.00 150,000.00 300,000.00
seminars (quarterly) *In
partnership with EMB-DENR
Purchase of Plastic Waste to
ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 4,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
School Chair Equipment.
Purchase of equipment for ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 96

disaster response and rescue
GIS geo hazard mapping, 750,000.00 750,000.00 1,500,000.00
early warning system and
900,000.00 900,000.00 1,800,000.00
communication, DRRM office,
and materials for life saving
and DRR activities. (uniform,
medical supplies and 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00
equipment, and other DRRM
Solid Waste Management LGU/PROVINCE/
ENVIRONMENT 25,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 54,000,000.00

Capacity Development
Trainings on disaster ENVIRONMENT LGU 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00
ENVIRONMENT LGU 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00
ESTERO (Quarterly)
Purchase of Rescue Vehicles ENVIRONMENT LGU/PROVINCE 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 15,000,000.00
TOTAL: 120,000,000.00 109,150,000.00 77,550,000.00 306,700,000.00

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 97

Program/Project Briefs


Name of Program:
Brief Description: A program that will institutionalize environment office
1.1.1 Legislation of
1.1.4 Delineation of office
Sangguniang Bayan
1.1.5 Establishment of key
1.1.2 Hiring of Menro
results area of the office
Program Component:
1.1.6 Purchase of vehicle for
MENRO office specifically for
1.1.3 Hiring of staff
operations & inspection
1.2. Training & capacity
building of MENRO staff.
Mayor’s Office, Sangguniang Bayan, HR, EMB/DENR,

Justification: To fully monitor environment of the municipality

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost: 1,100,000
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/ Success
A well-organized and capable environment office
Possible Risks: a) Lack of funds

Expected Private
Sector Response:

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 98

Name of Program: Solid Waste Management Program
A program focusing on segregation at source and
Brief Description:
enforcement of laws and ordinances.
A. IEC Materials Distribution D. SEMINAR - Segregation
among households (Target at Source (Barangay
30 barangays) officials)
Program Component:
DIVIDER brgys.), Phase II (13 brgys.)
C. Incentive Program F. ECO BASKET - Phase 1
(Segregation at Source - (50% target schools), Phase
MODEL BARANGAYS) II (50% target schools)
practices of other LGU’s
(Villar Foundation, etc.)
Proponents: MENRO, Barangay Officials, DILG, DENR, GSO

Justification: To reduce solid waste in the municipality

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

A. P50,000 B. P10,000
C. P200,000 (P50k/quarter D. P100,000
Estimated Cost: (P25k/quarter)
E. P140,000 + P130,000 F. P42,000 + P39,000
G. P40,000.00 H. P200,000.00
Program Term: 2019-2024
well informed Arayateños
Target Output/ Success segregated garbage disposal
Indicators: motivated barangay officials
best practices education

Possible Risks: a) Lack of funds

Expected Private Partnership in the effective and efficient collection of solid

Sector Response: waste in the municipality

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 99

Solid Waste Management Program :
Name of Program:
Compliance to R.A. 9003, Re: MRF's in every barangay.
A project that will well-establish/enhance MRF in every
Brief Description:

Program Component: MRF in All Barangays

Proponents: M.O./DILG/MPDO

Justification: To reduce solid waste in the municipality

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost:
Program Term: 2019
Target Output/ Success
Collected recyclable materials
Possible Risks: a) Lack of funds

Expected Private
Donation of lot / fund for construction of MRF
Sector Response:

Solid Waste Management Program:

Name of Program:
Functional & Effective central Material Recovery Facility.
Brief Description: A program that will enhance MRF
A. Renovation of existing facility.
B. Greening Program @ MRF (tree planting & vegetation)
Program Component:
*plant special trees that will serve as FENCE.
Proponents: MO,MENRO,MPDO

Justification: To reduce waste in the municipality

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost: B 100,000.00
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/ Success
cleared from garbage municipality
Possible Risks: a) Lack of funds

Expected Private
Donation of lot/fund for the construction of MRF
Sector Response:

Name of Program: Water & Air Quality Management project.

A program that will institutionalize air and water quality
Brief Description:
Program Component: A. IEC Materials Distribution among ISF's (Target 17
B. SEMINAR/ORIENTATION - Segregation at Source
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 100
(ISF's/Brgy. officials)
C. *WATER & AIR QUALITY Orientation (from EMB-DENR)
*thru the initiative of EMB-DENR regional office
Proponents: M.O./MENRO/MDRRMO/D.A.

Justification: To protect air and water quality

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost: 1,000,000.00
Program Term: 2019-2024
Target Output/ Success
cleared from garbage municipality
a. Lack of funds
Possible Risks:
b. Lack of people’s participation
Expected Private
Fully participation on monitoring
Sector Response:

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 101



The Institutional Sector Development Plan discusses issues on Organization and

Management, Fiscal Management, Legislative Output and LGU-NGO-PO Linkages. How
to deal appropriately with the issues and concerns relative to the overall performance of
the Municipal Government of Arayat, an aggregation of programs, projects, and activities
is conceptualized for implementation. This sectoral plan attempts to boost the capability
of the Municipality of Arayat as well as its elected officials to manage effectively the
planned growth and change in their territorial jurisdiction through the creation of a more
responsive organizational structure and by strengthening the LGU’s capability to
generate and manage finances and practice participatory governance.

Basically, the goal of the sector is to live up to the standard of good governance by
having an efficient system of fiscal and human resource management and by building a
strong organizational structure with well-trained, technologically equipped and morally
upright leaders and personnel

I. Local Fiscal Management

Revenue Performance

For the last three years, the total income of the municipality has been improving with an
average income growth rate of 9.86%, from Php 202,064,337.82 in 2015 to Php
221,511,000.85 in 2016 to Php 246,122,452.97 in 2017. However, bulk of the total
income of the municipality is from the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). Average IRA
dependency of the municipality for the last three years is 79% and on increasing trend,
78%, 79% and 81% in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively.

In terms of real property tax (RPT), the LGU was able to collect 40.57% of
the total potentially collected RPT amounting to Php 19,631,382.38 in 2017--
which is much higher compared to last year’s collection of 30.13% of the total
potentially collected RPT that amounted to Php 16,629,558.80. Despite the
collection efforts of the LGU, there are still delinquent real property units, though
their number is decreasing. The total amount of delinquencies of real property
units in 2017 was Php 29,149,221.99, which is lower than that of real property
units of last year that amounted to Php 37,832,749.95. The LGU was able to hit
the income target for real property tax with accomplishment rate of 134% in
2016, but this rate is still lower compared to last year’s which exceeded the rate
in 2015 at 136%

Income from Municipal Economic Enterprises posted Php 7,610,830.06 in 2017, or 3%

of the total income of the municipality in that year. Bulk of the income of economic
enterprises comes from market income and market lease/rent income followed by
income derived from the slaughterhouse. Cemetery, water system, municipal lot least
and gym are among the economic enterprises of the municipality.


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 102

In 2016, the total expenditure of the municipality was Php 221,511,000.85, 9% higher
than the last year’s expenditure. Bulk of the expenses was allotted for general public
services based on the Statement of Receipts and Expenses.

Capital outlay investment/expenditure of the municipality was Php 690,989.00; hence,

the total public expenditure per capita of the municipality, considering the projected
population of 115,142 in 2016, was Php 6.00 only.

Situational Analysis

LGU-Arayat’s income is highly dependent on IRA, with a dependency rate of

81% in 2017, an increase of 2% from last year dependency rate. In 2017, the
LGU generated only 19% from local sources, 11% from tax revenue and 8% from
non-tax revenue. An economist noted that most of the LGUs in the country have
become lazy tax collectors due to their dependency on their IRA, thus, the
delivery of services and governance do not improve. The IRA has a disincentive
effect on the tax efforts of the LGUs according to one study. Decreasing IRA
dependency means increasing the locally sourced income such tax revenues and
non-tax revenues.

In the case of Arayat, only 40.57% of the total potentially collected real property
tax in 2017 was collected.It should be noted that collecting 100% of real property
tax would substantially increase locally sourced income by 10%, thereby
decreasing IRA dependency to more or less 70%. Intensive collection of
business taxes and strengthening economic enterprises are among the
strategies that the LGU can do to boost locally sourced income. Increased locally
sourced income would mean additional funds to deliver services to the people as
well as to improve governance.


 Increase collection effort thereby decreasing IRA dependency

 Intensify local tax collection campaign

 10% - 15% increased income derived from local source


 Massive tax campaign

 Conduct of study on revenue generation
 Strengthening of the municipal economic enterprises
Programs, projects and activities

 Program to decrease IRA dependency

o Formulate a Revenue Generation Action Plan
 Strengthen tax collection activities through:
 Tax mapping
 Examination of books of accounts
 Information dissemination on tax collection
 Updating of RPU data
 Improve treasurer’s office facilities:

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 103

 Window type transactions
 Taxpayer’s lounge
o Develop LGU Website
 Utilization of technology for wider information dissemination
o Procure and install computer system
 MIS/GIS Infrastructure
 On-line business permit application

II. Organizational Management

Arayat LGU has a total plantilla positions of 122 as of first quarter of 2015. The total
manpower of LGU Arayat in 2017 was 462 consisting of 11 elected personnel,79
employees with permanent status, 9 staff co-terminus with the status of an official, 29
casuals, 0 consultants, and 334 job orders. There are currently vacant positions in
various offices of the local government unit, including absence of heads in 3 offices, 23.

