Sem 3 Civil 2019 To 2022 Pyqs

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/te Suro ;L I Qv,'f / o'ri.- bo,',--a tfilgr LilLt 2ary
Paper / Subject Code:3180I.i Anatysis - II ollaEl% tq

{3 }{ours} f.Tefal lvfinrks,: 8$

N.lJ: il ) Question No. I is *ompulsor,r'

(?i Attenrpr any Three questions nut cf r*maining tive questions.
ii) .\ssunre suitable data whcrever required and state it clcariy.

{4) Iilustrate !'olr answer*,tvit}r :teat coillporlont sketches wherever required.


t. ,four +f t&ia f**i+tr.fu*g 1{t


(a) Defwrrnine dgsrce of static and kincmatic indeterminacy of folir:wing 06



(;) t,

(r}] Derive the slope d*floction equ*tioa &r continucus,beqim su\iecled to {}.{
i:f support.
Dereimiue shape {actor for isosceies lriangular section having irase 'h' and
i'rctight ''1'11

Ii.xgiiriin stifliiess lactor, c&ri'y over moment a${i d'i$ffibution,'f*cfor, 03

(a) [)raw BMD"q*d SFD for continuous beam shown below using Clapeyrfit$ 0$

$* r-tt

,{-* 3 *r **if-2m*'****- 4/n - ---.d"

,Im +

(b) Anail'zc tl:c lranic givcn bclt:w using slope rieflection n:ethod. Draw BMI)



J. Ii3

g w ***+


BFE4 r62D582636FA14E8A96D48 I 2D I 5A
Analysis'II \
Paper / Subject Code: 31801 / Structural


Analyse rhe frame shorm" usi:rg Morlsnt distribution

methsd or Ka:ri's ?0
*fi f I


f,x( I
t t-

*.j 4a
of pin jointed fi'a-rne as slrow!:,,Use fbrcc
Deterrnine fcrccs in each meurbcr 10
4. (a)
mcthort. .\*?-0ff mrn2. E=200SP*.

''** 4*
,r.\ Work ou1 the verticai deflectio[ r:f point C due to change itt tentperatY*^
ou S?
tn' ilrJi*"-.], "fake *riokness of each member :t00 mm. and u1 =l2Xl0*/" C
E*?00 GPa


* 3$4 4
to) Stat* the assumptions made theory of plastic antrlysis. S3

Antrly*e t6e poitr* f'ranre *hCIr+rr-belsw, using stil,fness rnatrix OR Fiexibility 16

). ta]
Msrtrix *rethoei. Drarv BMD and de.flected shape,

State the advantage a*d riisadvantage Qf indsternrinate structure &4



BFE4l 62D582636FA1 4E8A96D4E 1 2D 1 5A


Paper / Subject Code: 31801 / Skuctural Analysis - II

6. (*) . Find plastic moment of resistance for bearn sholvn in figure.

w Kct/m 5b xN tt*n/*t

p."t*,+* ryf*.**fiSro *f-**4# *{

Using the apploximate method analysc the building frarne subjeeted to tz
horizonlal fu,rces as shcri/n in figure. Also drarv BMD.




s {w


ti ----,F-.** i*t i ."-*-,*oir






*r', BFE4 I 62D582636FA1488A95D48 I 2D I 5A

l, E'. ,-{ € m (v) I ur trlc+-torLtr (
Paper / Subject Code: 31802 / Geotechnical Engineering -
BASa o/ FtRsr

(Time:3 Hours)

N.B 1 Attempt anv 4 oui of six questions

2. Question 1 is cornpulsory
3. Assume aly suitable data where ever required , ... ..'\'


b. Explain the principle of sedimentation

distribution of soil passing through 75
hydrometer analysis _.i.,.i,;..'. ;11.,.1i';,:i .:il a:,
:' ,.r.. r\ _'.-, ' ;n' $ r+r 1\' \
c. What u,,ill be the ratio of average
vertical direction for the soil ot
thickness and permeability of

d. 05

e. 05

Q.2 a"
..,..., ,;t:,.!.
" "r
:'1r;d,. sar: .j
b. 10
hcight 6m
ofsoil _tdS-'e":t
elnbAnlirriiitii.:., ,

'a.' l: 'i 1 . :. "'i) .:.

:-.. ... /ii : ..,


is 8%.when the soil is dried from 06

25% of its volume at plastic limit.
rfrom liquid limit to dry state is 34% of
limit and shrinkage ratio

"_".':''.".. .l

.:.r8-.iiiv',,'e',' ,.20"1: 41.F: t'/::' 1

I 0.6 0.425 0.3 0.212 0.1s 0.0?5
.",.,'.';, iI
''.t,, -i. - .:1 t
,":"-'Sl_ ,
ttr.:r;'. -t
,';-.[hirn].l; .
. t" -,' ,.. .,, '+
J.J i.'r85 MA 160 142 118 82 56 35

1iq, i iimin:.ahd
.ahd plasticity index of the sample
sampl is 15% wd 20yo respectively,
soil sample as per trS classification.

Page 1 of 2
, .:

DA951B7?C 16092478E 12F6CC9t ?837F I

,@ Paper / Subject Code: 3f802 / Geotechnical
Engineering - I

., '11,.r^'l ;^. ^,, ..-i ,r. 'ir:
behaviour .';ri,]:-.';-:1"''",'-:-'-:t-lt''-: f i'"'
of I0
was conducted-'iriia*iir' soeoimen
A raboratory::T1u,,h:,i1r:r::::1Y-:'::I1';:*I::-tsfi:**#5*
laboratory constant head permeability test ai
I0 :

^. voidratio0.45.Thecy1indricatrspccimen'-x,x';,"##.:,t#ii;#,..;-.i-.
iir- test was tscm'after
l)cm.aller one l 'r'vo'-- '
.''l :
durinf the
16.8cm.the head during
If th€r+oi4,:-' ' i
of warer was coltecrert. Compute the coefficie;i;i;;;"rb+1.'l,y 'i"P
afsb-s@ait.thst ' ".
rario changes to 0.38 what would be rhe "rrung.-irip*"".au1rirr,
r;;;. ,iocity for both the void ratios
.. . .;--::i.,,11",,"
'- ' .' "i .", , ,.- . ,, ,,. ;
,;.:',.*'..'. +
1,, r,'"1_
^*.,.,-1'"j -i:t'i'i".:.:;ti,-',:.= ::.' i.'1'

b. A granular soil deposit 8m deep

.,"ihi e,l
oler an impermgaple..l^ayelJhe aver. itre gr.o.q+d.yqer
eroun&:wgter .
tAblp, """.I ' I0
0 p|lii
; ffiT:il#il;ffii'-""1. .rtre
is 4rn below er",irJll'"i. rlte deposi-
depos,t r,us u ,9"e
"total;iro1e 6 of iTlttqq
p:o..*' , l''
saturation Plot the variation of
of 50%. .eff111vt.
diagram with e=0.6 and G:2.65. :.. .\.;* .;1: -J ":l'.;,: ,i'r'.i.,'^"-:
'.1 it::'-' ,',11.,'..-*--1,'
i;;r-J1 -'
.. .,,i *i "^^i' .:F
;r $:,jy';1:,l;
.:.: .a;:;',-::'.
':'- .-..'.1
':-: ."+"..,..' '" :
:-r:r. r...

^. ,'
..",. ..,]p.,
,r' .." *i *': .;' '.
,. .., 1"--1-. ,rL
jr."g-H,i* tie averaae''"':'' 10
A pumping out test *lL cuq"l"rf111.1f".f;[q^ii*Ogf,ir-toif"tei*ni:at
^. cn effi ci en r of permeability 8E',ft ic* sdnd
o ermeabititv of I1 8p't&ibl ,dnd" layesl"'Q9
Leyefl .T.. hF [tt--[g'
sra.Pr$'Y.tLS i.ur" l, pi u i

depth of 2.2m below the ground-feye'ffi
;J#il;;ii i""i ; *lt7;;, _e.mis fuierqEdai,is"r ;ih{l ,ft

while the drawdown

ssvtuv'lr. in the twoeb$"grytstipqtveUs;bltua.tefh:
: i\
wulv urv
wcll Wefe
test Well found to
i.Z6iii +dne
LU Utr rtlr}r'.
ru'v T'21'm
'i ?
t *otl1el1,
.i-"r*,:*.;'-+', Eint ii*i* or
': :
ii1 {,,,t{-{
permeabilityandradir*:pfinfluenbe-- ' '- 'r " ''r ' ^" 'rj: : '.r'i"' '

b. ".
Define Darcy,s Lrr..'6;dri;ioJ,trre.a**rnptor|.41".l.antassL.9,ytio+.fbr
Two 05

.,,1."-,,'.-.' ..,, ':i'..l:t" _, -
... '.:.,'
", .
; - .r..^$:1,"'"-,,1i
-r'. ,.,':;1,.-1...:.t

c. 'f;."': ,.;;'f,'"i:;i*p;.:rl.j".{iix"-ii+lg;:i*-*;i*..,Ltalnrn" head

A r.25m tuy., ot'dapU;rS%;'eZitStiS,sirh&tea$byn:upw,did:se-bpage
of 05
the existing soil to
1.85m' what depth ot'L$ltJt'*'nU:XOro u* reqirile.q''eubve
;;;;i; fa-ctor iir
provide *a r,p1o, pl-safety rfir"rtb't, p.tqins.3 $h{4.}}:,q",*i-:and
of 2 agai nsrpipingJ;'$s$.gqe the,ci:arse'Sand haslhe
has the same

porosity an{ specrtrc gfavrry t= t",i};'d ii n"Cf igible headiloss in sand

0-6 ft, Definc relative compaction . placemeht water content ano
"* : ...1 ,..* .^:r.LI "r., . ,r .:* - .1..:,. /I ;1 .'' "..r. ..'.,.r
. .ii.;,;i:.fir..!;1,,*;:r;yl
;;',i-rir,",r..l;.lt+: lf 05

irdter weighs 1 07 1 gm when L0

d due to heavY rains what wil1be the

there is no change in porosity. Given

l'. ,.. ;i i


Page 2 of 2

DA96 I B?7C t 6092A78E1 2F6CC9 I 783?F I

r*- I c rV, +' sr,m :f t [^-^i .-o .Bq^s" d fl
pauer / Suhject Code: 3l8f)3 I Applied Hydraulics^+
h*5 2a\g
J)e{ta ,*tl5lrq
(Time: 3 hours) Total nrarks: 80
N:B (l)Question no.0I is compulsory"
(2)Aftempt any 3 questions out nf the remaining 5 questions.
{3}Assurne elata lvherever necessan,and cleartry mentiom the assumption nrade.
(4)Draw neat figunes as required.

