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Study of Power Generation Capability of Piezoelectric

Transducers in Establishment Entrances

A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of
the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering of the
University of San Carlos
Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
of Electrical Engineering

Biaño, James Karol C.
Condrillon, Mel Bryan P.
Velasco, Matthew O.

John Philip G. Baruc


Approval Sheet

This proposed project entitled “Study of Power Generation Capability of Piezoelectric

Transducers in Establishment Entrances”, prepared and submitted by James Karol C.

Biano, Mel Bryan P. Condrillon and Matthew O. Velasco

, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course entitled Research Method (EE

529) has been examined and accepted by the Thesis Project Committee.



Chair - Panelist


Member – Panelist 1 Member – Panelist 2




We, the researchers, would like to express our great gratitude to the Almighty God for

giving us the knowledge, strength and guidance we need to successfully create and

complete this project.

The accomplishment of this project would not have been possible without the help of the

following people:

To our Adviser, Engr. Baruc, for the advices and guidance as we plan and construct our

project together with the paper works.

To the panelists, Engr. Rabuya, Engr. Wong-Marcon, and Engr. Lacea, for their advice

and help in order to improve our project.

To Engr. Seva for the advices and suggestions as we create the prototype and for letting

us use the equipment needed such as the Yokogawa digital oscilloscope.

To Engr. Cabilo for giving us insights in choosing the components and construction of

the circuit.

To Engr. Tan and Engr. Tagoc for giving us ideas and insights about piezoelectric

transducers and its characteristics.

To IRM-ACS for giving us the data needed in the evaluation of the entrances of USC-TC.

To our parents, friends, and batch mates who helped us from the beginning up to the end.

We thank you for your support and encouragement.


Electricity remains to be one of the greatest needs of the people. Thus, it is important to

find ways in order to generate it using other forms of energy especially power outages

occur at some point of time. This study aims to charge a Lead Acid battery and a Nickel

Metal-Hydride battery through piezoelectric transducers attached underneath a modified

floor tile. Through the steps applied on the tiles, voltage is generated and current is

produced. A power supply circuit was made to harness the AC voltage input and convert

it to a DC voltage output that will then charge the battery. Tests were conducted in order

to arrive with the final circuit and set-up. Finally, the characteristic of the prototype was

monitored and the output for charging the battery was checked. Current was measured

by connecting an ammeter in series with the battery, and voltage was measured by

connecting it in parallel to the battery. The data and results showed that it charged the

battery but only in a small amount and over a long period of time. Results for the lead

acid battery show an increase of approximately 5mV for 1 hour of continuous steps, and

an increase of 14mV for the nickel metal hydride battery. Lastly, it was known that the

current output of the piezoelectric transducers is very small thus, the use of more

transducers and a more efficient charging circuit are recommended to increase the total

charging output.


Title page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Settings 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 1

1.3 Significance of the Study 2

1.4 Scope and Limitation 3

1.5 Definition of Terms 4

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 5

2.1 Piezoelectric Crystals and Piezoelectricity 5

2.2 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and its Storage 6

2.3 Application of Piezoelectric Transducer 10

Chapter 3 Methodology 13

3.1 Overview 13

3.1.2 Construction 14

3.2 Setup #1: Application of Electrical Tape to

Attach the Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery 14

3.2.1 Sensing Unit 14

3.2.2 Power Supply Unit 17

3.2.3 Application Unit 19

3.2.4 Application and Monitoring 20

3.3 Setup #2: Application of Epoxy Underneath

The Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 3.6V 2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery 21

3.3.1 Testing of the New Tile 20

3.3.2a Modified Power Supply Unit 22

3.3.2b Modified Power Supply Unit Without Resistor 23

3.3.3 New Application Unit 23

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 25

4.1 Evaluation of the Area 25

4.2 Setup #1: Application of Electrical Tape to

Attach the Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery 26

4.2.1 Sensing and Power Supply Unit Measurements

on Setup #1 26

4.2.2 Multisim Power Circuit Simulation 35

4.3 Illuminance of Setup #1 Lighting Load 37

4.4 Battery Charging Profile of Setup #1 38

4.4.1 Traditional Charger on the 4v Lead Acid Battery 38

4.4.2 Piezoelectric Generator Charger

on the 4V Lead Acid Battery 40

4.5 Setup #2: Application of Epoxy Underneath
The Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 3.6V 2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery 41

4.5.1 Sensing and Power Supply Unit Measurements

on Setup #2 41

4.5.2 Power Supply Unit Without 30Ω Resistor 46

4.6 Illuminance of Setup #2 Lighting Load 48

4.7 Battery and Load Profile 48

4.7.1 Battery Discharge and Load Profile 49

4.7.2 Battery Charging Profile 50

4.8 Comparison of Setup #1 and Setup #2 52

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 51

5.1 Conclusion 52

5.2 Recommendation 53

Bibliography 54

Appendix I 55

Appendix A 55

Appendix B 56

Appendix C 56

Appendix D 57

Appendix E 57

Appendix F 58

Appendix G 58

Appendix H 59

Appendix I 59

Appendix J 60

Appendix K 60

Appendix L 61

Appendix II Curriculum Vitae 63

Gantt Chart 66

Activity Plan 67

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Procedure Outline 13

Figure 3.1.2 Complete Flow of the Piezoelectric Generator 14

Figure 3.2.1a Schematic Diagram of Connection of Ten Piezoelectric

Transducers in Parallel 15

Figure 3.2.1b Connection of Ten Piezoelectric Transducers in Parallel 16

Figure 3.2.1c Attachment of Standoffs on Top of the Piezoelectric Transducer 16

Figure 3.2.1d Final Installment of Piezoelectric Transducers and the two tiles 17

Figure 3.2.2a Power Supply Circuit 18

Figure 3.2.2b 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery 18

Figure 3.2.2c 3.6V 2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery 18

Figure 3.2.3 Circuit Diagram of the Application Unit 20

Figure 3.2.4 Complete Circuit Setup Using the 4 Volts Lead Acid Battery

With The Modified Light Bulb 20

Figure 3.3 New Interface of The Piezoelectric Transducers 22

Figure 3.3.2a Discharging Circuit for The NiMH Battery 23

Figure 3.3.2b Charging Circuit for The NiMH Battery 23

Figure 3.3.3 Complete Circuit Setup Using 3.6 Volt NiMH Battery

With a Single LED 24

Figure 4.2.1a Graphical Representation of The Measured Voltage per Step 27

Figure 4.2.1b Sample AC Voltage Output of The Sensing Unit 27

Figure 4.2.1c Graphical Representation of The Current and Voltage

in Both Connections 29

Figure 4.2.1d Comparison of Voltage Between 1000uF and 0.1uF Capacitors 31

Figure 4.2.1e Sample Voltage Output Across the Capacitor 32

Figure 4.2.1f Graphical Representation of The Voltage Across the Zener Diode 33

Figure 4.2.1g Current into the Battery Readings 34

Figure 4.2.1h Battery Voltage Level 35

Figure 4.2.2a Input Waveform 35

Figure 4.2.2b Rectified Waveform 36

Figure 4.2.2c Waveform Across The Capacitor 36

Figure 4.2.2d Waveform Across The Zener 37

Figure 4.3 Illuminance Level of Light Bulb 38

Figure 4.4.1 Charging Profile of 4 Volts 4Ah Lead Acid Battery 39

Figure 4.4.2 Instantaneous Power at 3.900 Volts in the 4 Volts

Lead Acid Battery 40

Figure 4.5.1a Sample Voltage Output of the Piezoelectric Tile 42

Figure 4.5.1b Sample Output Voltage Across 1-ohm Resistor 43

Figure 4.5.1c Graph of Voltage Output Across Power Supply 44

Figure 4.5.1d Graph of Current Going to Battery at 3.547 Volts 45

Figure 4.7.1 Battery Discharge with 3—ohms Resistor and 3V LED Load 50

Figure 4.7.2a Battery Charge in Two Hours with Continuous Steps 51

Figure 4.7.2b Instantaneous Power at 3.547 Volts in the 3.6 V NiMH Battery 52

Figure 4.8.1 Comparison of Voltage Output with and without Epoxy

underneath the Transducer 53

List of Tables

Table 2.2 Data sheet for battery charge time 8

Table 2.3.1 Data sheet for output voltages in Day 1 11

Table 2.3.2 Data sheet for output voltages in Day 2 11

Table 2.3.3 Data sheet for output voltages in Day 3 11

Table 4.1 One week data for Turnstile Tap going in 25

Table 4.2.1a Measured Voltage per Step 26

Table 4.2.1b Voltage and Current Measurements between

Two Connections of the Tiles 28

Table 4.2.1c Voltage Reading Across the Full-wave Bridge Rectifier on

Parallel-Parallel Connection of the Tiles 30

Table 4.2.1d Measured Voltage across the 1000uF Capacitor 30

Table 4.2.1e Measured Voltage across the 0.1uF Capacitor 31

Table 4.2.1f Voltage Across Zener Diode 32

Table 4.2.1g Current Going into the Battery 33

Table 4.2.1h Battery Voltage Level 34

Table 4.3 Measured and Calculated Illuminance of Light Bulb 37

Table 4.4.2 Calculated Values of the Instantaneous Power at 3.900 Volts 40

Table 4.5.1a Effect of Epoxy on a Single Piezoelectric Transducer 41

Table 4.5.1b Measured Current of New Sensing Unit with 1 ohm load for

Initialization 43

Table 4.5.1c Voltage Output Across Power Supply Unit 44

Table 4.5.1d Measured Current going to Battery at 3.547Volts 45

Table 4.5.2a Power Supply Unit Without 30Ω Resistor 46

Table 4.5.2b Current Across Zener Without 30Ω Resistor 47

Table 4.5.2c Charging of 3.6V Battery Without 30Ω Resistor 48

Table 4.6 Illuminance Levels of Single 1W 3V LED 48

Table 4.7.1 Discharging 3.6V (3.775V measured) NiMH battery with

30 ohms Resistor and 3V LED Load 49

Table 4.7.2 Voltage Reading while Charging the NiMH Battery 51

Chapter 1

The Problem and its Setting

1.1 Introduction

Electrical energy has remained as the universal source of energy through the years

