Tasik Kenyir

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Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudina,b, Noorjima Abd Wahabb,
Nurhanis Afiqah Abd Jalila, Sunardic, M. Hafiz Md. Saadab *Corresponding author
Provide an official organisation email of
of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal the corresponding author
Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Terengganu, Malaysia
bEast Coast Environmental Research Institute, Universiti Sultan

Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak, 21300 Terengganu, Malaysia

cPostgraduate Pr. Env. Sci., Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Graphical abstract Abstract

Water resources management in Malaysia is the most important aspect that needs to be
addressed. When water resources management can be managed in a systematic and
effectively it can produce a good quality and clean water without any pollution. The
objective of this study is to review water quality issues in the Kenyir Lake Basin and to identify
the relationship between river discharges (Q) and the water quality status in Kenyir Lake
Basin. Six water quality parameters were analyzed based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis and
laboratory analyses were carried out according to the correlation matrix and linear
regression methods. According to the NWQS, the water quality in Kenyir Lake Basin varied
temporally and spatially and the most affected parameters were pH, DO, BOD, COD, TSS
and AN. Furthermore, the water quality class in the Kenyir Lake Basin was classified under
class II caused by the active land use activities especially tourism sector but it is still suitable
for recreational activities and safe for body contact because the it’s WQI is not less than 65%
which early stage of Class II. From this study, there are proposed several mitigation measures
in management of water resources such as guarantee clean water supply and continuous,
implementation a few of environmental acts, treating the water sources, develop alternative
water sources and improve distribution systems and water management.

Keywords: Water resources management, pollution, environmental acts, mitigation measures

Pengurusan sumber air di Malaysia adalah aspek yang paling penting yang perlu ditangani.
Apabila pengurusan sumber air dapat diuruskan secara sistematik dan berkesan, ia dapat
menghasilkan sumber air yang berkualiti dan bersih tanpa pencemaran. Objektif kajian ini
adalah untuk mengkaji isu kualiti air di Lembah Tasik Kenyir dan mengenalpasti hubungan
antara luahan sungai (Q) dan status kualiti air di Lembangan Tasik Kenyir. Enam parameter
kualiti air dianalisis berdasarkan analisis in-situ dan ex-situ dan analisis makmal dijalankan
mengikut matriks korelasi dan kaedah regresi linear. Menurut NWQS, kualiti air di Lembangan
Tasik Kenyir berubah-ubah secara temporal dan spatial serta parameter paling terjejas
adalah pH, DO, BOD, COD, TSS dan AN. Selain itu, kelas kualiti air di Lembangan Tasik Kenyir
diklasifikasikan di bawah kelas II yang disebabkan oleh aktiviti penggunaan tanah secara
aktif terutamanya sektor pelancongan tetapi ia masih sesuai untuk aktiviti rekreasi dan
selamat untuk sentuhan badan kerana nilai WQI tersebut tidak kurang daripada 65% yang
peringkat awal Kelas II. Berdasarkan kajian ini, terdapat beberapa langkah mitigasi dalam
pengurusan sumber air seperti jaminan bekalan air bersih secara berterusan, melaksanakan
beberapa akta berkaitan alam sekitar, merawat sumber air, membangun sumber air
alternatif dan memperbaiki sistem pengedaran dan pengurusan air.

Kata kunci: Pengurusan sumber air, pencemaran, akta alam sekitar, langkah mitigasi
© 2019 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved

78:1 (2019) 1–19 | www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my | eISSN 2180–3722 |