Ql Attempt Any Four 20

A llefine hydiaulic efftciency, mechanical efficiencr, and overall efficiency of a
B Explain undistorted models. What rs the use of undistoned models'?
C What is priming? Why is it necessary?
D Derir,'e the conditions f,or most econoinical circular channel section for maxirnum
E Derive moment of momentum equation,
F Cornpare between inrpulse fi.rrbine and reaction turbine.

Q2 A. Derive on the basis of dimensional anaiysis sLiitable parameters to present the thrust l0
developed by a propeller. Assume that tkre tirnist P depends on the angular velocity rr:,
speed of advance V, diameter D, dynamic viscosity p, mass density p. elasticity of
th* fluid medium which can be denoted by the speed of the sound in the medium C.
B A lat',n sprinkler has two nozzles of diameter l0 mm each at the end of a rotating ann t0
snd the velocity of tlou'of rvater frcorn each n<tzzle is l2 misec. One nozzle discharges
v/ater in the dor.vnward direction, while the other nozzie discharges waler rrertically
up. The nozzles are at distance of. 42 crn from the center of the rotatlng arm.
Determine the torque requir"etl to hold the rotating arm stationary Also determine the
constant Speed of rotation of arm, if it is free to rotate.

Q3 A What are the methods of dimensional analysis) Expiain it. l0

B What is jet propulsion of ship ? Explain v,;ith neat sketch. 10

Q4 A . A'jet of water hav-ing a velocity of 15 rnls'strikes a curv'ed vane, which is moving l0

.-rvith a velocity of 5.rn/s in the same direition as rhat olthe jet at inlet. The vane is so
shaped rhat the jet is deflected through 135 degrees. The ciiameter of jet is 100 mm.
Assumirrg the vane to be smooth, find force exened by the
-iet on the vane in the
directiorr of inr:tion, power exerted on the van* and efficiency of the vane.
B A n-lrbine i'{ to aperate under a head of 25 nr at 200 r.p.m. The discharge is 9 curnec. 10
If the efficiency is 9096, determine the perfiirrnance of the turbine under a head of 20

Q5. .A Deflne cavitations. What are the effects of cavitations? s

- .a; What tio you rnean bir n:uitistagc pllmps s
C The.discharge ihrough a rectangular chamel of width 6 rn, is l8 ml/sec when depth of lCI
flow of wafer is 2 nr. Calcuiate i) Specific energy o1'the flowing water, ii) Critical
depth and cntical velocity and iii; Value of minimum specific energy.

Q6 A Describe briefly the functions of rnain componsnts of Pelton wheel turbine with neat lt)
B Expl4in hydraulic j,;inp. And Derive an expression for loss of energy due to hydraulie
* + * ++ * + ***+* **** *** t *it *

7L5iA6 Page I of I
I 7E36D805955 i 28 tlqE32F0CE5 F'9CD I ?S
sa,rrT e}a}<r B*."1 (1ly.l 1*H 2--oy51
ffi f a\rr {Paper/SubjectCode:3l804/EnvironmentatEngineering-I
.e-etre : z+f sf
(3 hours) . I\{arks : 80


1. Question No I is compulsory

2. Attempt any three questions from the remaining five questions

3. Assume suitable data where ever required

4. Figures to the right indicate full marks

Q.l Attemptanyfour ...,:,,,-:'.,,-',,'..r"-..,

I:.,:: r - ., ,,,. (20)
a. Write down the permissible limits fu't:m.tto*ingparameters set by BIS and its
significance i) Residual chlorine,:ii)' it1, iiDrhardness ,iv) chiorides v)
b. Explain classification of distribution system with neat sketch.
c. Give the requirements of good water meter.
d. what are the impacts of air pollution on man and environment?
e. Compare chlorine and ozone as disinfectant
Q.2 a. Draw the flow diagram of water treatment process and explain each (10)
component in details.
b. What do you mean by intake structure? Explain any 3 types of it (0s)
c. what are thefactors that affecting efficiency of sedimeniation? (0s)

Q.3 a. Design appioximate dimensions of a set of rapid gravity filters for treating (0S)
waterjeqpl.irg{: fgt?,p,p.pri'tqtiet, of 65jo00,.The .irte=ur srpply being la0 lpcdl
The.flltdrp,:a,re-rbted,:t6{rrgik5.000Jlil hilnt2, Ass.ume data necessary.
b. Draw the'neat andlweiilabeled sketoh of pressure filter. (05)
c. -E'x ory rn.tnoa. uidisinfection'and its rrituuitity (10)

Q.4 a."lExpiain,io,aoiaitsouroes, J-ffecis, control methods of noise pollution. (10)

b. latculate quantity of bteaching powder required per day for disinfecting 5
y!D.The dose of chlorine has to be 0.7 ppm and bleaching powder contuin, (10)
3.0o/o af available chlorine.

Q.5 ..,a. Classi$l and discuss the different air pollutants. (t0)
b. Define water softening. Exptain Ion-exchange process in detail (10)

Q.6 Write short note on following (any four) (20)

a. Residual chlorine.
b" Tube settlers.
c. Rapid mixing devices.
d. Reverse osmosis.
, , , e. Methods.of iolledtion of rain water for direct use.
f ' Occupational hazards due to air pollution.

Page 1 or I

88A89FBA80932F83D98958453 B397AEE
TfiletwLtt-f*"*l *n't Bl lfl+t
Faper / Subject Code: 31805 / Transportation Enginering - I

(3 Hours) I Total Marks: 80

Note: i. Q. No. I is compulsorY
ii. Attempt any 3 out of remaining 5
iii. Support all theory and numerical with neat sketch

I Solve any four

(20 Mi
A. Discuss on the Role of IRC, MORTH and CRRI
ts. Compare Bitumen, Tar and AsPhalt
C" What is L.O.S? explain various L'O'S.
D. The value of characteristic deflection is 2.35 mm, find the corrected Characteristic
if temperature of pavement during test, was 290C and Moisttrre correction factor is I .2.

a t. Find vehicle damage faclor for:

a. Bike with 2 Occupants
b. Car with 4 Occupants
c. LCV with rear axle load of 2 tons
d. HCV with rear axle load of l5 tons
the following data. Also determine the design (08 M)
2. A. Determine Median & Modal Speed for
speed, upper limit & 'lower limit
Sp6e-t[anee (KtvtPu) Frequency (qi)
0-8 0
8-16 8
r6-24 t2
24 -34 2t
30 - 36, 29
36-42 35
42-48 28
48-54 1l
54-60 0
(06 M)
B. Disduss in dbtail on desirable properties of,pavement materials
Comparethe following (06 M)
i. AADT and ADT
ii. Journey Speed and Running Speed
iii, Space headway and Time headway

.). r\. Lane distribution faetor? Give its value. Also determine Million Standard Axle (08 M)
for,di.v,ided,road,havulg.3 lanes with initial traffic 600 cvpd during start of construction.
Rate gf,,grgnrth is 1..5-yi, vDF is 2.5, cBR is4Yo, construction period is 2 years &
design life is l5 years.

57709 I

F?E649C70D88689845C I Ir2 ED862A396l

Paper / Subject Code: 318051 Transportation Enginering
- I

17, Trvo cars are travclling ar 3s kmph tin a roacl u'ith coefficient
of fricticn 0.2. Driver of (06M)
sec' If in case both cars stop at
car I has reaction tlrne 2.5 =*. ,ni drtver of car 2 has 2'0
break efficiency of car l' if that of
sarne distance frotil ikst seeing obstaclc, determine
car 2 is 0,3. (f)5 M)
in detail
C. r.*ptrin construction procedure of cement coflcrete pavernent
draw sketch of overtaking zone {08 M)
+ ^11.
Derrve the equation i'or overtaking Sight Distance. Also
rf the speed of vehicle is 65 IT.MPH
E. Compare rigid, flcxiirle an<l WBM pavement on the basis
of suitability, Binding (06 M)
material used, load distribution, vaiue of camber and maintenance
pav'ement 26 cm' Assurne (06 N4)
L. Design a iie bar {br pavenient rviclth 3.5 m & thickress of
value ol l: L2

iA Desr6ln Super,cievarron for a curve havrng radius 500 m & speed is 100 kmph' Also {08 id)
tind iire urliurnr r-.f super-elclation to be given if rt rs a 2-lane road.
transverse joint at 5 m & (06 M)
Ll. Find oui rhe warprng stress of 25 cm thi;k CC pavemeni with
longiturlinai jornts at 3'6 m interval. Take k:6'9 klcm3,-8: 15
cm' temperature
dift'erence is 0,6'C ;cm slah thickness in day' Take E = I x 105 kg1em2, e: l0 x 10-6"oC'
Radius of relntive stittrre ss = 8?'2 cm.
(06 M)
C. Discuss on various ngid paventent failures'
( I -q tvl)
6. A. Write short note on anY 3"
i. Setback distatlce
ii. ilighway drainage
iii, Rotary Island
iv. Bitumen stabilizatio;r
B. Amswer the I'trllorving
(01 M)
i. What rs mL:ant by Abi'asron Charg*s?
(02 N,l)
ii. Discuss on Golden Quadrangle prolect.
(02 M)
iii. Define F"laky and Elongated Aggregates.