and an increasing demand of it has been greatly observed as every year progresses [1].

Power outages have been experienced due to very high demand, system shutdown

and repairs, and occurrence of natural weather phenomena [2]. Most of the time, a vast number

of people lose their access to electricity when a storm hits their area or district. Thus, backup

power supplies are essential when the main power source fails [3]. Alternative energy can be

utilized as a source of backup power in small-scale areas since it can supply an adequate amount

of electricity to their loads. Hence, its development needs to be considered in order for the

consumers not to be too dependent in the use of diesel and gasoline which are finite sources.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Power outages are common due to a very high demand resulting to a rotational

brownout. Rotational brownout brings inconvenience to people particularly in the absence of

emergency lights. Some establishments are installing emergency lights that have batteries

charged whenever the supply is available. The main purpose of the study is to create a method of

charging these emergency lights even in the absence of main power supply which is the use of

piezoelectric transducers installed at the locations where people frequently passes by such as

establishment entrances.

In accordance with these, the project aims to accomplish the following:
i) Evaluate a specified area where the proposed project is suitable for.
ii) Construct the prototype of the proposed project made of piezoelectric transducers

attached underneath a vinyl tile where people step on.

iii) Create a modified light bulb made of Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

iv) Evaluate the power generation capability of the constructed prototype.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study was done for the students and employees to have light in times of

emergency, like brownouts and power outages. Energy is demanded and expended, which is why

engineering students are expected to find more, if not new, alternatives to meet these demands.

As such, one way to contribute to that is through the use of piezoelectric transducers. Through

this technology, it makes it possible to harness energy from walking, a simple yet effective

method of energy generation. Although the generation may be small, if placed in large quantities

in select areas, then it makes it a more viable option.

Considering that energy plays an important role in our daily lives, it is a must that

engineering students find newer ways to generate it. With a greater demand for energy and the

environment taken into account, an eco-friendly alternative source of energy that benefits

students, employees, and nature should be used. So in this study, it was thought that it would be a

great idea to apply the use of piezoelectric transducers to generate minimal amounts of energy to

be expended to some select areas where electricity is always needed especially during power

outages. Since electricity generated by the transducers is directly proportional to the number of

times it is pressed, it is suggested that it is placed in areas where people generally traverse.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

This study intends to give ways on how to enhance and effectively implement the

alternative source or piezoelectric transducer underneath a modified vinyl tile that has the

capability (under the right conditions) to generate a small amount of power. This power would be

used to charge a backup battery which in turn can power up an area whenever needed for a

period of time.

This study visualizes a goal to use people's motion into renewable energy yet its

operation is limited to certain parameters and constraints. Since this technology can only

generate and provide minimal amounts of energy, it needs specific conditions for it to be

functional and efficient.

First of all, its location determines a very crucial factor since this project depends on

the energy expenditure of walking. Thus, it needs to be installed in an area where a lot of people

walk by, for it to work optimally. A great number of people are needed such that it can

sufficiently charge up the batteries connected to it. Although, for this study, it will not include

the amount force applied on the modified floor tile instead it will focus on the number of steps

applied to it. For the prototype, the size of the modified vinyl tile used is 12 by 12 inches. A full

wave rectifier will be used, along with a capacitor as a filter. In combination, a zener diode

voltage regulator, which has as breakthrough voltage of 6.2 volts to maintain 6.2 volts across the

circuit, will also be constructed. The load that the battery will supply is a modified LED bulb

since the supply uses DC voltage. Minimal loads can only be connected to this alternative source

since it can only supply them with the energy stored in the batteries which is eminently smaller

compared to the electric mains.

After considering all the conditions for this device, it may be installed in small-scale

areas like establishment entrances that can go off-the-grid which may slightly lighten the load of

the national grid. For its greater purpose, this device can be operational in certain establishments

during power outages due to transfer of loads from 1 feeder to another, repair of distribution

lines or post, and natural disasters. Although, this can only be functional for a period of time due

to its limited stock of energy.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Piezoelectric effect- the ability of certain materials to generate an AC voltage when subjected

to mechanical stress or vibration, or to vibrate when subjected to an AC voltage, or both.

Power outages- A power outage (also called a power cut, a power blackout, power failure or

a blackout) is a short- or long-term loss of the electric power to an area. There are many

causes of power failures in an electricity network.

Renewable energy- energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or

solar power. In our thesis we used motion.

Transducer- a device that converts variations in a physical quantity, such as pressure or

brightness, into an electrical signal, or vice versa.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

2.1 Piezoelectric Crystals

Since a great increase in demand of electricity has been observed throughout the

years, other alternatives of generating it must be developed [1]. In the study of Anil Kumar

(2011), entitled “Electrical Power Generation Using Piezoelectric Crystal” made mention that

this other alternative makes use of piezoelectric crystals which has the capability to generate a

small voltage when pressure is applied to them. In the current situation, modern technology for

cellphones, gadgets, computers, etc. are continuously progressing at a rapid speed, however

battery technology is getting left behind, so a way of recharging them is a very viable option.

Piezoelectric crystals are suitable for this because they are excellent power generation due to

their ability to couple mechanical and electrical properties. For example, when an electric field is

applied to the piezoelectric, a strain is generated and the material is deformed. Consequently,

when a piezoelectric is strained it produces an electric field; therefore, piezoelectric materials can

convert ambient vibration into electrical power [4]. Presently, electricity is a common necessity

for human population in this fast-changing world. The study “Footstep Power Generation Using

Piezo Electric Transducers” by Boby et al. mentioned that alternative sources of electrical energy

were created and implemented to cope up with the gap between supply and demand of

electricity. A factor considered is its sustainable use and a non-negative impact in the

environment. A certain technology that fits these factors is found in the principle of piezoelectric

effect where it has the ability to generate an electric potential in response to the pressure applied

hence providing a renewable yet clean energy source. Furthermore, the harvesting of energy

must be efficient or else it would go to waste if used otherwise [5]. According to the study of

Tandon & Kumar, entitled “A Unique Step towards Generation of Electricity via New

Methodology” a great evolution in electricity generation may come from the kinetic energy

wasted in walking by humans since they average 3000-5000 steps a day. In each step, energy is

dissipated in the form of vibrations thus, these vibrations can be utilized and converted into

electrical energy through the use of piezoelectric crystals. Eventually, the converted electrical

energy may power other devices or loads that use less electricity. Therefore, the extraction of

electric current due to exerted pressure from human walking energy is logically possible [6].

2.2 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and its Storage

The book, “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting” by Erturk & Inman (2011) provided

the first comprehensive treatment of distributed parameter, electromechanical modelling for

piezoelectric energy harvesting with large-scale case studies including experimental

demonstrations, and addresses modeling of various forms of excitation in piezoelectric energy

harvesting. World-leading researchers provided a timely and comprehensive coverage of the

electromechanical modeling and applications of piezoelectric energy with Piezoelectric Energy

Harvesting. These researchers present principal modeling approaches, combining fundamental

material related to mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering disciplines for vibration-

based energy harvesting using piezoelectric transduction [7].

Power sources such as batteries are finite sources of energy thus this kind of device

needs to be charged before using it. In the study of Shashank Priya (2007), entitled “Advances in

energy harvesting using low profile piezoelectric transducers” stated that centralized energy

sources are needed for the sensors and data acquisitions components for certain operations.