Malaysia are known as the developing countries. The

Table 1 Land used activities around the Kenyir Lake Basin, Hulu
development around river basin were give the bad Terengganu, Terengganu
implication according to changing the geometric and
hydrological status of environment as the bigger Landuse Area Percentage
pollution sources and it can influencing the river stability (Hectares) (%)
in Malaysia [1-4]. Water assumes a focal part in the
Forest 476.55 52.83
economic, ecological, social, and also political mosaic.
Water Body 308.80 34.23
The National Park Service (NPS) is to improve,
Transportation and Road 46.81 5.19
rehabilitate, and propagate the characteristic normal
reliability of water dependent and water resources
Public Utilities 45.14 5.00
environments that happen in the national park system.
Residential 2.95 0.46
Water is very important for food, economy, human and
Leisure and Recreation 1.84 0.33
environment. The river is the main water source for life in
this world [5-7].
Infrastructure and Utility 15.66 0.20
There 7% of the total have drained underground
Industrial 0.17 1.74
water and 36% have returned to the atmosphere are
known as evapotranspiration [8-9]. The need for water Total 902.00 100.00
is very widespread and it is all over the place. It also
moves continuously, starting with one area to another Water resource management is provided for the
and starts with one condition to another. Water may entire human population. All water sources are made
also be in place or everywhere. However, its use is from groundwater and all water surfaces used for
required to include quantity, quality and accessibility human consumption. Initiation of water resource
[10-12]. framework and configuration development [19-20]. For
Water is one of the most important natural resources example, dams, water treatment structures, water
besides air, land, and heavy metals required by all supply structures and evacuation structures to each
living and non-living things such as humans, animals, other [21]. Water asset management is the most
plants and the environment. Water is one of the most important for quality control and treatment of water
important sources to generate food sources, acts as a resources. The accessible water sources will induce
source of transportation, helps in the growth of animals unnecessary weight due to limited countries and
and plants, and others [13]. uncontrolled development [22].
Water resources have become an interaction Water should also be organized in tandem with the
between humans, animals and the environment. In ultimate goal of overcoming the loss of life, the extreme
other words, without water, various activities cannot be danger of private and open property [16]. In that
carried out properly and will affect everyday life. capacity, the branches of city hydrology and power
Therefore, it is a duty and responsibility for all parties to through pressure within the structure building manage
safeguard this water resource in terms of quality and the outline and the legitimate arrangement of each
quantity before it is destroyed. Water quality problems type of control office that combines the framework of
are an issue that is often around the world. For storm, simple steps of desire like inheritance and dam,
example, disposal of sewage remnants from the the desire to plan the basic path skeleton among
municipal process and the industrial sector to the others [21]. Generally, water management can be
irrigation system will be cause of water quality to categorized into three groups, where group 1 is relates
decline and contaminate [14-16]. to assets, group 2 about overseeing water benefits,
The report issued by the Department of Environment and group 3 about dealing with the exchange
Malaysia (DOE, 2000) [17] found that the major causes expected to adapt free market activities [23].
of water quality deterioration were domestic sewage, Other than that, the second factor is pollution and
industrialization, pork farming and agricultural-based climate change that causes shortage of water
industries. The land used around Kenyir Lake Basin can resources [24]. Now, almost all of the activities involve
be divided into 9 types such as forest, water body, the use of machines and technology. Environmental
transportation and road reserves, public utilities, quality, air and water become polluted due to mining
residential, leisure and recreation area, infrastructure process. It is therefore the responsibility of experts and
and utility and industry. stakeholders from all walks of life to come forward and
The forest’s area is the largest land area in Kenyir further develop ideas in protecting and preserving the
Lake with total area of 476.55 hectares and covering environment from degradation. However, until today
52.83% of the total areas. The water body area is the the increase of water pollution index has become a
second largest land use in Kenyir Lake with an area of major cause in reducing the quality and quantity of
308.80 hectares that covering of 34.23% from the total water resources. Water quality deterioration can be
area. The interruption of the land used area for Kenyir linked to urban and rural development activities,
Lake is shown in Table 1 (Rancangan Eksekutif including sedimentation problems resulting from wind
Rancangan Khas Tasik Kenyir, 2008 until 2020)[18]. and soil erosion, nutrients from fertilizers, animal feces
from livestock and septic systems, pesticides including
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and so on [25-26].

