Worksheet 2
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 2
5-Meeting my ………is my favorite part. They always love and support me.
1-A l _r m 6- D i s a p p_ a r
2- I n v_ s i o n 7-A _ r c r a f t
3- D e s t r _c t i o n 8- D _f e a t
4-R e s p _n s ibi l i t y 9- res_e
5- g_dgets 10- invas_on
2-They were playing basketball. They saw their old friend. (while)
4-The teacher was explaining the lesson. Ben fell asleep. (when)
5-Your name is Khaled. Write an email of (7) sentences to your friend Hamadtelling him
about(Your best and worst qualities)
Guiding words:
Hi! – writing – tell- best - strong – helpful – respect others – always patient–
worst– too shy-afraid of heights -sometimes – lazy.