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Process Simulate Standalone

(eMServer Compatible) Basic Robotic

Student Guide
March 2020
MT45115 – version 15.1.2
Basic robotic simulation course
Basic robotic simulation course overview
Basic robotic simulation course overview

Course description
The Process Simulate on Basic Robotics Simulation course provides step-by-step
instruction on how to use Process Simulate to create robotic simulations.
Course objectives
Learn about:
• Basic Environment
o Study creation

o Creating sequences of simulative operations

o Collision detection

o Section cutting

o Video and picture output

• Defining kinematic devices

• Defining and simulating robotic spot-welding
o Pneumatic and servo gun definition and usage

o Ped. welding and Gun on robot path development

• Defining and simulating robotic continuous applications

o Arc-welding and grinding path development

• Defining and simulating robotic material handling

o Gripper definition and usage

o Pick and place path development

• And More
o Multi-robot simulation (for example interference zones)

o Swept volumes, 7th axis, etc.

TR45115 prerequisites

• Students should be skilled in the use of a mouse in windows-based systems.

• Previous experience with a 3D system is recommended.

• A basic knowledge of robotics is suggested.

TR45115 audience

This course is intended for individuals who want to become knowledgeable on the
creation of basic robotic simulations using Process Simulate Standalone.
Learning tracks

Learning tracks for the Tecnomatix application are found

on the Siemens PLM Software training website:
Related Courses
• TR45101 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer Compatible) Part Flow

• TR45106 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer Compatible) Human


• TR45115 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer Compatible) Basic

Robotic Simulation

• TR45215 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer Compatible)

Intermediate Robotics

• TR45315 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer Compatible) Advanced

Lesson 1
Basic concepts
Basic concepts
Basic concepts

To provide an introduction to Process Simulate Standalone.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• The basic concepts of Process Simulate Standalone is discussed.

• Window Management, study objects, and basic options is discussed.

• The concept of prototype and instances.

• The concepts of System Root, projects, libraries, and objects is introduced.

Training introduction

In this topic, you learn about the basic training manual structure.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basic training manual structure
Introduction to the training manual structure

The training manual is designed for a classroom containing one to nine students
and an instructor.
The course starts out using simple, basic data. Later, there are three data
that can be used: Automotive, Airplane, or Structural. In cases where
there is a data choice, the activity includes the name of the choice:
Activity Name Prefix Description
Refers to an automotive
assembly process
Airplane Refers to an airplane
maintenance process
Refers to a large structure
Structure (skyscraper or ship)
general assembly process
Basic methodology and purpose

This student guide begins by giving an overview of the overall goal of this class,
depicted in this topic.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Understand basic definitions.

• Get an overview of Process Simulate.

• Understand the typical Process Simulate usage.

Basic definitions

eBOP is an electronic bill of process. It is made up of four primary objects:

Product, Operations, Resources, and Manufacturing Features.
Product – refers to the object that is produced from the manufacturing process
described in the eBOP.
Operations – refers to the sequence of steps that is performed to produce the
Resources – refers to the objects such as machines, tools, and workers—within a
manufacturing plant—that performs the operations to produce the product.
Manufacturing Features – Manufacturing features are used to represent special
relationships between several parts. Some examples of manufacturing features
are robotic paths moving along a part such as painting or arc-welding, weld spots
and datums.
What is Process Simulate?

Tecnomatix offers a suite of engineering study tools known collectively as Process

Simulate. This suite includes Process Simulate Human, Process Simulate
Robotics, Process Simulate Assembler (Flow Paths), and more.
Process Simulate is a dynamic environment that facilitates concept verification,
as well as assembly and serviceability studies, by enabling an engineer to
Here are a few examples why you may want to use these parts of Process
• Basic tasks including modeling and kinematics
o Intuitive and native Windows environment tool

o Navigate your data and play simulations

o Layout objects in a study and setup how you visualize them

o Create or modify the components needed to perform a study (for example

3D modeling of kinematics for tooling and robots)

o Check collisions and clearances dynamically between simulated objects

o Create videos, pictures, and labels

• Human simulation
o Perform human reach checks and ergonomic studies to desired

o Develop human simulations

o Check collisions and clearances dynamically for tools, robot arms and
the human hand.

o Perform serviceability studies of the assembly.

o Determine how to service a specified part of the assembly.

• Robotic path simulation, PLC simulation, and off-line programming

o Dynamic 3D robot simulation

o Perform robotic reach checks to desired locations.

o Develop and download robotic processes and paths (including logic)

o Model PLC logic and signals as well as connect to existing PLCs

o Support for industrial robots from a vast array of vendors (such as ABB,
Comau, Duerr, Fanuc, IGM, Kawasaki, Kuka, Nachi, NC, Reis, Staubli,
Trallfa, and Yaskawa)

o Accurate cycle time calculation using realistic robot simulation (RRS)

o Upload robot programs from the shop floor

o Customizable robot specific abilities

• Part and resource flow simulation

o Verify the feasibility of a product assembly.

o Develop a path for assembly and the disassembly of parts.

What is a simulation?

• Simulation is a very general term that can mean something different to

different people, depending on your background

Here is a wooden mechanical horse simulator from World War I.

• In general:
o Simulation is the imitation of some real thing or process.

o It usually entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviors

of a system.
• Computer Simulations:
o A computer simulation is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical
situation on a computer so that you can study it and see how it works.

o Just about anything can be simulated on a computer, but usually there is

a question that needs to be answered (or results verified).

• In this system, you create assembly process verification simulations. Many

other types of simulation are NOT performed (for example rain, corrosion,
crane force loading, etc.).
Typical Process Simulate inputs

1. Product linked to the Process structure (Optional)

2. Process (Required).

3. Plant linked to the Process structure (Optional).

Typical Process Simulate outputs

1. Sequencing product assembly / disassembly

2. Robotic reachability, cycle time, and controls logic

3. Human reachability, ergonomics, and standard time

And More:
• An entire product process structure properly sequenced for collision free
assembly or disassembly.

• Ergonomic analysis and reports

• Time analysis

• Robotic path analysis

• Collision analysis
• Robotic programs

• Reach envelopes

• Robot controller interaction

• Etc.
The four basic object types

Process Simulate software coordinates four basic types of objects: parts,

operations, resources, and manufacturing features.

1. Parts are the pieces that make up the manufactured product.

• The part tree lists all of the parts of the final product as a hierarchical
model that depicts how the parts relate to one another in the completed

2. Operations are the actions performed in order to manufacture the

• The operation tree lists all of the operations and describes the order
in which they is performed.

3. Resources are the factory facilities that perform the operations on

the parts; these include assembly lines, zones, stations, workcells, tools,
and fixtures.
• The resource tree lists the workers, robots, tools, and fixtures. It also
describes the order and placement of the resources as well.

4. Manufacturing features Manufacturing features are used to represent

special relationships between several parts. Examples of a manufacturing
feature are weld spots, PLP (datums), and curves representing robotic paths
that follow the contour of the part such as arc-welds, painting, grinding, etc.
This object type is generally used by robotic users.
Typical Process Simulate usage

This training manual is divided into the following sections and follows the displayed
basic use case.
1. Opening a New Study
Product, operation, and resource trees, which represent a desired smaller
area of the complete project, are loaded into the simulation environment.

2. Creating and Modifying Simulative Operations

Paths are developed for the assembly parts in order to determine if the
assembly can be effectively assembled and disassembled. You can use the
commands in the Path menu and/or Placement toolbox to create a path for
each part in the assembly.

3. Sequencing Simulative Operations

A sequence combines separate operations into an entire assembly process.
This process defines individual operations for the currently displayed
assembly, combines them into a sequence of operations, and simulates then
in sequence. The purpose of these commands is to demonstrate and verify
the feasibility of a complete assembly procedure in the dynamic simulated
environment, and to produce a detailed assembly report.

4. Analyzing Simulative Operations

Collision list pairs and set clearances are created using the Collision viewer,
and are checked during the movement of the parts along their paths.
The simulative operation is then simulated. These commands affect motion
along the path, either continuously from the beginning to the end, or as single
steps between locations. When desired, the simulation can be halted and
then restarted in either the forward or the reverse direction. The simulation
may begin at any location or at any time. The simulation can be stopped
when one of the collision or clearance conditions is violated.
The path can be edited at problematic locations to obtain a more optimized
path. The last step in this process is the verification of all locations where
an assembly part violates a predefined clearance along the path, and the
determination of where minimum clearances are reached along the path.

5. Outputting Deliverables
Process Simulate provides various outputs for the engineer. The following
outputs constitute documentation of fault conditions, which can be used as a
means of communication with the designers:
• A report of the collision and clearance violations along the path.

• A report of the path or paths that were developed for the assembly parts.
• A movie of the simulation, in .AVI format.
Starting Process Simulate Standalone

In this lesson, you learn ways to start Process Simulate Standalone.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Start and exit Process Simulate Standalone

• Welcome Page
Starting and exiting Process Simulate Standalone

No matter which method is used, the resulting data is the same.

Before you begin:
• Your system administrator must install and configure the Process Simulate
Standalone software and desired robot controllers.
More details and import formats are mentioned at the end of this
course and in the Process Simulate Standalone install guide.

• Your application administrator should import the desired data, such as product
and resource libraries, into the system (for example in .COJT format) .

More details and import formats are mentioned at the end of this

Ways to start Process Simulate Standalone:

• Method 1: Using Microsoft Windows Explorer, browse into a folder containing
a .psz file and double-click it.
• Method 2: Click the Process Simulate Standalone icon on your
Microsoft Windows desktop

• Method 3: Choose Start→Programs→Tecnomatix→Engineering

Applications→Process Simulate Standalone

Ways to exit Process Simulate Standalone:

• Choose File→Exit .
Introduction to the graphical user interface

Process Simulate uses an results-oriented interface similar to Microsoft Windows

applications. This means that you must first choose the object(s) that you would
like to work on, after which the relevant options become available.

Commands can be accessed from the following places:

• Ribbon — The ribbon is located along the top of the Process Simulate
window and contains tabs of commands. For example, File, Home, and View.

• Quick access toolbar — You can customize this toolbar to contain shortcuts
to commands available on the ribbon.

• Right-click context menus — You display menus with context specific

commands by right-clicking different types of objects.
• Graphic Viewer Toolbar — You always have access to these important
graphic commands. It can be moved within the Graphic Viewer.

• Quick Toolbars — Small quick toolbars are shown when you press the
Space bar in the Graphic Viewer.

In the Starting Process Simulate Standalone section, do the following activities:

• Starting and exiting Process Simulate Standalone
Basic options setup

In this topic, you learn some basic options setup.

More details is provided about the data structure in a later topic.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basic data structure.

• Set and view basic options.

Data structure

A project is a folder which typically contains studies (.psz files).
Studies reference 3D data from components (.COJT).
It contains several folders of components (.COJT). Resource and part prototypes
are instanced from these libraries. Studies are made from instances of these
A component (.COJT) is the physical 3D object found in a cell. It is a part
or resource prototype either constructed using Process Simulate modeling
commands or imported from a CAD system. Components are stored as folders
(containing .JT files) under the System Root.

In the Basic Options Setup section, do the following activity:

• Setting and viewing basic options
Examining object types

In this topic, you learn about the basic object types found in Process Simulate.

Other object types is described later in this course.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Examine the basic object types that are available.
Basic object types

Process Simulate accommodates a large variety of object types. An unique icon

associated with each object type identifies it in the tree view containing the type.
The table below lists and briefly describes most of these object types, and shows
the icon that corresponds to each object type.
Icon Type Representation
Study Folder A folder containing everything in the cell.
A built in folder found in the Object Tree that is used
to group objects based on their type.
Part A single part.
Compoun An assembly comprising one or more parts
d part or subassemblies.
A single operation.

Operation Other icons for a single operation can be shown

based on the operation type. you discuss more
on this later.
Compoun An operation comprising one or more sub operations.
A single resource.

Other icons for a single resource can be shown

Resource based on the assigned resource type including
Container , Robot , Table , and
Gun . you discuss more on this later.
Compoun A collection of one or more resources.
New objects can only be created under the objects that they are related
For example a compound part can only be created under a compound
part, or the Parts folder of the Object Tree. A compound resource can
only be created under a compound resource, or the Resources folder of
the Object Tree. An operation can only be created under a compound
operation or the operations root of the Operation Tree.
Process Simulate supplies a variety of icons to depict standard resource
types (robots, fixtures, guns, etc.); however, these icons can be customized
and new icon types can be added.

In the Examining Object Types section, do the following activities:

• Examine the object types that are available
The prototype and instance relationship
Libraries of parts, and resources (prototypes)

Libraries are repositories of standard parts, and of resources; they facilitate and
standardize the planning process. The libraries may be built from imported data,
and they may be edited as desired from within Process Simulate.
Libraries are any folder under the Libraries folder of the system root.
Instance basics
Creating a study

In this For
topic, youactivities
other learn to create anyou
in class, empty
use study.
pre-existing studies.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know about studies.

• Create a new study.

Do I do this?

Most tasks you perform in Process Simulate, begin by making a study.

In the open study, you may decide to layout the components.
Introduction to studies

You look at data using viewers. Viewers can be opened from the Screen Layout
group of the View tab ribbon.

The viewers (under the Viewers button such as Object Tree, Operation Tree,
etc.). Changes made in these viewers are stored in the memory of the user's
computer and do not affect the psz file until you specifically choose to save the file.
Ways of loading studies
A study is also known as a .psz file. Opening a study (.psz file), also loads data
from the referenced components (.cojt) from under the system root. The study
contains references to a subset of data from in a project. (Usually just one
manufacturing area).
Studies can be loaded in two different modes. Although both modes have a lot of
functionality in common, there are specific actions of Process Simulate that can
only be carried out in one mode or the other.
• From the Welcome page, select a study from the Recent Studies list.

The Welcome page can be opened by choosing Welcome Page

from the Home tab of the ribbon.

• From the Welcome page, select a study from the Open in Standard Mode

• From the Welcome page, select a study from the Open in Line Simulation
Mode list.

This command is discussed in the TR42215 Process Simulate on

eMS Intermediate Robotics course.

• From the ribbon choose File→Recent Studies and select a study from
the list.

• Select a study and then from the ribbon choose File→Study →Load in
Standard Mode .
• Select a study and then from the ribbon choose File→Study →Load in
Line Simulation Mode .

This command is discussed in the TR42215 Process Simulate on

eMS Intermediate Robotics course.

• Select a study and then from the Quick access toolbar, choose Open Study

• Select a study and then from the Quick access toolbar, choose Open in Line
Simulation Mode

This command is discussed in the TR45215 Process Simulate

Standalone Intermediate Robotics course.
Study mode use cases
After loading a study in one mode, it can be easily switched to other mode to
complete specific actions. It takes less time to switch modes than to reload the
study in the other mode.
• From the ribbon, choose Home tab→Study group→Standard Mode

o Add product data

o Create and validate path reachability

o etc.

• From the ribbon, choose Home tab→Study group→Line Simulation Mode

This command is discussed in the course

o Validate controls logic

o Check for reachability and collision problems

o etc.

In the Creating a Study section, do the following activities:

• Creating a new study
Process Simulate introduction

In this topic, you get an introduction to Process Simulate
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know a little bit about Process Simulate.

• Use some Process Simulate commands

• Identify the status and title bar areas.

• Identify the viewer area.

Process Simulate basics

Selected list of Process Simulate uses:

• The Process Simulate product is used to plan and validate manufacturing

• It is a hierarchical processing tool that links product data with manufacturing

resources and operations. This results in an integrated framework for a
complete production-engineering process.

• As a system for top-down (or bottom-up creation), modification andnavigation

of process data, Process Simulate coordinates, and simplify the task of
process planning and validation.

• It integrates manufacturing process planning, analysis, validation, and


• Process Simulate is an integral part of Siemens PLM Software Manufacturing

Process Simulate uses an object-oriented interface similar to other Windows-type
applications. This means that you must first choose the object(s) that you would
like to work on, after which the options required become available.
Introduction to the graphical user interface

Process Simulate uses an results-oriented interface similar to Microsoft Windows

applications. This means that you must first choose the object(s) that you would
like to work on, after which the relevant options become available.

Commands can be accessed from the following places:

• Ribbon — The ribbon is located along the top of the Process Simulate
window and contains tabs of commands. For example, File, Home, and View.

• Quick access toolbar — You can customize this toolbar to contain shortcuts
to commands available on the ribbon.

• Right-click context menus — You display menus with context specific

commands by right-clicking different types of objects.
• Graphic Viewer Toolbar — You always have access to these important
graphic commands. It can be moved within the Graphic Viewer.

• Quick Toolbars — Small quick toolbars are shown when you press the
Space bar in the Graphic Viewer.
Status and title bars

• Title Bar — The title bar is located at the very top of the Process Simulate
window. It displays the version of Process Simulate and the name of the
study that is currently opened.

• Status Bar — The status bar is located at the very bottom of the Process
Simulate window. It displays the status of the last executed command, the
systems readiness to execute the next command, and the currently selected

To configure what is shown on the Status Bar, right-click it and choose

the desired options. For example: , Study Mode, , , Pick Coordinate.
Viewer area

The viewer area takes up most of the Process Simulate window. The next topic
is completely dedicated to it.
Process Simulate viewer overview

In this topic, you get an overview of the viewers in this system.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the Operation Tree viewer

• Use the Object Tree viewer

Viewer overview

All of these can be opened from the ribbon. Choose View tab→Screen Layout
group→Viewers :

1. Collision Viewer - Used to setup 3D collision checking for the loaded scene
and display the results (covered in this course)

2. Logical Collections Tree – Used to display the In-Process Assembly tree

(covered in this course)

3. Material Flow Viewer — This viewer is related to event-based simulation

and is not covered in this course (covered in the .

4. MFG Viewer – Used to view and edit information for manufacturing features
(for example weld spots, PLPs, continuous MFGs, etc.) (covered in the
TR45115 Process Simulate Standalone Basic Robotic Simulation course).
5. Modules Viewer — This viewer is related to event-based simulation and
is not covered in this course (covered in the TR45215 Process Simulate
Standalone Intermediate Robotics (CEE) course).

6. Object Tree – Provides a structural view of product, plant, and other

non-process objects (covered in this course)

7. Operation Tree – Used to view the process structure and related simulative
operations (covered in this course

8. Path Editor – Used to view and edit the operations/simulation paths

9. Sequence Editor – Used to view and edit the process structure (initially
covered in this course)

10. Signal Viewer — This viewer is related to event-based simulation and is not
covered in this course (covered in the TR45215 Process Simulate Standalone
Intermediate Robotics (CEE) course).

11. Simulation Panel — This viewer is related to event-based simulation and

is not covered in this course (covered in the TR45215 Process Simulate
Standalone Intermediate Robotics (CEE) course).
12. Snapshot Editor – Used to view, edit, and use snapshots. (covered in this

These viewers can also be opened from the View tab of the ribbon:
1. Relations Viewer – Used to view database relationships between the
currently selected object and other objects in the scene.

2. Properties — lists the attributes of the selected database object (covered

in all courses).

3. Open New Window Opens another Graphic Viewer.

Operation Tree viewer

The hierarchy of process, operations, activities, and simulative operations required

to produce the target product (for example Process A contains operation B and
operation C. This means that Process A includes operation B and operation C).
The Gantt chart (Sequence Editor) should be used to view the order (or sequence)
of the operations. The operations plan is a logical structure; it starts with a single,
all-inclusive operation (e.g., Plant, Line, Zone, Station), and expands to include
specific operations. Each operation in the hierarchy points both to the parts or
subassemblies upon which the operation is performed as they flow in and out of
the operation, and also to the resources that the operation utilizes.
An operation is the central object in the database that connects
product-manufacturing resources together in an integrated process.
Process Simulate provides several views of the Operation Plan: tree views and
Gantt view (Sequence Editor). The Operation Tree view shows the hierarchy of
individual operations that constitute the operation plan. This tree view does not
show or imply dependencies between operations.
To open the Operation Tree viewer:
• From ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Viewers , and
then select Operation Tree.

To close the Operation Tree viewer:

• Click Close in the right-hand corner of the viewer.
Object Tree viewer

The Object Tree viewer displays a hierarchy of the elements of the currently
opened study.
Displayed objects (except manufacturing features, locations, and paths) can
be blanked or displayed from the Object Tree viewer via special display status
squares next to the element names. There are several values for the display
status squares:
• Blanked

• Displayed

• Partially Displayed

• No 3D data available

Objects in the tree can be selected in order to work on them.

Elements are displayed in the Object Tree viewer regardless of whether they
are blanked or displayed in the Graphic Viewer (unless a filter is applied to the
Object Tree viewer).
To open the Object Tree Viewer:
• From ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Viewers , and
then select Object Tree.

To close the Object Tree Viewer:

• Click Close in the right-hand corner of the viewer.
Object Tree viewer nodes

The Object Tree displays a listing of the current study and its contents. A is made
up of objects, frames, and paths (simulative operations).
Clicking the + icon next to a node in the tree expands it to display the next level
down. Clicking the - icon hides everything in that node except the tasks.
Main Types of Objects:
• Group

• Component

• Entity

• Study Data (More on this later)

The following is a partial list of elements that can be nodes at the first or second
level of the tree:
• Study

• Part (object)
• Resource (object)

• Compound Part (Group of Parts)

• Compound Resource (Group of Resources)

• Note

• Section

• Dimension

• Frame

In the Process Simulate Viewer Overview section, do the following activities:

• Browsing the Process Simulate study

Review questions

1 3 5 More than 10
Customizing the user configuration

In this topic, you learn three ways to customize the user configuration.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Access and use the Customize dialog box

• Reset and Save customizations.

There are three primary ways to do this:
• From the Process Simulate ribbon, choose File→Options – The contents
of the Options dialog box are discussed throughout class as needed.

• From the Process Simulate Quick access toolbar choose Customize Quick
Access Toolbar →More Commands - The Customize dialog box is used
to customize the ribbon and Quick access toolbar. It is described on the
next page.

• Tecnomatix Doctor Tools menu – This menu contains options that are set
before starting Process Simulate that affect its general behavior.

The Tecnomatix Doctor is not covered in this course, but it can be

started by selecting Start→Programs→Tecnomatix→Administration
Tools→Tecnomatix Doctor .
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar and ribbon

By clicking Customize Quick Access Toolbar on the Quick access toolbar,

you can:
• Change the commands in the Quick Access Toolbar

• Change the commands in the ribbon.

• Rename commands in the ribbon.

• Change the order of the tabs in the ribbon.

• Display or hide standard tabs in the ribbon.

• Define new tabs and groups in the ribbon.

• Define short-cut keys for the commands.

• Customize the mouse configuration

Adding commands to the Quick Access Toolbar

To add any command to the Quick Access Toolbar:

1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
and select More Commands.

2. On the left edge of the window, select Quick Access Toolbar.

3. For Choose commands from, select a tab such as Home or select All

4. Select the desired command in the Commands list and click Add >>.

5. Click OK.
Customizing the ribbon

To customize the ribbon:

1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
and select More Commands.

2. On the left edge of the window, select Customize Ribbon.

3. For Choose commands from, select All Commands.

4. (Optional) Click New Tab and rename the newly created tab.

5. (Optional) Select a tab from the list and click New Group and rename the
newly created group.
6. Select the desired command in the Commands list, select the command
group, and click Add >>.
Built-in groups cannot be modified. However, you can add new groups to
built-in tabs or custom tabs. All tabs can be hidden.

7. Click OK.
Customizing the right-click menus

To customize the right-click menus (context menus):

1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
and select More Commands.

2. On the left edge of the window, select Customize Ribbon.

3. Move the Customize dialog box out of the way.

4. For Menus, click Customize.

The Customize dialog box opens.

5. In the Customize dialog box, click the Menu tab.

6. For Show Menus for, select a viewer you want such as Object Tree Viewer.
7. For Select context menu, select object type specific right-click menu you
want such as Object Context Menu.

The related right-click (context menu) shows.

8. In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.

9. Drag commands from the Commands list into the displayed context menu.

10. Click Close and OK.

Resetting and Saving Customizations

To save the changes to the right-click menu:

1. From the ribbon choose View→tab Screen Layout group and select (or
create) a custom layout.

2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar

and select More Commands.

3. On the left edge of the window, select Customize Ribbon.

4. Click Customize and click OK.

A second Customize dialog box opens.

5. Choose the Menu tab.

6. In the second Customize, select the viewer and context menu you want.
7. Choose the Commands tab.

8. Drag a command from the Commands list into the displayed right-click menu.
9. Click Close and OK.

10. From the ribbon choose View→tab Screen Layout group Layout Manager.

11. Select the custom layout and click Update.

12. Select Use Current, click OK, and CLOSE.

To reset the commands on the Quick Access Toolbar or ribbon:

1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
and select More Commands.

2. On the left edge of the window, select Quick Access Toolbar or Customize

3. Click Reset.
Window layout management

In this topic, you learn about window layout management.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Dock and float viewers.

• Use on demand window viewing.

• Save and restore window layouts.

Window layout basics

It describes several techniques for managing the many viewer windows of

Tecnomatix. Typically these techniques are used in parallel.
• Opening and Closing Views — Viewers can be opened or closed at any
time, based on need.

• Docked or Floating Viewers — Viewers can be docked or floated at any

time, based on need.

• On Demand Window Viewing — All docked viewerscan be collapsed or

expanded on demand, providing more screen space for main tasks (for
example Graphic View). The status of each viewer is saved in the layout.

• Save/Restore Window Layouts — Tecnomatix window layouts can be

saved and reused. Saving a layout stores the following information and can
be used to restore this information in a later session of Tecnomatix:
o Which viewers are currently open
o Size and placement of the open viewers (If a viewer is not open, in a
later session, it is opened. However, when it is opened later it goes to
predefined position stored in the layout.)

o Can save public or private layouts for all open viewers.

o Can switch between several layouts during one session.

Docked and floating viewers

To undock (float) a viewer:

• There are several methods to do the first step:
o Method 1: Click the desired tab in the viewer area. Then drag the viewer
using the tab's title.

o Method 2: Double-click the tab's title.

o Method 3: Click the desired tab in the viewer area. From the title area of
the viewer, click Window Position and choose Floating.

o Method 4: Click the desired tab in the viewer area. Right-click the title
area of the viewer and choose Floating.

To dock a floating viewer:

It is not recommended to leave viewers floating over the rest of your
user interface to avoid hiding important information in the software. (It’s
OK to float it on your second monitor if you have one). Otherwise you
should dock them. While in this training course, you should always keep
your viewers docked to make it easier on your instructor and to help you
find the viewers easier.

• Methods to return to the previously docked position:

o Method 1: Click the desired viewer area and then double-click its title

o Method 2: Click the desired tab in the viewer area. Right-click the title
area of the viewer and choose Docking.

• Methods to change the docking position:

o Click the desired viewer (floating or docked) then begin dragging it using
the tab's title.
The viewer can now be dropped into another tab group or used
to start a new tab group.
o Shared/stacked viewer area edge method:
■ A four-way arrow indicator appears in the center of the docked
viewer you are dragging across.

■ Drag the floating viewer to one of the arrows of the four-way arrow
indicator. It docks the viewer along that edge of the viewer you are
dragging across.

■ Or drag the floating viewer across another docked viewer. The

four-way indicator is now applicable to this viewer.
o Whole viewer area edge method:
■ Single arrow indicators are shown along the middle of each edge of
the Process Simulate viewer area.

■ Drag the floating viewer to one of these indicators.

■ The viewer docks along that edge and take up the entire edge.
On demand window viewing

A viewer such as the Operation Tree can be shown “On Demand” (unpinned ).
This means that there is an icon along the left edge of the Process Simulate
window named Operation Tree .
If you mouse over it, the viewer is shown. The viewer remains displayed until you
are not mousing over the Operation Tree icon or viewer.
To disable this feature and keep the Operation Tree displayed, click on the tack
in the title area of the viewer to pin it down.
Save/restore window layouts

Saving a Window Layout:

1. Open, position, and size all viewers you want as part of this layout.

2. From the Process Simulate ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout

group→Layout Manager . The Layout List dialog box opens.

3. From the Layout List dialog box, select New.

4. In the New Layout dialog box, select Use Current for both options and click
5. From the Layout List dialog box, click the name and press the F2 key to
change the name.
The list of layouts on your computer may be different.

Using a Window Layout:

When a layout is applied, it opens the viewers (including position), toolbars, and
menus from the saved layout.
1. From the Process Simulate ribbon, choose View tab. The Screen Layout
group, select the layout drop-down and choose the desired layout.

The list of layouts on your computer may be different.

2. The layout is applied to all open and successively opened viewers.


In the Window Layout Management section, do the following activities:

• Docking and floating viewers

• Saving a window layout

• Using a window layout

Review questions


Subjects learned in this topic:

• Window Management, study objects, and basic options was discussed.
Lesson 2
Process Simulate Standalone
Process Simulate Standalone environment
Process Simulate Standalone environment

To describe the Process Simulate Standalone Environment.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• The menu and toolbar options available in Process Simulate.

• Various right-click popup menus available in Process Simulate.

• How to use the mouse to control objects displayed in the Graphic Viewer, as
well as changing the viewpoint and view center of a selected object.

• The Customize dialog box features such as adding new toolbars, adding and
removing items from existing toolbars, and modifying items in the menu bar.

• How to select and blank objects using selection filters.

• How to select and blank objects using the Display By Type dialog box.
• Discuss other functions that can be used such as resizing the Process
Simulate window.

• How to perform measurements and entity selection

• The chapter finishes by discussing how to access online help for a command.
Working with viewers

In this topic, you learn different types of viewers available in and how to access
them. It also provides information regarding the various right-click popup menus
available. you discuss the Graphic Viewer and various tree viewers such as the
Object Tree.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Begin using the Graphic Viewer

• Begin using the Object Tree Basics

• Begin using right-click menus

• Create and use groups.

Graphic Viewer overview

The Graphic Viewer is the 3D window showing all the current displayed elements.
Pausing over an object in the Graphic Viewer displays a tool tip containing the
name of the object.

In general, 3D data displayed in the Graphic Viewer, associated to product

and resources, can be in .COJT (or .JT) or .CO format.

To open another Graphic Viewer:

• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Open New
Window .

To arrange and switch Graphic Viewers:

• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout→Arrange Windows .
Then choose either Vertical Alignment , Horizontal Alignment , Tiled
Alignment , Cascade Alignment , or Tabbed Alignment .

• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Switch

Windows . Select a Graphic Viewer from the list to bring to the front.

To close the Graphic Viewer:

• Click Close in the right-hand corner of the second row of Process Simulate
Object Tree basics

Clicking the + icon next to a node in the tree expands it to display the next level
down. Clicking the - icon hides everything in that node except the tasks.
The following is a partial list of elements that can be nodes at the first or second
level of the resource or part tree:
• Part A single part.

• Compound Part An assembly comprising one or more parts or


• Resource A single resource. (Default icon)

• Compound Resource A group comprising one or more resources.

• Robot A robot resource.

• Container A container resource.

• Human A human resource.

Right-click menus

Right-clicking a (non-kinematic) object in the Object Tree viewer:

Displays a popup menu that contains shortcut commands and a number of options
that are also found in other menus.
• Blank — Blank the selected objects.

• Display Only — Blank all deselected objects, leaving the selected objects

• Zoom to Selection — Zoom to the selected objects (centering the

displayed geometry in the Graphic Viewer), and set the center of rotation to
the geometric center of the selected objects.

• Modify Color — Enables the user to choose a new color for the currently
selected object(s).

Right-clicking in the Object Tree viewer (not on a node):

The following popup menu is displayed:
• Display All — Display all entities in the Graphic Viewer.
• Toggle Display — Blank all displayed objects and display all blanked

• Options — Open the Options dialog box (Same as File→Options ).

Right-clicking in the Graphic Viewer (on a non-kinematic object):

The following popup menu is displayed:
• Blank — Blank the selected objects.

• Display Only – Blank all unselected objects, leaving the selected objects

• Zoom to Selection — Zoom to the selected objects (centering their

displayed geometry in the Graphic Viewer), and set the center of rotation the
geometric center of the selected objects.

• Modify Color — Enables the user to choose a new color for the currently
selected object(s).

Right-clicking in the Graphic Viewer (not on an object):

The following popup menu is displayed:
• Display All — Display all entities in the Graphic Viewer.

• Toggle Display — Blank all displayed objects and display all blanked

• Zoom to Fit — Zoom to the displayed objects (centering their displayed

geometry in the Graphic Viewer).

• Options – Open the Options dialog box (Same as File→Options ).

Undo / Redo:
• The Undo and the Redo commands can be used for the last action
performed on a selected object in the Graphic Viewer By selecting the
command repeatedly, undo/redo can be performed for successively
earlier/later operations, as required. Unless a command is executed that
cannot be undone (which clears the undo list).

• Undo/Redo capabilities are supported for placement commands, display/hide

commands, notes, labels, color manipulations, etc.
• The Undo command can be found on the Quick access toolbar.

Users cannot undo actions after selecting Save or Delete .

Working with groups

Individual parts/resources or compound parts/compound resources can be

grouped to establish additional hierarchy levels in the tree. If a group is selected
and then shifted or rotated, the objects in the Graphic Viewer that are in the group
are also be moved. Each object can also be shifted or rotated independently
of the group.
This group is stored only in the study and do not affect the original resource tree
structure .
A group can contain any combination of other groups, resources, parts, .
Use groups in various Process Simulate tools to blank/display, create flow
operations, create collision pairs, export to Excel, etc. Groups enable assembly
feasibility studies in early stages, even before process is defined.

• From ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Viewers , and

then select Logical Collections Tree
• Right-click a folder or group object in the Logical Collections Tree and
choose Create Group

• Right-click a group object in the Logical Collections Tree and choose

Flatten Hierarchy

• Right-click a group object in the Logical Collections Tree and choose

Replace Compounds with Groups

• Right-click a group object in the Logical Collections Tree and choose

Export Groups to Excel

In the Working with Viewers section, do the following activities:

Perform either the Auto, Airplane, or Structural activity. Then perform

the rest of the activities with that data.

• Getting an overview of the objects in the Object Tree

• Auto — Getting an overview of the objects in the Object Tree

• Airplane — Getting an overview of the objects in the Object Tree

• Structural — Getting an overview of the objects in the Object Tree

• Object Tree basics and groups

• Using the right-click popup menu

Review questions

A group cannot contain a mixture of parts and resources Groups are not selectable
Groups can contain parts and resources Groups can be hierarchical
Graphic Viewer setup and control

In this topic, you learn about mouse view control, view control menus, and basic
Graphic Viewer setup.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Find the view control menus.

• Use graphics background options.

• Use mouse movement options.

• Use rotation methods.

• Control the view with the mouse.

• Control the view with the space mouse.

• Use basic view commands.
Graphic Viewer control overview

The Direct Model graphics engine is used by Siemens PLM Software applications
such as Teamcenter, RobotExpert, Process Simulate, Process Designer, and Plant
Simulation. It is a set of libraries capable of reading, writing and rendering .JT files.
Finding the view control menus

Only selected buttons is covered during this topic, while others is covered
later in class when appropriate. At this point you look at these menus
from the 10,000 foot level.

There are several ways to access the view control features:

• Using the Mouse.

Moving the mouse, in conjunction with pressing the various mouse

buttons allows you to pan, zoom, and rotate.

• Using a Space Mouse (3D manipulator).

• Use the Graphic Viewer toolbar.

• Using the View tab of the ribbon.

• Using a right-click popup menu.
o Right-clicking in the Graphic Viewer (not on an object) displays the
following popup menu:
• From the ribbon choose File→Options and choose the Graphic Viewer
tab in the Options dialog box. (The Performance tab is discussed in a later
Graphics background options

A different color can be selected for each of the four corners of the Graphic
Viewer. the background colors fade progressively toward the center of the viewer.
• From the ribbon choose File→Options .

• From the Options dialog box, choose the Appearance tab.

• Choose Background color.

• Choose Corners from the drop down that currently says Vertical or Solid.

• Choose a color for each corner.

• Click Preview and close the Options dialog box.
Mouse movement options

There are two mouse movement modes: direct viewing and continuous viewing:
• Direct viewing: Objects only move when you move your mouse. This is the
PC default configuration. This option is more similar to how other 3D systems
manipulate the Graphic Viewer .

• Continuous viewing: Objects continue to move at the initial speed of mouse

movement. This is the Robcad default configuration.

These options can be set by choosing File→Options . From the Options dialog
box, choose the Graphic Viewer tab.
Rotation methods

There are two methods:

• The Walk around object (Tecnomatix method) option causes the rotation
to be the same as Robcad, RobotExpert, Process Simulate, and Process

• The Rotate object (Vis method) option rotates in the opposite direction as
the Walk around object (Tecnomatix method) method. Also the Rotate
object (Vis method) allows rotating about any axis.

o To point the Z-axis up and rotate about it: (works the same for both Walk
around object (Tecnomatix method) and Rotate object (Vis method)
rotation methods)
■ From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, click any view except TOP and
Notice the Z-axis of the Working Frame is pointing up.
■ Select in the Graphic Viewer.

■ Continuously click the left or right arrow keys.

o To point the Y-axis up and rotate about it: (works differently for Walk
around object (Tecnomatix method) or Rotate object (Vis method)
rotation rotation methods)
■ From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, click the TOP view.

■ Select in the Graphic Viewer.

■ Continuously click the left or right arrow keys.

o To point the X-axis up and rotate about it: (works differently for Walk
around object (Tecnomatix method) or Rotate object (Vis method)
rotation rotation methods)
■ From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, click the LEFT view.
■ Select in the Graphic Viewer.

o Click the down arrow key 3 times. Notice the X-axis of the Working
Frame is pointing up.

o Continuously click the left or right arrow keys.

View control with the mouse

You can use the mouse to control how objects are displayed in the Graphic
Viewer. The Graphic Viewer mouse control is the same as NX. You can also
switch the mouse control to work like Robcad (and Process Simulate before
version 13) or customize the mouse control the way you want. This is discussed
in the customize lesson.
The following instructions apply to a mouse with two buttons and a wheel.

If you do not have a mouse with two buttons and a wheel, use one of
the other described techniques or see the online help for information on
One-Button view control.

• Mouse Wheel — Slide the mouse wheel in and out to zoom in or out of the
Graphic Viewer. Moving the mouse wheel affects the direction of the zoom.
To zoom out, move the mouse wheel toward you; to zoom in, move the
mouse wheel away from you. (Also see the Setting the Mouse Movement
Mode section which follows).

• Middle (MB2) and Right (MB3) Buttons — Depress the middle and right
buttons for panning in the Graphic Viewer. Moving the mouse in any direction
affects the direction panned, when continuous viewing is set.

• Middle (MB2) Buttons — Depress the middle button to rotate the object's
viewpoint in the Graphic Viewer. Moving the mouse in any direction changes
the viewpoint. The distance the mouse moves across the screen affects the
amount of rotation, when continuous viewing is set.

• Alt + Left (MB1) Mouse Button — To zoom to a specific area, hold down the
Alt key and draw a box around a small area of interest with the left mouse

Other techniques to pan, zoom, and rotate:

• Left (MB1) and Middle (MB2) Buttons — Depress the left and middle buttons
in the Graphic Viewer. Move the mouse up and down to zoom in and out.

• Shift + Middle (MB2) Button — another way to pan.

• Ctrl + Middle (MB2) Button — another way to zoom.

• Alt + Middle (MB2) Button — another way to rotate.

View control with a space mouse

In order to use a Space mouse, the 3DConnexion driver must be installed and
started before starting the Tecnomatix software. Pictured below is the Space
Explorer. Other models can also be used:

This tool can be used to intuitively pan, zoom, and rotate the object.
Here are the default settings:

• Pan Right/Left - nudge left and right

• Pan Up/Down - push down or pull up

• Zoom - nudge toward or away from you

• Tilt - rotate front/back

• Spin - spin around

• Roll - rotate left/right

If you have one of these you do not need to learn how to pan, zoom, and rotate
with a mouse.
For more information on space mice see www.3dconnexion.com.
Basic viewing command usage

To change to a standard viewpoint:

1. From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, click the FRONT view.

2. Choose a different view from the Graphic Viewer toolbar to see how the
viewpoint changes.
• From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, click the TOP view.

To change to a viewpoint that is normal to a selected point:

1. Select a point on an object in the Graphic Viewer.

2. From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose Normal to View Point .

To display all the entities in the Graphic Viewer:

• Right-click in the Graphic Viewer and choose Display All from the
displayed popup menu.

The Display All option is also available from the Graphic Viewer
Another option is to use the Toggle Display command which
alternates the display in the Graphic Viewer between blanked and
displayed objects.

While panning in the Graphic Viewer, it is possible that all the objects are panned
off the screen. To return them to the screen, Right-click in the Graphic Viewer (not
on an object), and choose Zoom To Fit from the displayed popup menu.

The Zoom To Fit option can also be accessed from the Graphic Viewer

To zoom in to the Graphic Viewer:

• Press Alt while holding down the left mouse button, and draw a box around
an object(s) in the Graphic Viewer that you want to zoom in on. To zoom back
out, right-click in the Graphic Viewer (not on an object) and choose Zoom To
Fit from the displayed popup menu.

To zoom in to an object in the Graphic Viewer:

Right-click an object in the Graphic Viewer, and choose Zoom To Selection
from the displayed popup menu.
To change the view center of an object:
By default, Process Simulate rotates the graphic around the 0,0,0 (world origin)
coordinates of the study. If you want to rotate the study around a different point,
you must select it and hen choose View Center command from the Graphic
Viewer toolbar.
Before choosing the command, you need to first select an object in the
Graphic Viewer.

1. Using one of the methods described In this topic, rotate the study in any
direction and note the center of rotation.

2. Click an entity in the Graphic Viewer. Note where the white asterisk is located.
3. Choose View Center from the Graphic Viewer toolbar.

4. Rotate the study again. The view center is now set to where the selection
point is located.
Customizing the mouse

To customize the mouse:

1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
and select More Commands.

2. On the left edge of the window, select Customize Mouse.

3. Select the configuration you want from the Choose a mouse configuration
• Default — Mouse controls are similar to NX. This configuration is read

Some steps in the training activities assume Default is set.

• Legacy — Mouse controls are similar to Robcad and Process Simulate
before version 13. This configuration is read only.

• Custom — Select your own values for the controls.

4. Click OK.

In the Graphic Viewer setup and control section, do the following activity:
• Basic Graphic Viewer controls

Review questions



Using a Space Mouse. Hold down the left and right mouse buttons while moving
the mouse in a circle. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Hold down the right
and middle mouse buttons while moving the mouse in a circle. Select an object
and click Zoom to Selection. Hold down the left and right mouse buttons while
moving the mouse up and down. Hold down the [Alt] key and draw a box in the
Graphic Viewer. Using a Space Mouse. Hold down the middle mouse button while
moving the mouse left and right. Objects only move when the mouse is moved.
Objects continue to move at the initial speed of mouse movement.
Entity selection

In this topic, you learn how to choose and view objects in the Graphic Viewer
and tree viewers.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use various selection and viewing techniques.

• Change the Pick Level.

• Toggle detailed or united representation.

• View and select PMI.

Highlighting and Selecting in the Graphic Viewer

• When you hover over objects in the Graphic Viewer, the objects are shown in
the preview selection color and the mouse cursor is shown with this icon .

• When you select objects in the Graphic Viewer, the objects are shown in the
selection color and the mouse cursor is shown with this icon .

You can change the Highlight preview selection and Highlight selectioncolors.
Choose File→Options and click the Appearance tab.
Selection techniques

It is important to remember that Process Simulate uses an object oriented

interface, meaning that you must first select what you want to manipulate,
and then select the command to be performed.

Selection Techniques:
• The Shift Key — enables you to select more than one entity in a consecutive
list. Select the first entity, then hold down the Shift key and select the last
entity in the list. This key works in the tree viewers only. selected entities are
highlighted in green in the Graphic Viewer.

• The Ctrl Key — enables you to select more than one entity. Hold down the
Ctrl key and select each desired object. This key works in the tree viewers
and the Graphic Viewer. selected entities are highlighted in green in the
Graphic Viewer.

• Selection Window — can be drawn in the Graphic Viewer by holding down

the left mouse button and dragging the mouse diagonally downward or
upward across several displayed entities.
• Pick Level — Described in the next topic
Pick Level

Choose the Pick Level icons from the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The following
options are available”

• Component — The entire object is selected when any part of it is selected.

o Whole object — with all objects only the whole object can be selected.

o Study Data — each object can be selected independently (for example a

frame, cross section, note flag, dimension, etc.).

• Entity — When selecting objects shown in united representation (the

default): Only the entity (that is, part of the whole object) is selected. Here is
what can be selected:

The results of the Entity Pick Level are dependent on whether

the selected object is shown in united representation or detailed
representation. Described in the next topic
o Whole Object — with non-kinematic objects only the whole object can
be selected.

o Kinematic Link — On Kinematic objects, each link can be selected

independently (for example on a human, the arm and hand are separate
kinematic links).

o Study Data – each object can be selected independently (for example a

frame, cross section, note flag, dimension, etc.).

o Object Frames — Frames within an object can be selected independently.

• Surface/Face — Only the selected surface (or face) of the object is


• Edge — Only the selected edge of the object is selected.

The Surface/Face and Edge Pick Levels are only availablewhen

certain Process Simulate commands are active, such as Project
Arc Seam and the various measurement commands. These Pick
Levels is discussed later in this course, only if applicable.
A short cut key to toggle between the Pick Levels is the F12 key.
Toggling detailed or united representation

In order to improve performance in , access to individual entities (for example

geometry within an object) is limited. This is referred to as the United
Representation of an object, which is the default loading behavior for all objects.
However, in special situations, access to specific entities is required to perform a
task. This is referred to as the Detailed Representation of an object.

The Detailed Representation of an object is stored as part of the study


You cover several topics dedicated to scene data later in this course. For
now, don't worry about this type of data.

To temporarily access all entities of an object:

• Choose the object.

• From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Entity Level group→Load Entity

Level .
• Pick and use the entities as desired.

• Choose the object

• From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Entity Level group→Load Entity

LevelUnload Entity Level .

To access specific entities of an object on a long term basis:

More is described on modeling objects later in this course.

• Start modeling the object

• Choose the desired entities and From the ribbon, choose Modeling
tab→Entity Level group→Load Entity Level Set as Preserved Objects .
• End modeling the object
Viewing and selecting PMI

According to www.wikipedia.com: Product and manufacturing information,

also abbreviated PMI, conveys non-geometric attributes in 3D
computer-aided design (CAD) and Collaborative Product Development
systems necessary for manufacturing product components or subsystems.
PMI may include geometric dimensions and tolerances, 3D annotation
(text) and dimensions, surface finish, and material specifications. CAD
application literature may also refer to PMI synonymously with Geometric
Dimensions and Tolerances (GD&T) or Functional Tolerancing and
Annotation (FT&A).
Industry standards for defining PMI include ASME Y14.41-2003 Digital
Product Data Definition Practices and ISO 1101:2004 Geometrical Product
Specifications (GPS) – Geometrical tolerancing – Tolerances of form,
orientation, location and run-out. In an effort to unify the visualization of
PMI across the different existing solutions, Adobe Systems has released a
version of the Myriad CAD font that allows to display PMI from almost any
CAD application. Similarly, Siemens PLM Software offers downloadable
font sets for multiple languages such as for Asian character sets. The ISO
STEP-NC standard also handles a wide range of PMI information.
The PMI annotation is created on the 3D CAD model, associated to edges
and faces, and can be exported into neutral formats such as Siemens
JT. This information can then be used by a number of down-stream
processes. Although PMI can be used to generate annotation on a
traditional 2D drawing the data can be visualized within the 3D model by
other departments, either in the CAD/CAM system or in a 3D Product
visualization tool, such as Siemens Teamcenter Lifecycle Visualization,
thus reducing the need for drawings. Some 3D model formats enable
computer-aided manufacturing software to access PMI directly for CNC
programming. The PMI also may be used by tolerance analysis and
Coordinate-measuring machine (CMM) software applications if the
modeling application permits.

By default PMI contained in a part or resource are not shown. However if you
choose to load the PMI, it is shown in the Graphic Viewer and Object Tree. It is
also possible to choose, blank, display, etc. based on the specific type of PMI.
More on that in another topic.
Displaying and Hiding all PMI for a specific part or resource:
These commands are found o the ribbon in the PMI group of the Modeling tab.

• Load PMI — Show PMI in the Graphic Viewer and Object Tree for the
selected object.

There are many different types of PMI. By default all types of PMI are
loaded with the Load PMI command. However, which PMI types
that are loaded can be configured by choosing File→Options ,
Selecting the General tab, and clicking PMI Types.

• Unload PMI — Hide PMI in the Graphic Viewer and Object Tree for the
selected object.