Situational Analysis

Lack of competence for front liners / non-permanent employees, lack of middle

managers, and department heads not updated with new trends in IT are among
the issues identified by the members of the sector’s technical working group.This
LGU’s situation is reflective of many LGUs in the country. Lack of competence
particularly of some of the non-permanent employees is due to non application of
qualification standard.Skills, trainings and capabilities are sometimes not
considered during hiring. There is also a disparity between the levels of position
in the local government; particularly the lack of middle managers.The presence
of the latter in all offices/department would help a lot in an effective and efficient
discharge of service since they are adept in modern technology. Their knowledge
and skills are important as almost all operation of the local government are done


 To have competent, capable and well-equipped municipal employees


 Hiring based on merits

 Provision of relevant trainings/seminars

 All municipal employees and elected officials.


 Conduct study to improve human resource management of the LGU

 Benchmarking on best practices in human resource management of other LGUs
 Review staffing pattern
 Organization development
 Enhance IT skills of all employees s
Programs, projects and activities

 Institutionalization of the HR system

 Formulation of HR plan

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 104

o Develop Rewards and Recognition System
 Prepare modules for RR
o Develop Learning and Development System
 Annual Training Needs Assessment and preparation of Annual
Development Plan
 Propose programs/seminars for the development of the
employees, wherein, each employee should at least undergo 1
training annually
o Develop Recruitment, Selection and Placement System
 Examination for applicants
 Pre-test and post-test
 Proper implementation of the PSB by coming up with a
systematized points system depending on the qualifications of the
 Intensify the Job Recruitment system through publication of job
vacancies and openings on paid ads, newspapers, social media
o Develop Performance Management System
 Revisiting and re-evaluation of programs and seminars taken by
staff – c/o the Department Heads
 Creation of middle manager positions
 Create a mentoring system
o Strengthen Human Resource Management Office
 Creation on an HRM office
 Creation of HRMO III
 Creation of vital permanent plantilla position (MENRO, PESO, GSO,
Administrator, Economic Enterprise Manager and others)
 Procurement and installation of computer system
 Internal Audit System
 Development and hosting of legislative archiving system

III. Development Legislative

Situational Analysis

Non-composition of LEDAC, lack of proactive approach to legislation, and absence

of electronic access to information are among the issues identified in this subsector.
Composition of local Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council can help
the local government in defining socio-economic development goals and policies that
will guide in the formulation and implementation of the municipal development plan.
On the other hand, a proactive approach to legislation would be good, having as
prerequisite the development of information database to serve as reference for
emerging problems so that legislation is backed up by empirical data. As part of
transparency, citizens should have access to these information; absence of a
municipal website makes it difficult for the constituents to access local legislation


 A development- oriented legislation


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 105

 To create legislation based on the emerging needs

 A duly organized local legislative-executive development advisory council

 A legislation based on public consultation and empirical data
 Well informed citizens on legislation

 Composition of local legislative-executive development advisory council

 Conduct of public consultation and development of database information as a
basis in crafting legislation
 Strengthening of Sangguniang Bayan and its staffs
Programs, projects and activities

 To produce legislative output geared towards development

o Set concrete and long term Legislative Agenda
 Composition of LEDAC
o Increase stakeholders’ participation in agenda setting
 Public Consultations
o Enhance legislative capability of the Sangguniang Bayan
 Provision of seminars/trainings on legislation (for SB)
 Enhancement of legislative research capability
 Conduct of trainings and bench markings on good legislative
 Regular review and update of existing ordinances
 Conduct of Sectoral Summits
 Conduct of regular dialogues/ FGDs with interest groups and
other sectors
o Enhance the capability and capacity of the Secretariat
 Create middle manager positions
 Conduct trainings/seminars on legislation
 Develop an electronic access for legislative output (ordinance and
o Legislation of following code for development such as
 Local Investment and Incentive Code
 Adoption of Legislative measure in support for Tourism and
Cultural Heritage Programs

IV. LGU-NGA-NGOs/CSOs/POs Linkages

Situational Analysis

Low turn-out of CSOs applying for accreditation has been observed over the past
years due to the inability of the CSOs and POs to fully comply with accreditation
requirements set by the local government. Participation of these organization in
planning, budgeting to implementation enhances good governance and improves the
delivery of public services.


 Increase participation of CSOs in local governance


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 106

 To assist CSO in the accreditation process

 All CSOs willing to participate in governance


 Conduct an orientation on advantages of accreditation/recognition

 Increase venues/ fora for CSO participation and provide incentives
Programs, projects and activities

 Increased CSO/PO’s participation in local governance

o To increase number of accredited/recognized CSOs/POs
 Increase for venues for CSO/PO participation
 Provide technical assistance to interested CSOs in the
accreditation process
 Development Linkages (Inter-agency, local and international ex. Sisterhood)

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 107

Summary of Programs/Projects



Setting concrete and long 1,000,000.00

term legislative agenda

Conduct training and

benchmarking on good INSTITUTIONAL LGU 500,000.00 500,000.00
legislative practices
Develop an electronic access
INSTITUTIONAL LGU 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00
for legislative output
Formulation of Revenue
INSTITUTIONAL LGU 500,000.00 500,000.00
Generation Plan
Creation of vital permanent
plantilla position (MENRO,
PESO, GSO, Administrator, INSTITUTIONAL LGU 12,680,362.36 12,680,362.36
Economic Enterprise
Manager and others)
Capacity development and
leadership training (Local and INSTITUTIONAL LGU 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Procurement and installation INSTITUTIONAL LGU 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
of Computer System -

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 108

Development of LGU
INSTITUTIONAL LGU 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00

TOTAL 23,980,362.36 23,980,362.36

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 109

Program/Project Briefs
Name of Program Formulation of Human Resources Management Plan

A Human Resources Management Plan will serve as a tool to

identify the different needs of the HRM office in order to provide for
Brief Description:
good quality on service delivery for both the external clients of the
LGU and for its in-house employees

Duration: 6 months

Hiring of consultant 1 month

Capacity Development/
Program Components: Training for HRMO 1 month

Workshop 3 months

Issuance of Final Plan 1 month

Proponents: Human Resources Office and Mayor’s Office

There is a need for a better working environment, more competent

personnel, and quality service delivery

Intended Beneficiaries: Selected Personnel of the Local Government Unit

Hiring of consultant

Provisions of Capacity 100,000

Development and Technical
Support (10 days)

Estimated Cost: Capacity Development/

Training for HRMO Personnel 100,000
(Once a month)

Workshop 50,000

Issuance of Final Plan 5,000

Program Term: 6 months

1. Reviews and assessments of the operation’s need for the

employees and clear job descriptions
2. Systematic recruitment of quality workers
Target Output/ Success
3. Effective seminars, workshops, symposia, and other related
activities that would address the training needs of the employees
4. Good quality on service delivery
5. Security of tenure for the employees
Lack of funds
Possible Risks:
Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Creation of Human Resources Management Office

Brief Description: A strengthening of the Human Resources Management Office will

allow the HRMO to become more efficient and effective in the
implementation of institutionalized and in-house laws and rules. A
creation of a department would allow the HR personnel to focus
and develop functions on specific Human Resource areas such as
recruitment, compliance, compensation and benefits, and

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 110

employee relations.

Program Components: Duration: 1 year

Proponents: Human Resources Office and Mayor’s Office

Justification: There is a need for an HRM office in order to strengthen

Intended Beneficiaries: HRM Officer and staff

Creation of HRMO III (SG18) 385,488

Creation of HRM Office 2,000,000

Estimated Cost:
Benchmarking on different

Program Term: Duration: 1 year

1. Creation of HRMO III

Target Output/ Success 2. Creation of an HRM Office

3. Adopting of Best practices on Human Resources Management
from HRMOs of other agencies

Lack of funds
Possible Risks:
Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Creation of vital permanent plantilla position (MENRO, PESO,

GSO, Administrator, Economic Enterprise Manager and

Brief Description: A project that will enhance the LGU organization

Program Components: Rationalization, Selection of Qualified Employees

Proponents: MO, HRMO, MDPO, Budget Office

Justification: A need to look on the current organizational structure of the LGU

Intended Beneficiaries: Personnel of the Local Government Unit

Estimated Cost: 6,000,000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success Re-organized LGU Structure


Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Procurement and installation of Computer

Brief Description: A project that systematized processes of various offices in the

municipal government


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 111


Proponents: MO, HRMO, IT, MDPO, Budget Office

Justification: Processes of the municipal government should be systematized

Intended Beneficiaries: All Office of the Local Government Unit

Estimated Cost: 10,000,000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success Computer based processes


Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Capacity development and leadership training (Local and


Brief Description: A project that expose employees on the current trend on

governance both in local and international

Program Components: Selection of deserving employees

Sending employees to trainings and seminar

Echoing training/seminar attended to their co-employees

Proponents: MO, HRMO

Justification: Need to keep abreast of the current trend in governance

Intended Beneficiaries: All deserving employees

Estimated Cost: 600,9000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success Well informed municipal employees


Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Legislative Enhancement Program

Brief Description: A program that will strengthen / focus legislation towards


Program Components: Setting concrete and long term legislative agenda

Conduct training and benchmarking on good legislative practices

Develop an electronic access for legislative output

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 112

Conduct Sectoral Summit

Proponents: MO, VM, SB and MPDO


Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost: 2,050,000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success Legislation focus on development

Enhanced relationship of executive and legislative

Enhanced Sangguniang Bayan

Full participation of people in legislation

Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Formulation of Revenue Generation Plan

Brief Description: A project that will study effective revenue generation

Program Components: Formulation of Revenue Generation Plan

Proponents: Treasurer, Budget Office, Planning Office

Justification: Need to improve locally source revenue

Intended Beneficiaries: All citizen

Estimated Cost: 250,000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success Higher locally source income

Effective collection system

Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Expected Private Sector


Name of Program Development of LGU Website

Brief Description: A project that will create LGU Website

Program Components: Creation and Maintenance of Website

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 113

Proponents: Municipal Mayor, IT

Justification: Better exposure of the LGU to a wider audience

Intended Beneficiaries: LGU

Estimated Cost: 500,000

Program Term: 2019-2024

Target Output/ Success People are aware of the website


Possible Risks: Lack of funds

Lack of political will

Lack of technical person

Expected Private Sector




The Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) of Arayat contains the list of
programs and projects that the LGU plans to implement for the next six years. This
program embodies the realization of the multi-sectoral goals and objectives expressed in
the Comprehensive Development Plan into definite and concrete terms of investment.


