CSA-Certified Shariah Auditor Pumflet
CSA-Certified Shariah Auditor Pumflet
CSA-Certified Shariah Auditor Pumflet
NIBAF is offering a Six-days (36 hours) cer�ficate course in Shari'ah Audit – Cer�-
fied Shari’ah Auditor (CSA). This is a unique course offered on the subject which
will equip the par�cipants with concepts of Audit & Shari’ah Audit, AAOIFF’s
Audi�ng Standards, Shari'ah Governance Framework as well as audit of deposits
/ financing related branches as well as support func�ons such as CAD, Credit
Opera�ons etc. Course will also shed light on Shari'ah Audit of Treasury and
Pool Management func�ons as well as impart knowledge about audit of various
modes of Islamic finance.