Although, in some occasions where users that need battery charging or replacement operations

are located in remote locations can be very expensive and inconvenient. Access for energy will

be very difficult since most of these areas are geographically inaccessible. Thus, various

mediums of energy transformation were created such as generators which convert one form of

energy at the location into electrical energy. Most of these are diesel powered generators yet it is

expensive and finite. As a solution, a generation of electrical energy from renewable energy was

developed such as the piezoelectric energy harvesting. In this study, a comprehensive coverage

of the recent developments in this area using low profile transducers provided various energy

harvesting prototype devices. Also, the selection of piezoelectric materials for on and off

resonance applications was discussed in this article. Finally, efficiency and power magnitude of

the energy harvesting process were analyzed [8].

Comparison of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices for Recharging Batteries in a

study by Henry A. Sodano and Daniel J. Inman. Various battery capacities were charged by 3

methods, one of which made use of piezoelectric transducers. For the battery charging, NiMH

(Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries were chosen because they have a high charge density they do

not make use of a charge controller or voltage regulator. The Charging of the NiMH is similar to

NiCd (Nickel Cadium), but the charging of the NiMH is more complex. The NiMH dislikes

overcharge, and the trickle charge is around 0.05C. The NiCd has better absorption of the

overcharge and in charging the NiCd, the trickle charge is 0.1 C. NiMH has a higher energy

density compared to the NiCd at the expense of reduced cycle life. NiMH contains no toxic

metals. Applications include mobile phones and laptop computers. The charger that can be used

to charge NiCd cannot be used to charge a NiMH, because it would overheat, but a charger that

is used to charge NiMD can charge a Nicd battery. It is nearly impossible to slow charge a

NiMH battery, it must be charge at a rate of 0.1C up to 0,3C. NiMH battery depends on a timer

to monitor its charging. a harmful overcharge can occur when charging a fully charged battery

even if it feels cold.

The circuit constructed to charge the battery consisted of a full wave rectifier, capacitor

and the battery intended to be charged. The voltage produced by the piezoelectric transducer was

first full wave rectified then accumulated in a large capacitor, for this circuit, a 1000µF capacitor

was used, followed by the battery intended to be charged, which was placed in parallel with the

capacitor. This would allow the capacitor to charge itself using the small amount of power from

the piezoelectric transducer, which in turn would discharge to the battery.

Table 2.2: Data sheet for battery charge time

Battery Size (mAh) Charge Time (Hours)

40 1.62
80 1.2
200 4
300 6
750 7
1000 22

The tests presented in this section, investigate the ability of piezoelectric transducer to

recharge batteries ranging in size from 40mAh up to 1000mAh, the charge time required is also

provided to demonstrate the relative effectiveness of each device. The charge time was recorded

using a dSpace real time control board over a period ranging from 1 to 50 hours, depending on

the size of the battery. [9]

Since batteries come with specifications written in their specs or datasheet, these

values should be considered before choosing the appropriate battery for a specific load or source.

In an article, “Battery Specifications-Explained”, the specifications in either standard or

rechargeable batteries were explained and clarified. Common specifications include the type of

cell the battery is in, the standard voltage, the milliampere-hour(mAH) rating, and the standard

charge or rapid charge in rechargeable batteries. In both standard and rechargeable batteries, the

standard cell that can be chosen for the device that will be powered includes AAA, AA, C or D

cells. Battery voltage refers to the amount of voltage the battery has across its terminal when its

fully charged. During operation and usage, this voltage decreases and becomes less as the

battery drains. Milli ampere-hour refers to the time on how long the battery would last. It also

shows how many milli-amperes of current the battery can supply per hour of use. The mAH

specification shows how long a battery will be able to last in a circuit, given the circuit's power

requirements and how much current the circuit demands. Being that the mAH is considered as

the battery's life, the more mAH's means the longer a battery can last or the more current it can

supply in a circuit. For the standard charge, it refers to the normal amount of time which it takes

to recharge a battery back to its full capacity or power. On the other hand, rapid charge decreases

the amount it takes a battery to charge through the increases of current that charges it. Both of

them indicates the number of hours to charge at milli-amperes of current [10]. To finally choose

a battery as a supply for the piezoelectric energy harvested, these specifications will be

considered, as for the power generated, while the voltage may be measured and can range from 0

volts to 12 volts, the current however is difficult to measure, this is due to the vibration of the

transducer being so abrupt. However, multiple studies have stated that the current is directly

proportional to the voltage generated. As a result, the time taken to charge a battery to its max

capacity is measured instead.

2.3 Applications of Piezoelectric Transducers

In microelectronics, the power requirements of its devices are continuously

decreasing thus environmental energy sources may begin to replace batteries in specific wearable

subsystems. In the study “Parasitic Power Harvesting in Shoes” by Kymissis et. al, applied this

through the use of a device built into a shoe where energy from walking is “parasitically”

harvested and then converted into electrical energy. Three different materials were used and

examined. Two of these are piezoelectric in nature which are PVDF (polyvinylidineflouride) and

PZT (lead zirconate titanate) while the other uses a shoe-mounted rotary magnetic generator.

After tests were conducted, it was found that the magnetic rotary generator produced two orders

of magnitude more power than either of the piezoelectric systems but its circuitry and

components are difficult to integrate to conventional footwear. On the other hand, the PVDF and

PZT can accumulate sufficient energy to power useful functions and both can be easily

integrated into footwear. Moreover, the power supplies used with these piezoelectric systems

composed of a standard full-wave rectifiers and filter capacitors aided by an SCR-style switch.

Finally, these piezoelectric generators need to consider factors that also affect the shoes such as

dynamic forces and potential moisture thus, further study and tests needs to be done [11].

Another application of piezoelectric transducer conducted in the study entitled

“Design of a Piezoelectric Stair as an Alternative Source of Energy” by Atienza et al. is by

harvesting the wasted energy produced by footsteps when going up or down stairs. This is done

when a downward force, due to the footsteps, will cause the mechanical gears to rotate and hit

the piezoelectric sensor. Then, it vibrates to produce electricity and power light loads in a

specific area. It involved the use of an LTC3588-1 IC, a piezoelectric energy harvesting power

supply which can store voltage generated by piezoelectric sensors and bring out the harvested

energy stored in it. After creating the prototype and testing it in the subjected area, these were the

data gathered.

Initial Battery Charge= 0.53V, 12.96% Battery Percentage

Maximum Battery Capacity = 4.09V, 100%
Table 2.3.1: Data sheet for output voltages in Day 1 [12]

Battery Piezoelectric Piezoelectric LT3588-1 Battery LED Battery

Percentage Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Harvest Charge Status Percentage
Time (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
8 am 18.61 19.36 6.59 3.74 OFF 91.44%
10 am 17.94 18.43 6.35 3.65 OFF 89.24%
12 pm 18.31 18.52 6.49 3.69 OFF 90.22%
2 pm 19.46 18.39 6.61 3.73 OFF 91.20%
4 pm 18.05 19.11 6.32 3.74 OFF 91.44%
6 pm 18.56 18.63 6.47 3.71 ON 90.71%

Initial Battery Charge = 2.42V, 59.17% Battery Percentage

Maximum Battery Capacity = 4.09V, 100%
Table 2.3.2: Data sheet for output voltages in Day 2 [12]

Battery Piezoelectric Piezoelect LT3588-1 Battery LED Battery

Percentage Sensor 1 ric Harvest Charge Status Percentage
Time (Volts) Sensor 2 (Volts) (Volts)
8 am 18.33 18.21 6.49 3.72 OFF 90.95%
10 am 18.72 19.01 6.52 3.74 OFF 91.44%
12 pm 18.46 18.69 6.38 3.62 OFF 88.51%
2 pm 18.92 18.35 6.85 3.66 OFF 89.49%
4 pm 18.32 18.82 6.39 3.75 OFF 91.69%
6 pm 18.86 18.39 6.44 3.77 ON 92.18%

Initial Battery Charge = 3.11V, 76.04% Battery Percentage

Maximum Battery Capacity = 4.09V, 100%
Table 2.3.3: Data sheet for output voltages in Day 3 [12]

Battery Piezoelectric Piezoelectric LT3588-1 Battery LED Battery

Percentage Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Harvest Charge Status Percentage
Time (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
8 am 18.59 18.72 6.51 3.76 OFF 91.93%
10 am 18.73 18.44 6.43 3.74 OFF 91.44%
12 pm 19.39 18.61 6.41 3.73 OFF 91.20%
2 pm 18.64 18.36 6.37 3.74 OFF 91.44%
4 pm 18.47 19.13 6.39 3.79 OFF 92.67%
6 pm 18.65 18.43 6.45 3.77 ON 92.18%

The piezoelectric sensor with the LT3588-1 helped manage the energy usage in a

certain area near the stairs. A flywheel was also used to continuously hit the series of

piezoelectric sensors to maximize the purpose of the sensors. Finally, the energy gathered from

the footsteps was able to power the LED bulb sufficiently. Although some losses and depletion

were encountered, the design was still able to charge the battery from 0% to 90% each day [12].