 Stakeholders participated in the prioritization of proposed programs and projects.

 Proposed programs and projects were prioritized using the suggested rating
scale with four criteria and corresponding weights: 1). Level of urgency (25%), 2.
Resource Impact Utilization 3. Conflict –Complementarity-Compatibility of
Projects (15%), and 4. Over-all Contribution to the Attainment of LGU Vision
(Goal Achievement Matrix) (40%).
 Results involved cross sector or overall project prioritization
 Investment requirements of ranked programs and projects were matched against
the projected investible fund to determine how many projects could be funded in
the next six years.
 Medium financing program was selected to determine financing schemes of all
ranked projects.

Structured List of Programs, Project and Activities

There are 105 programs/project across all sectors with breakdown as follows:

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 114

1) Social Sector………. .…..39
2) Economic Sector……..…23
3) Infrastructure Sector..... .19
4) Environmental Sector.....16
5) Institutional Sector….…...8

These projects were subjected to prioritization scheme to determine their ranking in the
implementation during the next six (6) years. The total investments for all proposed
programs/projects is Php 4,327,549,820.16

No. Programs/Projects Sector

1 Functional Barangay Health Stations SOCIAL

2 Provision of quality maternal and child health services SOCIAL
3 Purchase of Medicines SOCIAL
4 Training of Health Personnel and BHWs (all health programs) SOCIAL
5 Nutrition Drive for Barangays with High Malnutrition Rate SOCIAL

Purchase of equipment for disaster response and rescue

GIS geo hazard mapping,
early warning system and communication, DRRM
office, and materials for life saving and drr activities. (uniform,
medical supplies and equipment, and other DRRM paraphernalia)
7 Strengthen the Health Institution SOCIAL
8 Early Childhood Care and Development SOCIAL
9 Expansion of Philhealth Membership SOCIAL
10 Procurement of Heavy Equipment/Garbage Truck ENVIRONMENTAL
11 Purchase of Rescue Vehicle ENVIRONMENTAL
12 Provision of Certified/Hybrid seeds ECONOMIC
13 Financial/Medical Assistance (Indigent) SOCIAL
Construction of Barangay Material Recovery Facility for
Provision of Resettlement or Relocation Site for the Informal Settlers
15 Families SOCIAL
16 Sports Development Program SOCIAL
Creation of vital permanent plantilla position (MENRO, PESO, GSO,
Administrator, Economic Enterprise Manager, Veterinarian and
18 Purchase of Plastic Waste to School Chair Equipment. ENVIRONMENTAL
20 Capacity Development- Trainings on disaster preparedness ENVIRONMENTAL
21 Educational Assistance SOCIAL
22 Intensify Dengue Prevention and Control Program SOCIAL
23 Construction of Multi-Purpose buildings(Evacuation Center) PHYSICAL/INFRA
24 Improvement of Rural Health Unit (RHU III) PHYSICAL/INFRA
25 SPES (Special Program For Employment of Students) ECONOMIC

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 115

No. Programs/Projects Sector

26 Formulation of Tourism Master Plan ECONOMIC

27 Construction of public market with common terminal PHYSICAL/INFRA
28 Construction/ Rehabilitation of local core roads PHYSICAL/INFRA
Capacity development and leadership training (Local and
29 International) INSTITUTIONAL
30 Incentive Program for Best Practices ENVIRONMENTAL
31 Clean and Green Program and Tree Planting Project ENVIRONMENTAL
32 Construction of farm to market roads (Various Brgys.) PHYSICAL/INFRA
33 Entrepreneurship Development for Agri-Tourism ECONOMIC
34 Desilting of waterways PHYSICAL/INFRA
35 Upgrading/retrofitting of San Antonio-Panlinlang Bridge (12.50 m.) PHYSICAL/INFRA
36 Purchase of additional fire trucks SOCIAL
37 Purchase of additional mobile patrol vehicles SOCIAL
38 Purchase of Boom Truck PHYSICAL/INFRA
39 Construction of Road & Concrete Bridge PHYSICAL/INFRA
40 Lakbay Aral - Best Practices of other LGUs ENVIRONMENTAL
41 Establishment & Construction of new government Center Bldg PHYSICAL/INFRA
42 Skills Training Program ECONOMIC
43 Livelihood Program ECONOMIC
44 Expansion of Street lights PHYSICAL/INFRA
46 100% toilet and safe water facilities for all households SOCIAL
47 Safeguarding and Promotion of Intangible Heritage of Arayat ECONOMIC
48 Establishment of additional Fire Sub-Stations SOCIAL
Information, Education Campaign on proper SWM/WATER & AIR
50 Development of Glorietta PHYSICAL/INFRA
51 Training/Seminar for Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Team SOCIAL
52 Capacity Building/Assistance for Persons with Disability (PWDs) SOCIAL
53 Development of Farm/Agri Tourism ECONOMIC
54 Marketing programs for animal and crop production ECONOMIC
Water & Air Quality management orientation & seminars (quarterly)
55 *In partnership with EMB-DENR ENVIRONMENTAL
Procurement and installation of Computer System - MIS/GIS
57 Senior Citizen Engagement SOCIAL
Construction/Rehabilitation of Tourism Service Facilities: *360
degree view deck at Mt. Arayat *Bridge rehabilitation *Service road
Leading to San Juan Baňo in *Transportation Terminal
*Rehabilitation of Town Glorietta *Guide, Signs and Information
58 board for tourism. ECONOMIC
59 Municipal wide Cultural Mapping ECONOMIC
Construction of San Juan Baño-La paz Turu By-Pass Road with 2
61 Improve existing fire hydrants / establish additional fire hydrants SOCIAL
62 Supplementary Feeding for Day Care & Primary School SOCIAL

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 116

No. Programs/Projects Sector

63 Emergency Employment: TUPAD ECONOMIC

64 Increase the number of COP-Kababayan Police Sub-Station SOCIAL
65 Solid Waste Management Program ENVIRONMENTAL
66 Social Protection for Children and Youth SOCIAL
67 Construction of PWD centers SOCIAL
68 Establish Skills Registry System ECONOMIC
69 Alternative Program for Out-of-School Youth SOCIAL
70 Construction/Rehabilitation of Canals PHYSICAL/INFRA
71 Setting concrete and long term legislative agenda INSTITUTIONAL
72 Establishment of greenhouse and Post Harvest Facility ECONOMIC
73 Establishment of Eco-Park of closed controlled dumpsite. ENVIRONMENTAL
74 Formulation of Revenue Generation Plan INSTITUTIONAL
Construction of additional education-related facilities (e.g.
75 classrooms, multi-purpose halls, libraries, etc.) SOCIAL
76 Hiring of a registered social worker SOCIAL
77 Anti-Drug and Peace and Order SOCIAL
Improvement of transportation and communication service for police
78 and firemen SOCIAL
79 Construction/ Rehabilitation of government Facilities PHYSICAL/INFRA
80 Installation of CCTV SOCIAL
81 Develop an electronic access for legislative output INSTITUTIONAL
Adoption of Legislative measure in support for Tourism and Cultural
82 Heritage Programs ECONOMIC
83 Establishment of different vocational/technical educational facilities SOCIAL
84 Organize accredited mountain guides ECONOMIC
85 Greening program @ MRF (Nursery, Tree Planting, Fencing, etc.) ENVIRONMENTAL
86 Creation of Anti-Squatting Task Force SOCIAL
87 Provision of animal health care and treatment of diseases ECONOMIC
88 Establishment of linkage with TESDA and possible employers SOCIAL
89 Conduct training and benchmarking on good legislative practices INSTITUTIONAL
90 Improvement of signals in government facilities PHYSICAL/INFRA
Procurement of necessary equipment needed by the barangay
91 tanods (e.g. vehicles, two-way radio, appropriate logistics, etc.) SOCIAL
92 LGBT involvement SOCIAL
93 Construction of Various barangay road (FMR) PHYSICAL/INFRA
Social Protection Program for the Neglected, Disadvantaged and
94 Marginalized sector SOCIAL
95 Creation of the Local Housing Board (LHB) SOCIAL
96 Establishment of trading post ECONOMIC
97 Construction/Rehabilitation of slaughterhouse PHYSICAL/INFRA
98 Development of LGU Website INSTITUTIONAL
99 Advocacies on Women Empowerment SOCIAL
Construction of accommodation and support facilities development:
*Budget Hotel (caters both local and international tourist) *Mountain
100 Hotel and Resort along Mt. Arayat ECONOMIC
101 Skills training for Agri personnel and farmers ECONOMIC
102 Establishment of techno-demo farm ECONOMIC

