EBS 403D Colonisation and Nationalism in Africa Edited
EBS 403D Colonisation and Nationalism in Africa Edited
EBS 403D Colonisation and Nationalism in Africa Edited
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This Course Book “EBS 403D Colonization and Nationalism in Africa” has
been exclusively written by experts in the discipline to up-date your general
knowledge of Education in order to equip you with the basic tool you will
require for your professional training as a teacher.
This three-credit course book of thirty-six (36) sessions has been structured to
reflect the weekly three-hour lecture for this course in the University. Thus,
each session is equivalent to a one-hour lecture on campus. As a distance
learner, however, you are expected to spend a minimum of three hours and a
maximum of five hours on each session.
To help you do this effectively, a Study Guide has been particularly designed
to show you how this book can be used. In this study guide, your weekly
schedules are clearly spelt out as well as dates for quizzes, assignments and
Also included in this book is a list of all symbols and their meanings. They are
meant to draw your attention to vital issues of concern and activities you are
expected to perform.
Blank sheets have been also inserted for your comments on topics that you
may find difficult. Remember to bring these to the attention of your course
tutor during your face-to-face meetings.
It is in the foregoing context that the names of Dr. Vincent Mensah Minadzi
and Mr. Kwame Nkrumah of the University of Cape Coast, who wrote and
edited the content of this course book for CoDEUCC, will ever remain in the
annals of the College. This special remembrance also applies to those who
assisted me in the final editing of the document.
Any limitations in this course book, however, are exclusively mine. But the
good comments must be shared among those named above.
Content Page
Table of Contents ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iii
Reference … … … … … … … … 167
Unit Outline
Session 1: The Meaning of Imperialism and Colonialism
Session 2: Meaning and Types of Nationalism
Session 3: Merits and Demerits of Nationalism
Session 4: Social and Religious Reasons for the Coming of the Europeans
Session 5: Political Motives for the Coming of the Europeans
Session 6: Economic Reasons for the Coming of Europeans
Dear Learner, you are warmly welcome to the first Unit of Commented [R1]: Unit
this course module titled Colonization and Nationalism in
Africa. We assure you that this preceding Unit like the Commented [R2]: Unit
subsequent ones is so much interesting that it will agitate your inquisitiveness
to have the urge to read the remaining five Units with the enthusiasm they
deserve. In this Unit however, we will look at the meaning of Imperialism,
Colonialism and Nationalism. We will further discuss the various reasons that
accounted for the coming of the Europeans to Africa in the 15th Century
Unit Objectives
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. explain the concepts “Imperialism’ and ‘colonialism’ and Commented [H3]:
indicate their relationship. Commented [H4R3]:
ii. explain the Concept of Nationalism Commented [H5R3]:
iii. state at least three social reasons for the Coming of the Europeans Commented [H6R3]:
iv. at least three Religious Reasons for the Coming of the Europeans
v. state at least three economic Reasons for the Coming of the
vi. state at least three political Reasons for the Coming of the
CoDEUCC/Bachelor in Primary & JHS Education
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. Define the concept of Imperialism and colonialism.
ii. State at least 2 differences between Imperialism and Colonialism.
5 Examples of colonialism are to be
The Scramble for Africa in the 19th
found in the takeover of India,
Century and the Chinese domination of
Australia, Southern, and Central
Vietnam from 111 BC to 983 A.D are
Africa by the British and Western
examples of Imperialism
and North Africa by the French
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 1.1
1. Explain the term imperialism.
2. Explain the term colonialism.
3. state two differences between imperialism and colonialism
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. explain nationalism
ii. state key factors that promoted nationalism in colonial Africa.
iii. explain at least three types of nationalism
response to European colonial rule. So, the term “colonial rule”, resonated
everywhere in the world resulting in perception of the colonized that their
rights and dignity have been violated by the so-called colonizers.
Resentment against foreign rule fed into the growth of nationalist sentiments.
In many instances, these sentiments were generated or intensified by
charismatic young leaders like Patrice Lumumba (Congo, now DRC), Jomo
Kenyatta (Kenya), and Julius Nyerere (Tanganyika, now Tanzania). These
sentiments were channeled into nationalist movements that sought to initially
challenge some unfair or oppressive colonial policies, and eventually became
the main vehicles for demanding political independence across the African
continent. We hope you can now explain the term nationalism.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 1.2
1. Define nationalism in your own words.
2. State any three types of nationalism.
3. What is liberal nationalism?
4. Explain the meaning of Diaspora nationalism.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state and explain at least three merits of nationalism.
ii. state and explain at least three demerits of nationalism.
Read on….
teaches the people to love their feelings and sufferings of their heroes and
Preservation of self-determination
Due to the collapse of nationalism on global scene, various nations and states
and their people with common sentiments, common objectives of life and
common culture and civilization, became impelled and instigated to preserve
their right of self-determination without the encroachment of foreign
domination. If it were not so, then the world society might not have presented a
variety of societies.
Supporting the ideas of democracy
Nationalism supports the idea of democracy in that sovereignty, liberty, self-
government equality, justice and peace are the main symbols of democracy.
One nation having common interest and common aim tries to develop the idea
of’ democracy among its people through its political institutions, powers and
functions of governmental organs, basic rights of the people and their duties in
various fields as being mentioned in the constitution that is a sacred document.
In this regard we have the example of USA, Germany, India and Pakistan that
have respective nature of ideals of democracy owing national interest and
national feelings.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 1.3
1. State and explain any two advantages of nationalism.
2. How can nationalism lead to exercise of supreme power.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state and explain three social factors that motivated the Europeans to
colonize Africans.
ii. state and explain three religious factors that motivated the Europeans to
colonize Africans
Dear student, try to think about some of the factors that might have motivated
the Europeans to colonize Africans. Are you done? Compare your answer with
the following:
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
i. state three political reasons for the coming of the Europeans.
ii. explain three political reasons for the coming of the Europeans
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 1.5
1. State and explain the three main political reasons that motivated the
Europeans to colonize Africa.
2. Why did King John III assume the title ‘Lord of Guinea’?
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
i. state at least three economic motives for the coming of the Europeans
ii. explain why the Portuguese wanted to search for a sea rout to India
and the far East
The search for a Sea route to India and the Far East
Again, the search for a sea route to the Far East for commodities was another
factor that motivated the coming of the Europeans. For example, the
Portuguese wanted to find a new sea route to India and Far East (China) to
trade in spices and other exotic goods. They also wanted to divert the gold
trade from the caravans of Western Sudan and the middleman of North Africa.
The trade in gold was so profitable to the extent that by the beginning of the
16th century the value of gold exported from Gold Coast was valued at
£100,000 per year. The African goods were exchanged with European goods
like gin, gun powder and cloths.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 1.6
1. Mention the economic factors that motivated the Europeans to colonize
2. Why did the Portuguese want to search for a sea rout to India and the Far
Unit Outline
Session 1: The Scramble for Africa
Session 2: Economic Reasons of the Scramble for Africa
Session 3: Political and Social Reasons of the Scramble for Africa.
Session 4: Indirect Rule
Session 5: Direct Rule
Session 6: Differences between Direct and Indirect Rule
Unit Objectives
By the end of the Unit, you should be able to:
i. Explain factors leading to European Scramble for Africa.
ii. State at least 2 economic reasons of European the Scramble for Africa.
iii. State at least 2 political and social reasons of European Scramble for
iv. Explain Indirect Rule.
v. State at least 2 features of Direct Rule.
vi. List at least 2 differences between Indirect and Direct Rule.
After studying this session, you should be able to:
1. explain the concept and events leading to the European Scramble for
2. state at least 2 new forms of Scramble for Africa.
3. State at least 2 examples of powerful nations involved in the new
Scramble for Africa.
4. write down at least 2 effects of the new Scramble for Africa.
It is worth noting that only a small part of Africa was under European rule at
the beginning of 1880s. According to Adu-Boahen (1987a, b), only
approximately 20 per cent of Africa was occupied at the period. Their rule was
mainly confined within the coast and a short distance inland along major rivers
such as the Niger and the Congo. During the Scramble, Africans put up
different forms of resistances against the attempt to colonize their states and
impose foreign cultures on them. By the early twentieth century, however,
much of the continent, except Ethiopia (under emperor Menelik II, who
resisted colonial rule) and Liberia, had been colonized by European powers.