To continuously provide electricity during power outages, batteries are utilized and

supplied to electrical loads. Thus, in the study, “A comprehensive review on vibration based

micro power generators using electromagnetic and piezoelectric transducer mechanisms” by

Raihan et al. stated that these batteries are used in micro energy generation. Although, it has

certain limitations which affect its effectivity and these are its finite life time, periodic

replacement, and environmental pollutions. Consequently, energy harvesting can be done

through renewable energy such as piezoelectric transduction system. This could be an alternative

solution to replace or extend the lifespan of the traditional battery system [13].

As a final point, through the use of piezoelectric transducers, an alternative source of

electricity can be developed for lighting loads for it to be off-the-grid. Moreover, this method of

power generation can also be used as backup power for lighting loads during power outages.

Chapter 3


3.1 Overview

Shown in Figure 3.1, is the procedure outline of the piezoelectric generator from its

preparation up to its installation. The materials and components will be gathered and prepared.

The area will be evaluated. The number of people that traverse the area will be monitored by

asking the personnel in Information Resource Management – Administrative Computing

Services (IRM-ACS) the number of students who passed by gate 1, gate 3 and portal. The area

where the most number of people traverses will be selected. The number of people that traversed

that area per day will be averaged in five days and it will be called as the average steps. The

average steps will be used and applied to the piezoelectric generator later. Circuit design and

construction will be done. Data & results will be recorded through various measurements. Once

the piezoelectric generator is ready, it will be connected to the application unit or lighting load

and it will be tested and monitored.

Figure 3.1: Procedure Outline

3.1.2 Construction

Shown in figure 3.1.2 is a setup of the piezoelectric generator. It is composed of 3 main

components namely; sensing unit, power supply unit, and application unit.

Figure 3.1.2: Complete Flow of the Piezoelectric Generator

3.2 Setup #1: Application of Electrical Tape to Attach the Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery

The first setup was done with its specific interface that uses electrical tape to attach the
transducers on the vinyl tile together with the power supply unit and the 4V Lead acid battery.

3.2.1 Sensing Unit

The sensing unit is composed of piezoelectric transducers and the 12 by 12-inches vinyl

tile. Piezoelectric transducers, connected in parallel will be attached underneath the modified

floor tile. The connection will be in parallel to increase the total combined current that can be

generated, this will allow us to gain a small significant amount of power, that will be used to

charge the battery. This unit will be responsible for generating the necessary AC voltage that will

then be used for the power supply unit. This works when the piezoelectric transducer is

depressed and then expanded, at its depression, the crystals and metal back plate deflect to each

other and generate a small amount of electricity. At depression, a positive side of a sine wave is

generated, and at its expansion, a negative side of a sine wave is generated. 1 wire is connected

to the piezoceramic component, while another is connected to the metal back plate component,

these in turn, will be connected to other piezoelectric transducers in parallel.

Figure 3.2.1a: Schematic Diagram of Connection of Ten Piezoelectric Transducers in Parallel

Figure 3.2.1b: Connection of Ten Piezoelectric Transducers in Parallel

Shown in figure 3.2.1b are the piezoelectric transducers connected in parallel. This was

done to increase its current output. In this project, two tiles were made with ten piezoelectric

transducers in each tile.

Fig. 3.2.1c: Attachment of standoffs on top of the piezoelectric transducer

This would allow the force in each step to directly be dissipated on the piezoelectric

crystal located at the center of the piezoelectric transducer.

Fig. 3.2.1d: Final Installment of the Piezoelectric Transducers and the Two Tiles

On the left side of Figure 3.2.1c is the final installation of the piezoelectric transducers on

the floor tile. After completing the two tiles with its respective vinyl tile as the top cover, one tile

was then placed on top of the other. Finally, another vinyl tile was placed on the topmost as

shown on the right side of figure 3.2.1d.

3.2.2 Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit is composed of a full wave bridge rectifier, filter, a voltage

regulator, a 4V rechargeable lead-acid battery for setup #1 and a 3.6V rechargeable nickel metal-

hydride battery for setup #2. Shown in figure 3.2.2a is the power supply circuit to be utilized.

The full wave bridge rectifier which makes use of schottky diodes, as they have lower voltage

drops compared to silicon diodes, will be used to convert the ac signal produced by the

piezoelectric transducer into a pulsating dc. This type of bridge rectifier circuit was chosen since

it converts both polarities of the input waveform to pulsating DC gaining a higher average output

voltage. A capacitor filter is used to smooth the pulsating DC output after it was rectified so that

a nearly constant DC voltage is supplied to the battery. A RC circuit that consists of a 30Ω

resistor(R) in series with a 0.1uF capacitor(C) was used to decrease the time constant (T) thus,

also decreasing the charging time of the capacitor. T = RC = (0.1u)(30) = 3 microseconds. Also,

it was observed that the resistor can slow down the capacitor’s rate of discharge. The choice of

30Ω was an arbitrary decision, and rather, would be better to not apply this into the setup to

minimize losses; however, the experiment was already done with this resistor implemented.

Since the LM7805 and LM7806 voltage regulators can’t trigger due to insufficient current and its

output is always zero, a Zener diode was used instead. A 1N4735A Zener diode as a voltage

regulator is then used to have an approximate 6.2 volts that will be supplied to the battery.

Afterwards, the circuit was simulated in Multisim to show the expected output

waveforms for the input, after the full wave bridge rectifier, across the capacitor and Zener


Fig. 3.2.2a: Power Supply Circuit Fig. 3.2.2b: 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery

Fig. 3.2.2c: 3.6V 2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery

In testing the power generation of the piezoelectric transducer, the battery’s voltage is

reduced first before charging it. The battery to be used was determined to be, for setup #1, a 4V

4Ah lead acid battery shown in Figure 3.2.2b. For setup #2, a 3.6V 2Ah nickel metal hydride


3.2.3 Application unit

Since the voltage in the battery is a DC voltage, a modified light bulb shown in figure

3.2.5 will be created through the use of individual Light Emitting Diodes (LED). The following

equations aims to determine the proper resistor to use for each LED.

Source – LED Voltage Rating = (LED Current Rating) (R)

4 – 3 = (0.030) (R)

R = 33.33Ω ≈ 30Ω

V = IR

3 = (I) (30)

I = 0.033333A


P = (3) (0.033333) = 0.1W for each LED

P = (0.09) (12) = 1.2W for 12 LED

When calculated for our circuit, it was determined to use 33.33Ω resistor, however only

30Ω was available. As a result, the choice of 30Ω resistor was chosen to be connected in series

to each of the LED. It has been decided to use 12 LED that use up a combined amount of 1.2W.

12 LEDs were used because based on the observations; it produced enough illuminance to

illuminate a small area. Yet, this unit is only constructed for representation purposes only.

The energy produced by the piezoelectric crystal will be stored in the battery then it will

be utilized by the modified LED light bulb, the decision to use a modified light bulb is because it

will allow us to be flexible in our circuit and power design. LED bulbs were used since they are

the most efficient and viable option for this study. Its luminous efficacy is rated to be some of the

best in the industry.

Figure 3.2.3 Circuit Diagram of the Application Unit

3.2.4 Application and Monitoring

Figure 3.2.4 Complete Circuit Setup using 4 Volt Lead Acid Battery with the Modified Light

Shown on figure 3.2.4 is the complete circuit set up using a 4 Volt Lead Acid Battery in

conjunction with the modified light bulb. The source is a piezoelectric transducer that is attached

beneath the vinyl tile, this modified vinyl tile outputs a sine wave. The modified tile is then

connected to the full wave bridge rectifier to rectify the sine wave, and outputs only a positive

full wave. The positive full wave is outputted to a RC filter which comprises a 30Ω resistor and a

0.1uF capacitor, its resulting output is a clean direct current that will then be regulated by the

1N4735 zener diode to limit the voltage to 6.2 Volts.

Once the piezoelectric generator is ready and working, it will be tested and data will be

gathered. Continuous steps will be applied to the piezoelectric generator. The current going to

the battery, and the increase in voltage in the battery will be monitored. The voltage of the

battery will be measured through the use of a digital voltmeter. The current will be measured to

determine the amount of current that goes to the battery while charging. The measuring

instruments that will be used is a Sanwa Analog Multimeter, Kyoritsu Digital Multimeter, and a

Yokogawa DL1520 Oscilloscope. Data and results such as; number of people that will traverse

the area, generated voltage every step, generated current every step, and number of steps will be

recorded, and how fast the battery charges.

3.3 Setup #2: Application of Epoxy underneath The Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 3.6V 2Ah NiMH Battery

As seen in Figure 3.3, a new tile was assembled still 12x12 inches in size, however, this

time it made use of 16 piezoelectric transducers, which were arranged and connected in parallel.

Epoxy was used to stick the transducers to the tile, and to stick the standoffs.

Figure 3.3: New Interface of the Piezoelectric Transducers

3.3.1 Testing of the New Tile

Testing to the tile was then conducted, first, the current was measured, using a 1Ω load

for initialization, 20 trials were done for this. It was noted however that the voltage output of this

tile was significantly lower compared to the last setup, subsequently, a test was done on a single

piezoelectric transducer to determine the effect in voltage the epoxy had on the transducer. 10

trials were done for a transducer without epoxy, and then another 10 trials for the transducer with

the epoxy applied.