57209 2
F7 E649C?0D88689845C I F2EDil62,{3q63
Paper / Subject Code: 31807 / Eleetive - I Advanced Concrete Teehnology

TL Avrt fs*o V / Oprce- / Fr-r 2A$

(3 Hours) (Total tvtu.t S: SO1

Note: l. Question number I is compulsory; attempt any thrce out of remaining five questions.
2. Assume suitable data if required and mention it clearly"
3. Drarv neat sketches wherever necessary. Figure to the right indicates full marks.

l. Attempt any four, [20]

(a) Explain hydration of cement and requirement of rvater in hydration
(b) \\/rite a shofi note on nraturity olconcrete,
(c) Explain the properties of fresh concrete.
(d) N4ention methods of prevention of steel corrosion. Explain any one in brief,
(e) Write a short note on waste material-based concrete.

'2. (a) What are the special problems encountered in hot weather concreting? How are they rectified? t06l

(b) Design a concrete nrix by IS 10262: 2009 for the following data: Il4l
i. Characteristic compressive strength reqr.rired in the field at 28 days grade designatiorr
ii. Standard Deviation = 4.0
iii. Nominal maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm
iv. Shape of C.A aggregate : Angular
v. Degree of workability reqr-rired at site : 50-75 mm slump
vi. Type of exposure = nrild
vii. Method of concrete placing: Purnpable concrete
viii. Specific gravity of cement : 3.15
ix. Specific gravity of C.A : 2.84
x. Specific gravity of F.A : 2.64
xi. Aggregates are assumed to be in saturated surface dry condition.
xii. F.A belongs to Zone II

Table 2lv{aximunr }l'ater Contcnt per Cubic

Metre of Concrete for Nominat Tahlc 3 Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit
Maximum Size of Aggregate Volume of Total Aggregate for Different
(Clauses 4.2, A-5 andB-5') Zones of Fine Aggregate
(Clauses 4.4, A-7 and B-7)
SI Nominrl lllsximum ltaximum lVrler
No. Sizr of Ag;regatr Contcnt rl Sl i\tominrl Volume of Corrse Aggrrgclc'r ptr Unit
mm kg Ito. !\laximunr Yolumc of Totrl Aggrcgrtr for
(l) (2) (3)
Sizc ol Diffrrcut
7-oncs of finc rtggrcgrlc
i) r0 208 rrrf n -Zonc
lV Zon{ lll Zun( Il Tuwl
ii) 20 r86
0) (2) (l) ({) (J) (6)
iii) {0 t65
i) l0 0.50 0.46 0.10
- Thesc quantities of rnixing water &re for usc in
computing ce nrcntitious rnlteriol contcnts for rrirl barchcs.
ii) 20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60

t'\Valerlcontenl corrcspondine ro saturated surface dry

iiil ,10 0.?5 0.r3 0.7r 0 6e
lr Volumes are baxd on sggrcgalcs in samratcd surfacc d4'

73039 Page I of3

E5C D49F tl3 5449 8L-42118Ir D5 E8651:0349 I


Paper / subject code: 31807 / Elective - I Advanced Concrete Technology

T:rblc 5 Miniruum Cement Contcnt, Marlmum Waier.&rncnr Ratio und Minimurn irade ol Concretc !
for Dlflcrtut Exposures rr'ith Normsl lYelght AgSrcgstcr of 2O mm NornJnal Ma:lmum Stze f
(Cluscs 6.1.?, 8.?.4.1 aad 9.l,?) i
lil Et pou re Pleln Ccnctr Rtbllred Coocrc{t
No. t
Mioifitunr Marirnuxr lrlinimum Minimum Muimsm Micimm t
Ccrlnt Frcc \Vrtcr Grrdc cf Ctftr! Prc Waet- 6eadc of !
Cem* Rarlo CarcrEte Contnt
CerEd. Rdio CoRft ii
l) (2) (1) (4) (5) (6) {7) (E)
') MiLl 120 0.f{ -1(l0 0.55 M20
iii, !"lodc.aic 240 0.60 ll tJ }(O 0-50 M?J
iii) scretc a10 0.5,o lYt 2(, 320 o,45 I'l lO
ty) Vcry sluc ?60 o..r5 M20 340 o.,.5, M35
v) Ertent 21iO o.4{) t,t 2,5 360 o.{o M etO
I (!'!Ent c.Flst tnsitE.r il rhit rnbta it ircsleuira of thc gada of ermt eo, h h indsiw of ddioonr cnriqcd
r&'itiqu slclt e fly slr or Sroutd Srouldcd blsl fullre rl.g ruy bc t^lcn ldo rcoil io thc coErct dmlxriitier pithin !.2. TtE
rcpoct to
ilE $oqt coatc'd &d *atcr-ccmcrl ario lf tls tuarability ic Blsblirhcd q6d r ]on3 u or leiM eloti tslcn into r6st do
Det erce{d thc li,ni( of
F)zarloro a*l rlr3 spouiccd ir $ r4B9 (psn t ) arrd rs {ii Bpcctiycly.
? i$inimm gr*Jc-fc phin urerctc undcr mild cr.porw cmdiilm k no{ rf.ecifrcd.

3. (a) Explain cracking mechanism

mechanisnr in FRC member
menlber subjected to flexure with neat labelle,
subjectedrto labelled sketch. t08l
(b) What are the eflects of aspect ratio on relative strength and toughness of concrete.
(c) \Vhat are the factors to get good concrete perforrnance in aggressive environment?
(d) Explain varioLrs methods of curing of concrete.
4. (a) What is non -destructive testing of concrete? What are the various tests involved? Explain any
one in detail with a neat sketch.
(b) Define High performance concrete. Give its constituents; What are the various parameters
considered in the production of H.p.C?
(c) Det'ine cold weather concrete. What are the precautions to be taken during cold weather

5. (a) Explain Alkali Carbonate reaction in concrete in detail.

(b) [0sl
Explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of lighr rveight aggregate concrete.
Design a concrete lxix by ACI method for thc foliowinfdara:
i. Characteristic compressive strength required inihe nela at 28 days grade designation
ii. Standard Deviation:4.0
iti. Nominal maximum size of aggregate + 20 mm
iv. Type of cemenr : Type I
v. Shape of C:A aggregate = Crushed Angular
vi. Degree of workability requirecl at site = 100 mm slump
vii. fype of exposure = mild
viii. Dry rodded density of coarse aggregare = 1640 kglmm3
ix. Specific gravity of cement = 3. l5
x. Specific grar,iry of C.A =2.i8
xi. Specific graviry of F.A - 2.i)
xii. Degree of supervision : Coocl
xiii. Maximum water celnent rario: 0.,50
xir,. Fineness ntodulus : 2.8
xv. Aggregates are assumed to be in saturated surface dry condition.

73039 l,age 2 of 3

E5CD49F B3544eE(t42D8t'D5 E865 8034e I

Paper / Subject Code: 31807 / Elective - I Advanced Concrete Technology

6. \\rrite a short note on any four of the following: l [20]

(a) Self-Compacting concrete (d) Gap graded concrete
(b) Sulpliur concrete (e) Durability of concrete
(c) Properties of metallic fibers

Table 6 Approximate mixing water and air contents for different siumps and max. size of aggregates
Slump (mm) Mi,iimum quantity of water (kg/m3) for specilied -
nominal maximum size of aggregate@

1" Non-air-entrained concrete

Stiff-plastic (25-50) 207 199 190 1,79 166 154 130 113
Plastic (75-100) 228 2t6 285 193 181 169 115 1?4
Flowing (150-i75) 243 228 216 202 190 178 160
Entrapped air (%) 3,0 2,5 2.0 l.s 1.0 0,5 0.3 a.2
2, Air-enkained concrete
Stiff-plastic (25-50) 18i 175 i68 160 150 742 722 107
Piastic (75*100) 202 193 184 175 765 757 133 ltg
Flowing (150-175) 21,6 205 197 184 174 166 154
3. Recommended average total air content (o/o)
Mild exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.A 1.5 1'0
Moderate exposure 6.0 5.5 5,0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3'0
@ 7.s 7.0 6.0 6.a s.s s.o 4.s_:!-
Table T: Water.1 p

284ay compressiae Non-air-e ntraited Air-en*ained

strengthr (N/mni) concrete con$ete
45 0.38 0.30
40 0.42 0,34
35 0.47 0.39
30 0.s4 0.45
25 0.61 0.52
20 0.69 0.60
15 0.97 0.70

: 1r.{ .:i ..1 .'; r. j.. :.