78:1 (2019) 1–19 | www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my | eISSN 2180–3722 |

3 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

Water pollution can be divided into two main assets [30]. It is to boost the social welfare and resultant
categories, which are point sources and non point financial in an impartial way without bargaining the
sources pollution. The source of pollution points can be manageability of imperious environments. In the most
interpreted as any identified sources of contamination recent decade, the assessment of water-quality
that are directly released, such as pipes, drains, vessels administration related with the standard of
or processing factories [27]. For example, processing maintainable improvement has been of worry to
factories include oil refineries, factories, chemical numerous scientists and chiefs. It requires not just the
factories and electronics plants that cause pollution support of built up standards and innovations but in
through oil, heat pollution, chemicals, toxic and additionally their expansion to substantially more high,
sewage treatment plants such as waste from factories extensive, and more liberated degree for the
and sewage treatment plants as waste products and acknowledgment of supportability for the water quality
treated wastes will be released into rivers that can administration [31-33]. Although, the current
cause bacterial and nutrient growth and cause circumstance of water quality administration on the
polluted water sources [28]. Meanwhile, the non point planet is an extensive way from agreeable. It is
sources pollutionoccurs from a stream. When rain or because of the weights of expanding populace and
snowflakes are flowing on the surface of the earth and financial improvement [34-42].
through the soil, clean water will absorb and mix with Since 2007, the Department of Environment (DOE)
any contaminants when mixed [29]. For example, has been observing the water quality. Based on the
sources of non point sources pollutioncan be caused National Water Quality Standard (NWQS) and WQI, the
by contaminants from construction sites or from Department of Environment (DOE) has classified lakes
unprocessed industrial. into a few classes such as class I, II, III, IV and V. To
The huge numbers of the water issues were become measure the quality of water and detect the water
very complex, interrelated and extensive to be pollution, it is one of the indicator that can be used
handled by any single establishment, independent of (Table 2).Based on 6 significant pollutants, the WQI
the specialist and assets given to it, specialized ability parameters measured which is Dissolved Oxygen (DO),
and administration limit accessible, level of political Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical
help, and all the great aims. The definition that was Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammoniacal Nitrogen (AN),
planned by the Global Water Partnership (2000), which Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and pH [16,43].
considered it as a procedure of the administration of
water, organized improvement, arrive and related

Table 2 National Water Quality Standards (NWQS) for Malaysia

Parameter Class
PH - >7 6–7 5-6 <5 >5
DO mg/L >7 5 -7 3-5 1-3 <1
BOD mg/L <1 1–3 3-6 6 - 12 >12
COD mg/L <10 10 – 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 >100
TSS mg/L <25 25 – 30 50 - 150 150 - 300 >300
AN mg/L <0.1 0.1 – 0.3 0.3 – 0.9 0.9 – 2.7 >2.7
Water Quality Index (WQI) (%) <92.7 76.5 - 92.7 51.9 - 76.5 31.0 - 51.9 >31.0
Source: Department of Environment (DOE)

change. In addition, the accidental or deliberate

2.0 STUDY AREA AND RESEARCH introduction of invasive non-native species can also
severely impact communities of indigenous species in
Kenyir Lake. The wide variations in climatic and land
use impacts whereas others are much more sensitive to
Study Area any environmental change. Increasingly, however, the
anthropogenic effects of human activity such as
Kenyir Lake is the biggest lake in Malaysia and this well- intensive agriculture, deforestation, urbanization and
known fascination is situated within the territory of tourism are causing specialized habitats to change,
Terengganu. Kenyir Lake is the biggest man-made lake shrink and become fragmented to the extent that they
in South East Asia and it is located in the district of Hulu may no longer be self-sustainable.
Terengganu and also spanning an area of 260,000 In addition, the accidental or deliberate
hectares. This lake was constructed for the purpose of
introduction of invasive non-native species can also
generating hydroelectric power which is able to supply
severely impact communities of indigenous species in
electricity to all state in Peninsular Malaysia. The
construction of the dam around Kenyir Lake started Kenyir Lake. The management implications of this
from 1978 and was completed in 1985. The wide characteristic of incremental development of
variations in climatic and land use impacts whereas degradation problems and the potentially long time for
others are much more sensitive to any environmental lakes to respond to management interventions include
4 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

the need for long term involvement of relevant lake protecting them and making informed policy decisions
basin management institutions and their activities. The about land use planning and natural resource
potential for long term impacts also suggest a need for extraction. Figure 1 showed the map location of study
a precautionary approach in developing and areas.
implementing lake management interventions. The
collaborative research to understand the levels of
resilience of such specialized environments is critical to