3.3.2a Modified Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit made use of a new battery; this new battery is a 1.2 volts nickel

metal hydride with a capacity of 2 Ah. Three of these were connected in series to give a rating of

3.6 volts 2Ah. With this new setup, the first thing that was done was to discharge the battery

from an initial 3.6 volts (3.775 volts measured) to 3.550 volts. This was done using a 30 Ω

resistor connected in series with a 3 volt LED for 3 hours, as seen in figure 3.4.2a.

Figure 3.3.2a Discharging Circuit for the NiMH Battery

After the battery was discharged, it was set up for charging. To do this, the current going

into the battery was measured using an ammeter, with a voltmeter connected in parallel to the

battery to give a real time reading of the voltage level. The tile was then pressed continuously

for 2 hours to measure the amount of voltage the new tile can charge to the new battery. Shown

below in figure 3.4.2b is its charging circuit.

Figure 3.3.2b Charging Circuit for the NiMH Battery

3.3.2b Modified Power Supply Unit Without Resistor

A separate power supply unit was then constructed with the same design as the last one,

however this time, it does not make use of a 30Ω Resistor, this is to lower the voltage drop after

the rectifier, and to minimize losses.

3.3.3 New Application Unit

The application unit is only composed of a 30 Ω resistor connected in series with a single

3 Volts LED. This will be connected in parallel with the battery. Illuminance of the new lighting

load was also measured. Shown in figure 3.3.3 is the final completed circuit setup with the

NiMH Battery and the lighting load.

Figure 3.3.3 Complete Circuit Setup using 3.6 Volt NiMH Battery with a Single LED

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

4.1 Evaluation of the Area

The number of students going in the three entrances namely Bunzel, Portal and Gate 3

were given by IRM-ACS. For experimental purposes, the number of students was represented as

number of steps since the project utilizes steps in generating electrical energy.

Table 4.1 One week data for Turnstile Tap going in

Number of steps in each day

Area 21-Nov 22-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov
Bunzel 7043 12902 12627 12903 9196 4968
Portal 4701 9653 12508 9516 7278 4686
Gate 3 0 0 0 0 0 351
Total steps per
day 11744 22555 25135 22419 16474 10005
Average steps
per day in
Bunzel 11928

Table 4.1 showed the number of students who entered gate 1, portal and gate 3 given by

IRM-ACS. It was noted that gate 3 was under repair on November 21 until the afternoon of

November 26. It was represented that each person going in is equivalent to at least one step on

the tile. Also, Bunzel entrance ranked as the most traversed place among the three thus, the

average step calculated was 11928 steps. This data is used to know the sustainability of the

prototype that will be applied in the area.

4.2 Setup #1: Application of Electrical Tape to Attach the Piezoelectric Transducers and
Utilization of a 4V 4Ah Lead Acid Battery

This setup makes use of electrical tape as the adhesive of the transducers for the tile, and
also makes use of a 4V 4Ah Lead acid battery as its main storage unit.

4.2.1 Sensing and Power Supply Unit Measurements on Setup #1

The following table, Table 4.2.1a, shows the voltage output of a single tile for a single

step. With a visual representation (Figure 4.2.1a)

Table 4.2.1a Measured Voltage per Step

Step Voltage (volts)

1 6.53
2 6.28
3 6.49
4 6.52
5 6.87
6 6.43
7 6.35
8 6.3
9 6.65
10 6.76
11 6.26
12 6.72
13 6.96
14 6.76
15 6.49
16 7.42
17 5.99
18 6.86
19 6.07
20 7.14


Voltage (V)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Trial (Step)

Figure 4.2.1a Graphical Representation of the Measured Voltage per Step

As observed in the figure 4.2.1a, the voltage generated per step is linear and between a

range of 6 – 7 volts. It is also noted that when the tile is pressed, a positive side of a sine wave is

generated, and when the tile is depressed, a negative side of a sine wave is generated. The wave’s

sizes are determined by the amount of force applied to the tile. Higher force results into larger

waves, and weaker force results into smaller waves. A sample of an actual measurement is

shown below (Figure 4.2.1b).

Figure 4.2.1b Sample AC Voltage Output of the Sensing Unit

The main set-up which consisted of two piezoelectric tiles with each tile having ten

piezoelectric transducers connected in parallel, were connected in both a series and parallel

connection, with a simulated load of 100Ω. (Table 4.2.1b)

Table 4.2.1b Voltage and Current Measurements between Two Connections of the Tiles

Parallel-Series Parallel-Parallel
LOAD: 100 LOAD:100
ohm ohm
Current Current Voltage
TRIAL (uA) Voltage(v) TRIAL (uA) (v)
1 23.9 16.36 1 89.6 12.8
2 21.2 16.22 2 66.6 13.7
3 21 16.08 3 57.9 10.9
4 24.5 15.42 4 51.9 10.4
5 19.8 17.52 5 105.7 12.27
6 25.1 17.92 6 64.4 12.08
7 29.6 17.67 7 67.9 11.17
8 29.8 17.12 8 90 12.33
9 29.3 16.04 9 73.8 12.76
10 32.5 17.9 10 60.7 12.6
11 28.3 17.91 11 63.12 12.96
12 25.1 16.71 12 61.2 12.33
13 36.4 16.82 13 71.1 12.81
14 29.3 18 14 73.7 11.01
15 22.7 16.73 15 77.8 12.51
16 27.3 16.51 16 72.8 13.02
17 29 16.15 17 90.3 13.37
18 27 15.17 18 69.8 13
19 27.7 17.22 19 91.7 12.62
20 36 18.17 20 79 13.2
AVERAGE 27.275 16.882 AVERAGE 73.951 12.392

The results were then graphed to give a visual comparison between both connections.

(Figure 4.2.1c)

Voltage (V)

0 5 10 15 20 25



Current (uA)

40 Parallel


0 5 10 15 20 25
Trial (Step)

Figure 4.2.1c: Graphical Representation of the Current and Voltage in both Connections

It can be observed that the series connection, while having a larger voltage, has

considerably less current, while the parallel connection having a higher current, with a lower

voltage. It can be noted that the current in parallel is varying, whilst the current in series is linear.

After this, it has been decided to use a parallel connection for the project.

Table 4.2.1c: Voltage Reading across the Full-wave Bridge Rectifier on Parallel-Parallel
Connection of the Tiles

Step Voltage (Volts)

1 14.23
2 14.15
3 14.81
4 14.53
5 14.12
6 13.97
7 14.35
8 14.17
9 13.72
10 15.36

With this data, it can be observed that each step will generate between 13 – 15 volts.

Moreover, this connection was chosen since its output current is higher.

The next measurements done were voltages across a 1000uF capacitor; this would give a

look to the charging of the capacitor. This was done for 15 minutes, with 60steps/min, and the

reading of the capacitor recorded at 1 minute intervals. Results are shown below. (Table 4.2.1d)

Table 4.2.1d: Measured Voltage across the 1000uF Capacitor

Time Voltage Time Voltage

(min) (V) (min) (V)
1 4.4 9 12.99
2 6.81 10 13.26
3 8.99 11 13.57
4 10.01 12 14
5 10.97 13 14.5
6 11.61 14 14.37
7 12.2 15 14.2
8 12.77

It was observed that the charging is slow, due to this; a smaller capacitor rated at 0.1uF

was then used. With a 100Ω resistor connected in series, just before the capacitor. This would

allow the capacitor to charge fast and discharge slow. The readings of this new set-up are shown

below. (Table 4.2.1e)

Table 4.2.1e: Measured Voltage across the 0.1uF Capacitor

Time Voltage Time Voltage

(min) (V) (min) (V)
1 12.43 9 17.08
2 18.76 10 16.84
3 17.41 11 17.4
4 18.51 12 17.52
5 16.32 13 17.71
6 16.61 14 17.87
7 16.76 15 18.03
8 16.92

These new readings showed an increased charge that is able to be sustained across the

same length of time, as opposed to the last set-up (Table 4.2.1e). A visual comparison is shown

below. (Figure 4.2.1d)


Voltage (V)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (Minutes)

1000uF Capacitor 0.1 uF Capacitor

Figure 4.2.1d: Comparison of Voltage between 1000uF and 0.1uF Capacitors

A sample of the output voltage across the 0.1uF capacitor from the oscilloscope is shown

in Figure 4.2.1e.

Figure 4.2.1e: Sample Voltage Output across the Capacitor

The following data aims to determine the voltage across the Zener diode, with the Zener

diode added to the circuit. The table of voltage per step is shown below (Table 4.2.1f) with a

visual representation. (Figure 4.2.1f)

Table 4.2.1f: Voltage Across Zener Diode

Trial (Step) Voltage (V) Trial (Step) Voltage (V)

1 6.25 11 6.22
2 5.88 12 5.92
3 6.34 13 5.9
4 6.12 14 6.1
5 6.21 15 5.85
6 6.05 16 6.22
7 6.03 17 6.35
8 6.01 18 5.92
9 5.99 19 6.4
10 6.24 20 6.28


Voltage (V)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Trial (Step)

Figure 4.2.1f: Graphical Representation of the Voltage across the Zener Diode

It can be observed that the voltage generated is linear, with each step generating

approximately 6 volts.

