Anatomy MCQs

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1. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?

a. Trachea
b. Larynx
c. Cricoids cartilage
d. Esophagus
2. The upper part of sternum is called?
a. Xiphoid process
b. Body of sternum
c. Manubrium
d. Linea alba
e. Clavicle
3. The specimens are obtained from human and animal bodies fixed in special chemicals
embedded in appropriate material Cut into thin slices known as?
a. Macroscopic anatomy
b. Microscopic anatomy
c. Histology
d. Developmental anatomy
e. Both b and c
4. Any vertical side to side plane at right angle to median plane is called?
a. Sagittal plane
b. Transverse plane
c. Coronal plane
d. Median plane
e. None of the above
5. The term applied to a sheath or band of Fibrous connective tissue that lies beneath the skin or
forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is?
a. Rectus Sheath
b. Linea Alba
c. Hypodermis
d. Fascia
e. Ligament
6. The zone of active bone formation is called?
a. Epiphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. Medullary cavity
7. Serve to retain the long tendon passing in position preventing these tendon from springing out
of place during muscle contraction is?
a. Aponeurosis
b. Deep fascia
c. Superficial fascia
d. Retinacula
8. The matrix of bone is impregnated with whose salt which imparts hardness and rigidity to the
tissue is?
a. Calcium
b. Phosphate
c. Magnesium
d. fibers
9. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of the bone.It contains blood & lymphatic vessels
& nerves called?
a. Endosteum
b. Periosteum
c. Perichondrium
d. Medullary cavity
10. Which muscles titled as visceral muscles.
a. Cardiac
b. Skeletal
c. Smooth
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
11. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Sarcomere
12. The bony tissue is present in an interlaced pattern of tissues consisting of an irregular meshwork
of intercommunicating bony tubercle called?
a. Compact bone tissue
b. Spongy bone tissue
c. Osteons
d. None of the above
14. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube. It begins in the neck as a continuation of the
larynx at the lower border of the cricoids cartilage is?
a. Bronchus
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Trachea
e. None of the above
15. A though thick, movable partition that extends superiorly to the thoracic outlet and the root
of the neck and inferiorly to the diaphragm is?
a. Diaphragm
b. Mediastnium
c. Costal cartilage
d. Xiphisternal joint
16. Which Part of bronchial tree divides into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts that enter the alveolar sacs
a. Secondary bronchioles
b. Tertiary bronchioles
c. Primary bronchioles
d. Respiratory bronchioles
17. The two hip bones articulate with each other anteriorly a point called?
a. Sacroiliac joint
b. Pubic crest
c. Pubic symphysis
d. Pubic tubercle
18. Which bones consists of five rudimentary vertebrae fused together to form a single wedge-
shaped bone with a forward concavity is?
a. Coccyx
b. Hip bone
c. Sacrum
d. Vertebral column
19. In the lower part of the hip bone a large opening called?
a. Acetabulum
b. Pelvic brim
c. Obturator internus
d. Obturator foramen
20. The study of the structure of different systems of human body is studied in:
a. Regional anatomy
b. Clinical anatomy
c. Basic anatomy
d. Systemic anatomy
21. The widest part of the uterine tube is?
a. Isthmus
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Ampulla
22. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tubes called?
a. Fundus
b. Body
c. Cervix
d. Vagina
23. Sutures of the skull are the examples of:

a. Fibrous joints
b. Synovial joints
c. Cartilaginous joints
d. Hinge joints.
24. Elbow joint is an example of:
a. Pivot joints
b. Ball and socket joints
c. Hinge joints
d. Ellipsoid
25. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube. It begins in the neck as a continuation of the
larynx at the lower border of the cricoids cartilage is?
f. Bronchus
g. Pharynx
h. Esophagus
i. Trachea
j. None of the above
26. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a. Thyroid
b. Pituitary
c. Pineal
d. Thymus
e. Prostate
27. A thin plate of cartilage that becomes ossified at its proximal end during adult life. No ribs
or costal cartilages are attached to it called?
a. Manubrium
b. Xiphoid process
c. Angle of Louis
d. Body of sternum
e. None of the
28. The central elongated and tubular part of the long bone is called
a. Epiphysis b. Diaphysis

c. Metaphysis d. Epiphyseal cartilage.

29. The bones whose greater part is buried in tendons are called
a. Pneumatic bones
b. Sesamoid bones

c. Heterotrophic bones

d. Short bones.

30. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and clothes
the viscera called?
a. Omenta
b. Mesentery
c. Peritoneum
d. None of the above
31. Largest gland in the body is?
a. Pituitary
b. Thymus
c. Thyroid
d. Liver
e. None of the above
32. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hannd known as?
a. Planter
b. Palmer
c. Ventral
d. Caudal
e. Cephalic
33. The upper part of sternum called?
f. Xiphoid process
g. Body of sternum
h. Manubrium
i. Linea alba
j. Clavicle
34. The upper seven pairs are attached anteriorly to the sternum by their costal cartilages
a. False ribs
b. True ribs
c. Floating ribs
d. Vertebrochondral ribs
e. Tubercles of the ribs
35. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separates the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
a. Rectus sheath
b. Pericardium
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Diaphragm
e. Linea alba
36. There are …………………. anterior intercostal spaces
a. Eleven
b. b. Ten
c. c. Nine
d. d. Six.
37. The 11th and 12th ribs are called
a. Typical ribs
b. b. False ribs

c. True ribs

d. Floating ribs.

38. The tubercle of the ribs makes a joint with the …………………… of the corresponding thoracic
a. Transverse process
b. Body of thoracic vertebrae
c. Spinous process
d. Inter vertebral disc.
39. The number of lumber vertebrae are
a. Seven
b. Eleven
c. Five
d. Four.
40. A site where two or more bones come together, whether or not movement occurs between
them, is called a?
a. Tendon
b. Ligament
c. Capsules
d. Joint
e. Bursa
41. Type of highly movable joint is?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Fibrous joint
c. Synovial joint
d. Ball & socket joint
e. Ellipssoid joint
42. A long strap muscle that extends along the whole length of the anterior abdominal wall is?
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
43. The sutures of the vault of the skull and the inferior tibiofibular joints are examples of ?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Hinge joint
c. Fibrous joint
d. Synovial joint
e. Saddle joint
44. The rectus sheath is separated from its fellow on the opposite side by a fibrous band called?
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
45. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and a small left lobe by the attachment of the
peritoneum of the ligament is?
a. Falciform
b. Ligamentumteres
c. Ligament Venosum
d. Porta hepatis
e. Caudate lobe
46. Olecranon process is the part of
a. Femur

b. Tibia

c. Ulna

d. Humorous.

47. The large opening in the lower part of each hip bone which is bounded by the parts of
ischium and pubis is called
a. Obturator foramen

b. Greater sciatic notch

c. Symphysis pubis

d. Lesser sciatic notch.

48. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and clothes
the viscera called?
e. Omenta
f. Mesentery
g. Peritoneum
h. None of the above
i. All of the above
49. Largest gland in the body is?
f. Pituitary
g. Thymus
h. Thyroid
i. Liver
j. None of the above
50. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hannd known as?
f. Planter
g. Palmer
h. Ventral
i. Caudal
j. Cephalic
51. The upper part of sternum called?
k. Xiphoid process
l. Body of sternum
m. Manubrium
n. Linea alba
o. Clavicle
52. The upper seven pairs are attached anteriorly to the sternum by their costal cartilages
f. False ribs
g. True ribs
h. Floating ribs
i. Vertebrochondral ribs
j. Tubercles of the ribs
53. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separates the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
f. Rectus sheath
g. Pericardium
h. Rectus abdominis
i. Diaphragm
j. Linea alba
54. Ossification center is the point where ………. formation starts
a. Muscle

b. Bone
b. c. Teeth
c. d. Cartilage.
55. The outermost layer of Pericardium is:
a. Fibrous Pericardium

b. Serous pericardium

c. Visceral pericardium

d. Parietal pericardium

56. Muscle to bone attachment called?

a. Capsule
b. Ligament
c. Tendon
d. Bursa
e. Fossa
57. A small shallow depression is known as?
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
58. A narrow cleft or deep opening called?
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
59. The pelvic bone is an example of
a. Long bones
b. b. Short bones

c. Irregular bones

d. Sesamoid bones
60. The bones which are composed of thin plate of bony tissues are called
a. Fibrous bone

b. Lamellar bone

c. Cancellous bone

d. Trabecular bone.

61. The muscular coat of the bladder is composed of smooth muscle and is arranged as three
layers of interlacing bundles known as the?
a. Detrusor muscles
b. Cremaster muscles
c. Intercostals muscles
d. Triagone
e. Visceral muscles
62. The bone having air space are called
a. Sesamoid bones
b. b. Heterotrophic bones

c. Irregular bones

d. Pneumatic bones.