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 117

No. Programs/Projects Sector

103 Capacity Building for Cultural Heritage Stakeholders ECONOMIC

104 Construction of irrigation facilities, __ PHYSICAL/INFRA
105 Formulation and Updating of mandated plans (Traffic Management
Plan etc) ECONOMIC

Cost Estimate
Ran Ranked List of Proposed Programs/Projects
Funding for Investment
k Programs/Project Sector
Programming, FY 2019-2024 Requirement Cost Implementation
Functional Barangay
1 Health Stations SOCIAL 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 2019-2020
Provision of quality
maternal and child health SOCIAL
2 services 1,000,000.00 11,000,000.00 2019-2020
3 Purchase of Medicines 3,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 2019-2024
Training of Health
Personnel and BHWs (all SOCIAL
4 health programs) 1,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 2019-2024
Nutrition Drive for
Barangays with High SOCIAL
5 Malnutrition Rate 3,000,000.00 18,000,000.00 2019-2024

Purchase of equipment for

disaster response and
rescue (1,000,000.00), 10,000,000.00 28,000,000.00 2019-2024

GIS geo hazard mapping, 1,500,000.00 29,500,000.00 2019-2024

early warning system and

6 communication, DRRM 1,800,000.00 31,300,000.00 2019-2024


office, and materials for life

saving and drr activities.
(uniform, medical supplies
and equipment, and other
DRRM paraphernalia) 3,000,000.00 34,300,000.00 2019-2024

Strengthen the Health SOCIAL

7 Institution 200,000,000.00 234,300,000.00 2019-2021

Early Childhood Care and SOCIAL

8 Development 1,500,000.00 235,800,000.00 2019-2024

Expansion of Philhealth SOCIAL

9 Membership 6,240,000.00 242,040,000.00 2019-2024

Procurement of Heavy ENVIRONMENTAL

10 Equipment/Garbage Truck 60,000,000.00 302,040,000.00 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 118

Purchase of Rescue ENVIRONMENTAL
11 Vehicle 15,000,000.00 317,040,000.00 2019-2024

Provision of ECONOMIC
12 Certified/Hybrid seeds 6,000,000.00 323,040,000.00 2019-2024

Financial/Medical SOCIAL
13 Assistance (Indigent) 18,652,240.00 341,692,240.00 2019-2024

Construction of Barangay
Material Recovery Facility ENVIRONMENTAL
14 for SEGREGATION 54,000,000.00 395,692,240.00 2019-2024

Provision of Resettlement
or Relocation Site for the SOCIAL
15 Informal Settlers Families 884,000,000.00 1,279,692,240.00 2019-2021

Sports Development SOCIAL

16 Program 12,000,000.00 1,291,692,240.00 2019-2024
Creation of vital
permanent plantilla
position (MENRO, PESO,
Economic Enterprise
Manager, Veterinarian and
17 others) 12,680,362.36 1,304,372,602.36 2019

Purchase of Plastic Waste ENVIRONMENTAL

to School Chair
18 Equipment. 6,000,000.00 1,310,372,602.36 2019-2024

19 ESTERO (Quarterly) 2,400,000.00 1,312,772,602.36 2019-2024

Capacity Development- ENVIRONMENTAL

Trainings on disaster
20 preparedness 1,200,000.00 1,313,972,602.36 2019-2024
21 Educational Assistance 12,000,000.00 1,325,972,602.36 2019-2024

Intensify Dengue SOCIAL

Prevention and Control
22 Program 3,000,000.00 1,328,972,602.36 2019-2024

Construction of Multi-
23 Center) 10,000,000.00 1,338,972,602.36 2019

Improvement of Rural PHYSICAL/INFRA

24 Health Unit (RHU III) 3,000,000.00 1,341,972,602.36 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 119

SPES (Special Program ECONOMIC
For Employment of
25 Students) 3,000,000.00 1,344,972,602.36 2019-2024

Formulation of Tourism ECONOMIC

26 Master Plan 500,000.00 1,345,472,602.36 2019

Construction of public PHYSICAL/INFRA

market with common
27 terminal 200,000,000.00 1,545,472,602.36 2019-2024

Rehabilitation of local core PHYSICAL/INFRA
28 roads 31,000,000.00 1,576,472,602.36 2019-2024
Capacity development and
leadership training (Local INSTITUTIONAL
29 and International) 1,500, 000.00 1,577,972,602.36 2019-2024

Incentive Program for Best ENVIRONMENTAL

30 Practices 1,000,000.00 1,578,972,602.36 2019-2024

Clean and Green Program
31 and Tree Planting Project 20,000,000.00 1,598,972,602.36 2019-2024

Construction of farm to ECONOMIC

market roads (Various
32 Brgys.) 400,000,000.00 1,998,972,602.36 2019-2024

Entrepreneurship ECONOMIC
Development for Agri-
33 Tourism 1,800,000.00 2,000,772,602.36 2019-2024
34 Desilting of waterways 30,000,000.00 2,030,772,602.36 2019-2024

Upgrading/retrofitting of
35 San Antonio-Panlinlang PHYSICAL/INFRA
Bridge (12.50 m.)

21,000,000.00 2,051,772,602.36 2019-2024

Purchase of additional fire SOCIAL

36 trucks 15,000,000.00 2,066,772,602.36 2019-2024

Purchase of additional SOCIAL

37 mobile patrol vehicles 3,000,000.00 2,069,772,602.36 2019-2020

38 Purchase of Boom Truck PHYSICAL/INFRA 2,000,000.00 2,071,772,602.36 2019

Construction of Road & PHYSICAL/INFRA

39 Concrete Bridge 295,314,857.80 2,367,087,460.16 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 120

Lakbay Aral - Best ENVIRONMENTAL
40 Practices of other LGUs 3,000,000.00 2,370,087,460.16 2019-2024

Establishment & PHYSICAL/INFRA

Construction of new
41 government Center Bldg 130,000,000.00 2,500,087,460.16 2019-2024

42 Skills Training Program ECONOMIC 600,000.00 2,500,687,460.16 2019-2024

43 Livelihood Program ECONOMIC 5,000,000.00 2,505,687,460.16 2019-2024

44 Expansion of Street lights PHYSICAL/INFRA 30,000,000.00 2,535,687,460.16 2019-2024

Purchase of ECO-BIKE &
ECO-BIKE, 30 units ECO
45 BASKET) 3,000,000.00 2,538,687,460.16 2019-2024

100% toilet and safe water SOCIAL

46 facilities for all households 15,000,000.00 2,553,687,460.16 2019-2024

Safeguarding and ECONOMIC

Promotion of Intangible
47 Heritage of Arayat 1,000,000.00 2,554,687,460.16 2019-2024

Establishment of additional
48 Fire Sub-Stations 10,000,000.00 2,564,687,460.16 2019-2024
Information, Education
Campaign on proper
49 QUALITY MGT. 1,000,000.00 2,565,687,460.16 2019-2024

50 Development of Plaza PHYSICAL/INFRA 20,000,000.00 2,585,687,460.16 2019-2024

Training/Seminar for SOCIAL

Volunteer Fire Brigade and
51 Rescue Team 600,000.00 2,586,287,460.16 2019-2024

Building/Assistance for SOCIAL
Persons with Disability
52 (PWDs) 600,000.00 2,586,887,460.16 2019-2024

Development of Farm/Agri ECONOMIC

53 Tourism 10,000,000.00 2,596,887,460.16 2019-2024

Marketing programs for

animal and crop ECONOMIC
54 production 500,000.00 2,597,387,460.16 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 121

Water & Air Quality ENVIRONMENTAL
management orientation &
seminars (quarterly) *In
partnership with EMB-
55 DENR 300,000.00 2,597,687,460.16 2019-2024
Procurement and
installation of Computer
System - MIS/GIS
56 APPLICATIONS 3,000,000.00 2,600,687,460.16 2019
Senior Citizen
57 Engagement SOCIAL 3,000,000.00 2,603,687,460.16 2019-2024
of Tourism Service
Facilities: *360 degree
view deck at Mt. Arayat
*Bridge rehabilitation
*Service road in leading to ECONOMIC
San Juan Baňo
*Transportation Terminal
*Rehabilitation of Glorietta
*Guide, Signs and
Information board for
58 tourism 150,000,000.00 2,753,687,460.16 2019-2024

Municipal wide Cultural ECONOMIC

59 Mapping 300,000.00 2,753,987,460.16 2019
Construction of San Juan
Baño-La paz Turu By-
60 Pass Road with 2 Bridges PHYSICAL/INFRA 440,000,000.00 3,193,987,460.16 2019-2024

Improve existing fire SOCIAL

hydrants / establish
61 additional fire hydrants 5,000,000.00 3,198,987,460.16 2019-2024

Supplementary Feeding SOCIAL

for Day Care & Primary
62 School 24,600,000.00 3,223,587,460.16 2019-2024

Emergency Employment: ECONOMIC

63 TUPAD 10,000,000.00 3,233,587,460.16 2019
Increase the number of
COP-Kababayan Police SOCIAL
64 Sub-Station 4,000,000.00 3,237,587,460.16 2019-2020