Next, the battery was now connected to the set-up. An ammeter was connected in series

to the battery, to show the amount of current going into the battery. The results are as follows

(Table 4.2.1g). A visual representation is also shown (Figure 4.2.1g).

Table 4.2.1g: Current Going into the Battery

Trial (Step) Current (uA) Trial (Step) Current (uA)
1 31.635 11 31.635
2 34.965 12 34.965
3 33.966 13 35.964
4 26.64 14 27.306
5 31.635 15 31.635
6 31.635 16 31.635
7 34.965 17 34.965
8 31.635 18 31.635
9 31.635 19 31.635
10 34.965 20 34.965


Current (uA)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Trial (Step)

Figure 4.2.1g: Current into the Battery Readings

As shown above, the current going into the battery for each step is near linear, with

currents ranging from 26 – 35 uA. The calculated average current within 20 steps is 32.501 uA.

Afterwards, the set-up was simulated with continuous stepping for 3 hours, and the

voltage of the battery was taken every hour. This result is expounded and extended into 8 hours

to give an overview of approximate battery voltage level (Yellow Lines) The results are shown

below with a visual representation. (Table 4.2.1h) (Figure 4.2.1h)

Table 4.2.1h: Battery Voltage Level

Time (Hour) Voltage (V)

0 3.900
1 3.905
2 3.911
3 3.915
4 3.920
5 3.925
6 3.930
7 3.935
8 3.940

Battery Voltage Level
Voltage (V) 3.93
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (Hour)

Figure 4.2.1h: Battery Voltage Level

From this data, the battery voltage level increases with time, so long as there is

continuous stepping.

4.2.2 Multisim Charging Circuit Simulation

The following figures show the expected output waveforms at the source, after the

rectifier, across the capacitor, and across the Zener diode. These however do not reflect the

piezoelectric transducers output capability, but rather, this is to show the expected outputs of the

parts of the charging circuit.

Figure 4.2.2a:Input Waveform

The next figure (Figure 4.2.2b) shows the waveform after the full wave bridge rectifier,

as seen below, the wave is fully positive.

Figure 4.2.2b: Rectified Waveform

The waveform across the capacitor shows a direct current wave, with a slight ripple

voltage, while still keeping a very linear wave.

Figure 4.2.2c: Waveform Across The Capacitor

The Waveform across the Zener diode shows a cleaner more consistent direct current,

this is the amount of voltage that does to the battery.

Figure 4.2.2d: Waveform Across the Zener

4.3 Illuminance of Setup #1 Lighting Load

The illuminance levels were then measured, with the illuminance levels of the ambient

and modified light being recorded. The results are in the following table (Table 4.3), alongside a

graphical comparison between the two. (Figure 4.3)

Table 4.3: Measured and Calculated Illuminance of Light Bulb

Distance from Light bulb Ambient Illuminance Lamp Illuminance

(ft) (Lux) (Lux)
1 48 380
2 45 158
3 40 99
4 30 69


Illuminance (Lux)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Distance (Ft)

Ambient Illuminance Lamp Illuminance (Lux)

Figure 4.3: Illuminance Level of Light Bulb

Figure 4.3 shows the illuminance of the modified light bulb from its source to a certain

distance measured. It shows that the further it gets from the light bulb; the illuminance gets

weaker/smaller. This lighting unit will serve as the representation of an actual lighting fixture to

be implemented in an establishment’s entrance.

4.4 Battery Charging Profile of Setup #1

In this section, the battery charging profile between the use of a traditional charger and

piezoelectric transducers was compared and analyzed.

4.4.1 Traditional Charger on the 4V Lead Acid Battery

Since, the battery can’t be charged using a traditional charger; the data used for its

charging profile was based on an article Charging Lead Acid.

Figure 4.4.1: Charging Profile of 4volts 4000mah Lead Acid Battery

The graph shown in figure 4.8 shows current(A) and voltage(V) with respect to time. The

broken lines represent the current with respect to time(hours) while the line represents the

voltage with respect to time (hours). Lead acid batteries are charged with 3 stages, which are;

constant-current charge, topping charge and float charge. In the figure, the part labeled “Stage 1”

is the stage where the voltage will rise at constant to V-peak. The constant range of the current is

based from the battery’s rated Ampere hour capacity between 10%-30% its rating. Since the

battery used in the set-up is rated 4Ah, the range of the constant current needed is between 0.4A-

1.2A. As for the voltage, since the battery used is 4 volts, its volts per cell is 2 volts. Thus, the

correct setting of the charge voltage range for lead acid battery is 2.30V to 2.45V per cell.

During the constant-current charge, the battery charges to about 70% in 5-8 hours. The

remaining 30% is filled with the slower topping charge in Stage 2 that will last another 7-10

hours. Stage 2 of charging or topping charge is needed for the battery prevent it from damage. In

stage 3 the Float Charge maintains the battery at full charge. [14] Therefore, the charging time of

a traditional charger used to a 4 Volt lead acid battery is really shorter compared to the use of

piezoelectric transducers.

4.4.2 Piezoelectric Generator Charger on the 4V Lead Acid Battery

The instantaneous power is taken at 3.900 Volts with currents taken from table 4.2.7. The

results are shown below (Table 4.4.2) along with a graphical representation.

Table 4.4.2 Calculated Values of the Instantaneous Power at 3.900 Volts

Trial Power Trial Power

(Step) (uW) (Step) (uW)
1 123.3765 11 123.3765
2 136.3635 12 136.3635
3 132.4674 13 140.2596
4 103.8960 14 106.4934
5 123.3765 15 123.3765
6 123.3765 16 123.3765
7 136.3635 17 136.3635
8 123.3765 18 123.3765
9 123.3765 19 123.3765
10 136.3635 20 136.3635

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Trial (Step)
Current (uA) Voltage (V) Power (uW)

Figure 4.4.2: Instantaneous Power at 3.900 Volts in the 4V Lead Acid Battery

Figure 4.4.2 shows that with continuous stepping at each of the 20 trials, the current

measured were instantaneous, thus with each successive step, the transition time between steps is

fast enough that the current does not reach zero. As a result, the graph shows instantaneous

power from 103 to 140 uW.

4.5 Setup #2: Application of Epoxy underneath the Piezoelectric Transducers and

Utilization of a 3.6V 2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery

In this section, epoxy was used as the adhesive for the transducer and tile, with a 3.6V

2Ah Nickel Metal Hydride Battery. The following experiments were then conducted to see its


4.5.1 Sensing and Power Supply Unit Measurements on Setup #2

After the construction of the new interface of the piezoelectric tile together with the new

battery and lighting load, experiments were done and these were the results gathered from

discharging the battery to its charging.

Table 4.5.1a: Effect of Epoxy on a Single Piezoelectric Transducer

Step Voltage (V)

1 1.010
2 1.487
3 1.082
4 2.708
5 2.320
6 2.675
7 2.984
8 1.047
9 2.771
10 2.481

Figure 4.5.1a: Sample Voltage output of the piezoelectric tile

After applying epoxy underneath the transducers, it was observed that the voltages

generated by the tile were measured to be around 1 to 2.9 Volts. Also, as seen in Figure 4.5.1a,

the negative half of the output sine wave of the entire sensing unit was lesser compared to its

positive half. Despite all of these, the next experiments were still performed.

For initialization purposes, a one ohm load was used and connected to the piezoelectric

tile. An ammeter was connected in series with the load and tile. The tile was stepped and values

of current were measured.

Table 4.5.1b: Measured Current of New Sensing Unit with 1 ohm load for Initialization

Step Current (uA) Step Current (uA)

1 32.8 11 34.0
2 36.0 12 28.7
3 26.0 13 32.7
4 35.5 14 36.2
5 30.8 15 35.7
6 34.2 16 38.5
7 31.2 17 35.5
8 41.7 18 33.5
9 21.2 19 33.8
10 33.7 20 32.2

The table above shows the instantaneous current from the piezoelectric tile going to the

resistor. It was observed that the current measured was smaller compared to that of the previous

interface. Also, when the probe of the oscilloscope was connected to the 1-ohm resistor, only a

distorted flat line of a waveform was displayed. Other resistors such as 30 ohms, 1000 ohms and

10000 ohms were tested yet the signals remained the same.

Figure 4.5.1b: Sample Output Voltage across 1-ohm Resistor

Since a sine wave cannot be displayed on the oscilloscope, the current was not extracted.

Without the sine wave, the time for the calculation of energy cannot be measured. Because of

this, the energy output was unable to be calculated.

The voltage across the power supply unit was measured to know its output. Seen below

are the readings on the voltmeter and the oscilloscope.