Ta.brbrSii.Vplnhhdo.fGbAise. ggr€gate-lbbiUrri-trVotum:ror ojner:Ij T'ine

aggl"egate Fineness Moduli
t '. -,' .,.

size of coarse , (m3) frneness modtl,us of aggregate _

aggregate (mm) 2.60 2.84
.2.40 3.A0

10 0.50 0.48 a.46 0.44

1.4 0.59 0.s7 0.55 0"53
20 0.66 A.& 0.62 0.60
28 0.71. 0.69 0"67 0.65
40 0.75 0.73 0.71, 0.69
56 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
80 0,82 0.80 Q.78 0"76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

73039 I'}age 3 of 3

E5CD49IrBl5449EC42 D8 FD5 E865 110149 I

Te gr,lr i! Cr'wl I caasl ff*st W e-oL1 oq {o<lu tl
Paper / Subjeet Code: 30201 / STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. II
Q" P. Code z 22985
( 3 Hours ) ITotal Marks : 80

N.B. (U Quostioa No I is eompulsory

(2) Attempt any threeoutof remaining firrc questions

(3) Assurue suiubl€ data whtrreverrequircd a*d s'tate it clearly

(4) figures to right indicate full Earks

Q I . (a) Dotsrminc thc dcgrs of static and kinematic ind*crmiracy for the foltowing stnraturb. 06
Neglect axial deforuration

i) rf$
}'lx* I

'G) for the rigid jofu$d &arne subjected tg temperature vadation as shown in the

Iie. Findthe horizontal deftcction at D .Assume a=12 x tO4fC. ad depth of all

msmbtrs as ?50 mm"(Negtect cffect of axial forcee)

(c) Determine shape fagtorof Diamond section as shown inFig 04

(d) Defiae the following terms

(i) Carryover tbctor and distributiooFactor
{ii) Plastic llinge and Plastic Mechani;se

BFE41 62D582636FA I 4E8A96D4El 3I D30

Paper / Subject Code: 30201 / STRUCTURAL ANALYS$ - II
Q. P. Code | 22985

Q 2. Using Flcxibility method Anal5zo the Frarne loaded and supported as
shown in the fig. Also draw BMD and deflrcfed shape

fi, L

6 I-",,

{ +t
e 3. (a) fuialyze the rigid jointed ptane frarne as shown in the fig. Using Slope deflection i

Method. Draw BMD and Detlected shape .foKA, 12

-----+ a
lOo 1C7*1

{ *{!r
(b) Using force methdd Analyze the pin joiated frame loaded and supported as

shown in the fig. Take AE= Constant

o K^l


BFE4I 62D582636FA l4E8A96D4E1 3 1D30


@ Paper / Subject Code: 302011STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS - II

Q. P. Code | 22985

(c) Develop the Flexiblttty matrix for the aon prismatic beam with reference to 05

co-ordinates as shown in the fig


Q.6 (a). Using Three moment theorem analyze the beam loaded as shorvn in the figure and 08

draw the BMD. Support B settlcs down by 6mar and EI= 20,000 KN-nr:

Ufrrirr .$6tr"'-fntn

tb). Analfe tbe rigid jointed plane franre as shorvn in the tig. by &foment distributlon 12

method and draw the BMD



nF** 'l

BFE4 I 62D5 82636FA 14E8A96D4El 3I D30


Q. P. Code | 22985

e 4. (a) A1y1lyzethe rigid jointed plane frarne as shown ia the fry. Using Stiffness Method - Lz

Draw BMD.
I Frlrr


(b) A two hinged par:fbolic arch of span 40 m and central rise 8 m cardes a Udl of 08

35 KNlm on left half of the span.Find the reactions and draw the BMD of arch showing

location and rnagnitude of maximum *ve and maximum-ve BM'

the plastic moment carrying capacity for the continuous beam as shown 10
e S. (a) Calculate
in the flg

lOKrylrn ,tAt(^, ,rotrN

(b) Develop the stiffness matrix for the member AB with reference to co-ordinates as 05

shownin the fig


BFE41 62D582636FA l4E8A96rytEl 3I D30

TE .9
".o I I A,;l / c8 c,ts) fi*t ll-t{ La tff
n losl >ot 1
Paper / Subject Code: 302A4 / GEOTECHI{ICAI ENGINEERING-I

(3 [Iours) Marks:80
N. B.: (1) Question No. I is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from remaining fivc questions.
(3) Figures to the right indicate the full rnarks.
(4) Assurue suitable data if not given ancl justify the same.

Q, 1 A. Define the soil and differentiate between soil and rock" 05

B. Explain the zero air void line in compaction. 05
C. Write the advantages and disadv'antages of direct shear test. 05
D. Define coefficient of consolidation, compression index, coefficient of 0s
1 compressibiliw.

Q,2 A. Sandy soil in a borrow pit has unit weight of solids ;rs 26 kN/mr, warer conteni t0
equal to llo/a and and butk unit weight is l6 kN,'m3, How many cubic rneter ol'
compacted fili could be constructed of 3600 m3 of sand excavated from the
borrow pit. If the porosity of compacred fi1l is 30o2", Also determine the chanee
in degree of saturation.
B. Write a note on border classification of soii with exarnpies. 05
C. Expiain the standard penetration test. 05

,lt ,

Q 3,, 'A; A,Pumpin8 out test was carried out at a level siie, where 9 m of clay overiies a ln
;......., stiaturn,of sand,,.l"5 ni thick. The sand stratum is underlain by an irnpermeabls
ruek stratum: wher: steady state was reachecl the rate of flow rvas fbund to be
15 iitersisee, The rvater ievels in two peizometers located at radial distances i:f
6 m and 15 m from axis of main well were 5 m and 4.5 m below gtound
surface. Compute the coefficient of permeahility of the sand stratum.
Write a note on number of bore holes and spacing of bore holes. 05
Fxplbin the neutral stress, total and effbctive stress. 05

Write the use'of flow net. 05

Explain the spring analogy for understanding the concept of primary 05
. ":
' :,'.
Page I of2

88A89F8A80932F83D98958453886878 5
Paper / subject code: 302041GE0TECH|{ICAL ENGTNEERTNG-r

Q. 4 C. A deposit of sand has a porosity of 40o/o and G : 2.7. The ground rvater ta,ble is l0
2 m below ground surface. Compute the effective stress at a deptlr of 6 m below

ground surface, if capillary rise above water table is 1 m.

Q. 5 A. Define liquidity index, consistency index, flow indeN.and.sensitiviry. "' : os

B. Using the data given below classify the soil u.l p*r: I.S ,i49g,:' ,. 05
Passing 75 p sieve : 65o/o,Liquid Limit = 48o/a and,Plastic limit = 347o.
C. The lollowing table gives data obtained from a direet shear test conducted on 10
samples of compacted sand. The shear box climensions are.6.0 ** * 60 mm.
Shear lbad at failurGffi - :,
Normai load (N)
Peak Ultirnate
ll0 95 6'5

225 195 r35

340 2,9.4- 200
Determine therpeat,,aitd'gl tlnaata .of resistance of.sand
, j

Q. 6 A. Explain flow line, equiporeatiar iire, {iow aia'iera. 05

C' in a consolidation test void ratio decrease-d from 0.70 to 0.65 when the load
was 05
changed from 50 kpa torl00 kpa'cornptrte the compression index and

coefficient of volume change.

D' Define optimum moisture content, placement water content and effect
of 05
compactive effort on compaction,

Page 2 of2

88A89F8A80932F83D98958A53 BE68785

TFlcrvtul ceat f ru^ otaty. gt-s*t1

Paper/ Subject Code:30205 / BUILDING DESIGN & DRAWJNG - II

(4 t{ours) [Totat N{arl<s: 80]

N. B" : (l) Question No. I is contpulsory.
(2) Answer any three questions from rernaining five questions.
(3) Assume suitable data if required and state it clearly.

1. Plan, Design and draw a HOTIiL(Lodging &Boarding) building in a City with the follorving
facilities as (G+l) R.C.C framed structure .(Floor-Floor height:3.6 m.).

(i) Single-Bed Rooms :6 no.(each 15 Sq.m, with A.T)

(ii) Double-Bed Rooms :6 no.(each 20 Sq.m. with A.T)
(iii) Entrance & Receptio 40 Sq.n.r.
(iv) KITCHEN :60 Sq.rr.
(v) DINING : 100 Sq.m.
("i) LALINDRY :30 Sq.m.
(vii) IIEALTH CLUB = 60 Sq.m.
Provide Toilets, passages etc. as per the Bye-lari,s. Draw the following with a suitable scale:



2. Draw the sectional elevation for the building you have planned in Z0

3, Draw the ONE-Point perspective for the building you have planned in Q,no" I
Assume the eye levelat 2.2m. from Ground ievel , Z0

4. (a) Write detailed Principles of Town Planning l0

(b) Draw front elevation of rhe planned building in Q.l l0
5. Dra'"v the TWO- point -perspective for a r.vorkshop with the following data: 20
Size of workshop : 5 m xl 5 nr
Height of rvorkshop :4m (excluding pitched Roof)
Eye level :2m, frorn G.L
Plinth Level:0.6 m from G.L

6. Write short notes on all the following with proper sketches; Z0

(a) Slunr Clearance & Re-development
(b) Use of Computers & Soltware in Planning & Designing of Buildings
(c) Modular Planning
(d) Principles of Planning for School buildings



F7 lr6.19c70Du F.(r891145(' I F2 EDB6 I Fl i F[ 2

T.E SpmCv) l uv trl

Pdper / Subiect Cr

(3 hours)

N.B:(l)Question no. 01 is compulsory.

(4)Draw neat figures as required.

Q1r Attempt Any Four

a) State and derive moment of momentum

b) Explain the term similitude.
c) What is jet propulsion of ship? Ex
d) Explain unit quantities of turbine.
a) A45o reducingbend (10)
bend being 400mm and.20-0mm;'r:USpectlV€tv;-:FiiiOifhejij,r.bA,'rwater on the bend if
intensity of pressure
each of which is diichlafginelw...?..ter,i,l:,qpp,.q.:i'ite;dir.eeiioni,Ei
ligh!Engte to the rotating arm , at a
velocityof8ml5;l"f:th"ii.axi5,:516pti6n'iS,ai distanceof0.15"m.froijioneendand0.2mfromthe
other, deter,*erto14y'Q.ieqriifb'd tbih"o.ld,th.qiififi"station:ifltlf.friction is neglected, determine

Q3:- :-, ,

a) The I due to viscous flow depends (10)

ham's fl -theorem, obtain an

the direction of motion of vane at inlet and
at outlet. Calculate i) Vane angles , so that the
ii) Work done per sec per unit weight of water


to the Pelton wheel with a gross head of 500 m . (10)

is 2.0 m3/s. The angle of deflection of jet is 1650. Determine ,

the runner and also hydraulic efficiency of the Pelton wheel. Take

Page I of2
,. t.."
CF2EE5 1 8 1 35,{3F042.4 1 DECDA83F75E2C
Paper / Subject Code: 30202 / APPLIED HYDRAULICS - I

-.' ;"." .
j" r '
: t:;.,:,:.. ..

