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AVTC3_Unit 3


UNIT 3: Comparison paragraphs
1. Writing checklist for self / peer assessment
Below is a checklist for writing comparison paragraphs. Use it to check your
own writing, or get a
peer (another student) to help you.
Content Y/N Comments/ Suggestions
Content Y/N Comments/ Suggestions
Task Response
Is the paragraph at least Y Online learning is a type
120 words? of distance education
that allows students to
obtain an accredited
degree online. Online
learning is often cheaper
than traditional learning,
and it can be more
convenient for people
who want to study at
their own pace.
Does the paragraph have Y
a clear topic sentence
tells the readers what
two subjects you are
going to
compare and contrast?
Does the paragraph have Y
a concluding sentence
rephrases the topic
sentence, summarizes
points, or gives the
writer's opinion?
Coherence & Cohesion
Are there one topic Y
sentence, at least two
sentences, and one
concluding sentence in
Are relevant examples Y
and/ or other supporting
details (explanation,
reasons, facts, etc.)
Is there any irrelevant Y
Does the paragraph Y
follow a logical order?
Are there at least 2 Y
transitional expressions
correctly (e.g. Firstly,
Besides, However,
Lexical Resource
Is there any spelling N
Are comparative & Y
contrastive structures
used to describe
similarities &
Grammar Range and Accuracy
Are there any errors in N
verb tenses and subject-
verb agreement?
Do you capitalize the Y
first letter of each
and put punctuation
marks correctly in the
Brainstorm ideas, make an outline and practice writing paragraphs on the
topics. Remember to write at least 120 words.
2. Write about the similarities and/ or differences between high school and
The transition between high school and college is freeing in some ways and
difficult in others. While adults no longer dictate or supervise how you spend
your time, you must now spend more of it dealing with a higher level of
academic expectation. You can also expect considerable changes in the financial
and social arenas.
Class Structure
In high school, class sizes are generally small -- around 30 students or so -- and
teachers routinely know every student by name. By the time you get to college,
however, you can no longer count on teachers to be familiar with you or your
academic skills and shortcomings. Class sizes are usually much larger, often
with hundreds of students, and professors often adopt a lecture format where
student participation is at a minimum. Smaller classes such as labs and seminars
may feel reminiscent of high school, but they, like lectures, are fast-paced and
generally more rigorous than high school.
Academic Routine
Until college, teachers and parents frequently check in to ensure you are
working to your potential and on track with assignments both inside and outside
of school. Moreover, homework generally doesn't exceed a few hours a night, at
most. College students, on the other hand, should plan on an average of 24 to 36
hours of academic work outside of class each week for a very modest course
load of 12 semester hours, according to Chicago State University. Students with
disabilities, moreover, should be prepared to assume their own advocacy roles
as opposed to relying on their parents, according to Vincennes University.
Social Life
Opportunities for good clean fun as well as vices multiply rapidly once you
reach college. Although a healthy social life is one of the benefits of going to
college, many students find the mounting distractions can harm their academic
success, if they aren’t vigilant. With parents and teachers no longer playing a
supervisory role as they did in high school, it is important to supervise yourself
and keep socializing to a level that doesn’t compromise your schoolwork.
Financial Concerns
In high school, students rely on their parents for housing, food and basic needs,
often without even thinking about it. In college, most students are responsible
for managing their own finances, including tuition, room and board, clothing,
books and other necessities. Students managing bank accounts and loans for the
first time in college may find the process overwhelming. If this describes you,
take a money management course or ask about financial planning resources in
your high school's or college's student union or student services office.

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