• PMI Character Size — Change the font size for the selected PMI.

• PMI Font — Change the font for the selected PMI.

• Grow PMI Text — Make the text larger for the selected PMI.
• Shrink PMI Text — Make the text smaller for the selected PMI.

In the Entity selection section, do the following activities:

• Selecting objects in the Graphic Viewer

• Additional methods of multiple entity selection

• Using Toggle Display

Review questions

Pick Intent Selection Criteria Modal Differentiation Pick Level
Introduction to selection filters (optional)

In this topic, you learn about using filters to help select the desired objects.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use a basic filter found on the Selection toolbar.
Selection filter basics

There are several filter tools in Process Simulate.

From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose Choose with Filter — Can be used
to select objects based on their type.
Selection filters available on the Graphic Viewer toolbar:
• Choose All

• Selection Type All

• Choose Type None

• Selection Type Part

• Selection Type Resources

• Selection Type Mfg

• Selection Type Weld Points

• Selection Type Path

• Selection Type Global Locations

• Selection Type Frames

• Selection Type Notes

• Selection Type Points

• Selection Type Lines/Curves

• Selection Type Solids/Surfaces

• Selection Type PMI


In the Introduction to selection filters (optional) section, do the following activity:

• Optional — Blanking all the frames using selection filters

Review questions

Select objects based on their type and perform specific commands that are shown
in the toolbar of this dialog box. Select objects based on their type and then
perform any command in the system (that is valid for the selected objects).
Introduction to Display By Type

In this topic, you learn about the Display By Type dialog box.

It is similar to the selection filters (described in the previous topic), but the
Display By Type dialog box is easier to use and has more functionality.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the Display by Type dialog box to blank specific types of objects.

• Use the Display by Type dialog box to blank objects by color.

Display by type basics

To open it: choose Display By Type from the Graphic Viewer toolbar.

Method 1: In the Display By Type dialog box, first select object type(s) in the
dialog, then choose a type-related action from the dialog toolbar.
• Show selected types

• Hide selected types

• Show only selected types

• Delete selected types

Method 2: In the Display By Type dialog box, first select a filter color, select
partial/full, then choose to show or hide objects fro the dialog toolbar:
• Filter by Color — Activate the color filter. Use the eye dropper to select a
color from a displayed object.
• Match — Select Partial to affect objects that contain more than the selected
color. Select Full to affect objects that contain only the selected color.

• Show All — When the color filter is active, only objects of the selected
color and match are redisplayed. Otherwise, all objects are redisplayed.

• Hide All — When the color filter is active, only objects of the selected color
and match are blanked. Otherwise, all objects are blanked.
Available types for Display by Type

• Part Appearances

• Guns

• Robots

• Human Models

• MFGs

• Dimensions

• Points

• Paths

• Locations

• Lines/Curves
• Solids/Surfaces

• Frames

• Devices

• Notes

• Labels

• Sections

There are currently 35 PMI type filters available in Process Simulate.

In the Introduction to Display By Type section, do the following activity:

• Blanking objects using Display by Type

Review questions

Select objects based on their type and perform specific commands that are shown
in the toolbar of this dialog box. Select objects based on their type and then
perform any command in the system (that is valid for the selected objects).
Measurement and units

In this topic, you learn about the relationship between the measurement tools
and the current unit. Also, you use the measurement tools found on the Graphic
Viewer toolbar.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Change the units used.

• Perform a linear measurement.

• Create a dimension.
Changing units

In general, the results of any measurement command are shown in the current
units, as set in the File→Options menu. The default unit types are defined
for data stored as numeric values in the database.

Configurable units of measure:

• Linear: mm, cm, m, inch, ft

• Angular: deg, rad

• Mass: kg, lbs

• Time: sec, min, 1/10 min, 1/100 min, 1/1000 min, hour, day, TMU, RU,

There are several industry specific time units supported by default:

• 1 minute = 10 “1/10 min”

• 1 minute = 100 “1/100 min”

• 1 minute = 1000 “1/1000 min”

• 1 minute = 0.0167 hours

• 1 minute = 0.0007 days

• 1 minute = 1666.6667 TMU (1 TMU = 1/3600 of a second). It is an

abbreviation for Time Measurement Units used by MTM

• 1 minute = 1000 RU. It is used by Work Factor

• 1 minute = 465.1163 MODAPS. It is an abbreviation for MODular
Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards

• 1 minute = 333.3333 SAM. It is an abbreviation for Sequential Activity

and Methods analysis

The modified units are supported in the Gantt, Units tab, measurements, etc.
Linear measurement

There are several linear and angular measurement commands found in the
Graphic Viewer toolbar.

These commands can be used to take a quick measurement, create a dimension,

or the measurement vale can be copied and pasted somewhere else.

• Minimal Distance — Measures the distance between two selected

objects (components, entities, edges, or faces) from the closest point on
the exterior of each object.

• PTP Distance — Measures the distance between two selected points.

The selected points do not have to be on the same object.

• Linear Distance — Measures the distance between two components,

entities, edges, or faces.
• Angular Measurement — Measures the angle between two components,
entities, edges, or faces.

• Angle by 3 Points — Measures the angle between three selection points.

The selection points do not have to be on an object.

• Curve Length — Measures the length of a curve.

Creating dimensions

Using the dimension commands is kind of like using the measurementcommands.

However, the measurement commands create a temporary dimension in the
Graphic Viewer; while dimensions add permanent measurements in the Graphic
Viewer. you create some dimensions later in this course. These commands are
found on the Modeling tab of the ribbon under Create Dimension .

• Point-to-point Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the

point-to-point distance between two objects.

• Minimal Distance Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the

shortest distance between two components, entities, edges, or faces.

• Linear Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance

between two components, entities, edges, or faces.
• Angular Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the angle
between two components, entities, edges, or faces.

• X-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the X-axis between two objects.

• Y-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the Y-axis between two objects.

• Z-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the Z-axis between two objects.

• Normal to Source Curve Dimension —Creates a dimension to measure

the distance in a section normal to a section line, normal to a source curve.

• Normal to Target Curve Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure

the distance in a section normal to a section line, normal to a target curve.
• Curve Length Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the
distance the length of a curve.

In the Measurement and units section, do the following activity:

• Relationship between measuring and units

Review questions

Graphical visualization and performance

In this topic, you learn about ways to modify graphical visualization of objects and
graphical performance.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Become aware of graphical visualization settings.

• Toggle all objects’ visualization.

• Change a specific object’s visualization.

• Set stereo visualization settings.

• Use dynamic clipping.

• Change graphical performance settings.

Graphical visualization

Graphical visualization of an object is affected by many factors such as:

• Object Specific Settings:
o Color

o Transparency

o Shading

o Textures (discussed in the next lesson)

o Displayed Entities

• Global Settings
o Lighting

o Performance Settings
Toggling all objects’ visualization

Toggling All Objects’ Visualization:

There are four display modes available:
• Shaded Mode

• Feature Lines Over Solid

• Feature Lines

• Wireframe Mode

Display modes temporarily change the visualization of all the displayed geometry
in the Graphic Viewer between shaded and feature line (also known as Hidden
Line Removal) mode. There are a few methods to do this:
• Press the F10 key (With each click of this button the display mode is changed
in this order: Shaded, Feature Lines Over Solid, Feature Lines, and then
Wireframe Mode.
• From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose the display mode directly. For
example Shaded Mode
Specific object visualization

Changing Specific Object Visualization:

Shaded / Wirefame / Transparent — Used to permanently change the display

of a single object (or group of objects). These commands are not meant to affect
all displayed objects. There are two methods to do this:
• Right-click the desired object or objects and choose Object Viewing and
then the desired mode.

• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Visibility group and then the desired
mode such as Transparent .
Graphical visualization setup

Choose File→Options . From the Options dialog box, choose the Graphics
Viewer tab.
When Second Light Source intensity is selected, you can define the intensity of
a second light source in the Graphic Viewer using the Intensity slide bar.

Feature Lines Setup

• Feature line angle — In Wireframe Mode, Feature Lines, and Feature
Lines over Solid modes, the Graphic Viewer can draw feature lines at the
border of neighboring planes when the breaking angle between the planes
is between 1 and 45 degrees. This box enables you to set the minimum
breaking angle (the default value is 35 degrees).

• Feature line width — Enables you to set the width of the feature lines
between 1 to 3 pixels (the default value is 1 pixel).
• Show silhouette in Wireframe Mode — When set, silhouette lines are visible
around objects in the Graphic Viewer in Wireframe Mode. This facilitates
viewing of objects with low visibility. This is also relevant for Feature Lines,
and Feature Lines over Solid modes.
Silhouette lines are not selectable.
Stereo visualization

This information is provided as a reference, since your classroom

environment, most likely does not have this hardware.

Tecnomatix supports stereoscopic 3D viewing in the Graphics Viewer, as well as

in the Multi Sections, and Section viewers.
• Hardware that supports stereo rendering
o Monitor/projector that supports high frequency rate of at least 120Hz for
Active Stereo technology.

o Graphics card that supports stereo rendering and quad-buffer stereo

mode. Contact your graphics card manufacturer to learn whether your
hardware supports stereo viewing.
o 3D glasses that support active stereo technology. For information on
stereo shutter glasses, see http://www.stereo3d.com/3dhome.htm

• Stereoscopic 3D mode should be configured for the graphics card.

• Enable stereoscopic 3D: Using the Tecnomatix Doctor , choose

Tools→Enable the use of 3D stereo viewing.

Fine tuning can be done using from within Process Simulate: Choose
File→Options and choose the Stereo 3D tab.
Enabling stereo rendering can significantly impact the performance of your
graphics card. It is recommended to enable it on your hardware only for
cases when you actually plan to use 3D stereo viewing.
When Enable the use of 3D stereo viewing is selected and the Graphic
Viewer displays in stereo, the output of the following tools is in standard
2D/3D graphic viewing: Attach File , AVI Recorder , Movie Manager
, Markup Editor . Performance may be somewhat affected.
Dynamic clipping overview

The Dynamic Clipping and Dynamic Clipping Plane Settings commands

enable you to view points of interest blocked from view by intervening objects.
In Process Simulate, the view displayed in the Graphic Viewer is the view as
observed by an external viewer located at a fixed point (known as the camera
view point). Any object located between the camera and the point of interest may
partially or fully block the view. The Dynamic Clipping and Dynamic Clipping
Plane Settings options define an adjustable clipping plane which hides all the
objects between the camera and the clipping plane. The clipping plane is always
parallel to the camera's viewing plane and objects that straddle the clipping plane
are clipped (truncated).
To configure dynamic clipping:
1. From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose View Center to set the desired
point of interest at the center of the Graphic Viewer display.

2. From the ribbon, choose View tab→Section group→Dynamic Clipping

Plane Settings .
3. In Dynamic Clipping Plane Settings dialog box, move the Clipping Plane
slider between Camera and View Center as desired.
Overview of performance options

Choose File→Options . From the Options dialog box, choose thePerformance

Direct Model Settings:

• Use background loading – loads newly loaded parts in the background and
redraws the model at a specified interval, instead of immediately as each
part is turned on.
o Specify in seconds how frequently to update the scene in the Graphic
o A wireframe bounding box is displayed in the Graphic Viewer for parts
whose geometry is not yet loaded due to background loading.

• Fixed Frame Rate – controls the rate at which your model is redrawn in the
Graphic Viewer. Use the Fixed Frame Rate to increase or decrease the
number of frames per second (FPS) that are drawn while the view is changing.

• Memory Limit – An amount including virtual and physical memory. If you

exceed the memory limit, further part loading halts and parts not rendered in
the last few frames are unloaded until memory usage falls below the specified

• Rendering Mode – to render the Graphic Viewer contents. Results vary

according to your hardware. Machines with a server-client architecture
should benefit greatly from using OpenGL Display Lists. Other machines
with sufficient memory also may achieve a significant boost in performance.
However, if your machine does not have enough memory, rendering
performance may not improve, and you should not enable the option.
OpenGL Buffer Objects allows for improved memory consumption.
With this option, loading a large amount of data into the display
demands less memory with the benefit of OpenGL rendering mode

When loading a study that has some object JTs with units that are not
in millimeters, in some cases the application may color an object
black when running a simulation or moving the object (or another one)
using the Placement Manipulator. Setting the Rendering Mode to
use OpenGL Buffer Objects prevents this from occurring.

Level of Details (LOD):

Level of Details gives anywhere from a 100% to 200% improvement in
visualization and simulation performance speed, and is a part of Tecnomatix
software for years. All new objects (for example .CO or .COJT folders containing
.JT 3D data) have level of details information.
At the heart of this technology is the fact that an object that is far from the viewer's
eye does not need to be displayed at the same level of detail as an object that
is close to the viewer.
Ways of Using Level of Details:
There are two ways to use level of details: It can affect the speed of both
simulations and graphic view manipulations.
• The Level of Details slider can be used to increase or decrease performance
by changing the precision of the displayed objects. In this way both simulation
and Graphic Viewer manipulation are affected.

• However, if Decrease Level of Detail while changing View Point is also

selected, then the lower display precision is only used during graphics view

• Cull parts with less than % – Specify the percentage of the Viewing dialog
box that a part must cover before the part is drawn. Parts that are less than or
equal to this size are not drawn in the Graphic Viewer .
Using Culling Percentage can reduce image quality. However, you
can zoom-in to improve the quality of the image.

In the Graphical visualization and performance section, do the following activities:

• Changing visualization performance

• Changing graphical visualization

Review questions

Add a fancy graphics background

In this lesson, you learn about texture maps and point clouds.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Use components with texture maps.

• Insert point cloud data.

Texture Maps

Object Textures
3D objects can be shown in the Graphic Viewer with object textures, if the textures
were added to the .JT file in a CAD or visualization system (for example NX or
Teamcenter Visualization).
Point Clouds

In this case you want to add background graphics to your study, but do not have
the 3D data. You can scan whole factories as a cloud of points. The points in the
point cloud represent the external surface of a scanned three-dimensional object.
This can be done for any 3D objects that do not take part in the simulation, but are
needed for visualization. Point database (.pod) files are specifically designed to
handle large data.
Because point cloud files are designed to represent your 3D plant background,
these files are typically massive (for example 1 GB to 8 GB are typical). They are
something like three-dimensional photography. You may find helpful to define the
position of objects in a scene. The file format is used by many systems including
Bentley Pointools, Microstation, and AutoCAD. Here is an example point cloud:

Point Clouds are not supported on virtual machines or when working in

a Citrix environment.
Point cloud basics:
• A point cloud is a single object.

• You can divide the point cloud into layers for added flexibility. For example,
you might wish to move each work station to a separate layer; this would
enable you to display some work stations and blank others.
• Point cloud files typically contain very large amounts of data. However, you
can still continue working in Process Simulate while the point cloud file loads
due to the smart memory management algorithm. This oversees memory
consumption and optimally loads point cloud data according to the point of
view set by the user.

Using a point cloud is advantageous for planning engineers because:

• Scanning technology enables you to plan the manufacturing station layout
based on currently-existing data, while considering plant structure, existing
resources, etc., and avoiding problems. For example, if you wish to plan the
manufacturing process for a new car model, you can use a point cloud that
represents the exact layout of the current manufacturing station as the
basis for the new line and make the necessary modifications, as opposed to
providing plans that might be inaccurate or out of date. Additionally, it is
possible to update your scan periodically and maintain your data in Process
Simulate, something which is very difficult to do when using a CAD design
of the plant.

• In many cases, the manufacturing floor undergoes constant change. It is a

simple process to create a new point cloud and update the study.
Other features of point clouds:
• Change point size — Choose File→Options, click the Appearance tab,
select Point Cloud→Point Settings, and type the Pixel size.

• Set point cloud shading and emphasis colors — Choose File→Options ,

click the Appearance tab, select Point Cloud→Shading, and select the
shading value: RGB color, Intensity, or RGB and Intensity.

• Check collisions with point clouds — Select it as one of the objects for a
collision set. The accuracy of collision detection results depends on point
cloud density.

Not supported with point clouds:

o Collision detection between two point clouds

o All displayed objects collision detection

o Show / Hide colliding contour and Collision depth

Collision detection and near miss calculation for point cloud objects
may lead to large memory consumption and slow performance.
Memory and processing requirements vary depending on usage.
The basic Process Simulate hardware requirements may not be
sufficient when working with large point cloud files. You can improve
performance by: Compute collision between small point cloud layers
instead of the entire point cloud object. Turn off Near-miss if not
necessary. Working with local point cloud files can significantly
improve collision detection performance.

• Move the point cloud with the Relocate and Placement Manipulator .

• Use the section tools on point clouds.

• Show point clouds gray or blended when emphasizing geometric objects.

Either a Process Simulate Point Cloud Advanced or Process Simulate

Point Cloud View license is required to work with point clouds.
Begin using point clouds

1. Use a tool such as Bentley Pointools to create the point cloud and to remove
undesired points.

2. In Process Simulate, configure a point cloud root for your point cloud paths by
clicking Point Cloud on the General tab of the Options dialog box.

3. From the Process Simulate ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components

group→Point Cloud →Insert Point Clouds to select the .pod files you
Optionally, manage point clouds

1. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point Cloud

→Edit Point Cloud to begin editing the point cloud.

A pen is added to its icon in the Object Tree to indicate that the point cloud is
in edit mode. You can only edit one point cloud at a time.

2. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point Cloud

→Create Point Cloud Layer to create some layers.
A new layer is nested under the active point cloud in the Object Tree. You can
edit the layer’s name and can create up to six layers.

3. Move points onto a layer.

a. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point
Cloud →Select Rectangle to get into a mode to select points
from the edited cloud.
b. Drag the cursor over the area you wish to associate with a particular
layer. When you release the mouse button, the selected cloud points are
displayed in orange.

c. Select the desired point cloud layer in the Object Tree and from the
ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point Cloud →
Move Selected Points to Layer .

4. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point Cloud

→Clear Selection

5. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Components group→Point Cloud

→Exit Edit Mode to exit edit mode.

6. Set the hide/display status of the point cloud layers as needed.


In the Add a fancy graphics background section, do the following activities:

• Use texture maps

• Use point clouds

Additional commands

In this topic, you learn about other important, miscellaneous commands.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Minimize and maximize the viewers.

• Move windows and toolbars around.

• Search for objects.

• Expand the tree views to the object selected in the Graphic Viewer.

• Collapse an expanded tree view to the selected object.

• Display tooltips.

• Display or hide the floor in the Graphic Viewer.

Window manipulation

To resize Process Simulate window:

• Click Maximize to maximize Process Simulate window so that is covers
the entire screen. To restore it, click Restore Down .

• If you wish to work with other tasks not associated with Process Simulate,
it is recommended that you send Process Simulate window to the Taskbar
at the bottom on the Windows desktop by clicking Minimize . When you
wish to return to Process Simulate, click Process Simulate on the Taskbar,
as shown below:
Toolbar manipulation

To Move Toolbars:
Move the toolbar by Selecting and dragging using the two vertical gray bars on
the far-left edge of the toolbar.

After a toolbar is dragged from a toolbar area it shows the toolbar name as the
name of the toolbar.

Toolbars want to “stick” to the top, bottom, left, or right edges of the viewer area.
Searching for objects

1. Continue with the same data opened in the previous activity.

2. Choose an object in the Object Tree to search below, such as the top level

3. Choose Edit→Find.

4. Search for entities in the tree that contain the letters fr*

An asterisk [*] is used as a wild card in the Find dialog box. So

searching for fr* locates all objects that begin with the letters fr.

5. Choose Find Next to find the next occurrence.

6. Choose Cancel when done.
Expand to selection

To expand to selection:
When an object is selected in the Graphic Viewer, the Object Tree viewer expands
and highlight the selected object.
• This behavior can be toggled by choosing File→Options .

• In Options dialog box, choose the General tab.

• Select or deselect the check box named Expand tree to show Graphics
Viewer selection.
Display tooltips

Display Tooltips in the Graphic Viewer:

When you mouse over an object in the Graphic Viewer, a note is displayed
showing its name.
• This behavior can be toggled by choosing File→Options .

• In Options dialog box, choose the Graphics Viewer tab.

• Select or deselect the check box named Display Tooltips.

Display or hide the floor

To display or hide the floor:

From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Display Floor
to toggle the floor on and off.

• When the floor is displayed the menu option looks like this:

• When the floor is hidden the menu option looks like this:

From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Adjust Floor . In

the Adjust Floor dialog box, click Auto Adjust to adjust the floor width and
length to match the extends of the farthest 3D objects.
To toggle between perspective and parallel viewing:
• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Orientation group→Perspective/Parallel
. This changes the view perspective in the Graphic Viewer between parallel
and perspective.
Accessing online help and release notes

In this topic, you learn how to use the help and release notes.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• See help in several ways.

• Use the online help.

• Find and view the release notes.

Quick Help Topics

To display the software version number:

• From the ribbon, choose File→About.

To display information about a command:

• Place the cursor on a command in the ribbon for a few seconds. A yellow tool
tip is displayed containing a short description of the icon:

To search for a command:

• On the ribbon enter part of a command or object name.
From the search results:
o See the ribbon path to the commands

o Execute a command

o Select an object from the loaded data

Online help

To access online command help by Index:

By default, the system displays the help documentation in web style

(HTML) format. You must have Java version 45 or higher installed to be
able to search the help. It is advisable to use Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or a
current version of the Firefox browser.

Users who prefer to view the help in the older CHM format can deselect
the Tools→Display Web style help option from the Tecnomatix Doctor
. However, this topic assumes the default web style help is being used.

1. If the Help dialog box is not opened: From the ribbon, choose File→Help
. The help dialog box is opened

The help dialog box is can also be accessed by pressing the F1 key.

2. In the Siemens Documentation dialog box, click Home if you are not
already there.
3. In the Product area pane, click Process Simulate and then File.

4. Choose a topic from the list.

5. When you are finished, close the dialog box by clicking Close .

To access online command help by search:

1. If the Help dialog box is not opened: From the ribbon, choose File→Help
. The help dialog box is opened

The help dialog box is can also be accessed by pressing the F1 key.

2. In the Siemens Documentation dialog box, locate the Search box.

3. Enter a single word to search for in the help. Or for multiple keywords, type
the word OR between keywords. For example standard and line.

4. Click Search .

5. Click a topic from the list. The help topic is displayed.

6. When you are finished, close the dialog box by clicking Close .
Release notes

From the Windows Start menu, choose Start→All

Programs→Tecnomatix→Tecnomatix Release Notes .

You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to read the release notes.

Subjects learned in this topic:

• The menu and toolbar options available in Process Simulate were discussed.

• Various right-click popup menus available in Process Simulate.

• How to use the mouse to control objects displayed in the Graphic Viewer, as
well as changing the viewpoint and view center of a selected object was

• How to display and hide objects using the Display By Type dialog box.

• How to perform measurements and entity selection

• Discuss other functions that can be used such as resizing the Process
Simulate window.

• The chapter finished by discussing how to access online help for a command.
Lesson 3
Placement commands
Placement commands
Placement commands

To discuss placement tools provided by Process Simulate.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• Several placement commands is used to properly position objects within
Introduction to placement

In this topic, you get an overview of the placement tools. Placement tools can be
used to change the position and orientation of product, resources, frames, etc. In
the next few topics, the various tools required to position instances are discussed.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know a little bit about the placement tools.

The basic placement methodology is as follows
• Choose the desired object (or several objects using the Ctrl key).

• Use the placement commands to move the objects into the desired position.
Overview of the placement tools

In this topic, you cover the primary placement techniques available in detail. A
topic is dedicated to each. At this point you only give the names of the commands:
• Fast Placement (there is no dialog box) enables placing several objects
quickly by dragging them around the Graphic Viewer.

• The Placement Manipulator dialog box enables on-screen shifting and

rotating of objects on their X-, Y-, and Z-axes.

• The Relocate dialog box enables placing an object so that it maintains its
original orientation, place an object so that it takes on the target frame
orientation, or place an object relative to two different frames.

• Restore Object Initial Position – returns the object to its position and
orientation as stored(for example the position before placement was
performed; as long as you have not saved your changes).
Review questions

Put Transfer Panel Place Fast Placement Placement Manipulator Relocate
Restore Object Initial Position
Introduction to Fast Placement and Restore Object Initial Position

In this topic, you learn about the Fast Placement command and the Restore
Object Initial Position command.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use Fast Placement and theRestore Object Initial Position .
Fast Placement usage

Fast Placement can be used on multi selections. Using fast placement

for several objects draws a bounding box which contains all the selected

From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Layout group→Fast Placement , the

left mouse button’s function is changed to fast placement mode.
To get out of this mode, either:
• From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Layout group→Fast Placement.

• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Orientation group→Select .

• Press the Esc key.

In the Introduction to Fast Placement and Restore Object Initial Position section,
do the following activity:
• Using Fast Placement

Review questions

Changing selection behavior and creating frames

In this topic, you learn how to change Pick Intent, change Pick Level, and create
reference frames.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Set Pick Intent.

• Set Pick Level.

• Use several techniques to create frames.

Setting pick intent

Use the Pick Intent stack to choose how objects are selected in the Graphic
Viewer. This can be accessed by clicking the down arrow next to the eighth icon
in the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The last icon you select becomes the one on the
top of the stack.

The Pick Intent stack contains these commands:

• Snap : The position selected is either:
o The closest mid point of an edge – select on a surface near the middle
of the edge.

o An end point of an edge – select on a surface near the corner of the edge.

o The center of a face – select on the middle of an edge bounding the

desired surface.

• Self-origin : This is the only Pick Intent that depends on the setting of the
Pick Level. If the Pick Level is set to Component , then the self-origin of
the object is always selected, no matter where the object is selected. If the
Pick Level is set to Entity , then the self-origin of the currently selected
entity is selected.

• On Edge : The location selected is the closest point along the closest edge.

• Where Picked : The location selected is the point you selected.

A short cut key to toggle between the Pick Intent options is the F11 key.
Setting pick level refresher

Use the Pick Level stack to choose how objects are selected in the Graphic
Viewer. This can be accessed by clicking the down arrow next to the seventh
icon in the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The last icon you select becomes the one
on the top of the stack.

It was described earlier in this course. Recall that it can be set to several values
such as Component or Entity either from the Graphic Viewer toolbar or
using the F12 key
The Pick Intent and Pick Level should generally be set to their default values
of Snap and Component . Unless otherwise specified, this student guide
assumes that they are set this way.

The Face and Edge pick levels are only available when performing
specific commands such as projecting arc-weld manufacturing features.
these two pick levels are discussed only when applicable.
Basic techniques for creating frames

To create a frame:
1. From the ribbon choose Modeling tab→Layout group→Frame by 6 values

2. Choose a frame creation technique, such as Frame by 6 values .

3. Define a location for the frame.

Techniques to create frames or define custom reference frames:

Techniques to create frames or define custom reference frames:
• Frame by 6 values

• Frame by circle center

• Frame by 3 points

• Frame between 2 points

Advanced techniques for creating frames

• Frame by 6 values :

Frame by circle center :

Frame by 3 points :

Frame between 2 points :

(1)Selecting the center of a hole: If selecting on geometry on a geometric
circle or cylinder shape, set the Pick Intent to Snap and select on or
near the circle or shape to snap to the center.
(2)Selecting the center of a cylinder: In this case, you should use Create
Frame By 6 Values instead of this option.
(3) Another method to select the center of a hole or cylinder: select Create
Frame by Circle Center and select three points around the parameter
of the circle. This option is best, for geometric circles or cylinders that are
so imperfect that Process Simulate does not recognize them as such (for
example a hexagon).

In the Changing selection behavior and creating frames section, do the following
• Creating a frame

Review questions


Snag Simple Variable Snap Self Origin Where Picked On Edge Frame by 6 values
Frame between 2 points Frame by 3 points Frame by circle center
Introduction to Placement Manipulator

In this topic, you cover

In this topic, you learn about the Placement Manipulator command and
other commands that relate to it. The Placement Manipulator command is
described in detail later In this topic. you start by explaining the “other” commands.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the various reference frame used in this system.

• Use the basic and advanced Placement Manipulator options.

Reference frame definitions

you now learn how to use the placement commands to move instances to
their proper positions. The key to understanding and effectively working in
Process Simulate lies in thoroughly understanding the following definitions.
Understanding these definitions allows you to grasp the concept behind the
placement commands.
• Point/Position — A location defined by X, Y and Z values relative to a
reference frame. Position does not possess orientation. For example: (X, Y,
Z) is a point/position.

• Frame — A location having both position and orientation, that is, an axis
system. The origin point of a frame is a position. For example: (X, Y, Z,
Rx, Ry, Rz) is a frame.

• World Frame — The permanent origin of the graphics space. The default
position of every object is relative to this. It does not have a graphical
• Working Frame — Sits at the World Frame by default. It can be temporarily
moved to any position or orientation. It is the reference frame having red (X),
green (Y), and yellow (Z) axes.
o From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Layout group→Set Working
Frame to move it.

The small reference frame in the lower left corner of the Graphic
Viewer, with the same coloring as the Working Frame, is nothing
except a visual of the Working Frame orientation. It is useful in cases
when real Working Frame is not currently visible.

• Self-Origin — An unique frame assigned to each prototype. Its position

and orientation is assigned to that of the World Frame when modeling the
prototype (for example the object's origin frame). This is the local origin of
a prototype or instance, not the center of gravity.
• Geometric Center — It is the default reference frame for many commands in
Process Simulate including the placement commands.
Placement Manipulator basic options

The Placement Manipulator consists of several parts:

Translation control buttons area:

• Set the step size.

• Relative movement: After Selecting an axis, you can translate in the negative
or positive direction by the defined step size .

• Absolute movement: Type the distance for the selected axis and press Enter.

Rotation control buttons area:

• Works like the translation, except for rotation.

Frame of reference selection area:

• Can choose one of the standard reference frames from the drop down, or
select anything from the Graphic Viewer.

The Manipulator Frame:

Even though the actual position and orientation of the Manipulator Frame
is set by the Frame of Reference box, it always resides at the geometric
center of the object.

• Grab a colored axis and drag to constrain the linear movement along thataxis

• Grab a colored axis and drag to constrain the rotational movement along
that axis
• Grab a white square and drag to constrain the planar movement along that

Reset position and close command area:

• Click Reset to undo all positional and rotational changes to the object since
the dialog box was opened.

To undo all positional and rotational changes since the object was
last saved, From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Layout
group→Reset Relative Location .
Placement Manipulator advanced options

The Placement Manipulator consists of several parts:

Frame of reference selection area:
• Construct or modify the position and orientation of a temporary reference
frame using one of the frame creation techniques to the right of the Frame of
Reference box.

• Select in the Frame of Reference box and select anywhere in the Graphic
Viewer or the Object Tree.

Additional options area:

For additional options, click Expand Dialog
• Choose the desired frame of reference to view its value, or type in the desired
coordinates here.
• Snap by step size works in conjunction with Step Size and dragging the

Manipulator Frame.

In the Introduction to Placement Manipulator section, do the following activities:

• Shifting and rotating instances on-screen

• Relationship between Placement Manipulator measuring and units

• Incremental shifting of objects from a reference frame

Review questions

Can reposition the object relative to two selected frames. Can reposition the
object so that it takes on the target frame orientation. Can use the Manipulator
Frame in the Graphic Viewer to rotate or shift the object along a selected axis or
plane. Can rotate or shift the object by entering relative or absolute values.
Introduction to Relocate

In this topic, you learn about the Relocate command and other related
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the basic and advanced Relocate options.
Relocate command overview

The Relocate command can be used to place and move objects. To access
the Relocate command, you first need to choose an object and then click
Relocate on the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The Relocate dialog box is displayed:

You can use the Relocate dialog box to do many things:

• Relocate an object relative to two frames.

• Relocate an object along one or two axes only.

• Relocate an object so that it maintains its original orientation.

• Relocate an object so that it takes on the target frame orientation.

• Create a temporary or permanent frame to display the From frame or To


• Choose to either move the object or copy it (create a new instance at the

Many of these possibilities are discussed in detail in the following topics.

Basic Relocate command usage

Relocating an Object Relative to Two Frames:

This is a relative positioning command. It moves the selected elements along a
vector defined by two frames. The default is to use the self-origin of the object
being relocated as the From frame .
Relocating an Object Along One or Two Axes Only:
If the Translate only on check box is selected and a single axis button (X, Y or Z)
is clicked, movement is restricted to that axis only. The distance is limited to the
length of the vector along that axis, as shown below:

Relocating an Object So That It Maintains Its Original Orientation:

If the Maintain orientation check box is selected, the object is moved the linear
distance from the From frame to the To frame without changing its orientation, as
shown in the diagram below:

Relocating an Object So That It Takes on the Target Frame Orientation

Self-origin is the default option for the From frame. So if you only choose the To
Frame, the object is moved the linear distance from the From frame to the To
Frame, and then be rotated to match the difference between the two frames.
In other words, if the default From frame is the self-origin of the object, the object
is moved and rotated so that the self-origin of the object is superimposed on
the target frame.
Advanced Relocate command usage

User Defined Frame and To Frames

• Construct or modify the position and orientation of a temporary reference
frame using one of the frame creation techniques to the right of the From
frame and To frame boxes.

• Select in the From frame and To frame boxes and select anywhere in the
Graphic Viewer or the Object Tree.

• The Placement Manipulator and Relocate commands can be open
simultaneously for the same object. Many parts of Process Simulate are
designed to work with these two dialog boxes opened at the same time.

Querying the Position and Orientation of a Frame

• Choose either the From frame or To Frame boxes in the Relocate dialog
box and select on a frame.
Click Frame to the right of either the From frame or To Frame boxes in the
Relocate dialog box. This is a printout of the current position and orientation of
the selected frame.

In the Introduction to Relocate section, do the following activity:

• Relocating an object relative to two new frames

• Relocating an object relative to two existing frames

Review questions

Can reposition the object relative to two selected frames. Can reposition the
object so that it takes on the target frame orientation. Can use the Manipulator
Frame in the Graphic Viewer to rotate or shift the object along a selected axis or
plane. Can rotate or shift the object by entering relative or absolute values.

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Several placement commands were used to properly position objects within
Lesson 4
Quick introduction to kinematics
Quick introduction to kinematics
Quick introduction to kinematics

To discuss kinematic basics in Process Simulate. You learn kinematics in much
more detail later in this course.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• How to use kinematics in Process Simulate.

• How to add poses to an object instance and create device operations.

• Get some background on inverse kinematics.

• How to use a couple of techniques to move a robot.

Fundamentals of kinematics

In this topic, you get a basic background on kinematics.

According to wikipedia.org: Kinematics (from Greek κινεῖν, kinein, to move)

is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of objects
without consideration of the causes leading to the motion

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Get a basic background in kinematics.

• Learn how to move the joints of a kinematic object.

Kinematics basics

The following is a list of definitions that are important to remember when working
with kinematics:
You must be in Process Simulate modeling mode to define kinematics.

Here are some basic definitions:

• Link – (also known as a rigid body) a group of entities within an object that
remain fixed, relative to one another. In this way it is the basic non-moving
segment of a kinematic chain. Default names begin with these letters: LNK
(for example LNK1, LNK2, LNK3)

• Joint – the basic moving segment of a kinematic chain. A joint consists of

2 links and an axis. It defines the relative motion between these two links
relative to the axis. Default names begin with the letter J (for example J1,
J2, J3). There are 2 types of joints.
o Revolute joint - rotates around axis
According to wikipedia.org: Rotational, or angular, kinematics is
the description of the rotation of an object

■ The positive direction of rotation around an axis is defined using the

right-hand rule. The right-hand rule is this: Make a fist and point
your thumb straight up. Place your fist at the first point and align
your fist so that your thumb points straight toward the second point.
Now your fingers show the direction of rotation around the axis.

o Prismatic joint - linear movement along axis

According to wikipedia.org: Linear, or translational, kinematics is

the description of the motion in space of a point along a line.

• A kinematic tree has an order established by the relationship of the joints and
links. The parent link precedes a child link in the sequence order. When the
parent link moves, the child link follows. The parent takes the child with it.
o In a typical kinematic tree, the number of links is equal to 1 more thanthe
number of joints. For example: if there are 6 joints, there is 7 links.
o The kinematic chain is the simplest example of a kinematic tree. It is an
open loop, string linked mechanism. All the links, except the first, have
one parent. Also all the links, except the last, have one child.

o There is no limit to the length of a kinematic chain. Here is an example

of a kinematic chain (a simple kinematic tree)
Kinematic Tree:

The limit of six degrees of freedom only applies when defining a

robot. This is because robots require the creation of ONE inverse
More is described on defining kinematics later in this course.

Also, you only briefly introduce the concepts of creating simulative

operations for kinematic devices (for example device operations and
robotic operations) here. These topics are covered more thoroughlylater.
General kinematics usage commands (part 1)

The following command is located on ribbon on the Robot tab→Tool and Device
group and is covered in this lesson:

• Joint Jog — You use it to drag the joints on the selected kinematic object
one at a time.
When approaching the limits of a joint, the slider and Value turns
light purple to signify that you are no longer in the defined working
limits. After reaching the limits, they turn dark purple. To change the
Working Limits choose File→Options and go to the Motion tab.

to change the step size for the Value : In the Joint Jog dialog box,
click Options and enter the desired Prismatic joints step size
and Rotational joints step size

In the Fundamentals of kinematics section, do the following activity:

• Jogging the joints of a simple object

Review questions

Jointly jogging on the tread mill Used to validate whether the joints perform as
desired Moving a link around the joint
Creating device operations

In this topic, you learn how to define a pose (each pose contains a specific value
for each joint) on the object instance, you need start with a prototype that contains
kinematics. UseJoint Jog and Pose Editor to jog the mechanism joints to
a new pose, mark the pose, and then jump to the new pose.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Define kinematic poses.

• Creating a simulative operation from the poses of a kinematic device.

General kinematics usage commands (part 2)

The following kinematic related commands are discussed in this topic:

• Home — You use it to jump all joints on the selected kinematic object to
the HOME pose, where (typically) all joints have a value of zero. The Home
command can be found on the right-click menu of a kinematic object,
or on the Robot tab of the ribbon.

• Pose Editor — You use it to create, edit, and apply poses for the selected
kinematic object. The Pose Editor command can be found on the
right-click menu of a kinematic object, or on the Modeling tab of the ribbon.
• New Operation →Create Device Operation — You use it to create a
simulative operation to move the target device from one pose to another
pose. The Create Device Operation command can be found on the
right-click menu of a kinematic object, or on the Operation tab of the ribbon.
This option uses direct kinematics. you discuss direct and inverse
kinematics in the next topic.

In the Creating device operations section, do the following activities:

• Defining kinematic poses

• Creating a simulative operation from poses

Review questions

Check In Delete Undo The Parent operation to the operation to be created The
kinematic device
Inverse kinematics review

In this topic, you get a background in inverse kinematics.

A Process Simulate “robot” is any kinematic device that has the ability to
perform inverse kinematics. This can include robots, lift assists, CMMs,
cranes, AGVs, forklifts, etc.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the principles of inverse kinematics.

• Know difference between direct kinematics and inverse kinematics

• Know the difference levels of kinematic inverse result.

Principles of inverse kinematics

• Device — An object with kinematics able to move to a pose.

• Robot — A device with a TCPF at the end of the kinematic chain able to move
to a pose or to a location. It could be a robot, lift assist, CMM, forklift, etc.

• TOOLFRAME — A frame used as the default location to mount tools to the

end of the robot's kinematic tree.

• TCPF — Tool Center Point Frame. Initially positioned at the end of the
kinematic chain. It is moved to a predetermined position and orientation on a
tool mounted to the end of the robot's kinematic tree.
The TCPF refers to the frame of reference of robots and robotic
resources that is moved to target locations.
How is inverse kinematics like the Relocate command?

Inverse kinematics works kind of like the Relocate command (for placement).
Relocate with source orientation:
Putting an object from the source frame to the target frame:
• Moves the object from the source frame to the target frame

• Orientation of the object is not affected (orientation of the source frame is


Relocates with target orientation:

Putting an object from the source frame to the target frame:
• Moves the object from the source frame to the target frame.

• Orientation of the object is changed to the target frame

Direct kinematics

• Easy to do because simulation engine already knows the joint values

• Direct kinematics can be used for any kinematic device such as guns, clamps,
robots, etc.

How direct kinematics work:

1. You give the simulation engine a state/pose. The state/pose contains the
exact values for each joint of the mechanism.
2. The simulation engine moves the mechanism from the current position to
the destination pose
Inverse kinematics

• Takes more effort, because the destination pose must be calculated on the
fly. However, this gives more flexibility to the user.

• Only available for robots, lift assists, CMMs, cranes, AGVs, forklifts, etc.

How inverse kinematics work:

1. You give the simulation engine a location. The location contains the target
position and orientation of the TCPF of the robot.
2. Internally, the simulation engine tries to put the TCPF of the robot onto the

3. Once the simulation engine puts the TCPF on the location, it then looks at the
joint values required to reach this location

4. The simulation engine moves the mechanism from the current pose to the
calculated pose which places the TCPF of the robot on the target location.
Level of kinematic inverse

The goal is to put, with target orientation, the TCPF of the robot onto the target
location (both the position and orientation of the target location are used). This is
referred to as a Full Inverse.
Sometimes it is not possible for the robot to perfectly place its TCPF onto a
location. However, it may be able to put with source orientation onto the location
(only the position of the target location is used). This is referred to as a Partial
Inverse. A partial inverse can be used to get a full inverse using special tools in
Process Simulate.
In some cases, the robot may not be able to reach the location's position or
orientation. This is referred to as No Inverse. There are some tools in Process
Simulate to fix this situation also.
Review questions

Technical coordinate point function Test center point function Tool center point
frame Refers to the frame of reference of robots and robotic resources that is
kinematically moved to a location.
Using inverse kinematics

In this topic, you use a robot model, and several kinematic tools related to robots.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use Joint Jog.

• Use Robot Jog

• Create a very basic robotic path.

• Examine the kinematic tree of a robot.

Joint jog basics

Joint Jog is used to drag the joints of the selected kinematic device and its
external axes (for example servo gun or 7th axis) one at a time (Direct kinematics)

In the Steering/Poses column, a wheel shaped slider represents a

rotational joint, whereas a flat slider represents a linear joint.
Optionally, a dark purple coloring can be used to highlight a joint that is at
its physical limits, whereas a light purple color highlights joints that have
reached their working limits. To configure joint limits, use the Kinematic
Properties in the Motion tab of the Options dialog box. To configure color
indications, use the Kinematic Colors in the Appearance tab of the
Options dialog box.

The joints shown in the Joints Tree column can have several overlays.
Not all kinematic devices have these overlays, depending on its kinematic
definition. Later you learn how to add this kinematic information to a device.
• Dependent joints by displaying the Dependent overlay.

• Coupled joints by displaying the Coupled overlay.

• Following and leading joints by displaying the Follow and Lead

overlays. Following joints may have multiple leading joints and
leading joints may have multiple following joints. A tooltip lists the
following joints and their follow factors.

• Locked joints by displaying the Locked overlay.

• External joints are displayed with an External overlay. This topicis
discussed in more detail later in this course.
Robot jog basics

Robot Jog dialog box expander areas:

The five expander areas in this dialog box that can be Expanded to expose
functionality or Collapsed to hide it.
• Location — You can view the robot at a specific location or add locations
before or after it.

• Manipulators — Move and manipulate the robot using the Manipulator

Frame in the Graphic Viewer or the controls in this area. Also, you can limit
the robot to a single configuration by checking Lock and Selecting a
configuration from the Configuration list of values.

o The current position of the robot determines which configurations

appear in the Configuration list of values.

o The current robot configuration is displayed and updated

continually when Lock remains cleared.
• External Joints — You can use this area to adjust the values of the robot’s
external joints (for example servo gun joints or 7th axis) without having to
access the Joint Jog dialog box. Using Robot Jog to adjust external joint
values enables you to apply lock constraints that cannot be applied when
using the Joint Jog dialog box.

• All Joints — Similar to the Joint Jog dialog box.

• Coordinate Reference — You can use this area to measure the selected
location's position relative to various frames.
Robot Jog dialog modes:
There are several basic modes for the Robot Jog dialog box:
• Robot Jog (the default behavior) — the robot base is fixed to the ground or
an external axis (for example 7th axis), and TCPF can be moved anywhere
kinematically possible for this robot (Inverse Kinematics). It is also possible to
jog the robot on its external axes. .

• Only Robot Jog with Locked TCPF selected — the TCPF is fixed at a
location, and the robot base can be moved anywhere along its external axes
(for example 7th axis) of the robot.

• Robot Jog with Locked TCPF and Enable Robot Placement are
selected — TCPF is fixed at a location, robot base can be moved anywhere
kinematically possible for this robot (detached from external axes, if defined).

• Robot Jog with Locked TCPF and Enable Robot and Attachment
Chain Placement are selected — TCPF is fixed at a location, robot base
can be moved anywhere kinematically possible for this robot (attached
external axes, if defined).

• Robot Jog with Locked Configuration — the TCPF can be moved

anywhere kinematically possible without changing the robot configuration
when this is selected on the Manipulation area of the Robot Jog dialog box.
Creating a basic robotic path

Create Generic Robotic Operation is used to create a simulative operation

to move the target device alone a path. It can be used to create a simulative
operation for any inverse kinematic device including robots, lift assists, CMMs,
cranes, AGVs, forklifts, etc. To use this command select a robot and from the
ribbon choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New Operation
→Create Generic Robotic Operation .

You can define some robot operation types, such as a weld operation,
without a tool. However, the generic robotic operation type must have a
tool defined.
Initially, the TCPF is at the TOOLFRAME of the robot. When the Mount
Tool command is used to place a valid tool at the end of the robot, the
TCPF of the robot jumps to the TCP frame of the mounted tool (the default
position). The TCPF position on tool affects the robot’s ability to reach
them, so changing the TCPF’s position for a specific location may cause it
to become unreachable. To use this command select a robot and from the
ribbon choose Robot tab→Tools and Device group→Mount Tool .

In the Using inverse kinematics section, do the following activities:

• Examining the kinematic tree of a robot

• Making the robot move

Review questions


Move a clamp between two poses in a device operation Move a robot to locations
in a path (robotic operation) Move a clamp between two poses in a device
operation Move a robot to locations in a path (robotic operation)

Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to use kinematics in Process Simulate.

• How to add poses to an object instance and create device operations.

• Got some background on inverse kinematics.

• How to use a couple of techniques to move a robot.

Lesson 5
Process Simulate analysis tools and
study data
Process Simulate analysis tools and study data
Process Simulate analysis tools and study data

To discuss how to use the special static and dynamic collision detection tools
available in Process Simulate, and explains how to define a section plane and
use it to cut sections.

After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• The different types of Study Data created in Process Simulate and stored in
the system root.

• How to work with the Snapshot Editor.

• Several ways how to create markups.

• How to create notes and more.

• How to export pictures of the scene.

• The Collision Viewer and how to setup a collision set.

• How to setup collision options to fine tune the collision reporting.

• Several factors that affect collision detection results.

• How dynamic sections of objects can be cut along the YX-plane, YZ-plane,
and ZX-plane of the Working Frame.

• How to do more with dynamic sections.

• How to create an .AVI movie file of all subsequent operations effected in the
Graphic Viewer using 's AVI Recorder commands.
Study data

In this topic, you learn what are the different types of Study Data created in
Process Simulate and stored in the system root.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know what is stored in the scenario data in the system root.
Study data storage in the system root

No matter what option is checked, scene data is always saved.

Study data is saved to the .psz file:

From the Quick access toolbar click Save command to save changes to the
product, operation, and resource trees as well as study data.
Examples of study data found in the Object Tree include:
• Parts — Not used in Process Designer.

• Resources — Not used in Process Designer.

• Notes — Text in the Graphic Viewer with a leader line.

• Sections — 2D plane used to cut cross-sections displayed in section


• Dimensions — Dimensions in the Graphic Viewer with a leader line.

• Labels — Text in the Graphic Viewer without a leader line associated to a
specific instance.

• Frames — Also known as reference frames or coordinate systems.

• Assigned Prototypes — Not used in class

• Appearances — Ability to locate the same instance of a part in multiple


• Motion Volumes — an optional solid created by the moving objects of

a simulation

• Point Clouds — an optional set of data that can be imported into a study
as a 3D background.

• Triggers — Used with robotic painting processes

• Cables — Used with robotic processes

• Cameras — A special view point.

Examples of Study Data found elsewhere:
• Snapshots — shown in the Snapshot Editor, store a snapshot of the state of
objects in the Graphic Viewer (for example pan/zoom/rotate, blank/display,
current poses, mount/unmount, attach/detach, object position, etc.)

• Mount / Unmount of tools (or guns or grippers) on the TOOLFRAME of a

robot (or on the end of the robot wrist).