Solid Waste Management ENVIRONMENTAL

65 Program 54,000,000.00 3,291,587,460.16 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 122

Social Protection for SOCIAL
66 Children and Youth 5,000,000.00 3,296,587,460.16 2019-2024

Construction of PWD SOCIAL

67 centers 10,000,000.00 3,306,587,460.16 2019-2024

Establish Skills Registry ECONOMIC

68 System 1,000,000.00 3,307,587,460.16 2019

Alternative Program for SOCIAL

69 Out-of-School Youth 6,000,000.00 3,313,587,460.16 2019-2024

Construction/Rehabilitation PHYSICAL/INFRA
70 of Canals 2,462,360.00 3,316,049,820.16 2019-2024

Setting concrete and long
71 term legislative agenda 1,000,000.00 3,317,049,820.16 2019-2024

Establishment of ECONOMIC
greenhouse and Post
72 Harvest Facility 30,000,000.00 3,347,049,820.16 2019-2024

Establishment of Eco-Park ENVIRONMENTAL

of closed controlled
73 dumpsite. 5,000,000.00 3,352,049,820.16 2019-2024

Formulation of Revenue INSTITUTIONAL

74 Generation Plan 500,000.00 3,352,549,820.16 2019-2024
Construction of additional
education-related facilities
(e.g. classrooms, multi-
purpose halls, libraries,
75 etc.) SOCIAL 900,000.00 3,353,449,820.16 2019-2024

Hiring of a registered
76 social worker SOCIAL 2,000,000.00 3,355,449,820.16 2019-2024

Anti-Drug and Peace and

77 Order SOCIAL 12,000,000.00 3,367,449,820.16 2019-2024
Improvement of
transportation and
communication service for
78 police and firemen SOCIAL 18,000,000.00 3,385,449,820.16 2019-2024

Rehabilitation of
79 government Facilities PHYSICAL/INFRA 30,000,000.00 3,415,449,820.16 2019-2024

80 Installation of CCTV SOCIAL 18,000,000.00 3,433,449,820.16 2019-2024

Develop an electronic
access for legislative
81 output INSTITUTIONAL 1,800,000.00 3,435,249,820.16 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 123

Adoption of Legislative
measure in support for
Tourism and Cultural
82 Heritage Programs ECONOMIC 1,000,000.00 3,436,249,820.16 2019-2024
Establishment of different
83 educational facilities SOCIAL 40,000,000.00 3,476,249,820.16 2019-2024
Organize accredited
84 mountain guides ECONOMIC 1,000,000.00 3,477,249,820.16 2019-2024

Greening program @ MRF

(Nursery, Tree Planting,
85 Fencing, etc.) ENVIRONMENTAL 64,500,000.00 3,541,749,820.16 2019-2024

Creation of Anti-Squatting
86 Task Force SOCIAL 100,000.00 3,541,849,820.16 2019
Provision of animal health
care and treatment of
87 diseases ECONOMIC 2,000,000.00 3,543,849,820.16 2019

Establishment of linkage
with TESDA and possible
88 employers SOCIAL 1,000,000.00 3,544,849,820.16 2019-2024
Conduct training and
benchmarking on good
89 legislative practices INSTITUTIONAL 500,000.00 3,545,349,820.16 2019-2024

Improvement of signals in
90 government facilities PHYSICAL/INFRA 3,000,000.00 3,548,349,820.16 2019-2020
Procurement of necessary
equipment needed by the
barangay tanods (e.g.
vehicles, two-way radio,
91 appropriate logistics, etc.) SOCIAL 6,000,000.00 3,554,349,820.16 2019-2024

92 LGBT involvement SOCIAL 1,000,000.00 3,555,349,820.16 2019-2024

Construction of Various
93 barangay road (FMR) PHYSICAL/INFRA 300,000,000.00 3,855,349,820.16 2019-2024

Social Protection Program

for the Neglected,
Disadvantaged and
94 Marginalized sector SOCIAL 10,000,000.00 3,865,349,820.16 2019-2024

Creation of the Local

95 Housing Board (LHB) SOCIAL 100,000.00 3,865,449,820.16 2019
Establishment of trading
96 post ECONOMIC 2,000,000.00 3,867,449,820.16 2019-2024

97 of slaughterhouse PHYSICAL/INFRA 5,000,000.00 3,872,449,820.16 2019-2024

Development of LGU
98 Website INSTITUTIONAL 3,000,000.00 3,875,449,820.16 2019

Advocacies on Women
99 Empowerment SOCIAL 100,000.00 3,875,549,820.16 2019-2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 124

Construction of
accommodation and
support facilities
development: *Budget
Hotel (caters both local
and international tourist)
*Mountain Hotel and
100 Resort along Mt. Arayat ECONOMIC 300,000,000.00 4,175,549,820.16 2019-2024

Skills training for Agri

101 personnel and farmers ECONOMIC 600,000 4,176,149,820.16 2019-2024

Establishment of techno-
102 demo farm ECONOMIC 600,000 4,176,749,820.16 2019-2024

Capacity Building for

Cultural Heritage
103 Stakeholders ECONOMIC 300,000 4,177,049,820.16 2019-2024

Construction of irrigation
104 facilities, PHYSICAL/INFRA 150,000,000.00 4,327,049,820.16 2019-2024
Formulation and Updating
of mandated plans (Traffic
105 Management Plan etc) ECONOMIC 500,000.00 4,327,549,820.16 2019

Determining New Investment Potential

Analysis of historical data of income and expenditure shows that for the last two years,
the municipality’s total income and expenditure are on an increasing trend.

Historical Data on Income and Expenditure, 2015-2016

2015 2016
Tax Revenue 13,445,143.50 13,422,515.81
IRA Share 182,915,817.00 201,823,833.00
Revenue from fees and other sources 7,290,980.54 7,488,424.40
Others Shares from National Tax Collections 1,808,749.02 1,624,388.33
Total Income 205,460,689.86 224,359,161.54
Total Expenditures 204,868,440.15 221,876,233.46
Surplus 592,249.71 2,482,928.08
Source: Statement of Receipts and Expenses, 2015-2016

Data from 2015-2016 were used to project the income and expenses for the next six
years. Arayat’s income annual growth rate is 9.20%.

Projected Income and Expenditure, 2019-2024

Year Income Expenses Surplus

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 125

2019 308,300,475.00 308,300,475.00 0
2020 311,553,047.86 310,677,794.93 875,252.93
2021 345,699,261.91 344,120,998.94 1,578,262.97
2022 385,454,677.03 383,348,463.47 2,106,213.56
2023 431,516,510.94 429,146,615.71 2,369,895.23
2024 483,298,492.25 480,842,371.25 2,456,121.00

Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) is projected to determine the 20% development fund.
Municipality’s IRA annual growth rate is 9.49%.

Internal Revenue Allotment Projection, 2019-2024

Year IRA
2019 273,427,475.00
2020 302,274,073.61
2021 335,403,312.08
2022 373,974,692.97
2023 418,664,668.78
2024 468,904,429.03

Investible fund composition is the 20% or IRA and surplus. The municipality has more
than 400 million investible fund that can be allotted in a number of projects for the next
six years.

Projected Investible Fund 2015-2024

Year Surplus 20% of IRA Investible Fund

2019 0 54,685,495.00 54,685,495.00
2020 875,252.93 60,454,814.72 60,454,814.72
2021 1,578,262.97 67,080,662.42 67,080,662.42
2022 2,106,213.56 74,794,938.59 74,794,938.59
2023 2,369,895.23 83,732,933.76 83,732,933.76
2024 2,456,121.00 93,780,885.81 93,780,885.81

TOTAL 443,915,475.99

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 126

Medium Term Financing Program

For the next three years, the local government follows pragmatic approach. Ranked
programs and projects will be funded through local sources and funding from National
Agencies, Provincial Government and Private Institution such as NGOs and through

Table below shows financing scheme of ranked programs and projects.

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 127

Medium Term Financing for FY 2019 – 2021


LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
Rank Project / Activity Name SECTORAL NATL PVT
SHIP BRG Requirem
PROV MUN ent 2019 2020 2021
Functional Barangay
1 SOCIAL PROVIN 5,000 2,500 2,500 10,000 5,000 5,000
Health Stations
Provision of quality DOH/
2 maternal and child health SOCIAL PROVIN 1,000 1,000 500 500
services CE/LGU
Strengthen the Health
3 SOCIAL PROVIN 100,000 50,000 50,000 200.000 66,000 66,000 68,000
Provision of Resettlement
4 or Relocation Site for the SOCIAL 400,000 84,000 400,000 840,000 294,000 294,000 296,000
Informal Settlers Families
Construction of Multi- LGU/
5 Purpose building PROVIN 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000
(Evacuation Center) CE
Formulation of Tourism
Master Plan

Purchase of Boom Truck 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000
8 Procurement and INSTITUTIONA LGU 3,000 3,000 3,000
installation of Computer L
System - MIS/GIS