Table 4.5.1c: Voltage Output across Power Supply Unit

Voltage at Voltage at Voltage at Voltage at

Step Step
Voltmeter (V) Oscilloscope (V) Voltmeter (V) Oscilloscope (V)
1 6.530 5.116 11 6.070 5.124
2 5.910 5.270 12 6.070 5.112
3 5.840 5.215 13 6.230 5.101
4 6.220 5.070 14 6.180 5.060
5 6.200 5.050 15 6.180 5.182
6 6.210 5.093 16 5.510 5.174
7 6.220 5.110 17 6.220 5.121
8 6.250 5.129 18 6.210 5.279
9 6.180 5.147 19 6.140 5.193
10 6.080 5.072 20 6.200 5.194








0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Voltage at Voltmeter (V) Voltage at Oscilloscope (V)

Figure 4.5.1c: Graph of Voltage Output across Power supply

Figure 4.5.1c displayed voltages around 6 volts on the voltmeter while it showed around

5 volts on the oscilloscope. These data showed that the new interface can still charge the 3.6 V

battery since it needs a voltage above its rating.

Next, an ammeter was connected in series to the NiMH Battery to measure its current.

Seen below are the readings.

Table 4.5.1d: Measured Current going to Battery at 3.547Volts

Step Current (uA) Step Current (uA)
1 30.4 11 24.3
2 31.4 12 21.1
3 35.4 13 23.2
4 24.1 14 27.3
5 25.9 15 25.7
6 29.1 16 19.9
7 21.9 17 30.0
8 28.3 18 25.1
9 25.9 19 29.1
10 24.7 20 33.1









0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 4.5.1d: Graph of Current going to Battery at 3.547Volts

Figure 4.5.1d shows the current going to the battery with a voltage of 3.457 volts. Since

the amount of force was not perfectly the same, the amount of current output from the tile and

the power supply unit also varied from around 19.9 uA up to 35.4 uA. This current will finally be

utilized to charge the 3.6V NiMH battery.

4.5.2 Power Supply Unit Without 30Ω Resistor

Voltage Across Zener Without 30Ω Resistor

Trial (Step) Voltage (Volt)
1 6.041
2 5.699
3 5.995
4 6.154
5 6.052
6 5.48
7 5.424
8 5.912
9 5.624
10 5.824
11 5.632
12 5.597
13 5.563
14 5.591
15 5.494
16 5.46
17 5.426
18 5.392
19 5.357
20 5.323
Table 4.5.2a: Voltage Across Zener Diode Without 30Ω Resistor

As seen on figure 4.5.2a, the voltage across the zener diode for every step is between 5 –

6 volts. The removal of the 30Ω still generates nearly similar voltage levels as the previous


Current Across Zener Without 30Ω Resistor
Trial (Step) Current (uA)
1 35.7
2 34.9
3 45.2
4 33.2
5 34.1
6 35.15
7 34.66
8 34.17
9 33.68
10 33.19
11 32.7
12 32.21
13 31.72
14 31.23
15 30.74
16 30.25
17 29.76
18 29.27
19 28.78
20 28.29
Table 4.5.2b: Current Across Zener Without 30Ω Resistor

Shown above it can be seen that each step generates between 28 – 45 uA, however, the

currents generated is slightly higher than the previous setup.

The next step was to charge a battery with continuous steps, for this we have allotted 2

hours of stepping, the results of the battery’s voltage level is shown on Table 4.5.2c

Charging 3.6V battery without 30Ω Resistor
Time (Mins) Voltage (Volts)
0 3.525
12 3.527
24 3.53
36 3.533
48 3.535
60 3.537
72 3.54
84 3.542
96 3.545
108 3.548
120 3.55
Table 4.5.2c: Charging of 3.6V Battery Without 30Ω Resistor

In the span of 2 hours, the battery level increased from an initial voltage of 3.525 volts to

3.550 volts, an increase of 25 mV. This is slightly higher than the previous power supply with a

30Ω resistor, which only increased 22 mV. The removal of the resistor has allowed an increased

charge of 3 mV as opposed to with the resistor.

4.6 Illuminance of Setup #2 Lighting Load

The following table shows the illuminance levels of the single LED used for the setup #2

lighting load.

Table 4.6: Illuminance Levels of Single 1W 3V LED

Distance (ft) Illuminance (Lux)
1 28
2 10
3 5
4 4

4.7 Battery and Load Profile

The following tests aim to determine the load profile of the lighting unit and the

discharging and charging profile of the battery.

4.7.1 Battery Discharge and Load Profile

Load: 30-ohm resistor, 3V LED

Battery: Digital 2000mAh NiMH Battery (N2000 AA/1.2V/R6/size AA)

To know the characteristics of the load and the battery, a discharging was done and the

voltage and current were measured in every 5 minutes as seen in Table 4.7.1. Since using a 1-

ohm resistor burnt-out the LED during one of the experiments due to high current, a resistor with

higher resistance was used. A 30-ohm resistor was connected before the LED so that it will not

be damaged.

Table 4.7.1: Discharging 3.6V (3.775V measured) NiMH battery with 30 ohms Resistor and 3V
LED Load

Current Current
Time (min) Voltage (V) Time (min) Voltage (V)
(mA) (mA)
0 3.707 25.0 95 3.665 21.0
5 3.697 20.0 100 3.664 21.0
10 3.694 19.0 105 3.662 21.0
15 3.697 19.0 110 3.660 20.0
20 3.690 18.0 115 3.659 21.0
25 3.642 18.0 120 3.653 23.0
30 3.645 18.0 125 3.650 22.0
35 3.667 17.0 130 3.645 21.0
40 3.665 17.0 135 3.656 21.0
45 3.659 17.0 140 3.642 19.0
50 3.689 17.0 145 3.626 21.0
55 3.610 17.0 150 3.656 20.0
60 3.670 17.0 155 3.653 20.0
65 3.679 18.0 160 3.624 20.0
70 3.655 29.0 165 3.624 20.0
75 3.659 25.0 170 3.584 19.0
80 3.660 25.0 175 3.521 18.0
85 3.661 22.0 180 3.430 21.0
90 3.662 22.0








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Voltage (V) Current (mA)

Figure 4.7.1: Battery Discharge with 30 ohms Resistor and 3V LED load

While discharging the battery, it was measured that the load initially draws 25mA

and its power consumption is about 70-100mW. Based on Figure 4.5.1, it was observed

that in the first hour, the current dropped slowly while the voltage continued to fluctuate.

These changes showed that the battery compensates the power consumption of the load

until it will be greatly discharged.

4.7.2 Battery Charging Profile

After all tests in determining the current and voltage output of the tile and power

supply unit, the battery was finally charged through the use of the piezoelectric generator

and continuous steps applied on it for two hours. The voltage of the battery was measured

every 12 minutes and the table below shows the data that were obtained.

Table 4.7.2: Voltage Reading while Charging the NiMH Battery

Time (mins) Voltage (V)

0 3.550
12 3.554
24 3.556
36 3.560
48 3.562
60 3.564
72 3.567
84 3.568
96 3.570
108 3.571
120 3.572

0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120

Voltage (V)

Figure 4.7.2a: Battery Charge in Two Hours with Continuous Steps

The graph above shows a linear output of the charging done on the 3.6V NiMH

battery. It charged 14mV in 1 hour and a total of 22mV in 2 hours with continuous steps









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Current (uA) Power(uW) Voltage (V)

Figure 4.7.2b: Instantaneous Power at 3.547 Volts in the 3.6 V NiMH Battery

Seen above is the graphical representation of the instantaneous power generated

by the new piezoelectric generator. Now, it charged a 3.6V 2Ah NiMH battery. Its power

was calculated by multiplying the current measured in Table 4.5.1d to 3.547 Volts which

is the voltage at that instant. Its power is about 70 to 120 uW.

4.8 Comparison of Setup #1 and Setup #2

After conducting the experiments on both the setups, a comparison between their

outputs were made.

It was seen in figure 4.8.1 that after applying epoxy underneath the transducers,

the voltage evidently dropped and it was lesser compared to the first setup.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Voltage with Epoxy (V) Voltage without epoxy (V)

Figure 4.8.1: Comparison of Voltage Output with and without Epoxy underneath the


It showed that the transducer generates more voltage when there is no epoxy

underneath it. Also, the negative half of the output sine wave of the entire sensing unit of

Setup #2 was lesser compared to Setup #1.

Since the charging circuits used on both setups were just the same, its output

voltages were observed and it was seen that the voltage regulator, which is the Zener

diode, can still output a sufficient voltage for both batteries. Also, the current going to the

battery was larger in Setup #1 compared to the other setup.

For the charging, Setup #2 displayed a higher increase in voltage in the 3.6V

NiMH battery with 14mV in 1 hour compared to Setup #1 that only charged 5mV in 1

hour to the 4V Lead Acid Battery. It proved that with a different type of battery, its

charging may also vary.