• Attach / Detach — sort of like gluing two objects together. Can be shown as
an optional box in the Object Tree.

Object attach / detach information can be shown in the Object Tree by

using Customize Columns .

• 3D File — shows the path to the .JT file related to the parts and resources.
The path to the .JT file related to the parts and resources can be
shown in the Object Tree by using Customize Columns .

• Poses of kinematic devices (for example OPEN and CLOSE pose for a
fixture) created in the context of a Study are shown in the Pose Editor.
• TCPF (Tool Center Point Frame) position/orientation of a Robot. A frame of a
robot that is superimposed on a location during robotic simulation. Shown as
an entity in the Graphic Viewer or Object Tree.

• Groups — Discussed earlier. Shown in the Logical Collections Tree.

• Collision Set — Used to setup collision detection. Shown in the Collision


• Detailed Representation (Discussed earlier in this course)

Study data administrative note

Where is Study Data stored:

Review questions

Creating and using snapshots

In this topic, you learn how to create and use snapshots.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create and use snapshots.

To open the Snapshot Editor, from the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout
group→Snapshot Editor. The Snapshot Editor displays the snapshots created
from study data.

Using the Snapshot Editor, you can create a snapshot of the working cell
displayed in the Graphic Viewer. Snapshots are used to store specific views and
viewing angles during your work for later reference.
Snapshot usage

A snapshot preserves the current view of the scenario. The recorded view includes
the point of view, the location of objects and the visibility of objects. Snapshots can
be useful when constructing a current assembly or for planning future assemblies.
To create snapshots:
1. Rotate, pan, zoom, blank and display entities in the Graphic Viewer.

2. Go to the Snapshot Editor.

3. Click New Snapshot . A new snapshot of the graphic image currently

displayed in the Graphic Viewer is created with the default nameSnapshot_#
and the snapshot is displayed in the upper part of the Snapshots tab.

4. You are now prompted to give it a new name. Type in the new name and
press enter.

Once you have created a snapshot, you can use the Snapshot Editor to do the
Snapshot Editor toolbar:
• New Snapshot - Creates a snapshot of the objects currently visible in
the Graphic Viewer.

• Remove Snapshot - Deletes the selected snapshot.

• Edit Snapshot - Enables you to enter a name, type and description for
the selected snapshot. A snapshot must have an unique name. When a
description is entered for the snapshot, it is displayed next to the snapshot if
the snapshot is displayed in the lower part of the Snapshots tab.

• Update Snapshot - Changes the selected snapshot to the image displayed

currently in the Graphic Viewer.

• Apply Snapshot - Replaces the image in the Graphic Viewer with the
selected snapshot. By default, only the point of view is applied but you can
also choose to apply the location and visibility of objects. Click the drop-down
arrow and choose one or more from the following:
o Point of View

o Object's Visibility
o Object's Location

o Device Poses

o Object's Attachments

o Object's Color

o Object's Viewing Mode

You learn about Add Markup and Remove Markup later in this

Snapshot Editor right-click (on nothing in the Snapshot Editor dialog box)
• List

• Small Icons

• Large Icons
• Sort Snapshots

In the Creating and using snapshots section, do the following activities:

• Creating snapshots

Review questions

Using the Markup Editor

In this topic, you learn how to use the Markup Editor to create markups.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the markup editor.

The Markup Editor enables you to take a snapshot of the currently displayed
image in the Graphic Viewer . The image itself cannot be modified, but labels and
call-outs can be added to the snapshot. You can print or send the snapshot by
e-mail to other engineers in your organization, for example, for consultation.
Markup Editor usage

Ways to open the Markup tool:

You have to add to the Quick access toolbar using Customize Quick
Access Toolbar .

• Method 1: From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Documentation

group→Markup Editor . This method exports the markups to a picture file
in a selectable folder.

• Method 2: On the Snapshots Editor, select a snapshot, and choose Add

Markup from the Snapshot toolbar. This method stores the markups, so
that they can be modified later.
Markup Editor toolbar

• Save As File — Saves the image as a .BMP or .JPG file in a specified


• Send Mail Message — Enables you to send the image by e-mail as an

attached file.

• Print — Enables you to print the image.

• Cut — Cuts a selected object (callout, text box or line) to the clipboard.

• Copy — Copies a selected object (callout, text box or line) to theclipboard.

• Paste — Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the Markup Editor.

• Delete — Deletes a selected object (callout, text box or line) from the
Markup Editor.
• Group — Groups two or more selected objects (callout, text box or line)
in the Markup Editor into a single group and enables the objects to be
manipulated together.

• Ungroup — Ungroup one or more selected groups.

• Bring to Front — Places selected objects (callout, text box or line) in front
of other deselected and overlapping objects.

• Send to Back — Places selected objects (callout, text box or line) behind
other deselected and overlapping objects.

• Select Objects — Activates Select mode, enabling you to select objects

(callout, text box or line) in the Markup Editor

• New Line — Enables you to draw a line.

• New Arrow — Enables you to draw a line with an arrowhead.

• New Rectangle — Enables you to draw a rectangle. (To make a square,

hold the Shift key while dragging).
• New Ellipse — Enables you to draw an ellipse. (To make a circle, hold
the Shift key while dragging).

• New Scribble Polygon — Enables you to draw a freeform shape.

• Add Note — Enables you to add notes to objects.

• New Text — Enables you to add text to the snapshot.

• New Text Box — Enables you to draw a text box in the snapshot.

• Fill Color — Enables you to modify the color of a selected object (callout,
text box or line).

• Set Font — Enables you to change the font of text.

• Line Style — Enables you to modify the width, color and style of lines
and arrows.

• Arrow Style — Enables you to modify the arrowhead style.


In the Using the Markup Editor section, do the following activity:

• Creating markups
Adding text in the Graphic Viewer

In this topic, you learn how to create text in the Graphic Viewer.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create Graphic Viewer text such as notes and dimensions.

• Set up the note options.

Text can be added directly into the Graphic Viewer by using the note commands
or the label commands. They can be used to show attributes of objects, highlight
problem areas, or add other textual information to the view.
Graphic Viewer text usage

Text can be added directly into the Graphic Viewer using several techniques:
• Notes — Have a leader line that can be turned on and off, are associated to
the study, and can either always be the same size (irrespective of the zoom)
or can be a fixed size.

• Labels — Do not have a leader line, are associated to the object, and change
size when zooming

• Dimensions — As apposed to measurements, which are temporary and only

one can be created at once, dimensions are persistent in the study and many
can be created at once. (Dimensions and measurements were mentioned
earlier in this course. See Measurement and units)

To work with notes:
Notes are objects that display as free text with a leader line in the Graphic Viewer
and the Notes folder of the Object Tree. From the ribbon the note commands
are located under: Modeling tab→Note group→Notes .
To setup notes:
• Note Settings — This command has two features:
o Define the Automatic Note Placement offsets.

o Define the note content. Before creating a note using Create Note or
Object Notes , configure its content. If you do not set it, the default
note content is the name of the object. For example, to set the note
content for a resource, select Resource for the note format and then
add the attributes you want.

• The color of the note background, note text, and note border and also be
setup before creating the note using File→Options (Appearance tab).

To create notes:
• Create Note — Initially, these notes show the content specified in Note
Settings , but you are prompted to change it. By default these notes do not
keep their size when zooming in and out. You can only create one note at

• Object Notes — These notes show the content specified in Note

Settings . By default these notes keep their size when zooming in and
out. You can create multiple notes at once.

• Location Notes — These notes contain the name, position, and

orientation of the selected object relative to the working frame. By default
these notes keep their size when zooming in and out. You can create multiple
notes at once. The note text automatically updates if there is a change to the
object’s name,the object's location, or the working frame location.

To modify notes:
• Edit Note — Used to change what/where the leader line points, the note
name,note content, add/remove the leader line, keep/do not keep note size
when zooming, and change font size.
• Toggle Note Visibility — Change the note from displaying its content to
displaying a flag.

• Automatic Note Placement — Apply the note placement define in Note

Settings to the selected notes.

• Update Object Notes

• The color of the note background can also be modified using Modify Color .

To work with labels:
Labels are objects that display as free text in the Graphic Viewer and the Labels
folder of the Object Tree. There are many options to define the formatting for
a note. From the ribbon the label commands are located under: Modeling
tab→Note group→Labels .
To setup labels:
• The color of the label background, note label, and label border and also be
setup before creating the note using File→Options (Appearance tab).

To create labels:
• Object Labels — These labels show the name of the object. Labels do
not keep their size when zooming in and out. You can create multiple labels
at once.

• Create Label — Initially, these labels show the name of the object, but you
are prompted to change it. Labels do not keep their size when zooming in
and out. You can only create one label at once.

To modify labels:

• Modify Label
• The color of the label background can also be modified using Modify Color .

To work with dimensions:
Dimensions are objects that display as free text in the Graphic Viewer and
the Dimensions folder of the Object Tree. From the ribbon the dimension
commands are located under: Modeling tab→Note group→Create Dimension

Types of dimensions:
• Point-to-point Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the
point-to-point distance between two objects.

• Minimal Distance Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the

shortest distance between two components, entities, edges, or faces.
• Linear Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance
between two components, entities, edges, or faces.

• Angular Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the angle

between two components, entities, edges, or faces.

• X-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the X-axis between two objects.

• Y-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the Y-axis between two objects.

• Z-Axis Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the distance along

the Z-axis between two objects.

• Normal to Source Curve Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure

the distance in a section normal to a section line, normal to a source curve.
• Normal to Target Curve Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure
the distance in a section normal to a section line, normal to a target curve.

• Curve Length Dimension — Creates a dimension to measure the length

of a curve.

Selected attributes of dimensions:

• Dimensions can be hidden or displayed from the Dimensions folder of
the Object Tree.

• The dimensions are stored with the study data.

• Process Simulate dynamically updates the dimension values when users

move the measured objects to new locations in the Graphic Viewer.

In the Adding text in the Graphic Viewer section, do the following activities:
• Setting the note options

• Creating notes in the Graphic Viewer

• Creating dimensions in the Graphic Viewer

Review questions

With Edit Viewer, Properties With ball pen, pencil With Notes, Dimensions, Labels
Storing pictures of the study

In this topic, you learn how to output pictures of the Graphic Viewer contents.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Output the Graphic Viewer to a file or printer.

Static images of studies can be created in .BMP, .JPEG, .GIF or .TIFF format.

Output types may vary based on the image output command used.

In the Storing pictures of the study section, do the following activities:

• Outputting the Graphic Viewer to a file or printer
Introduction to collision detection

In this topic, you learn about how to setup and use collision detection.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know some of the basic concepts of collision detection.

• Use the Collision Viewer.

• Define a collision set (list pair) and fast collision sets.

• Know rules of thumb when using collision detection.

Tecnomatix collision detection tools can temporally change the colors of objects in
the Graphic Viewer and the Collision Viewer.
Do I use this?
Collision detection basics

There are three levels of detection granularity:

• Near Miss — Objects are highlighted in yellow if they come within a
predefined clearance envelope of each other

• Collision Contact — Objects can optionally be highlighted in red if they are

touching each other (or orange if near miss detection is activated).

• Collision Penetration — Objects are highlighted in red if they exceed the

allowed penetration depth with each other.
Valid values for Allowed Penetration Value are between 0 and 5 mm.

Collision detection types:

• Dynamic collisions — Collisions that occur during a simulation or while
objects are being placed.

• Static collisions — Collisions that are occurring without moving the objects.
Collision options:
When a collision occurs the object’s color is always changed to red in the Graphic
Viewer and the Collision Viewer. Optionally a simulation can be stopped when
a collision is detected and/or a sound is played at regular intervals while in a
collision state.
Collision Viewer

The Collision Viewer displays all current occurring collisions, near misses and
contacts. It enables you to define, detect and view collisions in the data currently
displayed in the Graphic Viewer, as well as view collision reports.
To open the Collision Viewer:
• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→Collision

To close the Collision Viewer:

• Click Close in the right-hand corner of the viewer.

Collision Viewer panes:

The Collision Viewer is composed of several panes:
• The first pane contains an editor for creating and managing collision sets. It
can be closed or opened by selecting Show/Hide Collision Sets .
• The second pane displays collision results and includes collision viewing
options. Two basic options from the second pane of the collision viewer:
o Show/Hide Collision Sets — Shows or hides the collision set editing
pane of the Collision Viewer.

o Collision Mode On/Off — Activates/deactivates Collision mode.

Collisions are detected only when Collision mode is on.

• The third pane (discussed in another lesson) if activated, shows additional

collision details. It can be closed or opened by selecting Show/Hide
Collision Details .

• The fourth pane (discussed in another lesson) if activated, shows a contour

(curves) representing where the objects are colliding. It can be closed or
opened by selecting Show/Hide Contour View .
Collision sets (list pairs)

Collision detection is accomplished by searching for a collision between objects

in one list and objects in another list. This means that list pairs must be created
before collision detection is possible.

Multiple list pairs can be defined. A default name is automatically given for each
list pair, although another name can be specified.
The first pane of the Collision Viewer includes the following options:
• New Collision Set — Define which objects are in the two lists of a collision
set. The resulting collision set is displayed in the left pane of the Collision
Viewer and can be renamed there.
• Remove Collision Set — Delete of a previously created collision set.

• Edit Collision Set — Change the content of a previously created collision


• Fast Collision — Create a new collision set quickly based on the selected
objects. This collision set is displayed in the left pane of the Collision Viewer
under the name fast_collision_set. The collision set created with this option
is a self set, which means that all the objects within the set are checked for
collision against each other. Only one fast collision set may exist in a study. If
you create another one, it replaces the previous fast collision set.
• Emphasize Collision Set — A toggle used to emphasize the selected
collision set in blue and yellow in the Graphic Viewer.

• All Displayed Objects — When selected, it checks for collisions between

all objects displayed in the Graphic Viewer. This option ignores defined
collision sets. Enabling this option can have a severe impact on system
performance . It is not suggested to select the All Displayed Objects check
Rules of thumb

• Manually create the collision set for tool to product assembly checks.

• Use fast collision set to check between one part and tool; or when checking
collisions between all the parts of a product assembly.
Selection toolbar

There are several filter tools in Process Simulate. One that you have not
discussed yet is the selection filters on the Graphic Viewer toolbar. Using it, you
filter your selections by various types such as: Parts, Resources, Mfg Features,
Weld Points, Paths, Global Locations, Frames, Notes, Points, Lines/Curves,

Solids/Surfaces, or PMI.
Basic Usage:
• From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose Select with Filter .

• From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose one or more of the selection types.

• From the Graphic Viewer toolbar, choose Selection Type All .


In the Introduction to collision detection section, do the following activities:

• Collision Viewer and fast collision sets

• Defining collision sets (list pairs)

Review questions

More on collision detection

In this topic, you learn the features that enable you to detect and focus on collision
areas for more accurate analysis of collision pairs.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Learn more about collision detection tools.

• Configure the level of detection granularity.

• Setup near miss detection.

• Setup the collision report level

• Filter collision results.

Collision introduction

Selected options from the second pane of the collision viewer:

• Collision Options — Enables you to set default collision set options.

• Freeze Viewer — Depressing this button freezes the Collision Viewer to

prevent dynamic updating of the collision report as objects are moved in the
Graphic Viewer. Click it again to update the Collision Viewer report. This
button is rarely used.

• Color Colliding Objects — Toggles the color highlighting of colliding

objects to facilitate clear viewing of colliding objects. If Show Colliding Pair
is active, this function toggles the highlighting between red/transparent blue
and the original colors of the objects. Typically, this button is always checked.

• Show/Hide Colliding Contour — Places a curve in the Graphic Viewer at

the point of collision. This button is used to isolate collision problems.

• Show Colliding Pair — Defines how the collision status of a pair of

colliding objects is displayed. This button is used to isolate collision problems:
o Color selected Pair — The selected pair is colored in the Graphic
Viewer. The master object node is colored red and the colliding object is
transparent blue. All other objects are white.

o Show selected Pair Only — The selected pair is displayed in the

Graphic Viewer. All other items are not displayed.

• Export to Excel — Creates a Microsoft Excel report (CSV file) of the

contents of the Collision Viewer. For example (depending on your data this
picture may look different):
• Collision Depth — Calculates the depth of penetration of colliding objects.
It uses this information to display a vector along which to withdraw one of the
colliding objects to resolve the colliding status. This button can sometimes
take a few moments to calculate.

• Filter Collision Results — Filters the collision results. Choose one of the
following options. This button is used to isolate collision problems:
o List Colliding Pairs (highlighted in red)

o List All Pairs (displays the distance between all the visible objects
in the cell)
• Show hide collision details — Hides or displays the Collision Details
pane in the Collision Viewer.
The Collision Viewer can display collision details at the link and
entity level, when you use the Lowest available level option in the
Collision tab.

• Show/Hide Contour View — Opens another pane on the right side of the
Collision Viewer containing selectable collision curves.
Configuring Level of Detection Granularity

Checking options for penetration and near miss affects what is shown in the
Collision Viewer.
Collision setup options are found on the Collision tab of the Options dialog box
and can be accessed by either:
• Choosing File→Options and then choosing the Collision tab, or

• Clicking Collision Options in the Collision Viewer.

o Collision Near-Miss — When selected, objects selected for collision

detection that are within the near-miss envelope value are colored yellow.
This value can range between 0 and 10,000 mm.
o Collision Contact — When selected, each colliding pair is checked for
permitted contact (for example a tool touching a surface). Any penetration
value less than the Allowed Penetration Value is considered in contact,
but not colliding. Objects selected for collision detection that exceed the
Allowed Penetration Value are considered in a true collision.

The default Near Miss and Allowed Penetration Value are

defined using the Options dialog box. However, each Collision
Set can have its own unique value specified in the left pane of
the Collision Viewer. The maximum Allowed Penetration Value
value is 5 mm.

Distinguishing the levels of detection granularity:

• Collision
o Colliding objects are marked in red

o Object in contact are marked in red (as colliding)

o Performance: High
• Collision while contact objects are excluded
o Colliding objects are marked in red

o Object in contact are excluded from the collision reports

o Performance: Mid
• Collision with near miss
o Colliding and contact objects are marked in red

o Objects in near miss are marked in yellow

o Performance: Mid

• Collision with contact and near miss

o Colliding objects are marked in red

o Object in contact are marked in orange

o Objects in near miss are marked in yellow

o Performance: Low

Other collision options: You can select the Ignore wireframe entities check
box to improve performance of collision detection. This option is automatically
selected when using the Automatic Path Planner discussed later in this training.
Collision detection and near miss setup

Checking for Collisions:

In order to check for collisions: define the objects to check collisions by creating
a collision set (there are several techniques to do this) then check the Collision
Mode On/Off on the Collision Viewer.
To configure what happens when a collision is detected, open the Options dialog
box by right-clicking in the Graphic Viewer, choose Options, and then choose
the Collision tab.
• Stop Simulation when a Collision is Detected — Stops the current running
simulation when a collision is detected. Clicking Play Simulation Forward
again continues past the collision.

• Play a Sound when a collision is Detected — The currently selected .WAV

file is played when a collision is detected. However, the currently running
simulation is not stopped.
Checking for Near Misses:
In order to check for near misses, as well as collisions: open the Options dialog
box, check Check for Collision Near-Miss, specify a near-miss value, and
collision detection should be switched on. There are two methods to specify a
near miss value:
• Global (Default) Method: If a near-miss value is not defined for a pair in the
Near Miss column of the Collision Editor dialog box, the system use the
global Near-Miss Default Value specified on the Collision tab of the Options
dialog box.
• Collision Set specific Method: In the left pane of the Collision Viewer, select
the desired collision set, and enter the desired Near Miss value (over riding
the default).
Collision report level

This setting is affected by whether Detailed Representation is loaded for the

objects in question.
There are two settings:
• Component Level — Similar to the Pick Level of Component , it is used
during collision detection to display found collisions in the Graphic Viewer
and Collision Viewer.

• Lowest available level — Similar to the Pick Level of Entity , it is used

during collision detection to display found collisions in the Graphic Viewer
and Collision Viewer.

The Advanced Collision Options dialog box, opened by clicking Advanced on the
bottom of the Options dialog box, is specific to robotic processes. It is discussed

In the More on collision detection section, do the following activities:

• Collision setup and Collision Viewer

• Filtering collision results

Review questions


Set the Allowed Penetration Value to 5 Set the Near Miss Value to 5 Set the
Allowed Penetration Value to 5 Set the Near Miss Value to 5
Factors that affect collision detection

In this topic, you learn factors that affect collision detection.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the factors that affect collision detection.
Collision factors

There are several factors that affect collision detection:

• Simulation Time Interval: Collision sets are only processed at the graphics
update time interval (The time interval is approximately based on time
between Graphic Viewer refreshes, but the Graphic Viewer may also need to
be updated when certain motion planner events are executed). A collision
is only detected if it occurs at a time interval boundary, meaning that it is
possible for a collision to occur between updates and therefore not be
detected. The smaller the interval, the less likely it is that this occurs. This
value can range between 1 (fastest) to 0.0000001 (slowest). The default
value is 0.2. This can be set by either:
o Choosing File→Options , clicking the Simulation tab, and entering a
value for Simulation Time Interval.
o Clicking Set Time Interval in the Sequence Editor and entering a
value for Time.

The display of Simulation Time Interval is affected by the Time

display unit and number of decimal places specified on the Units tab
of the Options dialog box.
• Speed and Acceleration: The speed and acceleration of an object can
affect the detection of collisions. If they are very high, it may be advisable
to reduce the update time interval.
o For robotic paths this can be set on each location of the path (for example
set on the Path Editor or Teach Pendant).

o For non-robotic paths this is set by specifying the duration of the

operation (for example set on the Operation Properties).

• Display/Blank: Process Simulate only detects collisions of displayed or

visible parts. Collisions involving blanked items are not detected.
o This can be done

Blanking and displaying objects is affected by the Pick Level setting.

If Freeze Viewer is depressed the collision state of objects are not

updated, even if they are blanked.

In the Factors that affect collision detection section, do the following activities:
• Instructor Demo: Factors that affect collision detection

Review questions


Simulation Time Interval. A bigger interval increases the accuracy. Magnification
(Zoom) of area to be checked. Simulation Time Interval. A smaller interval
increases the accuracy. for displayed and blanked parts. only for displayed parts.
Cutting sections with section planes

In this topic, you learn how to cut sections.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Basic Section Cutting Usage

• Optional Activity: Creating and Moving a Section Plane

• Optional Activity: More on Cutting Sections

Objects can be cut into sections along the YX-, YZ-, and ZX planes of the Working
Frame, which then appears in the Section Viewer.
Basic section cutting usage

In the ribbon the section cutting tools are located in the View tab→Section group.

Section Plane Cutting Tools:

• New Section Plane — Creates and positions a cutting plane. Imagine the
part is a loaf of bread: the result of cutting the part with this plane would be
one slice of bread, one half of the loaf, or the other half of the loaf.

• Section Manager — Enables you to create new sections.

• Section Alignment — See the next topic for more information.

• Flip Section Plane Direction — Choose which half of the loaf of bread (for
example your part that is being cut) or the other half of the loaf.

• Adjust section plane size — Changes the visualization of the section

plane in the Graphic Viewer (but does not affect the result of the section).
• Activate section — Section that is cut in the main Graphic Viewer.

• Deactivate section — Turns of the cutting of a section in the main Graphic


• Clip section — Shows everything on the negative side of the section

plane, and clips everything on the positive side of the section plane.

• Cut section — Shows the contours of the assembly at the plane cut by
the section.

• Capping — Adds definition to the cutting edge so as to know when there

is space between the parts.

• Hatching — Adds definition to the cutting edge so as to know when there

is space between the parts.

• New section viewer — Cuts the selected section in a new Section Viewer.
You can open up to five Section Viewers for the same section in order
to view the contents of the view from different angles.
• Orient View to Section Plane — Changes the view to look toward the
positive Z-axis of the plane, while the distance between the "Eye" to the view
center remains unchanged.

• Show Section Contours — Displays contours in Clip mode

• Save section Contour as Component — Saves the section as a new

.COJT or a .JT file.
Section plane alignment tools

From the ribbon the section plane alignment tools are located in View
tab→Section group→Section →Section Alignment .

Section Plane Alignment Tools:

• Align to X — Aligns the section plane to the YZ-plane of the Working

• Align to Y — Aligns the section plane to the XZ-plane of the Working


• Align to Z — Aligns the section plane to the XY-plane of the Working

• Align to Line between Two Points — Aligns the plane at the center of
two points you select in the Graphic Viewer.

• Align to Edge — Aligns the plane perpendicular to the point you select
on a 2D object. The orientation is set arbitrarily.

• Align to Surface — Aligns the plane normal to a selected surface with the
origin of the plane at the selected location.

• Align to View Plane — Aligns the Z-axis of the plane to the "view
from"→"view to" vector and aligns the positive Y-axis of the plane to the up
vector of the camera. The position of the section plane is not changed.

In the Cutting sections with section planes section, do the following activities:
• (Optional) Creating and moving a section plane

• (Optional) More on cutting sections

Review questions

Cutting sections with section volumes

In this topic, you learn how to create section volumes.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Do more with section cutting, including creating and moving a section
More section cutting usage

The section cutting tools are located in the View tab→Section group.

Section Volume Cutting Tools:

Many of the commands related to section planes can also be used for
section volumes. The commands listed here are specific to section

• New Section Volume — a cutting box is created and can be positioned.

The results of cutting the part with this box would be the portion of the part
that is inside or outside of the box. The edges of the 3D cutting box can be
dragged to get a different size section.
The location of the cutting box (volume) is determined based on what
is selected (for example nothing selected, one object selected, or
multiple objects selected)

• Clip Inside — used when creating a section volume.

• Clip Outside — used when creating a section volume.


In the Cutting sections with section volumes section, do the following activity:
• Creating and moving a section volume (Optional)
Using cables

In this lesson, you learn how to use flexible cables.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Create and edit flexible cables.

• Move and simulate flexible cables.

Basics of cables

Here are a couple common scenarios that require flexible cable:

• Cables between two objects For example to simulate the twisting
and bending of wiring during manual assembly of electronic


• Cables on a single kinematic device: For example to simulate cables

wrapping around a robot arm.
You can create flexible cables to:
• Represent cable hooks.

• Calculate minimum length of cables.

• Display cables as natural, smooth curves.

• Indicate excessive force exerted on cable and collisions with theenvironment.

Cable commands are located on the Modeling tab of the ribbon.

Cable Commands
• Create/Edit Cable — Use the Create Cable or Edit Cable dialog boxes to
set the start frame, end frame, length, radius. parameters, and cablehooks.

The Z axes of the Start and Hook frames should be on the desired
cable direction toward the End frame. The Z axis of the End frame
should be on the desired cable direction toward the Start frame.

• Regenerate Cable — Regenerates the cable with an alternative cable

shape. It is recommended to regenerate the cable in the following cases:
o Robot Jog — While performing robot jog, the system continually
recalculates the cable. However, jogging the robot too far or too fast may
complicate cable recalculation causing the cable to become "invalid".
o Move Frames — Moving cable frames may cause the cable to become

• Cable Settings — Select whether to wrap the cables around objectsduring

motion and whether it should be rendered as a smooth cable.

Cables is a separately licensed product. You must have a Process

Simulate Cables license to create new cables or to see existing ones. If
you load a study with cables and do not have a license, the cables are
not shown in the Graphic Viewer, and are shown in the Object Tree with
a for the display status square.
Creating cables

Overview of creating a simple flexible cable:

Create a basic cable
1. From the ribbon, choose the Modeling tab→Layout group→Create Frame
→Frame by 6 values .

2. Create a start and end frame. To make a straight cable, the two frames
should have their Z-axes pointing at each other.

3. From the ribbon, choose the Home tab→Tools group→Attachment

→Attach .
4. Attach each frame to the component that you want the cable attached to.
In general, a cable cannot be attached to more than one component.
However, you can create a cable between two frames attached to two
different components, as long as those two components are attached to one
component or links of that one component. For example:
• To create a wire between two components of a circuit board.

• To create a cable between a bracket attached to one part of a robot and

a bracket attached to another part of a robot.

• To create a cable between a bracket on a robot and a mounted robot

tool, such as a weld gun.

5. From the ribbon, choose the Modeling tab→Cable group→Create/Edit

Cable .
6. Select the start and end frames.

7.Type or calculate the length of the cable, and click OK.

Edit a cable
1. Select the cable.

2. From the ribbon, choose the Modeling tab→Cable group→Cable Settings


3. Select the settings you want and click OK.

Advanced cable parameters and settings

(Optional) Add a cable hook

You can add cable hooks:
1. In the Create Cable or Edit Cable dialog box, expand the Hooks area.
• You can add fixed hooks to secure the cable to the robot body at selected

• You create a hook by specifying the distance from the start frame and a
frame to represent the hook.

2. Click OK.
(Optional) Cable parameters
You can change many parameters of your cables:
1. In the Create Cable or Edit Cable dialog box, expand the Parameters area.
• Density — cable density in kg per meter cubed. Use it to control the
weight of the cable and affects how it reacts to gravity.

• Stiffness — the higher the value the more it resists the drag of gravity.

• Fulcrum length — the length in mm of a rigid straight cable at the

cable’s fulcrums (start, end and hooks).

• Max twist — configure the max twisting allowed as an angle in degrees

per meter. For example, if the robot TCPF rotates, you may want to allow
the cable to twist twice around the robot's arm but no more.

• Max contact force — configure the maximum force exerted on the cable
in kg. For example, if the robot arm comes into contact with the cable, you
may want to limit the force exerted on the cable to prevent damaging it.

• Min curvature — configure the minimum curvature radius for the cable
in mm. Bending the cable beyond this point may cause it damage.
• Pass near — select a frame for routing. The cable is routed in the vicinity
of the selected frame during cable creation. This is useful for example, if
you wish to route the cable away from a particular joint. This constraint is
not retained when the robot moves or during simulation. Locate the pass
near frame close to the expected cable route (but never distant from it).

• Oscillation — simulate cable oscillation. If the cable has slack, it is likely

to oscillate back and forth when the robot stops moving. You use this to
set a percentage value for oscillation to best imitate the physical cable.
For example, if the physical cable has high internal friction, this tends to
dampen the oscillation, you should set a relatively low oscillation
percentage for your simulation. The fulcrum parts of the cable do not
oscillate at all. This setting allows damping of a cable’s oscillations
during simulation.

2. Click OK.

(Optional) Cable settings

You can select cable settings:
1. From the ribbon, choose the Modeling tab→Cable group→Cable Settings
2. In the Create Cable or Edit Cable dialog box,select a setting.
• Wrap around objects during motion determines whether the cable
takes other visible objects (parts and resources) into account during
robot motion. When set, the cable wraps around objects, thus avoiding
collisions with them. When deselected, the cable may penetrate objects.
However when deselected, this check box improves the performance
of cable simulation.

• Smooth cable display causes cables to be displayed as natural,smooth

curves. However, even when this option is set, the simulation still
performs accurate cable calculations for the polyline cables. This means
that a smooth cable may appear to slightly touch another object causing
the collision detection system to report "unwanted" collisions.

2. Click OK.

In the Using cables section, do the following activities:

• Creating, editing, and moving cables
Recording Process Simulate simulations to an .AVI file and 3D HTML

In this topic, you learn how to record a video of a Process Simulate simulation
using the AVI Recorder . Also, you output 3D HTML.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Output a simulation to an AVI file.

• Export to web (create 3D HTML)

Do I use this?
Record a Video

Use Customize Quick Access Toolbar to customize the Quick access toolbar
and add the AVI Recorder to it.

The AVI Recorder command creates a movie file of all subsequent operations
effected in the Graphic Viewer.
The Audio Video Interleaved (.AVI) format was developed by Microsoft as a
special version of the Resource Interchange File Format (.RIFF).
AVI recorder options:
• Image size can be either a preset size or set to the current size of theGraphic

• Specify the compression technique for the video (also known as the CODEC).
CODECs in the list are based on those installed on your computer.
Note that the default ones that come with Microsoft office produce
VERY poor results. If you have a 3rd part CODEC installed (such
as those included with Camtasia), those can be selected here. If
you do not have a 3rd party CODEC installed, you should select
uncompressed from the list.

While recording an .AVI file on computers with powerful graphic cards

(16 MB and higher), the Graphic Viewer may be jumpy during recording.
However the resulting AVI recording is smooth
Simulation Time Interval and Videos

Simulation time interval can affect how fast the resulting video plays your
• Selecting File→Options , choosing the Simulation tab, and entering a
value for Simulation Time Interval.

• Clicking Set Time Interval in the Sequence Editor.

The display of Simulation Time Interval is affected by the Time display

unit and number of decimal places specified on the Units tab of the
Options dialog box.
Create 3D HTML output

The File→Import/Export →Export to Web command to convert 3D data

and simulations to HTML file format. You can share these with anyone using a
Web browser that supports HTML5 and WebGL (for example Internet Explorer
11, Chrome 43, Safari 8, etc). In the browser It is possible to pan/zoom/rotate
the view and play the simulation with no additional installation required.

In the Recording Process Simulate simulations to an .AVI file and 3D HTML file
section, do the following activity:
• Outputting a simulation to an .AVI file and HTML file

Subjects learned in this topic:

• The different types of Study Data created in Process Simulate and stored
in the eMS database.

• How to work with the Snapshot Editor.

• Several ways how to create markups.

• How to create notes and more.

• How to export pictures of the scene.

• The Collision Viewer and how to setup a collision set.

• How to setup collision options to fine tune the collision reporting.

• Several factors that affect collision detection results.

• How dynamic sections of objects can be cut along the YX-plane, YZ-plane,
and ZX-plane of the Working Frame.

• How to do more with dynamic sections.

• How to create an .AVI movie file of all subsequent operations effected in the
Graphic Viewer using Process Simulate's AVI Recorder commands.
Lesson 6
Other selected basic topics
Other selected basic topics
Other selected basic topics

To discuss other selected topics related to Process Simulate basics.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• How to use Process Simulate Disconnected.

• Putting It All Together

• Where do you go from here

Using Process Simulate Standalone

In this topic, you learn how to use data from Process Simulate on eMS in
Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible. Also Process Simulate
Standalone data not originating in an eMS database is discussed.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use Process Simulate Standalone

• Save a .PSZ file from Process Simulate on eMS.

• Setup a client system root.

• Update back the eMS database.

• Create and use templates.

Ways of using Process Simulate

Process Simulate can be run in many ways depending on factors such as your
company business practices and how data is shared with others:
• Teamcenter Database
o Process Simulate on Teamcenter — Run Process Simulate connected
to a Teamcenter database. Teamcenter object customizations setup in
the BMIDE and configuration files are used in Process Simulate. You
may run Process Simulate this way if you are an OEM with Teamcenter.

o Process Simulate Standalone - Teamcenter compatible — Run

Process Simulate using Teamcenter data saved from Process Simulate
on Teamcenter. In this use case, you need to view or modify data that is
stored in a Teamcenter database, but you do not have access to
Teamcenter. In the future, all your changes need to be saved back to the
Teamcenter database. You may run Process Simulate this way if you are
a supplier that does not have access to the OEM Teamcenter database.

• eMS Database
o Process Simulate on eMS — Run Process Simulate connected to a
eMS database. eMS object customizations setup in the Customization
tool or customization files are used in Process Simulate. You may run
Process Simulate this way if you are an OEM with an eMServer.

o Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible — Run Process

Simulate using eMS data saved from Process Simulate on eMS. In this
use case, you need to view or modify data that is stored in an eMS
database, but you do not have access to an eMServer. You may also
need to create new data. In the future, all your changes need to besaved
back to the eMS database. You may run Process Simulate this way if
you are a supplier that does not have access to the OEM eMS database.

• No Database
Process Simulate Standalone — Run Process Simulate using data created
directly in standalone. No database is used at your site to store and manage
Process Simulate data. Also, in the future you do not need to save your
changes back to a database. You can run Process Simulate this way at any
company, depending on the requirements of the job.
The focus of this lesson is Process Simulate Standalone - eMS
compatible and Process Simulate Standalone (no database).
Creating a new PSZ (no database)

You can start a completely new study (.PSZ file) based on a default template. You
use the default template when you want to create a new study and you do not
intend on updating it from or to an eMS database in the future. The template used
to create a .PSZ file cannot be changed in the future.
A default template named DefaultStudy.pszt is provided in the Tecnomatix install
folder under .\eMPower\templates. The default template can be useful in
environments where no eMServer and where only Process Simulate Standalone
is used. It contains the default and robotics customizations.

You should never overwrite this default template.

Using the default template in Process Simulate Standalone

1. If Process Simulate Standalone is not started, start it and in the Welcome
dialog box choose Create New Study .

2. If Process Simulate Standalone is already started, choose

File→Disconnected Study →New Study .
3. In the New Study dialog box for the Template, select the DefaultStudy.pszt
from the .\eMPower\templates folder.

4. Click Create.
Creating a new PSZ that can update a eMS database in the future

You can start a completely new study based on a template that was generated
while connected to the eMServer (for example, an OEM that provides its template
to you). These study templates (.pszt format) can be created while working in
Process Simulate on eMS and used in Process Simulate Standalone - eMS
In many cases, users of Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible
need to collaborate with others working running Process Simulate on eMS.
For example, Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible users could
be line builders who create and develop studies independently of an eMServer
connection, and transfer their work to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
working with Process Simulate connected to an eMServer. An OEM may request
a line builder to build a new study for an eMServer-based project. You create
a disconnected study as a PSZ file and transfer it to the OEM who uploads it
to his eMServer.
In order to upload properly, you create the study based on an
OEM-supplied template, which contains the OEM’s customization and a
list of projects which are stored in the OEM’s eMServer. An OEM may
maintain a number of templates which support the work of a number of
suppliers, and similarly, you may work from a number of templates to
create studies for several OEMs.

Create your own study templates

To create a custom study template:

1. Start Process Simulate (on eMS) .

2. Close the Welcome dialog box without opening a project or study.

3. Choose either File→Disconnected Study →Save or

File→Disconnected Study →Save As .

4. Select where and what to name the pszt file. This is the template file.
5. Select which projects to expose to the Process Simulate Standalone - eMS
compatible users.

6. Click Save.

Using the custom template in Process Simulate Standalone

1. If Process Simulate Standalone is not started, start it and in the Welcome
dialog box choose Create New Study .

2. If Process Simulate Standalone is already started, choose

File→Disconnected Study →New Study .

3. In the New Study dialog box for the Template, browse and select the .pszt
required to connect to a database in the future.

4. Select the project to associate the new study (.PSZ) file with.

5. Click Create.
Importing CAD files in Process Simulate

In Process Simulate, you can convert components and insert assemblies received
from the OEM or that you created externally to Process Simulate. The command
to import CAD data has a slightly different name in Process Simulate on eMS
and Process Simulate standalone - eMS compatible:
• In Process Simulate on eMS, choose: File→Import/Export →Import
CAD Files .

• In Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible, choose:

File→Import/Export → Convert and Insert CAD Files .

The following conversions are available:


• NX→COJT (requires a license)

• CATIA→COJT (requires a license)

• ProE→COJT (requires a license)




The Save XML option, activated by default in Process Simulate

Standalone, saves the converted CAD data in the system root.

Imported data is inserted into the opened study as well as in the system root.
You convert the CAD data once and then use the Insert Component from File
command from the Modeling tab of the ribbon to insert the .xml file of the
converted assembly from the system root – then it can be used with each study.
As you modify the studies offline, the OEM may still be updating studies on the
eMServer, with new parts and part structures, for example. In order to get these
changes, the OEM chooses File→Disconnected Study →Save As ,
and selects to save the data as a Study and All Components type with the
.pszx extension.
The .pszx format combines the .psz file and library components in one file, which
the OEM can send by E-mail (or by another convenient method) to you. After
storing the .pszx file, you choose File→Import/Export→Import pszx to Current
Study and select the file received from the OEM.

The Import pszx to current study command is available only in

Process Simulate Standalone. The command also checks compatibility of
study data — only compatible project data can be imported.

You can configure which data types to import. After choosing OK, the command
copies the library components to the line builder's system root, prompting the user
to affirm overwriting the existing .cojt files.

If you deselect the Do not show this message again check box, the
system asks them to confirm overwriting each .cojt file individually.

In the offline environment, you continue to modify the study, by adding new
resources for example. You can send the updated file to the OEM in .psz format
by E-mail (or by another convenient method). When the OEM receives the data,
he it opens eMServer project, opens the .psz file, and performs eMServer
Selective Update from the Quick access toolbar.
When a number of Process Simulate Standalone users collaborate offline,
for example with several suppliers, they can exchange updates to studies
as .pszx files.
Selected Process Simulate features

Process Simulate Standalone has several abilities, including to:

• Define which types of data are inserted to the study for data conversion.
Converting CAD data (individual components and assemblies as monolithic
or assembly) – still requires a dedicated license.

• Update data by inserting a disconnected study into a loaded study.

• Import weld points into a disconnected study from a .CSV file.

Process Simulate on eMS features not supported in Process Simulate

However, these features of Process Simulate on eMS are not supported in
Process Simulate Standalone - eMS compatible. These commands are related
to accessing the database:
• eMServer viewers including Navigation Tree and Properties .
• eMServer project commands including New Project , Open Project ,
and Close Project .

• eMServer commands including the following eMS Selective Update ,

Check In , Check Out , and Cancel Check Out .

• Attach File .

In the Using Process Simulate Standalone section, do the following activities:

• Working with default templates

• Working with custom templates

• Starting and exiting Process Simulate Standalone

• Updating Process Simulate Standalone from the eMS database

• Updating the eMS database from Process Simulate Standalone


Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to use Process Simulate Standalone.
Lesson 7
Modeling basics
Modeling basics

To provide a description of how to model in Process Simulate.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• How to do some basic modeling in Process Simulate.

• How to create solids using solid primitives and Boolean operations.

• How to create 2D entities and use them to build 3D solids.

• How to create a gun shank.

• How to model a simple robot.

Do I do this?

You use the modeling environment to create or modify the components in your
study. For each component you model you can add geometry, kinematics, or
logic. Once you end modeling of a component, others can use it in their study.
Overview of Process Simulate basics

In this topic, you get an overview of Process Simulate basics learned earlier in
relation to the functionality you learn about in the preceding topics.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Review common commands used to do modeling and layout work in Process

• Get an overview of the basic modeling tools.

Starting out

Earlier you learned many things about Process Simulate that is quickly reviewed
in this topic. This is not meant as a replacement to that course.
You learned about the abilities of Process Simulate to layout the contents of a
study; however, there are two basic modes in Process Simulate:
• Layout mode — learned earlier in this training, it is used to modify the
content and layout of objects (for example product and resources) and
processes (for example paths) in a study. In this case you are inserting
instances (references) of an object prototype into a study

• Modeling mode — learned in this part of the training, it is used to modify

the content and layout of entities and kinematics in an object. In this case,
you modify the object prototype. Object prototypes are stored as .JT files in
.COJT folders under the system root.

In the Overview of Process Simulate basics section, do the following activities:

• Switching to the Project_209S study
Process Simulate basic modeling tools

In this topic, you get overview of the basic modeling tools.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Get an overview of the basic modeling and kinematics tools.
Modeling and kinematics functionality

Modeling and Kinematics Functionality

• Can move the Working Frame.

• Can create new parts, compound parts, resources, and compound resources.

• Several ways to get existing objects into a study

• Can start modeling, end modeling, saving modeling changes, or throw them

• Can align or duplicate entities

• Can create new reference frames within an object

• Can create 2D entities

• Can create 3D entities

• Can modify existing 2D and 3D entities (for example Boolean, sweeps,
extrudes, revolutions, scaling, etc.

• Reload original modeling configuration – discards the current modeling

changes and reloads the stored modeling configuration from the .COJT file.

Kinematics Functionality
• Can create or modify kinematic definitions

• Can define objects as various tool types (for example grippers, robot tools,

• Can move a kinematic object’s joints (for example Robot Jog or Joint
Jog )

• Create kinematic poses

• Jump to a kinematic object’s poses

• Jump or move a kinematic object to various locations (inverse kinematics)

• Check robot reachability interactively or automatically

• Mount or unmount tools to kinematic object

• Add or remove external axis (for example gantries or 7th axis) definitions
to a kinematic object

• Examine robot properties.

Pick Level

Choose the Pick Level icons from the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The following
options are available”

• Component — The entire object is selected when any part of it is selected.

o Whole object — with all objects only the whole object can be selected.

o Study Data — each object can be selected independently (for example a

frame, cross section, note flag, dimension, etc.).

• Entity — When selecting objects shown in united representation (the

default): Only the entity (that is, part of the whole object) is selected. Here is
what can be selected:

The results of the Entity Pick Level are dependent on whether

the selected object is shown in united representation or detailed
representation. Described in the next topic
o Whole Object — with non-kinematic objects only the whole object can
be selected.

o Kinematic Link — On Kinematic objects, each link can be selected

independently (for example on a human, the arm and hand are separate
kinematic links).

o Study Data – each object can be selected independently (for example a

frame, cross section, note flag, dimension, etc.).

o Object Frames — Frames within an object can be selected independently.

• Surface/Face — Only the selected surface (or face) of the object is


• Edge — Only the selected edge of the object is selected.

The Surface/Face and Edge Pick Levels are only availablewhen

certain Process Simulate commands are active, such as Project
Arc Seam and the various measurement commands. These Pick
Levels is discussed later in this course, only if applicable.
A short cut key to toggle between the Pick Levels is the F12 key.
Setting pick intent

Use the Pick Intent stack to choose how objects are selected in the Graphic
Viewer. This can be accessed by clicking the down arrow next to the eighth icon
in the Graphic Viewer toolbar. The last icon you select becomes the one on the
top of the stack.

The Pick Intent stack contains these commands:

• Snap : The position selected is either:
o The closest mid point of an edge – select on a surface near the middle
of the edge.

o An end point of an edge – select on a surface near the corner of the edge.

o The center of a face – select on the middle of an edge bounding the

desired surface.

• Self-origin : This is the only Pick Intent that depends on the setting of the
Pick Level. If the Pick Level is set to Component , then the self-origin of
the object is always selected, no matter where the object is selected. If the
Pick Level is set to Entity , then the self-origin of the currently selected
entity is selected.

• On Edge : The location selected is the closest point along the closest edge.

• Where Picked : The location selected is the point you selected.

A short cut key to toggle between the Pick Intent options is the F11 key.
More modeling topics

Copying and pasting:

• Typical copy/paste techniques can be used such as Copy Paste ,
Ctrl+C Ctrl+V, etc.

• Copying and pasting an instance (and object you are NOT modeling)
produces another instance of the same prototype (the same COJT).

• Copying and pasting a modeled object produces another modeled object (a

new prototype). When ending modeling, a new .COJT is placed under the
system root.

Access to entities of an object

• In general you do not have access to the entities of object (except for
kinematic links), except while modeling an object. Displayed geometry
becomes one unified object and blanked geometry cannot be unblanked.
Frames are blanked.

• To have access to all the entities of an instance that is not modeled, select
it and from the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Entity Level group→Load
Entity Level

• To have access to selected entities of every instance of a prototype: While

modeling an object, select the entities and from the ribbon, choose Modeling
tab→Entity Level group→Set as Preserved Objects . You can use this
technique to display frames after modeling of the object has ended.
Modeling concepts

In this topic, you learn how to do some basic modeling in Process Simulate.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know of the methodology of modeling in this system.

• Get an idea of the solid modeling tools available.

Modeling overview

The Process Simulate modeling menu allows you to create geometry that can
be used in Process Simulate.
This chapter cover the concepts of Process Simulate modeling. In addition to
creating geometry, Process Simulate modeling provides tools to create kinematics
(joint motion) to the geometry so that Robots, CMMs, heads, guns, moveable
fixtures, and so on can have realistic motion.
Example of what can be created in modeling:
• Geometry
o Solids (3D entities)

o Wireframe (typically 2D entities)

o Frames

o Etc.

• Kinematics
• Logic (taught in the intermediate course)
o Conceptual conveyor definitions

o Logic blocks and smart components

Modeling methodology

Modeling methodology
1. Open a study in Process Simulate.

2. Load the study into Process Simulate.

3. Optionally, insert an existing object (resource or part).

4. Set the modeling scope to a loaded object (resource or part) or create a

new one.

5. Design the prototype’s geometry

6. Edit the geometry

7. Define kinematics

8. Add logic block information as desired.

9. If changes are good, then end modeling, else reload the object.
In Process Simulate:
• An icon overlay displays to indicate that an object is currently being
This has changed from previous versions, when a lock icon was used
to indicate that an object is not under modeling. The lock icon is still
used to indicate other types of restrictions for objects.

• A Modeling window layout is shown in the Layout list. In general the

Standard or Modeling window layouts can be used to display the modeling
functionality. Other standard window layouts do not show all of the kinematic
and geometric modeling tools on the Modeling menu.