\ ,;:::.'

and 82% respectively. lf the velocity of whirl is zero at outleh

inlet and outlet at the extreme edge of the runner and

a) i)Derive an expression for specific speed of
ii)what is manometric efficiency, mechanical

b) A centrifugal pump is running at 1000

a nd velocity of flow at outlet is 3

discharge through the pump is

i)the diameter of the impeller
ii) The width of the impeller at-ttr€


i) Write short note (0s)

ii)Explain hydrau (0s)

b) i)A jet of (0s)

a fix plate i ::is 600 . find the force exerted by
the jet
of 4 m/s . Find the velocity {05)
of dynamic similarity is
and oil is given as 0.01 poise and 0.025


-"'' :':" ' CIT2EE5 1 8 I 3543F0424 1DECDA83F75E2C

]-E(r- CrV,L-)
gq/al-L.1- c&q_s
^4 ""jt*:
Paper / Subject Code: 30203 / TRANSPORTATION ENGIN4ERING - I


(3 Hours) [Total marks:80]

Note 1. Question No 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt Any 3 out of remaining
3. Assume any suitable data wherever required.
a. Discuss the role of railway in industrial and economic progress of a 5
b. Explain negative super elevation by a neat sketch 5
c. Define creep? How it is measured 5
d. Explain different types ofjoints provided in rail 5

Q 2 a. Write short notes on ( Answer any three out of six ) l0

i. Airport drainage
ii. Cross wind component
iii. Airport marking and lighting
iv. Longitudinal gradient of runway
v. Classification of airport as per ICAO
vi. Clam period
b. Explainthe necessity of sleepers in railway track, Using sleeper density 10
of M+6, Estirnate the quantity of track material required for
constructing a B.G railway track that is 6km long?

Q.3 a. Explain the different types of Railway yards and their functions with l0
neat diagrams

b. Explain in brief the factors to be considered while selecting the site for 5

c. Draw the neat sketch of layout of artificial Harbour s


I 7836D805955 I 28D9E32FoCE5F9D I 664

Paper / Subject Code: 30203 / TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-'['


Q.4 a Design the Exit runway joining a runway and a parallel main taxiway. 10

The totalangle of turn is 350C and the maximum turn-off speed is 80


b. What is ballast? Why is it used in the railway track? Briefly describe 10

the various types of ballast used?

Q.5 a. What r.vould be the Equilibrium Cant on BG track of 70 for an average 10

speed of train 70KMPH? Also calculate the maximum permissible
speed after allowing the maximum cant deficieney?

b. Explain the working of'semaphore Signals with neat sketch 10

Q.6 a, Explain Wind rose diagram? What is its utility and its types? Explain 10
each type with neat sketches?

b. mention the types of harbours and ports in India 5

c. Briefly describe the significance of Airyort drainage 5

l 7E36D8059s5 128D9E32FoCEsF9D l 664

s*-fr f o2, o6.
Tec c tv,L))
\.* v, {*tef
University of Mumbai
Examination First Half 2022
Examinations Commencing from lThMay l0Zz
Program: _Civil
Curriculum Scheme:
Examination: TE
Course Code: _CEC501 and Course Name:
Time: 2 hour 30 minutes

Choose the correct option for

CE8FC8BF836D3DA4C7AO13D 1 4DC93E32O
Option D: Carry over moment I'

Option A: 1.6
Option B: 1.5
Option C: t.697
OptionD: 1.8

Option A:
-- 2'E k'
OptionB: 3-Ir
{-t -
-- 2rE&'
Option C: lrAr
2'E &',
10. What is the relation betw.een:.diiidibutionfri_cjbriahd"r0t*tiCI fa.i_toi,',." ,"i'.o, .,.,-.:,
Option B:
Option C:

(20 Marks)

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9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/01/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_Qno.2 and 3

and 3
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/3
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/01/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_Qno.2 and 3

5. Q2 *

Files submitted:

6. Q3. *

Files submitted:

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9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/01/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_Qno.2 and 3

Forms 3/3
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

Instructions to Students:
1. Enter all your details carefully.
2. Any mistakes in the information of a student will be termed as "Absent" for the

The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. *

5. What is the aggregate/cement ratio for no fines concrete *

Mark only one oval.

4:1 to8:1

4:2 to 8:2

6:1 to10:1

6:2 to 10:2 1/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

6. Which concrete showed very high resistance to freezing and thawing

Mark only one oval.

Sulphur Infiltrated Concrete

Mass Concrete

Vacuum Concrete


7. In light weight concrete which aggregates are commonly used

Mark only one oval.

Limonite, barite

Hematite, magnetite

Ferrophosphorus, Geosynthetic aggregates

Pumice, scoria

8. Unit weight of high density concrete ranges from

Mark only one oval.

2400 kg/ m3to 2658 kg/ m3

3360 kg/ m3 to 3840 kg/ m3

1900 kg/ m3to 2400 kg/ m3

2400 kg/ m3 to 3360 kg/ m3

9. In case of bleeding, cement paste formation on the surface is known as

Mark only one oval.




Sludge 2/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

10. Maturity of concrete is mainly deals with

Mark only one oval.

Time and early strength of concrete

Time ,temperatureand strength gain

Curing and strength

Heat of hydration at early period and curing method

11. In case of high pressure steam curing method the______ of concrete

correspondingly gets lowers

Mark only one oval.

Aggregate cement bond strength

Gel space ratio

Water cement ratio

Concrete steel bond strength

12. In the IS code method, the water content in table 2 is for _____ aggregate and
_____ slump

Mark only one oval.

Angular coarse aggregate and 25 to 50 mm slump

Rounded coarse aggregate and 75 to 100 mm slump

Crushed aggregate and 50 to 75 mm slump

Elongated aggregates and 25 to 50 mm slump 3/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

13. Which mix design method is based on Abram’s law and Layse’s rule

Mark only one oval.

ACI method of mix design

Road note 4 method of mix design

IS method of mix design (10262:2009)

DOE method

14. K Himsworth constant is used to determine the

Mark only one oval.

Minimum design strength of concrete

Average design strength of concrete

Tensile strength of concrete

Ultimate design strength of concrete

15. The aspect ratio of steel fiber having diameter 0.25 mm and 35 mm length is.

Mark only one oval.





16. The increase in compressive strength provided by steel fiber exceeds upto.

Mark only one oval.




25% 4/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

17. The temperature required to freeze the moisture present in gel pore is.

Mark only one oval.

Below -78◦ C

Above -5◦ C

Below -5◦ C

Above -78◦ C

18. Depth of ground penetration radar wave/signal in case of concrete is.

Mark only one oval.

15 m

150 m

1500 m


19. In cold weather concreting, the air temperature for one half of 24 hours period
should not be.

Mark only one oval.

Less than 5◦ C

More than 10◦ C

More than 5◦ C

Less than 10◦ C 5/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

20. What is the quantity of steel fibres by volume when added to the concrete mix
which becomes difficult for mixing

Mark only one oval.

More than0.5%

More than 2%

More than 1%

More than 3%

21. The concrete made without using portland cement which is

environmentalfriendly and energy efficient with an enormous potential in many
infrastrctural applications is called as

Mark only one oval.

Polymer modified concrete

Conventional concrete

Polypropylene fiber concrete

Geo-polymer concrete

22. In this type of concreting, mortar is conveyed through a hose and pneumatically
projected at a high velocity on to a surface.

Mark only one oval.

Vaccum Concreting


Hot weather Concreting

Grouting 6/7
9/14/22, 3:15 PM 19/1/2021_Civil_V_R16_ACT_MCQs

23. The aim of the designer should always be to get concrete mixtures of optimum
strength at _________ cement content and ________ workability.

Mark only one oval.

AboveMaximum, Nonacceptable

Above Minimum, Nonacceptable

Maximum, acceptable

Minimum Acceptable

24. One of the differences between conventional reinforcement and fibre

reinforcement is that in conventional reinforcement, bars are oriented in the
direction desired while fibres are randomly oriented. This statement is

Mark only one oval.

Fully correct

Fully wrong

Partially correct

Not applicable

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Forms 7/7
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_
Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs
The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form.
* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. *

5. As per the principle of moment of momentum, the resultant external torque *

about any axis is equal to:

Mark only one oval.

Rate of change of momentum about the axis.

Change of moment of momentum about the axis

Rate of change of angular momentum about the axis.

Change of angular momentum about the axis 1/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

6. A jet of water of diameter 50 mm has a direct impact on a fixed plate & exerts a *
force of 1225 N. Find the rate of discharge?

Mark only one oval.

0.049 cumecs

1.025 cumecs

0.785 cumecs

0.001 cumecs

7. Without effecting the efficiency of turbine, unit quantities of turbine are the *
quantities, obtained, when turbine is working under:

Mark only one oval.

Unit Speed

Unit Head

Unit Discharge

Unit Power

8. The channel whose boundary is not deformable is known as: *

Mark only one oval.

Rigid channel

Prismatic channel

Mobile channel

Boundary channel 2/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

9. For Pelton wheel with multiple jets, the specific speed of turbine in SI system is: *

Mark only one oval.





10. As per impulse momentum equation, for steady incompressible flow if the *
resultant external force acting on fluid mass is zero, then:

Mark only one oval.

Momentum of fluid at inlet section is greater than momentum of outlet section.

Momentum of fluid at outlet section is greater than momentum at inlet section.