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 128

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
Rank Project / Activity Name SECTORAL NATL PVT
SHIP BRG Requirem
PROV MUN ent 2019 2020 2021
Municipal wide Cultural NCCA/
9 ECONOMIC 100 200 300 300
Mapping LGU
Emergency Employment: DOLE/
10 ECONOMIC 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000
Increase the number of
11 COP-Kababayan Police SOCIAL LGU 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000
Creation of Anti-Squatting
12 SOCIAL 100 100 100
Task Force
Provision of animal health DA/
13 care and treatment of ECONOMIC PROVIN 800 800 400 2,000 2,000
diseases CE/LGU
Improvement of signals in PHYSICAL/
14 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500
government facilities INFRA
Creation of the Local
15 SOCIAL 100 100 100
Housing Board (LHB)
16 LGU 3,000 3,000 3,000
Website L
Formulation and Updating
17 of mandated plans (Traffic ECONOMIC 250 250 500 500
Management Plan etc)
Purchase of additional
18 SOCIAL PROVIN 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,500 1,500
mobile patrol vehicles

Long Term Financing for FY 2019 – 2024

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 129

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Training of Health 166 166 170
Personnel and
1 SOCIAL PROVIN 1,000 1,000 166 166 166
BHWs (all health
Nutrition Drive for DOH/ 500 500 500
2 Barangays with High SOCIAL PROVIN 2,000 1,000 3,000 500 500 500
Malnutrition Rate CE/LGU
Purchase of 1,600 1,600 2,000
equipment for 5,000 5,000 10,000 1,600 1,600 1,600
disaster response
and rescue
GIS geo hazard 750 750 1,500
250 250 250
250 250 250
early warning 300 300 300
system and 900 900 1,800 300 300 300
communication, ENVIRONM
office, and materials 500 500 500
for life saving and
drr activities.
(uniform, medical
1,500 1,500 3,000 500 500 500
supplies and
equipment, and
other DRRM
Early Childhood 250 250 250
4 Care and SOCIAL LGU 1,500 1.500 250 250 250
Expansion of LGU/ 1,040 1,040 1,040
5 Philhealth SOCIAL PROVIN 6,240 6,240 1,040 1,040 1,040
Membership CE
6 Procurement of ENVIRONM LGU/ 50,000 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Equipment/Garbage CE

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 130

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
LGU/ 2,500 2,500 2,500
Purchase of Rescue ENVIRONM
7 PROVIN 7,500 7,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500
Vehicle ENTAL
Provision of 1,000 1,000 1,000
8 Certified/Hybrid ECONOMIC DA/LGU 5,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Financial/Medical 3,108 3,108 3,113
9 Assistance SOCIAL LGU 10,000 8,653 18,653 3,108 3,108 3,108
Construction of 9,000 9,000 9,000
Barangay Material ENVIRONM
10 PROVIN 50,000 4,000 54,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
Recovery Facility for ENTAL
Sports Development 2,000 2,000 2,000
11 SOCIAL LGU 12,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Purchase of Plastic LGU/ 1,000 1,000 1,000
12 Waste to School PROVIN 4,000 2,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Chair Equipment. CE
13 LGU 2,400 2,400 400 400 400
ESTERO (Quarterly) ENTAL
Capacity 200 200 200
Development- ENVIRONM
14 LGU 1,200 1,200 200 200 200
Trainings on disaster ENTAL
Educational 2,000 2,000 2,000
15 SOCIAL LGU 12,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Intensify Dengue DOH/ 500 500 500
16 Prevention and SOCIAL PROVIN 3,000 3,000 500 500 500
Control Program CE/LGU
Improvement of 500 500 500
17 Rural Health Unit 2,000 1,000 3,000 500 500 500

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 131

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
SPES (Special 500 500 500
Program For LGU/
18 ECONOMIC 1,500 1,500 3,000 500 500 500
Employment of DOLE
Construction of LGU/ 33,000 33,000 35,000
19 public market with PRIVAT 100,000 100,000 200,000 33,000 33,000 33,000
common terminal E
Construction/ 5,000 5,000 6,000
20 Rehabilitation of LGU 16,000 15,000 31,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
local core roads
Capacity 250 250 250
development and
21 leadership training LGU LGU 1,500 1,500 250 250 250
(Local and
LGU/ 160 160 200
Incentive Program ENVIRONM
22 PROVIN 500 500 1,000 160 160 160
for Best Practices ENTAL
LGU/ 3,300 3,300 3,500
Clean and Green
23 Program and Tree 15,000 5,000 20,000 3,300 3,300 3,300
Planting Project
Entrepreneurship DA/ 300 300 300
24 Development for ECONOMIC PROVIN 450 450 900 1,800 300 300 300
Agri-Tourism CE/LGU
Desilting of PHYSICAL/ 5,000 5,000 5,000
25 LGU 15,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
waterways INFRA
Upgrading/ 3,500 3,500 3,500
retrofitting of San PHYSICAL/ PROVIN
26 11,000 10,000 21,000 3,500 3,500 3,500
Antonio - Panlinlang INFRA CE/LGU
Bridge (12.50 m.)
Purchase of BFP/ 2,500 2,500 2,500
27 SOCIAL 7,500 7,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500
additional fire trucks LGU

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 132

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Lakbay Aral - Best LGU/ 500 500 500
28 Practices of other PROVIN 1,500 1,500 3,000 500 500 500
Construction of San 73,300 73,300 73,500
Juan Bano – La Paz PHYSICAL/
29 PROVIN 400,000 40,000 440,000 73,300 73,300 73,300
Turu By Pass Road INFRA
with 2 Bridges
Skills Training DOLE/ 100 100 100
30 ECONOMIC 300 300 600 100 100 100
Program LGU
Livelihood 830 830 850
31 Development ECONOMIC 5,000 5,000 830 830 830
Expansion of Street PHYSICAL/ PROVIN 5,000 5,000 5,000
32 15,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Purchase of ECO-
33 SEGREGATION LGU 1,500 1,500 3,000 500 500 500 500 500 500
units ECO-BIKE, 30
100% toilet and safe 2,500 2,500 2,500
34 water facilities for all SOCIAL 7,500 7,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500
Establishment of BFP/ 1,600 1,600 2,000
35 additional Fire Sub- SOCIAL PROVIN 5,000 2,500 2,500 10,000 1,600 1,600 1,600
Stations CE/LGU
Education Campaign
36 on proper LGU 1,000 1,000 160 160 160 160 160 200
37 Development of PHYSICAL/ 15,000 5,000 20,000 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,500

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 133

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Glorietta INFRA
Training/Seminar for
Volunteer Fire BFP/ 100 100 100
38 SOCIAL 600 600 100 100 100
Brigade and Rescue LGU
Capacity Building for
39 Persons with SOCIAL 600 600 100 100 100 100 100 100
Disability (PWDs)
Development of DOT/ 1,600 1,600 2,000
40 ECONOMIC 2,000 2,000 6,000 10,000 1,600 1,600 1,600
Farm/Agri Tourism PROVIN
Marketing programs
41 for animal and crop ECONOMIC 250 250 500 83 83 83 83 83 85
Water & Air Quality
orientation & ENVIRONM DENR/ 50 50 50
42 150 150 300 50 50 50
seminars (quarterly) ENTAL LGU
*In partnership with
Senior Citizen LGU/ 500 500 500
43 SOCIAL 1,500 1,500 3,000 500 500 500
Engagement NGO
44 Construction/ ECONOMIC DOT/ 65,000 65,000 20,000 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Rehabilitation of TIEZA/
Tourism Service PROVIN
Facilities: *360 CE/LGU
degree view deck at
Mt. Arayat *Bridge
*Service roads
leading to San Juan
Baňo 25,000 25,000 25,000

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 134

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Terminal *Public
Toilets inside Mt.
Arayat National
*Rehabilitation of
Glorietta *Guide,
Signs and
Information board for
Improve existing fire
hydrants / establish BFP/ 830 830 850
45 SOCIAL 2,500 2,500 5,000 830 830 830
additional fire LGU
Feeding for Day DEPED/ 4,100 4,100 4,100
46 SOCIAL 12,600 12,000 24,600 4,100 4,100 4,100
Care & Primary LGU
Solid Waste PROVIN 9,000 9,000 9,000
47 Management CE/ 25,000 20,000 9,000 54,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
Program NATION
Social Protection for 833 833 835
48 SOCIAL LGU 2,500 2,500 5,000 833 833 833
Children and Youth
LGU/ 1,600 1,600 2,000
Construction of NGO/
49 SOCIAL 2,500 2,500 5,000 10,000 1,600 1,600 1,600
PWD centers PRIVAT
Establish Skills DOLE/ 160 160 200
50 ECONOMIC 900 100 1,000 160 160 160
Registry System LGU
Alternative Program
51 for Out-of-School SOCIAL 3,000 3,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
52 Construction/ PHYSICAL/ 2,463 2,463 410 410 410 410 410 413