• The Modeling tab of the ribbon contains all the modeling related commands.
Example modeling functionality:
After users model the 3D geometry of an object, if they wish to undo the changes,
the Reload Component command reloads an object’s initial 3D geometry
as it exists in the library (before beginning the current modeling session). This
command does not revert other types of modifications that may have been made,
such as renaming the object, assigning it to operations, adding properties, etc.
Reload Component is available as long as End Modeling has not been
used to terminate the modeling session and save the modified object back to
the library.
Solid modeling overview

Process Simulate is not a parametric modeling system, however geometry

can be modeled and created here. It is primarily meant as a process
design and verification system. It is not a replacement for high end CAD
systems like NX, I-DEAS, or Solid Edge. For more complex geometry,
translators are used to bring in objects from a CAD system (For a complete
list of translators, see the online help).

Solid creation:
• Primitives — Process Simulate works with five basic solid primitives. Out of
these primitives, a designer can create many required shapes:
o Box

o Cylinder

o Cone

o Sphere
o Torus

• Other solid creation tools — The Sweep function creates a new solid by
sweeping from a start shape, along the contour of a user-defined curve, and
ending with an end shape. The starting and ending shapes can both be either
circles, rectangles, or curves. You can set the dimensions of the starting and
ending shapes. When using a curve for the starting shape, the function
automatically closes the curve with the shortest possible straight line. The
function retains the original object - you can delete this if you wish. Process
Simulate supports several operations to use 2D data to make solids:
o Sweep by Circle

o Sweep by Curves

o Sweep by Rectangle

o Extrude — You can expand a planar object (curve or surface) into a

3D object. The points of the planar object must be in the same plane.
The function supports the following planar objects: Polylines, curves,
and surfaces. When extruding a curve, the function automatically closes
the curve with the shortest possible straight line. The function retains
the original object - you can delete this if you wish. You can select
multiple objects if you wish, as long as they all lay in the same plane.
The function is only enabled when an object on or parallel to the global
plane is selected.

o Revolute (revolve) — You can revolve a line (2D object) around a

selected axis and create a 3D object.

Solid modification:
There are only a few ways that a solid can be modified:
• Scale — You can change the size of a 3D object in all dimensions. Modify
the X, Y, and Z values in one of the following ways:
o Drag one of the yellow lines. (The cursor is enhanced with a Z-axis when
dragging one of the yellow lines in the Graphic Viewer.)

o Specify the required value in the X, Y, or Z boxes using the up and down

o Manually enter the value in the X, Y, or Z boxes.

The modifications are dynamically reflected in the Graphic Viewer.

• Scale object between points — You can modify the dimensions of a

selected object using a bounding box. The selected object is displayed in the
Graphic Viewer in a bounding box with a yellow line extending diagonally
from the bottom corner of the bounding box to the opposing upper corner
of the bounding box.

• Boolean Operations — These are key operations for the solid modeler.
supports the following operations:
o Unite - Creates a solid out of all the volume occupied by two or more

o Subtract - Creates a solid by using the volume of one solid to remove

volume from another solid.

o Intersect - Creates a solid out of the common volume of two solids.

Other notes


You always model an object prototype. An object instance in a study is a

reference to a prototype (a pointer to the prototype).

When an object prototype is saved, the Self-origin is placed at the World

Frame (The World Frame is the default location of the Working Frame).
The location of each entity in the prototype is relative to its Self-origin.

Concurrent usage of modeled prototypes:

In order to allow modeling of .JTs loaded by other Tecnomatix applications:

choose File→Options , click the Disconnected tab, and check Use
local copy of the System Root files. Then click Settings to open the
Local Files Cache Settings dialog box. 3D data files are loaded from the
Local Files Cache instead of the System Root. The End Modeling
operation updates the System Root. On the next session the Local Files
Cache is updated by the new file version from the System Root.
Solid creating with primitives

In this topic, you learn how to create solids using solid primitives and Boolean
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the solid modeling tools to create an object.
Solid Creation Basics

In this topic, you use solid primitives and Boolean operations to make a simple

This command is located in the Components group of the Modeling tab.

• Choose New Resource

These commands are located in the ribbon under Modeling tab→Geometry

group→Solids :
• Choose Box Creation →Create a box — creates a solid box by
specifying Length, Width, Height, and entity Self Origin.
• Choose Cylinder Creation →Create a cylinder — creates a solid
cylinder by specifying Radius, Height, and entity Self Origin.

• Choose Cone Creation →Create a cone — creates a solid cone by

specifying Lower Radius (bottom of cone), Upper Radius (top of cone),
Height, and entity Self Origin.

• Choose Torus Creation →Create a torus — creates a solid torus (donut

made by sweeping a circle around an axis) by specifying Major radius
(distance from the center of the donut to the center of the swept circle), Minor
radius (radius of the swept circle), and entity Self Origin.

• Choose Unite — takes the given Unite entities and generates one new
solid that encompasses the same volume.

• Choose Subtract — removes the volume of the Subtract entities (the

cutting entity) from the Entity (the entity to be cut).

These commands are located in the Scope group of the Modeling tab.
• Choose End Modeling

• Choose Set Modeling Scope — makes a “local” copy of the .COJT in the
study, opens the object for modeling, and sets it as the parent of every
new entity you create.

If modeling more than one object simultaneously, use this command

to switch which is the parent of newly created entities.

If copying a component in a study, a new instance is created. However,

if you copy a modeled component, a new prototype is created.

In the Solid Creating with Primitives section, do the following activity:

• Modeling a Table

Review questions


Modeling tab→End Modeling File→Open Modeling tab→Set Modeling Scope
File→Close End Modeling Open Set Modeling Scope Close
Using wireframe to create solids (optional)

In this topic, you learn how to create 2D entities and use them to build 3D solids.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Model an object using wireframe.

• Revolve or extrude 2D entities to make a solid

Wireframe basics

These commands are located in the ribbon under Modeling tab→Geometry

group→Curves :
• Choose Create Polyline — creates a single entity that is made up of a
series of connected straight lines.

• Choose Create Curve — creates a single curved entity through the

selected control points.

• Choose Create Circle — creates a circle by specifying a Center Point

and a Radius.

• Choose Fillet — creates a curve with the specified Radius at the

intersection of two lines or curves.
• Choose Split Curve on Intersection — splits a curve where it intersects
another curve or surface.

• Choose Merge Curves — combines two or more curves into one curve

These commands are located in the ribbon under Modeling tab→Geometry

group→Solids :
• Choose Revolute (revolve) — sweeps a curve around an axis to create
a solid.

• Choose Extrude — sweeps a curve along an axis to create a solid.


In the Using wireframe to create solids (optional) section, do the following activities:
• (Optional) Revolving 2D entities to make a solid

• (Optional) Extruding 2D entities to make a solid

Modeling gun shanks (optional)

In this topic, you learn how to create a gun shank.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Sweep 2D entities to make a solid.

• Use other modeling tools to make a more complex object.

Tools used

You use the following 3D modeling commands that you have not used yet.
These commands can be found in the ribbon, under Modeling tab→Geometry
group→Solids .

• Sweep Circle — sweeps a circle around an axis

The start and end radius of the circle can be different.

• Cylinder Creation →Create a cylinder (optional) — creates a solid

cylinder by specifying Radius, Height, and entity Self Origin.

• Cone Creation →Create a cone (optional activity step) — creates a solid

cone by specifying Lower Radius (bottom of cone), Upper Radius (top of
cone), Height, and entity Self Origin.
You use the following 2D modeling command that you have not used yet.
These commands can be found in the ribbon, under Modeling tab→Geometry
group→Curves .

• Create Arc — creates a curved arc through three points.

You also use the following modeling commands that you have not used yet. These
commands can be found in the ribbon, under Modeling tab→Layout group.

• Duplicate Objects — depending on the Pick Level, copies entities or

components across an X, Y, and Z grid.

• Mirror Objects — depending on the Pick Level, mirrors entities or

components across a specified plane.

In the Modeling gun shanks (optional) section, do the following activity:

• (Optional) Sweeping 2D entities to make a solid
Modeling a more complex object (optional)

In this topic, you learn how to model a simple robot.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the Working Frame to build.

• Use several ways of creating and placing objects in modeling.

Tools used

You use the following functionality from the Modeling tab of the ribbon that you
have not used yet:
• Set Working Frame — Temporarily changes the position and orientation of
the Working Frame from the World Origin (origin of the study) to a specified
one. This affects many of the Process Simulatecommands including modeling
and placement commands.

• Create Curves →Unite — Takes the given Unite entities and generates
one new solid that encompasses the same volume.
you now begin modeling some more complex objects. However, you have
another agenda here besides learning how to model better. You use this activity
to explain and use the working fame and the placement editor while building
a detailed object.
Using the working frame to build

The Working Frame is a special frame in Process Simulate. It can be placed

anywhere on the screen. Many of the menus in Process Simulate place objects
on the Working Frame (where ever it is in the cell) by default. This can be a
very powerful tool.
• The Frame option is used to place the Working Frame where ever you want it

• The World option places the working frame back on the World Origin (the
default location for the Working Frame)
Ways of creating and placing objects in modeling

Method 1:
Create an entity at the Working Frame then move it with Placement tools.
Method 2:
Move the Working Frame then create the entity at the new location of the
Working Frame.
Method 3:
Use the optional Frame prompt, in most entity creation dialog boxes, to locate the
Working Frame when you create an entity.
you practice all three methods in the next activity.

In the Modeling a more complex object (optional) section, do the following activity:
• (Optional) Modeling a simple robot for kinematics

Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to do some basic modeling in Process Simulate.

• How to create solids using solid primitives and Boolean operations.

• How to create 2D entities and use them to build 3D solids.

• How to create a gun shank.

• How to model a simple robot.

Lesson 8
Kinematics basics
Kinematics basics

To provide an introduction to Process Simulate kinematics.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• How to create some different types of object kinematics.

• How to add lead and follow factor to object kinematics.

• How to add cranks to a kinematic tree.

• How to create a kinematic tree with branching.

• How to define an object, as a gun.

• How to assign attributes

• How to add kinematics to an object and move it around.

• Get some background on inverse kinematics.

• How to create and use inverse kinematics devices.

Kinematics background

In this topic, you learn how to create some different types of component
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know several ways to get guns and grippers into the system.

• Gain a basic background in kinematics.

• Know the methodology to define a kinematic device.

Kinematics background basics

According to wikipedia.org: Kinematics (from Greek, kinein, to move) is

the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of objects
without consideration of the causes leading to the motion.

Now let’s learn how to start with a geometric component and add kinematics to
component prototypes. In this topic you use the following kinematicsfunctionality:
• Joint Jog — Located on the Robot tab of the ribbon. This command is for
components that have kinematics defined, it can be used to move each
independent joint by itself.

• Pose Editor — Located on the Modeling tab of the ribbon. Thiscommand

is for components that have kinematics defined, it can be used create, edit,
and jump to existing poses.
A pose is a named set of joint values used during some simulations
(for example like opening and closing a door).

• Kinematics Editor — Located on the Modeling tab of the ribbon. When

modeling a component, it can be used to create, edit, or delete the definition
of the kinematics.
o Create Link — creates a kinematic link.

o Create Joint — creates a kinematic joint.

Ways to get geometry into Process Simulate

• Model them in Process Simulate.

• Model them in another CAD system and translate them into Process Simulate.
No matter where the geometry is created, the kinematics are added in Process
Basic kinematics

The following is a list of definitions that are important to remember when working
with kinematics:
You must be in Process Simulate modeling mode to define kinematics.

Here are some basic definitions:

• Link – (also known as a rigid body) a group of entities within a component that
remain fixed, relative to one another. In this way it is the basic non-moving
segment of a kinematic chain. Default names begin with these letters: LNK
(for example LNK1, LNK2, LNK3)

• Joint – the basic moving segment of a kinematic chain. A joint consists of

2 links and an axis. It defines the relative motion between these two links
relative to the axis. Default names begin with the letter J (for example J1,
J2, J3). There are 2 types of joints.
o Revolute joint - rotates around axis
According to wikipedia.org: Rotational or angular kinematics is
the description of the rotation of an object

■ The positive direction of rotation around an axis is defined using the

right-hand rule. The right-hand rule is this: Make a fist and point
your thumb straight up. Place your fist at the first point and align
your fist so that your thumb points straight toward the second point.
Now your fingers show the direction of rotation around the axis.

o Prismatic joint - linear movement along axis

According to wikipedia.org: Linear or translational kinematics is

the description of the motion in space of a point along a line.

• A kinematic tree has an order established by the relationship of the joints and
links. The parent link precedes a child link in the sequence order. When the
parent link moves, the child link follows. The parent takes the child with it.
o In a typical kinematic tree, the number of links is equal to 1 more thanthe
number of joints. For example: if there are 6 joints, there is 7 links.
o The kinematic chain is the simplest example of a kinematic tree. It is an
open loop, string linked mechanism. All the links, except the first, have
one parent. Also all the links, except the last, have one child.

o There is no limit to the length of a kinematic chain. Here is an example

of a kinematic chain (a simple kinematic tree)
Kinematic Tree:

The limit of six degrees of freedom only applies when defining a

robot. This is because robots require the creation of ONE inverse
Attributes of a kinematic joint

1. The joint angle

2. The axis

3. The joint type

4. The distance between the two links of the joint

5. The length of the link (distance between two joints)

6. The angle between two links (parent to child)

The last four attributes cannot be changed; they are fixed.
Methodology to define a kinematic device

1. Envision the kinematic chain and create a kinematic tree on paper.

• What are the links, what type of joints, and so on).

Whenever modeling kinematics, first draw a kinematic tree. Each

box represents a link. A joint is represented by drawing an arrow
from the parent link to the child link.

o The first link is always the fixed link.

o A link cannot contain any of the geometry of any other link.

2. Create the links.
• Verify that desired entities have been selected as part of the desired link.

3. Define each axis and joint (parent link, child link, axis and joint type).
• An axis is defined by its two end points. The positive direction is from
the first point to the second. (right-hand rule).

• Joints are defined between one object/assembly to a second

object/assembly. The father is the stationary object.

4. Define a range for each joint.

5. Create other joints in the same way.

6. Test the mechanism’s joints using Joint Jog .

7. Save and close the component prototype.

Creating and editing in the kinematic editor

Use the KinematicsEditor located on the Modeling tab of the ribbon, you can:

If the selected component is being modeled, you can create or modify its
kinematic information. However if it is not being modeled, you can only
view its kinematic information.

• Create links, delete links, and change the geometry in a link later. Links
are shown in the Kinematic Editor as boxes whose coloring matches the
geometry they contain.

• Create joints, delete joints, and change the axis, range, speed, and
acceleration in the joint later. Links are shown in the Kinematic Editor as an
arrow drawn from the parent link to the child link.
o Prismatic (linear) joints are shown as a blue arrow.

o Revolute (rotational) joints are shown as a black arrow.

o Locked joints are shown as a blue or black line with a circular head.

• Create dependencies between joints using functions or follow factors.

Following joints are shown as a blue or black large dotted arrow.
Joints with functions are shown as a blue or black small dotted arrow.

• Define kinematic devices and robots.

• Etc.

In the Kinematics background section, do the following activities:

• (Optional instructor demo) Simple kinematics

• Simple kinematics (Part 1)

• Simple kinematics (Part 2)

Review questions

fly a kite create geometry define links and joints
Kinematics basics summary

In this topic, you apply the basic kinematic theory learned in the last topic. The
kinematics of a door, containing two joints, is defined and then used in a simulation.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Add joints to a simple object.

In the Kinematics Basics Summary section, do the following activities:

• Add Joints to a Simple object

Review questions

change the type of an existing joint from rotational to linear change the links
referenced in a joint after it is created create links and joints change the geometry
in a link after it is created change the axis of an existing joint
Joint dependency basics

In this topic, you learn how to make the motion of one joint dependent on another.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Gain an understanding the basics of techniques available to define a joint

• Create a kinematic functions to define a joint dependency.

Introduction to joint dependency

There are three methods in this system to define joint dependencies, however
all three can be accessed by choosing Kinematics Editor , selecting the
dependent joint, and choosing Joint Dependency . Here are the three methods:
• In the Joint Dependency dialog box, choose Joint Function. It is used to
define the dependency of the selected joint to other joints using various
logical and mathematical functions. Using this technique, dependent joints
are hidden from the Joint Jog dialog box and is the most common method.
You use it in this lesson in order to hide the dependent joints.

• In the Joint Dependency dialog box, choose Coupling. This technique can
only be used with compound equipment (a component containing references
to several other sub components). It is used to define the dependency of a
joint from one sub component to another. The joint value of the dependent
joint is found by multiplying the factor times the leading joint. This is discussed
in a later lesson in this course.

• In the Joint Dependency dialog box, choose Following. It is used to define

the leading joint and follow factor for the selected joint. The joint value of the
dependent joint is found by multiplying the follow factor times the leading
joint. This is similar to coupling except that both joints are in on component.
Using this technique, dependent joints continue to be shown in the Joint
Jog dialog box.

By default all joints move independently. Checking any of the above

described options make the joints motion dependent on another joint.
Description of joint dependencies

Dependent joints can be found in many places such as grippers, weld guns, and
robots. For example in this robot there is a four bar linkage (three joints depend
on the motion of a fourth joint). Consider joints J1 and J2. At first, both joints start
out at 0 degrees. Because J2 is dependent on J1 (using the Following option or
the Joint Function option), moving J1 to 30 degrees, simultaneously moves J2
to —30 degrees.
However if J2 was not dependent on J1, moving J1 to 30 would not effect the
value of J2 (leaving it at 0 degrees).
Kinematic functions

Mathematically, think of the independent variable as being x and the dependent

variable as y. The only way to change the value of y is to change x. For example:
y = x * 2; If x = 40 then y = 80

This is not the exact function used in the previous example; since you do
not want to introduce trigonometry to explain this kinematic concept.

Similarly in this system, if:

• Joint J1 is independent

• Joint J2 is dependent on joint J1

• The value of J2 is defined as J2 * 2

• So if J1 = 40 then J2 = 80

• This is why J1 is available for jogging but J2 is not available.

Whenever calculating the follow factor for a joint pair and one joint is
prismatic and the other is rotational, the units for the rotational joint are
radians NOT degrees.

In the Joint dependency basics section, do the following activities:

• Leading joints and follow factors (robot tool)

Review questions

Introduction to kinematic cranks

In this topic, you learn how to add cranks to a kinematic tree.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Draw a kinematic tree of the desired kinematics

• Know the four standard joints of a crank.

• Create and use a crank such as a slider.

Crank basics

In this topic you use the following kinematics functionality that you have not
used yet:
More on the Kinematic Editor:
• Kinematics Editor
o Create Crank — used to define kinematic structures consisting of at
least one independent joint and multiple dependent joints that are joined
in a kinematic loop.

There is often a need to create joints whose motion is described as a function of

other joints. Very often, these functions are complex. One very common device is
a bar actuated by a piston or solenoid. The bar pivots about one end when the
other end is moved by the piston. The piston must also be free to pivot.
First draw the kinematic tree

The first step in designing any kinematic device is to draw the kinematic tree.
Typically you represent each link as a box. You then draw arrows from the parent
link to the child link to show their kinematic relationship. Each of the arrows are
labeled to show which joint they represent.

For example, if you wanted to have two jogable joints, you would need to have
three links (one more link than joints).
In some situations such as a crank, you have four joints with only one jogable
joint (independent). The other three joints of the mechanism are dependent on
the independent joint. So as you move the one independent joint, the dependent
joints move simultaneously.
Links and joints cranks

The Kinematics Editor enables you to define a crank, which is a kinematic

structure consisting of at least one independent joint and multiple dependent
joints that are joined in a kinematic loop. Cranks are created using a wizard that
takes you step-by-step through the process, including selecting the type of crank
to be defined, the coordinates of each crank joint and the entities that make up
the links of the crank.
The definition of the crank consists of four links and four joints named fixed, input,
coupler, and output. They occur in the order mentioned (FICO).
The resulting kinematic structure from the crank creation wizard contains 4 links,
(1 dummy link,) 3 dependent joints, and 1 independent joint.

The crank creation wizard can only be run once for any set of four links.
Changes can be made manually after that.
Cranks include the following links:
1. Fixed — The fixed link is not moved by the joints of the crank being defined.
(It may, however, be moved by a joint defined in a different kinematic
structure, including another crank.) The fixed_input joint (which can move) is
between the fixed link and input link.

2. Input — The input link is the parent link to the input_j1 independent joint.
This joint is between the input link and coupler link.

3. Coupler — The coupler link is moved by a dependent joint. The

coup_output joint is between the coupler link and output link.

4. Output — The output Link moved by a dependent joint that completes the
kinematic structure. The output joint is between the output link and fixed
link (dummy link).
5. The Kinematics Editor also adds a dummy link (one without geometry) to
complete the loop of the kinematic structure (it is a surrogate for the fixed link).

The point representing the axes for the rotational joints must lay on the same
plane. Any prismatic joint must be perpendicular to the rotational joints. To assist
in doing this, you can select the Optional custom plane box and select a surface
(or frame). The plane is displayed in the Graphic Viewer.
All the joint coordinates are projected on to this plane and the updated
values are used to create the crank. However, the joint values displayed
in the wizard remain unchanged. Thus, if you choose a different plane,
you are not be required to redefine these values.

If you select a dependent joint and open the Joint Dependency editor,
you can view the calculations entered by the system automatically to
operate the joint. More on this later
Crank types

The following crank types can be defined:

• Four-bar linkage — Crank consisting of four links and four rotational joints
(RRRR), only one of which is independent (known as a "double crank" in
Process Simulate).

• Slider — Crank consisting of three rotational joints and one prismatic joint, for
example, a piston. There are three configurations of slider cranks, differing in
the relative positions of their input (driving) joint and fixed link:
o RPRR — The input joint of FICO is prismatic.

o PRRR — The fixed joint of FICO is prismatic.

o RRRP — The output joint of FICO is prismatic.

• Three Points — A mechanism in which an RPRR slider drives a 4-bar linkage

crank ( known as three points because there are three points on the fixed link).
Four bar cranks

Four-bar linkage — Crank consisting of four links and four rotational joints
(RRRR), only one of which is independent (known as a "double crank" in Process

Before starting to create this type of crank, you should define four points
(or frames) on the same plane to be used to define the axes for the four
rotational joints.
Slider crank

Slider — Crank consisting of three rotational joints and one prismatic joint, for
example, a piston.
• RPRR — The input joint of FICO is prismatic.

• PRRR — The fixed joint of FICO is prismatic.

• RRRP — The output joint of FICO is prismatic.

Before starting to create this type of crank, you should define three points
(or frames) on the same plane to be used to define the axes for the three
rotational joints.

There are two types of slider cranks:

• Slider
• Offset Slider

You learn more on the Offset Slider later in this course.

Using three point cranks

Three Points — A mechanism in which an RPRR slider drives a 4-bar linkage

crank ( known as three points because there are three points on the fixed link).

In the Introduction to kinematic cranks section, do the following activities:

• Optional instructor demo: Kinematic looping

• Kinematic Looping

Review questions

Kinematic branching

In this topic, you learn how to create a kinematic tree with branching.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create a kinematic tree with more than one branch.
Branching basics

It is possible to have a more complex kinematic tree than a simple chain. A

kinematic link can have more than one child. This is how you create a branching
kinematic tree. Here is a simple example of an open-loop, branching mechanism.
Kinematic tree:
A kinematic tree has only one base and one TCP link. Usually, this is not a
robot. If the mechanism has a TOOLFRAME, and has an inverse solution,
only one branch is affected by the Move to Location command.
Robot tool example of kinematic branching

Let’s recall some of the simple kinematic trees you created so far. In general they
had one base link, which was connected to link1 by a joint. Link1 was then
connect to link2 and link2 was connect to link3, etc. This kinematic chain was
However in more complex kinematic examples, you may have kinematic branching
like in the following activity. This gun has 5 joints and 5 links that are kinematically
related (for example only one independent joint).
More on the Kinematic Editor:
• Reverse Joint — Keeps the parent-child link and changes the direction of
the joint.

In the Kinematic branching section, do the following activities:

• Robot tool kinematic definition (part 1)

• Robot tool kinematics (part 2)

Defining speed and acceleration

In this topic, you learn how to define joint speed and acceleration.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Define speed and acceleration values for a joint and see the effect on a
Speed and acceleration basics

An important part of any kinematic definition is the maximum speed and

acceleration permitted for each joint. It improves the fluidity of the simulation as
well as makes cycle calculations time more accurate.
• Speed - The maximum speed of a joint in the current linear or angular unit
per second.
o If the joint is a new joint for which no value is specified, the default is 100
mm/sec for prismatic joints or 90 degrees/second for rotational joints.

• Acceleration - The maximum acceleration of a joint in the current linear or

angular unit per second per second.
o If the joint is a new joint for which no value is specified, the default is 200
mm/second squared for prismatic joints or 180 degrees/second squared
for rotational joints.

Methods for setting up the time of device operations

• Automatic Method: The system uses the Speed and Acceleration setup in
the kinematics definition to automatically calculate the time it take to move
from one pose to another. This works because the max speed for the joint
cannot be exceeded, so the operation is stretched.

• Manual Method: Assign an unreasonably large value for the Speed and
Acceleration in the kinematics definition. Then manually specify the time for
the device operation. This works because the max speed for the joint is never
exceeded, so the operation is not stretched.
Copying prototypes vs. instances of objects

Each object in the product and resource tree has a prototype referenced by an
instance. The 3D data (.JT file) is associated to the prototype. Each time you
add an object into a study you get another instance of it (which share the same
3D data).
If you copy an object you are modeling, you get a new prototype (new 3D data
file). If you copy an object that you are not modeling, you get a new instance
(another reference to the same 3D data).

In the Defining speed and acceleration section, do the following activity:

• Speed and acceleration
Defining an object as a tool

In this topic, you learn how to define an object so that it is recognized as something
that can be mounted on a robot and used in a simulation.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Define objects using several different tool types (for different robotic

• Recall how to define a gun for use with the geometric gun search tool.

• Recall now to define poses for a kinematic object.

Tool definition basics

In this topic you use the following kinematics functionality:

• From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Layout group→Create Frame
→Frame by 6 values

• From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Kinematic Device group→Tool

Tool definition

The Tool Definition command is located in the Modeling tab of the ribbon. You
use it to define an object as a tool. In this sense, a tool means an object that can
be mounted to a robot to enable it to perform a task. The tool definition contains
critical information about the position of the TCPF on the robot on the tool and
more. Some menus that are affected by this setting include:
• Allows using the Mount Tool command to position and attach the tool to
the robot's wrist (TOOLFRAME) and place the TCPF of the robot (for the
default controller) on the predefined frame of the tool.

• Allows adding the tool into the gun box of the Operation Properties dialog box
of an robotic simulative operation (for example weld operation, pick and place
operation, or continuous feature operation)

• List of external axes in the Robot Properties dialog box for certain tool types.

• Ability to automatically move to a pose for certain simulative operation types

and tool types.
• Ability to use the Geometric Gun Search tool. You learn more on this
in the next topic.

• etc.

Options for tool definition types:

• Servo Gun — defines the resource as a servo spot-weld gun. In this case,
the Mount Tool command also defines the joint of the gun as an external
axis of the robot to facilitate setting the gun's joint value at each location.

• Pneumatic Servo Gun — are not defined as robot external axes when they
are mounted, but instead are controlled by OLP commands.

• Gripper — defines the resource as a gripper. It should contain poses for

setting the joint values at the part pick up and drop off locations (the poses
can have any name). The Gripping Entities and Offset distance defined
here determine what objects is gripped at the part pick up locations and
released at the part drop off locations: Any part within the Offset distance to
the Gripping Entities at these locations is effected.
• Paint Gun — defines the resource as a paint or dispensing gun. For a
paint gun you need to define the paint gun tip frame (nozzle) and TCPF.
The dummy kinematics are only used for calculation of paint thickness and
visualization of trigger states during simulation.

• Gun (for example all other tool types) — defines the resource as a tool you
want to mount to the end of the robot, that is not covered by one of the
other types listed above (for example pneumatic spot-welding, pedestal
spot-welding, drilling/riveting, arc-welding, roller hemming, laser cutting,
grinding, deburring, material removal, polishing, waterjet, etc.).

For a pneumatic spot-weld gun, or a pedestal spot-welder: it should

contain OPEN, SEMIOPEN, and CLOSE poses that is automatically
used when spot-welds are simulated. In this case, these pose names
are case sensitive.
In general, all tool types must have kinematics defined and at least one
pose. However for some objects (for example such as an arc-weld torch
or a paint gun), kinematics are not needed by the user. In these cases, it
is not necessary to define kinematics, since dummy kinematics and
poses are automatically added to the object (if none exists) by the Tool
Definition command.
How do I define a gun for searching?

A object must be defined as a gun in order to participate in a Geometric Gun

Search .
Geometric Gun Search is a Process Simulate cmmando that is discussed later
in this course. You use it to select the best weld gun from a library of weld guns
based on various attributes and whether the gun can spot-weld along the path
in your study without collision.
The gun defining is done while the gun is open in Process Simulate modeling.
The following is required to define an object as a gun:
• The object must be a device

• The device must have a TCP (Tool Center Point) frame

• At least the CLOSE state must be defined, but it is recommended to define all
the states (OPEN, CLOSE, SEMIOPEN).

These pose names are case sensitive.

• It must be defined using Tool Definition .

If these minimum demands are fulfilled, the object can be defined as a gun.
If there is a need for other states of the gun (OPEN, SEMIOPEN), they should
be defined as well.
To avoid a collision alert between the gun tips and the car part during the
Geometric Gun Search, you can define entities which do not participate in the
collision detection, using the no collision list command in gun define toolbox. The
selected entities do not participate in the collision detection of the Geometric Gun
Search. The no collision list does not affect regular Process Simulate collision
detection once you bring the gun into the study.
Pose definition basics

In this topic you use the following kinematics functionality from the ribbon:
• Home

• Pose Editor

• Joint Jog

In order to define a pose on the prototype, it must contain kinematics. Any

kinematic object can have poses stored with it. For example, spot-weld guns need
to have the following three poses created for them (case sensitive): CLOSE,

In the Defining an object as a tool section, do the following activities:

Perform two of these activities:Spot, Drill/Rivet, Material Handling, Arc,

Paint, or Debur. Your instructor may demonstrate others as time permits.

• Spot — Defining an object as a pneumatic spot-weld gun

• Spot — Defining an object as a servo spot-weld gun

• Drill/Rivet — Defining an object as a drill/rivet gun

• Material Handling — Defining an object as a gripper

• Arc — Defining an object as an arc-weld torch

• Paint — Defining an object as a paint gun

• Debur — Defining an object as a deburring tool

Review questions

Adding kinematics to a simple robot

In this topic, you learn how to add kinematics to an object and move it around.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Add kinematics to a simple robot.

• Use direct kinematics to move the robot.

Simple robot kinematics basics

In this topic, you add kinematics to a simple robot. In this activity you assume that
the geometry was already created (either in Process Simulate or somewhere else).

In the Adding kinematics to a simple robot section, do the following activities:

• Adding kinematics to a robot model

• Using direct kinematics to move the robot

Inverse kinematics device creation and usage

In this topic, you learn how to create and use inverse kinematics devices.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand the concept of inverse kinematics.

• Convert a direct kinematics (device) to an inverse kinematics (robot) by

adding a toolframe.

• Use Inverse kinematics to move the robot.

Inverse kinematics definition

In this topic you use the following kinematics functionality:

• From the Kinematics Editor :
o Create Toolframe — The presence of a TOOLFRAME on a
device triggers Process Simulate to define it for inverse kinematics, if
possible. The system adds these frames into your kinematic device:

Normally, an industrial robot would have 6 rotational joints,

yielding 1 or 2 possible inverse solutions for a reachable location.
However, if you have a kinematic device with more than 6 joints,
you can have an infinite number of inverse solutions for a
reachable location.

o Set Baseframe — used to specify a BASEFRAME for the component.

oSet Current Joint Values as Zero — If there is a link in the Kinematics

Editor, this function sets the current joint values as the zero position
by a compilation; Process Simulate prompts you before executing the
command. If there is no link, the function is disabled.

• Robot Jog — described in detail in the next topic

• Mount Tool — places the tool at the end of the robot wrist (on the
TOOLFRAME), places the robot TCPF on the predefined position stored in
the tool, and attaches the tool to the robot TOOLFRAME.
If the tool is a servo gun, it is also added as an external axis of the
robot. If the tool is a pneumatic gun, it is automatically actuated at
weld spots.

This command only works for tools that have been defined using the
Tool Definition command.
Robot jog basics

Robot Jog dialog box expander areas:

The five expander areas in this dialog box that can be Expanded to expose
functionality or Collapsed to hide it.
• Location — You can view the robot at a specific location or add locations
before or after it.

• Manipulators — Move and manipulate the robot using the Manipulator

Frame in the Graphic Viewer or the controls in this area. Also, you can limit
the robot to a single configuration by checking Lock and Selecting a
configuration from the Configuration list of values.

o The current position of the robot determines which configurations

appear in the Configuration list of values.

o The current robot configuration is displayed and updated

continually when Lock remains cleared.
• External Joints — You can use this area to adjust the values of the robot’s
external joints (for example servo gun joints or 7th axis) without having to
access the Joint Jog dialog box. Using Robot Jog to adjust external joint
values enables you to apply lock constraints that cannot be applied when
using the Joint Jog dialog box.

• All Joints — Similar to the Joint Jog dialog box.

• Coordinate Reference — You can use this area to measure the selected
location's position relative to various frames.
Robot Jog dialog modes:
There are several basic modes for the Robot Jog dialog box:
• Robot Jog (the default behavior) — the robot base is fixed to the ground or
an external axis (for example 7th axis), and TCPF can be moved anywhere
kinematically possible for this robot (Inverse Kinematics). It is also possible to
jog the robot on its external axes. .

• Only Robot Jog with Locked TCPF selected — the TCPF is fixed at a
location, and the robot base can be moved anywhere along its external axes
(for example 7th axis) of the robot.

• Robot Jog with Locked TCPF and Enable Robot Placement are
selected — TCPF is fixed at a location, robot base can be moved anywhere
kinematically possible for this robot (detached from external axes, if defined).

• Robot Jog with Locked TCPF and Enable Robot and Attachment
Chain Placement are selected — TCPF is fixed at a location, robot base
can be moved anywhere kinematically possible for this robot (attached
external axes, if defined).

• Robot Jog with Locked Configuration — the TCPF can be moved

anywhere kinematically possible without changing the robot configuration
when this is selected on the Manipulation area of the Robot Jog dialog box.
Inverse kinematics description

This topic describes how to create inverse kinematics devices. In general it is

easy. Just add a TOOLFRAME to the end of the primary branch (for example the
end effector) of the kinematic tree. This also adds a TCPF frame, which is used in
inverse kinematics. However, not all kinematic trees can have inverse kinematics.
The TCPF is the Tool center point frame. It refers to the frame of reference
of robots and robotic resources that is moved to target locations.

Here are some basic rules:

• Use One End Effector — Make a kinematic tree with only one primary
branch. The other branches should contain dependent joints (for example

• No Redundant Joints — Do not use redundant joints in the primary branch.

• Look at the Primary Kinematic Branch Configuration — Follow the

kinematic tree from the fixed link to the end effector. Write down the joint
types in order. For example RPP refers to a kinematic tree where the primary
kinematic branch contains a revolute first joint, a prismatic second joint, and a
prismatic third joint. Compare this information to the table below:

Example Primary Kinematic Branch Configurations with Inverse Kinematics:

Primary Kinematic Branch
Number of Joints Configuration (from the
regular inverse kinematic
Using the Special Inverse Solver:
A kinematic structure with three to six joints with a TCPF uses the regular inverse
solver. However if more than six joints with a TCPF are needed (for example a lift
assist), it uses the special inverse solver. This message is shown when defining
devices with more than six joints:

The special inverse solver can only be used with the default controller and
is not supported by compound equipment. In these cases if more than six
joints are needed, they should be defined into multiple devices and linked
together using either kinematic coupling or by defining external axes.

Inverse kinematics usage:

• Robot Jog — drag the TCPF of the robot while leave the base fixed,
thereby moving all the joints of the robot at once (Inverse Kinematics)

• Robot Jog with Locked TCPF — drag the base of the robot while
leaving the TCPF of the robot fixed, thereby moving all the joints of the robot
at once (Inverse Kinematics)

In this simple topic, you only be moving the robot without a tool
mounted to the end of the robot arm. In this case, the TCPF is at
the TOOLFRAME of the robot. When the Mount Tool command
is used to place a valid tool at the end of the robot, the TCPF of the
robot jumps to the TCP frame of the mounted tool. This affects the
locations that are marked and used later in this activity.

In the Inverse kinematics device creation and usage section, do the following
• Adding a tool frame

• Using inverse kinematics to move the robot

• (Optional extra credit) more inverse kinematics

Review questions


Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to create some different types of object kinematics.

• How to add lead and follow factor to object kinematics.

• How to add cranks to a kinematic tree.

• How to create a kinematic tree with branching.

• How to define an object, as a gun.

• How to assign attributes

• How to add kinematics to an object and move it around.

• Got some background on inverse kinematics.

• How to create and use inverse kinematics devices.

Lesson 9
Other selected modeling and
kinematics topics
Other selected modeling and kinematics topics

To provide information on other selected modeling and kinematics topics.
After you complete this chapter, you should be familiar with:
• How to define a kinematic rail (or 7th axis).

• How to use cranks to enhance more complex kinematic device development.

• How to do more with kinematic functions.

• How to do a more complex example of kinematic functions.

• How to do another example with kinematic functions.

Rails, gantries, and positioners (external axis) definition

In this topic, you learn how to define a kinematic rail (also known as a 7th axis),
which is a type of external axis.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basics about defining external axis components in this system.
External axis definition

Rail, Gantry, and Positioner Definition:

Use what you have learned to:
• Model the desired geometry for a rail, gantry, or positioner

• Add the desired direct kinematics (no inverse is required)

In Process Simulate: Rails, Gantries, and Positioners are types of external joints.
For example:
• Rail – It is a separate .COJT that consists of a single linear joint (and is
sometimes called a 7th axis). A robot is Attached to the child link of j1 (in
the study, not in modeling).

• Gantry – It is a separate .COJT that consists of three linear joints. A robot is

Attached to the child link of j3 (in the study, not in modeling).

• Positioner – It is a separate .COJT that consists of 2 rotational joints. The

part is Attached to the child link of j2 (in the study, not in modeling).
• Other kinematic devices can be used as externals as well, these three are
provided as typical examples.

In the Rails, gantries, and positioners (external axis) definition section, do the
following activity:
• Sample rail creation overview
More kinematic branching and cranks

In this topic, you learn how to use cranks to enhance more complex kinematic
device development.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know more about typical kinematic loops (cranks) including a several
example models.
Complete kinematic basics

It is possible to have a more complex kinematic tree than a simple chain. A

kinematic link can have more than one child. This is how you create a branching
kinematic tree. Here is a simple example of an open-Crank, branching mechanism.
Kinematic Tree
A kinematic tree has only one base and one TCP link. Usually, this is not a
robot. If the mechanism has a TOOLFRAME, and has an inverse solution,
only one branch is affected by the Move Loc command.
Working with the main branch

The main chain starts at the base and ends in the TCP link. It is recommended
to build the main chain first and ensure that it works properly. This may require
making sure it has an inverse solution, if needed.
The four links are called fixed, input, coupler, and output. They occur in the order
mentioned (FICO). In a single crank, the fixed and output links belong to the
main branch, while the input and coupler links are not accessible. The input or
the coupler is the "step" joint.
When two cranks are connected, the output of the one crank is the input of the
other crank, and does not belong to the main branch.
Example of a parallel pantograph (or four bar linkage)

A Fanuc 420 has an example of a parallel pantograph. This is a RRRR crank,

and the bars define a parallelogram. The second link is the fixed bar, the third
link is the output bar. The vertical pantograph arm is the coupler bar, and the
horizontal pantograph arm is the input bar.
This is the same as the four−bar linkage crank.
Example of a non-parallel pantograph (or four bar linkage)

A Kuka k662 has an example of this. This case is similar to the ABB irb 60 case.
The pantograph in the ABB is a parallelogram, while in the Kuka it is not. This
difference is that in non-parallel pantographs, the motion of the coupler cannot
be calculated using a follow factor, because it is not linear. It is the result of the
structure of the robot.
Example of a prismatic screw (or slider linkage)

A Cincinnati 646 has an example of a prismatic screw (notice the sliders on

the back of the robot). Our lever attached to a piston is another example of a
prismatic screw. Each is an RPRR Crank, and the bars define a triangle. The
prismatic joint is the input joint. The prismatic joint intersects two rotational joints
(no offset allowed).
RRRP slider
PRRR slider
PRRR offset slider
RPRR offset slider
RRRP offset slider

In the More kinematic branching and cranks section, do the following activities:
• (Instructor Demo) Other slider cranks including offset slider
Variable joint limits

In this lesson, you learn how to define joints whose limits depend on another joints
limits. this is known as variable limits.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Use variable joint limits.

• Define variable joint limits.

Help topics
Additional information for this lesson can be found in:
• Process Simulate→Kinematics Menu→Kinematic Editor→Defining
Kinematics→Creating Joints
Introduction to variable joint limits

When the limits of a joint are not constant but vary, depending on the pose of
other joints, the joint is said to have variable joint limits.
In order to maintain the joint limits of a dependent joint, you use the variable joint
limits functionality. It is used to modify a dependent joint’s range−−based on
another joint−−to avoid crashing into itself, an outside fence, or to simulate real
robot environments.
One simple example of a variable limit is a very inflexible person with only two
joints: One joint allows him to bend at the waist and the other to bend at the
• If he stands up straight, he can move his arm 180 degrees: 0 degrees is the
arm straight up in the air and 180 degrees is hands on his quadriceps.
• However, if he bends at the waist 90 degrees, his arm motion is greatly
diminished to approximately 60 degrees: 0 degrees is the arm straight up in
the air and 60 degrees is hands on his quadriceps.
Here is the table of extreme points for this example:
Waist joint Shoulder joint
0 0
0 180
90 0
90 60
Variable joint limits graph

You use a joint-dependence graph to configure a mechanism’s working range.

The working range of a mechanism is found by do the following:
1. Put the mechanism axes into extreme positions.

2. Create a table of the extreme points between two joints. (The dependent and
independent joints). For example when j2 is -60 degrees, then j3 cannot be
any larger than 215 degrees or smaller than -19 degrees.

3. Create the joint-dependence graph using the table of extreme points. (Only
one direction has to be defined, the other is created automatically).
Defining variable joint limits

In a typical robot, j3’s limits are dependent on j2’s value and j2’s limits are
dependent on j3’s value). So, changing j2's value changes j3's limits and changing
j3's value changes j2's limits.
If j2 and j3 were not dependent, the range graph would be a rectangle and have
only four points in the chart. The reason to have a variable limit is to avoid hitting
something. So the shape of the range graph is anything but rectangle. For
example, it could be a parallelogram. You could also have hexagon that looks like
a rectangle without two opposite corners. With a hexagon, there would be six
points in the chart.
The shape of range graph can be any shape that defines a convex polygon. This
is because the dependency must be invertible. The extreme points that cause
a problem are ignored.
When creating the range graph (which shows the working range), you need to
look at the Cartesian space. A curve in Cartesian space becomes a line on the
range graph. And a straight line in Cartesian space can become a curve on the
range graph.

In the Variable joint limits section, do the following activities:

• Understanding variable joint limits

• Defining the variable limits

More on kinematic functions

In this topic, you learn how to do more with kinematic functions.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know more about basic and advanced options available when defining joint
Function basics

From the Kinematic Editor dialog box, clicking Joint Kinematics Functions
opens the Joint Kinematics Function dialog box. It enables defining a joint as a
dependent joint. These commands define functions which receive the values of
the independent joint or joints, and which return the value of the dependent
(function) joint.
A dependent joint is a joint whose movement is totally dependent on the motion of
one or more other joints and which therefore does not constitute an independent,
accessible degree of freedom. It is not listed in the Joint jog dialog box together
with the data for the active mechanism.
If a Joint Jog dialog box moves an independent joint, any dependent joints move
according to their functional dependence.
Process Simulate function definitions

A function−joint function consists of an expression.

When expression includes a reference to an independent joint, that reference
can assume any of four different forms:
• t# and d# Designate a rotational or prismatic joint, respectively, numbered #
in the order of the joints as determined when the mechanism is defined by
the mechanism define command. This order is determined by the system
and is subject to change if the mechanism is subsequently redefined. The
maximum allowable number of joints is 64.

• T( name ) and D( name ) Designate a rotational or prismatic joint,

respectively, specified by its name determined when the joint was defined or
as subsequently renamed by the user.

The format of an expression itself has one or more of the forms listed below. In
all of the forms, the spaces as shown are optional; thus (mnp) and ( mnp ) are
equally valid.
• ( string ) One of seven forms enclosed in parentheses ( ):
• Sine or cosine abbreviation: Uppercase S or C for rotational joints, or
lowercase s or c for prismatic joints, followed by one or more digits from
0 to 9, to express the sine or cosine of the specified joint in radians. This
expression abbreviates references to joints in the format d# or t#; it does not
abbreviate expressions using D(name) or T(name). Examples: (S9) means
(sin(t9)) for rotational joint 9; (s9) means (sin(d9)) for prismatic joint (C1)
similarly means (cos(t1)) and (c1) means (cos(d1)). An expression like
(sin(T(j2))) cannot be abbreviated.

• ( number ) A real number. A minus sign is prefixed if the value is negative.

If the value is a decimal fraction, a decimal point is appended and followed
by one or more digits; if the fraction is less than 1 the leading zero may be
omitted. If the value is a whole number, the .0 portion may be omitted.
Examples: (−0.21), (−.21), (200.03), (762).

• sin (expression ) or cos (expression ) or tan (expr ) The respective

trigonometric value of the expression in radians. Examples: (sin(t3)),
(cos(T(j3))), (tan(D(j1)/a3)).

• asin ( expr ) The arc sine of the expression, returning values in the range
−p/2 to p/ Example: (asin(nx)).
• acos ( expression ) The arc cosine of the expression, returning values in the
range 0 to p. Example: (acos(nx0y−ny0x)).

• atan ( expression) The arc tangent of the expression, returning values in the
range −p/2 to p/ Example: (atan(31.7)).

• atan2 ( expression1 , expression2 ) The arc tangent of expression1

divided by expression2, returning values in the range −p to p. Example:

• anorm( expression1 , expression2 ) Normalize angle: Expression1 is the

angle to be normalized. expression2 is the value to be normalized to (in
radians). Example: anorm(0.5, 1)

• sqrt ( expression ) The square root of the expression. Example: (sqrt(4)).

• ln ( expression ) The natural logarithm of the expression. Example: (ln(4)).

• exp ( expression ) The expression constituted as an exponent. Example:

• pow ( expression1 , expression2 ) Expression1 raised to the power expressed
by the exponent consisting of expression2. Example: (pow(10, 2)) returns

• abs ( expression ) The absolute value of the expression. Example: (abs(−3))

returns 3.

• floor ( expression ) The largest integer not greater than the expression.
Example: (floor(27.9)) returns 27.

• ceil ( expression ) The smallest integer not less than the expression.
Example: (ceil(27.9)) returns 28.

• int ( expression ) The integer portion of the expression; the fractional portion
is truncated. Example: (int(27.9)) returns 27.

• sgn ( expression ) The sign of the expression, returning 0 if the expression is

positive, 1 if the expression is negative. Example: (sgn(−3)) returns 1.

• ! ( expression ) Not the expression, where the expression is Boolean.

• rad ( expression ) The conversion of the expression to radians.

• deg ( expression ) The conversion of the expression to degrees.

• ( expression1 * expression2 ) The product of expression1 and expression2;

the * is optional.

• Pi – Pronounced pie, it has the value of approximately 3.14

• 1/x – Inverse of x.

• ( expression1 + expression2 ) The sum of expression 1 and expression2;

expression2 may itself be a sum of two or more expressions. Example:
(2+(3+(3))) returns 8. The parentheses are optional.

• ( expression1 / expression2 ) The quotient of expr1 divided by expression2;

expression2 may be a sum of two or more expressions. Example: (6/(1+2))
returns 2. The parentheses are required.

• ( expression1 % expression2 ) The remainder of expression1 divided by

expression2; expression2 may be a sum of two or more expressions.
Example: (9%7) returns 2.
• ( expression1 == expression2 ) Returns 1 if the indicated expressions are
equal, 0 if the comparison is false.

• ( expression1 != expression2 ) Returns 1 if the indicated expressions are not

equal, 0 if the comparison is false.