Dear student, are you aware that the Scramble for Africa resources was not
limited to the West alone? Which other nationals were involved in the
Scramble? Did your answer include the East? Bravo! The Arab’s involvement
in the Scramble for Africa’s resources was minimal because their states nor
empires did not sponsor the phenomenon compared to that of the West. It
means that, the Arab’s business men and women organized their operations at
the individual levels.
It is worthy to note that the countries responsible for the new Scramble for
Africa are still from the West and the East. However, the new addition from the
East are China, South Korea, India, Malaysia and Brazil from South America
also joined the race (Kimenyi & Lewis, 2011). This does not imply that the old
Arab countries were out of the new Scramble for Africa and her resources.
According to Biyyaa (2009), there is now a growing interest where Euro-Arab-
Asia countries acquire lands in Africa for the food security of their home
population. He indicated for example, that there is presence of rich Arab
countries which are heavily involved in land grab ventures in the
underdeveloped African nations such as Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya. Most of
these countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait,
Qatar and Bahrain were lured by the fertile nature of Africa’s lands, a situation
that led them to buy large track of agriculture lands to feed their home
Dear student, what do you think would be the next target for the new Scramble
for Africa resources? Another resources triggering the new scramble for Africa
are crude oil from Nigeria, Sudan, Angola, Algeria, Ghana etc; copper from
Zambia; tobacco from Zimbabwe; and coal and gold in South Africa. There are
huge investments by powerful economic countries in these resources while the
profits from the investments are sent to their home countries. What do you
think would be the effects on the African continent if the profits are sent away?
Discuss your answer with your colleagues in class during face-to-face.
The new Scramble for Africa can also be seen in the area of so-called
investments and agreements by the West, the Arabs and the East amount to an
intense appropriation of the natural resources of the African nations for the
ultimate benefits of their nationals. You would agree with us that many of the
transaction deals are designed to affect Africans negatively to the extent that,
the continent does not get much from most of the deals.
There is no doubt that the new Scramble for Africa has effects on the continent
in many aspects. The new Scramble for Africa’s resources has made the
present economies of the continent to rely heavily on export and this
systematically destroys local small and medium-size producers in a great
proportion. Unfortunately, however, the raw materials the continent exported
do not have competitive prices which affect the income level of the continent
as a whole.
In addition, the new Scramble has also polarised and antagonised the economic
and social class stratifications on the continent. Apart from the high number of
less privileged in the continent, there is marked division of the citizens to the
extreme and rebellious have-nots and the callous super-rich. For instance, in
Nigeria, 80 percent of the crude oil wealth is controlled by just one percent of
the population (Weintstein, 2008). Dear student, it can be observed from this
example that the proceeds from the resources are not evenly distributed but
rather control by very few people.
Dear learner, do you think the new scramble for Africa has some
positive effective?
It is important to note that the continent has benefitted in a number of ways
regarding relationship with powerful advanced countries. For instance, Chinese
pledges during one of the last China-Africa summits to do assist the continent
in a number of instances including doubling aid to Africa to about $1 billion
and cancelling all debts stemming from Chinese interest-free government
The new Scramble has also seen improved agricultural production through
advanced fertilization and farming techniques. On-farm activities improved
while post-harvest processing became more effective through their help.
Moreso, crops become viable and healthy for instant consumption or further
Again, the new Scramble for Africa has helped positively within the context of
human capital developments. For example, PwC Ghana, a leading MNC in
Ghana’s services industry indicated in their 2015 CSR report that the
company’s CSR strategy is mainly driven by issues such as responsible
business, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, employee safety,
and environmental stewardship (Abugre & Anlesinya, 2019).
For more information on the European Scramble for Africa, you can watch the
video by typing the link (https://www.aljazeera.com/videos/2010/9/5/the-
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.1
1. List two modes of the new Scramble for Africa by powerful
economic countries.
2. Write down 3 effects of the new Scramble for Africa.
3. What is the other names for the Berlin Conference that saw the partitioning
of the African continent?
By the end of this session, you should be able to;
i. State at least 2 economic reasons of European Scramble for Africa.
ii. Explain with examples, two economic reasons of which Europe
invaded the African continent.
In the first place, the end of slave trade created the need for commerce between
Europe and Africa. The “legitimate” trade would help expand the economy of
the European nations and the surplus goods also would have a ready market in
Africa. This therefore necessitated the need to acquire territories outside
Europe to serve as a market for their surplus goods and Africa was their target
since it was a newly found continent. For instance, the Europeans supplied
manufactured products such as gin, tobacco, hardware, gun, gun powder, iron,
glassware, European blankets and cotton and silk products to Gold Coast.
These goods found a ready market since they were new and comfortable for
the large African population. The new “legitimate” business boosted the
economy of Britain and therefore were ready to do whatever was possible to
prevent any other European country from benefiting from this trade in the Gold
Secondly, European territories in Africa were seen as a place where raw
materials could be easily obtained at relatively cheaper prices to feed European
firms and industries. The profits from the new “legitimate” trade were enticing
thus, creating a colony would give European nations a monopoly. Apart from
the raw materials, there was also cheap labour force to produce the raw
materials including gold, ivory, timber, cotton, coffee, sugar, palm oil etc.
These products were in high demand in Europe which were to be converted
into finished goods. There was ready market for the finished products in both
European and African nations. As a matter of fact, this had helped in the
accumulation of more capital to establish other industries in Europe. As a
result, Africa was very valuable at the time and no European country would
allow another European country to establish trade routes in the “occupied”
territories for trade.
Dear student, can you mention the third economic reason why there
was Scramble for Africa? Did your answer include the following?
In the fourth place, the manufacture of steam engines and iron-hulled boats
gave European countries competitive urge to explore the other continents. For
instance, in 1840, the first British ocean-going iron warship called Nemesis
arrived at Macao, south of China. The manufacture of this ship changed the
face of international relations between Europe and the rest of the world. The
Nemesis had a shallow draft measuring five feet, a hull of iron, and two
powerful steam engines. It could navigate the non-tidal sections of rivers,
Last but not the least, as the economy of various European countries
particularly Britain expanded and more accumulation of capital resulting from
the profit from trade with the Africans, there was the need to invest the surplus
capital. Africa therefore, served as the ideal environment to invest in the
exploitation of natural resources of the continent. In the Gold Coast for
instance, European mining companies and timber firms were put up by the
Europeans to exploit the natural resources of the continent to serve European
So far, we have come to the end of economic reasons for the Scramble for
Africa by Europeans. We hope you have enjoyed this session. If not, do not
worry since your colleagues and Course Tutors would help you to understand.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.2
1. What do you understand by the Scramble for Africa?
2. Identify and explain 3 economic factors that led to the European
Scramble for Africa.
3. The iron-hulled boat manufactured by the British was called…….
At the end of the session, you should be able to;
1. Mention at least 2 political reasons Europeans Scramble for Africa.
2. Write down 2 social reasons of the Scramble for Africa.
3. State 2 political effects of the Scramble for Africa.
The next political reason for the Scramble and the partition of Africa was that
some African ethnic groups were hostile to the early European explorers,
merchants and traders. In order to protect their natives in the African
territories, the European therefore realized the need to annex those territories
where they have their explorers and merchants. This resulted in the military
invasion of the African countries by Europeans.
Dear student, are you also aware that nationalism was one of the political
reasons for the Scramble for Africa? We discussed nationalism as a concept in
the previous Unit. It means that the powerful European countries place the
interest of their nations first above any other. The tendency to show superiority
led the European colonial masters to invade the African continent.
Another political effect of the European Scramble for Africa is that it affected
the indigenous political institutions of the people. It means for example that
chiefs were no longer directly involved in the administration of their territories.
After the partition the European countries used subtle means and sometimes
force to establish their political control over their newly “acquired” territories.
In some cases, the Africans resisted. As part of the subtle move, the Europeans
persuaded and deceived some states to accept European protection and support
against their neighboring “aggressive” states. In that regard, the Asantes for
instance, had to fight and resist the British for about 50 years until their final
defeat in the famous “Yaa Asantewaa war” in 1900-1901.
