Division Memorandum No. 469 S. 2022 0001

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A OFFICE 7 = ® . . sOeiry Republic of the Philippines: j | NOV 15: m | Department of Education IE Cordillera Administrative Region RELEASED SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BAGUIO CITY W November 14, 2022 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No.__464_, s. 2022 WORKSHOP FOR THE DIVISION WINNERS (WRITERS AND THEIR ILLUSTRATORS) OF THE 2022 STORYBOOK WRITING COMPETITION To: CID Chief Education Supervisor Education Program Supervisors/Public Schools District Supervisors School Heads/Principals Winning Writers and Assigned Illustrators LRMS Staff All Others Concerned 1. Relative to Regional Memorandum No. 543 S. 2022 Re: Regional Competition on Storybook Writing, likewise with the recent update in the deadline, the Schools. Division Office through the Curriculum Implementation Division-Learning Resources Management Section, will be conducting a Division Hands-on Activity for the Division Winning Writers and Assigned Illustrators on November 18-19, 2022 at the SDO Training Center. Kindly refer to the activity matrix and attached list/enclosure. 2. The said two-day activity will be an avenue for the finalization and submission of Division entries to the Regional Office scheduled on November 22, 2022. Hence, the expected output is a packaged storybook (manuscript with illustration) consistent with the guidelines, mechanics and standards stipulated in the Conduct of the 4% National Competition on Storybook Writing. For details and clarifications, kindly coordinate with the LRMS staff. 3. Service credits will be given to teacher participants and Compensatory Overtime Credits (COC) to the non-teaching personnel for their attendance on November 19, 2022. 4, Identified participants are also requested to coordinate with their school heads/principals subject to the no-disruption-of-classes policy stipulated in DepEd Order no. 9, s. 2005 titled instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance therewith. 5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is highly appreciated. FEDERICO P. MARTIN, EdD. CEdD., CESO V Schools Division Superintendent For the Schools Division Superintendent: ‘elephone/Pax: 074-442-4926 / 074-4 Fearne Aeeracpedpince com | Pacchook Page: faccboak-com/DepedTayebaguioc -? wo ‘Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education Cordillera Administrative Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BAGUIO CITY i ACTIVITY MATRIX = Date, Activities and In-charge/Person Concerned Time November 18, 2022 (Day 1) November 19, 2022 (Day 2) Registration Registration 8:00-8:30 | Nationalistic Song |c/o Nationalistic Song c/o +00-8:30 | prayer LRMS Prayer LMS Energizer Energizer Welcome Remarks-Juliet C. Sannad, CID Chief 8:31- Message-Federico P. Martin, EdD CEdD, CESO V, Schools 9:00 | Division Superintendent Finalization of Storybook- Statement of Purpose-Armi Victoria Fiangaan-EPS, LRMS | jyruZalon 0 Story boo! Review on the Official Guidelines and Mechanics of 9:01-9:45 | Manuscripts and Illustrations-Christopher David Oliva, PDO, LRMS. 9:46-10:00 Heaith Break/Snacks 10:01- | Workshop Proper/Hands-on Activity of ongoi ; A 12:00 development Writers and Mlustrators ne a een eeu, 12:01-1:00 Tanch 1:01-5:00 | Continuation of Hands-on Activity/TA Packaging of Storybook-c/o LRMS LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ‘MANAGEMENT No. CamnteecONGoaITS GENDER SCHOOL/OFFICE Federico P. Martin | Sislpanveranrcesow. M —_| SDS, Division Office | aie Reneieroaees Ce Pees M__| ASDS, Division Office 3__| Juliet C. Sannad, EdD F | Chief-CID, Division Office WRITERS. ‘4 | Menardo Balatico M___| Jose Laurel ES '5_| Joan Dalilis F___ | Jose Laurel ES 6 | Joyce Bumakil F | San Vicente ES 7_| Jimmy Garcia M___| Springhills ES 8 _| Cindy de Jesus F | Baguio City NHS ‘9__| Francisco Penaflor M__| Pines City NHS 10__| Marilyn Bugatti F Baguio City NHS 11_| Jenny Concepcion FE Happy Hollow NHS. 12_| Cherryl Madume F___| San Carlos Heights ES [ ILLUSTRATORS | [713° [Diana Rose P. Lucban F__| Fort del Pilar NHS 14 | Jocel Naniong_ F | Baguio City NHS 15_| Geraldine Domagas F | Doha Aurora ES 16_| Caster Jovanhoe Badival M___| Pines City NHS 17_| Ben Ebanio Jr. M Baguio City NHS [7187 [angela Lorega F Fort del Pilar ES [19 | Serichko Bauer Laroco M____| CID-LRMS 20 | Jason Quinopez M___| Pacday Quinio ES 21 _| Greg Parrocha ‘M___| Mabini ES 22 | Liza Lee Gawisan F___| San Vicente ES LAYOUT ARTISTS 23__| Ivy Gay Batay-an_— F Happy Hollow NHS 24 | Zandro Faguingas M___| Pines City NHS TECHNICAL WORKING COMMITTEE, [95 [Armi Victoria Fiangaan F | CID-LRMS 26 _| Christopher David Oliva M___| CID-LRMS. 27_| Phoebe Navarette F | CID-LRMS 28 | Lily Mabalot F__| CID-LRMS 29 | Queencie Valerie Tuquero F | CID-LRMS. lareas: #2 Military Cut-off Road, Haguto City ‘Telephone/Fax: 074-442-4326 / 074-142-7819 | Email: depedbaguiocity@emall.com Website: www.depedpincs.com | Paccbook Page: faccbook.com/DepedTayeBaguiocily

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