• ( expression1 >= expression2 ) Returns 1 if expression1 is greater than or

equal to expression2, 0 if the comparison is false.

• ( expression1 <= expression2 ) Returns 1 if expression1 is less than or equal

to expression2, 0 if the comparison is false.

• (( expression1 > expression2 ) Returns 1 if expression1 is greater than

expression2, 0 if the comparison is false.

• ( expression1 < expression2 ) Returns 1 if expression1 is less than

expression2, 0 if the comparison is false.

• ( expression1 && expression2 ) Boolean and: evaluates Boolean expressions

expr1 and expr2 in the order given and returns 1 if they are both true, 0
otherwise. If expr1 is false, this function returns 0 and exits without evaluating
• ( expression1 || expression2 ) Boolean or: evaluates Boolean expressions
expr1 and expr2 in the order and returns 0 if they are both false, 1 otherwise. If
expr1 is true, this function returns 1 and exits without evaluating expression2.
Implementation notes

The Process Simulate function-joint implementation is heavily dependent on

nested parentheses. When formulating a formula, ensure that the parentheses
are properly placed and balanced.
The command line and editor commands verify user-supplied functions and issue
error messages if the syntax is incorrect.

In the More on kinematic functions section, do the following activities:

• (Optional Instructor Demo) Implementing joint logic with functions

• Optional Instructor Demo) Kinematics following a surface

Train joint function example

In this topic, you learn how to do a more complex example of kinematic functions.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know more about advanced options available when defining joint functions.
Train joint basics

You can create many different complex devices in Process Simulate. The
following explains the theory and creation of one such device. It is called the train
joint due to its similarity with an old time steam drive train. It is a common joint that
converts rotary motion into linear motion.
There are several versions:
• One in which the wheel drives the prismatic link via bar linkage.

• Another in which the wheel drives the prismatic joint directly.

You do the bar linkage joint first.

The model consists of four entities:
• A bracket to hold the axle, the wheel, and two connector bars.

One bar is connected to the wheel and has a rotational joint at each end. The
other bar is connected to the first bar and has linear motion.
There are three (3) joints created. The first joint (axle) is the point of rotation of the
wheel. The second joint (cpin) is the attach point of the bar to the wheel. And the
third joint (barpin) is the attach point of one bar to the other. The resulting device
drives bar2 prismatically when the wheel turns. you need to solve for the values of
cpin and barpin. They both need to be a function of axle.
At any given time you know certain values. You know the joint value of axle and
the length of the bars. And at any given time, the three joints form a triangle. Using
the known values and the law of sines you can solve for the unknown joint values.
Defining the train joint

First define some variables:

• axle - joint value of axle joint

• RL1 - the distance from the pivot point of the wheel and the pivot point of
the connector bar.

• BA1 - first angle of triangle

• BA2 - second angle of triangle

• BA3 - third angle of triangle

• BL1 - length of connecting bar 1 (distance between pivot points)

• BL2 - length of connecting bar 2 (distance between pivot points)

From the law of sines:
• sin(BA1) / BL1 = sin(BA2) / RL1

• (RL1 / BL1 ) * sin(BA1) = sin(BA2)

Since RL1 and BL1 are both constants you can replace them with C. And you
want to find BA2 so you take the asin of both sides. Giving us:
• BA2 = asin( C * sin(BA1) )

You can now have 2 of the three interior angles of the triangle defined. And given
that the sum of the angles must be 180 you can solve for the third.
• BA1 + BA2 + BA3 = 180

• BA3 = 180 - BA1 - BA2

Substituting the solution for BA2 back in:

• BA3 = 180 - BA1 - asin( C * sin(BA1) )

You can now have functions for BA2 and BA3 based on BA. But Process Simulate
requires that you solve for the joint values and your current functions solve for
angles. The joint value is 0 for the HOME or starting position. The joint value at
any other time is just the change in joint angle from the starting angle. So joint
value can be found by subtracting the starting joint angle from the current joint
Let us establish some new prefixes.
• OA actual angle at start or HOME position (OA1, OA2, OA3)

• JA joint value (JA1, JA2, JA3)

Process Simulate gives you joint value JA1. So BA1 becomes:

• BA1 = OA1 + JA1
The joint value for BA2 is calculated by subtracting the original angle of BA2 from the
current angle of BA2.
• JA2 = BA2 - OA2

Substituting your angle calculation for BA2:

• JA2 = asin( C * sin(BA1) ) - OA2

Substituting joint value calculation for BA1

• JA2 = asin( C * sin( OA1 + JA1 )) - OA2

For Process Simulate the constants C, OA1 and OA2 must be calculated.
• C = RL1 / BL1

In your example RL1 = 478.13 and BL1 = 1500.0

• C = 478.13 / 1500.0 = 0.3187558

• OA1 = 0 radians

• OA2 =0 radians
• JA1 = 0 radians

The actual Process Simulate function becomes:

• ( asin ( ( 0.3187558 ) * sin( ( T(axle) + (0.0) ) ) ) (0.0)
Depending on the direction of the axis of j1, you may need to multiply
this quantity by -1.0

The additional parentheses are required for the function parser.

Lastly you need to generate the joint values for JA3. Again you know that the joint
value is the current joint angle minus the original joint angle.
• JA3 = BA3 - OA3

Substituting in the formulas for the angle calculations:

• JA3 = 180 * BA1 * asin( C * sin(BA1) ) - OA3

Substituting joint value calculation for BA1:

• JA3 = 180.0 * ( OA1 + JA1 ) * asin( C * sin( OA1 + JA1 )) − OA3
Converting to radians and substituting for constants the actual function to put
in Process Simulate is:
• ( (3.1415927) ( ( 0.0 ) + T(axle) ) asin( ( (0.3187558) * sin( (
+ T(axle) ) ) ) ) - (3.1415927) )

Process Simulate allows for both positive and negative joint values. For
revolute joints the sign is determined by the right-hand rule. In your
example, JA3 must rotate in the opposite direction from JA. This means
that the axis for J1 and J2 should be in the same direction but the axis for
J3 should be in the opposite direction. If all three axis are created in the
same direction, then the function becomes:

• ( (3.1415927) ( ( 0.0 ) + T(axle) ) + asin( ( (0.3187558) * sin(

(0.0) + T(axle) ) ) ) ) + (3.1415927) )

In the The train joint - function example section, do the following activity:
• (Instructor Demo) Examine the train joint
Cam joint function example

In this topic, you learn about another example using kinematic functions.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know more about advanced options available when defining joint functions.
Cam joint basics

Another popular joint is the piston or cam type joint. This joint too converts revolute
motion to prismatic motion. But there are only two joints and no bar linkages.
The motion you need to define is such that as the wheel rotates a bar moves back
and forth. As the angle of rotation goes from 0 to 180, the bar moves in one
direction. While the angle of rotation goes from 180 to 360, the bar travels in
the opposite direction.
If joint angle of axle is between 0 and 180 then prismatic joint value is between 0
and maximum stroke. And the prismatic value increases as the axle joint angle
If joint angle of axle is between 180 and 360 then the prismatic joint value is
between maximum stroke and 0. The prismatic value starts at max stroke and
decreases as the axle joint angle increases.
So your basic function becomes:
if ( axle > =180 ) then
prismatic = max ( axle * factor )
prismatic = axle * factor
Defining the cam joint

For ease of understanding you first define some terms and then the function
Normalize angle:
• ANG angle to be normalized

• NF1 value to be normalized to in radians for check 2 * PI

• NF2 value to be normalized to in radians for joint value calculation PI

• INT integer portion of a number. fractional portion is truncated.

• ANORM(ANG, NF) = ( ANG ( ( INT( ANG / NF ) ) * NF ) )

ANORM: Normalize an angle to the specified value.

Follow factor:
• PMT maximum prismatic joint travel in mm.

• RPC number of radians in cycle ( PI )

• FF = ( PMT / RPC )

Sine and Cosine:

• Sine of an angle is negative if the angle is between 180 and 360.
o sin(angle) < 0 if 180 < angle < 360

• Sine of an angle is positive if the angle is between 0 and 180.

o sin(angle) > 0 if 0 < angle < 180

• How do you check for angle = 0 and angle = 180?

o cos(angle) =
o −1 if angle = 180

o 1 if angle = 0, 360

• Taking your original joint value function:

if( axle >= 180 ) then
prismatic = max ( axle * factor )
prismatic = axle * factor
Substituting your definitions the joint value function becomes:
If ( ( cos(axle) = −1) || (sin(axle) < 0) ) then
prismatic = PMT ( FF * (ANORM(axle, NF2) )
( prismatic = FF * ANORM(axle, NF2) )

Our original function uses one joint value calculation between 0 and 180 and
another calculation between 180 and 360. Since Process Simulate does not have
an if−then−else structure you must simulate one. Booleans are provided. They
are evaluated and return 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE. So, to get the affect of
if−then−else, you use two checks and a summation. you multiply the joint value
calculation by the result of the check. If the check is false, then the result of the
joint value calculation is multiplied by 0. You create the checks so that only one is
true at a time. Then if you add the two functions together you get one joint value
times 0 plus one joint value times The effect is that when one check is true you
calculate the joint value using its associated function.
Our new function definition becomes:
(( ( cos(axle) = −1) || (sin(axle) < 0) ) * (PMT ( (FF) * (ANORM(axle,
(( ( cos(axle) = 1) || (sin(axle) > 0) ) * ( (FF) * (ANORM(axle, NF2)) )
So you can now plug in the constants and formulas for the actual Process Simulate
• PMT = 42 inches = 1066.8 mm

• RP = 180 = PI
• NF = 360 = PI * 2.0 = 6.2831853
• NF = 180 = PI = 3.1415927
• 2 = 42.0 in / PI = 1066.8 / 3.1415927 = 339.57299

• ANG = T(axle) joint value of axle joint

The final format ready for input to Process Simulate:

( (
cos(T(axle)) == (−1.0) ) || ( sin(T(axle)) <
) *
(1066.8) −
(339.57299) *
(T(axle) (( int(( T(axle) / (3.1415927) ) )) * (3.1415927) ))
cos(T(axle)) == (1.0) ) || ( sin(T(axle)) > (0.0)
) *
(339.57299) *
( T(axle) (( int(( T(axle) / (3.1415927) ) )) * (3.1415927) ) )

Since Process Simulate produces both positive and negative joint values,
you might want to take the absolute value of the result to keep the motion
consistent regardless of the direction axle is rotated.

Since the sine and cosine functions are not continuous you may want to use
the following function instead:
339.5729923 *
( (3.1415926) (abs(((rad(((deg( (T(axle)) ) )
(360) ))) (3.1415926) ))))

In the The cam joint - function example section, do the following activity:
• (Instructor Demo) Examine the cam joint

Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to define a kinematic rail (or 7th axis).

• How to use cranks to enhance more complex kinematic device development.

• How to do more with kinematic functions.

• How to do a more complex example of kinematic functions.

• How to do another example with kinematic functions.

Lesson 10
General robotics
General robotics

To provide an introduction to the robotics section of this training course.
After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• The basic concepts of Process Simulate is discussed.

• An overview of robotics
Robotics overview

In this topic, you get an overview of key robotics terms and robotic applications.
Many of which are used in this course. You review some diagrams to guide you
through the process to create a robotic simulation in Process Simulate. The
sequence is different depending on what type of robotic path you want to make
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know where to go in order to learn to create the type of robotic simulation
you want.

• Review some basic industry information about robotics.

• Review some basic industrial robotic applications (uses for industrial robots).
Robotics introduction

According to Wikipedia.org: The box of robotics may be more practically

defined as the study, design and use of robot systems for manufacturing
(a top-level definition relying on the prior definition of robot). Typical
applications of robots include welding, painting, assembly, pick and
place, packaging and palletizing, product inspection, and testing, all
accomplished with high endurance, speed, and precision.

This training course assumes that the attendees are somewhat familiar with
industrial robotics, their uses, and related terms such as:
• Teach pendant

• Payload

• Working envelope

• Kinematics

• Singularity
• Seventh Axis

• Degrees of freedom

• Tool center point

• etc.
Robotics applications

The goal of this class is too make several collision free robotic simulative
operations for different robotic applications.
According to Wikipedia.org: The field of robotics may be more practically
defined as the study, design and use of robot systems for manufacturing
(a top-level definition relying on the prior definition of robot). Typical
applications of robots include various manufacturing tasks accomplished
with high endurance, speed, and precision.

There are many types of robotics applications. In this training, you choose the
type of robotic path development that you want to learn about:

Discrete robotic applications

• Spot-welding applications — For example:
o Spot Welding with the weld gun mounted on the robot (using pneumatic
or servo weld guns)

o Ped. spot welding (Part grasped by a gripper mounted to the robot)

• Drilling and riveting applications — For example:
o Drilling

o Riveting

Material handling
• Material handling applications — For example:
o Assembly

o Packing/Palletizing

o Part Transfer

o Etc.

Continuous robotic applications

• Arc-welding applications

• Painting applications

• Other Continuous Applications — For example:

o Gluing/Dispensing

o Grinding/Deburring/Material Removal/Polishing

o Laser cutting

o Laser welding

o Roller Hemming

o Sealing

o Waterjet

o Etc.
High-level robotics flow charts

There are separate sections in this course for creating each type of robotic path:

• Robotic spot welding

• Drilling and riveting

• Robotic material handing

• Continuous feature operations

o Robotic arc welding

o Robotic painting
o Other continuous applications besides arc and paint (for example glue,
debur, waterjet, etc.)

In this lesson you review some diagrams to guide you through the process to
create a robotic simulation in Process Simulate. The sequence is different
depending on what type of robotic path you want to make.
Simulation Monitor

The Simulation Monitor displays the information to help you debug robotic
programs and the simulation.
To open this viewer: From the ribbon choose View tab→Screen Layout
group→Viewers →Simulation Monitor.

Settings — Use the Settings dialog box to select:

• Auto-opening of tabs — the Simulation Monitor automatically opens a new
tab for each robot that returns messages. If this option is cleared, all the
messages are stored on the main tab.

• Auto-scrolling of tabs — the Simulation Monitor automatically scrolls to

the last message - the message display is updated continually. This setting
freezes the message display as the simulation proceeds, enabling users to
examine messages of interest. Clearing the option again resumes message
+ — Use it to display a tab for a robot or resource if auto-enabling of tabs is off.
The icon is only enabled when a relevant selection is made.
The message list that is generated continues to display even after you reset the
simulation to the start, or close and reopen the Simulation Monitor. The list is
deleted upon pressing the Play Simulation Forward button.
You use the Simulation Monitor to view messages per robot as the simulation
progresses, as well as messages related to the simulation. The messages display
in runtime if the Simulation Connected is selected. When it is not selected,
the messages are displayed only when users pause the simulation, and at the
end of the simulation.
Severity level icons enable filtering the messages:
• Show Errors

• Show Warnings

• Show Informations

• Show Trace
In the Simulation Monitor you can copy of messages and their details by selecting
message table and then pasting the selected text into a spreadsheet.

The Simulation Monitor replaces the Error Viewer found in older versions of
Process Simulate. Therefore, when the simulation ends, the Error Viewer
does not pop-up automatically. If users did not press the Simulation
Connected in order to see the simulation information, they have to open
the Simulation Monitor from the Viewers list.
Creating a study (again)

In this topic, you learn create an empty study to open Process Simulate.

For other activities in class, you use pre-existing studies.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Recall now to create a new study.
Do I do this?

Most tasks you perform in Process Simulate, begin by making a study.

In the open study, you may decide to layout the components.

In the Creating a study (again) section, do the following activity:

• Creating a new study (again)

Review questions



The working folder is not important and does not need to be set. It is good
practice for multiple people to share the same working folder that are working
together. Your working folder is a temporary place where objects are put if the
system does not know where to put them. A working folder is used with Process
Simulate (connected), but not Process Simulate Disconnected (Standalone) It is
highly recommended that you set a working folder in all projects that you work in.
Shortcut Collection CompoundObject RobcadStudy A folder containing simulation
results and analysis output. A portion of the complete project containing those
products, operations, and resources, which have to be analyzed, simulated and
Manufacturing feature representation

In this topic, you learn some background information regarding manufacturing
feature representation.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Distinguish the manufacturing feature types.

• View manufacturing features.

• Know sources for manufacturing features.

• Know how to setup the basic manufacturing feature orientation.

• Use auto save.

Manufacturing feature types

Most manufacturing features represent a theoretical position (without orientation)

or series of positions of the robot TCP on the part and describe how a robot moves
along a part. Each manufacturing feature can also contain several attributes.
There are several types of manufacturing features. Not all of them are discussed
in this training:
• Weld point — Used to represent discrete manufacturing processes
such as spot-welding, drilling, or riveting. It does not have any associated
geometry, but is represented as a red cube by default.

• Continuous Mfg — Used to represent continuous manufacturing

processes (anytime a robot moves continuously along an edge or face of a
part) such as arc-welding, gluing/dispensing, laser cutting, laser welding,
painting, material removal/grinding/deburring/polishing, etc. It has geometry
(for example a curve or line) associated to it. Here are some other default
types of continuous manufacturing features:
o ArcContinuousMfg

o GlueContinuousMfg
o LaserCutContinuousMfg

o LaserWeldContinuousMfg

o PaintContinuousMfg

o RollerHemmingContinuousMfg

o SealContinuousMfg

o WaterJetContinuousMfg

Another manufacturing feature type, PLP , is not discussed in this

training. It is used to represent the point where the part is being
constrained (for example clamped) in a fixture.
Viewing manufacturing features

Where to look for manufacturing features:

• Operation Tree — Manufacturing features are shown here as a child of the
simulative operation they are related to (until they are projected to create
the location operations)

• Graphic Viewer — Manufacturing features are shown here until they are
projected to create locations (then they are blanked by default)

• Mfg Viewer — Manufacturing features are always shown here.

Mfg Viewer:
This viewer contains a filterable table of manufacturing features. It contains
various columns of attributes that can be added and other functionalities including:
• Find by Caption — Find a manufacturing feature based on its caption

• Unassign — Unassign a manufacturing feature from a part

• Customize — Enables you to select the manufacturing feature attributes
that are displayed in the MFG Viewer.

By default, only the out of the box and custom attributes and object
types are shown in the Customize dialog box.

• Filter by Type — Filters the display of the MFG Viewer based on the
manufacturing feature type.

Emphasizing Continuous MFG Display

You can change the color and width of the curves representing continuous
manufacturing features. This can be done for specific manufacturing features
or all.
• From the ribbon choose Process tab→Continuous group→Emphasize
Continuous Mfg — used to change the width and color of specific
manufacturing features for easy viewing in the Graphic Viewer.
• To change it for all, choose File→Options , click the Appearance tab, and
select Emphasized Graphic Appearance→Emphasized Mfgs.
Sources for discrete manufacturing features

Discrete manufacturing features, such as weld points or rivets, are always

tied to one or more parts. In order to “see” a Manufacturing feature in
Process Simulate it must be created and associated to a part or operation
that is either associated to the study directly or indirectly (indirectly means
it's associated to a part that is associated to an operation associated to the

For weld points and rivets:

• Imported from a spreadsheet (CSV)
o This is the most typical technique. See the next section for details

• Created directly in Process Simulate

These commands, located on the ribbon Process tab→Discrete group, only
create WeldPoint objects. You cannot choose to create custom object types:
o Create Weld Point by Coordinates — create a weld point at a
location selected by one of the standard frame specification methods.

o Create Weld Points — create multiple welds on the part where ever
you select.

o Create WP on Robot’s TCPF — create a weld point at the current

TCPF position of the selected robot, or TCP of the selected gun, servo
gun, or pneumatic servo gun. The command is enabled when any of
these is selected.

By default, manufacturing features show in the Graphic Viewer as a red square

and are also displayed in the Mfg Feature viewer.
Importing weld points or rivets
Sources for continuous manufacturing features

Continuous manufacturing features are always tied to one or more parts.

In order to “see” a Manufacturing feature in Process Simulate it must be
created and associated to a part that is either associated to the study
directly or indirectly (indirectly means it's associated to a part that is
associated to an operation associated to the study).

For Continuous Manufacturing Features:

• Imported from a spreadsheet (CSV).
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning group→Import Mfgs

• Associate curves or line objects (.COJT) created in Process Simulate using

the ribbon, choose Process tab→Continuous group→Create Continuous
Mfg from Curve .
By default manufacturing features show in the Graphic Viewer as a and are also
displayed in the Mfg Feature viewer.
Using auto save

From the General tab in the Options dialog box (File→Options ), users can
configure the frequency in minutes of the prompt's display.
Check Every to enable auto save and set the frequency (in minutes) of thepop-up
reminder which prompts you to save your work. When prompted, click Yes to
save your work locally.

Initiating a regular save operation resets the auto save timer.

Review questions



Subjects learned in this Topic:

• The basic concepts of Process Simulate is discussed.

• An overview of robotics
Lesson 11
Spot welding applications
Spot welding applications

To provide an introduction to Process Simulate.

After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• The basic terms and processes of spot welding

• Basic Process Simulate Robotics path development process.

• Some background information regarding manufacturing feature


• How to project welds to create weld locations.

• How to make some changes to the weld path associated to the weld operation.

• The Multi Section tool

• How to use the Weld Distribution Center (WDC)

• The process methodology used in this topic

• Overview of how to define poses for kinematic devices.

• How to set up the study.

• How to maneuver the part in and out of the fixture.

• How to create a rough mounted workpiece (external TCP or pedestal welding

) path.

• How to orient the locations on a gripped part.

• How to use the Geometric Gun Search tool.

• How to use servo guns.

Spot welding primer (optional topic)

In this topic, you learn the basic terms and processes of spot welding.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basics of spot welding.

• Know the basics of designing a spot-welding manufacturing line.

• Know the basics of design targets.

Spot welding basics

The automotive industry utilizes spot-welding as the most common method

of joining metal sheets. This method uses high pressure and current to melt
two sheets at their point of contact, such that when the melted areas harden
they are fused together. The process historically used for spot-welding on a
mass-production basis was hard automation, in which many points are welded
together at one time. This method is rapid, but suffers from the disadvantage of
being extremely inflexible: model changes require extensive and expensive
rebuilding of manufacturing machinery, thereby encouraging manufacturers to
continue producing obsolete models to the detriment of their ability to compete.
The introduction of robotic spot welding, to which this document applies, has
brought a new level of flexibility to manufacturing. This process spot-welds points
one at a time, using either a general-purpose or a specially built robot which
carries a welding gun constructed from a variety of mechanical, electrical and
hydraulic components.
The points to be spot-welded usually have diameters of 6−8 mm, are spaced
10−400 mm apart, and should be located a few millimeters or more away from
the edges of the metal sheets. Spot-welding guns usually have three poses: fully
open, half open, and closed. One arm usually is movable and the other arm is
either fixed or has a very limited range of movement.
With some manufacturers, the engineer who designs the spot-welding lines
also constructs his own spot-welding guns from basic components: cylinders,
valves, transformers, etc. Other manufacturers purchase the gun as a single unit,
and the engineer needs only to select the geometry of the shanks. Still other
manufacturers stock the guns complete with their shanks, requiring the engineer
to select only the gun itself.
Welding controllers control the welding guns. They typically supply five to sixteen
different sets of welding currents and current times, and are activated by output
signals from the welding robots.
Designing a spot-welding line

The engineering department responsible for designing the robotic lines, receives
drawings of the individual segments from the design department. The engineering
department then determines the number and location of the welding points, and
also designs the clamps and arranges them on the fixture.
This process is designated weld study; it produces welding points marked on
the drawing.
The next stage, frequently performed by the same department, is designing the
robotic lines; this operation includes:
• Assigning welding points to each robot

• Assigning a welding gun and shanks to each robot

• Assigning the order of welding the points and the order of the robots

• Placing the robots and the workpieces relative to each other

All of these steps, together with writing the programs for the robots, are intended
to be performed on the Process Simulate workstation.
Design targets

The entire design process may require several hours average time per welding
Despite the time required, the design is prone to errors and still leaves much work
for the implementation stage, resulting in a further waste of time and money. The
final design then falls short of optimum. To minimize these problems, the design
work has several clearly defined goals:
• Determining the correct welding-gun geometry, particularly the shanks, so
as to enable reaching all welding points without collision, while minimizing
cycle time and welding-gun weight.

• Assuring reachability to all welding and intermediate (via) points, without

collision and with an optimal (minimal) cycle time.

• Assuring maximum usage of stock equipment: robots, guns, shanks, tips, etc.

• Detecting design errors at the design stage.

Process methodology

In this topic, you get an overview of the basic Process Simulate robotics path
development process.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know now to relate the basic principles in industry to those used in this

• Develop a robotic path by moving from the least number of constraints to the
most number of constraints.

• Remember to think about strategic planning concepts when developing a

robotic path.
Basic principles

Robot Program:
• When using a teach pendant, the robot is moved to a position and the joint
angles are recorded.

• Robot Program consists of ...

• A SEQUENCE of poses consisting of JOINT ANGLES with associated


Process Simulate Robotics Program:

• Process Simulate Robotics uses Inverse kinematics to determine the joint
values needed to reach a given target location.

• Process Simulate Program consists of ...

• A PATH which consists of TARGET LOCATIONS (Position and Orientation)

with associated ATTRIBUTES
• With this definition of a program, the process in Process Simulate is
independent of the robot and the tool. Later, the Process Simulate program
can be downloaded to robot program, so that it can control the robot. This
gives the flexibility in Process Simulate to select a different robot at any time
before you download.
Do I do this?

In Process Simulate, you start with the simplest situation: a part and spot welding
manufacturing features. Then you slowly add one more piece to the study—such
as weld guns, robots, fixtures, etc.—until the path is perfected. Here is the
process to follow:

Here the are detailed steps:

1. Create the study.
• Define the guns (geometry and kinematics), if they are not already

• Create and load a study with Process Simulate.

• Layout (position) the contents of the study

2. Create or import spot manufacturing features between multiple parts.

3. Create the weld operations.

• Assign weld manufacturing features to weld operations which are related
to specific robots.

4. Project weld operations to create spot-weld robotic paths.

• Project weld points to create target locations on the workpiece.

5. Refine the robotic paths using the robot tool.

• Check orientation of the target locations using a first approximation gun.

• Create first approximation sequence of locations using a robotic

simulative operation (weld path).
• Cut sections and search for valid guns to perform the welding.

• Perform a first run along the path.

6. Refine the robotic paths using the robot and robot tool.
• Add robot and test reachability of robot.

• Check for collisions and adjust path.

• Optimize path cycle time.

• Repeat this process for other robots in the

Strategic planning

Begin the design process with strategic planning, by viewing the spot-welding
line as a whole. Use Process Simulate to load the complete study with an
approximate, preliminary placement of its objects. Then observe the study to
answer these questions:
• How should each robot be positioned relative to the workpiece?

• What type of welding gun should be used?

• Which weld points on the workpiece does each robot handle?

Projecting spot manufacturing features

In this topic, you learn how to project welds to create weld locations.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know how to setup weld location projection constraints.

• Project spot manufacturing features to create weld locations.

A location in Process Simulate is unique type of frame that contains the position
and orientation of the tool center point frame (TCPF) at a point. Locations are
generated with their origins placed according to where the projection of the related
curve intersects a surface or solid it is projected onto. The locations guide the
TCPF of the robot approach vector and a vector perpendicular to the workpiece.
Locations also contain process information specific to robotic operations such as:
Gun state, location type, speed, etc. for each location.
Do I do this?

After creating manufacturing features, you create weld operations, and then you
project the weld operations to create the robotic path.
Sources for basic manufacturing feature orientation

• Obtain the location orientation from Process Simulate

The Mfg feature contains the position (X,Y,Z) of the resulting location.
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Project Weld

• Obtain the location orientation from CAD (NX or CATIA) or a Mfg import
The Mfg feature contains the position (X,Y,Z) and orientation (Rx,Ry,Rz) of
the resulting location.
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Obtain Weld
Using either of these two commands with weld points produces a location
operation for each Manufacturing feature. The location operation contains the
position and orientation of the robot TCP at the manufacturing feature. The
orientation of the location operation can be further refined using various tools in
Process Simulate which is described later in this training.
Weld location constraints

Spot-weld and rivet locations must be on the surface and one axis must be
perpendicular to the surface.
The location’s orientation is very important. Projecting orients the locations in
the path so that one axis is normal to the surface and two axes are tangent to
the surface.
Location defaults, including those related to projection, can be modified
by choosing File→Options and clicking the Weld tab or by clicking
Options from the Project Weld Points dialog box.

Weld Location Orientation:

• Approach Vector — Indicates the direction of approach of the weld gun.
This axis is set by default to X.

• Perpendicular — One axis has to be perpendicular to the surface being

welded in order to create a high quality and efficient weld. This axis is set
by default to Z.
Weld Point Projection:
• Permitted gap between parts — Enables you to specify the minimal
distance between parts included in the same group. Weld points cannot be
projected or flipped on to a part located beyond the permitted gap. The
default value is 0.2 mm.

• Consider weld point orientation — If selected, the system applies gun

orientation to new weld point projections, including translation and rotation.

• Projection Direction — Enables you to determine the direction in which the

weld locations are projected:
o Away from the part projects the weld points away from the part (this is
the default setting and is used for alignment)

o Toward the part projects the weld points toward the inside of the part.

Spot Weld Permitted Deviation Angle:

This refers to the amount that the surface tangent axes (normally X-axis and
Y-axis) are allowed to deviate from tangent (thereby deviating the Z-axis from
• Perpendicular — By default 3 degrees.
Projecting weld locations

From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Project Weld Points

produces welding locations, while maintaining the weld location constraints
mentioned above. The resulting weld locations are on the surface and one axis,
by default Z, is perpendicular to the surface.
• Choose the desired spot manufacturing features or a simulative operation
containing spot manufacturing features.

• Select the Align projection with outer surface check box to align the weld
location with a more accessible surface.

• Select the Project on approximation only check box, if exact geometry

is not available.
Only JTs in the XTBRep format support projecting weld points on
exact geometry. If the part exact geometry is not available in the JT file
(for example, it is a location that did not retrieve the exact geometry),
users are asked whether to project based on an approximation or skip
the projection for the weld points which failed for exact projection.

• Force projection over holes — When this option is set, the system ignores
the faces’ borders and relates to them as untrimmed surfaces. When
projecting on an approximate surface, this option is only supported on planar
surfaces. It is recommended to select faces using the Face Selection dialog
to better control projection over holes.
If faces are selected, the faces are also slightly extended in order to
allow projection close to the face edge.

This is a very basic step in the robotic path creation process. There is no
guarantee that the path is reachable or collision free at this point.

In the Projecting spot manufacturing features section, do the following activity:

• Viewing spot manufacturing features in Process Simulate

• Projecting spot-weld manufacturing features

Review questions

Make the path reachable by the robot Make a collision free path. Create a
simulative operation (path) of locations. Orient the locations in the path so that 1
axis is normal to the surface and two axes are tangent to the surface.
Editing a weld path

In this topic, you learn how to make some changes to the weld path associated
to the weld operation.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Modify a weld location’s orientation.

• Delete and unassign weld locations.

Do I do this?

After projecting the weld operations, you can refine the spot paths using only
the robot tool.
Modifying the weld location orientation

When projecting weld locations, a preliminary orientation of the weld location is

created, so the next step in the process is to check the orientation of the locations.
You start by taking any weld gun to further refine the weld location orientation (for
example approach vector and perpendicular vector). At this stage it is not
necessary for the gun to be attached to a robot.
Weld location orientation refinement tools covered in this topic:

• Manipulate Location – This is one of the most basic commands. Allows

manipulating a via, weld, or seam location with a Manipulator Frame and the
assigned robot tool, or assigned part, placed at the location. You must have a
location selected first. (Frequently used location modification tool)
When using this tool with spot-welds it is high recommended to check
Limit locations manipulation according to options and Rotate to
maximum allowed limitation. This limits the manipulation according
to the settings on the Weld tab of the Options dialog box.

• Align Locations — This is one of the most basic commands. It enables

you to align the orientation of several weld locations to another reference
weld location while keeping the Perpendicular axes normal to the surface.
Alignment is useful in order to determine an uniform welding approach
direction for all the locations.

Weld location orientation refinement tools covered in later topics:

• Flip Locations on Surface

• Pie Chart
• Automatic Approach Angle

• Etc.
Deleting and unassigning weld locations

Weld Location Deletion:

Users can delete a weld location from a study without removing its corresponding
weld point from the study, simply by deleting the location.
Weld Location Unassignment:
The Weld Location Unassignment area of the Weld tab of the Options dialog
box enables you to configure the location for unassigned weld locations. This
setting enables you to find unassigned weld locations quickly and makes your
work more efficient. The following options are available:
• Operation Root — Unassigned weld locations are stored under theoperation
root. This is the default option.

• Direct Parent of Weld Operation — Unassigned weld locations are moved

up one level from their original location.

• Ancestor Process of Weld Operation — Unassigned weld locations are

stored under the station process to which the weld operation belongs.
These settings apply to manual unassignment, such as unassigning
locations from operations by removing them from the Properties dialog box
of the operation, and for unassignments through the Weld Distribution
Center dialog box.

In the Editing a weld path section, do the following activity:

• Adjusting a weld path

Review questions

Download Copy Delete Align Locations Location Manipulator
Multi sections and gun cloud

In this topic, you learn about the Multi Section and Gun Cloud commands.
Multi Section can be used to create a group of 2D cross sections or 3D
volumes at each weld location.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create and use multi sections.

• Create and use a gun cloud.

Do I do this?

After projecting the weld operations, you can refine the spot paths using only
the robot tool.
Steps for creating multi sections

• Create and place a cutting box on weld location(s).

• Create multi-sections of the workpiece to evaluate the suitability of a gun.

• Edit multi-sections (adjust section clipping).

• Choose gun to be placed on sections and evaluate gun design (measure

required throat depth and throat height to weld all sections in the multi

• Adjust locations in Multi Section dialog box as desired.

• Based on gun overlay, modify the shank (export cross section and gun
overlay to CAD system) OR select another gun that is appropriate for this
particular process using:
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning group→Geometric
Gun Search .
• Close the Multi Section dialog box and store the section as an object (JT file).
Gun cloud

You can use the Gun Cloud command to create a gun cloud that
simultaneously displays a weld gun at every weld location in a weld operation.
You can also create a gun cloud for operations with multiple guns.
You can export the study with a gun cloud (on all weld locations of a selected weld
operation) to use the exported JT for the fixture planning.
To create a gun cloud:
1. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Gun Cloud .

2. Select a weld operation that contains weld guns. The selection populates the
Weld operation field in the dialog.

3. Click OK. The application displays a weld gun at every weld location.

The gun displays at each location according to its designated

orientation for that location.

4. Click Export if you wish to export the study as a JT file to aid in further

In the Multi sections section, do the following activity:

• Gun shank validation

Review questions

Cut on a via location a group of 2D cross sections or 3D volumes output to a .JT
file only cut on weld locations
Weld distribution center (WDC)

In this topic, you learn how to use the Weld Distribution Center (WDC).

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the primary Weld Distribution Center (WDC) functions.

• Setup the Weld Distribution Center (WDC).

There are several ways to assign welds to weld operations:
• Make the assignment in an external system and import into Process Designer
(via CC or XML)

• Use the Weld Distribution Center located on Process tab of the ribbon
of Process Simulate.
Do I do this?

After projecting the weld operations, you can refine the spot paths using only
the robot tool.
Weld Distribution Center overview

The Weld Distribution Center (WDC) is a tool for high level distribution of weld
points in the station. The WDC is an environment that provides information about
the weld points and the ability of the robot and guns in the station to weld them.
WDC provides a Robot, Gun capability matrix allowing users to determine which
robot and gun in the station are capable of welding any weld point.
To use the WDC, select the relevant weld points, weld operations, robots or station
and view their status. For each weld point, the WDC displays:
• Overall weld ability (the first column) — whether robots can reach the weld
point without any collision
o — at least one robot has full reachability for this location without

o — at least one robot can gain full reachability for this location without
collision if it is rotated.

o — the weld point cannot be accessed due to robot reachability

limitations or because of collisions with loaded robots.
• Weld Point- the name of the weld point

• WP attributes – the attributes columns can be controlled by the user

according to the existing customization (for example Weld Point subType,
or force.

• Reachability status – There are several values:

o — the robot has full reachability to the weld point.

o — the robot has partial reachability to the weld point. The robot
reaches the weld point, but must rotate its TCPF to match the TCPF of
the weld point.

o — the robot has full reachability to the weld point if it exceeds its
working limits.

o — the robot has partial reachability to the weld point if it exceeds its
working limits. The robot reaches the weld point, but must rotate its
TCPF to match the TCPF of the weld point.
o — the robot has full reachability to the weld point if it exceeds its
physical limits.

o — the robot has partial reachability to the weld point if it exceeds its
physical limits. The robot reaches the weld point, but must rotate its
TCPF to match the TCPF of the weld point.

o — the robot cannot reach the weld point.

• Accessibility (Collision status) – check for collisions in the robot reach

position. There are several values:
o — the robot has access to the weld point without collision.

o — the robot has partial access to the weld point. The robot canaccess
the weld point if the latter is rotated. In this case, the robot approaches
the weld point from a different angle.

o — the robot has access to the weld point if it exceeds its working limits.
o — the robot has partial access to the weld point if it exceeds its
working limits. The robot reaches the weld point, but must rotate its
TCPF to match the TCPF of the weld point.

o — the robot has access to the weld point if it exceeds its physical limits.

o — the robot has partial access to the weld point if it exceeds its
physical limits. The robot reaches the weld point, but must rotate its
TCPF to match the TCPF of the weld point.

o — the robot does not have access to the weld point due to collision.

• Attribute (compare) — The matching Attribute indicates whether

the weld point and gun attributes match (customer defined in the
WdcAttributesMatching.xml file).

• Assign (x) — The column header indicates the number of weld points
assigned to each operation, where x is the number of weld points.

A main feature of the WDC is the ability to distribute weld points to an operation
in the station while balancing the number of weld points for robot / operation in
the context of the cycle time.
Users distribute weld points by selecting the check box in the matrix that
represents the connection between the weld point and the operation. The system
then implements distribution "online" and updates other viewers such as the
Operation Tree and Relation Viewer.
During weld point distribution the application provides immediate feedback
• WP balance – number of weld points in each operation

• Operation cycle time (actual time) – total cycle time of the operation. The
cycle time is composed of the weld point time values:
o Actual time = Number of WP x (Weld Point Welding time + Weld Point
Motion time + Weld Point Holding Time)

o Cases of actual time exceeding operation planned time are marked in red

o When no time values are defined in the system for each weld point, users
can set a default time for all the weld points using the Settings option
WDC primary functionality

These options are found on the Weld Distribution Center toolbar:

• Automatic Approach Angle — Solves the partial reachability and
accessibility problems of the selected weld points by rotating the weld points.
This enables the robot to approach from a different angle.

• Add objects to the WDC — Adds an object selected in any viewer to the
Weld Distribution Center. Valid object types are robots, operations, weld
locations, and weld points. This button is activated when you select a valid
object in a viewer:
o Adding a robot automatically adds all of the robot’s operations and the
weld points assigned to the robot.

o Adding an operation automatically adds the robot and the weld points
assigned to the operation.

o Adding a weld point automatically adds any operations and robots

assigned to the weld point.
• Remove objects from the WDC — Removes the selected object from
the Weld Distribution Center.

• Check for collision and reachability — Refreshes the calculation of

robot collisions and reachability. The calculation updates the display of
collision and reachability information in the Weld Distribution Center.

• Automatically distribute WP — Operates on all the unassigned, selected

weld points displayed in the Weld Distribution Center and assigns a robot that
meets the following requirements:
o Reaches the weld location.

o Does not collide with other components at the station. By default, devices
(including robots and guns) are not included in this requirement. You can
include devices in the calculation using the Settings dialog box.

• Open Pie chart — Opens the Pie Chart for a selected weld point or robot.

• Settings — Opens the Settings dialog box, enabling you to configure

various settings.
• Configure Attributes List — Opens a dialog box to configure attributes to
display in the Weld Distribution Center.

• Jump robot to WP

• Filter by WP type or assigned — Filters the display of weld points in the

Weld Distribution Center according to the criteria configured in the Filter
button’s menu. Configure the filter criteriaby clicking at the right of the Filter
button to display the menu.

• Export WDC to Excel — Exports the current Weld Distribution Center

display to an Excel file. Icons are not included in the Excel worksheet.

• Flip Weld Points — Flips the physical orientation of the selected weld
points and recalculates their reachability and accessibility.

WDC main dialog box:

A error is shown in the dialog box if the gun is not mounted to the robot.
WDC settings

The Settings dialog box, enables you to configure the following:

• Default weld time.

• Inclusion of specified devices for robot collision calculations.

• Inclusion of specified welding gun poses for robot collision calculations.

WDC Settings dialog box:


In the Weld Distribution Center (WDC) section, do the following activity:

• Using Weld Distribution Center (with Automatic Approach Angle)

Review questions

Process methodology, revisited

In this topic, you learn the process methodology used in this course for creating
and fine tuning spot weld paths.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Review the robotic principles covered earlier in this course.

• Review the process methodology used in this course for creating and fine
tuning spot weld paths.
Robotic principles

Robot Program:
• When using a teach pendant, the robot is moved to a position and the joint
angles are recorded.

• Robot Program consists of a SEQUENCE of poses consisting of JOINT


Process Simulate Program:

• Process Simulate uses Inverse kinematics to determine the joint values
needed to reach a given target location.

• Process Simulate Program consists of a PATH that consists of TARGET

LOCATIONS (Position and Orientation) with associated ATTRIBUTES

With this definition of a program, the process in Process Simulate is independent
of the robot and the tool. Later, the Process Simulate program can be downloaded
to robot program, so that it can control the robot. This gives the flexibility in
Process Simulate to select a different robot at any time before you download.
The process: From least constraints to most constraints

In Process Simulate, you start with the simplest situation: a part and manufacturing
features. Then you slowly add one more piece to the study–such as weld guns,
robots, fixtures, etc.–until the path is perfected. Here is the process to follow:

Here the are detailed steps:

1. Create the study.
• Define the guns (geometry and kinematics), if they are not already
• Create and load a study with Process Simulate.

• Layout (position) the contents of the study

2. Create or import spot manufacturing features between multiple parts.

3. Create the weld operations.

• Assign weld manufacturing features to weld operations which are related
to specific robots.

4. Project weld operations to create spot weld robotic paths.

• Project weld points to create target locations on the workpiece.

5. Refine the robotic paths using the robot tool.

• Check orientation of the target locations using a first approximation gun.

• Create first approximation sequence of locations using a robotic

simulative operation (weld path).

• Cut sections and search for valid guns to perform the welding.
• Perform a first run along the path.

6. Refine the robotic paths using the robot and robot tool.
• Add robot and test reachability of robot.

• Check for collisions and adjust path.

• Optimize path cycle time.

• Repeat this process for other robots in the

Overview of gripper creation (optional)

In this topic, you review what you did earlier to define poses for a kinematic device
and define it as a gripper.

This topic is covered earlier in this course.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Add poses to a kinematic object.

• Define a kinematic object as a gripper.

Discussion of steps to add poses to an object

• Open the object for modeling

• (kinematics should be already defined)

• Joint jog the mechanism into the desired position or approximately into

• Edit the poses for the current mechanism

• Create a new pose

• Use the current joint values or enter new ones

• Accept the values entered for this pose

• Define the rest of the poses for this mechanism

• Save the object

What Poses Need to be Defined?
For grippers, the OPEN and CLOSE poses must be defined (Pose names are
Define an object as a gripper (discussion only)

This topic, excerpted from your earlier discussion, describes the procedure for
defining an object as a gripper:
1. Model it.

2. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Kinematics group→Tool Definition


3. Follow the same process you learned to define an object as a gun except:
• In the Tool Definition dialog box, click Gripper (instead of Gun) to
constitute the device as a gripper.

4. The Offset is the distance from the TCP Frame where other objects attach to
the gripping entities at the pick location of a pick and place operation.

5. Save and end modeling the object.

Study setup

In this topic, you learn how to set up the study.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Set up a mounted workpiece (for example pedestal welding) study

• Mount a gripper tool to a robot.

Do I do this?
Setting up the study

The assumption with this use case is that you cover a study that contains the
parts, a robot, a welding device, and a gripping device.
• Get and place the robot

• Get the gripper

• Mount it on the robot

• Get the workpiece

• Place it on the gripper

• Attach it to the gripper

The gripper should be mounted to the robot. The part and any spacers
should then be attached to the gripper.
Mount tool

The Mount Tool command located on the Robot tab of the ribbon:

• Relocates the tool from a frame on the tool (for example self origin) to aframe
on the robot (for example the TOOLFRAME)

• It attaches the gun to the TOOLFRAME of the robot

• It moves the TCPF of the robot to predefined position and orientation on

the mounted tool.
When RRS and OLP is performed, it is possible to set the TCPF to
several positions as defined in the Teach Pendant (non-default teach
pendant) or Robot Properties. More on this topic in the TR45315
Process Simulate Standalone Robotics Advanced course.

In the Scenario Setup section, do the following activity:

• Putting the gripper on the robot (for pedestal welding)

Review questions

A newspaper A chair The parts A robot A gripping device A welding device
Material handling (pick and place) operations

In this topic, you learn how to maneuver the part in and out of the fixture.
you create pick and place operations which contain special via locations for
picking up and dropping off the part.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Prepare create and use pick and place operations.
Pick and place basics

To create a new Pick and Place Operation:

1. Select a parent operation in the Operation Tree.

2. From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New

Operation →New Pick and Place Operation .

3. Choose the Pick and Place poses

4. Choose the pick and place TCP positions.

Any of the techniques described before for editing paths of via
locations can be used with this path type as well. A material handling
path can also be created using a (which only contains via locations), if
you don't want to use the special pick and place behavior.
An extension to what is learned here is provided in the course. In that
course you learn how to create a program that contains several paths.
Then you create logic and sensors to setup the simulation in a way that is
more true to life.

In the Material handling (pick and place) operations section, do the following
• Get/put the part in the fixture
Creating a rough mounted workpiece (pedestal welding) path

In this topic, you learn how to create a rough mounted workpiece (also known as
external TCP or pedestal welding) path.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know a little bit more about how to do pedestal welding in this system.
• Know the differences in this system between mounting the welding device to
the robot or the robot gripping the part and moving it to a pedestal mounted
welding device.

• Set up a mounted workpiece path.

• Check whether a robot gripping a part can reach the welding device.

• Jump a robot to a location.

Introduction to pedestal welding

Pedestal Welding: In this use case, the workpiece is attached to a gripper

mounted on the robot. The welding is performed on a weld gun mounted to a
pedestal. It is also known as ped. welding.
Different representations for compound weld operations (Changed through
Operation Properties ):
• Pedestal Welding (External TCP)

• Gun on Robot Welding

External TCP Support:

• Simulation support

• From the ribbon choose Operation tab→New Operation→New Weld


• From the ribbon choose Operation tab→Operation Properties

• From the ribbon choose Process tab→Multi Sections

• From the ribbon choose Process tab→Pie Chart

• From the ribbon choose Robot tab→Reach Test

• From the ribbon choose Robot tab→Robot Smart Place

• Etc.
External TCP usage differences

In order to define a weld operation as a pedestal weld, the External TCP check
box should be checked (this is the main difference between pedestal and gun on
robot welding in Process Simulate). It can be checked when the weld operation is
created or it can be set by right-clicking the weld operation, Selecting Operation
Properties , clicking the Process tab, then clicking External TCP.

With External TCP weld operations, the weld gun is NOT mounted to the robot,
but it is specified in the Gun prompt on the Operation Properties Process tab.
Typically a gripper is mounted to the robot, which is used to pick up the parts and
move them to the pedestal weld gun.
Setting up a mounted workpiece path

• Use the from the last topic

• Create spot manufacturing features (welds) on the workpiece

• Project target locations on the workpiece at the work points

• Create a path through all the locations

• Get the external (ped) welder and orient it

• Associate the locations with the TCP frame of the external welder by checking
the External TCP check box on the Operations Properties dialog box
Robotic reach test

Reach Test — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you can use it to test
whether a robot can reach all selected locations, and to optimize the study layout.

Typically, you should select either the robot or the part (with the locations
associated to it with the Placement Manipulator before opening
Reach Test .
You can jump to a location by double-clicking a location in the Reach Test
dialog box.
The selected locations are displayed in the Locations box, and a symbol is
displayed in the R (reach) box indicating whether the robot can reach the location.
The symbols are as follows:
• The robot can reach the location. The location is colored blue in the
Graphic Viewer.

• The robot has partial reachability to the location. The robot reaches the
location, but must rotate its TCPF to match the TCPF of the location.

• The robot has reachability to the location outside its working limits (but
within its physical limits).