63. The layer of pericardium which covers the surface of the heart is called
a. Visceral layer of serous pericardium
b. b. Fibrous layer of Pericardium

c. Parietal layer of serous Pericardium

d. Visceral layer of pleura
64. The two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus is?
a. Peritoneum
b. Omenta
c. Mesenteries
d. Mesocolon
e. Sigmoid mesocolon
65. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect the inside
space of the balloon, is called the ?
a. Peritoneum
b. Mesenteries
c. Peritoneal space
d. Pleural cavity
e. Pelvic cavity
66. A soft mass of lymphatic tissue that occupies the left upper part of the abdomen between
the stomach and the diaphragm is?
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Kidney
d. Spleen
e. Gall bladder
67. First part of the small intestine is?
a. Jejunum
b. Ileum
c. Duodenum
d. Cecum
e. Colon
68. The most tubular part of the stomach is?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of the stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
69. The dome-shaped full of gas part of the stomach called?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of the stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
70. How many lobes are present in liver?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3
e. 1
71. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
e. Trachea
f. Larynx
g. Cricoids cartilage
h. Esophagus
i. Carina
72. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a. Trunk
b. Neck& limbs
c. Eye lids
d. Head
e. None of the above
73. The narrow part of the uterine tube is?
a. Ampulla
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Isthmus
e. Interstitum
74. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated with synovial
joint is?
a. Fibro cartilage
b. Elastic cartilage
c. Kidney
d. Spleen
e. Gall bladder
75. First part of the small intestine is?
f. Jejunum
g. Ileum
h. Duodenum
i. Cecum
j. Colon
76. The rigid connective tissue which is a part of the skeleton and it supports and protects the
body parts, produces blood cell, stores minerals and enables mobility of the body is called:
a. Muscles

b. Tendons

c. Bones

d. Ligaments.

77. Femur is also known as

a. Leg bones

b. Arm bones

b. c. Forearm bone
c. d. Thigh bone

78. Patella is an example of

a. Short bones
b. Irregular bone

c. Pneumatic bone

d. Sesamoid bone.

79. The slenderest long bone of the body is called

a. Tibia

b. Fibula

c. Femur

d. Ulna.
80. The joint between the head of ribs with corresponding vertebral body is
a. Synovial

b. Fibrous

c. Cartilaginous

d. Synarthrosis.

81. The most tubular part of the stomach is?

f. Fundus
g. Pylorus
h. Antrum
i. Body of the stomach
j. Cardiac orifice
82. The parietal pleura is supplied by
a. Branchial artery

b. Internal thoracic artery

c. Intercostal artery

d. Left common carotid artery.

83. The dome-shaped full of gas part of the stomach called?

f. Fundus
g. Pylorus
h. Antrum
i. Body of the stomach
j. Cardiac orifice
84. How many lobes are present in liver?
f. 5
g. 2
h. 4
i. 3
j. 1
85. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
j. Trachea
k. Larynx
l. Cricoids cartilage
m. Esophagus
n. Carina
86. Deep fascia is well defined in?
f. Trunk
g. Neck& limbs
h. Eye lids
i. Head
j. None of the above
87. The narrow part of the uterine tube is?
f. Ampulla
g. Infundibulum
h. Fimbriae
i. Isthmus
j. Interstitum
88. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated with synovial
joint is?
f. Fibro cartilage
g. Elastic cartilage
h. Hyaline cartilage
i. Costal cartilage
j. Meniscus
89. The cutaneous branch of intercostal nerves supply the
a. Intercostal muscle
b. Skin
c. Parietal pleura
d. Abdominal muscles.
90. Anterior surface of the heart is called
a. Sternocostal surface
b. Base of heart
c. Diaphragmatic surface
d. Apex of heart.
91. The coronary sinus drains the heart walls and opens into
a. Left atrium
b. Left ventricle
c. Right atrium
d. Right ventricle.
92. Carpals and tarsal’s are the example of?
a. Flat bone
b. Short bone
c. Long bone
d. Sesamoid bone
e. Irregular bone
93. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a. Hip bone
b. Clavicle
c. Femur
d. Fibula
e. Patella
94. Ribs scapula & skull are the examples of?
a. Flat bone
b. Short bone
c. Long bone
d. Sesamoid bone
e. Irregular bone
95. Projections or outgrowths that form joints or serve as attachment points for ligaments and
tendon is?
a. Process
b. Trochanter
c. Tuberosity
d. Tubercle
e. Condyle
96. Human skull consist of ?
a. 8 Bones
b. 6 Bones
c. 22 Bones
d. 14 Bones
e. 18 Bones
97. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a. Ball & socket joint
b. Ellipsoid joint
c. Saddle joint
d. Sutures
e. Hinge joint
98. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a. Thoracic vertebrae
b. Sternum
c. Ribs
d. Clavicle
e. Costal cartilage
99. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the bladder is?
a. Ureter
b. Urinary bladder
c. Uterine tube
d. Epididymis
e. Seminal vesicles
100. Chordae tendinae is not present in
a. Tricuspid valve

