ACC 139 - Group Quiz
ACC 139 - Group Quiz
ACC 139 - Group Quiz
4. The risk that the information presented may be 8. Independence is required for which of the
materially false and misleading is referred to as following types of engagement?
the I. Compilation
a. Business risk. II. Review
b. Client risk. a. I only
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d. Detect all errors and fraud. 49. In the audit of historical financial statements,
which of the following accounting bases is the
47. Which of the following types of audits is most common?
performed to determine whethr an entity’s a. Regulatory accounting principles
financial statements are fairly stated in b. Cash basis accounting
conformity with generally accepted accounting c. Generally accepted accounting
principles? principles
a. Operational audit d. Liquidation basis of accounting
b. Compliance audit
c. Financial statement audit 50. Which of the following is incorrect?
d. Performance audit a. Consistent evidence obtained from
various sources or of different nature is
48. Financial statements need to be prepared in more reliable.
accordance with one, or a combination of: b. It is generally more difficult to obtain
I. Philippine Standards on Auditing assurance about subject matter
II. International Financial Reporting information at a point in time than about
Standards subject matter information covering a
III. Other authoritative or comprehensive period of time.
financial reporting framework c. When it is cost prohibitive or difficult to
IV. GAAP in the Philippines obtain an evidence, the auditor may shift
to obtain from other alternatives.
a. I, II, III, and IV d. The practitioner considers the
b. II, III, and IV relationship between cost of obtaining
c. II and IV the evidence and the usefulness of the
d. I only information.
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