Figure 1 Map of Sampling Location at Kenyir Lake Basin, Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

The distribution of mean monthly temperature

recorded at Felda Belara, Hulu Terengganu from 2001
until 2017. The highest mean temperature recorded on
April, May and June every year and the lowest value
on January and February. Detailed relative humidity for
Hulu Terengganu climatological station from 2001 to
2017. In general, relative humidity is slightly high.
Relative humidity near 90% can be occurred in the
mornings and during the monsoon season, because of
an increase in moisture supply rather than a reduction
in temperature.
Similarly, saturation deficits during the monsoon are
significantly smaller than during the pre-monsoon
period (August-October), being almost as small as they
are during the months of March and April, when air
temperature and the amount of water that can be
held by air are at their lowest. The highest mean
monthly humidity recorded on January and December
and the lowest recorded on April and June (Figure 2).

Figure 2 The Mean Monthly Temperature and Humidity

Recorded at Felda Belara, Hulu Terengganu Meteorological
Station (2001-2017)
5 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

2.2 Research and Methodology increase because the higher flow contains the strong
energy to move the higher concentrated the
Water Quality Parameter and Hydrological Analysis suspended sediment load compared to the low flow
level and the high water flow also increased the rate of
All the sample preparation and preservations erosion. TSS is also to determine whether the status of
conducted were following on the standard procedures water quality clean, moderately polluted or
provided by American Public Health Association contaminated and to estimate the suspended
(APHA) and United States Environmental Protection sediment load production in the Sungai Terengganu,
Agency (USEPA) Methods [16,44]. There six significant TSS is an indicator to classify the river in Class I, II, III, IV or
parameters of water quality index based on National Class V, based on NWQS. The highest amount of TSS at
Water Quality Standard (NWQS) such as Dissolved Sungai Lepar and Sungai Cenana recorded 18 mg/L
Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), respectively. The minimum level amount of TSS at
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammoniacal Sungai Besar, 4.4 mg/L during dry season. The value of
Nitrogen (NH3-N), Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and pH. TSS on dry season showed higher range compared wet
Besides that, the laboratory analysis was performed season where affected by climate changes and
based on the standard method of analysis (APHA 1998) anthropogenic factors, the TSS amount for all sampling
procedure. stations were recorded 4.4 mg/L ± 18.00 mg/L during
dry season and 1.6 mg/L ± 15.00 mg/L during wet
Statistical Analysis season. From the result, the difference amount level of
TSS at Kenyir Lake Basin where affected by the
The data gathered from the survey were coded and anthropogenic and geomorphology factors, climate
analysed using XLStat2014 licensed software for changes and hydrological cycle. This study proved the
Microsoft Excel. The numerical data analysing using wet season (higher density of rainfall) caused the
experimental studies and the data obtained are higher level of soil loss. From Department of
analysed by statistical test [14]. The statistical analysis Environment (DOE) 2000 stated the WQI Class of Kenyir
method applied in this study such as Leave one out Lake Basin for TSS in class II during wets season, the river
method based on regression analysis. Leave-one-out water needs to be treated and still suitable to protect
method or input importance were also performed to aquatic species and recreational activities. The
identify the most and the least significant (p<0.05) concentration of NH3-N varied from 0.02 until 1.01 mg
variables as due to linear correlation between input- N/L (wet season) [17].
output. In general, higher concentrations of NH3-N were
recorded at the middle and lower parts of the basin in
comparison with the upper basin stations especially
3.0 RESULT AND DISCUSSION during wet season. The production of NH3-N caused by
the fertilizers from agricultural areas around the outlet
of Kenyir Lake Basin (Terengganu River). Figure 4
Difference Analysis of Six Parameters by Wet and Dry showed the range values of DO in wet season as a
Season minimum value of 3.84 mg/L and maximum value as
8.15 mg/L while during dry season showed the minimum
Based on this study, Figure 3 showed the COD, BOD, TSS value as 5.37 mg/L to the maximum value as 8.53 mg/L.
and NH3-N values in mg/L based on wet and dry Figure 5 shows the pH value based on wet and dry
seasons in the Kenyir Lake Basin. The range values of seasons in the Kenyir Lake Basin. Results of pH value
COD from 2 mg/L to 6 mg/L during wet season and analysis performed in the dry season showed a
from 1 mg/L to 10 mg/L during dry season. The minimum value of 7.6 to a maximum value of 8.6.
maximum value of COD recorded in dry season as 10 Meanwhile, the measurement results in the wet season
mg/L (Station 16) higher than the maximum value from 5.32 to the maximum value of 7.7. From the result,
recorded in wet season. Besides that, the maximum the trend of deteriorating water quality at Kenyir Lake
values of COD in wet seasons at Station 3, Station 8 and Basin going from the upstream to the downstream
Station 18 as 6 mg/L and the minimum value at Station stations. The main contributor of water quality
11 as 2 mg/L. The BOD values analysis recorded the parameters in Terengganu River Basin especially at
minimum and maximum value as 0.85 mg/L and 1.40 downstream and middle stream area are COD and
mg/L respectively during wet season. While during dry TSS. This is probably due to the discharge of untreated
season showed the minimum and maximum values as municipal, tourism, construction and domestic waste
0.31 mg/L and 0.51 mg/L respectively. The density of into the lake systems as these stations are situated
water at forest canopy is the main role towards within the heavily populated areas of Kuala Berang
reducing the surface erosion which contributes to and a few villages around the Kenyir Lake Basin [16, 45-
sediment load production in river basin [4]. When the 47].
water flow in a basin increased, the TSS will also
6 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