We hope you are getting on very well. Don’t worry if you have difficulty in
understanding the points being discussed. The next political effect on Scramble
for Africa is that the poor demarcation of the territories by Europeans which
some experts say was ‘geographical madness’, is a contributory factor to the
various border disputes between African states. Some of these disputes
degenerate into full blown wars. For example, the conflict between Mali and
Burkina Faso over the Agacher strip, illustrates the problems caused by the
poor demarcation of boarders. In another instance, the conflict between Nigeria
and Cameroon over the Bakassi peninsular was a testimony of the effect of the
The last political effect of the Scramble for Africa can be seen where different
ethnic groups were brought together to form countries with no sense of
national unity. This has brought a number of inter-ethnic wars in many African
countries over the years. Incidents of inter-ethnic wars among African
countries of the same nation including the war between the Hutus and the
Tutsis in Rwanda resulting in the death of thousands of people and the conflict
between the Kokomba’s and the Nanumba’s in Ghana serve typical example.
We can also mention the conflict between the Alavanyo and the Nkonya of the
Volta region of Ghana over lands. These and many other inter-ethnic wars
could have been prevented if Africans had the chance to develop their social
and political institutions and form nation-states on their own without any
external influence particularly from Europe.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.3
1. State 2 political reasons of the European Scramble for Africa.
2. Write down 2 political effects of the European Scramble for Africa.
3. Write down 2 social factors responsible for the European Scramble for
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
1. Explain the concept of indirect rule
2. Explain the 3 forms of indirect rule
3. Explain factors that led to the introduction of indirect rule by Britain in
her colonies.
4. State at least two features of indirect rule.
ii. consolidating smaller chiefdoms into larger areas where one chief
was chosen to be in charge of the administration on behalf of the
British authorities.
iii. removing the opportunity of citizens to ‘‘de-stool’’ bad chiefs
because political competition was reduced.
These actions were the beginning of the breakdown of the existing traditional
African system prior to the coming of Europeans because they softened the
chief’s budget constraint and reduced political competition between chiefdoms
and chiefs. It further means that chiefs were no longer accountable to their
people since their people cannot depose them.
Dear student, do you know the main architect behind indirect rule? Indirect
rule was the brain child of Frederick Lugard (Perham, 2016). He presented the
principles behind the system in his book titled, The Dual Mandate in Tropical
Africa. The first principle was decentralization whereby there was recognition
and ruling people through their indigenous authorities. Lugard further stressed
that the role of the British officers, apart from critical areas such as taxation,
military forces and the alienation of land, was to advise, not demand. The
second principle has to do with continuity. Lugard stated that the British should
make use of indigenous institutions and authorities, thereby preserving
“continuity” with the past, while laying foundations for what he saw as the
progressive improvement of indigenous society.
government upholding them, without any recourse to the laws of the colonial
In terms of De jure structure, it is a system of governance where the state (the
more powerful colonized state) maintains direct rule over a territory, the real
power of administration is held by the intermediate political elites. The legal
system works as the same as Weberian governance (the government claims the
monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory),
however, its actual implementation does not resemble direct rule (Naseemullah
& Staniland, 2014). In this system, the disciplinary norms and practices are
carried out by the local power holders or leaders. Taxes were collected and sent
by feudal landowners who were absolute rulers to the British administration.
Certain territories were strategically important for the imperial powers, but
they were not able to fully occupy and control those regions or territories. In
instances where a monopoly of force could not be established, the colonizing
power established a Hybrid form of governance structure (Khan, Salim,
Baluch, Mehreen & Kaleem, 2021). In such type of governance structure, the
state shares authority with social actors. The hybrid is different from the other
two forms because the colonizing power’s intervention is legally codified in
legal frameworks which differ from both the laws and customary practices of
the vassal states or tribal groups. Moreso, the instruments of coercive force are
kept by the state in the form of special levies, militia, and police forces in
addition to those controlled by the traditional elites.
Another reason the indirect rule was introduced was insufficient funds to cater
for the working class in the colonies. The British did not have sufficient
resources to create new socio-economic and political institutions (Vail, 1989;
Berman, 1974). There was no sufficient fund from the British government to
engage British officials for direct administration of the colonies. Paying staff at
home and outside of Britain would be a huge budget on the British
government. As a result, they employed the local leaders who were paid little
to work on behalf of Britain.
So far, we hope you are enjoying the discussion on the reasons for the
introduction of indirect rule by the Britain. Let us continue!
Moreover, the unique role and position of traditional rulers prior to the
introduction of indirect rule was admired by the British. They recognized the
Again, to satisfy the economic needs of the colonialists who wanted to make
markets for their goods and to encourage West Africans to produce those raw
materials, they have to control the Africans through the indirect rule system.
They used the local rulers to get their people worked hard to get raw materials
which the Europeans bought at lower prices. The exported raw materials were
processed and chipped back into the colonies at higher prices.
Dear student, do you know that language barrier was one of the reasons for the
introduction of indirect rule? Indirect rule succeeded in eliminating the
language barrier that would have posed serious problem to the British colonial
administration if direct rule was adopted. English language which was the
medium of communication by Britain was quite different from indigenous
languages of most of her colonies, such as Nigeria and Ghana. So, few
individuals served as interpreters which was quite easy to manage as compared
to dealing with entire population who spoke indigenous language.
Relatively stable political system did not require direct military involvement of
the European countries. Obedience to constituted authority is a must for a
stable political system. For instance, the people in the Northern Nigeria were
so obedient to their rulers and the institutions and the result was stability in the
system. Britain, therefore had to allow the system to stay. Any interference,
would have incurred the displeasure of the people would be as an obstacle to
smooth administration of the system.
Last but not the least, the vast nature of the territories to be administered by
Britain made indirect administration a better option. For example, Northern
Nigeria is a large area to be ruled by the few whites. The situation was
aggravated by the fact that a number of the European personnel were unwilling
to come to the continent due to the bad weather. The British could not assign
staff to the vast areas they controlled.
CoDEUCC/Bachelor in Primary & JHS Education 43
Again, indirect rule was cheaper to run. The employment of locals who were
paid peanuts for working on behalf of the Europeans was a cheap way of
running the colonies. Bringing nationals from Europe to come and work in the
colonies would have been more expensive. This was because they needed to be
paid accordingly. They had to be given accommodation and other fringe
benefits. In the case of using the natives, no extra cost was incurred. This made
it cheaper compared to the use of Europeans.
Again, the various colonies saw rapid social and economic development since
part of the revenue collected from taxes and rates was used in constructing
school buildings, markets, hospitals, roads, bridges among others. Can you
mention some of these colonial monuments in your area? Share with your
colleagues in class.
Lastly, the indirect system developed trust between the traditional authorities
and their subjects on one hand and colonial counterparts on the other hand. The
fact that the Africans now saw themselves being ruled by their own very kind,
encouraged them to trust the system and by extension the white European.
Hitherto, there was so much mistrust because Africans viewed the British with
suspicion. The practice of indirect rule eventually ended the suspicion.
Moreso, the educated elite were sideline. It means that they were not involved
in the administration and operations of the institutions of indirect rule. In
particular, the elite citizens were not involved in the collection of taxes,
administration of justice as well as in the maintenance of law and order in the
The British used native chiefs who were traditionally qualified and were
enstooled by the people, therefore, the people expected the chiefs to act in their
interest. On the other hand, the British expected that since they were giving the
orders, the chiefs have to tow their line. So, this fits into the saying that “it is
difficult to serve two masters”. In actual fact the chiefs sometimes found it
difficult to please both the British and the local people at the same time.
The chiefs were used to do all the menial work on the ground for the colonial
powers. Put it differently, the traditional rulers were used to carry out the
programmes of the colonialists under indirect rule. The local people, on the
other hand saw the chiefs as puppets, dancing to the tunes of the European
authorities, and as a result lost their respect for them.
Under this system, the British were able to break the unity that supposed to
exist between the chiefs and the educated elite buy giving more powers to the
chiefs, much to the detriment of the educated elite. This, in effect created
unhealthy and bitter rivalry between the chiefs and elite.
The idea of indirect rule was that the local chiefs should be used for local
administration. However, the British often than not imposed unqualified chiefs
on the people. These unqualified chiefs never commanded the absolute respect
of the natives.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.4
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
1. Define the concept of direct rule.
2. Conditions that led to the adoption of direct rule by the French.
3. The impacts of direct rule on the colonies in Africa.
ii. Moreso, African chiefs were not leaders of their own people.
