Q Plight-of-the-Polar-Bear
Q Plight-of-the-Polar-Bear
Q Plight-of-the-Polar-Bear
Plight of the
Polar Bear
A Reading A–Z Level Q Leveled Book
Word Count: 1,251
Greenland ARCTIC
Atlantic EUROPE
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The tundra during winter
Polar bear fur is waterproof, so the icy Polar bear paws can be up to 30 centimeters (12 in) in diameter.
The claws, pads, and hair on a polar bear’s paws keep the bear
waters in which they swim don’t make them from slipping on the ice.
cold. Their white fur also helps them to blend
in with the snow, making it easier for them to Adult polar bears need to eat a great deal
stalk their prey. of food to survive. They store fat to get them
through the seasons in which they are not
Polar bears’ main food source is seals, but
hunting. They have large stomachs and will
they also eat walruses, smaller whales, and
eat nearly 45 kilograms (100 lbs) in a single
some land animals. They do most of their seal
meal. That would be like eating 400 quarter-
hunting during the winter months when ice
pound hamburgers at one time!
forms over the Arctic Ocean. By blending into
the snowy landscape, a polar bear poised to Two layers of fur and a thick layer of body
pounce may not be spotted by a seal. Polar fat insulate polar bears from extremely cold
bears will wait patiently for hours near a hole temperatures. They even have fur on the
in the ice where seals come up for air. bottoms of their large paws.
5 + 2 = 17 + 3 x 2 – 2 0 ÷ 2 – 7= 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 – 4 + 10 ÷ 2 =
is known as global warming. Scientists believe
Math global warming is caused by pollutants that
A polar bear are being released into the atmosphere. More
swimming at an pollutants are released each year as Earth’s
average speed growing population burns more and more
A polar bear
of five kilometers swimming
per hour leaves gasoline, oil, and coal.
the shore to swim
to an ice floe. The bear swims to four more ice
floes. It rests 10 minutes on each ice floe before
swimming to the next one. When it reaches the
final ice floe, it waits patiently near an air hole
for a seal to surface. The bear swims a total of
30 kilometers. How much time passed from the
time the bear left the shore until it reached the
last ice floe?
Answer: 6 hours and 40 minutes
x 2 – 3 = 2 2–19= 3–1 + 2 x 2 = 8 x 2 = 1 6–1 ÷ 5 Burning gasoline in cars releases pollutants into the atmosphere.
Factories also release pollutants into the atmosphere.
e York,
rk, NY
the longer polar ew Yo
York NY
Atl City,
Ci y, NJ
bears can hunt. .
And the more they
eat, the more food
Ne Orleans,
Orleans, LA
they store as fat . Do You Know?
J kso
Jac son
so nville, FL
for the short Many scientists
summer season believe that the melting
of polar ice caps due
when they fast. to global warming will Miami,
Mia FL
1 Toxic chemicals
end up in Arctic
air and water.
Polar bears come to Churchill, Manitoba, looking for food.