Figure 3 Variation of COD, BOD, TSS and NH3-N values for the different sampling stations at Kenyir Lake Basin

Figure 4 DO values in mg / L based on dry season and wet season at Kenyir Lake Basin

Figure 5 pH value based on wet and dry seasons in the Kenyir Lake Basin

Water Quality Index (WQI) quality of water. It is calculated from the point of view
of human consumption. From the a few preliminary
Water quality index (WQI) is defined as a technique of water quality level studies in Kenyir Lake Basin proved
rating that provides the composite influence of there are high values of BOD, COD, TSS and NH3-N at
individual water quality parameter on the overall middle and downstream areas as compared with the
7 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

upstream of the lake basin. The reverses were true for the DOE-WQI calculation (Figure 6), the water of the
the pH and DO values. Kenyir Lake Basin (upstream until downstream) was
This study adopted the DOE-WQI tool to classified as Class II (polluted) but all stations showed
evaluate the water quality of the Kenyir Lake where WQI level not below than 60% which is suitable for
affected by hydrological characteristic and possible recreational activities where body contact still safe.
sources from anthropogenic activities. In addition, the However, there are an extensive treatment required.
beneficial use of the water was also compared with The management and control approach
the classification based on the NWQS. Water Quality must be conducted to improve these problems
Classification Based on DOE-WQI and NWQS for before these issues become more serious as one of
Malaysia (DOE 2008) [48]. WQI is defined as a the conservation methods. Low water quality was
technique of rating that provides the composite found at the downstream and middle stream stations
influence of individual water quality parameter on the which around tourism and residential areas.
overall quality of water [16, 49-50]. It is calculated from
the point of view of human consumption. Based on

Figure 6 The Distribution of WQI at Kenyir Lake Basin during Wet Season and Dry season