Rather, they were only figureheads, under the supervision of French
political officers.
iii. Again, African chiefs were appointed, not by lineage or birth, but
rather by education, and familiarity with the metropolitan
administrative duties.
iv. Lastly, African chiefs could be transferred from one state to another.
Effectively, the French policy actually ensured that traditional
paramountcies intentionally were destroyed.
2. Economic Assimilation.
- The colonies were made to produce raw materials specifically to
supply French industries making sure that French interest was
paramount. The natural resources were exploited to enable France
compete favorable in the league of industrial competition taking
place in Europe.
So far so good. We hope your expectations for this session have been met.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.5
1. Define direct rule.
2. Write down 2 conditions that led to the adoption of direct rule by the
3. State 2 types of assimilation.
4. List 2 advantages and disadvantages each of direct rule.
By the end of this session, you should be able to;
1. differentiate between indirect and direct rule by Britain and France
2. State 2 disadvantages of indirect rule.
Relatedly, indirect rule thrived on the existing traditional laws and customs in
the administration of the colonies. The colonial masters did not discard these
laws and introduce their own knowing very well that would create a daunting
task which could lead to chaos. On the other hand, the French policy
assimilation did not recognize the traditional laws and customs. However, the
French assimilation system was meant to substitute the culture, religion and
language of the people. In other words, they wanted to eradicate everything
about the people in their colony thus, taking on a new culture altogether.
Another difference between indirect rule system and direct system was that the
former was comparatively cheaper system of administration while the latter
(French assimilation), system was expensive in nature. In the indirect rule, the
local leaders running the colonies on behalf of officials were paid peanuts
thereby reducing the overall budgets. The French government employed their
own people and paid them for the administration of the colonies across the
world and this demanded huge budgetary allocation.
The next difference between direct and indirect rule has to do with ideological
one. French believe in fundamental premise of actual or potential equality of
all people, with the aim to assimilating their colonial subjects into a body of
“100 million Frenchmen (Lewis, 1962). Conversely, Britain emphasised on the
need for preservation of cultural differences between conquerors and colonial
Another common difference between indirect and direct rule is the system of
law. In direct rule, a single system of law set by the conquering country was
applied to the conquered subjects. This system did not imply fairness or rights;
it often established unjust laws for local people, but it was a centralized legal
arrangement. However, legal pluralism characterizes indirect rule. The
colonies under this system of rule were governed by customary laws, which
may differ from region to region, or even tribe to tribe; the legal code of the
colonial masters is reserved for Europeans and select others (Mamdani, 1996).
Last but not the least, indirect rule was not based on the arrogant belief in the
superiority of British civilization but this was the case in French assimilation
policy. Britain recognizes the power and authority of the locals thinking that if
they belittle them, it would be difficult to manage the vast colonies compared
to the French who had less colonies to control.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 2.6
1. State 4 differences between direct and indirect rule.
2. Explain two of the differences you stated in question 1.
Unit Outline
Session 1: Positive Social Impacts of Colonialism on Africa
Session 2: Negative Social Impacts of Colonialism on Africa
Session 3: Positive Economic Impacts of Colonialism on Africa
Session 4: Negative Economic Impacts of Colonialism on Africa
Session 5: Positive Political Effects of Colonialism on Africa
Session 6: Negative Political Influence of Colonialism on Africa
Unit Objectives
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state and at least three positive social effects of colonialism
on Africa
ii. explain at least three positive social effects of colonialism on Africa
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. State at least 2 positive impacts of colonial rule on Africa.
ii. Explain at least 2 positive impacts of colonial domination on the African
Read on…
liberating his nation from the British colonization. Some of the educated
leaders believed that Africa had matured and could solve her problems without
the assistance from colonizers. Above all, the acquired education imparted
Africans with various skills that enabled them to create jobs for themselves and
to compete favourably in the global market.
Enhancement of unity
Another point is that the adoption of language spoken by the colonial masters
played a crucial role in fostering unity in the Africa nations that were depicted
by multilingual tribal languages. For instance, Nigeria is a country that has
over five hundred different languages, and each tribe considered its language
superior to other tribes, thereby leading to disunity. However, through
colonization, colonized country adopted the English language which played an
essential role in enabling different tribes to speak and understand each other
within a framework of one language (Filppula, Klemola & Sharma, 2017).
Research has shown that, the development of any nation begins with its ability
to unite citizen and allowing them to join hands in the building of their country.
Therefore, the introduction of the language of the colonial masters assisted
African nations to understand each other. Also, through the learning of the
foreign languages, African nations were able to participate and benefit from the
international trade.
Introduction of civilization
Moreso, the arrival of the Christian missionaries did not only lead to the spread
of Christianity but also played a pivotal role in bringing civilization to most of
the African nations. It is important to note that before the coming of the
colonizers, a substantial percentage of the African countries had backward and
uncivilized cultures that limited their development (Takács, 2015). In Southern
Nigeria for example, there were massive killings of twins because they
believed that such kids were bad omen. However, through the advent of
Christianity such killings were stopped and these kids were now treated as a
blessing to the society. Also, the spread of religion helped in empowering the
girl-child and eliminating the discrimination in the treatment of different
genders. For instance, most African nations despised female gender making
them face sexual violence and denial of their human rights (Takács, 2015).
Fortunately, the colonizers of Africa initiated equality in the treatment of all
genders making African women such as Wangari Mathaai from Kenya to win
the Noble Peace Prize of 2004 in her contribution in the sustainable
development, democracy, and peace. So far, we hope you are enjoying this
names by some Africans. We are certain that you enjoyed studying this session
so much. Answer the following self-assessment questions.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.1
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
1. state at least two negative social influence of colonialism on Africa.
2. explain at least two negative social influence of colonialism on Africa
Again, proselytization is another negative social effect of colonialism in
Africa. Are you familiar with the word proselytization? What is the meaning of
this word? Compare your answer with our explanation given below.
Proselytization means to induce someone to convert to one’s faith. In the
context of our discussion, proselytization implies the way the Europeans
succeeded in propagating Christianity in African colonies and converting the
people to the Christian faith sometimes against their will. You will agree with
us that the transplanting of Christianity on the African soils had and continue to
have a devastating effect on the African Traditional Religion, family
bonds/solidarity, social bonds and marriage institutions.
Be informed that the missionaries preached the gospel in a manner that put the
African Traditional Religion under negative public light. Additionally, the new
converts having been thoroughly indoctrinated, saw their non-converts
counterparts as “unclean” entities and hardly associated themselves with them.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.2
1. State three negative social effects of colonialism on Africa.
2. Explain any two negative social impacts of colonialism on Africa.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state and at least three positive economic effects of colonialism on
ii. explain at least three positive economic effects of colonialism on Africa
Read on…
Mechanization of agriculture
Europeans brought new technologies to modernize Africa’s agricultural
landscape. They provided the continent with tools to help with agriculture and
presented crops such as guava, sweet potato, tobacco, sugar cane, maize and
pawpaw. They also introduced new varieties of maize and cassava which they
had brought from the Americas. From the colonial period to date, most African
farmers have been relying on the agricultural tools introduced to them by the
Europeans to produce some of the above- mentioned food crops in commercial
quantities and earn a living out of that. Dear student, we trust you are
following the discussion. What other positive economic effects do you think
colonialism had on Africa? Write them down and compare them with the
Employment opportunities
You will agree with us that the most densely populated sector of the African
economies is the education sector. In this sector of African economies, huge
number of teaching and non-teaching staff work to earn a living. On the other
hand, the introduction of Christianity into Africa has helped to reduce
unemployment situation to some extent. Church leaders are appointed as
overseers of church branches in particular geographical areas and this
appointment goes with allowances or salaries. Which other areas do people
earn their living as a result of employment?