Momentum of fluid is zero throughout.

Momentum of fluid remains constant throughout.

11. In case of propeller turbine: *

Mark only one oval.

Area of flow at inlet is equal to area of flow at outlet

Depth of bucket is 1.2 times diameter of jet.

Discharge, Q = πD1B1Vf1

The ratio of width of wheel at inlet to its diameter at inlet ranges between 0.1 to
0.4. 3/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

12. [M L-1 T-1] is the dimension of: *

Mark only one oval.


Dynamic Viscosity

Kinamatic Viscosity


13. Which place in hydraulic turbine is most susceptible for cavitation: *

Mark only one oval.

Inlet of draft tube

Draft tube exit

Blade inlet

Guide blade

14. Under which of the following conditions steady non uniform flow in open *
channel occurs?

Mark only one oval.

When for a constant discharge the liquid depth in the channel varies along its

When a constant discharge flows at constant depth

When a constant discharge flows in channel laid at constant slope

When the discharge & the depth both vary along the channel length 4/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

15. When the depth of flow gradually changes over a length of the channel, then *
the flow will be termed as:

Mark only one oval.

Rapidly varied flow

Critical Flow

Gradually Varied Flow

Uniform flow

16. A 200 mm diameter pipe conveys water at a velocity of 3.50 m/s. For the *
condition of dynamic similarity what is the velocity of oil flowing in a 80 mm
diameter pipe? Take kinematic viscosity of water and oil equal to 0.01stoke
and 0.03 stoke respectively

Mark only one oval.

26.25 m/s

28.32 m/s

7.5 m/s

17.5 m/s

17. Two hydraulic turbines are similar & homologous when they are geometrically *
similar and have:

Mark only one oval.

The same specific speed

The same rotational speed

The same Froude’s number

The same Thoma’s number 5/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

18. The comparison between pumps operating in series& in parallel is: *

Mark only one oval.

Pumps operating in series boost the head, whereas pumps operating in parallel
boost the discharge.

Pumps operating in series boost the discharge, whereas pumps operating in

parallel boost the head.

In both cases, there will be boost in head only.

In both cases there will be boost in discharge only.

19. Kinematic similarity between model & prototype is the similarity of: *

Mark only one oval.



Stream line pattern


20. For a centrifugal pump, the net positive suction head (NPSH) is defined as, *

Mark only one oval.

(velocity head + pressure head) at suction

(velocity head + pressure head) at discharge

(velocity head + pressure head – vapor pressure of the liquid) at suction

(velocity head + pressure head – vapor pressure of the liquid) at discharge 6/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

21. Guide blade angle is the : *

Mark only one oval.

Angle between the direction of jet at inlet & direction of motion of plate at inlet

Angle made by relative velocity at inlet with the direction of motion of plate at

Angle between the direction of jet at outlet & direction of motion of plate at

Angle made by relative velocity at outlet with the direction of motion of plate at

22. The velocity & depth of flow in a 3.0 m wide rectangular channel are 2.0 m/s & *
2.5 m respectively. If the channel has its width enlarged to 3.5 m at a section,
the discharge past that section is:

Mark only one oval.

10.0 cumecs

20.0 cumecs

15.0 cumecs

17.5 cumecs

23. The total energy head for an open channel flow is written with casual notations *
as H = z + y + (v2/2g). In this each of the term represents:

Mark only one oval.

Energy in kg.m/kg mass of fluid

Energy in N.m/N of fluid

Power in kW/kg mass of fluid

Energy in N.m/mass of fluid 7/8
9/14/22, 2:56 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_Sem V_ Rev_2016_Applied Hydraulics_MCQs

24. In actual practise, when jet of water strikes, series of vanes, the efficiency will *
be maximum, when:

Mark only one oval.

Angle φ is minimum.

Angle β is maximum.

Angle φ is zero.

Angle β is zero.

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Forms 8/8
9/14/22, 2:19 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_V_Rev.2016_Applied 2 & 3

12/01/2021_Civil_V_Rev.2016_Applied 2 & 3
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/3
9/14/22, 2:19 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_V_Rev.2016_Applied 2 & 3

5. Question 2 *

Files submitted: 2/3
9/14/22, 2:19 PM 12/01/2021_Civil_V_Rev.2016_Applied 2 & 3

6. Question 3 *

Files submitted:

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Forms 3/3
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

Engineering I_MCQs
Instructions to Students:
1. Enter all your details carefully.
2. Any mistakes in the information of a student will be termed as "Absent" for the

The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

5. A --------- is a screw down type of sluice valve which is used in smaller sized *
pipes in service connections for stopping or opening the supply.

Mark only one oval.


Service pipe

Stop cock

Water meter

6. Which water piping system in buildings eliminates the need for storage tanks *
which may be a major source of contamination?

Mark only one oval.

Piping system using direct supply

Piping system using overhead tank

Piping System using Underground-Overhead Tank supply

Pumped systems

7. What will be the resultant decibel level when two sources make noise of equal *

Mark only one oval.

Decibel level will be the same

Decibel level will decrease by 3 decibels

Decibel level will increase by 3 decibels

Decibel level will be equal to the sum of decibels of the two sources 2/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

8. The paddles in a flocculator tank usually rotate at a speed of-------------- *

Mark only one oval.

30 to 40 rpm

10 to 20 rpm

20 to 30 rpm

2-3 rpm

9. For a city or town with roads of rectangular pattern, type of layout used for pipe *
distribution is -------

Mark only one oval.

Dead End System

Gravity System

Radial System

Grid Iron System

10. Collected rainwater in litres is given by? *

Mark only one oval.

annual rainfall in mm x volume in m3 x runoff factor

annual rainfall in mm x depth in m

rainfall in mm x volume in m3

annual rainfall in mm x area in m² x runoff factor 3/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

11. How can thermal pollution be prevented? *

Mark only one oval.

Heated water from the industries can be treated by installation of oxidation


Thermal pollution can be prevented by using wet scrubber

Thermal pollution can be prevented by using heated gas

Heated water from the industries can be treated by installation of cooling tower
and cooling ponds

12. Chlorine usage in the treatment of 24000 cubic meter per day is 7 kg/day. The *
residue after 10 min contact is 0.20mg/lit. Calculate the dosage and chlorine
demand of the water in milligrams per lit.

Mark only one oval.

0.4 , 0.2

0.292, 0.092

0.5, 0.092

0.6, 0.92

13. The amount of coagulant in the jar which produces a good floc with the -------- *
amount of coagulant, indicates the optimum dosage.

Mark only one oval.




Least 4/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

14. The water meter ,which is installed on individual house connections, on *

municipal supplies ,is-----------------

Mark only one oval.


pH meter

Displacement meter

stop cock

15. The uniformity coefficient is--- *

Mark only one oval.





16. The major source of ‘Carbon monoxide’ in the urban atmosphere is due to ------ *

Mark only one oval.

Decomposition of organics

Chemical reaction between VOc and NOx

Complete combustion in the presence of sunlight

Incomplete combustion of fuel 5/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

17. Determine the quantity of alum required per day in order to treat 16 million *
litres of water per day at a treatment plant, where 15ppm of alum dose is
required? Also determine the amount of carbon dioxide gas which will be
released per liter of water treated?

Mark only one oval.

156kg, 5.54kg

240 kg, 5.95 mg

156ppm, 4.54mg

240 ppm, 5.95 mg

18. Which of these is the most effective residual for disinfection? *

Mark only one oval.

Hypochlorite ions


Hypochlorous acid


19. Volume of reservoir required for a water distribution network can generally be *
reduced by

Mark only one oval.

increasing the pressure at supply line

decreasing the pressure at supply line

increasing the number of supply hours

decreasing the number of supply hours 6/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

20. Pathogenic bacteria are found by *

Mark only one oval.

NPK test

MPN test

MNK test

MKP test

21. Which of these techniques are suitable for removal of emerging organics such *
as pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products traces from water:

Mark only one oval.

coagulaton –flocculaton followed by rapid sand filtraton

Activated carbon or membrane processes such as ultra fltration and reverse


Ion exchange or electrodialysis


22. If the annual average hourly demand of the city is 2000 meter cube per hour, *
what is the maximum hourly consumption (assume daily peak factor as 1.8
and hourly peak factor as 1.5)?

Mark only one oval.

5400 meter cube per hour

54000 meter cube per hour

3600 meter cube per hour

36000 meter cube per hour 7/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering I_MCQs

23. Coarse screen consist of parallel iron rods placed vertically or at a slight slope *
at about --- to --- centre to centre distance.

Mark only one oval.

2 to 10 cm

20 to 30cm

2 to10mm

1mm to 5mm

24. Fluctuating noise levels from various sources at a place over a period of time *
can be represented by a constant value over that entire time period ,by a value
of sound, known as :

Mark only one oval.

Average noise level

Equivalent noise level

Arithmetic noise level

Logarithmic noise level

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Forms 8/8
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering 2 & 3

Engineering 2 & 3
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/3
9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering 2 & 3

5. Q2 *

Files submitted:

6. Q3 *

Files submitted:

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9/14/22, 2:59 PM 14/01/2021_Sem V_R16(CBCS)_Environmental Engineering 2 & 3
s co te t s e t e c eated o e do sed by Goog e.

Forms 3/3
9/14/22, 2:29 PM 1401_R16_ELECV_EEC504_Q.2 & 3

1401_R16_ELECV_EEC504_Q.2 & 3
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/3
9/14/22, 2:29 PM 1401_R16_ELECV_EEC504_Q.2 & 3

5. Q.2 *

Files submitted:

6. Q.3 *

Files submitted:

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9/14/22, 2:29 PM 1401_R16_ELECV_EEC504_Q.2 & 3

Forms 3/3
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

Instructions to Students:
1. Enter all your details carefully.
2. Any mistakes in the information of a student will be termed as "Absent" for the

The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. *

5. 1. From Safe Operating Area (SOA) of MOSFET we cannot get …….. *

Mark only one oval.