Leave one out method The main contributor parameter in Kenyir Lake Basin
especially at downstream and middle stream area
Leave-one-out method or input importance were also are COD and TSS. This is probably due to the
performed to identify the most and the least discharge of untreated municipal, industrial and
significant (p<0.05) variables as due to linear agricultural wastes into the river systems as these
correlation between input-output. Table 3 and Table 4 stations are situated within the heavily populated
showed the input importance variables in linear areas of Kuala Berang and a few villages around
relationship to predict WQI on Wet Season and Dry Kenyir Lake Basin. In addition, a small amount of
Season at Kenyir Basin. During wet season, the aquaculture activities near the downstream stations
percent contribution of DO, BOD, COD and TSS influenced the results. Studies showed the wastes from
(21.95%) which are highest than others contributors. these activities were characterized by high organic
However, the percentage of DO (53.11%), COD content leading to low pH, low DO and high NH3-N
(20.36%) and pH (20.20%) highest contributed than and TSS values as a result of the decomposition
others parameter during dry season. From the result, processes.
the trend of deteriorating water quality at Kenyir Lake
going from the upstream to the downstream stations.
8 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

Table 3: An important variable in linear relationships to predict WQI in the wet season at Kenyir Lake Basin

R-Square Reference= 0.9634

Leave Variable R-Square Leave R-Square Percent Contribution
Variable Difference
DO 0.5091 0.4543 21.95
BOD 0.5091 0.4543 21.95
COD 0.5091 0.4543 21.95
NH3-N 0.7183 0.2451 11.84
TSS 0.5091 0.4543 21.95
PH 0.9560 0.0074 0.357
Total 3.7107 2.0697 100
Table 4: Important variables in linear relationships to predict WQI during the dry season at the Kenyir Lake Basin

R-Square Reference = 0.9855

Leave Variable R-Square Leave R-Square Percent Contribution
Variable Difference
DO 0.6584 0.3271 53.11
BOD 0.9822 0.0033 0.53
COD 0.8601 0.1254 20.36
NH3-N 0.9855 0 0
TSS 0.9499 0.0356 5.78
PH 0.8611 0.1244 20.20
Total 5.2972 0.6158 100

The Water Resources Management development. These policies describe ultimate goals
to reconcile economic growth with environmental
There are many water resource management protection to achieve the sustainable environmental
procedures in Malaysia. First, the measures of management. To achieve the targeted water quality
sustainable water resources management is certain policy changes following the law and the
guarantee clean water supply and continuous. The imperative cooperation of various government
developed commercially, in particular capacity and departments and agencies including but not
distribution compared to consumer demand, water restricted to local councils, Department of
resource properties that have either fixed or seasonal Environment (DOE), Department of Irrigation and
as well as review of the Environmental Impact Drainage (DID), Ministry of Housing and Local
Assessment (EIA). To ensure continued water supply Government, Department of Forestry, Ministry of
capacity in the long term, the study of hydrological Agriculture and environmental institute [55].
elements of early is very important. If this is not done it The legislative approach in water quality
will make problems cut off water supply will always be management effected by the 1974 Environmental
facing the user. Most of studies reviewed the Quality Act makes use of Section 34A where a report
distribution of rain intensity, input and flow rate of the on impact on the environment resulting from
river, underground water storage, topography, the prescribed activities in EIA requirement is mandatory.
climate and hydrological changes [51-53]. Policy is In this act describe that any activities which are cause
one of the factors in management and protection of water pollution such as recreational development,
water resources. For example, the National and waste treatment, disposal facilities, tourism,
Environment Policy of Malaysia enacted in the Third construction, housing, industry, mining, petroleum,
Malaysia Plan has taken into account the importance power generation and so on. From the Environmental
of maintaining the quality of the environment in order Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations
to supply good water resources to the population 1979 required that are needed the written permission
especially in the production of agricultural, forestry, be obtained before the construction of any building
fisheries and water resources [54]. These priorities are or carrying out any work that may result in a new
then placed on the governments of each of their source of effluent or discharge [54, 56-57].
respective states to ensure that it can be used to not The uniform discharge standard is applicable
only support national development goals but also to throughout all countries in the world and does not
help sustain the country's ecosystem. In water quality take into account the assimilative capacity of a river
and resources management, a holistic environmental or water body. For the environmental protection,
policy approach is necessary for sustainable there is a need to develop river or stream standards
9 Zakiyyah, Tukimat, Razi, Zulfahmi, Muzzneena & Sahibin / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1 (2016) 1–5

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