Trading opportunities
One of the economic effects of European activities on the African continent
especially Gold Coast was the business opportunities that were created for the
coastal states. The coastal states exploited their position as middlemen in the
trade and made some fortunes. The trade with the Europeans diverted the flow
of trade from across the Sahara to North Africa to the Atlantic Coast. Several
people migrated from the interior of the Gold Coast to the coastal towns to take
advantage of the European trade. Towns like Elmina, Cape Coast, Accra etc
owed their growth to the activities of the Europeans on the coast.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.3
1. Sate 2 positive economic impacts of colonialism in Africa.
2. Explain any 2 positive economic impacts on colonialism.
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
i. state at least two negative economic effects of colonialism on
ii. explain at least two negative economic effects of colonialism on
while manufactured goods from abroad were sold at expensive price. This
situation accounted for the impoverishment of most Africans.
absorb shock from the international market and will never enjoy trade balance
or comparative advantage. The export-import orientation pattern of African
economy introduced by colonialism does not allow for acceleration and
multiplier effects necessary for economic advancement and development. The
raw materials produced by Africans were not used by industries located in
Africa but abroad. Therefore, there was no organic linkage between the
agricultural sector and the industrial sector in Africa.
Consequently, the African economy could not move forward because the
surplus profit appropriated from the economy by the colonialists are not
ploughed back within the economy. This is where the accelerator and
multiplier effects necessary for economic advancement and development come
in. As we know, goods and services are sold for profit and income generation.
If for example, Japan, an industrialized nation sells Sanyo television to an
African state which could be Nigeria, the money paid for the product serves as
profit and income for the television company located in Japan. If the company
uses the money paid to it to buy something in Japan, it helps to accelerate the
economy of Japan. This accelerator effect was totally absent in African
territories during the period of colonialism. The absence of the accelerator
factor/effect, created the propensity for Africans to keep importing
continuously from outside without depending on their own goods.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.4
1. State any four negatives economic effect of colonialism on Africa.
2 Explain four negatives economic effects of colonialism on Africa
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state at least two positive political effects of colonialism on Africa.
ii. explain two positive political impact of colonialism on Africa.
Read on…
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.5
1 State two positive political effects of colonialism on the African
2 Explain in details, two positive political impacts of colonialism in
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. state at least three negative political influence of colonialism on Africa
ii. explain at least three negative political influence of colonialism on
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 3.6
1. State three negative political effects of colonialism on Africa.
2. Explain three negative political effects of colonialism on Africa.
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. state at least 2 reasons for Africans opposition to European rule.
ii. explain at least one reason for the resistance by Africans to colonial
Now read…
Take your pen and paper. Write down one reason for African’s resistance to
colonial movement by Europeans. You have done well. Now, compare your
answer to the ones we provided.
We learnt in the previous sessions that Africa has one of the fertile lands in the
world. No wonder when the Europeans came, they took some of the fertile
lands from Africans. So, the loss of land was one of the reasons Africans
resisted Europeans. More land was taken from African people and given to
Europeans for settlement. In response to these developments, some chiefs
organised rebellions against colonial authorities. Do you know how the lands
were taken away from Africans? The acquisition of land was achieved mostly
by signing treaties with the local chiefs who often did not understand the
implications of what they were signing. In particular, King Lobengula of
Matabeleland and a leader of the Ndebele was one of such chiefs. The Ndebele
(now Southern Zimbabwe) were an influential warrior tribe who presided over
a large portion of fertile land.
When was the first time you heard about the poll tax? Yes, introduction of such
policy was one of the reasons for the resistance. African local people
vehemently opposed the policy of one pound that they were forced to pay.
There were oppositions in the colonies when such policy was introduced. Adu-
Boahen for instance, reported that resistance to the tax began towards the end
of 1853 and developed into open rebellion first in eastern districts in January
1854 where the kings and people organised protest meetings in Accra and
refused to pay the tax. Another protest in the form of armed rebellion against
British authority was organised by Zulu Chief Bambatha.
The next reason has to do with the fact that Africans were forced to work
against their will. This resulted in oppositions across the continent. In
particular, Maji Maji revolt was organised by Kinjigitile Ngwale in 1905
against forced labour. The forced labour was as a result of scheme by
Europeans to feed their industries with raw materials from Africa. The
unfortunate thing was that Africans were most at times forced to plant non-
traditional staple crops such as cotton. In all, we can say that exploitation of
African labourers by European employers added to the growing opposition
among the local people.
Dear student, be informed that some of the anti-colonial struggles were not in
the interest of the generality of Africans. Some of the resistances were aimed at
achieving individual interests. For example, Cooper (1994) points out that the
anti-colonial struggles were to protect the power of certain African elites to
exploit the people and the privileges of the ruling class. It means that some of
the elite Africans had hidden agenda of manipulating their own people and the
resources of the continent. Some of the elites did not understand why the chiefs
were give more recognition and power over them.
Last, Africans felt they were discriminated against in their own backyard.
There were a number of instances where racism manifested. Africans who
colonial masters employed to work were paid less compared to their European
counterparts. Top positions were reserved for Europeans against the
local people who also qualified to hold the positions. Do you think
discrimination is still practiced against the Africans?
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.4
1. Explain 2 reasons why European domination was resisted by
2. The Maji Maji revolt of 1905 was organised by one of the following.
a. Kinjigitile Ngwale
b. Samory Toure
c. Yaa Asantewaa
d. Zulu Chief Bambatha
Unit Outline
Session 1: The Phases/Stages of Resistance
Session 2: Primary Resistance to Colonial Rule
Session 3: Secondary Resistance
Session 4: Reasons for African’s Resistance to Colonial Rule
Session 5: The Impacts of the Resistance
Session 6: Reasons for the Failure of Africans Resistance to Colonial Rule
Unit Objectives
By the end of the Unit, you should be able to:
i. State at least 2 phases of African resistance to colonial rule.
ii. Identify at least 2 primary resistances by Africans over European
iii. Write down at least 2 secondary resistances by Africans against
colonial rule.
By the end of the session, the student should be able to;
1. state at least 2 examples of the phases of resistances to the colonial
2. explain in details, one phase of resistance by Africans to colonial rule.
The first phase has to do with African response to the colonial conquest itself.
This movement took place between 1880 to 1910. Then, in the second phase
was a period of the consolidation of colonial rule starting from 1914 to 1939.
This was also the period of first world war. The third phase occurred at the end
of World War II which ranged between 1939 to 1945 till the attainment of
independence of the continent between the early 1950s and the 1980s. The last
phase however, has to do with post-independence movement against a new
form of approach called neocolonialism – the West and the East attempt to
redefine not only their relationships with the former colonizers, but also their
efforts to deconstruct negative perceptions linked to the continent in general.
It must be noted that, the anticolonialism movement differed from place to
place at the various phases. For example, the coastal states such as the Fantes
CoDEUCC/Bachelor in Primary & JHS Education 85
of Gold Coast (Ghana) who have had relatively long experiences with the
Europeans tended to initially accommodate the colonial rule. Invariably, the
states that were in the interior mostly non-Christians whose encounter with
Europeans was comparatively short, resisted the colonial invasion by
deploying vigorously militant forms of anticolonialism.
So far, we believe you have enjoyed the discussion. Jot down issues you did
not understand well and discuss it further with your colleagues and facilitator.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.1
By the end of the session, the student should be able to;
1. state at least 2 primary resistances by Africans to the colonial rule.
2. enumerate 2 examples of primary resistances to colonial rule.
In the second place, one of the early (primary) resistance was religious in
character. Religion was used as an early anti-colonial up-risings where
religious leaders led the charge. For instance, the Maji-Maji rebellion against
the Germans in East Africa (Tanganyika) in 1905-06 and Chimurenga
(Zimbabwe) uprisings were led by African religious leaders who vehemently
opposed the colonial domination in the African continent. Another instance
where religion was pronounced was in Nyasaland, now Malawi, where the
Christian church and the Seventh Day Adventist Church under the leadership
of Priest John Chilembwe, played an important role organizing and carrying
out an early uprising against colonial authority. It can be inferred that religious
opposition against colonial rule was a commonplace throughout the 20th
In Gold Coast (Ghana) for instance, there was fierce resistance between the
British and Asantes over the failure of the latter to pay the fines of 50 000
ounces of gold levied on the Asantahene at the Treaty of Fomena.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.2
1. Write down two primary resistances by Africans against colonial rule.
2. The Maji-Maji religious protest was against which of the European
a. Britain
b. French
c. Germans
d. Portugal
By the end of this session, the student should be able to;
1. write down at least three secondary resistances by Africans against
European rule.
2. explain at least two secondary resistances by Africans towards the West
over their invasion.