Maximum drain to source voltage

Maximum gate to source voltage

Maximum drain current

Maximum power dissipation due to Rdson 1/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

6. Q2. ............... commutation happens when the input is DC supply and ………… *
commutation happens when input is AC supply.

Mark only one oval.

Forced, Natural

Forced, Forced

Natural, Forced

Natural, Natural

7. Q3. Matrix converters convert ………… *

Mark only one oval.

fixed ac to fixed dc

fixed ac to variable ac

variable ac to variable dc

variable ac to fixed ac

8. Q4. In a single-phase fully controlled converter with resistive load, if output *

voltage has peak and average values of 325V and 133V respectively, then the
firing angle is

Mark only one oval.

40 ͦ

140 ͦ

50 ͦ

130 ͦ 2/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

9. Q5. Voltage across a MOSFET of single phase half bridge voltage source *
inverter when other MOSFET is conducting is ……… Consider output voltage
magnitude of 24V and resistive load of 10Ω.

Mark only one oval.





10. Q6. Reverse recovery time of power diode is …….. as compared to diodes *
used for line frequency applications

Mark only one oval.



lower or higher


11. Q7. A dc to dc converter having a conversion efficiency of 90% is delivering a *

power of 24W to the resistive load. If the converter is producing an output
voltage of 48V from 24V supply what is the supply current drawn.

Mark only one oval.




0.25A 3/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

12. Q8. Among the following ............ is preferred for triggering of SCR as it *
reduces losses.

Mark only one oval.

Resistance triggering

Temperature triggering


ramp triggering using UJT

13. Q9. From the input side the IGBT behaves as ……… and its output *
characteristics are similar to …….

Mark only one oval.





14. Q10. For highly inductive loads in a fully controlled rectifier, due to non- *
sinusoidal waveform of the input current, the input power factor is.........when
firing angle is 60°.

Mark only one oval.




0.45 4/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

15. Q11. Short circuit problem exists in ……….. inverter and does not exist in *

Mark only one oval.

Current Source Inverter, Voltage Source Inverter

Voltage Source Inverter, Current Source Inverter

1ϕ Voltage Source Inverter, 3ϕ Voltage Source Inverter

3ϕ Voltage Source Inverter, 1ϕ Voltage Source Inverter

16. Q12. Choose the wrong statement for 180° conduction mode of three *
phase full bridge inverter.

Mark only one oval.

Three devices conduct at a time

Two devices conduct at a time

Conduction of upper and lower device in one leg is 180° apart

Each device conducts for 180°

17. Q13. Which rectifier cannot provide four quadrant operation? *

Mark only one oval.

Bidirectional PWM rectifier

Dual converter

Two full wave converters in antiparallel

Half controlled rectifier 5/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

18. Q14. From thyristor family ……. is not having a control terminal. *

Mark only one oval.





19. Q15. The input voltage to a Boost dc to dc converter is 24V. Find the duty *
ratio to supply 36V at 5A to a resistive load.

Mark only one oval.





20. Q16. If the average output voltage of a three phase fully controlled rectifier *
feeding a resistive load is 382V, find firing angle? Consider continuous load
current and supply voltage as 400V (line to line),50Hz.

Mark only one oval.




36° 6/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

21. Q17. Choose the wrong statement *

Mark only one oval.

SiC and GaN are wide band gap devices

Si device has higher electric field strength than SiC and GaN

Si device cannot tolerate high temperature like SiC and GaN

SiC and GaN can operate at high switching speeds

22. Q18. A single phase full-converter, connected to 230V, 50Hz source, is *

feeding a load R = 10Ω in series with a large inductance that makes the load
current ripple free. For a firing angle of 45°, calculate average output voltage.

Mark only one oval.





23. Q19. Choose the correct statement. The effect of source inductance in *
controlled rectifiers is to …….

Mark only one oval.

Increase the average output voltage

Provide instantaneous transition of input current

Provide smooth turn off at high value of firing angle

Decrease the average output voltage 7/8
9/14/22, 3:02 PM 1401_R16_ELEC_V_EEC504_MCQ

24. Q20. In Sinusoidal PWM technique, if the carrier frequency is 25kHz and *
modulating signal frequency is 50Hz then frequency of fundamental
component of output voltage is ………

Mark only one oval.





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Forms 8/8
9/14/22, 2:15 PM 09/01/ 2 & 3

09/01/ 2
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

3. Admission No. *

4. Seat No. * 1/3
9/14/22, 2:15 PM 09/01/ 2 & 3

5. Question 2. *

Files submitted: 2/3
9/14/22, 2:15 PM 09/01/ 2 & 3

6. Question 3. *

Files submitted:

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Forms 3/3
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs
Instructions to Students:
1. Enter all your details carefully.
2. Any mistakes in the information of a student will be termed as "Absent" for the
3. This link will be closed within 40 minutes after enabling it.

The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form.

* Required

1. Email *

2. Admission No. *

3. Name (Surname, Name, Father's Name, Mother's Name) *

4. Seat No. *

5. The group of transported soils formed by movement of soil from its original *
place by gravity is known as

Mark only one oval.

Glacial soils

Colluvial soils

Marine soils

Lacustrine soils 1/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

6. For well graded gravel *

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

7. Hydrometer reading is always corresponding to the upper level to meniscus *


Mark only one oval.

Meniscus correction is always negative

Meniscus correction is always positive

Meniscus correction is both negative and positive

Meniscus correction is not considered 2/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

8. A state when the decrease in moisture content leads to solid state of soil, *

Mark only one oval.

Change in the volume of soil mass is observed

Partial change in the volume of soil mass is observed.

Complete change in the volume of the soil mass is observed

No change in volume of soil mass is observed

9. In a falling head permeability test the time taken for a head to fall from 27 cm to *
3 cm is 10 minutes. If the test is repeated with same initial head what time
would it take for the head to fall 9 cm?

Mark only one oval.

7.5 min

3 min

5 min

6 min

10. The saturated unit weight of sand in the bed of a pond 20 m deep is 20 kN/m3. *
Unit weight of water is 10 kN/m3. The effective stress at 4m below bed level of
pond is

Mark only one oval.

40 kN/m2

20 kN/m2

60 kN/m2

80 kN/m2 3/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

11. A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After *

a long period of pumping at a steady rate of 1501 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells which are 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found
to be 3.5 m and 2.0 m respectively. The draw down at the pumping well is.

Mark only one oval.

28.49 m

11.51 m

10.62 m

12.34 m

12. A sample of clay and a sample of sand have the same specific gravity and void *
ratio. Their permeabilities would differ because

Mark only one oval.

Their porosities would be different

Their degree of saturation would be different

Their densities would be different

The size range of their void would be different

13. To provide safety against piping failure with a factor of safety for a hydraulic *
structure what will be the maximum permissible exit gradient for soil with
specific gravity and porosity of 0.4

Mark only one oval.




0.21 4/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

14. The in-situ void ratio of a granular soil deposit is 0.5. The maximum and *
minimum void ratios of the soil were determined to be 0.75 and 0.35. Specific
gravity of solids is 2.67 the relative density of the soil is

Mark only one oval.

62.5 %

89.9 %


78.7 %

15. A soil sampler has inner and outer radii of 25 mm and 30 mm respectively. The *
area ratio of the sampler is

Mark only one oval.

24 %

34 %

44 %

54 %

16. The method adopted for soil boring for depths greater than 3m and more is *

Mark only one oval.

Seismic refraction method

Percussion method

Electrical resistivity method

Sounding and penetration method 5/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

17. During a sampling operation the drive sampler is advanced 600 mm and the *
length of the sample recovered is 525 mm. What is the recovery ratio of the

Mark only one oval.





18. A sample of soil has following properties: Liquid limit = 45%, Plastic Limit = 25 *
%, Shrinkage limit = 17 %, and Natural moisture content = 30 %. The
consistency index of the soil is

Mark only one oval.





19. A cohesive soil yields maximum dry density of 1.8gm/cc at an optimum *

moisture content of 16 %. If specific gravity of soil is 2.65 then determine the
degree of saturation.

Mark only one oval.

80 %

67 %

71 %

89 % 6/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

20. The void ratio and specific gravity of a sample of clay are 0.75 and 2.7 *
respectively. The voids are 92 % saturated. Find the bulk density of the soil.

Mark only one oval.

1.65 gm/cc

1.87 gm/cc

1.94 gm/cc

2.01 gm/cc

21. *

Mark only one oval.





22. Soil classification is done on the basis of *

Mark only one oval.

Mechanical sieve analysis

Grain size distribution and plasticity of soil

Stokes law

Dry sieve analysis and wet sieve analysis 7/8
9/14/22, 2:14 PM 09/01/2021_ Civil_V_R-16_GE-I_MCQs

23. Among the clay minerals the one having the maximum swelling tendency is *

Mark only one oval.





24. Chemically combined water in the crystal structure of the soil mineral which *
can be removed only by breaking the crystalline structure is known as

Mark only one oval.

Capillary water

Adsorbed water

Hygroscopic water

Structural water

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Forms 8/8
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural
Analysis II_MCQs
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4. Seat No. * 1/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

5. Find if the given structure is stable or unstable and also calculate the Ds? *

Mark only one oval.

Ds = 0; Structure is internally unstable

Ds = 0; Structure is unstable

Ds = 0; Structure is stable

Ds = 0; Structure is externally unstable

6. Find the static and kinematic indeterminacy of the structure: *

Mark only one oval.

