Financial Contracts in Islam Textbook Excercises
Financial Contracts in Islam Textbook Excercises
Financial Contracts in Islam Textbook Excercises
The Prophet ) ( ﷺused to say: "O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from
leprosy, madness, elephantiasis, and evil diseases."
Can you guess what our topic is today?
Contracts in
Covenants -
Fulfillment of the Agreements -
Covenants Guarantees
Definition of ‘Aqd’ (contract)
1.Form of Contract
2.The Contracting Parties
3.The Subject Matter Of Contract
ْ ً ْ ه ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ُّ ه
ٍ اط ِل ِإَّل أ ًن تكون ِتجارة عن تر
اض ِ (يا أيها ال ِذين آمنوا َّل تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم ِبالب
ْ ه ه ْ ْ ْ
29 ِمنكم وَّل تقتلوا أنفسكم ِإن َّللا كان ِبكم ر ِحيما) النساء
Saying / verbal
The Second Element: The two contracting parties
Infer from the two following texts the most important conditions that
should be available in the two contracting parties and is there any
difference between male or female according to the texts.
Almighty Allah, Glory be to Him, said:
A: ْو ْابتلوا ْاليتامى ح هتى إذا بلغوا النكاح فإ ْن آن ْستم م ْنه ْم ر ْش ًدا ف ْادفعوا إل ْيه ْم أ ْموالهم
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
Prove orphans till they reach the marriageable age; then, if you find them
of sound judgment, deliver over unto them their fortune. (Surat AI-Nisaa: 6)
B: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "The pen has been
lifted from the three:
• From the sleeper until he wakes up
• From the minor until he grows up
• And from the insane until he comes back to his senses
"reported by Ahmad in his Musnad."
1. Rationality
2. Puberty / Adulthood
3. Sanity / Mind
Lender – Borrower ).
1- Loan contract(.......................................................................
2- Mortgage contract(……
Mortgagee – mortgagor.).
Debtor - Creditor ).
4- Debt contract (.......................................................................
The Third Element : Subject of contract (contracted object):
It is what is concluded within the contract: it might be in kind
such as sales contract, a usufruct such as leasing or an action
like power of attorney.
I determine:
The subject matter of contract in each of the following contracts
(action - in kind - usufruct):
• Conventional sequestration contract: ...................................
In kind
• Mortgage contract: ........................................
* Lending contract: ...........................................
Among the conditions of the contract subject matter, it must
2. Lawful: Wine, pork (or pig) and harmful goods are not
allowed to be sold.
It is permissible
Types of financial contracts in Islam:
Jurists divided financial contracts according to some
considerations among which are:
First consideration (according to Shari’a):
Contracts are divided into two divisions (in terms of
religious recognition or prohibition):
a) Legal contracts:They are contracts accredited by
Sharia, with entailed juristic effects. A Muslim
should observe the validity of the contract
elements and never add any unlawful condition to a
contract. If he is unfamiliar with any kind of
contracts, he should refer to specialized jurists and
reliable Fatwa center in the country.
b) Illegal contracts:They are the ones which
Islamic Sharia prohibited and did not entail any
legal effects.
This happens because of a forbidden condition or
description in relation to a contract, making it
illegal, such as contracts that include usury,
gambling, cheating or fraud.The Messenger of
Allah, Peace Be Upon Him, said: "Muslims abide by
the conditions", and "Reconciliation is allowed
among the Muslims, except for a reconciliation
that makes the lawful unlawful, or the unlawful
lawful."(Reported by Abu Dawud).
State the juristic ruling:
*** Faheem made a contract with a person to
invest his money provided that investment
must be free from any illegal dealings.
Permissible contract
……………………............................................................................................................................. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
• Pledges contracts: .
Sameer said to him: "I bought this cell phone from you
by all what I have in my pocket."
(lawful- unlawful)
C To encourage investment.
B Enterprises