Now read…
Dear student, let us begin by jotting down some of the secondary actions taken
by Africans to show their disapproval. Now compare your answer with the
In the first place, we can talk about religious resistance. One of the secondary
resistances was the emergence of African Initiated Churches (AICs). This
movement started in South Africa in the 1890s then gradually spread to other
parts of Africa with the establishment of missions. The initial reaction was
against the control and domination by whites over money and higher offices in
the churches thereby stamping their authority of independence and establishing
African control. In the end, some of these churches began to be more
independent in their doctrines. One example of those churches was the
Kimbaguist Christian Church established by Simon Kimbangu of Congo in the
1920s. In spite of Kimbangu’s imprisonment for many years by the Belgians,
the Kimbanguist church grew rapidly. Moreso, African Islamic rulers such as
Cheikh Ahmadu Bamba and Samory Toure who saw European culture as
danger to their social order also resisted the incursion of colonial masters.
The next resistance was economic in nature. More working class joined the
trail a little bit later, where their responses and resistance began to emerge with
the elites. Even though workers at the time were not well organized, there were
pockets of protests in the 1920s and 1930s by mine workers in southern Africa
and port workers in West and East Africa. In Gold Coast, there was “positive
action” where combination of strikes, demonstrations, and rallies held all over
the country that were designed to put pressure on the colonial government
(Howard, 1999). For example, in 1941, 1944 and 1947, there were strikes in
the town of Sekondi, the headquarters of both the harbour and the railways
workers. The purpose of their strike was to demand better working conditions
from the colonial masters. Some of these activities saw the birth of trade
unions in British colonies.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.3
1. State and explain 2 secondary resistances by Africans against colonial
2. The African Initiated Churches was one of the secondary resistances to
colonial domination. True or False.
3. Aba Women’s Movement was used as a strategy by Europeans to
colonize Africa. True or False.
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. state at least 3 negative effects of African resistance to colonialism.
ii. explain two negative effects of resistance by Africans against European
The first negative effect of resistance against colonialism has to do with the
fact that, sufficient financial resources were not mobilized by government
machinery so as to offset the administering costs engendered by various
colonies, essentially because native resistance augmented with progress of
colonial administrators and implicit taxation (Kodila-Tedika & Asongu, 2018).
A typical example is where in 1898, Mende chiefs in Sierra Leon revolted and
unanimously took the decision not to pay any tax. Because of weak
mobilization of income through taxes, it did not provide African nations with
sufficient financial resources that would support development agenda at the
Another effect of the long resistance of Africans to colonial rule was the
reduction in the accumulation of human capital. It has been established that
there is negative relationship between human capital accumulation and
resistance by African locals (Frankema, 2012). Most of the energetic youths
who were at the forefront of the resistance were forcefully taken away to go
and work on plantations in far-away lands. Even those who were employed by
the colonial masters were paid peanuts which could not be accumulated for
substantial investments.
In the third place, countries which experienced high levels of native resistance
are those that have developed institutions that are not consistent with
contemporary levels of development, especially with regard to inclusive
development. In effect, resistance is social conflict which reduces possibilities
of social harmony.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.5
By the end of this session, you should be able to;
i. state 2 reasons why Africans resistance to colonial rule failed.
ii. explain at least 2 reasons why African’s opposition to colonial rule
Dear student, can you guess the reasons why resistances by Africans against
colonial rule did not work. The ease at which Europeans were able to
successfully overcome resistance from Africans was amazing. Several factors
worked against Africans in their bid to oppose colonial administration.
Military wise, it can be observed that the nature of resistance adopted by each
community was hollow, uncoordinated and not frontal enough besides other
factors (Egbefo, 2015). Do not forget that even before the coming of
Europeans, there were pockets of conflicts and rivalry among communities in
Africa. At the time, the more powerful states and kingdoms in Africa were also
expanding their sovereignty over smaller and less powerful communities. So,
the deep -rooted rivalries worked against African in presenting a united front
against their European counterparts who were purposeful, focused and well-
Relatedly, the traditional tactics and strategies including massed attack, hiding
in trees and in shallow trenches as well as employment of magic powers did
not help Africans to resist colonial rule. The old tactics for example, magic
powers demand long incantation before potency were unbale to match the new
kind of enemy with modern weapons. Be informed that, these old -tactics or
military organization were not designed to combat enemies with modern
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 4.6
1. List and explain 2 reasons for the failure of resistances by Africans to
colonial rule.
Unit Outline
Session 1: The Concept of Proto-Nationalism
Session 2: Features of Proto-Nationalism Movement
Session 3: Factors that Promoted Proto-nationalism Activities in Africa
Session 4: The National Congress of British West Africa (NCBWA)
Session 5: Achievements of National Congress of British West Africa
Session 6: Challenges that Militated against the NCBWA
By the end of the Unit, you should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of proto-nationalism
ii. state at least three features of proto-nationalism
iii. state at least three factors that promoted proto-nationalist activities
in Africa.
iv. examine the achievement of proto-nationalism in Africa.
v. discuss some proto-nationalist movements in Africa
vi. identify challenges associated with proto-nationalism in Africa
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. explain the term Proto-nationalism as used in the context of
colonialism in Africa.
ii. state two examples of proto-nationalism
Scholars such as Calhoun (1993) and Kaldor (2004) indicated that in political
elites ’desperation for power, especially in heterogeneous societies, proto-
nationalism could be used to invoke loyalty and support for their personal
political ambition. Politicians fall back to their imagined communities for
required support so as to gain political leverage against opposition. Therefore,
proto-nationalism is the reawakening and inciting of nationalistic identities and
sentiments by political elites for the actualization of self-serving political
agenda. That is, politicians constantly remind the people with whom they share
affinity with of their genealogical or ethno-religious fraternity for the purpose
of provoking their loyalty towards the fulfilment of personal political
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.1
1. What is the meaning of proto-nationalism?
2. Give two instances that could be described as proto-nationalism
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. state at least two features of proto-nationalism.
ii. explain two features of proto-nationalism.
iii. explain why chiefs were excluded from the membership of proto-
nationalist movement.
Unlimited leadership
One of the features of the proto-nationalist movement was that its leadership
was not limited to any one political party. It was led by a host of parties. For
example, leaders were selected from both the National Congress of British
West Africa and the Aborigines Rights Protection Society.
Non-violent approach
Another feature of the proto-nationalist movement was that it adopted non-
violent approach to its agitation. It used the structures and channels that were
available at the time to push for its demands. For example, they sent petitions
to the Secretary of State for the Colonies who resided in London to press home
for the withdrawal of the Land Bill of 1897.
Exclusion of chiefs
Another feature of proto-nationalism was that the traditional chiefs did not play
any role in the movement. They were conspicuously absent. Can you guess the
reason? This was so because the chiefs were also engaged in the
implementation of Indirect Rule and therefore did not see the need to join in
the fight against their own masters. We hope you now understand the reason
for their conspicuous absence in the fight for the rights of Africans.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.2
1. State three features of proto-nationalism
2. Explain three features of proto-nationalism
3. Why were the chiefs excluded from the membership of the proto-
nationalist movement
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
i. identify at least three factors that promoted proto-nationalist
activities in Africa
ii. explain three factors that promoted proto-nationalist activities in
The Western system of education brought in its wake a large team of school
graduates who did not have any form of employment. This category of people
thought they should have been given some form of employment in the Civil
and Public Service but this was not the case. This group also had to join the
nationalist movement to push pressure on the colonialists to create
opportunities for them to become useful to their country.
Opposition to Ordinances
The introduction of the 1897 land Bills which sort to deny the indigenes of
their fertile lands elicited a strong opposition from the local people. The locals
also opposed the waterworks Bill of 1934 because it was seen as an obnoxious
law. The opposition to these laws and others also formed the bases of proto-
What do you think was the reaction of colonial masters when all these
were going on? Discuss with your colleagues and facilitator.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.3
1. Identify three factors that promoted proto-nationalist activities in
2. Explain any three factors that promoted proto-nationalist activities in Africa
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of NCBWA
ii. state at least three factors that led to the formation of the NCBWA
iii. state at least three petitions presented by the congress to the colonial
movements of the era were too broad in their scope and did not adequately
address the concerns of West Africans. It was this desire to have a more
consolidated scope for the development of nationalist aims that, in part,
sparked the creation of the NCBWA in 1920.