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 135

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Rehabilitation of
Setting concrete and
53 long term legislative LGU 1,000 1,000 160 160 160 160 160 200
Construction of
additional education-
related facilities (e.g. DEPED/ 150 150 150
54 SOCIAL 900 900 150 150 150
classrooms, multi- LGU
purpose halls,
libraries, etc.)
Anti-Drug and Peace
55 SOCIAL LGU 6,000 6,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
and Order 2,000 2,000 2,000
Develop an
56 electronic access for LGU 1,800 1,800 300 300 300 300 300 300
legislative output
Establishment of
linkage with TESDA LGU/ 160 160 200
57 SOCIAL 1,000 1,000 160 160 160
and possible TESDA
Conduct training 83 83 85
and benchmarking INSTITUTIO
58 LGU 500 500 83 83 83
on good legislative NAL
Procurement of
equipment needed
by the barangay 1,000 1,000 1,000
59 SOCIAL LGU 3,000 3,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
tanods (e.g.
vehicles, two-way
radio, appropriate
logistics, etc.)
60 Construction of PHYSICAL/ LGU/ 50,000 50,000 50,000
150,000 150,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Various barangay INFRA PROVIN
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 136
LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
road (FMR) CVE
Social Protection
Program for the
61 Neglected, SOCIAL 5,000 5,000 10,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 2,000
Disadvantaged and
Marginalized sector
62 Rehabilitation of LGU 5,000 5,000 833 833 833 833 833 835
Advocacies on
63 Women SOCIAL 100 100 16 16 16 16 16 20
Construction of
accommodation and
support facilities
development: 50,000 50,000 50,000
*Budget Hotel PROVIN
64 ECONOMIC 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
(caters both local CE/LGU
and international
tourist) *Mountain
Hotel and Resort
along Mt. Arayat
Skills training for DA-
65 Agri personnel and ECONOMIC ATI/ 300 300 600 100 100 100 100 100 100
farmers LGU
Establishment of
66 ECONOMIC PROVIN 300 150 150 600 100 100 100 100 100 100
techno-demo farm
Capacity Building for
67 Cultural Heritage ECONOMIC 100 200 300 50 50 50 50 50 50
Construction of PHYSICAL/ 25,000 25,000 25,000
68 85,000 65,000 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
irrigation facilities, INFRA
69 Improvement of SOCIAL PNP/ 6,000 6,000 6,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 137
LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
transportation and
communication PROVIN 3,000 3,000 3,000
service for police CE/LGU
and firemen
3,000 3,000 3,000
70 Installation of CCTV SOCIAL LGU 9,000 9,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Establishment of LGU/
different PROVIN 10,000
71 SOCIAL 20,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
vocational/technical CE/ 6,000 6,000
educational facilities TESDA
166 166 170
72 LGBT involvement SOCIAL LGU 1,000 1,000 166 166 166
Construction of
73 Road & Concrete 195,315 100,000 295,315 49,219 49,219 49,219 49,219 49,219 49,220
Rehabilitation of PHYSICAL/ 6,000 6,000 6,000
74 LGU 30,000 30,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
government INFRA
Construction of farm
75 to markets roads 200,000 200,000 400,000 66,600 66,600 66,600 66,600 66,600 67,000
(Various Brgys.)
Purchase of
76 SOCIAL PROVIN 3,000 3,000 500 500 500 500 500 500
Hiring of a registered
77 SOCIAL LGU 1,000 1,000 2,000 330 330 330 330 330 350
social worker
Formulation of
78 Revenue Generation LGU 500 500 80 80 80 80 80 100
79 Creation of vital INSTITUTIO LGU 12,681 12,681 2,100 2,100 2,100
permanent plantilla NAL
position (MENRO,

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 138

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
PESO, GSO, 2,100 2,100 2,181
Economic Enterprise
Manager and others)
Establishment of DA/
80 greenhouse and ECONOMIC PROVIN 20,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Post Harvest Facility CE/LGU
Adoption of
Legislative measure
81 in support for ECONOMIC LGU 1,000 1,000 166 166 166 166 166 170
Tourism and Cultural
Heritage Programs
Organize accredited
82 ECONOMIC DENR/ 500 500 1,000 166 166 166 166 166 170
mountain guides
Establishment of
83 ECONOMIC PROVIN 500 500 1,000 2,000 330 330 330 330 330 350
trading post
Safeguarding and
Promotion of
Intangible Heritage PROVIN
84 ECONOMIC 500 500 1,000 166 166 166 166 166 170
of Arayat CE/LGU

Establishment of LGU/
85 Eco-Park of closed PROVIN 4,000 1,000 5,000 830 830 830 830 830 850
controlled dumpsite. CE

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 139

LGU Investment (in '000 Php)
UNIT Total
Project / Activity OWNER B Funding 2022 2023 2024
Name SHIP R Require
PROV MUN ment 2019 2020 2021
Greening program DA/
86 30,000 20,000 14,500 64,500 10,750 10,750 10,750 10,750 10,750 10,750
Tree Planting, ENTAL PROVIN
Fencing, etc.) CE

Purchase of Rescue ENVIRONM
87 PROVIN 7,500 7,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Vehicles ENTAL


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 140

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Functional Barangay
10,000,000.00 SOCIAL 95 23.75 85 17 90 13.5 95 38 92.25 1
Health Stations

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 141

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Provision of quality
maternal and child health 1,000,000.00 SOCIAL 98 24.5 80 16 90 13.5 95 38 92 2
Purchase of Medicines 3,000,000.00 SOCIAL 98 24.5 80 16 90 13.5 95 38 92 3
Training of Health
Personnel and BHWs (all 1,000,000.00 SOCIAL 95 23.75 80 16 90 13.5 95 38 91.25 4
health programs)
Nutrition Drive for
Barangays with High 3,000,000.00 SOCIAL 95 23.75 80 16 90 13.5 95 38 91.25 5
Malnutrition Rate
Purchase of equipment
for disaster response and
rescue (1,000,000.00),
GIS geo hazard mapping,
early warning system and
communication, DRRM ENVIRONM
16,300,000.00 90 22.5 90 18 95 14.25 90 36 90.75 6
office, and materials for ENTAL
life saving and drr
activities. (uniform,
medical supplies and
equipment, and other
DRRM paraphernalia)
Strengthen the Health
200,000,000.00 SOCIAL 95 23.75 80 16 85 12.75 95 38 90.5 7
Early Childhood Care and
1,500,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 90 8
Expansion of Philhealth
6,240,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 90 9
Procurement of Heavy ENVIRONM
60,000,000.00 90 22.5 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 90 10
Equipment/Garbage ENTAL

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 142

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Purchase of Rescue ENVIRONM
15,000,000.00 88 22 90 18 92 13.8 90 36 89.8 11
Vehicle ENTAL
Provision of
6,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 90 22.5 90 18 85 12.75 91 36.4 89.65 12
Certified/Hybrid seeds
18,652,240.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 88 17.6 90 13.5 90 36 89.6 13
Assistance (Indigent)
Construction of Barangay
Material Recovery Facility 54,000,000.00 90 22.5 88 17.6 90 13.5 90 36 89.6 14
Provision of Resettlement
or Relocation Site for the 884,000,000.00 SOCIAL 95 23.75 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 89.5 15
Informal Settlers Families
Sports Development
12,000,000.00 SOCIAL 88 22 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 89.5 16
Creation of vital
permanent plantilla
position (MENRO, PESO,
GSO, Administrator, 12,680,362.00 88 22 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 89.5 17
Economic Enterprise
Manager, Veterinarian
and others)
Purchase of Plastic
Waste to School Chair 6,000,000.00 88 22 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 89.5 18
2,400,000.00 90 22.5 87 17.4 90 13.5 90 36 89.4 19
ESTERO (Quarterly) ENTAL
Capacity Development-
Trainings on disaster 1,200,000.00 89 22.25 89 17.8 89 13.35 90 36 89.4 20

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 143

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank

Educational Assistance 12,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 90 18 91 13.65 88 35.2 89.35 21

Intensify Dengue
Prevention and Control 3,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 80 16 85 12.75 95 38 89.25 22
Construction of Multi-
10,000,000.00 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 95 38 89 23
buildings(Evacuation INFRA
Improvement of Rural PHYSICAL/
3,000,000.00 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 95 38 89 24
Health Units (RHU III) INFRA
SPES (Special Program
For Employment of 3,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 90 22.5 90 18 80 12 91 36.4 88.9 25

Formulation of Tourism 500,000.00 ECONOMIC 77 19.25 95 19 95 14.25 91 36.4 88.9 26

Master Plan
Construction of public
market with common 200,000,000.00 90 22.5 90 18 85 12.75 89 35.6 88.85 27
Rehabilitation of local 31,000,000.00 85 21.25 90 18 90 13.5 90 36 88.75 28
core roads
Capacity development
1,500,000.00 INSTITUTIO
and leadership training 88 22 90 18 90 13.5 88 35.2 88.7 29
(Local and International)
Incentive Program for ENVIRONM
1,000,000.00 88 22 88 17.6 88 13.2 89 35.6 88.4 30
Best Practices ENTAL
Clean and Green
Program and Tree 20,000,000.00 85 21.25 88 17.6 90 13.5 90 36 88.35 31
Planting Project

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 144

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Construction of farm to
market roads (Various 400,000,000.00 88 22 85 17 83 12.45 92 36.8 88.25 32
Development for Agri- 1,800,000.00 ECONOMIC 75 18.75 90 18 90 13.5 95 38 88.25 33
Desilting of waterways 30,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 34
Upgrading/retrofitting of
San Antonio - Panlinlang 21,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 35
Bridge (12.50 m.)
Purchase of additional
15,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 36
fire trucks
Purchase of additional
3,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 37
mobile patrol vehicles
Purchase of Boom Truck 2,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 38
Construction of Road PHYSICAL/
295,314,857.00 88 22 85 17 83 12.45 92 36.8 88.25 39
Concrete Bridge INFRA
Lakbay Aral - Best ENVIRONM
3,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 40
Practices of other LGUs ENTAL
Establishment &
Construction of new 130,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 90 36 88.25 41
government Center Bldg
Skills Training Program 600,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 93 37.2 88.2 42

Livelihood Program 5,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 90 22.5 85 17 82 12.3 91 36.4 88.2 43

