Shilpi Agrawal has extensive experience in applied machine learning and data science. She received degrees in mathematics and computer science from IIT Kanpur. She has worked at LinkedIn developing classifiers to detect spam, misinformation, and hate speech. At Visa, she built statistical models to solve business problems in payment transactions. Her work includes publications, patents, and talks on topics like viral content detection, merchant analytics, and autonomous robotics.
Shilpi Agrawal has extensive experience in applied machine learning and data science. She received degrees in mathematics and computer science from IIT Kanpur. She has worked at LinkedIn developing classifiers to detect spam, misinformation, and hate speech. At Visa, she built statistical models to solve business problems in payment transactions. Her work includes publications, patents, and talks on topics like viral content detection, merchant analytics, and autonomous robotics.
Shilpi Agrawal has extensive experience in applied machine learning and data science. She received degrees in mathematics and computer science from IIT Kanpur. She has worked at LinkedIn developing classifiers to detect spam, misinformation, and hate speech. At Visa, she built statistical models to solve business problems in payment transactions. Her work includes publications, patents, and talks on topics like viral content detection, merchant analytics, and autonomous robotics.
Shilpi Agrawal has extensive experience in applied machine learning and data science. She received degrees in mathematics and computer science from IIT Kanpur. She has worked at LinkedIn developing classifiers to detect spam, misinformation, and hate speech. At Visa, she built statistical models to solve business problems in payment transactions. Her work includes publications, patents, and talks on topics like viral content detection, merchant analytics, and autonomous robotics.
Education Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, B.S.and M.S. in Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Minor in Computer Science 2013 - 2018 University of Waterloo, Canada, Exchange Student 2016 Authorized to work in Canada with an open work permit Work Experience Linkedin, Applied Research Engineer, India Sep 2019 - present ◦ Led Trust and Safety team projects in Viral Spam detection track by spearheading model design, implementation, collabo- rations, and productionisation; reducing Unique Members Impacted by over 7% per week ◦ Designed LLM-based classifiers and Deep Neural Networks to safeguard platform against spam such as Misinformation and Hate Speech in various content types, reducing member and disinterest reports while increasing good UMI by 12%/week ◦ Conceptualised a novel solution to identify CopyPasta content and launched high-precision(+93%) classifier in close collab- oration with teams in the US which prevented +15k members from viewing it and increasing Desktop sessions by +0.16% Visa Inc., Software Engineer, India Jul 2018 - Jul 2019 ◦ Developed novel statistical models to solve key business problems such as the Merchant Category Code shift anomaly, Pin Routing anomaly and Chase Merchant Services anomaly in payment transaction data which saved company’s revenue ◦ Built and Automated data driven analytical solution such as Data Health Check, Peer Analysis tool and dashboards providing detailed insights of market, spend share, opportunities, etc. for merchants; leading to 50% reduction in time efforts Accenture, Summer Analyst, India May 2017 - Jul 2017 ◦ Built an end-to-end ML based solution leveraging transfer learning to forecast the expected sales prediction of apparels ◦ Achieved 10.6% R-squared gain on GBM model by incorporating image modality by pre-training a CNN on image data Pervazive Automation Solutions Pvt Ltd, Research Intern, India May 2016 - Jul 2016 ◦ Built a novel Debt Instrument for subscriber lending rate based on credentials using MLR-generated features like LTV, etc. ◦ Developed semi-generative flight booking chatbot with SVM trained on Twitter data for SQL generation for response retrieval The Smart Cube, Research Intern, India Jun 2015 - Jul 2015 ◦ Developed an automated risk monitoring model for rating and categorization of suppliers based on the latest news at scale ◦ Built an end-to-end solution crawling and scrapping news articles and rating using a probabilistic sentiment analysis model Projects Scalable Bayesian Methods for Community Detection, Prof. Piyush Rai, IIT Kanpur Spring 2017 ◦ Proposed a modified version of stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SG- MCMC) algorithm for scalable inference in mixed-membership stochastic blockmodels (MMSB) that models the group-structure in a network ◦ Achieved state-of-the-art performance in inferring overlapping communities in a network by implementing modified a-MMSB model to use the extra information in the form of feature vector associated with each user in the network EM Algorithm for Currency Classification with Mixture Models, Prof. Piyush Rai, IIT Kanpur Fall 2015 ◦ Developed a Gaussian Mixture Model on swiss-bank data set to classify fake currency and original currency using a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution using the Expectation Maximization algorithm Nifty50 Time Series Analysis, Prof. Amit Mitra, IIT Kanpur Winter 2016 ◦ Analyzed the daily geometric returns of NSE Nifty50 over six years, conducted tests like seasonality and Dickey-Fuller, and diagnosed fitted models to conclude that the data displays a volatility clustering property, best modeled by APARCH(1,1) Autonomous Chess Playing Robot, IIT Kanpur Summer 2014 ◦ Built a robot employing electronics, programming, and mechanical design, which incorporates a customized chess board, LDR sensors, microcontroller, linear sliders, and MinMax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to enable its AI intelligence Publications / Talks / Patents ◦ Published “Viral Content Detection at LinkedIn” blog in Linkedin Engineering Blog ◦ Invited Reviewer in machine learning conferences like ECIR and AISTATS ◦ US Patent:“Modeling User-Generated Sequences In Online Services”, Filed, Linkedin 2023 ◦ US Patent:“Methods and System for Ingenuine CopyPasta Detection”, Filed, Linkedin 2023 ◦ US Patent:“Methods, systems, and apparatuses for detecting merchant category code shift”, Granted, Visa Inc. 2020 ◦ US Patent:“Methods and systems for identifying electronic transaction routing anomaly” - (Filed), Visa Inc. 2019 ◦ Publication:“Autonomous Chess Playing Robot” in IJERT, Vol.4, Issue.03, Mar’15 ◦ Talk:“Video Virality” at Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI) 2020