• The robot has partial reachability to the location outside its working limits
(but within its physical limits). The robot reaches the location, but must rotate
its TCPF to match the TCPF of the location.

• The robot has full reachability to the location outside its physical limits.

• The robot has partial reachability to the location outside its physical limits.
The robot reaches the location, but must rotate its TCPF to match the TCPF
of the location.
• The robot cannot reach the location at all. The location is colored red in
the Graphic Viewer.

Toggling the display of working limits in dialog boxes:

When this check box is selected, joint limit color indications are shown in these
windows and dialog boxes:
• Graphic Viewer

• Weld Distribution Center

• Automatic Approach Angle

• Reach Test

• Robot Viewer

• Joint Jog

• Pie Chart

• Smart Place
To activate it: choose File→Options , click the Motion tab, and select Indicate
joint working limits. Joint working limits can be set as a percentage of the total
joint range, or a specific value.

Toggling the use of Location Information in static dialog boxes:

When this check box is selected, simulation information is automatically read from
the location or parent operation while using these static dialog boxes:

Simulation information includes the robot name, the gun, and TCPF on the
location or operation.

• Pie Chart

• Smart Place

• Automatic Approach Angle

• Reach Test

• Optimizing Weld Distribution

Therefore, some simulation information boxes in these dialog boxes are inactive
and you are not able to edit them.
However when this check box is deselected, you can enter simulation information
in the simulation information boxes to get a different result.
To activate it, choose File→Options , click the Motion tab, and select the Use
location information in static applications check box.
Jumping to a location basics

There are several ways to get a robot to a location you only discuss one method
for now. The others is discussed later in this course:
• Kinematics→Jump to Location

In the Creating a rough mounted workpiece (pedestal welding) path section, do

the following activity:
• Creating a rough mounted workpiece (pedestal welding) path

Review questions

Type of simulative operation created Robot color Robot size Clicking External
TCP in the Operation Properties dialog box.
Orienting workpiece locations

In this topic, you learn how to orient the locations on a gripped part.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Orient the locations using several techniques.

• Use the pie chart tool to analyze the ability of a robot to reach a location.
Do I do this?

After projecting the weld operations, you can refine the spot paths using only
the robot tool.
Steps to orienting the locations

• Adjust the orientation of one of the locations, as a reference location using

the next two steps

• Define a location to check.

• Then modify the location orientation until it is reachable.

• Align the rest of the locations to match the reference location

• Define and check the path so that all locations are reachable

• Spot simulate the path

Using the pie chart

Pie Chart — located on the Process tab of the ribbon, it enables you to determine
the approach vector for a weld gun to a selected weld location. It provides an
easy method for determining how a robot with a weld gun should approach a weld
location in order to perform welding — the system calculates the approach for the
robot and its mounted gun. If a robot has not been assigned, the Pie Chart option
enables you to determine the gun collision status. You can also use Pie Chart to
create a collision set.
For example: In the picture below you would move the Rotate Location Around
slider until the X-axis of the location (the long one) is in the blue area of the pie
chart. The location itself do not change in color.
If you had selected Indicate joint working limits from File→Options, this dialog
box shows additional information:

In the Orienting workpiece locations section, do the following activities:

• Orient the locations

Review questions

The location itself changes to a blue color The robot is orange or yellow The
X-axis of the location is in the blue area of the pie chart.
Introduction to weld gun search

In this topic, you learn how to use the Geometric Gun Search tool.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the basic geometric gun search capabilities.
Geometric gun search basics

It is a step-by-step wizard that guides the user to find the optimum gun for welding.
• Load the desired data in Process Simulate.

• Open the Geometric Gun Search dialog box.

• Choose the weld path.

• Choose the desired guns to be checked.

• Check if the selected guns collide.

Parts or tooling can be selected for checking the guns against. Gun
poses that is used at each location can be selected.

• Define the misc. options such as flip gun, angle of rotation, gun poses,
number of steps, etc.
• Display result table. It displays a comparison between the tested guns and all
the spots in the selected path.

In the Introduction to weld gun search section, do the following activities:

• Weld gun search
Servo guns

In this topic, you learn how to use servo guns.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use a servo gun.

• Know definition related to servo guns.

• Recall now to define an object as a servo gun.

In Process Simulate a pneumatic gun's weld poses must be defined before it is
used (for example CLOSED, OPEN, SEMIOPEN). Whereas a servo gun's weld
poses are defined as an attribute on the target locations.
After a servo gun is mounted to a robot, it is defined as an external axis of
the robot and the joint values for the gun can be stored on the locations.
Another type of external axis you discuss later is a 7th axis.

A servo gun is an electrical spot-welding gun controlled by a servomotor

and an encoder. A servo gun usually has two arms: the first, the dynamic
or active arm, also designated main joint, is controlled by an electric motor;
the second, the static or passive arm, also designated balance joint, is
actuated either pneumatically, or mechanically with a spring-return device.
Servo guns differ from traditional pneumatic guns in that whereas the
pneumatic guns have three poses, open, semi open and closed, servo
guns are continuous and can move their joint to any desired value within
its limits. Thus the robot can open and close the servo gun during motion,
thereby reducing cycle time.

Using servo guns has an affect on the Gun Define, Joint Jog, Default Controller,
Sequence Editor, and the resulting simulation.
Servo gun usage

When welding is complete, the servo gun opens in either of two different ways:
• The passive arm retracts to its open position, and the active arm moves to
a new value.

• The passive arm retracts to its open position, and the active arm moves to its
position before the welding operation, but using a different arrival-zone value;
thus the robot starts moving to a new location while the gun is still moving.
Kuka robots use this method.

For motion to welding locations, the robot:

1. Moves to the compound welding location.

2. Moves the servo gun to its CLOSE pose.

3. Simultaneously moves the passive servo-gun joint to its OPEN pose, and
moves the active servo-gun joint to its DEPART attribute value if any.
Servo gun definitions

• Active arm — the active arm is defined as a regular external axis of the
robot. Any function, by which the controller controls an external axis, can
therefore control also the servo gun.

• Passive arm — movement of the passive arm is limited; it is used forbalance

against the active arm.

• Gun poses — The servo-gun model must have a CLOSE state (pose).
The commands in the Process Simulate Gun Search dialog box require the
CLOSE state, and may also use optional OPEN and SEMIOPEN poses.

• Mounting Tool — Mount places the servo gun on the robot and attaches it to
the robot, and also constitutes the active arm as an external axis of the robot.

• Creating and updating locations — The locations for servo-gun simulations

must have external axis values in order to move the active arm together
with the robot. To Set External Axis command is used to add servo gun's
active arm joint value to the location.
Define an object as a servo gun (discussion only)

This topic, excerpted from your earlier discussion, describes the procedure for
defining an object as a gripper:
Before defining a servo gun, ensure that:
• the gun is currently being modeled.

• The Modeling and Kinematics commands have been issued as required to

define that object as a kinematic device.

• At least the CLOSE pose is defined for the device.

• A tool center-point frame (TCPF) is defined for the object.

1. Follow the same process learned to define an object as a gun except:

• In the Tool Definition dialog box, click Servo Gun (instead of Gun) to
constitute the device as a servo gun.

2. Save and end modeling the object (the same as pneumatic guns).

In the Servo guns section, do the following activities:

• (Optional instructor demo) Simulating robots with servo guns

• Working with servo guns

Review questions

It cannot be used in a simulation The gun’s joint values are stored on the locations
Its joints are shown on the Joint Jog dialog box of the robot It is defined as an
external axis of the robot

Subjects learned in this topic:

• The basic terms and processes of spot-welding

• Basic Process Simulate Robotics path development process.

• Some background information regarding manufacturing feature


• How to project welds to create weld locations.

• How to make some changes to the weld path associated to the weld operation.

• The Multi Section tool

• How to use the Weld Distribution Center (WDC)

• The process methodology used in this topic

• Overview of how to define poses for kinematic devices.

• How to set up the study.

• How to maneuver the part in and out of the fixture.

• How to create a rough mounted workpiece (external TCP or pedestal welding

) path.

• How to orient the locations on a gripped part.

• How to use the Geometric Gun Search tool.

• How to use servo guns.

Lesson 12
Drilling and riveting applications
Drilling and riveting applications

In this lesson, you learn about drilling and riving applications.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Creating rivet manufacturing features.

• Creating drilling and riveting operations.

• Waypoints and the Waypoint Viewer.

Overview of drilling and riveting applications

In this lesson, you get an overview of drilling and riveting applications.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Know more about common drilling and riveting applications.
Drilling and riveting (fastening) overview

A machine first drills a hole, seals it, and then rivets are inserted to join materials
together such as the fuselage of an aircraft. Drilling and riveting can be performed
using a robot with a tool or a dedicated machine. When done with a dedicated
machine, the drilling and riveting are done at the same time. If it is done with a
robot, it is usually done in two cycles: one for drilling and then one for riveting.
This manufacturing process could be represented as a Weld point .
Do I do this?
Creating drill/rivet manufacturing features

In this lesson, you learn how to create the drill and rivet manufacturing features.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Import drill/rivet manufacturing features from a file.
Do I do this?

In this lesson you import manufacturing features using the techniques described
earlier in the generic robotics part of the training. You also use the rivet custom
manufacturing feature type and attributes created as a training example.

In the Creating drill/rivet manufacturing features section, do the followingactivities:

• Creating the drill/rivet manufacturing features
Create drilling and riveting operations

In this lesson, you learn how to create drilling and riveting operations.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Sources for basic manufacturing feature orientation.

• Weld location constraints.

• Projecting weld locations.

Sources for basic manufacturing feature orientation

• Obtain the location orientation from Process Simulate

The Mfg feature contains the position (X,Y,Z) of the resulting location.
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Project Weld

• Obtain the location orientation from CAD (NX or CATIA) or a Mfg import
The Mfg feature contains the position (X,Y,Z) and orientation (Rx,Ry,Rz) of
the resulting location.
o From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Obtain Weld
Using either of these two commands with weld points produces a location
operation for each Manufacturing feature. The location operation contains the
position and orientation of the robot TCP at the manufacturing feature. The
orientation of the location operation can be further refined using various tools in
Process Simulate which is described later in this training.
Weld location constraints

Spot-weld and rivet locations must be on the surface and one axis must be
perpendicular to the surface.
The location’s orientation is very important. Projecting orients the locations in
the path so that one axis is normal to the surface and two axes are tangent to
the surface.
Location defaults, including those related to projection, can be modified
by choosing File→Options and clicking the Weld tab or by clicking
Options from the Project Weld Points dialog box.

Weld Location Orientation:

• Approach Vector — Indicates the direction of approach of the weld gun.
This axis is set by default to X.

• Perpendicular — One axis has to be perpendicular to the surface being

welded in order to create a high quality and efficient weld. This axis is set
by default to Z.
Weld Point Projection:
• Permitted gap between parts — Enables you to specify the minimal
distance between parts included in the same group. Weld points cannot be
projected or flipped on to a part located beyond the permitted gap. The
default value is 0.2 mm.

• Consider weld point orientation — If selected, the system applies gun

orientation to new weld point projections, including translation and rotation.

• Projection Direction — Enables you to determine the direction in which the

weld locations are projected:
o Away from the part projects the weld points away from the part (this is
the default setting and is used for alignment)

o Toward the part projects the weld points toward the inside of the part.

Spot Weld Permitted Deviation Angle:

This refers to the amount that the surface tangent axes (normally X-axis and
Y-axis) are allowed to deviate from tangent (thereby deviating the Z-axis from
• Perpendicular — By default 3 degrees.
Projecting weld locations

From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Project Weld Points

produces welding locations, while maintaining the weld location constraints
mentioned above. The resulting weld locations are on the surface and one axis,
by default Z, is perpendicular to the surface.
• Choose the desired spot manufacturing features or a simulative operation
containing spot manufacturing features.

• Select the Align projection with outer surface check box to align the weld
location with a more accessible surface.

• Select the Project on approximation only check box, if exact geometry

is not available.
Only JTs in the XTBRep format support projecting weld points on
exact geometry. If the part exact geometry is not available in the JT file
(for example, it is a location that did not retrieve the exact geometry),
users are asked whether to project based on an approximation or skip
the projection for the weld points which failed for exact projection.

• Force projection over holes — When this option is set, the system ignores
the faces’ borders and relates to them as untrimmed surfaces. When
projecting on an approximate surface, this option is only supported on planar
surfaces. It is recommended to select faces using the Face Selection dialog
to better control projection over holes.
If faces are selected, the faces are also slightly extended in order to
allow projection close to the face edge.

This is a very basic step in the robotic path creation process. There is no
guarantee that the path is reachable or collision free at this point.

In the Create drilling and riveting operations section, do the following activities:
• Creating riveting operations
Waypoints and the Waypoint Viewer

In this lesson, you learn how to create and simulate waypoint structures shown in
the Waypoint Viewer.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Navigating waypoints in the Waypoint Viewer.

• Setting up waypoints.

• Working with waypoints.

Do I use this?
Navigating waypoints in the Waypoint Viewer

Instead of creating via locations for riveting and drilling, you create waypoints in
the Waypoint Viewer. This viewer provides one high-level reusable structure.
A waypoint is a defined location through which the TCPF of a robot must pass
before and after performing an operation (drilling and riveting operations are
supported). You can use waypoints to assist in planning collision-free paths for
robots. Using the Waypoint Viewer saves configuring identical via locations for
multiple operations. Savings in time and effort increase the more your waypoint
structure expands. The Waypoint Viewer provides a graphical, intuitive view of
the waypoint structure for the selected robot. When your waypoint structure is
complete, you can save it in the study, reuse it for additional operations, and/or
download it to the robot. However, they are not shown in the Operation Tree or
Sequence Editor.

Waypoints are only supported for NcCode and default controllers.

You use the Waypoint Viewer to configure waypoints for the selected robot,
connect operations (assigned to the selected robot) to the waypoints, and
download the waypoints. To configure waypoints and operations in the Waypoint
• A waypoint structure is associated to a robot and can only contain weld
operations for that robot.

• Connect a waypoint to several operations: The robot must pass though the
waypoint whenever it performs any of the connected operations.

• Connect a chain of waypoints to an operation: The robot must pass through

all the waypoints in the chain whenever it performs the connected operation.

• If you run a sequence that includes two operations that share a waypoint, the
robot does not need to pass through the waypoint in between the operations.

• You can only download waypoints using the Waypoint Viewer Download
command. The main program, containing the robotic paths, is still
downloaded using the regular Download to Robot command.

• If you link a compound operation to a specific waypoint, all the child

operations of the compound operation are linked to the selected waypoint
(lower level operations are ignored). However, if you link one of the child
operations (for example, OperationY) to a different waypoint (for example,
WaypointX), OperationY is linked to WaypointX and all the other operations
remain linked to the first specified waypoint.

Waypoints are not supported when running line simulations.

Simulating with waypoints

In this example, the current operation is Weld_Op1. When you run the simulation,
the robot TCPF passes through Waypoint1, Waypoint, Waypoint2, and all the
locations of Weld_Op1. After this, the robot returns to Waypoint2, Waypoint, and
Running the Weld_Op1 operation has no impact on Weld_Op2. If you
want Weld_Op2 to run after Weld_Op1, you need to link them in the
Sequence Editor.

In this example, Weld_Op2 is linked to Weld_Op1 in the Sequence Editor. The

current operation is a compound operation that is the parent of both operations.
When you run the simulation, the robot TCPF passes through Waypoint1,
Waypoint, Waypoint2, all the locations of Weld_Op1, and then returns to
Waypoint2, Waypoint, and Waypoint1. After this, the robot proceeds to
Waypoint3, Waypoint4, all the locations of Weld_Op2, and then returns to
Waypoint4, Waypoint3, and Waypoint1.
In this example, Weld_Op3 is linked to Weld_Op4 in the Sequence Editor. The
current operation is a compound operation that is the parent of both operations.
When you run the simulation, the robot TCPF passes through Waypoint1,
Waypoint3, all the locations of Weld_Op3, all the locations of Weld_Op4 It then
returns to Waypoint3 and Waypoint1.
Working with waypoints

Nominal Sequence — This is the intended sequence as shown in the Sequence

Editor with the waypoints.
1. Add the paths to a compound operation

2. Sequence the paths in the Sequence Editor.

Non-nominal sequence — This is the sequence that may have to run, for example,
if a panel is missing and you have to skip some of the weld operations for now.
1. Create a program.

2. Add the desired paths to the program using the Path Editor.

In the Waypoints and the Waypoint Viewer section, do the following activities:
• Waypoints and the Waypoint Viewer

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Creating rivet manufacturing features.

• Creating drilling and riveting operations.

• Waypoints and the Waypoint Viewer.

Lesson 13
Material handling applications
Material handling applications

To provide an introduction to Process Simulate for material handling applications
(for example Assembly, Packing/Palletizing, Part Transfer).
After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• Overview of how to define poses for kinematic devices.

• How to set up the study

• How to do palletizing
Do I use this?
Overview of gripper creation (optional)

In this topic, you review what you did earlier to define poses for a kinematic device
and define it as a gripper.

This topic is covered earlier in this course.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Add poses to a kinematic object.

• Define a kinematic object as a gripper.

Discussion of steps to add poses to an object

• Open the object for modeling

• (kinematics should be already defined)

• Joint jog the mechanism into the desired position or approximately into

• Edit the poses for the current mechanism

• Create a new pose

• Use the current joint values or enter new ones

• Accept the values entered for this pose

• Define the rest of the poses for this mechanism

• Save the object

What Poses Need to be Defined?
For grippers, the OPEN and CLOSE poses must be defined (Pose names are
Define an object as a gripper (discussion only)

This topic, excerpted from your earlier discussion, describes the procedure for
defining an object as a gripper:
1. Model it.

2. From the ribbon, choose Modeling tab→Kinematics group→Tool Definition


3. Follow the same process you learned to define an object as a gun except:
• In the Tool Definition dialog box, click Gripper (instead of Gun) to
constitute the device as a gripper.

4. The Offset is the distance from the TCP Frame where other objects attach to
the gripping entities at the pick location of a pick and place operation.

5. Save and end modeling the object.

Material handling study setup

In this topic, you learn how to set up the study.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Set up a material handling study.
Do I do this?
Setting up the material handling study

• Get and place the robot

• Get the gripper

• Mount it on the robot

• Get and place conveyors, rails, and containers

• Get and place the workpieces


In the Material handling study setup section, do the following activities:

• (Instructor demo) Material handling example

• Pick and place (Material handling) setup

Material handling (pick and place) operations

In this topic, you learn how to create pick and place operations to do material
handling. In this topic, you perform palletizing activities as an example.
You create pick and place operations which contain special via locations for
picking up and dropping off the part.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basics of pick and place (material handling).
Do I do this?

You create pick and place operations, add approach and retract locations on the
part, and define a sequence of operations.
Pick and place basics

To create a new Pick and Place Operation:

1. Select the parent operation.

2. Choose New Operation →New Pick and Place Operation .

3. Choose the Pick and Place poses

4. Choose the pick and place TCP positions.

Any of the techniques described before for editing paths of via
locations can be used with this path type as well. A material handling
path can also be created using New Generic Robotic Operation
(which only contains via locations), if you don't want to use the special
pick and place behavior.
An extension to what is learned here is provided in the TR45315 Process
Simulate Standalone Robotics Advanced course. In that course you
describe how to create a program that contains these pick and place
paths. Then you create logic and sensors to setup the simulation in a
way that is more true to life.

In the Material handling (pick and place) operations section, do the following
• Create the basic (PNP) process

• Stacking boxes

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Overview of how to define poses for kinematic devices.

• How to set up the

• How to do palletizing
Lesson 14
Arc-weld continuous feature
Arc-weld continuous feature applications

To provide an introduction to creating arc-weld robotic paths in Process Simulate.
After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• Creating arc welding paths using arc welding specific tools.
Overview of arc-weld robotic applications

In this topic, you learn about arc-weld robotic applications.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Gain a basic understanding of arc weld principles.
Arc weld basics

One application is to create robotic gas metal arc welding (GMAW a.k.a. Metal
Inert Gas a.k.a. MIG) sessions.
Arc Welding Basics (1):

1. Direction of travel

2. Contact tube/tip and Shield gas nozzle

3. Electrode
4. Shielding gas
• Protects against dross and porosity (Quality problems)

5. Molten weld metal

6. Solidified weld metal

7. Workpiece

Arc welding basics (2)

• An electric arc is established between the workpiece and a consumable

• The arc continuously melts the electrode as it is automatically fed into the
weld puddle
o Feed is speed dependent on wire diameter, welding current , stick-out,
and torch travel speed

• The weld metal is shielded from the atmosphere by a flowing gas mixture

• Just need to guide the torch position and orientation along the weld seam
Arc welding basics (3)

• Stick-out distance
o A.k.a. wire electrode extension

o Distance from contact tip to end of electrode

• Tip-to-Work distance
o Distance from contact tip to workpiece

o Tip-to-work distance = stick-out + arc length

o Tip-to-work distance should be kept consistent to avoid overheating and

wasting shield gas
• Torch orientation
o Should bisect the angle between the workpieces

o Travel angle should be approximately vertical (shield gas has an effect;

for example CO2 tends to push instead of drag)

Seam creation basics

• Seam — arc weld path of weld locations with associated via locations.
Created weld locations follow the curve of the continuous manufacturing
feature with a linear motion type (except arcs which use circular motion type)

• Continuous Feature Operation — can contain one or many seams

Welding is performed at the TCP of the torch

• Distance to TCP – Stick-Out distance

• Torch Offset – additional distance (for example to modify penetration, arc

length, prevent burn through on varying thickness workpieces, etc.)
The TCP is usually placed at the stick-out distance. The arc length,
which is approximately the typical OLP calibrated tolerance (1 mm),
can be considered using a torch offset, by using “auto seam tracking”
(controller specific) or touch sensing (also known as a search).

Bisector angle
• Measured from bisector to side wall

• Default is 0 degrees (on the bisector)

• for example bisector angle of 0 degrees for a fillet weld

• for example bisector angle of 5 degrees for a beveled butt joint

Bisector – bisects the angle between the workpieces

Travel angle
• Measured along welding direction

• Also known as the lead angle

• Default is 90 degrees, but is not typical

• Drag
o for example travel angle of 80 degrees

o Less than 65 degrees causes excess spatter

o Backhand welding

o For deeper penetration (and wider bead width) or root pass on multi-layer

• Push
o for example travel angle of 100 degrees

o Forehand welding

o Do 95% of the time. Normal (standard) and multi-layer welds (excluding

the root pass) have a slight push

o Better for thin parts and less penetration

Seam orientation
• Most welding is done with the base wall flat on the ground (Horizontal or flat
seams). This produces the best welds.

• In rare cases welding is done with the part at 10 degree angle down hill for
maximum speed. This is known as a gravity weld.
• For welding vertical seams:
o Vertical up (welding from bottom to top)

o Vertical down (welding from top to bottom)

Do I do this?
Arc-weld continuous manufacturing features and operations

In this topic, you learn how to use continuous manufacturing features. These
objects are used to make continuous feature operations which are used to
represent arc welding, gluing/dispensing, laser cutting, painting, material removal,
grinding, deburring, and polishing processes.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• See the relationship between continuous manufacturing features and
continuous manufacturing operations.
Do I do this?

There are several reasons to create manufacturing features, including for

Creating Arc-weld continuous operations

Create an arc-weld manufacturing feature

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or an
ArcContinuousMfg .
Continuous Process Generator — Found on the Process tab of the ribbon,
this command creates a continuous feature operation without the need to create a
manufacturing feature first. It is a time saving technique specifically designed for
creating manufacturing features between two parts, such as an arc-weld.

After selecting the faces, the command automatically performs all of the following:
• Previews one or more paths (preview seams) for the manufacturing feature to
be created (and used in the projection calculations).
• Enables you to fine-tune the edges and faces, for example: edit the selection
(add/remove faces), change the face extension, merge curves to a single
seam, define seams’ start/end, skip welds and direction.

• Creates new continuous manufacturing feature for each seam.

• Sets the manufacturing feature type.

• Assigns the Mfg to the part of the first base face.

• Creates a new continuous feature operation or allows you to append seam

operations and assigned manufacturing feature to an existing continuous
feature operation.

• Assigns the continuous manufacturing feature to the new or existing

continuous feature operation.

• Creates new seam operations for each continuous manufacturing feature and
nests them under the new or existing continuous operation with the correct
face definitions. The system defines which faces from the base and side sets
belong to each seam operation.
• If there is a single robot in the loaded data, the command assigns this robot
and its mounted tool to the operation.

You can also use the Continuous Process Generator to fine-tune the edges
and faces, for example: edit the selection (add/remove faces), change the face
Extension distance, Merge all curves to a single seam, define seams’ start/end,
and direction. The command also provides support for Skip welding (or stitch
welding) where the seam operation is composed of welds separated by spaces
(similar to a dashed line).
Projecting the manufacturing feature
There are two ways to project the continuous manufacturing feature to create the
arc-weld locations. The training demonstrates both:
• (Optional) Using the Continuous Process Generator during
manufacturing feature creation.

• (Optional) Using Project Arc Seam after manufacturing feature creation.

Using Continuous Process Generator for arc-welding

1. From the ribbon choose Process tab→Continuous group→ Continuous

Process Generator

2. In the Continuous Process Generator dialog box for Process, select Arc.

3. Select the geometry to be welded. The geometry is setup in two groups

depending on which side of the weld it is on (base or side).
4. Setup the resulting operation including the name, associated robot, tool,
and parent operation.

5. Setup the resulting manufacturing feature including the type and parent folder
for the related .COJT.

6. (Optional) Setup the resulting location distribution (manufacturing feature

projection parameters).

In most cases, it is recommended to do the projection now.

7. Click OK.

In the Continuous manufacturing features and continuous feature operations

section, do the following activity:
• Using continuous feature operations

Review questions

Arc welding, Gluing/Dispensing, Laser cutting, Painting, or Material
Removal/Grinding/Deburring/Polishing Gluing/Dispensing Laser cutting Painting
Material Removal/Grinding/Deburring/Polishing Material Handling (Pick and
Place) Spot Weld
Creating paths from continuous manufacturing features

In this topic, you learn how to project continuous manufacturing features to create
continuous manufacturing robotic paths.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand and setup continuous location projection constraints.

A location in Process Simulate is unique type of frame that contains the position
and orientation of the TCP frame at a point. Locations are generated with their
origins placed according to where the projection of the related curve intersects a
surface or solid it is projected onto. The locations guide the tool center point of the
robot approach vector and a vector perpendicular to the workpiece.
Locations also contain process information specific to the robotic application
such as:
Gun state, Location type, Speed, etc. for each location.
Do I do this?
Continuous location constraints

A continuous manufacturing feature location’s orientation is very important.

• Typically one axis is to be normal to the surface being worked on. This
Normal axis set by default to Z.

• Another axis indicates the direction of Movement Vector of the continuous

manufacturing feature. This axis is set by default to X.

Default approach and perpendicular axis are defined and can be modified
using File→Options and choosing the Continuous tab.
Projecting arc-weld continuous manufacturing features

From the Process tab of the ribbon, choose Project Arc Seam to project an arc
manufacturing feature at the intersection of two parts or at the intersection of
two part faces and create an arc-welding path.

Before executing Project Arc Seam, you specify a continuous robot compound
operation. This command projects the seams that appear in the Operation Tree as
children of the specified continuous robot compound operation.
You do not need to specify anything in the Arc Mfg Features area of the Project
Arc Seams dialog box, since you specified it when using the Continuous Process
Generator in the previous lesson.
Projection Parameters area of the Project Continuous Mfgs dialog box:
• Tolerance Based Spacing — The system places the projected locations
according to the geometry of the target manufacturing feature. Configure the
following parameters:
o Maximal segment length — The maximum allowed distance between
two locations created when projecting continuous manufacturing features.

o Maximal tolerance — The maximum allowed distance between a

location and the curve that defines the seam geometry.

o Optimize locations creation for arc and line segments — When set
(this is the default), this option optimizes manufacturing featureprojection
on condition that all the locations in the source manufacturing feature
conform to the Arc tolerance and Minimal line length you define. The
system creates a projection using two locations for straight lines, three
locations for arcs, and five locations for circles. When this option is off,
the system creates a projection of consecutive locations, requiring a
large amount of computer resources. After completing the projection, the
system sets the motion type of each location according to the segment
detection results for the curve. A location's motion type is determined
by the way the robot approaches the location. For circular curves, the
system sets the last two points as circular motion; for linear curves, the
last point is set as linear motion. Locations projected by those points
are set with those motion types.

• Equal Distance Spacing — The system places the projected locations

according to the following parameters:
o Start Offset — The offset distance from the beginning of the
manufacturing feature to the first projected location.

o End Offset — The offset distance from the last projected location to the
end of the manufacturing feature.

o Traverse distance — The distance between projected locations.

• Project on approximation only — Only JTs containing XTBRep (exact

geometry) support projecting on exact geometry. If the part exact geometry is
not available in the JT file (for example, it is a location that did not retrieve
the exact geometry), users are asked whether to project based on an
approximation or skip the projection. .
• Keep position on curve — If the manufacturing feature is not on the same
plane as the part on which you are projecting it, setting this option ensures
that the projected locations remain on the manufacturing feature. Clearing
the option causes the system to project the locations on the part.
Arc-weld projection tools

• Indicate Seam Start — located on the Process tab of the ribbon, you
use it to create a continuous manufacturing features from any curve in the
current project. You can either use an existing curve, create a new curve, or
import a curve into the project from an external CAD program. After creating
a continuous Mfg, you can Project Continuous Mfgs on to parts.

• Project Arc Seam — located on the Process tab of the ribbon, it takes a
manufacturing feature as input. You can select a base wall part, a side wall
part, and various torch alignment parameters. The path that is produced
should require far fewer modifications than an arc weld path created with
Project Continuous Mfg Features (discussed in a later lesson).
Automatically setting the location attributes

From the Operation tab of the ribbon, choose Apply Path Template to
automatically set the location attributes to company standards or robot application
specific settings (such as for arc-welding, spot-welding, painting). In this lesson
you use an sample path template that was creating for the purpose of this training

You learn how to create a template file for the Apply Path Template
Action in the Advanced Robotics course. This tool does not work
until you setup the XML file for it. A sample XML is provided with the
course training data. The file is named RobotSim.xml and is located in
the Sample Default Path Template folder

In the Creating paths from continuous manufacturing features section, do the

following activity:
• Creating an arc-weld path from a manufacturing feature

Review questions

Make the path reachable by the robot Make a collision free path. Create a
simulative operation (path) of locations. Orient the locations in the path so that 1
axis is normal to the surface and two axes are tangent to the surface.
Seventh axis and more (external axis usage)

In this topic, you learn how to use setup and use external axis (joint). For example,
a robot on a rail (7th axis) or gantry is considered an external axis (joint) or a
robot on a multi axis gantry system.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basics about external axes.

• Use external axes.

Do I do this?

You can associate the kinematics of a device to a robot, by defining it as an

external axis. This is typically done for robots on rails and gantries; as well as
part positioners. There are special tools that you can use for paths with external
axis robots.
External axis basics

In Process Simulate: Rails, gantries, and positioners are types of external joints.
For example:
• Rail – It is a separate .COJT that consists of a single linear joint (and is
sometimes called a 7th axis). A robot is Attached to the child link of j1 (in
the study, not in modeling). This child link is the rail carriage.

• Gantry – It is a separate .COJT that consists of three linear joints. A robot is

Attached to the child link of j3 (in the study, not in modeling).

• Positioner – It is a separate .COJT that consists of 2 rotational joints. The

part is Attached to the child link of j2 (in the study, not in modeling).

• Other kinematic devices can be used as externals as well, these three are
provided as typical examples.
External axes usage

Set External Axes Values sets the values of external axes (such as rails,
servo guns and so on) that were defined in Robot Properties on a selected
location. When the robot reaches this location, the external axes is positioned
at the set values.
To set the external axes values:
1. Choose one or more robotic locations or an operation from the Operation
Tree or the Graphic Viewer, and then click Set External Axes Values .

2. In the Set External Axes Values dialog box, select the external axes whose
values you want to save

3. Click OK. The current values of the robot’s external axes are stored at the
location. When the robot reaches this location, the external axes is positioned
according to these values.
In the Path Editor, the External Axes column indicates how many
external axes have been defined at the selected location and of those,
how many axis values have been set with this command. Mouse over
the pencil in the External Axis column to display a tool tip with the
set values.
Add 7th axis to a robot

1. Use Relocate command located on the Graphic Viewer toolbar to place

the robot on the carriage rail.

2. Use Attach command located on the Tools tab of the ribbon to attach
the robot to the rail carriage.

3. Use External Axes tab of Robot Properties command located on the

Robots tab of the ribbon to add/remove the rail axis to/from the robot’s list
of joints.
Servo gun axes are added automatically when they are mounted,
however all other external axes must be added manually from this
tab (unless the information was previously defined as part of the
compound equipment definition).
More external axis commands

These commands related to an external axis, are located on the Robot tab
of the ribbon.
• Clicking Clear External Axes Values enables you to clear previously set
external values from the selected location.

• Clicking Set External Values to Location on the Robot Jog dialog box
opened from Add Location Before or Add Location After , you can
store the current (approach) external axes values on the location currently
being manipulated.

• After clicking External Axis Creation Mode (to activate this mode), each
time that Add Current Location or Add Location By Pick is clicked a
location is created with the current (approach) external axes values stored
on it.
Smooth rail

This tool allows the automatic setting of rail values along a path.
To use it:
1. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Smooth Rail .

2. In the Smooth Rail dialog box, select a start and an end location inside a
robotic operation (path). The selected first and last locations should already
have an external axis value defined.
3. For Method, choose either Interpolate On Travel Distance or Project
Locations on Rail Axis.
• Interpolate On Travel Distance - The application interpolates the rail
values set on the start and end locations with the relative Cartesiantravel
distance from the start location, along the path

• Project Locations On Rail Axis - The application interpolates the rail

values set on the start and end locations with the relative positions of
each locations along the rail.

4. Click OK or click Apply. The command creates/updates the rail values of all
locations between the selected ones.

In the 7th axis and more (external axis usage) section, do the following activities:
• (Optional Instructor Demo) Working with a 7th axis

• Working with a 7th axis (setting values)

Creating and editing more arc-weld continuous manufacturing feature paths

In this topic, you work with a like more complex part to learn more about
arc-welding path development.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand how to arc-weld a more complex part.
Do I do this?

You create arc continuous features, create continuous feature operations, project
the continous feature operations, and refine the arc-weld paths.
Verifying location orientation

When projecting manufacturing features, a preliminary orientation of the seam

locations are created, so the next step in the process is to check the orientation
of the locations. You start by taking any gun to farther refine the seam location
orientation (for example approach vector and perpendicular vector). At this stage
it is not necessary for the gun to be attached to a robot.
Location orientation refinement tools used in this topic:

• →Flip Locations on Surface — flip weld locations on a surface 180

degrees around their approach axes. The approach axis is defined in the
Weld Tab of the Options dialog box.

• →Flip Locations on Solid — flip weld locations 180 degrees on solids

and specify the parts that are included in the flip.
Location orientation refinement tools:
• Torch Alignment — edit seam locations created with Project Arc Seam
or Continuous Process Generator . Using this command to make
small changes can save the need to create new operations.

• Reverse Operation
• And several other commands under the Edit Path group of the Operation tab.

• Placement commands such as Relocate and Placement Manipulator on

the Graphic Viewer toolbar.

• Etc.

In the Creating paths from continuous manufacturing features section, do the

following activity:
• Creating arc manufacturing features for the whitehouse part and project them
using Continuous Process Generator

• Modifying arc weld operations and seams


Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to create arc welding paths using arc welding specific tools.
Lesson 15
Paint continuous feature applications
Paint continuous feature applications

To provide an introduction to creating paint paths in Process Simulate.
After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• How to create paint continuous manufacturing features.

• How to project paint continuous manufacturing features to create paint

continuous manufacturing robotic paths.

• How to use paint continuous manufacturing features.

• Making changes to the path associated to the paint continuous manufacturing

Overview of paint continuous robotic applications

In this topic, you learn about paint robotic applications.

Any type of robotic application involving the robot following the contour of
the part is considered continuous in Process Simulate. There are many
examples such as arc-welding, painting, grinding, deburring, hemming,
gluing, laser cutting, water jet, sealing, etc.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Gain a basic understanding of robotic painting principles.
Painting basics

The contemporary process of vehicular spray painting is a result of many years of

development in an effort to improve quality while reducing time and costs. The
process of painting vehicle bodies currently uses a painting line which receives
the body after the primer coats have been applied. A representative process
comprises five stages:
1. Preparation — dust is removed before applying the final color.

2. Interior-paint booth — the final base color is sprayed onto inner portions
of the body where access is relatively difficult. This stage benefits greatly
from the use of one or more robots.

3. Exterior-paint booth — the final base color is sprayed onto exterior of

the body where relatively easy access renders practical use of specialized

4. Manual touchup — additional final base color is sprayed manually onto

portions of the vehicle not adequately covered in the base booth.

5. Oven drying — the final base color is baked dry and hard.
These stages may be repeated for additional coats of paint such as the application
of clear enamel over the base coat. In addition, completely different spraying
processes may be used for spare parts, spray gluing, and underbody and other
sealing; these processes usually differ from the processes for painting vehicle

The robotic paint booth

The painting operations which occur in the interior-paint booth best lend
themselves to robotic applications; indeed, robots have been used for many years
in vehicular spray-paint booths in order to improve the quality and consistency
of the paint process compared to manual spray-painting methods. Advantages
of using robots include:
• Accuracy and repeatability are easier to achieve

• Robots are not affected by painting hazards that are problematic for humans

• Long-arm robots easily cover large vehicles, such as trucks or vans, which
are difficult to reach manually.

• Robots perform difficult and monotonous jobs without tiring or complaining.

A modern paint booth is usually constructed as a clean room, and includes a
conveyor, the vehicle being painted, one or more manipulators to open and close
doors and lids, at least one robot, a controller for the robot, a paint gun with its
associated hoses, compressors and other equipment, and the paint-guncontroller.
Painting equipment
Of the items included in a paint booth, three constitute the painting equipment
actually involved in the programmed, automated painting process:
• The robot controller; it usually executes the robot program and initiates
signals which activate the paint controller.

• The paint controller; it controls the opening and closing of the spray gun. It
also produces the spray fan and determines the shape of the fan, the rate
and amount of paint being used, and the size of the droplets comprising
the paint spray.

• The spray gun; it is the device which receives the signals from the paint
controller in order to perform the painting process.

Paint-spray composition
Four items of equipment produce the paint as sprayed on the vehicle:
• A fluid pump which pumps the paint to the spray gun.

• An atomizing-air pump which pumps pressurized air through the main

spray-gun nozzle to break up the sprayed paint into tiny droplets the size of
which is carefully controlled.

• A horn-air pump which drives pressurized air toward the sides of the paint
spray as it exits from the gun, controlling the shape of the paint fan. If the
horn-air pressure is low, the fan is short and wide; if the pressure is high,
the fan is long and narrow.

• A paint gun which includes the main nozzle from which the paint exits together
with the atomizing air, and various secondary nozzles which introduce horn
air to control the shape of the paint fan. The paint thus exits in the shape of a
fan from the main nozzle of the paint gun.

Paint-spray control
The atomizing- and horn-air pressures and the various paint-flow parameters are
usually controlled by the robot program, using data recorded in a paint-parameters
table residing either in the robot controller or in the paint controller. Individual data
are recorded for each type of paint or color which the application uses. The robot
controller communicates the relevant paint parameters to the paint controller either
by sending the parameters or by sending a paint-parameters code constituting a
key to a particular paint and its associated parameter values.
In addition to controlling the spray-fan values, the robot controller needs also to
communicate instructions to open and close a spray gun, for example, to start
and stop painting.
Activating the air pressures and the gun nozzle occupies time. The delay from
the time the paint controller receives the command until the command takes
effect, is measured in milliseconds. When the delay pertains to a spray gun, it
is designated gun delay. The delay for opening a gun may differ from the delay
for closing the gun.
Either the robot controller can compensate for the delay by sending the opening
and closing signals slightly sooner, or the programmer can compensate for the
delay by inserting instructions sooner in the program.
Painting-program goals
A painting program for a production robot needs to achieve five goals:
1. Evenly cover the entire surface with paint within a specified range of
2. Minimize the cycle time required to execute the program.

3. Minimize the amount of material used in order to achieve the required

thickness, for example, minimize overspray and other waste.

4. Rapidly achieve production quality in order to minimize down time and the
use of scrap vehicle bodies.

5. Achieve a maintainable program which minimizes the number of paint

brushes, for example, sets of paint parameters. Since each set of paint
parameters is duplicated for each different paint material, using many sets
makes the program difficult to calibrate with tests from actual production

Producing the program

Producing a painting program for a production robot to achieve the goals listed
above, usually entails the steps listed below:
1. Analyze the target area assigned to a specific robot, and determine the paths
through which the robot should move in order adequately to cover the area
2. Determine the order in which the various paths, including both the painting
and non-painting portions, should be joined

3. Teach the combined paths to the robot and solve any reach and collision
problems that may occur in the process.

4. Assign speed values to the motion program

5. Perform a dry run: run the robot through the program and solve dynamic
reach and collision problems if they occur.

6. Determine the points where a spray gun should open and the points where a
gun should close, and verify that the program can still be executed.

7. Assign paint parameters to each painting portion of the path, according to

coverage and thickness requirements. Paint parameters are tested on the
actual production line to determine available sets of parameters that provide
the desired nominal width and thickness at a specified speed. The list of
these sets is then delivered to the programmer.
• The various parameters used in a painting program are not independent.
For example, changing the speed because of motion problems affects
the thickness; changing the distance from the surface to prevent a
collision affects the coverage and the thickness.

8. Execute a preliminary wet run.

9. Check coverage and thickness.

10. If improvements are needed, edit the program and reteach the robot. Dry and
wet runs can be repeated until complete satisfaction is achieved.

Painting-program problems
Up to the present, programming painting robots on line is more of an art than a
science. It requires long initial programming efforts and produces cumbersome
robot programs that are hard to maintain. In particular, problems arise due to:
• The complexity of the workpiece.

• Difficulties associated with reachability and collisions.

• Runners occurring at edges and in corners.

As a result, producing a workable program is a trial-and-error process usually
requiring several weeks during which the painting line is shut down.
Do I do this?
Setting up paint brushes and meshes

In this lesson, you learn how to set up paint brushes and meshes.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Understand the basic process to setup paint coverage simulation.

• Define a paint brush.

• Define a paint mesh for a part.

Do I use this?
Overview of paint coverage simulation setup

You can configure continuous operations for painting parts or components. The
following is a typical workflow for performing coverage:
1. Define a paint gun (you can define the Tool Type using the Tool Definition

2. Mount a paint gun on the robot.

3. Create a continuous operation.

4. Define a robot brush (paint gun attached to the robot that applies paint to the
manufactured object) using the Paint Brush Editor command.

5. Create a 3D mesh of points on the target part, using the Create Mesh
Paint brushes

The Paint Brush Editor command is used to define the name and geometry of
the brushes used to calculate paint coverage during simulation.
Whenever the brush touches a point on the mesh, paint is applied. It is also
possible to apply a number of paint layers, to configure the size and shape of the
paint brush for various tasks, and to set various display options.

The Z-axis of the paint gun tip frame should point towards the surface
normal. This is essential in order to visualize coverage correctly.

To create and edit paint brushes:

1. After selecting a robot (optionally with a mounted paint gun), choose Process
tab→ Paint and Coverage group→Paint Brush Editor .
The Paint Brush Editor appears.

2. To add a new brush, click Create Brush on the Paint Brush Editor toolbar.
The Create Brush dialog box appears.
a. Enter a Brush Name or number.
b. Select a Solid to represent the paint jet. If necessary, create a new
resource with a custom shape, such as a cone, to use as your solid.

c. Set the Origin Frame on the selected solid. This is the frame on thesolid
(part of the same resource) that connects to the paint gun's Tip Frame.

d. Click OK to save the new paint brush.

3. If you need to remove a paint brush, select it and click Delete Brush on
the Paint Brush Editor toolbar.

4. To edit a brush, click Edit Brush . The Edit Brush dialog box appears. This is
similar to the Create Brush dialog box but is populated with the parameters of
the selected brush. Edit the parameters the way you want and click OK.

5. Click Close to exit the Paint Brush Editor.


The Create Mesh command is used create a mesh that can be used to show
paint coverage on the part.
You can only create a mesh on parts with XTBRep exact geometry; it is not
possible to create a mesh on parts with approximate geometry. If a part is
comprised of multiple entities, some of which have XTBRep exact geometry and
some of which do not, meshes are only created for those entities with exact
geometry. The system notifies you when selecting parts that consist of entities
without XTBRep exact geometry.

It is recommended to blank all the non-relevant entities prior to creating

the mesh (consider using the Load the Entity Level command). This
improves performance during both mesh creation and simulation.

To create a mesh:
1. Select the part you want to paint.
2. From the ribbon choose Process tab→Paint and Coverage group→Create
Mesh . The Create Mesh dialog box appears and the selected part
populates the Parts list.

3. The Exact column indicates if the part has at least one entity with XTBRep
exact geometry.

4. The Mesh column indicates if a mesh already exists for the part. Creating a
mesh again for this part overwrites the previous mesh.

5. If you wish to create a mesh for more parts, click the Parts list and pick
additional parts.

6. In the Tessellation Tolerances area, set the following parameters:

• Distance — The maximum distance allowed between adjacent vertices
of the mesh.

• Deviation — The maximum allowed divergence of the approximate

geometry from the exact geometry. For a curve, this is the deviation of
the line segment from the geometric curve. For a surface, this is the
deviation of a triangular facet from the exact surface.
This diagram employs a curve to illustrate the parameters but the same
is true for surfaces.

• Angle — The maximum angle allowed between adjacent approximation

items (line segments in the case of a curve, and facets in the case of
a surface).

7. Click Preview to view the mesh or click OK to create the mesh and close
the Create Mesh dialog box.
• The mesh does not appear in the Object Tree.

• It may take the system a significant amount of time to create/preview

the mesh and save studies that include meshes. The mesh may
expand the study's size significantly.

• You cannot delete the mesh of a part. However, the mesh is removed
from the study when you delete the part. It is overwritten when
creating a new mesh for the part.

In the Setting up paint brushes and meshes section, do the following activities:
• Setting up paint brushes and meshes
Creating and projecting paint manufacturing features

In this lesson, you learn how to create and project paint manufacturing features.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Create paint continuous operations using Continuous Process Generator.

• Set continuous location constraints.

Do I do this?

There are several reasons to create manufacturing features, including for robot
paths that follow the contour of the part (continuous feature):
Creating paint continuous operations

Create a paint manufacturing feature

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or a
PaintContinuousMfg .
Continuous Process Generator — Found on the Process tab of the ribbon,
this command creates a continuous feature operation without the need to create a
manufacturing feature first. It is a time saving technique specifically designed for
creating manufacturing features for painting.

(Optional) Projecting the manufacturing feature to create locations

There are two ways to project the continuous manufacturing feature to create the
paint locations. The training demonstrates both:
• Common abilities of projecting with either Continuous Process Generator
or Project Continuous Mfg . You can use both to create locations
based on a maximal curve tolerance and optionally select a reference seam
to set the torch orientations.
o Tolerance Based Spacing — The system places the projected locations
according to the geometry of the target manufacturing feature. Configure
the following parameters:
■ Maximal segment length — The maximum allowed distance
between two locations created when projecting continuous
manufacturing features.

■ Maximal tolerance — The maximum allowed distance between a

location and the curve that defines the seam geometry.

■ Optimize locations creation for arc and line segments —

When set (this is the default), this option optimizes manufacturing
feature projection on condition that all the locations in the source
manufacturing feature conform to the Arc tolerance and Minimal
line length you define. The system creates a projection using two
locations for straight lines, three locations for arcs, and five locations
for circles. When this option is off, the system creates a projection of
consecutive locations, requiring a large amount of computer
resources. After completing the projection, the system sets the
motion type of each location according to the segment detection
results for the curve. A location's motion type is determined by the
way the robot approaches the location. For circular curves, the
system sets the last two points as circular motion; for linear curves,
the last point is set as linear motion. Locations projected by those
points are set with those motion types.
• Using the Continuous Process Generator during manufacturing
feature creation. You can also set the location orientation and each stoke
automatically goes in opposite directions.
o Tangent ZigZag — all locations are oriented in a similar direction to
the direction of the reference stroke and are tangent to the stroke (the
movement vector is aligned with the stroke direction).

o Tangent — locations are tangent to their stroke and are oriented

according their stroke direction (maintains a unidirectional movement

• (Optional) Using Project Continuous Mfg after manufacturing feature

creation. You can also create equal distant locations.
o Equal Distance Spacing — The system places the projected locations
according to the following parameters:
■ Start Offset — The offset distance from the beginning of the
manufacturing feature to the first projected location.