Expansion of Street lights 30,000,000.00 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 93 37.2 88.2 44
Purchase of ECO-BIKE & 3,000,000.00 ENVIRONM 92 23 85 17 80 12 90 36 88 45

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 145

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
ECO-BIKE, 30 units ECO
100% toilet and safe
water facilities for all 15,000,000.00 SOCIAL 89 22.25 88 17.6 80 12 90 36 87.85 46
Safeguarding and
Promotion of Intangible 1,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 85 17.6 85 12.75 90 36 87.6 47
Heritage of Arayat
Establishment of
additional Fire Sub- 10,000,000.00 SOCIAL 89 22.25 89 17.8 85 12.75 87 34.8 87.6 48
Information, Education
Campaign on proper ENVIRONM
1,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 80 12 90 36 87.5 49
Development of Glorietta 20,000,000.00 90 22.5 85 17 85 12.75 88 35.2 87.45 50
Training/Seminar for
Volunteer Fire Brigade 600,000.00 SOCIAL 87 21.75 88 17.6 83 12.45 89 35.6 87.4 51
and Rescue Team
Capacity Building for
Persons with Disability 600,000.00 SOCIAL 88 22 89 17.8 85 12.75 87 34.8 87.35 52
Development of
10,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 89 22.25 85 17 83 12.45 89 35.6 87.3 53
Farm/Agri Tourism
Marketing programs for
animal and crop 500,000.00 ECONOMIC 88 22 87 17.4 84 12.6 88 35.2 87.2 54

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 146

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Water & Air Quality
management orientation
& seminars (quarterly) 300,000.00 90 22.5 82 16.4 82 12.3 90 36 87.2 55
*In partnership with EMB-
Procurement and
installation of Computer
System - MIS/GIS
3,000,000.00 90 22.5 75 15 91 13.65 90 36 87.15 56
Senior Citizen
3,000,000.00 SOCIAL 87 21.75 89 17.8 85 12.75 87 34.8 87.1 57
Construction/ 150,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 80 20 88 17.6 90 13.5 90 36 87.1 58
Rehabilitation of Tourism
Service Facilities: *360
degree view deck at Mt.
Arayat *Bridge
rehabilitation *Service
roads leading to San
Juan Baňo
*Transportation Terminal
*Public Toilets inside Mt.
Arayat National Park@
*Rehabilitation of
Glorietta *Guide, Signs

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IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
and Information board for
Municipal wide Cultural
300,000.00 ECONOMIC 90 22.5 95 19 90 13.5 80 32 87 59
Construction of San Juan
Baňo - LaPaz Turu By- 440,000,000.00 88 22 88 17.6 83 12.45 87 34.8 86.85 60
pass Road with 2 bridges
Improve existing fire
hydrants / establish 5,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.60 73 14.6 87 13.55 90 36 86.15 61
additional fire hydrants
Supplementary Feeding
for Day Care & Primary 24,600,000.00 SOCIAL 88 22 85 17 83 12.45 88 35.2 86.65 62
Emergency Employment:
10,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 89 22.25 89 17.8 84 12.6 85 34 86.65 63
Increase the number of
COP-Kababayan Police 4,000,000.00 SOCIAL 89 22.25 89 17.8 83 12.45 85 34 86.5 64
Solid Waste Management ENVIRONM
54,000,000.00 86 21.5 85 17 85 12.75 88 35.2 86.45 65
Program ENTAL
Social Protection for
5,000,000.00 SOCIAL 85 21.25 88 17.6 82 12.3 88 35.2 86.35 66
Children and Youth
Construction of PWD
10,000,000.00 SOCIAL 89 22.25 87 17.4 84 12.6 85 34 86.25 67
Establish Skills Registry
1,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 85 17 80 12 90 36 86.25 68
Alternative Program for
6,000,000.00 SOCIAL 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 88 35.2 86.2 69
Out-of-School Youth
Construction/ PHYSICAL/
2,462,360.00 90 22.5 73 14.6 87 13.05 90 36 86.15 70
Rehabilitation of Canals INFRA

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 148

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Setting concrete and long INSTITUTIO
1,000,000.00 90 22.5 74 14.8 88 13.2 89 35.6 86.1 71
term legislative agenda NAL
Establishment of
greenhouse and Post 30,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 82 16.4 80 12 91 36.4 86.05 72
Harvest Facility
Establishment of Eco-
Park of closed controlled 5,000,000.00 85 21.25 80 16 85 12.75 90 36 86 73
Formulation of Revenue INSTITUTIO
500,000.00 90 22.5 75 15 91 13.65 87 34.8 85.95 74
Generation Plan NAL
Construction of additional
facilities (e.g. classrooms, 900,000.00 SOCIAL 88 22 81 16.2 83 12.45 88 35.2 85.85 75
multi-purpose halls,
libraries, etc.)
Hiring of a registered
2,000,000.00 SOCIAL 85 21.25 87 17.4 80 12 88 35.2 85.85 76
social worker
Anti-Drug and Peace and
12,000,000.00 SOCIAL 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 87 34.8 85.8 77
Improvement of
transportation and
18,000,000.00 SOCIAL 84 21 88 17.6 83 12.45 87 34.8 85.85 78
communication service
for police and firemen
Rehabilitation of 30,000,000.00 90 22.5 80 16 80 12 88 35.2 85.7 79
government Facilities
Installation of CCTV 18,000,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 73 14.6 91 13.65 87 34.8 85.55 80
Develop an electronic
access for legislative 1,800,000.00 90 22.5 75 15 87 13.05 87 34.8 85.35 81

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IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Adoption of Legislative
measure in support for
1,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 80 16 80 12 90 36 85.25 82
Tourism and Cultural
Heritage Programs
Establishment of different
vocational/technical 40,000,000.00 SOCIAL 87 21.75 80 16 82 12.3 88 35.2 85.25 83
educational facilities
Organize accredited
1,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 88 22 87 17.4 84 12.6 83 33.2 85.2 84
mountain guides
Greening program @
MRF (Nursery, Tree 64,500,000.00 82 20.5 85 17 85 12.75 87 34.8 85.05 85
Planting, Fencing, etc.)
Creation of Anti-Squatting
100,000.00 SOCIAL 91 22.75 79 15.8 88 13.2 83 33.2 84.95 86
Task Force
Provision of animal health
care and treatment of 2,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 84 21 80 16 85 12.75 88 35.2 84.95 87
Establishment of linkage
with TESDA and possible 1,000,000.00 SOCIAL 88 22 81 16.2 83 12.45 85 34 84.65 88
Conduct training and
benchmarking on good 500,000.00 85 21.25 73 14.6 88 13.2 88 35.2 84.25 89
legislative practices
Improvement of signals in PHYSICAL/
3,000,000.00 85 21.25 85 17 85 12.75 83 33.2 84.2 90
government facilities INFRA
Procurement of
necessary equipment
needed by the barangay
6,000,000.00 SOCIAL 82 20.5 84 16.8 85 12.75 85 34 84.05 91
tanods (e.g. vehicles,
two-way radio,
appropriate logistics, etc.)

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 150

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank

LGBT involvement 1,000,000.00 SOCIAL 83 20.75 80 16 88 13.2 84 33.6 83.55 92

Construction of Various PHYSICAL/
300,000,000.00 88 22 85 17 83 12.45 87 36.8 83.25 93
barangay roads INFRA
Social Protection
Program for the
Neglected, 5,000,000.00 SOCIAL 84 21 82 16.4 84 12.6 83 33.2 83.2 94
Disadvantaged and
Marginalized sector
Creation of the Local
100,000.00 SOCIAL 90 22.5 73 14.6 88 13.2 82 32.8 83.1 95
Housing Board (LHB)
Establishment of trading
2,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 83 20.75 80 16 81 12.15 85 34 82.9 96
Rehabilitation of 5,000,000.00 81 20.25 75 15 83 12.45 88 35.2 82.9 97
Development of LGU INSTITUTIO
3,000,000.00 85 21.25 60 12 87 13.05 90 36 82.3 98
Website NAL
Advocacies on Women
100,000.00 SOCIAL 85 21.25 72 14.4 85 12.75 83 33.2 81.6 99
Construction of
accommodation and
support facilities
development: *Budget
300,000,000.00 ECONOMIC 70 17.5 70 14 90 13.5 90 36 81 100
Hotel (caters both local
and international tourist)
*Mountain Hotel and
Resort along Mt. Arayat
Skills training for Agri
600,000.00 ECONOMIC 85 21.25 85 17 80 12 73 29.2 79.45 101
personnel and farmers

Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 151

IMPACT Cross – Sectoral
Project / Activity Name Sector
25% 20% 15% 40%

Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Points Rating Rank
Establishment of techno-
600,000.00 ECONOMIC 80 20 80 16 75 11.25 80 32 79.25 102
demo farm
Capacity Building for
Cultural Heritage 300,000.00 ECONOMIC 60 15 75 15 90 13.5 88 35.2 78.7 103
Construction of irrigation PHYSICAL/
150,000,000.00 60 15 75 15 90 13.5 88 35.2 78.7 104
facilities INFRA
Formulation and Updating
of mandated plans
500,000.00 ECONOMIC 60 15 75 15 90 13.5 88 35.2 78.7 105
(Traffic Management Plan


Comprehensive Development Plan 2019 – 2024| |Municipality of Arayat, Pampanga| | 152

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