b. Bicuspid valve
c. Aortic valve
d. Mitral valve.
101. Oblique fissure of the right lung divides the
a. Upper and lower lobes
b. Lower and middle lobes
c. Upper and middle lobes
d. The hilum of the lung from the upper lobe.
102. The out pouching of the testis is?
a. Omenta
b. Tunica albuginea
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Ductus deferens
103. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its medial side
a. Tunica albuginea
b. Rete testis
c. Scrotum
d. Ductus deferens
e. Epididymis
104. A fibro muscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a. Prostate gland
b. Seminal vesicles
c. Ductus deferens
d. Epididymis
e. Scrotum
105. The type of muscle present in tongue are
a. Skeletal muscles

b. Smooth muscles

c. Cardiac muscles

d. Non striated muscles

e. Non of them

106. Trachea is present in:

a. Superior mediastinum
b. Middle-inferior mediastinum

c. The anterior-inferior mediastinum

d. Posterior-inferior mediastinum

107. The organ of the thoracic cavity which is present in the middle mediastinum, posterior
to the body of the sternum between the 2 nd to 6th costal cartilages and anterior to 5th to 8th
thoracic vertebrae is
a. Trachea
b. Thymus
c. Descending aorta
d. Pericardium.
108. The posterior free ends of the tracheal cartilages are connected by trachealis muscles,
which are the types of
a. Smooth muscles
b. Cardiac muscles
c. Skeletal muscles
d. Striated muscles.
109. The human body contains skeletal muscles is?
a. 500
b. 400
c. 300
d. 600
e. 700
110. Cytoplasm of each muscle fiber is called?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Myofilaments
e. Cross striations
111. The sarcoplasm skeletal muscle fiber contain variable amount of protein called?
a. Hemoglobin
b. Myoglobin
c. Albumin
d. Globulin
e. C reactive protein
112. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a. Sacrum
b. Coccyx
c. Hilum
d. Scapula
e. Skull
113. Only flexion and extension movements occur in
a. Plane joints

b. Hinge joints

c. Pivot joints

d. Ball and socket joints.

114. Which one of the following is an atypical rib?

a. 1st rib
b. 6th rib
c. 7th rib
d. 2nd rib.
115. Base of the heart is mainly consist of?
a. Right ventricle
b. Right atrium
c. Left ventricle
d. Left atrium
e. Diaphragmatic surfaces
116. Apex of the heart is is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a. 3 rdintercostals space
b. 4 thintercostals space
c. 5 thintercostals space
d. 6 thintercostals space
e. 7 thintercostals space
117. Which one of the following organ has no lymphatic drainage?
a. Lungs

b. Trachea

c. Heart

d. Stomach

118. The first branch of the arch of aorta is:

a. Brachiocephalic artery

b. Left common carotid artery

c. Right common carotid artery

d. Left subclavian artery.

119. Which one of the following organs is retroperitoneal?

a. Pancreas
b. b. Stomach
c. Jejunum
d. Spleen
120. How many borders are present at the heart?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5
121. The duct which connects the neck of gall bladder to the common hepatic duct is called
a. Hepatic duct

b. Cystic duct

c. Bile duct

d. Bancreatic duct.

122. Anterior (Sternocostal) surface is formed mainly by the?

a. Right atrium & right ventricle
b. Right ventricle
c. Left atrium
d. Apex of the heart
e. Base of the heart
123. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and the small intestine
a. Esophagus
b. Colon
c. Stomach
d. Rectum
124. The layer of muscles, present beneath the internal oblique muscles and whose fibers
run horizontally forward are called:
a. Rectus abdominis
b. Transverse
c. Pyramidalis
d. External oblique muscles.
125. The thin serous membrane that lines the wall of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera is called:
a. Peritoneum
b. b. Fascia

c. Omentom

d. Pleura.

126. The double layered folds of peritoneum which connects the parts of intestines to the
posterior abdominal wall is called
a. Recess

b. Omentom

c. Mesentery
d. Parietal peritoneum.
127. Left gastroepiploic artery supplies the:
a. Lesser curvature of stomach

b. Fundus

c. Greater curvature of stomach

d. Esophagus

128. The bile duct and the main pancreatic duct enters the ………………………. part of
duodenum and forms major duodenal papilla
a. 1st part of duodenum

b. 2nd part of duodenum

c. 3rd part of duodenum

d. Jejunum.

129. The hepatic artery supplies the liver which is the branch of
a. Celiac artery

b. Splenic artery

c. Inferior mesenteric artery

d. Left gastro epiploic artery.

130. About one third to one half of the total body lymph is produced by:
a. Stomach

b. Liver

c. Heart

d. Brain

131. Muscle to bone attachment called?

f. Capsule
I. Ligament
g. Tendon
h. Bursa
13. A small shallow depression is known as?
f. Fossa
g. Fovea
h. Tubercle
i. Tuberosity
14. A narrow cleft or deep opening called?
f. Fossa
g. Fovea
h. Tubercle
i. Tuberosity

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