Regional influences
The founding of the NCBWA was based on the existing legacy of resistance
and nationalist movements throughout the colonies in British West Africa.
Some of the resistance movements that influenced the development of the
NCBWA were those by King Aggrey of Cape Coast in the Gold Coast in the
1860s and King Kosoko of Lagos & Jaja of Opobo (Nigeria) in the nineteenth
century. The previous nationalist movements that sparked the creation of the
NCBWA included the Gold Coast Aborigines' Rights Protection Society
(ARPS) and the Fante Confederation. The NCBWA was influenced not only
by nationalist movements in the region but also by the works of key African
nationalist scholars in the region, such as Dr. Africanus Beale Horton, Dr.
Edward Wilmot Blyden, and John Payne Jackson.
International influences
The emergence of the NCBWA can also be contextualized within the larger,
international nationalist movements of the early twentieth century that
occurred on behalf of Africans and people of African descent specifically, and
on behalf of subjugated peoples around the globe more broadly. Some of the
international events that paved the way for the development of the NCBWA
were the First Universal Races Congress of 1911, the International Conference
on the Negro in 1911, the creation of the African Progress Union and Union of
Students of African Descent in the United Kingdom in 1917, and the end of
World War I.
Internal motivations
Throughout the nineteenth century, educated West African elite were permitted
to serve as government officials throughout British West Africa, because the
British colonial leaders saw the educated elite as necessary allies. However, by
1902, the favor British colonial leaders had previously given to the educated
African elite began to diminish. This came as a result of instituting
discriminatory policies, such as one issued by the West African Medical
Service that educated Africans could only participate in the service if they
were of European parentage. In addition to the use of discriminatory policies,
the British colonial government began to exclude educated West Africans from
local government positions, in favor of preserving traditional authority. This
shift in favor occurred in an effort to “protect” the indigenous populations from
what the British colonial government perceived to be the tyranny of "a small
minority of educated Europeanized natives who have nothing in common with
native peoples, and whose interests are often opposed to theirs. The growing
alienation of the educated African elite from the British colonial leaders and
the growing irritation of the educated elite in response to this alienation
provided the backbone for the formation of the NCBWA.
Dear student, we hope you have had a smooth session. Good. Let us now
discuss the petitions presented by the Congress to the Governors General for
Nigeria and Gold Coast.
Independent judiciary
The Congress also demanded for the judicial system to be independent of the
Executive Council. They also wanted African judges and magistrates to be
appointed and a West African Court of Appeal be created as the highest court
of appeal in the British West African sub-region.
Elective principle
The Congress demanded that in the selection of representatives into the
Legislative and Executive councils, the elective principle must be used. They
felt that this could give the Africans the opportunity to elect the people who
should rule over them.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.4
1. What proto-nationalist movement is the National Congress of British
West Africa (NCBWA)?
2. State three factors that promoted the formation of the National
Congress of British West Africa (NCBWA).
3. State four demands of the National Congress of British West Africa
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. state at least two achievements of NCBWA
ii. explain at least two achievements of NCBWA
Achievements of NCBWA
Introduction of the elective principle
One of the achievements of the National Congress of British West Africa was
that through its agitation, the elective principle was introduced into the body
politic of the British West African colonies. The first to enjoy the elective
principle was Nigeria in 1922 under the Clifford constitution, followed by
Sierra Leone in 1924 under the Slater constitution, then The Gold Coast in
1925 under the Guggisberg constitution.
Contribution to education
Another achievement of the National Congress of British West Africa was that
its call for improvement in the provision of educational facilities and the
establishment of a West African University for the four colonies culminated in
the established of the Achimota College in Ghana, the Fourah Bay College in
Sierra Leone and the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.
Delegation to London
The Congress successfully sent a delegation to the Secretary of State for the
colonies to present petitions for consideration by British colonial officials in
London. It is argued that even though the British government did not recognize
the delegation that went to London in 1930 the mere attempt of the National
Congress of British West Africa may have contributed to the changes
witnessed in colonial administration during the period.
delegation to the Secretary of State for the colonies to present petitions for
consideration by British colonial officials in London.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.5
1. State two achievements of NCBWA.
2. Explain two achievements of NCBWA.
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
i. state at least three challenges that confronted the National Congress of
British West Africa.
ii. explain at least three challenges that confronted the National Congress
of British West Africa
Read on…
Lack of funds
One of the major problems the NCBWA faced was finance. Since the financial
base was not too strong to shoulder their expenses, the Congress could not be
as effective as it should have been. For example, the administrative set up
needed to be funded, to send a delegation to London needed money to execute.
Since the financial base was not too strong to shoulder these expenses, the
Congress could not be as effective as it should have been.
Absence of radicalism
The methods adopted by the Congress to pursue their goals did not help them
much. The Congress did not adopt the radical approach in their dealings with
the British. They tried to solve their problems by using the constitutional and
legal means which were available to them under colonial rule. This did not
help them much.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 5.6
1. State three challenges of NCBWA.
2. Explain three challenges of the National Congress of British West Africa.
Unit Outline
Session 1: African Nationalism Prior to Post WW II
Session 2: The Rise of Mass or Radical Post-WW II African Nationalism
Session 3: The Rise of Mass or Radical Post-WW II African Nationalism
Session 4: The Elements of African Nationalism
Session 5: Failures of African Nationalism
Session 6: Effects of Nationalism in Africa
By the end of the Unit, you should be able to;
i. Provide at least one evidence that, nationalism existed
before colonialism.
ii. State at least two internal and external factors each that promoted
African mass nationalism during post World War II.
iii. Identify at least 2 elements of African nationalism.
iv. State and discuss one factor that led to the failure of African
nationalism movement during post World War II.
v. List at least two effects of mass African nationalism during post
World War II.
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. state at least one evidence to show that indeed nationalism
existed prior to the arrival of Europeans.
ii. cite at least one prominent African who could be described as a
Now read…
In the Gold Coast, Prempeh I of Asante also in the same fashion, declined the
British demand for protection, a strategy he saw as colonial rule. There are
other examples such as the king of the Mossi in Burkina Faso who told a
French captain he knew the whites wished him killed in order to take his
country but pretended that they will help him to organize his people. These
evidences showed that these traditional leaders and their people were nations
occupying specific territories that they were willing to defend and protect.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.1
1. Provide brief evidence to show that African people were
nationalistic in character before the arrival of Europeans.
2. Which of the following African traditional ruler declined the
British demand for protection?
a. Prempeh I
b. Osaberimah Kwesi Atta II
c. Yaa Asantewaa
d. Yana Yakubu Andani
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. state at least 2 internal factors that influence the rise of
nationalism in Africa.
ii. explain two internal factors that gave birth to the rise of mass
nationalism in Africa.
Christianity dates back colonialism. In fact, it was introduced into Africa
during Roman times, when the Gospel writer Mark founded the Coptic
Christian Church in Alexandria. The church had played key role in developing
African nationalism in a number of ways. First of all, there arose from the
education that the church schools provided in colonial Africa. Interestingly, in
many African colonies, mission schools were the main educational institutions,
and these churches catered for the expenditure of Africans school children. The
goals of educating African child at the time was one, to provide the basic
literacy that would enable Africans to absorb religious education and training
and help in propagating the Gospel; the second was to impart the values of
Western society because they believed that Africa could not develop without
these values and lastly, to increase productivity level of the African workers –
for administrative and clerical which was not to empower them to challenge
colonial authorities.
Do you believe the church at the time actually lived by this doctrine?
How come the whites regarded blacks as second-class citizens even in
the church? Discuss these issues with your facilitator and colleagues in the
What are the consequences of the kind of education provided by missionaries
to African children? The first result was that, it gave African children skills
which enabled them to strongly articulate their demands and question the
legitimacy of colonial powers and second, it turned out to be a powerful
medium of African acculturation of Western Christian values.
Another way the missionary education helped in the nationalism effort was that
majority of the first generation of African elites including Kwame Nkrumah of
Gold Coast (Ghana), Sam Nujoma of Namibia, Augustino Netto of Angola,
Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Léopold Senghor of
Senegal, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria, and
Hastings Kamuzu Banda of Malawi, were protege of missionary education in
their own countries. These were individuals who later in their life were at the
forefront of nationalism movement in Africa.