■ End Offset — The offset distance from the last projected location to
the end of the manufacturing feature.
■ Traverse distance — The distance between projected locations.
Using Continuous Process Generator for painting

1. From the ribbon choose Process tab→Continuous group→ Continuous

Process Generator

2. In the Continuous Process Generator dialog box for Process, select

Coverage pattern.
3. Select the geometry to be painted, start/end points, spacing, and strokes.

4. Setup the resulting operation including the name, associated robot, tool,
and parent operation.

5. Setup the resulting manufacturing feature including the type and parent folder
for the related .COJT.

6. (Optional) Setup the resulting location distribution (manufacturing feature

projection parameters).
In most cases, it is recommended to do the projection now. However, if you
want the projection to create locations with equal distant spacing, you have to
project using Project continuous Mfg instead.

7. Click OK.
Continuous location constraints

A continuous manufacturing feature location’s orientation is very important.

• Typically one axis is to be normal to the surface being worked on. This
Normal axis set by default to Z.

• Another axis indicates the direction of Movement Vector of the continuous

manufacturing feature. This axis is set by default to X.

Default approach and perpendicular axis are defined and can be modified
using File→Options and choosing the Continuous tab.
Creating appropriate brush geometry

Defining a component as a paint gun

Earlier in the training, you defined a component as a Paint Gun using the Tool
Definition command. You can now mount this gun on a robot and assign it
as the Tool of an operation. As part of this process, you created geometry to
represent the paint nozzle, a paint gun tip frame, and a tcp frame.
• paint gun tip frame — This frame is located at the paint gun nozzle and is
shown yellow in this picture.
• tcp frame — The frame that becomes the robot's TCPF after the gun is
mounted and is shown red in this picture. This frame moves to the paint
locations on the part surface.
However, you do not see any paint coverage when you simulate this gun. In
order to simulate paint coverage, you must add a geometry to the paint gun to
represent the brush (paint fan).
Defining a brush (paint fan) for a paint gun
Many shapes are possible for the brush, however a typical shape is a cone. A
cone representing the brush (paint fan) has its apex at the paint gun tip frame.
The length of the cone is the effective depth, also known as the over spray. This
is the distance from the gun nozzle in which parts can be effectively painted.
The effective depth must be greater than the distance from the nozzle to the
tcp frame.

During simulation, the tcp frame of the paint gun is superimposed atop
locations on the surface being painted.
Use the formula of similar triangles to calculate the radius of the cone to be
created to represent the brush:

distance / effective depth = cone radius at the distance / cone radius at

the effective depth

For example, you have a distance of 300 mm, an effective depth of 350 mm,
and a cone radius at the distance of 25 mm.

So, you should create a cone to represent the brush that has a height of 350
mm and a radius of 29.17 mm. This cone geometry can be placed in the paint
gun component.

In the Creating and projecting paint manufacturing features section, do the

following activities:
• Creating and projecting paint manufacturing features for the whitehouse part
Simulating paint coverage and more

In this lesson, you learn how to simulate and manage paint coverage.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Understand the process to simulate and manage paint coverage simulation.

• Use the Teach Pendant to start/stop painting.

• Perform paint coverage simulation and set paint coverage settings.

Do I use this?
Overview of the paint coverage simulation process

You can configure continuous operations for painting parts or components. The
following is a typical workflow for performing coverage:
1. Add OLP commands to stop/start painting using the Teach Pendant

2. Activate Cover During Simulation .

3. Play the simulation of the continuous paint operation.

4. To simulate again, use Paint Coverage Settings to delete the mesh.

Simulation of paint coverage

The Cover During Simulation command turns on and off the calculation
of paint coverage during simulation.
Typically, you run the continuous paint operation without applying paint while
building the operation to optimize performance and to prevent unwanted coverage.
When the operation is ready, you can activate Process tab→Paint andCoverage
group→Cover During Simulation to show paint coverage during simulation.

Coverage on concave surfaces is calculated accurately, but might not be

displayed accurately in the Graphic Viewer.
Paint coverage settings

The Paint Coverage Settings command is used to select paint options, such
as which paint objects to display.
From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Paint and Coverage
group→Paint/Coverage Settings . The Paint & Coverage Settings dialog box
• For simulations with objects that are hidden by other objects and when using
a long paint brush fan (which is desirable for covering uneven surfaces), it
is possible that coverage is also applied to the mesh of the hidden/lower
surface, even though it is "hidden" by the top object.
To prevent this, select the Ignore hidden surfaces check box.

• You can configure the following Display options:

o Selecting the Meshes check box highlights the meshes while the
Paint/Coverage Settings dialog box is open.

o Selecting theCoverage check box displays the paint coverage, if already

Deselect this check box to improve visibility of selected entities.

o Selecting theBrush check box displays a ghost paint brush during


• The Stroke Map displays the colors used to denote the different accumulated
paint layers during the simulation.
You can select any box and change its color.

• To remove the accumulated coverage, for example if there are too many
layers, click Delete coverage.

In the Simulating paint coverage and more section, do the following activities:
• Simulating paint coverage

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Some background information regarding manufacturing feature

• How to create continuous manufacturing features.

• How to project continuous MFG features to create continuous manufacturing

robotic paths.

• How to use continuous manufacturing features.

• Making changes to the path associated to the continuous manufacturing

Lesson 16
Other continuous feature applications
Other continuous feature applications

To provide an introduction to creating other continuous feature paths in Process
After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• How to create continuous manufacturing features.

• How to project continuous manufacturing features to create continuous

manufacturing robotic paths.

• How to use continuous manufacturing features.

• Making changes to the path associated to the continuous manufacturing

Overview of other continuous robotic applications

In this topic, you learn about various other robotic applications besides arc-welding
and painting.

Any type of robotic application involving the robot following the contour of
the part is considered continuous in Process Simulate. There are many
examples such as arc-welding, painting, grinding, deburring, hemming,
gluing, laser cutting, water jet, sealing, riveting and drilling.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Gain a basic understanding of other continuous robotic applications.
More continuous robotic applications

For example, a bead of glue is applied to the part from a dispenser. There are two
common scenarios: the dispenser is mounted on the robot, or the robot grips the
part and moves it along an external glue dispenser.

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg ,

SealContinuousMfg , or a GlueContinuousMfg .
Grinding/Deburring/Material Removal/Polishing
For grinding/deburring, various tools are used to smooth the edges of metal parts.
There are two common scenarios: the tool is mounted on the robot, or the robot
grips the part and moves it along an external grinding/deburring machines. The
first scenario may also include a tool changer allowing the robot to switch the
mounted tool between various grinding and deburring tools.

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg .

A way of cutting parts with a mixture of high pressure water and abrasives which
is passed through a small diameter nozzle at very high pressure. The jet travels
at a speeds up to 900 m/sec, with sufficient kinetic energy to cut a wide range of
materials including foam, plastic, metal, and stone.

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or a

WaterJetContinuousMfg .
Laser Cutting
(According to www.wikipedia.org) a laser can be used to cut materials, and is
typically used for industrial manufacturing applications. Laser cutting works by
directing the output of a high power laser, by computer, at the material to be cut.
The material then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of
gas, leaving an edge with a high quality surface finish. Industrial laser cutters are
used to cut flat-sheet material as well as structural and piping materials.

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or a

LaserCutContinuousMfg .
Laser Welding
(According to www.wikipedia.org) a welding technique used to join multiple pieces
of metal through the use of a laser. The beam provides a concentrated heat
source, allowing for narrow, deep welds and high welding rates.
This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or a
LaserWeldContinuousMfg .
Roller Hemming
(According to www.wikipedia.org) a technology used to join inner and outer closure
panels together (hoods, doors, tailgates, etc.). The flange of the outer panel is bent
over the inner panel in progressive steps by means of the roller hemming head.

This manufacturing process could be represented as a Continuous Mfg or a

RollerHemmingContinuousMfg .
Do I do this?

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Some background information regarding manufacturing feature

• How to create continuous manufacturing features.

• How to project continuous MFG features to create continuous manufacturing

robotic paths.

• How to use continuous manufacturing features.

• Making changes to the path associated to the continuous manufacturing

Lesson 17
Final steps for robotic path
Final steps for robotic path development

To provide an introduction to modifying and optimizing robotic paths in Process
This chapter contains alternatives for various activities based on the
robotic application (for example spot-weld, arc-weld, paint, and debur).
You do not have time to cover all the alternatives in this course, however
performing one or two should be enough to get the points across.

After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• How to use several techniques to test the robot’s ability to reach locations in
its path.

• Dynamic and static collision detection is discussed.

• Tools that can be used to modify paths so that collisions are avoided.
• Various buttons found on the Path toolbar and Operations menu that can be
used to create via locations.

• Several tools that can be used to modify a location in a path.

• Several tools that can be used to modify a path.

• Additional path (weld operation) creation tools.

• Several techniques to edit location attributes and provides some basic

examples of locations attributes from the Process Simulate default controller.

• How to do multiple robot work balancing using location attributes and

Interference Zone.

• How to create swept volumes of an object moving along its path.

• What hard and soft joint limits are and how to set kinematic soft limits.

• Adding some events to your simulation.

• How to use setup and use external axis (joint). For example, a robot on a
rail (7th axis) or gantry is considered an external axis (joint) or a robot on
a multi axis gantry system.

• Creating a Sequence of Simulative Operations.

• Procedure required to create a compound operation in Process Simulate.

• How to create a basic sequence.

• Some other Robotics features.

Test robot’s reachability to the locations

In this topic, you learn how to use several techniques to test the robot’s ability
to reach locations in its path.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand robotic reach basics.

• Use Smart Place.

• Use the Robotics Viewer.

• Jump and move to a location.

• Use the TCP Tracker.

• Measure the length of a TCP track.

Do I do this?
Robotic reach basics

Another constraint you add to the process creation is the reachability of the robot.
These steps must be done before you can test the robot’s reachability:
• Bring robot into the study.

• Mount gun to robot (and define TCPF).

You can use these commands, located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, to check
the reachability of a robot to locations.

• Method 1: Reach Test (Interactive method)

• Method 2: SmartPlace — Static (Jumps to the locations)

Robotic reach test

Reach Test — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you can use it to test
whether a robot can reach all selected locations, and to optimize the study layout.

Typically, you should select either the robot or the part (with the locations
associated to it with the Placement Manipulator before opening
Reach Test .
You can jump to a location by double-clicking a location in the Reach Test
dialog box.
The selected locations are displayed in the Locations box, and a symbol is
displayed in the R (reach) box indicating whether the robot can reach the location.
The symbols are as follows:
• The robot can reach the location. The location is colored blue in the
Graphic Viewer.

• The robot has partial reachability to the location. The robot reaches the
location, but must rotate its TCPF to match the TCPF of the location.

• The robot has reachability to the location outside its working limits (but
within its physical limits).

• The robot has partial reachability to the location outside its working limits
(but within its physical limits). The robot reaches the location, but must rotate
its TCPF to match the TCPF of the location.

• The robot has full reachability to the location outside its physical limits.

• The robot has partial reachability to the location outside its physical limits.
The robot reaches the location, but must rotate its TCPF to match the TCPF
of the location.
• The robot cannot reach the location at all. The location is colored red in
the Graphic Viewer.

Toggling the display of working limits in dialog boxes:

When this check box is selected, joint limit color indications are shown in these
windows and dialog boxes:
• Graphic Viewer

• Weld Distribution Center

• Automatic Approach Angle

• Reach Test

• Robot Viewer

• Joint Jog

• Pie Chart

• Smart Place
To activate it: choose File→Options , click the Motion tab, and select Indicate
joint working limits. Joint working limits can be set as a percentage of the total
joint range, or a specific value.

Toggling the use of Location Information in static dialog boxes:

When this check box is selected, simulation information is automatically read from
the location or parent operation while using these static dialog boxes:

Simulation information includes the robot name, the gun, and TCPF on the
location or operation.

• Pie Chart

• Smart Place

• Automatic Approach Angle

• Reach Test

• Optimizing Weld Distribution

Therefore, some simulation information boxes in these dialog boxes are inactive
and you are not able to edit them.
However when this check box is deselected, you can enter simulation information
in the simulation information boxes to get a different result.
To activate it, choose File→Options , click the Motion tab, and select the Use
location information in static applications check box.
Smart Place

Smart Place — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you can use it to
calculate placements within a specified search domain for a robot from which
it can superimpose its TCPF on specified locations. Each such calculated
placement for the robot is a solution.

• This command creates grid points representing all possible solutions at the
intervals specified.

• The tested grid points in the Search Results are colored to indicate the
degree of success. The Legend can be used to discern the success of placing
the robot origin at each grid point and reaching all the specified locations.

• If you can specified in the Options dialog box to Indicate joint working
limits, the Legend includes an out of working limits. Boxes highlighted on
the Search Results that have a light purple border, are reachable, but are
outside the specified acceptable working limits.
• You can use the robot Smart Place command to find optimal locations
for robots or fixtures.
If Indicate joint working limits was selected in File→Options , the Smart
Place dialog box looks like this:
Smart Place modes

It can work in one of the following two modes:

• Robot Placement — You use it to determine the range of points from which
a robot can reach a selected group of weld, seam, and via locations, either
fully, partially, or with a collision. This enables you to position robots optimally.

• Fixture Placement — You use it to determine the range of points from which
a selected group of robots can reach selected fixtures (parts and resources),
either fully, partially, or with collision, while performing their associated
operations. This enables you to position fixtures optimally while maintaining
robot reachability.
Robot Viewer

The Robot Viewer — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon.

The Robot Viewer contains the following panels:

• Joint Monitor — It generates and displays a graphical representation of their
values at all points of time in the simulation. The trace for each joint of the
selected robot is displayed in a different color. Each trace is comprised of
finite points in time where measurements are taken. The higher the sampling
rate, the more accurate is the trace. See TR45315 Process Simulate
Standalone Robotics Advanced for more information

• Joint Status — It shows the current value for each joint of the selected robot
(including external joints) and their minimum and maximum values at given
points in time. Alternatively, you can display the current joint value as a
percentage of the joint range, in which case, the minimum is shown as 0%
and the maximum as 100%.
• Digital Signals — See TR45215 Process Simulate Standalone Cyclic Event
Evaluator (CEE) for more information.

• Analog Signals — See TR45215 Process Simulate Standalone Cyclic Event

Evaluator (CEE) for more information.

• TCPF Speed Monitor — It dsplays a graph of the speed of the robot TCPF.
In the Legend area, you can set the color of the trace. The Statistics area
displays the minimum and maximum speeds of the robot TCPF. SeeTR45315
Process Simulate Standalone Robotics Advanced for more information

• Joint Speed and Acceleration — It displays graphs of joint speed and

acceleration. See for more information

• Power Consumption — The graph above shows the current Power

Consumption of a robot during simulation in units of kW (kilowatts). See
TR45315 Process Simulate Standalone Robotics Advanced for more

Basic Usage:
In the Robot Viewer, choose the down arrow to the right of the Panels button
and deselect everything except Joint Status.

Click Settings to choose either Joint Values or Limits Percentages.

Jumping and moving to a Location

There are several ways to get a robot to a location:

• Sequence Editor simulation controls

• Jump to Location —located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you select
the robot, then click the desired location. Click this button again to get out of
this “mode”.

• Move to Location — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you click a
location and then click this button.

• Jump Assigned Robot — located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, you
click a location and then click this button.
Create and measure a TCP Track

The TCP Tracker command, located on the Robot tab of the ribbon, records
the motion (trajectory) of the robot TCP frame as a curve and stores it as a robot
specific TCP_track object. The track shows as a modeled object in the Object
Tree. the track is created for any robot motion such as during a simulation or
using Robot Jog.
The Curve Length command on the Graphic Viewer toolbar can be used
to measure the length of the TCP track and display it as a measurement in the
Graphic Viewer.

In the Test robot’s reachability to the locations section, do the following activities:

Perform either the Spot, Drill/Rivet, Arc, Paint, or Debur activity. Then
perform the rest of the activities with that data.

• Spot — Testing reachability (method 2)

• Drill/Rivet — Testing reachability

• Arc — Testing reachability

• Paint — Testing reachability

• Debur — Testing reachability

• See the robot reachability locations

Review questions

Auto Placement Smart Reaching Smart Place Reach Test
Dynamic and static collision detection

In this topic, you review Process Simulate collision detection tools that were
covered in detail earlier in this course and learn about the dynamic collisionreport.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Recall collision basics.

• Recall how to use the Collision Viewer.

• Use the Dynamic Collision Report.

Do I do this?
Collision basics

These tools can temporally change the colors of objects in the Graphic Viewer
and the Collision Viewer.
There are three levels of detection granularity:
• Near Miss — Objects are highlighted in yellow if they come within a
predefined clearance envelope of each other

• Collision Contact — Objects can optionally be highlighted in red if they are

touching each other (or orange if near miss detection is activated).

• Collision Penetration — Objects are highlighted in red if they exceed the

allowed penetration depth with each other.

Collision detection types:

• Dynamic collisions — Collisions that occur during a simulation or while
objects are being placed.

• Static collisions — Collisions that are occurring without moving the objects.
Collision options:
When a collision occurs the object’s color is always changed to red in the Graphic
Viewer and the Collision Viewer. Optionally a simulation can be stopped when
a collision is detected and/or a sound is played at regular intervals while in a
collision state.
Collision Viewer

The Collision Viewer displays all current occurring collisions, near misses and
contacts. It enables you to define, detect and view collisions in the data currently
displayed in the Graphic Viewer, as well as view collision reports. The Collision
Viewer is composed of two panes. The left pane can be closed or opened by
clicking Show/Hide Collision Sets .
To open the Collision Viewer:
• From the ribbon, choose View tab→Screen Layout group→
Viewer→Collision Viewer.

To close the Collision Viewer:

• Click Close in the right-hand corner of the dialog box.

Review of Collision Viewer toolbar:

• New Collision Set

• Remove Collision Set

• Edit Collision Set

• Fast Collision Set

• Emphasize Collision Set

• Show/Hide Collision Sets

• Collision Options

• Collision Mode On/Off

• Freeze Viewer

• Show/Hide Colliding Contour

• Show Colliding Pair

• Export to Excel

• Show/Hide Contour View

• Filter Collision Results

• Collision Depth

• Color Colliding Objects

• Zoom To selected
Dynamic collision report

The Dynamic Collision Report records all the collisions that occur during
simulation of the current operation, according to the active collision set in the
Collision Viewer. It enables you to do all of the following:
• Jump directly to the time of a specific collision.

• Save the information in the Dynamic Collision Report in an Excel file for
collaboration with other users.

• View a detailed report for the colliding objects in the active collision set or for
selected collision pairs in the Dynamic Collision Report.

• Use the Dynamic Collision Report to display all the collisions in a simulation
of an operation in conjunction with the Sequence Editor and Collision Viewer
to display all the current collisions.

Basic usage:
• Setup collision and near miss checking.
• From the Sequence Editor, set a current operation and click Dynamic
Collision Report .

• In the Dynamic Collision Report dialog box, click Start Generating Report
. Process Simulate runs a simulation of the current operation and populates
the Dynamic Collision Report dialog box.
Editing location attributes

In this topic, you learn several techniques to edit locations containing Process
Simulate default controller attributes.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know the basic location attributes of the default controller. (You use other
robot specific controllers in the Advanced Robotics training).

• Use the Teach Pendant and Path Editor.

• Use Set Locations Properties in the Path Editor.

• Customize columns in the Path Editor.

• Use the rename tool to change location names.

• Be aware of the Apply Path Template Action command.

Do I do this?
Basic location attributes

The following attributes are for the default controller. More robot specific
controllers are available and are discussed in the TR45315 Process Simulate
Standalone Advanced Robotics course.
• Motion Type – Describes how a robot moves to this location.
o Joint (PTP) – Typically causes the robot to move the quickest between
locations (usually resulting in a curved path). This motion type should be
used where high speed and low accuracy of the TCP trajectory is allowed.

o Linear (LIN) – Causes the robot to move straight to this location. This
motion type should be used where high accuracy of the TCP track is
required; robot speed may be somewhat curtailed.

o Circular (CIRC) – Causes the robot to move in an arc through three

locations. This motion type is used when the robot TCP is required
to move along a circular arc; most often in an arc-welding or sealing
• Zone – Also sometimes called accuracy, it describes how the robot
approaches/arrives at a location.
o Fine – causes the robot to slow and “arrive” at the location

o Medium and Course — affects how closely the robot needs to get a
location before it is considered “arrived”. These values are somewhere in
between Fine and No Decel.
o No Decel – cause the robot to not slow and “approach” the location
(However, arrival is not a requirement).
• Speed
o Speed for Joint (PTP) motion is measured as a percent of the maximum

o Speed for Linear (PTP) or Circular (CIRC) motion is measured in


• Wait Time is measured in seconds.

• Can define a different Tool Frame (for gun on robot) or Remote TCP Frame
(for an external TCP) for the various location in a path.

More information on Tool Frame and Remote TCP Frame is

discussed in the TR42515 Process Simulate Standalone Advanced
Robotics course.
Overview of techniques to edit location attributes

An important part of path development is setting location attributes (motion

parameters) such as Motion type, Zone, Speed, and Wait time.

In this training you use the default controller’s Teach Pendant, which is
robot manufacturer neutral.
You learn some OLP commands later in this course and in the Advanced
Robotics training. The Advanced Robotics training also contains detailed
information about all other robot controllers.

There are several tools to edit location attributes that are described in this lesson:
• Path Editor viewer

• Set Location Properties dialog box (in the Path Editor viewer)

• Teach Pendant dialog box

• Apply Path Template Action dialog box

• Rename Objects Tool dialog box
Path Editor

Path Editor viewer — The attributes of multiple locations are shown in

spreadsheet. You customize the columns (attributes) you want to see in the table
based on the controller you are using. You can do a majority of your path editing
in this viewer. You use it to:
• Edit the attributes of one location at a time.

• Edit several locations at a time (based on selection or location type).

• Copy the attributes from one location to several others.

Custom columns in the Path Editor

You can change the columns (location attributes) shown in the Path Editor using
the Customize Columns dialog box. To do this:
• On the Path Editor, click Customize Columns .

• In the Customize Columns dialog box Available columns list, expand into
the desired group of attributes.
The standard installation only includes the default controller (default
controller attributes). Installing other controllers adds their attributes
to the Available columns list. Your administrator can also add your
company specific attributes to this list.

• Choose the attributes you want to see in the Path Editor.

This list of attributes can be saved and loaded for later use using
these buttons: Load Column Set and Save Column Set .

• Click OK.
Quickly set multiple location attributes

Set Location Properties — Use it to copy the attributes from one location to
several others or edit several locations at a time based on selection or location
Copy attributes from one location to several others
1. In the Path Editor, select some locations using the Ctrl key that you want to
do a bulk attribute change.

All the selected locations must be assigned to robots using the same

2. Click Set Location Properties .

3. In the Set Locations Properties dialog box, click Obtain from Location to
use the properties of another location.

4. For the Obtain Properties from Location box, select the one with the
attributes you want.
5. Select specific attributes to copy or select them all.

6. Push it over to the list at right by clicking .

7. Click Close.

Change the attributes of locations based on location type

1. In the Path Editor, select the path.

2. Click Set Location Properties .

3. Click the down arrow to the right of Location Type Filter and select a
type such as Via.

4. In the Common properties area of the dialog box change an attribute such
as Motion Type or Zone.

5. Click Close.
Teach Pendant

Teach Pendant — There is a specific Teach Pendant dialog box for each robot
controller (for example ABB, Fanuc, Kuka, Kawasaki, Yaskawa, etc.). You use it to:
• Edit the attributes of one location at a time.

• Edit several locations at a time (based on selection).

• Copy the attributes from one location to several others.

The command is located on the Robot tab of the ribbon.

Apply Path Template Action

Apply Path Template Action — You can define operation actions in an XML
file and apply the actions to multiple operations. You can define many actions in
the XML template and apply them with a single click, saving repetitive manual
configuration, increasing productivity, and reducing errors. For example, changing
the attributes of all the locations in the path to better match your company
standards with the push of a button. You use it to:
• Modify the attributes and positions of several locations in a path by user
defined techniques.

• Add locations to paths by user defined techniques.

This command is located on the Operation tab of the ribbon.

Here are some of the actions that can be performed:

• Perform an action on a location based on its placement in the path (for
example all, first, last, etc.)

• Perform an action on a location based on the location type, process type,

motion type, or description.

• Set/remove the location type.

• Add/remove OLP commands.

• Change the location color.

• Change the location position.

• Add locations after other locations.

• Etc.
In this lesson you use an sample path template that was creating for the
purpose of this training course. You learn how to create a template file for
the Apply Path Template Action in the Advanced Robotics course.
This tool does not work until you setup the XML file for it. A sample XML is
provided with the course training data. The file is named RobotSim.xml
and is located in the Sample Default Path Template folder
Rename Tool

Rename Objects Tool — You use it to perform bulk renaming any object
using rules. Renaming a large number of objects saves effort and increasing
productivity. For example, if you have copied an operation, you can rename all the
duplicate locations with meaningful names in a single action
Located on the Home tab of the ribbon, s.

Located on the Home tab of the ribbon, the Rename Objects Tool can make
batch name changes for a large number of objects, saving effort and increasing
productivity. For example, if you have copied an operation, you can rename all the
duplicate locations with meaningful names in a single action

In the Editing location attributes section, do the following activities:

• Editing location attributes

Review questions

Operation Properties Sequence Editor Graphic Viewer Teach Pendant Path Editor
Introduction to path modification (via locations)

In this topic, you learn tools that can be used to modify paths so that collisions
are avoided.
This lesson is not for drilling and riveting. In this situation you create
waypoints instead of via locations.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use basic path modification tools.
Do I do this?
Path modification basics

In this topic, you create via locations in order to clear clamps and create
pounce/clear locations. You modify the path to avoid the collisions found in the
previous topic.
These commands are found in the Operation tab of the ribbon:

• Manipulate a location — Allows manipulating a via location with a

Manipulator Frame and the object placed at the location. Must have a
location selected first. (Most frequently used location modification tool)

• Add Location After — A new location is added to the path after the
selected location. The flow object and Manipulator Frame are placed at the
new location (superimposed on the selected location) allowing you to place
the new location.
• Add Location Before — A new location is added to the path before the
selected location. The flow object and Manipulator Frame are placed at the
new location (superimposed on the selected location) allowing you to place
the new location.

In the Introduction to path modification (via locations) section, do the following

• Adding start/end and approach/retract via locations in the path

Review questions

Deleting a location Calling GTAC, customer support Clicking Manipulate Location
Clicking Insert Location After Clicking Insert Location Before
Via location creation tools Location creation tools

In this topic, you learn various buttons found on the Path toolbar and Operation
menu that can be used to create via locations. These tools are used to create and
modify via locations (which are any locations not created from a manufacturing

This lesson is not for drilling and riveting. In this situation you create
waypoints instead of via locations.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use basic location creation tools.
Do I use this?

Via locations are the primary way to create clearance locations for all robotic
applications except for drilling and riveting. For drilling and riveting, you should
use waypoints (and the Waypoint Viewer) instead.
Location creation basics

Selecting a path in the Graphic Viewer, or location operation on the Operation

Tree, makes certain commands available on the Operation tab of the ribbon.

Use these commands to add another location to a path:

• Add Location By Pick — Add a location using the mouse. You must have
a path/operation selected first. (Most frequently used location creation tool).

• Add Multiple Locations By Pick — Enter a mode to add multiple

locations using the mouse. You must have a path/operation selected first.
(Most frequently used location creation tool). Choose this command again
to exit the location creation mode.

• Add Current Location — Add a location at the current position of the

associated object. You must have the operation set as the current operation.
Use these commands to add another location based on an existing location
in a path:
• Add Location After — A new location is added to the robotic path after
the selected location. The TCPF of the robot and Manipulator Frame are
placed at the new location (superimposed on the selected location) allowing
you to place the new location.

• Add Location Before — A new location is added to the robotic path

before the selected location. The TCPF of the robot and Manipulator Frame
are placed at the new location (superimposed on the selected location)
allowing you to place the new location.

In the Location creation tools section, do the following activities:

• Creating collisions lists

• Using add location by pick

Review questions

Display Location Project Continuous Feature Operation Project Arcweld Add
Current Location Add Location After
Location modification commands

In this topic, you learn several commands that can be used to modify a location
in a path.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use basic location modification commands.

• Use the Automatic Approach Angle command.

• Modify locations using the Path Editor.

• Perform path segment simulation using the Path Editor.

Via location modification basics

Use these tools to modify an existing location in a path:

• Manipulate location — This is one of the most basic commands. Allows
manipulating a via, weld, or seam location with a Manipulator Frame and the
assigned robot tool placed at the location. You must have a location selected
first. (Frequently used location modification tool)

• Pie Chart — Allows manipulating a weld or rivet while considering the

robot reachability.

• Automatic Approach Angle — See description below.

• Path Editor and the Teach Pendant. (These tools is discussed in the next

• Like any other entity, a location can also be manipulated with these
commands from the Graphic Viewer toolbar: Placement Manipulator
and Relocate .
Automatic Approach Angle

The Automatic Approach Angle command can be used to rotate several

weld or rivet locations to a collision free approach angle, if one exists.

Automatic Approach Angle functionality:

• Robot — Ability to select robot; the mounted Gun is automatically selected
as well

• Pose — Define the pose for collision analysis

• Locations list — Add and remove weld locations to the list of locations

• Apply – rotate all locations to the optimized approach angle

• View a location’s status using the Pie Chart

• Flip a location’s perpendicular by 180 degrees

Modifying locations using the Path Editor

The Path Editor can be used to change the position and orientation of the
locations directly.
Add a path: select it and click Add Operation to Editor
Remove a path: select it and click Remove Item from Editor
Specifying which columns are shown in the Path Editor
• On the Path Editor, click Customize Columns .

• In the Customize Columns dialog box in the Available columns list, expand
into the desired group of attributes.

• Select the desired attributes.

This list of attributes can be saved and loaded for later use using
these buttons: and .

• Click OK.
Path segment simulation

You may wish to concentrate on a specific segment of an operation, for example

to optimize or debug it. In this case, it is time-consuming and superfluous to
simulate the operation from the start each time. You can define the locations of
interest as an operation segment. From the Path Editor, select the sequential
locations, and then click Path Segment Simulate .
When simulates a segment, the simulation runs from the first of the selected
locations and finishes at the last selected location.
• Changing the first or last segment locations or deleting them makes
the segment inactive.

• After using the Add Operation to Editor or Remove Item from

Editor commands makes the segment inactive.

• A segment must contain at least one location.

• The locations in a segment must be continuous.


In the Via location modification tools section, do the following activities:

• Simulating a segment of a path

• (Optional) Using Manipulate Location

• (Optional) Using the Automatic Approach Angle dialog box

• (Optional) Spot — Modify locations according to robot reach (pie chart)

Review questions

Add Location After Add Current Location Delete Manipulate Location
Path modification tools

In this topic, you learn several tools that can be used to modify a path.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know which features are supported in Process Simulate.

• Use basic path modification tools.

• Use Automatic Path Planner (APP) for robotic paths

• Modify paths using operation properties.

Do I do this?
Path modification tools basics

Use these commands from the Operation tab of the ribbon to modify an existing

• Shift Location Back — Shift location by one position towards the front of
the path. Must have a location selected first. (Least used location creation

• Shift Location Forward — Shift location by one position towards the

end of the path. Must have a location selected first. (Least used location
creation tool).

• Reverse Operation — Changes the order of the locations in the path to be

the reverse. Must have a path/operation selected first.

• Mirror operation — Creates a second path whose weld locations are

reflected about a plane.
• Copy Location Orientation — Changes the orientation of the selected
locations to match a reference location. Uses one reference location and
several target locations (For via locations)

• Interpolate Locations Orientation — Changes the orientation of the

selected locations by interpolating their approach vectors between reference
locations. Uses two reference location and several target locations (For via

• Operation Properties — Allows displaying and modifying various

properties of an operation

• →Flip Locations on Surface

• Align Locations (For weld locations)

Use these commands from the Process tab of the ribbon to modify an existing
• Duplicate Weld Operation — Creates a new weld operation with a similar
weld definition to the previous one. Covered in a later topic.
Use these commands from other parts of the software to modify an existing path:
• Sequence Editor — Drag and drop the operations into the desired order.

• Reorder by Links — changes the hierarchy (or display order in the tree) of
operations to match the sequence of operations. (Found by right-clicking in
the Sequence Editor).
Automatic Path Planner (APP) for robot paths

The Automatic Path Planner (APP), located in the Operation tab of the
ribbon, is used to generate collision free paths. The Automatic Path Planner
algorithm works by dividing operations into pairs of locations. For each pair, it first
plans a collision-free path and then optimizes the planned path to be a smooth,
collision-free path.

The input to the APP is a simulative operation or a segment of a simulative

operation (object flow or robotic). The output of the APP is a collision free
Automatic Path Planner is separate add-on license.

Automatic Path Planner may add or delete via locations while calculating
collision-free operation paths.
Setting the basic parameters:
• Fixed — Check this box to designate a location as mandatory. While
calculating a collision-free path, Automatic Path Planner deletes the optional
via locations (and replaces them with new via locations) but retains mandatory

• Paths & Locations — List of sequential location from the same operation.

• Set Segments — By default, Automatic Path Planner runs on complete

operations. However, you can select specific segments (sets of two or more
locations) on which to run Automatic Path Planner, if, for example, you wish
to investigate a specific part of a path. In the Automatic Path Planner dialog
box, select and right-click the desired locations.

Setting the advanced parameters:

• Calculation — The number of path optimization iterations that Automatic
Path Planner performs. Setting the slider for higher precision causes
Automatic Path Planner to run more iterations and more time is required
to complete its calculations.
• Clearance — The allowed distance between the moving object and the
colliding objects. Derived from the Near Miss value of the active collisionlist.

• Dynamic Penetration — The number of path optimization iterations that

Automatic Path Planner performs. Setting the slider for higher precision
causes Automatic Path Planner to run more iterations and more time is
required to complete its calculations.

• Ignore colliding fixed locations — If a segment is invalid due to a collision,

Automatic Path Planner calculates a path that includes the colliding locations.
For colliding locations, the algorithm finds the closest collision-free location
and calculates a path from that collision-free location.
All the Automatic Path Planner options are saved for the next session
of Process Simulate.

How it works:
The APP goes through two iterations. The first iteration identifies problem areas in
the path. The second iteration deletes the optional locations and fixes the path
(adding locations as needed).
Tips and techniques:
• The APP module utilizes a KINEO algorithm. There is a specific license that
needs to be installed in order to allow the use of the APP module.
KINEO is a Siemens PLM Software component for advanced collision
detection and clearance validation.

• The APP does not fix existing flow operation locations that are in a collision

• Since the last location is usually in collision (assembly position), it should be

executed with an additional via location that is free of collision.
Automatic Path Planner (APP) robot settings

Robotics Specific Settings

Optimization is an iterative process and may be performed for robotic operations
either by:
• Cycle time (Find the quickest path) — The goal is to use time optimization
when planning paths. Select one of the following:
o Zone assignment — Attempts to shorten the cycle time of already
collision-free paths by assigning zones of varying size to the locations.
It does not add, delete or manipulate a path's locations. The zone
assignment process typically runs much faster than Full optimization and
consumes less system resources.

o Full — Plans a collision-free path and optimizes the path cycle time by
adding, removing and manipulating locations and by assigning zones
of various sizes.
This optimization process executes many simulations in the background.
This process may be time-consuming.
• Joint Travel (Find the shorted path) — The goal is to minimize joint travel
when planning paths. From the Qualityoptimization setting, select either
Precise (adds more locations for higher precision) or Quick (less precise
because it uses fewer locations, but faster performance). This is only
displayed when weld operations are selected in the Automatic Path Planner
dialog box.

When activating this option, the system reduces the length of the
path. It adds more intermediate locations in order to fit the shape of
the obstacles.

The Automatic Path Planner assigns zones of varying size to the locations in
the path and then runs a simulation (in the background). The robot is required
to pass through the location zones but is not necessarily expected to arrive at
the exact location. Automatic Path Planner receives collision feedback
from the simulation. If there are collisions, Automatic Path Planner allocates
smaller zones and if not, it allocates larger zones.

• Robot Settings
o Joint Weights — This causes Automatic Path Planner to allocate higher
priority to moving joints with a higher relative weight. For example, when
a workflow necessitates accessing weld points in a crowded
environment, you can assign a higher relative weight to a robot joint that
rotates the weld gun. This causes the Automatic Path Planner to select it
over a joint with a lower relative weight that moves the robot arm. The
resulting path is more likely to avoid collisions in a restricted area.

o Zones — you can specify which zones (accuracy) to use. They should
be listed from smallest to largest.

Since simulations execute in the background, the duration of

Cycle Time optimization is typically longer compared to Joint
Travel optimization.
Modifying paths using operation properties

From either the Sequence Editor or the Operation Tree right-click the flow
operation (path) and choose Operation Properties .
The General tab of the Properties dialog box can be used to change the Name of
the operation and type a Comment.

In the Path modification tools section, do the following activities:

• (Instructor Demo) Using Copy Location Orientation

• (Instructor Demo) Using Interpolate Locations Orientation

• (Optional) Mini putting it all together

• (Instructor Demo) Using Reverse Operation

• (Optional) Reordering locations

• Spot — Using Automatic Path Planner for robot paths

Additional path creation tools

In this topic, you learn additional path (robotic operation) creation tools.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Use the Duplicate Weld Operation command.

• Use the Replicate Arc Seam Operation command.

• Use the create Mirror operation command.

Overview of path creation tools

Spot Weld/Drill/Rivet Paths

There are several ways to create a new (robotic path) spot-weld operation,
• Create a new spot-weld operation, directly.
o From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New
Operation →New Weld Operation , associate spot-weld
manufacturing features to it, and project.

• To mirror an existing operation:

From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Edit Path group→Mirror
operation .
Continuous Feature Paths
There are several ways to create a new (robotic path) continuous feature
operation, including:
• Create a new continuous feature operation, directly.
o From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New
Operation →New Continuous Feature Operation , associate
continuous manufacturing features to it, and project.

• Duplicate an existing seam operation.

o From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Continuous Edit Path
group→Replicate Seam Operation .
This tool only works with Continuous Feature Operations (not
weld operations).
Replicate an arc seam operation

1. Select a seam created using Project Arc Seam or Replicate Seam

Operation in the Graphic Viewer or Operation Tree.

2. From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Continuous Edit Path

group→Replicate Seam Operation .
The Replicate Arc Seam Operation dialog box appears. The selected
operation is listed in Source operation and its Side is populated

You can change your selection for Source operation by selecting

another operation. If you select a continuous operation that is not
an arc seam operation, the dialog box changes to the Replicate
Continuous Seam Operation dialog box.

3. Select the Side option in the Target area.

4. In the Graphic Viewer, select a component on which to project the mfg

feature. This component acts as the "side wall" during projection. The
command creates new mfg features and a new seam operation andlocations.

5. Choose Replicate.
Replicate a continuous seam operation

1. Select a seam created using Project Continuous Mfg Features or

Replicate Seam Operation in the Graphic Viewer or Operation Tree.

2. From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Continuous Edit Path

group→Replicate Seam Operation .

3. In the Target area, configure the following:

• For To frame, select the target frame.

• To assign the new seam to a part, select one of the following in the
Assignment list:
o Same parts or faces - The new seam operation, its locations and
its new mfg feature are assigned to the same part as the source
seam operation.

o No parts or faces - No assignment is made. If you wish to use

the new seam as a source seam for replication, the Replicate
Continuous Seam Operation command prompts you to make a
manual assignment before launching.

o Selected parts - The new seam operation, its locations and its new
mfg feature are assigned to the part you select.

The Graphic Viewer displays the new frame in red and a

yellow arrow representing the replication vector starting at
the source frame and ending at the new target frame.

4. Set the number of desired Replications.

In the following example, Replications is set to 3; the source seam
(red) is replicated three times (black).

5. Choose Replicate.
The new seam operation is identical to the source and its name
is that of the source with a numerical enumerator suffix. All the
locations of the source seam operation are replicated in the new seam
operation with the same names. For each location, all configured
parameters (robotic configuration, OLP commands, comments, etc.)
are preserved.
After replication, the Replicate Continuous Seam Operation dialog
box remains open, the source definitions remain unchanged, and the
number of replications is reset to 1.

In the Additional path creation tools section, do the following activities:

• Arc/Paint/Debur — (Instructor Demo) Using Replicate Seam Operation

• Spot/Drill/Rivet — (Instructor Demo) Using Duplicate Weld Operation

• Spot/Drill/Rivet — Using Mirror

Review questions

Introduction to adding OLP commands to locations

In this topic, you learn how to perform various tasks using OLP commands on
locations of a robotic simulative operation. In this lesson you only get an initial
exposure to this ability. In the TR45315 Process Simulate Standalone Advanced
Robotics course you fully cover this topic.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Drive devices to predefined poses using an OLP command on a location.
Steps for driving devices

• Define some poses for the destination mechanism, if not already defined

• Select the robotic path to add the OLP commands to

• Open the Teach Pendant

• Enter the device to drive and a state to drive it to


In the Introduction to adding OLP commands to locations section, do the following

• Driving devices and waiting until a device is driven to move
Multiple robot simulation

In this topic, you learn how to do multiple robot simulation.

In this course you learn how to create a simulation in standard mode. In

the TR45115 Process Simulate Standalone Intermediate Robotics course
you learn now to do work balancing using location signals to setup robot
interference zone.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Add a another robot and path to create a two robot simulation.

In the Multiple robot simulation section, do the following activities:

• Adding a second robot

• Two robot simulation

Working with hard and soft limits

In this topic, you learn what hard and soft joint limits are and how to set kinematic
soft limits.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand the difference between hard and soft limits.

• Setup and use soft limits on a robot.

Hard limits

• Set the range from infinite motion to the correct range for that robot

• Set by the manufacturer of the robot

• Controlled by the parameters.e file or other kinematic joint limits

• Defined when the kinematics for the object is modeled in Process Simulate.

• Defined for the robot prototype (while modeling the robot, use the Kinematic
Soft limits

• Farther restrict the hard limit range of motion

• Used to avoid robot collisions with stationary objects in the study

• Set for a certain robot instance

• The default soft limits are the same as the hard limits

• Set soft limits using Joint Jog .

• To remove soft limits click Reset All Soft Limits from the Joint Jog dialog
In Process Simulate, hard limits are what is set during modeling of the
prototype, whereas soft limits are set on an instance of the robot in the

On most 6 axis robots, joint 3 (which is dependent on joint 2) has a variable

joint limit and cannot have soft limits applied to it.

In the Working with hard and soft limits section, do the following activity:
• (Optional) Avoiding collisions with stationary objects

Review questions


While not Modeling using the Joint Jog dialog box. In the Path Editor. While
Modeling using the Kinematic Editor dialog box. While not Modeling using the
Joint Jog dialog box. In the Path Editor. While Modeling using the Kinematic
Editor dialog box.
Robotic swept volumes and interference zones

In this topic, you learn how to create swept volumes of a robot moving along
its path.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create swept volumes.

• Create Process Simulate interference volumes.

• Create Process Simulate inference zones.

Process Simulate swept volumes

• The Swept Volume command, on the Robot tab of the ribbon, creates an
object to represent the robot operating space.

• The swept volume can be used to help position robots in optimal locations,
especially when robots participate in a single process and work on the same

• Users can list multiple simulative operations in this command to produce

multiple swept volume objects.

• Can consider simulation events

• Can support both time-based (standard mode) and event-based simulation

(line simulation mode)
You can create swept volumes in line simulation mode, and include
resources and dynamic part appearances. Swept volumes include
any visible appearance that does not change its visibility status during
the simulation and that was not generated during swept volume
creation. Line simulation mode is covered in the TR45215 Process
Simulate Standalone Intermediate Robotics (CEE) course.

• The resulting objects are shown in the Volumes folder of the Object Tree.

Swept Volume Precision

Process Simulate supports a swept volume accuracy of up to 2 mm. However,
users should be aware that increasing accuracy to a low maximum error level
(less than 10 mm) is likely to slow down Swept Volume creation.
When creating swept volumes with very high accuracy (very low maximum
error), it is recommended to change the setting of the computer paging file
which is used when accumulated memory consumption of all processes
exceeds the RAM resources.
The operating system supports an initial paging file size, which it can
enlarge or shrink on demand.
It seems that the attempt to enlarge the process makes the computer
unresponsive. It is better to preserve a larger size, and disable the
enlarging of the paging file by setting a maximum size equal to the initial
It is recommended to set paging file size to 2X the computer RAM.
Process Simulate interference volumes

Robot path interference volumes

There are several commands in this category including the Interference Volume
, Automatic Interference Volume Creation , and the Interference Volume
Query .

Learn More About the Interference Volume

An interference volume is the common volume of two intersecting swept volumes
and is created using the Interference Volume command.

You cannot make an interference volume of another interference volume.

• Represents the interference volume using a physical 3D volume.
• The interference volume is a persistent object stored as a JT file.

• The Relation Viewer displays the relation between the origin operations and
the interference volume.

• Viewing and examining this object simplifies complex objects violation

scenarios, enhances the collision detection capabilities and enables a faster
solution of the problem.

Learn more about automatic interference volume creation

The Swept Volume and Interference Volume commands can be
time-consuming, and due to the lack of direct relationships between a robot,
its swept volumes, and its interference volumes, the output may be difficult to
analyze. The Automatic Interference Volume Creation command accepts
robotic operations and programs, creates swept volumes for these entities, and
creates interference volumes where swept volumes deriving from separate
robots overlap each other. The command then calculates the last location of the
operation before entering the interference volume and the first location after
exiting the interference volume. These are the entry and exit locations and the
system marks them with OLP comments last location before the interference
volume and first location after interference volume.
Additionally, the query function provides tools to view the different relationships
between the robot, its swept volumes, and its interference volumes.
Typically, since Automatic Interference Volume Creation runs for an extended
period of time, you can invoke the command at the end of a work day and examine
the results the next morning.
The Automatic Interference Volume Creation command:
• Does not add any safety clearance onto the swept volumes it creates.
If this is important for your analysis, use the Swept Volume and
Interference Volume commands.

• Resets all robotic operations before creating swept volumes. If you

want to avoid this, create a robotic program, and edit it accordingly.

• Stores simulation errors and warnings in a log file.

Learn more about the interference volume query

To query the interference volumes, choose Interference Volume Query and
add the desired interference volumes to the list.
The root of the query is the selected interference volume. Its name is
a composite of the names of its child swept volumes (in this example,
IV_SV_R1_MH_W_Weld_Op1_SV_R2_MH_W_Weld_Op2). Nested under each
interference volume are the swept volumes whose overlap created the interference
volume. Nested under each swept volume is the robot and its operation/program
whose simulation created the swept volume. Nested under each operation, are
the names of the entry and exit locations calculated by the command.

IV is an abbreviation for interference volume and SV is an abbreviation

for swept volume.
• After adding interference volumes, the Interference Volume Query
dialog box adds notes to the display in the Graphic Viewer. The notes
remain as long as the interferences volumes are listed in the query
and the query remains open.

• If you add an interference volume calculated by Swept Volume

(and not by Automatic Interference Volume Creation ), the
query displays all the above information excepting the entry and exit
locations - these are unknown as long as no simulation was run.

Click to highlight the query results in the Graphic Viewer.

For the interference volume in scope, the system colors the interference volume in
red, the first swept volume (and its robot, operation, and notes) in yellow, and the
second swept volume (and its robot, operation, and notes) in blue. All the other
interference volumes are grayed out.
Process Simulate inference zones

The Interference Zone command can only be run with Weld

Operations and cannot be run with Pick and Place Operations .

• To open the command: From the ribbon, choose Robotics tab→Volumes

group→Interference Zone .

• An interference zone is the zone common to a weld operation and the swept
volume previously created from another robotic operation. This command
can be used to analyze the robot safety space for an area of a manufacturing

• The command creates the interference zone by simulating a robotic operation

and comparing it with a swept volume object.
• Where the simulation results in a collision between the swept volume object
and the robotic operation, the command creates interference zones.

• The interference zone can be used to detect and visualize collisions that may
occur during the execution of robotic operations.

• The interference zone is detected when any object attached to the robot
collides with the swept volume or any attached object which is visible.
Use create 2D outline

When an industrial manufacturer needs to replicate a plant or part of it to another

location, accuracy in layout planning is a key factor. Layout planning applications
use 2D contours "flattened" from the 3D data at the existing factory, including
parts, resources, swept volumes, any objects with visual 3D representation.
The Create 2D Outline command, on the Modeling tab of the ribbon, is used
to select all relevant objects and creates contours for each object on the planeyou
designate. This can be useful for calculating the floor space required for an object
(XY plane) or the height it reaches (XZ or YZ planes).