Ds = 2; Dk = 5

Ds = 2; Dk = 6

Ds = 2; Dk = 4

Ds = 1; Dk = 6 2/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

7. Two hinge parabolic arch of span L and rise h carries a concentrated load W *
from distance (a) from Left support . The moment of inertia of the arch rib
varies as the secant of the slope of the rib axis. Horizontal thrust at support is

Mark only one oval.

H = ( 5 W a (L-a) ( L^2 +La - a^2)) / ( 8hL^3 )

H = ( 4 W a (L-a) ( L^2 +La - a^2)) / ( 8hL^3 )

H = ( 5 W a (L-a) ( L^2 +La - a^2)) / ( 6hL^3 )

H = ( 5 W a (L+a) ( L^2 +La - a^2)) / ( 8hL^3 )

8. A continuous beam 15 m long is simply supported at A, B and C, the supports *

being at the same level span AB is 8m long and carries UDL of 1.5KN/m and on
BC is 7m long carries UDL 1KN/m. Calculate moment of area of BMD about A.

Mark only one oval.

256 kNm3

512 kNm3

260 kNm3

250 kNm3

9. A single bay, single storey portal frame has a hinged left support and fixed right *
support. It is loaded with udl on the beam. Which one of the following statement
is true with regard to deformation of frame?

Mark only one oval.

It would sway to the left side

It would sway to the right side

It would not sway at all

It would displace towards left 3/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

10. A propped cantilever AB of span 5m, end A is fixed and end B is roller, 10 kN *
load is acting at 2m from A and 3m from B. Find Reaction at support A and B?

Mark only one oval.

Va = 7.92 kN ,Vb = 2.08 kN

Va = 8.2 kN ,Vb =3 kN

Va = - 14.5 kN ,Vb =5 kN

Va = - 7.92 kN ,Vb =2.08 kN

11. A Fixed beam AB of span 6 meter whose both end fixed , load 20 kN is acting *
at the center of the span , support B sinks down by 30 mm with a value of EI is
2700 kN/m2 . Find the final fixed end moments at supports A and B

Mark only one oval.

support A is - 28.5 kNm and support B is 2 kNm

support A is - 2 kNm and support B is 28.5 kNm

support A is - 28.5 kNm and support B is 28.5 kNm

at support A is - 2 kNm and support B is 2 kNm 4/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

12. A rigid jointed plane frame ABCD , member AB and CD are vertical with length 4 *
meter ,member BC is horizontal of length 4 meter , support A and D are fixed. 50 kN
load in X direction is acting at joint B . A couple 100 kNm is acting at joint B in
clock wise direction. A couple of 50 kNm is acting at joint C in clock-wise direction.
Equilibrium equation at joint B is ________

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

13. For rigid jointed plane frame ABCD, members AB and CD are vertical of length *
4 meter. Member BC is horizontal of length 4 meter. Support A and D are fixed
and EI is constant. Diagonal co-efficient of stiffness matrix is ____

Mark only one oval.

24EI/16 ,8EI/4 , 8EI /4

12EI/16 ,8EI/4 , 8EI /4

24EI/16 ,8EI/4 , 4EI /4

24EI/16 ,4EI/4 , 4EI /4 5/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

14. One bay double stored frame. The height of first storey is 4 meter and height of *
second storey is 3 meter with span of 6 meter. Member ABC and Member FED
are vertical. Height of member AB and EF is 4 meter. Height of member BC and
ED is 3 meter with moment of inertia of I. For member BE and CD of 6 meter
with 2I is horizontal. The rotation factor for member EB ,ED and EF will be

Mark only one oval.

- 0.182 ,-0.182 ,-0.136

- 0.136 ,-0.182 ,-0.136

2.66/EI ,21.33/EI, 4/EI

- 0.182 ,-0.136 ,-0.182

15. For Cantilever beam of span 4 with action 1 is acting in downward direction at *
mid span ,second action is acting at free end in downward direction and third
action couple in clockwise direction at free end Diagonal member of flexibility
matrix is _______

Mark only one oval.

2.66/EI ,21.33/EI, 4/EI

2.33/EI ,21.33/EI, 4/EI

2.66/EI ,21.33/EI, 8/EI

2.66/EI ,20.33/EI, 4/EI

16. For fixed beam of span L carrying load w kN/m only on half span from left *
support to centre of span . Collapse load is _______

Mark only one oval.

Wc = 28.57 Mp /L^2

Wc = 11.65 Mp /L^2

Wc = 28.57 Mp /L

Wc = 11.65 Mp /L 6/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

17. A rigid jointed plane frame ABCD. Member AB and CD are vertical of height ( h) *
. Member BC is horizontal of length L. Supports A and D are fixed. Horizontal
load P is acting at B in x direction. What is Bending moment at supports by
using Approximate method?

Mark only one oval.





18. For the rigid jointed frame subjected to temperature variations as shown in *
figure. Assume α=12 X 〖10〗^(-6 )/◦C and depth of all members as 600mm.
Neglect the effect of axial forces. The total deflection at ‘C’ is _______

Mark only one oval.

δ_c=11.2 mm (↓)

δ_c=55.5 mm (↓)

δ_c=20.32 mm (↓)

δ_c=18.67 mm (↓) 7/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

19. To generate the jth column of the flexibility matrix ____ *

Mark only one oval.

A unit force is applied at coordinate j and the displacement are calculated at all

A unit displacement is applied at coordinate j and the forces are calculated at all

A unit force is applied at coordinate j and the forces are calculated at all

A unit displacement is applied at coordinate j and displacements are calculated

at all coordinates

20. Select the correct equation of static indeterminacy of plane frame structure: *

Mark only one oval.

Ds = (R-3) + 3C - ∑(m-1)

Ds = (R-3) + 3C + ∑(m-1)

Ds = (R-3) + 3C - 3∑(m-1)

Ds = (R-3) + 6C - ∑(m-1) 8/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

21. Equal Area Axis of the section shown from topmost fiber is at a distance: *

Mark only one oval.

210 mm


225 mm

237.5 mm

22. Shape Factor of diamond section is: *

Mark only one oval.



2.63 9/10
9/14/22, 2:09 PM 07/01/2021_ V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis II_MCQs

23. Maximum positive Bending Moment of fixed beam carrying a point load W at *
mid span of length L will be:

Mark only one oval.





24. Kani's method of solving structural problem involves *

Mark only one oval.

Rotation factor

Distribution factor

carry over factor

Modified carry over factor

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Forms 10/10
9/14/22, 2:10 PM 07/01/2021_V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis 2 & 3

Analysis 2 & 3
Either 5 marks or 10 marks sub questions will be asked with internal options. In a few
exceptional courses/subjects (as per the requirement of the subject) even a 20 mark
question may be asked.

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9/14/22, 2:10 PM 07/01/2021_V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis 2 & 3

5. Question 2. Solve any two out of three of 10 marks each *

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9/14/22, 2:10 PM 07/01/2021_V_Rev.2016_Structural Analysis 2 & 3

6. Question 3. Solve any Two Questions out of Three 10 marks each *

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Forms 3/3
03/12/2021, 11:50 0212_R19_CIVIL_V_CEDLO5017Advanced Concrete Technology_PHCET

Concrete Technology_PHCET
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
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Forms 6/6
24/11/2021, 12:24 2311_R19_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

2311_R19_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
link given.

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2. Enter your Exam Seat Number *

1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive
questions (for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers.

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Forms 5/5
26/11/2021, 11:46 2511_R19_SEM-V_CEC502_Inst Name

2511_R19_SEM-V_CEC502_Inst Name
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
link given.

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1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive
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2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers.

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Forms 5/5
27/11/2021, 14:52 2711_R19_SEM-V_CEC503_Inst Name

2711_R19_SEM-V_CEC503_Inst Name
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
link given.

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1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive
questions (for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers.

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Forms 5/5
01/12/2021, 13:58 3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name

3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
link given.

* Required

1. Enter your Name *

2. Enter your Exam Seat Number *

1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive
questions (for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers.

Scan all pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to
upload in the link given. 1/5
01/12/2021, 13:58 3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name

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01/12/2021, 13:58 3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name

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01/12/2021, 13:58 3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name

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01/12/2021, 13:58 3011_R19_CIVIL_V_CEC504_Inst Name

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Forms 5/5
24/11/2021, 12:28 2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name
1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive questions
(for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers. Scan all
pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to upload in the
link given.

* Required

1. Enter your Name *

2. Enter your Exam Seat Number *

1. The question paper will have MCQs (for 20 marks) and subjective/descriptive
questions (for 60 marks).

2. MCQ correct options and subjective questions answers to be written on papers.

Scan all pages of answer papers of Q1 to Q4 and create single file in pdf format to
upload in the link given. 1/5
24/11/2021, 12:28 2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

3. Page: 1 /3 2/5
24/11/2021, 12:28 2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

4. Page: 2/3 3/5
24/11/2021, 12:28 2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

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24/11/2021, 12:28 2311_R16_Civil_V_CEC501_Inst Name

6. Upload the PDF (Answers) *

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Forms 5/5
rr=cc I v






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Paper / Subjeet Code: 48828 /
Q.6. Write short notes on (any four)
(b) Linear Discriminant Analysis
(c) Principal
(d) Machine

Page 2of 2

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capacity is 25,KW. The fuel consumption is 5
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and its CY =42
Strut type of Suspension [10]

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Page I afl

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Prper lSubject Code 48819 / Ilonours/tlinor Degree

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I{ofs; ,i Q.No, l is,compulsary,' f]) T

ii. Attempt any 3 out
iii" Support withneat sketoh

1. Solve auy-f+ur
A. E4plain the role of
S. Discuss what steps
C, Discuss
D. Write* note
E. .Uxptam
F. Wrftea

2. A.

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Paper I Subject Codc: 4552,6 I

N.B. : (1) QnestionNo 1 is
(2) Attempt any tlree out tif
(3) Al1 questions marks.
(4) Assume

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