Print media was one of the powerful sources through which nationalist
movements manifested. Newspapers and pamphlets carried messages
sometimes in images lashing out at colonial governments. For example, The
Gold Coast Times was typical example of such newspapers. Being a major
means of communication, these newspapers and pamphlets served as
mouthpiece of the nationalist movements. They were effectively used to serve
two purposes; one, to carry out messages of racial and national pride, second,
to voice resistance to unfavourable colonial policies. Admittedly, this medium
was successful to the extent that they became targets for suppression. In order
to crack down on free media, the colonial masters introduced laws on sedition
and criminal libel in an attempt to shut the expression of divergent views in the
colonies. As a result, a number of media activists such as Nnamdi Azikiwe and
I.T.A. Wallace Johnson were arrested and convicted for publishing
unwarranted views about the happenings.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.2
1. State two internal factors that gave rise to nationalism in
2. Explain one internal factor which encouraged nationalist activities in
3. All African countries were colonized by Europeans except Liberia and
Ethiopia. True or False
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. state at least 2 external factors that influence the rise of nationalism
in Africa.
ii. explain at least one external factor that gave birth to the rise in
nationalism in Africa.
they were made to believe. Basil Davidson quotes a Nigerian soldier who
wrote home from India during the war:
We all overseas soldiers are coming home with new ideas. We have been told
what we fought for. That is ‘freedom.’ We want freedom, nothing but freedom.
At the end of the war, African veterans taught that they had earned at least the
right to be treated with respect. But unfortunately, the soldiers were only parted
at the back while their European counterparts were honored appropriately.
In another vein, the war had psychological effects on Africans making them to
resist European imperialism. How was this possible?
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.3
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. Identify at least 2 elements that dominated African nationalism after
ii. Explain at least 2 of the elements regarding African nationalism.
Now read …
The independence or freedom was the best goal attained as far as African
nationalism was concerned. This goal of nationalism was basically in
opposition to colonial domination. Dear student, do you believe Africans were
truly independent? Yes, they attained independence in principle but in practice
there were external forces masterminded by colonial masters making African
nationalists their target at the time. For instance, Patrice Lumumba was
assassinated while Kwame Nkrumah was overthrown. Thomas Sankara was
killed and Julius Nyerere survived attacks by making tactical
compromises. These and many other examples beg the question, is the
sovereignty of African continent a reality?
Equality has another layer which is internal. After dislodging colonial masters
and military dictatorship, formal equality was installed since there was no
supposed racial discrimination in the colonies. Equality however, was short
lived because for various reasons, even civilian African leaders became
authoritarian by applying draconian policies and laws. Why do you think
leaders who were championing equality suddenly abandoned that path? Share
your opinion on this with your colleagues in class.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.4
1. Write down two elements of African nationalism after World
War II.
2. Explain one element of African nationalism.
3. State two of the goals of Pan-African movement.
4. Which of the following nationalist’s effort gave birth to Pan-
a. George Padmore
b. Henry Sylvester-Williams
c. Kwame Nkrumah
d. Marcus Garvey
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. State at least two factors that led to the failure of nationalism in Africa.
ii. Explain two of the factors that brought about failures regarding
nationalism in Africa.
Now read…
After most African countries gained their independence, leaders who were
championing nationalism began to talk about ruling in different ways. Some of
the African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, and DRC were in
favour of federal system while others including Ghana, Mali and Guinea
(Omotoso & Oladeji, 2017) opted for unitary government. Eventually, the
African nationalists found themselves entangled in colonial habits, structures
as well as institutions. Unfortunately, the African nationalists failed to offer
long-term agenda to develop democratic government.
effect if everybody is not allowed to debate ideas and have a say about how
they are governed? Discuss your views with the class.
Another point worth mentioning is the fact that the nationalist governments
faced major economic problems. Apart from mismanagement by African
government in the middle of 1970s, there were also fuel shortages, high rate of
poverty and other combined factors brought the economies on the continent on
its knees. This brought untold hardships upon citizens leading to social unrests.
Ethnicity heightened as a result of struggle over fewer resources on the
continent. This phenomenon led to take over of governments by small but
powerful groups such as businessmen or military officers. Some of the African
countries till now are experiencing fighting among rebels, warlords, religious
clashes and ethnic rivalries. Therefore, one can conclude that the dreams of
early nationalist figures seem dimmer than ever.
Dear student what do you think will be the next factor leading to the
failure of nationalist movement in Africa?
There is another way the colonial administration control and profit from their
former colonies. This is what others referred to as neocolonialism. These
powerful countries supported with money or weaponry African governments or
rebel groups they perceived as allies. Many of the African countries had to take
loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank as the
economic woes deepened on the continent. The conditionalities of these loans
were such that African resources have to be sold to foreign institutions with
serious consequences on the part of African populations. Apart from the
resources, policies with social and economic consequences were put in place.
Be informed that the conditionalities and policies did not affect the ruling class
compared to ordinary Africans who sank further into poverty leading to general
protests and call for democracy. Dear student, do you think the situation has
changed from the current position Africans find themselves? Discuss this with
your facilitator and colleagues in the class.
There was widespread disappointment in the 1990s with regard to the promises
of nationalism in Africa. The disappointment has to do with the fact even
though Africa gained her independence through nationalism, the proponent did
live up to the tenets of true nationalism. Some of these leaders were accused of
abusing power, amassing wealth, and disregard for rule of law.
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.5
1. State 2 factors that led to the failure of African nationalism.
2. Which of the following countries did not approve federal type of
government after post World War II?
a. Kenya
b. Mali
c. Nigeria
d. Uganda
By the end of the session, you should be able to;
i. State at least 2 positive effects of Africa nationalism.
ii. State at least 2 negative effects of nationalism in Africa.
Source of inspiration
Dear student, are you aware that nationalism can serve as inspiration to
citizens? Nationalism served as great source of inspiration for the African
people at the time. Africans were highly motivated through a sense of
nationalism to achieve their independence and freedom to manage their own
affairs. That was why after WWII, Africans rallied behind their leaders to
attained independence. With a wish to be independent, people are inspired and
motivated driven by the feelings of nationalism.
Sense of identity
Nationalism promotes sense of identity among citizenry. When people with
similar destiny fight for a common cause, there is high possibility that they will
identify with each other. The goal to achieve the common cause is what drives
them together to achieve the goal.
Evil force
Originally, the main goal of nationalism was to advocate for the people’s rights
to rule themselves. However, the struggle for freedom has been transformed
into evil force. Some of the nationalists in Africa after taking over their
respective country from colonialism adopted brute forces to suppress divergent
views. For example, in a book titled, At Fever Pitch, Kwame Nkrumah was
alleged to be engaged in an internal political conflict with the federalist
National Liberation Movement (NLM), formed largely by tribal leaders of the
Ashanti region (Whittle, 2015).
Unhealthy competition
Nationalism has the power to create competition between different nations,
which can easily result in conflicts. Nationalism is known to be a significant
cause of World War I. Prior to the beginning of World War I, Europeans had a
lot of pride in their nation, and honestly were in disillusion that they were the
best. This thought process created the belief that other nations were threatened
by them, and were plotting to attack them. This effectively resulted in a large-
scale world war where millions of innocent civilians and several security
personnel were killed.
What do you make of Hitler’s statement? You would agree with us that this
statement means that German citizens should concentrate on their country first
and foremost. It tended to make citizens put the interest of their country above
any other country. The citizens may care less about other nationals since they
place value on their fellow nationals than others.
It breeds discrimination
In a related development, most commonly seen effect excessive nationalism
has is the discrimination to members of other nations. Nationalism often causes
other nations to believe they are better than the nations that surround them.
This believe could be as a result of advancement in technology, military power
and economic influence. Countries that have these features may tend to
marginalize other countries which do not have the opportunity to possess the
aforementioned characteristics.
Source of conflict
Dear student, it is often argued that nationalism is a potential force for conflict.
It is important to point out that nationalism is directly linked with the legacy of
internal wars, revolution, and rebellion. When nationalists put their ethnic or
tribal groups above other members of the same territory or country, it can
generate conflicts and genocides. Genocide and ethnic cleansing all came from
the fact that some people think that they are more important or superior to
others. In Ghana, some of the post- independence military takeovers could be
Self-Assessment Questions
Exercise 6.6