• The command is active when at least one object is in modeling scope.

• The Modeling scope box, on the Modeling tab of the ribbon, contains the
currently modeled part. However, you can change to any other modeled part.
The new 2D contours are created in the scope of this part.
• From any of the open viewers, select one or more objects for which to create
2D contours. Any pre-selected objects are automatically displayed in the
Objects list of the dialog. With nothing selected, the dialog opens with an
empty list. After opening the dialog, you can add or remove objects.

• You can select a plane on which to project the 2D contour. By default, the
command projects the outline on the floor (XY plane), but you can click one of
the other options to change the projection plane. The system draws the plane
to enable you to see its area and angle before you create the contour.

In the Robotic swept volumes and interference zones section, do the following
• Using swept volumes

• Using inference zones

Adding events to a sequence of simulative operations

In this topic, you learn to add some events to your simulation.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Understand that there are several event types available.

• Create a simulation using some of them.

• Compare and contrast the Attach command and the Attach event.

• Compare and contrast the Emphasize events and Emphasize presentation

Introduction to events

Events can be added to operations and simulative operations. They are a way
to make something happen at a specific time during the simulation. Sometimes
events just add a more polished look to the simulation, and other times they are
critical to creating an accurate simulation.

Actions performed by events during a simulation override similar actions

performed by a presentation mode.

There are several different types of events in Process Simulate:

• Attach Event — Attaches several objects to another object.

• Detach Event — Breaks the attachment.

• Display Event — Shows a blanked object during a simulation.

• Blank Event — Hides a displayed object during a simulation.

• View Point Event — Stores and applies the current viewpoint during a
• Emphasize Event — Used to color specific objects or change their
transparency during simulation.

• De-emphasize Event — Used to undo the affects of the Emphasize Event.

• Pause Event — Temporarily stop the simulation. This type of event can be
enabled or disabled.
• Activate Collision Sets Event — starts collision checking based on the
specified collision sets.

• Deactivate Collision Sets Event — stops collision checking based on the

specified collision sets.
Additional event types

Some event types are not shown on the Sequence Editor right-click, but can be
accessed from the ribbon by choosing Operation tab→Events group→New
Event .

There are 19 options on this list, including these not found on the right click:
• Snapshot Event — Applies the viewpoint of a snapshot during a simulation
(but nothing else from the snapshot).

• Add to Group Event — Adds objects to a group.

• Remove from Group Event — Removes objects from a group

• Signal Event — Covered in theTR45215 Process Simulate Standalone

Intermediate Robotics (CEE) course
• Human Event — Covered in the TR45106 Process Simulate Standalone
Human Simulation course.
Event basics

To create an event:
You create events using one of these two techniques:
• Right-click an operation in the Gantt chart displayed in the Sequence Editor
and select the event type you want.
• Select an operation. From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Events
group→New Event . Select the event type you want.

To edit an event:
Existing events are shown as red dots in the Gantt chart.

There are several things that can be done with an event:

• Drag the red dot on the Gantt chart to change the time when it occurs.

• Right-click on the red dot on the Gantt chart and choose Edit Event .
Change its parameters and click OK.
• Right-click on the red dot on the Gantt chart and choose Create Opposite
Event (for example switch from Blank to Display or Attach to Detach).

• Right-click on the red dot on the Gantt chart and choose Copy .

• Right-click on the red dot on the Gantt chart and choose Delete .
The attach command versus the attach event

The Attach Command

• Choose the Attachment →Attach command from the Tools tab of the
ribbon. This command is independent of a sequence of operation. Theonly
way to break this attachment is to use the Detach command.
You can see if an object is attached to another object by selecting
the object looking at the list of Attachment commands on the
ribbon. If the Attach command is disabled, the object is already
attached to an object and you can detach it if required. If the Detach
command is disabled, the object is not attached to another object
and you can attach it if required.

Specify the type of attachment, as follows:

• One Way: The attached objects can be moved independently of the object
to which they are attached. If you move the object to which the objects are
attached, all the objects move together.

• Two Way: If you move the attached objects or the object to which the objects
are attached, all the objects move together.

The Attach Event

This event works just like the command, but it is performed during a simulation.
Global and local attachments

There are several types of attachments:

• Local attachment — tools and resources are attached in a study. This
connection is lost when you put the tools and resources into a new study.

• Global attachment — the attachment is saved in the database instead

of the study. Global attachments can be reused in any study based on the
same resources.

• Local over global — In addition, even after creating a global attachment,

you can a create local attachment to investigate scenarios without canceling
the global attachment.

• Mount — An attachment created by the Mount Tool command.

In the Object Tree, you can use Customize Columns to add the Attach To
column to the viewer. This causes the Attach To and T columns to be displayed.
The T column indicates the type of attachment: mount, local attachment, global
attachment, or local over global.
Emphasize events versus emphasize presentation modes

The Emphasize Presentation Mode

This is useful for adding clarity and automation to simulations and for emphasizing
relevant objects. After creating a number of presentation mode templates, users
can select which template to use for a given simulation using the new toggle
button command in the Sequence Editor.
For example, users can create a simulation template for disassembling a
subassembly of an engine:
• Display the whole engine in light gray.

• Display the subassembly in a contrasting dark gray.

• In turn, highlight each part for disassembly in another color while

disassembling it.

• Blank the parts when their disassembly is complete.

• Display the engine and highlight the next disassembled part.

The Emphasize Event
The Emphasize event works just like the emphasize presentation mode, except
you can specify specific entities and start and stop times for it to be performed.

In the Adding events to a sequence of simulative operations section, do the

following activities:
• (Instructor Demo) Adding an attach event

• (Optional) Adding a view point event

• (Optional) Add a pause event

• (Optional) Coloring events by type

Review questions

Activate Event Tolerance Event Pause Event View Point Event
Putting it all together

At the beginning of this class you had little or no knowledge of Process Simulate.
Through class you have been exposed to many Process Simulate features and
had time to practice what you have seen. You must continue to use this tool after
class in conjunction with other users in your company, additional training classes,
and Siemens PLM Software services personnel in order to become an expert.
Where do you go from here?

If you want to learn about Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer compatible),

try these classes:
• TR45101 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer compatible) Flow

• TR45106 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer compatible) Human


• TR45215 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer compatible) Intermediate

Robotics (CEE)

• TR45315 – Process Simulate Standalone (eMServer compatible) Advanced

Robotics (OLP)
Final notes

Normally at some point you would begin developing simulative operations (paths)
and organizing them within a process. However since the steps to develop and
analyze paths for different types of operations are a little different (and are a little
different for each type of simulative operation), there are other courses
to describe it.
• Device and robotic processes – Covered in more detail in these
courses:MT45115, MT45215, and MT45315.

• Human process – Covered in more detail in this course: MT45106.

• Assembly processes without the constraint of a human or a robot –Covered

in more detail in this course: MT45101.

Subjects learned in this topic:

• How to use several techniques to test the robot’s ability to reach locations in
its path.

• Dynamic and static collision detection is discussed.

• Tools that can be used to modify paths so that collisions are avoided.

• Various buttons found on the Path toolbar and Operations menu that can be
used to create via locations.

• Several tools that can be used to modify a location in a path.

• Several tools that can be used to modify a path.

• Additional path (robotic simulative operation) creation tools.

• Several techniques to edit location attributes and provides some basic

examples of locations attributes from the Process Simulate default controller.
• How to do signal I/O (without the Cyclic Event Evaluator).

• How to do multiple robot work balancing using location attributes and

Interference Zone.

• How to create swept volumes of an object moving along its path.

• What hard and soft joint limits are and how to set kinematic soft limits.

• Adding some events to your simulation.

• How to use setup and use external axis (joint). For example, a robot on a
rail (7th axis) or gantry is considered an external axis (joint) or a robot on
a multi axis gantry system.

• Procedure required to create a compound operation in Process Simulate.

• How to create a basic sequence.

• Some other Robotics features.

Appendix A
Basic robotics optional topics
Basic robotics optional topics

To provide additional information about modifying and optimizing robotic paths in
Process Simulate.
This chapter contains alternatives and extensions for various activities
based on the robotic application (for example spot-weld, arc-weld, paint,
and debur). You do not have time to cover all the alternatives in this course.

After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• Manually creating spot-weld manufacturing features

• Dual arm (synchronized) robotic operations.

• Creating sequences of simulative operations

• The process structure hierarchy

• Creating compound operations

• Creating a robotic sequence (method 1 and 2)

• Creating and updating spot-welds

• Using the roller hemming tool

• Using the OLP tools

• Other robotics features

Manually creating arc-weld manufacturing features

In this topic, you manually create arc-welding manufacturing features instead
of using the automated tool.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Manually create arc-welding manufacturing features.
Do I do this?

There are several reasons to create manufacturing features, including for robot
paths that follow the contour of the part (continuous feature):
Creating manufacturing features manually

Here is an overview of what you need to do to create the manufacturing features

manually. These commands are located in the Modeling tab of the ribbon:
1. Use Set Modeling Scope .

2. Model the manufacturing feature geometry using (a CAD system or) a

command such as:

• Curves →Curve on Borders .

• Curves →Intersection Curve

• Curve Dashed Curves .

• Curve Isoparametric Curves .

3. Use Create Continuous Mfg from Curves from the Process tab of the

In the Manually creating arc-weld manufacturing features section, do the following

• Creating arc manufacturing features for the whitehouse part manually

• Creating arc seams (using Project Arc Seam ) manually

Dual arm and coordinated motion applications

In this lesson, you learn about dual arm and coordinated motion robotic
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Setting up dual arm or coordinated motion robots

• Dual arm and coordinated motion basics

• Creating a new concurrent robotic operation

Setting up dual arm and coordinated motion robots

You need to create a compound equipment object of type robot (with dummy
kinematics and a dummy BASEFRAME and TOOLFRAME) with the single
arms inside. Use this compound equipment (robot system) to create concurrent
operations using the normal robotic operations of the single arms.
Modeling dual arm and cooperative robots
1. Create an equipment object.

2. Add a dummy joint to it.

3. Add a TCPF (and BASEFRAME) to it.

4. Add the two robots and position them in it.

5. Add their tools (guns), position and mount them.

6. End modeling the equipment.

Dual arm and coordinated motion basics

Dual robots and Robot Jog

If you select an Equipment prototype with two or more robots under it, running
Robot Jog opens the Robot Jog: DualArmRobot dialog box. Use it to define
one robot as Master and the other (or others) as Slave. By enabling Master
Slave mode, the motion of the slave robot(s) tracks the movements of the master.
It is not possible to jog the slave robot(s) independently.
Simulating dual robots

Use Operation tab→Create Operation group→New Operation →New/Edit

Concurrent Robotic Operation to group multiple operations together to be
performed by a dual-arm robot or cooperative robots. Robots can work in one of
the following motion modes:
• Synchronized — All the robots participating in the concurrent operation start
and end each operation segment at the same time (they are all synchronized
with the slowest robot) but there are no geometrical constraints between
the robot paths. All the robot paths must have the same number of motion
segments for the simulation to run correctly. This mode can be used to move
two robot arms in parallel in order to reach a part at the same time.

• Asynchronous — You can add any number of operations to any of the

robots. All the robots begin their initial operations concurrently and then run
all of their allocated operations independently until they have completed
running the operations.

• Cooperative — All the robots participating in the concurrent operation start

and end each operation segment at the same time, just like a synchronized
operation. However, the TCP of the robot defined as the slave robot is also
linked to the master robot’s TCP and in addition to following its own path,
the slave robot’s TCP also tracks the master robot’s path. One robot is
defined as the master robot, and the other as a slave which works in the
master robot’s coordinate system. All the robot paths must have the same
number of motion segments for the simulation to run correctly. In this mode,
the robots are also synchronized. For example, the master robot can carry
a part, while the slave tracks the master and performs welding on the part
as it moves to its destination. The slave dictates the motion constraints, for
example, speed and acceleration.
• Load sharing — The master robot executes its program and the slave robots
track the master robot’s TCPF. For example, two robots might move a part

Selecting and viewing

Concurrent operations of dual arm robots are displayed in the Relations Viewer
providing you with a better understanding of their content, such as which
operations and robotic arms are involved in the concurrent operation, which are
the master and slave robots (if any) and what are the motion segments formed,
and coupled by the concurrent robotic operation. You can select the motion
segment’s paired locations and this selection is visible in other viewers and
synchronized with them.
Creating a new concurrent robotic operation

1. From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New

Operation →New/Edit Concurrent Robotic Operation
In the New Concurrent Robotic Operation dialog box, the Equipment box
is selected.
2. Select a robot to assign to the new operation. The robot must be defined as an
Equipment type object and have at least two other robots nested under it.

3. Select the Type you want from the list.

4. For the Scope, select the parent operation to this one.

5. Select the Referenced operations. This area of the dialog box is different,
depending on the operation Type selected.
• If you set Type to Synchronized, click the first Operations cell andselect
an operation. The relevant Robots box is automatically populated with
the name of the robot assigned to a descendant of the robot equipment.
Repeat this until you have selected all the required operations.

• If you set Type to Asynchronous, click the first Operations box

and select operations for all the robots. The relevant Robots box is
automatically populated with the name of the robot assigned to the
relevant operation. Repeat this until you have selected all the required
operations for all the robots. After selecting the operations, set the order
of the operations using the arrow buttons on the right.
• If you set Type to Cooperative, select a Master operation and then
a Slave operation.

• If you set Type to Load Sharing, select a Master operation and then
Slave robots.

6. Click OK.

In the Dual arm and coordinated motion applications section, do the following
• Setting up and simulating synchronized robot motion
Creating sequences of simulative operations

In this topic, you learn the basics of creating a sequence of simulative operations.

After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Get an ideas how to organize your sequence of operations.

• See that there are several types of simulative operations available.

• See that colors can be added to operations and events in the Sequence

In the previous topics of this student guide, you simulated individual parts of an
assembly process. A sequence of simulative operations combines separate
simulative operations into an entire assembly process.
This process defines individual operations for the currently displayed assembly,
combines them into a sequence of operations, and simulates a selected sequence.
The purpose of these commands is to demonstrate and verify the feasibility of a
complete assembly procedure in the dynamic simulated environment, and to
produce a detailed assembly report.
Process Simulate sequence of operations organization

A sequence of operations is made up of several operations and compound

operation operations. For example, here is a sequence of operations containing
three locations that are grouped using two compound operation, as shown in
the following diagram:

• Location — a location represents a single movement of a human, object,

or robot.

• Simulative Operation — Defines the procedure required to complete the

compound operation. An operation associates a part with a path, and assigns
the amount of time it takes to complete the procedure. (These have already
been created in previous activities.)

• Sequence of Process (compound operation) — A group of operations that

either occur at the same time or are staggered throughout the compound
operation's simulation time. It can be set as the current operation andtypically
contains more than one operation or compound operation.
Types of simulative operations

There are several types of simulative operations:

• Object flow : An operation consisting of the movement of a part along its
assembly path. (Covered in this course).

• Device : An operation consisting of any mechanical device (for example a

robot, human, clamps, cart, etc.) moving from one pose to another. (Covered
in just about all courses).

• Robotic: A compound operation consisting of a sequence of locations

(positions) for the Robot TCPF. These operations are represented using these
, , , icons. (Covered in this ).

• Human: An operation or compound operation consisting of a single human

motion or a series of motions. These operations are represented using these
, , , , icons. (Covered in TR45106 Process Simulate Standalone
Human Simulation course).

• Non-sim : An activity requiring time (but is not simulated) that you want to
include in the sequence of operations. These operations are represented
using the icon. (Covered in the TR45215 Process Simulate Standalone Cyclic
Event Evaluator (CEE) course).
Review of the process structure hierarchy

In this topic, you review the basic hierarchy of the process structure.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• See the basic process structure hierarchy.

• Process
o Operation
■ Activity
◊ Simulative Operation
• Location
Creating compound operations

This topic describes

In this topic, you learn the procedure required to create a compound operation in
Process Simulate.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Create and use compound operations.
Creating and linking compound operations

A compound operation is a group of operations that either occur at the same time
or are staggered throughout the compound operation's simulation time.
Two Ways to Create Compound Operations:
Both of these methods are available on the right-click of the Operation Tree:
• From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Create Operation group→New
Operation →New Compound Operation .

• Or in the Sequence Editor, select several compound operations, and choose

Group To Compound from the Quick access toolbar.
You have to add Group To Compound to the Quick access toolbar
using Customize Quick Access Toolbar .
Two Ways to Link Compound Operations:
• Hold down the Ctrl key, choose more than one compound operation, and
click Link .

• Or on the Gantt chart of the Sequence Editor, drag straight down in the
middle of a compound operation and drop the other end of the link on the
succeeding compound.
Creating a robotic sequence (method 1 and 2)

In this topic, you learn how to create a basic sequence.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Method 1

• Method 2

• Comparing Methods of Work

Operations performed in a certain order make up a sequence. There are several
types of operations that were briefly discussed in the previous topic. Within each
operation, multiple events can be performed.
Creating a robotic sequence (method 1)

Create the sequence by adding drive device, wait device, send signal, and wait
signal OLP commands to the locations in the robotic simulative operation.
Creating a robotic sequence (method 2)

Instead of adding drive device, wait device, send signal, and wait signal OLP
commands to the locations; you could have created this same sequence using
another method available in Process Simulate:
1. Create a Device operation to close the clamps.

2. Create a Device operation to open the clamps.

3. Use the Sequence Editor define operation links in this order:

• Close clamps

• RoboticOperation 1

• RoboticOperation 2

• Open clamps

Process Simulate figures out the duration for you later when the
simulation runs
Comparing methods of work

There are at least two ways to create this sequence of operations:

Method 1:
Notice that this sequence of operations only has two operations in the Gantt
chart that appear to happen at the same time. However, both robots simulate at
different times, and the clamps open and close within them.
Method 2:
Using this method you can visually see the time when each robot starts and stops;
and the time it takes for the clamps to open and close.
Which method is better depends on your preference and the way in which you
would like to use Process Simulate. The point is that Process Simulate is flexible
to your needs
Creating and updating spot-welds

In this lesson, you learn about creating and updating spot-welds.
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Create weld spots.

• Update weld spots.

Sources for discrete manufacturing features

Discrete manufacturing features, such as weld points or rivets, are always

tied to one or more parts. In order to “see” a Manufacturing feature in
Process Simulate it must be created and associated to a part or operation
that is either associated to the study directly or indirectly (indirectly means
it's associated to a part that is associated to an operation associated to the

For weld points and rivets:

• Imported from a spreadsheet (CSV)
o This is the most typical technique. See the next section for details

• Created directly in Process Simulate

These commands, located on the ribbon Process tab→Discrete group, only
create WeldPoint objects. You cannot choose to create custom object types:
o Create Weld Point by Coordinates — create a weld point at a
location selected by one of the standard frame specification methods.

o Create Weld Points — create multiple welds on the part where ever
you select.

o Create WP on Robot’s TCPF — create a weld point at the current

TCPF position of the selected robot, or TCP of the selected gun, servo
gun, or pneumatic servo gun. The command is enabled when any of
these is selected.

By default, manufacturing features show in the Graphic Viewer as a red square

and are also displayed in the Mfg Feature viewer.
Creating weld points (in Process Simulate)

Usually weld points are imported from the CAD system. However, in the early
planning stages information about weld points is not always available and you can
therefore add weld points directly in Process Simulate if required. Weld points are
displayed both in the Graphic Viewer and in the Operation Tree. Weld points are
attached and assigned to parts.

If the created weld point was created on a part, that part is assigned to
the weld point.

To create weld points:

1. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Create Weld
Points . In the Graphic Viewer, the cursor changes to a cross hair .

2. From the Quick access toolbar, change the Pick Intent to Where Picked .
3. Click (on the part) in the Graphic Viewer where you want to create a weld
point. The weld point is indicated by a + symbol. The cursor remains as a
crosshair .

4. Create further weld points as required.

5. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete groupCreate Weld Points

again to return the cursor to normal.
Multi-assign weld points

Assign Parts is used to simultaneously assign multiple weld points to multiple

parts. You can then select the single part to which the weld points are attached.
Once the weld points are attached to a specific part, they move relative to that
part if the part is moved to a different location in the cell.
• From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning group→Assign Parts
Automatic weld point assign

Automatic Parts Assignment is used to perform manual or automatic weld

point assignment to parts. It assigns based on closeness of parts to welds.
• From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning groupAutomatic Parts
Assignment .

To use this tool:

1. Choose some weld points from the Graphic Viewer or Operation Tree.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning groupAutomatic Parts

Assignment . The Automatic Part Assignment dialog box is displayed,
containing a list of all parts that have already been assigned to the selected
weld points, if any.
3. The following buttons are available in the toolbar of the Automatic Part
Assignment dialog box:
• Search — Finds all the parts located within range (as defined in the
Settings dialog box) of the selected weld points and displays them in
the table. The parts that have not yet been assigned are displayed in
gray italics.

• Shift Part Left — Shifts a part in the list to the left.

• Shift Part Right — Shifts a part in the list to the right.

• Remove Part — Removes a part from the list, even if it has already
been assigned.

• Settings — Opens the Settings dialog box, which contains the

distance and box size boxes. Distance defines the search range for
parts (based on the active unit, as defined in Options). Any parts located
less than this distance from a weld point are automatically assigned to
that weld point. Box Size defines the size of the box drawn around the
weld points in the Graphic Viewer when they are selected in the table.

• Assign — Assigns parts to the weld points selected in the table.

• Export to Excel — Exports the list to a CSV file, which can be viewed
by Microsoft Excel.

• Filter Out Assigned — When selected, filters out weld points with
assigned parts from the list.

4. Choose Search to have the system find all the parts that are within range
of the selected weld points and display them in the table.

5. Review the list of parts, and either choose Assign to assign the part, or
click Remove Part to remove the part from the list. When a weld point in
the list is selected, each part within range is displayed in the list and in the
Graphic Viewer in a different color.
Click Filter Out Assigned to filter out weld points that already
have assigned parts from the list

6. If required, choose Shift Part Left or Shift Part Right to modify the
order of the parts assigned to the weld points. By default, the part listed in
the Part 1 column is defined as the attached part (also known as the leading
part). This is the part to which the weld point is actually attached. If this part
is moved in the Graphic Viewer, the weld point moves relative to it.
To choose a different part as the attached part, click in the Attach To
column and select a part from the displayed drop-down list
Update weld locations

• For Spot Welding:

Update Weld Locations Projection located on the Process tab of the
ribbon, is used to detect weld locations that may need to be re-projected.
The command lists all weld locations which are candidates for re-projection
based on:

o Weld Point Change – weld points with positions that have changed
since the corresponding weld location was last projected.

o Part Change – part on to which the location was originally projected has
changed Users can then decide whether to re-project the locations, while
maintaining their current approach angle.
Clicking Update Weld Locations Projection when all the weld locations
are up to date produces the following message: “No locations were found
requiring project update”.

• For Continuous processes:

Update Continuous MFG , located on the Process tab of the ribbon, is
used to detect locations that may need to be re-projected. The command lists
all locations which are candidates for re-projection.
Creating robotic paths from NC paths

In this lesson, you learn how to use the CLS Upload tool to upload a CLSF
(cutter location source file) from NX CAM to create a robotic path in Process
After you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
• Upload a CLS file to create a continuous feature operation with a seam for
each tool pass.
Using CLS Upload

The CLS Upload is located in the Process tab of the ribbon.

To use it:
1. Select a robot to use the NC path.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Continuous group→CLS Upload .

3. For the Ref Frame, leave it blank.

The reference position for the CLS path coordinates. This parameter is
optional if a Master Part is selected. If the Ref Frame is not specified then
the Master Part self origin is used as reference position.
4. For the Master Part, choose the part to associate the locations from the
CLSF file to.

5. For Process Type, choose the desired type such as Arc.

Select the appropriate continuous process type for the created seam
operations or seam manufacturing features. An empty selection means the
process is undefined.

6. For Creation mode, select either Operations or Mfgs.

Determine whether to create seam operations or manufacturing features
with geometry.

7. For Seam color Id, enter 31 (the default).

Specify the PAINT/COLOR in the CLS file that distinguishes between seam
locations (forming a stroke) and via locations (linking strokes together).

8. For Circle direction, select CW (Clockwise).

Define whether the normal vector in the CIRCLE instruction defines a CW
(Clockwise) or CCW (Counterclockwise) rotation:
• CW should be selected if the CLS file comes from NX
• CCW should be selected if the CLS file comes from ProE

9. Specify your options, or take the defaults.

Create via locations — whether to create or not via locations between the
seam operations
Display locations — whether to display locations on the paths

10. Select the Normal direction, or take the defaults.

• Away from part — the normal vector (IJK) defined in the cls file is used
as normal axis direction

• Toward the part — the opposite of the normal vector (IJK) defined in the
cls file is used as normal axis direction

11. Select the Orientation mode, or take the defaults.

Specify the direction of the movement axis. Any locatable object can be
selected as an orientation reference frame. If the chosen reference is not a
frame, then its self origin is used as reference frame.
• Tangent — the movement axis is tangent to the trajectory.
• Fixed — the movement axis is aligned to the same axis of the
Orientation reframe.

• Toward point — the movement axis points to the center of the

Orientation reframe.

• Tangent Zigzag — the movement axis is flipped (rotated by 180 degrees

around the normal axis) on every second stroke compared to the normal
tangent mode.

If the computed movement axis is parallel to the normal axis, then an

arbitrary movement axis direction is used.

12. Select optimization parameters, if desired, or take the defaults.

Use the specified criteria to skip the import of some of the locations from the
file. For example, if they are too close together.

13. Click Upload.

14. Select the CLS file and continue.

A continuous feature operation is created with the robot assigned. It contains
a seam for each tool pass.
Overview of the robotic tools

In this topic, you learn how to use the various robotic tools.
After you complete this topic, you should be able to:
• Know what Adjust Location Orientation to Full Reach does.

• Know what Arc Continuous Positioning does.

• Know what Attach Seam Locations to Part does.

• Know what Convert to Via Location does.

• Know what Convert to Weld Location does.

• Know what Create Scheduler Operation does.

• Know what Create Seam Operation does.

• Know what Define Gun Main Joint does.

• Know what Insert Seam Location After does.

• Know what Mark Current Rail Value does.

• Know what Rail Jog with Locked TCPF does.

• Know what Set Gantry Positions does.

• Know what Shift Locations by TCP Offset does.

• Know what Shift Rail Value does.

• Know what Smooth Circular Motions does.

• Know what Smooth Rail does.

Robotics tools basics

Robotics Tools are a set of commands, located on the Robotics tab on the
ribbon, which are necessary to do several things, including to define attributes
needed by the controllers for certain robotic applications.

Detailed descriptions follow later in this lesson.

Discrete process tools

In the Discrete group of the Process tab:

• Adjust Location Orientations to Full Reach

• Convert to Via Location

• Convert to Weld Location

Continuous process tools

In the Arc group of the Process tab:

• Arc Continuous Positioning

In the Continuous group of the Process tab:

• Attach Seam Locations to Part

• Create Seam Operation

•Insert Seam Location After

Robot OLP tools

In the OLP group of the Robot tab:

• Create Scheduler Operation

• Gun Main Joint

• Mark Current Rail Value

• Rail Jog with Locked TCPF

• Set Gantry Positions

• Shift Locations by TCP Offset

• Shift Rail Value

• Smooth Circular Motions

• Smooth External

• Smooth Rail
Adjust location orientation to full reach

This tool realigns the orientation of selected locations so that they are fully aligned
with the robot TCPF (for 4 and 5 axis machines).
To use it:
1. Select one or several robotic operations or robotic locations.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Adjust Location

Orientations to Full Reach .

3. The robot jumps to all locations. If jump is successful, the location orientation is
updated to match the robot TCPF orientation. The application first attempts to
jump to the location first with full reach, then with Align-Z, then with
Align-X, then with Align-Y, and finally with Origin-Only. Locations that are not
reachable in all cases are left unchanged.
Arc continuous positioning

This tool automatically calculates optimal location external axes for the following
types of positioners:
• Positioners with a single rotational axis

• Positioners with two perpendicular rotational axes

In order to get best welding results place the seams parallel to floor (horizontal)
with welding performed down-hand (for example the torch is located above the
seam and its approach vector is vertical). Any direction can be specified for the
alignment of the location normal and any location vector can be defined as normal.
For positioners with two perpendicular rotation axes, an iterative algorithm is used
with a fixed accuracy of 0.08 deg.
To use it:
1. Select one or several locations or robotic operations which are associated to
same robot. The active robot should have one or several external axes and
among external devices at least one positioner should be available.
2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Arc group→Arc Continuous
Positioning .
The selected locations are displayed in locations grid.

3. Select appropriate Positioner to calculate seam locations external axes,

4. Select the Normal vector to define which orientation vector from the location
should be aligned with the same vector of the Target direction. (Default Z+)

5. Select the Movement vector to define which orientation vector from the
location is tangent to seam. (Default X+) Together with the Normal vector, it
defines how to apply the Travel and Work deviations.

6. Select the Target direction to select a frame for the target direction. The
normal vector of the selected frame is used as target direction. (The default
is the World Frame).

7. Select the Travel deviation.

• A value of 0 means the location normal vector is aligned with the target
• A value > 0 means the location normal vector is tilted towards the seam
direction. (Positive rotation around X+ in case Normal=Z+ and Movement
Vector = X+).

• A value < 0 means the location normal vector is tilted backwards.

(Negative rotation around X+ in case Normal=Z+ and Movement Vector
= X+).

8. Select the Work deviation

• A value of 0 means there is no deviation.

• A value > 0 value means the deviation to the right side when looking
form start to end seam. (Positive rotation around X+ in case Normal=Z+
and Movement Vector = X+).

• A value < 0 means the deviation to the left side when looking from start
to end seam. (Negative rotation around X+ in case Normal=Z+ and
Movement Vector = X+).

9. Click OK. All selected locations external axis values are updated.
Attach seam locations to part

This tool allows the attachment of seam locations to a selected part.

To use it:
1. Select one or several locations. It is also possible to select operations (in this
case all locations inside the operations is considered selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Continuous group→Attach Seam

Locations to Part .
3. Select the part to attach the previously selected locations to. Only compound
parts can be selected.

4. Click OK. the selected seam locations are attached to the selected part (via
locations are ignored).
Convert to via location

This tool allows the conversion of weld locations or seam locations into robotic
via locations.
To use it:
1. Choose one or several weld locations or seam locations. It is also possible to
select weld or seam operations (in this case all weld/seam locations inside
the operations is considered selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Convert to Via

Location .

The selected weld or seam locations are converted into via locations.
Convert to weld location

This tool allows the conversation of robotic via locations into weld locations.
To use it:
1. To enable the command, choose one or several via locations. It is also
possible to choose weld operations (in this case all via locations inside the
operations is considered selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Convert to Weld

Location .
3. In the Convert to Weld Location dialog box, you can choose the discrete
process (SPOT, STUD, etc.). This determines the discrete MFG type that is

4. Click Apply.

The selected via locations are converted into weld locations.

Create seam operation

This tool allows the conversion of robotic via locations into seam locations
gathered into seam operations.
To use it:
1. To enable the command, choose a list of robotic via locations inside a
continuous operation

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Continuous group→Create Seam

Operation .
3. In the Create Seam Operation dialog box, you can choose the continuous
process (GLUE, ARC, PAINT, etc.). This determines the dummy continuous
MFG type that is created.

Or, select an existing Seam Mfg. In this case, no dummy Mfg is

created. Instead, the created seam operations are linked to the
selected Mfg.

4. Click OK.
The selected via locations are converted to seam locations and are
put inside seam operations.
Create a scheduler operation

This tool creation of scheduler operation inside selected compound operation.

To use it:
1. select a compound operation.

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Create Scheduler

Operation .
3. In the Create Scheduler Operation dialog box, enter an operation name and
select a robot to assign it.

4. Click OK to create the scheduler operation.

Define gun main joint

This tool allows users to define the main joint of a servo or pneumatic servo gun
(this step is required for pneumatic servo gun simulation as well as for servo gun
hot swap simulation, in case the gun is modeled with more than one prismatic
To use it:
1. Choose a servo or pneumatic servo gun.

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Define Gun Main Joint .
3. In the Define Gun Main Joint dialog box, choose the Main Joint.

4. Click Apply to store your choice, or Remove to delete your choice.

Insert seam location after

This tool inserts a new seam location inside an existing seam operation.
To use it:
1. Select a seam operation.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Continuous group→Insert Seam

Location After .

3. The new location is located half distance between the selected seam location
and the next seam location.
Mark current rail value

This tool allows the automatic setting of current rail value to a list of locations.
To use it:
1. Choose one or several locations (locations should belong to a robot on a rail).
It is also possible to choose operations (in this case all locations inside the
operations is considered selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Mark Current Rail Value

The command creates/updates the rail value on all locations with the
current rail position.
Rail Jog with Locked TCPF

This tool allows jogging a rail while keeping the robot TCPF in a fixed position.
To use it:
1. Choose one location.

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Rail Jog with Locked

3. In the Rail Jog with Locked TCPF dialog box, you can jog the rail with the
slider or by typing a numerical value in the numeric control.
• You can change the step of the numeric control via the Step link

If robot cannot maintain its TCPF at the location, the Update

Location button is disabled.

• Reset reverts back the rail at the rail value as stored in the location
external axes ("Reset" is disabled in case the location does not have
yet a rail value).

• Update Location updates the location external axes with the current
rail value.
Set gantry positions

This tool allows the coping gantry offset from given robot reference pose to
selected locations external axes.
To use it:
1. Select one or several locations or robotic operations.

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Set Gantry Positions .

The selected locations are displayed in locations grid.

3. Select a Robot pose from which the gantry offset is copied.

4. Select the desired calculation Method.

• Keep Absolute Cartesian Delta - The application measures the
Cartesian delta between the gantry flange and the robot TCPF (when the
robot is in target posture and the gantry in initial position) in the WORLD
coordinate system. The application then offsets each location by this
absolute delta (in WORLD coordinate system) and tries to superimpose
the gantry flange to this offset position.

• Keep Relative Cartesian Delta - For the first location, the application
uses the previous method with absolute Cartesian delta. After the gantry
is jumped to the first location solution, the application computes the local
offset between the gantry flange and the location in the following local
coordinate system:
o Centered on the location

o Axis Z vertical upward

o Axis X: projection of the direction towards next location on the

horizontal plane

For the next locations, the application recalculates a new localcoordinate

system and applies the local offset to get the gantry flange target position
5. Click OK. All selected location external axis values are updated. The list of
locations for which the calculation failed are shown in a report.
Shift locations by TCP offset

This tool allows the realignment of locations created with a wrong robot TCPF.
To use it:
1. Select one or several locations and robotic operations (in the case of robotic
operations, all locations inside the operations are selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Shift Locations by TCP

Offset .
3. Select the Wrong TCP and the Correct TCP (you can select frames or

4. Select the desired Apply to filter:

• All Locations — the command is applied to all selected locations

• Only Via Locations — the command is applied only to via locations

(weld and seam locations are skipped)

5. Select the desired Update method:

• All — update both the translation and orientation part of the selected

• Translation — only update the translation part of the selected locations

(orientation is unchanged)

• Orientation — only update the orientation part of the selected locations

(translation is unchanged)

6. Click OK. All selected locations are shifted by the offset between the wrong
and correct TCP. The taught positions are also updated.
Shift rail value

This tool allows the shifting of rail value on a list of locations.

To use it:
1. Choose one or several locations (locations should belong to a robot on a rail).
It is also possible to choose operations (in this case all locations inside the
operations is considered selected).

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Shift Rail Value .

3. Enter the amount of mm you would like to shift the rail value on the selected
locations (the numeric control automatically limits the possible values so that
no rail values on any of the selected locations could be outside limits)
4. Click OK.
The rail value is updated accordingly on all selected locations
(locations without existing rail value is left unchanged).
Smooth circular motions

This tool allows the smoothing of circular motions by optimizing the position of
circular via locations.
To use it:
1. Select one or several robotic operations.

2. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Smooth Circular Motions

. The command identifies circular motions.

3. The Smooth Circular Motions command moves circular via locations to the
exact middle of the arc (between circular start and circular end locations). It
also updates circular via orientation to be the half-way interpolation between
the start and end locations orientations.
Smooth rail

This tool allows the automatic setting of rail values along a path.
To use it:
1. From the ribbon, choose Robot tab→OLP group→Smooth Rail .

2. In the Smooth Rail dialog box, select a start and an end location inside a
robotic operation (path). The selected first and last locations should already
have an external axis value defined.
3. For Method, choose either Interpolate On Travel Distance or Project
Locations on Rail Axis.
• Interpolate On Travel Distance - The application interpolates the rail
values set on the start and end locations with the relative Cartesiantravel
distance from the start location, along the path

• Project Locations On Rail Axis - The application interpolates the rail

values set on the start and end locations with the relative positions of
each locations along the rail.

4. Click OK or click Apply. The command creates/updates the rail values of all
locations between the selected ones.
Other robotics features

In this topic, you learn some other robotics features. These topics are here for
reference, but are not covered in this course.

After you complete this topic, you should be familiar with:
• The Weld Quality Report

• Creating Weld Points (in Process Simulate)

• Multi-Assigning Weld Points

• Automatic Weld Point Assign

• Update Weld Locations

• Unified Collision Settings

• Flip Location on Solid

• Supported CAD Formats

• Selected intermediate and advanced robotics topics (more topics not covered
in the basic robotics course).
Do I do this?

There are several reasons to create manufacturing features, including for

Spot-weld quality report

The Weld Quality Report command, located on the Process tab of the ribbon,
helps users analyze the quality of weld data, calculating and displaying weld
points and weld locations with information about their attributes and deviation.
Major features of this tool include:

The Weld Quality Report can be used in studies running in standard

mode (but not for those running in line simulation mode).

• Display pairs of weld point MFG and the respective weld location.

• Display the position deviation between the weld point and the weld location.

• Display the off normal deviation between original projection and current
• Setting to define the maximal allowed discrepancies for position and off

• Mark potential issues like deviation that exceeds the maximal allowed
discrepancies, missing projection and multiple weld locations.

• Consider taught locations.

• Synchronize with the Graphics Viewer, Object Tree, and MFG Viewer.

• Allow customizing the report columns to include additional information such

as the connected parts, operation name, assigned robot, weld point attributes
and location robotic parameters.

• Ordering capabilities.

• Filtering capabilities: users can filter the report based on any column to
display only important data.

• Distance deviation preview.

• Export to Excel for further analysis or sharing. Export considers any filter that
is applied or removes all filters before exporting.

Using the Weld Quality Report

To open it:
1. Choose weld operations, compound operations, the process root node or
spot manufacturing features in the Operation Tree or Mfg Viewer.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Weld Quality

Report .

The Weld Quality Report dialog box opens and is populated with the
objects you selected. The report calculates and displays values for all
the parameters currently displayed.
The Weld Quality Report dialog box displays information about weld
point/weld location pairs. If multiple locations are associated with the Mfg, the
report displays a row for each one.
Distance and Off Normal cells are highlighted in red if their weld point
discrepancies are greater than the maximum discrepancies configured in the
Settings dialog box Weld Location cells are highlighted in red if there is a
projection problem. In all these cases, relevant icons are displayed in the
Status column; hovering over the status icons displays a descriptive tooltip.

If the location is not projected, the status Not Taught becomes

irrelevant, and is not displayed in the tooltip.

If there are no issues and the location fits the weld point perfectly, the color of the
row remains white and there are no status warnings. If there are one or more
issues, the background of the row is colored gray and the column specific to the
issue is colored red, to indicate deviance in distance or off normal, as defined in
the Settings dialog box.
There are three status categories: Calculation, Projection, and Taught Location
Calculation, as follows:
Calculation statuses
The specifications for these parameters are defined in the Settings
dialog box.

• Off normal The angle between the normal vector of the original
location and the current normal vector of the location. This is measured
from the perpendicular and is calculated based upon the Weld Location
Orientation, Perpendicular parameter in the Weld tab of the Options
dialog box.

• Distance The distance between the current weld location position

and the weld point position.
Projection statuses
• Missing Projected Location The weld point has a weld location that
is not projected.

• Duplicated projection The weld point has multiple projected weld

Taught location calculation statuses
If a location is taught, the system uses the taught value when calculating
Distance and Off Normal and displays the following warning/errors:
• No taught location The weld location is not taught.

• Missing robot The weld point has no assigned robot or the robot tool
frame is missing. Only relevant for a mounted workpiece operation.
Gun — displays the name of the gun assigned to the parent operation (if
such an assignment has been made).

Frame of reference — You can calculate the data discrepancy relative to

a different frame of reference than the self frame

Customizable columns
To expand the functionality of this dialog box, you can change the columns
that show in the Weld Quality Report, by choosing Customize Columns
and selecting an attribute from the Weld Quality Report Fields list.
Creating weld points (in Process Simulate)

Usually weld points are imported from the CAD system. However, in the early
planning stages information about weld points is not always available and you can
therefore add weld points directly in Process Simulate if required. Weld points are
displayed both in the Graphic Viewer and in the Operation Tree. Weld points are
attached and assigned to parts.

If the created weld point was created on a part, that part is assigned to
the weld point.

To create weld points:

1. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete group→Create Weld
Points . In the Graphic Viewer, the cursor changes to a cross hair .

2. From the Quick access toolbar, change the Pick Intent to Where Picked .
3. Click (on the part) in the Graphic Viewer where you want to create a weld
point. The weld point is indicated by a + symbol. The cursor remains as a
crosshair .

4. Create further weld points as required.

5. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Discrete groupCreate Weld Points

again to return the cursor to normal.
Multi-assign weld points

Assign Parts is used to simultaneously assign multiple weld points to multiple

parts. You can then select the single part to which the weld points are attached.
Once the weld points are attached to a specific part, they move relative to that
part if the part is moved to a different location in the cell.
• From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning group→Assign Parts
Automatic weld point assign

Automatic Parts Assignment is used to perform manual or automatic weld

point assignment to parts. It assigns based on closeness of parts to welds.
• From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning groupAutomatic Parts
Assignment .

To use this tool:

1. Choose some weld points from the Graphic Viewer or Operation Tree.

2. From the ribbon, choose Process tab→Planning groupAutomatic Parts

Assignment . The Automatic Part Assignment dialog box is displayed,
containing a list of all parts that have already been assigned to the selected
weld points, if any.
3. The following buttons are available in the toolbar of the Automatic Part
Assignment dialog box:
• Search — Finds all the parts located within range (as defined in the
Settings dialog box) of the selected weld points and displays them in
the table. The parts that have not yet been assigned are displayed in
gray italics.

• Shift Part Left — Shifts a part in the list to the left.

• Shift Part Right — Shifts a part in the list to the right.

• Remove Part — Removes a part from the list, even if it has already
been assigned.

• Settings — Opens the Settings dialog box, which contains the

distance and box size boxes. Distance defines the search range for
parts (based on the active unit, as defined in Options). Any parts located
less than this distance from a weld point are automatically assigned to
that weld point. Box Size defines the size of the box drawn around the
weld points in the Graphic Viewer when they are selected in the table.

• Assign — Assigns parts to the weld points selected in the table.

• Export to Excel — Exports the list to a CSV file, which can be viewed
by Microsoft Excel.

• Filter Out Assigned — When selected, filters out weld points with
assigned parts from the list.

4. Choose Search to have the system find all the parts that are within range
of the selected weld points and display them in the table.

5. Review the list of parts, and either choose Assign to assign the part, or
click Remove Part to remove the part from the list. When a weld point in
the list is selected, each part within range is displayed in the list and in the
Graphic Viewer in a different color.
Click Filter Out Assigned to filter out weld points that already
have assigned parts from the list

6. If required, choose Shift Part Left or Shift Part Right to modify the
order of the parts assigned to the weld points. By default, the part listed in
the Part 1 column is defined as the attached part (also known as the leading
part). This is the part to which the weld point is actually attached. If this part
is moved in the Graphic Viewer, the weld point moves relative to it.
To choose a different part as the attached part, click in the Attach To
column and select a part from the displayed drop-down list
Update weld locations

• For Spot Welding:

Update Weld Locations Projection located on the Process tab of the
ribbon, is used to detect weld locations that may need to be re-projected.
The command lists all weld locations which are candidates for re-projection
based on:

o Weld Point Change – weld points with positions that have changed
since the corresponding weld location was last projected.

o Part Change – part on to which the location was originally projected has
changed Users can then decide whether to re-project the locations, while
maintaining their current approach angle.
Clicking Update Weld Locations Projection when all the weld locations
are up to date produces the following message: “No locations were found
requiring project update”.

• For Continuous processes:

Update Continuous MFG , located on the Process tab of the ribbon, is
used to detect locations that may need to be re-projected. The command lists
all locations which are candidates for re-projection.
Unified collision settings

• One collision set for all weld applications (Smart Place , Automatic
Approach Angle , Weld Distribution Center , Pie Chart )

• Choose between default collision set or collision viewer active sets

• Define default collision set with or without self collision lists

• Improved behavior of ignoring gun tip collision: during welding only at weld
location and between gun and welded part only

• Previous behavior of constant exclude is optional

• Detection sphere range can be set by the user

Why is this important to you?
• Prevent errors by clear and consistent collision detection

• Save time with default collision set

• Increase process quality and save planning time – detect only valid gun tip
Flip location on solid

From the ribbon, choose Operation tab→Edit Path group→Flip Locations

→Flip Locations On Solid command is described here.

This command is different from Flip Locations →Flip Locations On Surface

discussed earlier.
• Flip weld locations consider assigned parts and their thickness

• Auto-detect external surfaces

• Show assigned parts

• Ability to consider additional parts

Why is this important to you?
• Support solid modeled CAD data

• Using part thickness information leads to precise results

• Save time by minimizing required weld location manipulations

Supported CAD formats

It is assumed that most CAD data, such as parts and resources, are modeled
in CAD applications and then used in Process Simulate. Process Simulate the
following CAD formats:
• NX8.5 (using Import CAD files )

• CATIA Method 1: PLM Components bi-directional translator (does not require

a CATIA license)
o CATIA V5 — R8 to V5-6R2013 SP2

o CGR — R10 to V5-6R2013 SP2

• CATIA Method 2: CAD translator or Import CAD files (requires a CATIA

o V5 — V5R21 SP1

o V4 – 4.2.4
• Pro/E Method 1: PLM Components translator (does not require a Pro/E
o Pro/E WildFire 4, WildFire 5, Creo 1, Creo 2

• Pro/E Method 2: CAD translator or Import CAD files (requires a Pro/E

o Pro/E version 16 - Wildfire 5

• SolidWorks Method 1: PLM Components translator (does not require a

SolidWorks license)
o SolidWorks 2011, 2012, 2013

• IGES 5.3 (using Import CAD files )

• AutoCAD DXF (using Import CAD files )

• STEP AP203, AP214 (using Import CAD files )

• JT version 9.6 (using Import CAD files )

• STL (using Importer.exe)

• Robface (using Importer.exe)

• Robcad .co

Prior versions may also be supported.

Cell and component preview images

To create a preview image of a cell:

1. Start Process Simulate.

2. Choose File→Options .

3. In the Options dialog box, choose the General tab.

The Process Simulate Options dialog box:
4. Make sure the Capture preview upon Save psz check box is checked.

5. Click OK.

6. Now, each time that you Save a cell, a preview image is created.

To create a preview images of a library of components:

1. Start Process Simulate.

2. Use Customize Quick Access Toolbar to add the command to it, if it is not
already there.

3. From the Quick access toolbar choose .

4. Choose the desired folder under the library root.

5. Click OK.
Selected intermediate and advanced robotics topics (More topics not
covered in the basic robotics course)

For a more complete list of topics and information on thee

courses, see the Tecnomatix course catalog online at

These topics are covered in the TR45215 Process Simulate Standalone Cyclic
Event Evaluator (CEE) course:
• Creation of smart components and logic blocks

• Simulation of logic

• Event-based simulation

• Gripper Operations

• Etc.
These topics are covered in the TR45315 Process Simulate Standalone Advanced
Robotics course:
• Robot Configuration (Solutions and Turns)

• Robotic Path Templates

• RCS Setup

• Enhanced Robot specific controllers

• Development of customization XMLs

• RRS Simulation

• Robot Program Tool

• Robot Program Editing

• Upload, download, etc.

• Etc.

Subjects learned in this topic:

• Creating sequences of simulative operations

• The process structure hierarchy

• Creating compound operations

• Creating a robotic sequence (method 1 and 2)

• Creating and updating spot-welds

• Using the roller hemming tool

• Using the OLP tools

• Other robotics features

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