For the lighting units, the illuminance of the first load was greatly higher

compared to the second one.

Finally, Setup #1 showed a higher power generation seen in figure 4.4b, about

100 to 140uW, compared to that of Setup #2 seen in figure 4.7.2b with only 70 to 120

uW. Nonetheless, both setups managed to charge the batteries utilized as the storage unit.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
The main objective of this study is to create a method of charging batteries

even in the absence of main power supply. This battery will then supply loads such as

light bulbs or other electric lights that are usually located in areas where people

frequently pass by such as establishment entrances. The area was evaluated through

knowing the number of people that entered the specific entrance. Through this, the

sustainability in terms of location, of the project can be partially determined. The

prototype was successfully created, although there were some changes made in creating

the circuit and in choosing the components. After several experiments, the final circuit

was constructed and a PCB was constructed. The modified light bulb was also

successfully created for it to be used as a load of the battery in the final set-up. Finally,

evaluation was done in charging the battery.

During the experiments, several observations were made and problems were

encountered. These problems include: very low current output (in micro amperes) from

the piezoelectric tiles; certain voltage regulators such as the LM7806 and LM7805 can’t

be triggered due to low current input. Also, it was concluded that the piezoelectric

generator is not sustainable in Bunzel entrance due to low power generation and since it

can only ideally generate 5mV per 3600 continuous steps. On the utilization of the

piezoelectric generator and the lighting load, the consumer may effectively use it during

power outages yet it can only last for a period of time. Also, its charge will be slower

compared to its discharge and this should be taken into account. Nonetheless, the

prototype still managed to charge the battery in a very small amount and in an extended

period of time.

After constructing the new interface of the piezoelectric tile, measurements

were made and results were extracted. It has been determined that applying epoxy

underneath the piezoelectric transducers reduced its output voltage. Thus, it affected the

overall power output of the piezoelectric generator. Yet, because of the type of battery

used which is a NiMH battery, its charge is higher and faster compared to that of the

Lead Acid battery. Since a sine wave cannot be obtained for the determination of current,

the energy output was not able to be calculated. Thus, only the instantaneous power was


5.2 Recommendation

It has been determined that the current output of the piezoelectric transducers

is very small thus, more piezoelectric transducers are recommended to increase the

current output. Since the crystal of the piezoelectric transducer needs to be deformed or

pressed on both sides, further research about other forms of its arrangement and interface

is recommended to gain a better output.

Further research about voltage regulators that require small amount of current

to be triggered is recommended. The use of voltage regulators such as LM317, that

require a minimum current to be triggered should be avoided, this is due to the low

current output of piezoelectric transducers. It also recommended to construct and test

better and more efficient charging circuits.

The resistor utilized in the RC filter, should either be lessened or completely

removed to mitigate the losses after the full wave bridge rectifier, as this resistor will

lessen an already small input.

Based on real setting, since the frequency of the people that passes by or

steps on the entrance is not constant and always vary, the voltage produced in the

capacitor’s side in each step should already be enough to trigger the voltage regulator that

will then charge the battery. Therefore, the capacitor should be able to charge as quickly

as possible.

Lastly, based on the data gathered and analysis made, it is not practical to use

piezoelectric transducers for power generation due to its lengthy charging time thus, the

future researchers are recommended to study methods in order to amplify the current

output without the use of any external source.

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Appendix I
Appendix A

Over all set up dimension

Materials used with Specifications

Appendix B

Piezoelectric Transducer

Output: AC Voltage

Voltage Produced: 3v-7v

Current Produced: 20uA-30uA

Diameter : 35mm

Appendix C

LED Light

Break over Voltage: 3.6 Vdc

Current: 30mA

Power Dissipation: 100 mW

Wavelength variations: ±10nm.

Appendix D

4V Lead Acid Battery

Model: SRB-4V4

Voltage Rating: 4V

Ampere Hour Rating: 4000mah

Volts per cell: 2V

Appendix E

PVC 90-degree equal elbow

Brand: Emerald

Nominal pipe size: 2 ½

Minimum wall thickness: 0.203 inches

Weight: 1.07 lb/ft.

Inside diameter: 2.469 inches

Appendix F

PVC pipe

Brand: Emerald

Length: 9 ft.

Nominal Pipe Size: 2 inches

Outside diameter inches: 2.375 inches

Minimum wall thickness: 0.154 inches

Inside Diameter: 2.067 inches

Weight: 0.68 lb/ft

Appendix G

1N4735 Zener Diode

Breathrough Voltage: 6.2 Volts

Zener Resistace RZ: 2.0 Ω

Maximum Current IZM: 3.0 A

Appendix H

Schottkey Diode

Threshold Voltage: 0.3-0.4 V

Made from: Metal Semiconductor Junction

Ability: Fast Switching

Reverse Current: High

Reverse Voltage: Low

Appendix I

0.1uf Capacitor

Voltage: 50 Volts

Capacitance: 50 uF

Type: Electrolytic

Appendix J


Working Time: 20 minutes

PSI Strength: 2500 lbs. per sq. in.

Working Temperature: Range: -60F – 250F

Appendix K

NiMH Battery

Type: Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery

Voltage rating: 1.2 V

Rated Capacity: 2000mAh

Size: AA

Standard charge: 12 Hours at 200mA

Quick Charge: 2.5 Hours at 900mA.



Appendix II
Curriculum Vitae


912 A.S. Fortuna St. Banilad Mandaue CIty
Mobile No. 09433722162
E-mail Address: james.bianokarol@gmail.com
Personal Data
Date of Birth : January 24, 1995
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Age : 22
Sex : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Educational Background

College : University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus

Talamban, Cebu City


Secondary : Saint Louis- College Cebu

Sudlon Maguikay Mandaue City


Elementary : Saint Louis- College Cebu

Sudlon Maguikay Mandaue City


West Binabag, Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu
Mobile No. 09224815474
E-mail Address: bryancondrillon@gmail.com
Personal Data
Date of Birth : May 27, 1995
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Age : 21
Sex : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Educational Background

College : University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus

Talamban, Cebu City


Secondary : Saint Louis- College Cebu

Sudlon Maguikay Mandaue City


Elementary : Saint Clare Learning Center

Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu


33 Sunrise Drive, Sunny Hills, Talamban, Cebu City, Cebu
Mobile No. 09439326335
E-mail Address: matthew.velasco95@gmail.com
Personal Data
Date of Birth : July 17, 1995
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Age : 21
Sex : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background

College : University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus

Talamban, Cebu City


Secondary : Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Canduman, Mandaue City


Elementary : Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Canduman, Mandaue City


Gantt Chart
Activities Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Topic research and
Research and
Preparation of
Thesis proposal
Submission of
Thesis proposal
Presentation of
Thesis Proposal
Acquisition of
Evaluation of the
subject area
Unit design,
construction and
testing of sensing
and Charging unit
Construction and
Troubleshooting of
Prototype and
Application Unit
Testing and data
Preparation of the
final thesis paper
Submission of
final thesis paper
Final Thesis

Activity Plan
Activities Expected Outputs Person-in-charge
Start End

Piezoelectric transducer
Formulating ideas
June 1st July 4th as the research topic Biano, Condrillon,
for the research
week week Velasco, Adviser
topic Reading the behavior of the piezoelectric
crystal for the research topic
Familiarization of the generating
June 1st Feb 4th capability of the crystal Biano, Condrillon,
Research and study
week week Tests and documentation Velasco, Adviser

Presentation of ideas Presentation of ideas of the study

June 2nd Aug 3rd
for the research Biano, Condrillon,
week week Refinement of ideas based on adviser’s
topic Velasco, Adviser
Documentation of thesis proposal papers
Preparation for July 3rd Aug 4th Biano, Condrillon,
Power point presentation
thesis proposal week week Velasco, Adviser
Printed proposal papers

Proposal document Aug 4th Sep 1st Biano, Condrillon,

Ready for proposal
submission week week Velasco, Adviser

Sep 1st Sep 1st Biano, Condrillon,

Thesis proposal Approval of thesis proposal
week week Velasco, Adviser
Acquisition of Sep 2nd Oct 4th Scout and acquire the system Biano, Condrillon,
system components week week components Velasco, Adviser
Building and
Troubleshooting of Nov 1st Dec 4th Experimentation of the Final set-up Biano, Condrillon,
the experimental week week Velasco, Adviser
system Finalization of the set-up
Evaluation and data
Feb 1st Feb 2nd Biano, Condrillon,
acquisition of the Testing the Final set up
week week Velasco, Adviser
Complete documentation of topic
Final defense Jan 4th Feb 4th Biano, Condrillon,
Printed papers for final thesis defense
preparation week week Velasco, Adviser
Power point presentation

Final thesis paper Feb 2th Mar 1st Biano, Condrillon,

Ready for final thesis defense
submission week week Velasco, Adviser

Mar 1st Mar 1st Biano, Condrillon,

Final thesis defense Approval of thesis defense
week week Velasco, Adviser


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