EM Lab Exp 9

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Excitation: Over 3.

under Whenit current, lagging

1S Synchronous
drawsa motor
load equivalent
anto isandeXCited lhe
condition this under The
factor power decreases. motor the factor
of poweroperating
the Thusla0sing is field the When
increases current armature eXCitation,
the normal thebelow gradually decreased current
excitation Under 2.
load. of
typeresistive a
this unitY
at motor
is the factor power operating
of excitation.
to motor
is and
the thus Cxcitation
tield value
of particular minimum
a at current
is armature The
field normal the called which
is current,
excitation: Normal 1.
three under belowdescribed motor
excitation. field modes
of difterent
the such, Tactor.
As power operating its also and motor the bydrawn current
ronous of
current field variation
of synchronous
the motor, the mechanical
on load constant With
armature changes
connected. delta rpm, 1500 I|
A,S0Hz. 3-0, V,400
below. given motor,
hronous specification
the of the are
based instruments
on the ranges above The
0-300V MC
Voltmeter 6
0-10/20A MC Ammeter 5.
0-300/600V MI Voltmeter 4.
200/400V 10/20
A, Dynamometer Wattmeter 3.
0-5/10A MC Ammeter 2.
A MI Ammeter
Quantity Range Type Name S.No.
characteristics. these nature
the on
motor loading
the effect
of discuss
the critically
and characteristics above compare
the To (d)
character1stics. abovc the on
curve factor power unity the drew To (c)
load. full the 3/4 and load full the half loaded
to synchronous
motor with above, the repcat To (b)
motor. the curves
of invertedV and drewV to
hence load, running
no at Synenronous
with factor power andcurrent stator the upon current ficld variation
of effect
of the study lo (a) AIM :
Whenthefield current is increased gradually beyond the normal excitation, the armature current again increases
power factor dccreases. However. the power factor is leading under this condition. Hence, the
andthe operating
svnchronous motor draws a lcading current, when it is over excited and is cquivalent to a capacitive load.

Ifthe above
variation of ficld current and the CorrespOnding armature current are plotted for a constant
hanical load. a curve of the shape of 'V is obtaincd as shown in fig (10.10). Such a characteristic of
nchronous motor is commonly called as V' curve of the motor. The characteristic curve plotted between
shape of inverted
onul power factor and the ficld current for a constant mechanical load on the motor are of the
and are known as inverted 'V' curves.

p Fu Leadingpf,
Llol\ a d
2 Fu LlDl ad
100+ L adgirg pf
curr NLoo a d



0 100 200 250

Field Curr ent (o)
Fig. 10.10. V- curves of svn chronous

fig (10.10).
mechanical load on the motor. V curves bodily shift upwards as shown in loads. is
For increased constant
current points of various V' curves plotted for different mechanical
The curve joining the minimum compounding curve.
normally called a unity power factor




300 V


Fig. (10.1) shows the circuit diagram for the above experiment. The 3-phase synchronous motor,thewhose field
to feed
specification have been given, is a self starting synchronous motor, provided with an exciter
safeguard the motor from the
winding of the synchronous motor. A direct-on line starter has been used to
Sudden failure of power supply and over load on the motor. The synchronous motor is coupled to a de
generator side to have an idea
generator, which acts as a load on the motor. Meters have been connected on the
of loading condition on the motor.

I. Connect the circuit as per fig
using the starter or
2. Switch-on the ac supply feeding to 3 phase sy nchronoUs molor and start the moto:,
with the help of dimmer if i is
Observe the direction of rotation of the motor, in case, it is rotating in opposite direction, stop the moto
the starter. Ensure that the motor is running
and reverse the phase sequence. Start the motor again, using
on no load.
with the help of exciter. provided on the shaft of the
In thiscase, fieldwinding is excited automatically
main motor.
position of normal excitation. Under this
Set the rheostat in the fieldcircuit of the motor to the the mains. Note down the readings of all tne
condition. armature will drew minimum current from
meters connected in the circuit. both the
armature current and reading of
Reduce the excitation in steps and note down the corresponding
in the armature winding isof rated value. Under
be reduced. till the current
wattmeters. Excitation may
on reducing the excitation.
this condition, armature current should increase in steps
the field circuit to normal excitation. Now increase the excitation
Excitation may be
7. Again, adjust the rheostat in meters each setting of increased excitation. fall out of
and note-down the readings of allthe large excitation, the
motor will try to
increased. till the behaviour of the motor is normal.
motor to rated value by varying the
coupled to synchronous
8. Adjust the voltage of the dc generator
current of the generator. of the
load and maintain it constant throughout the next part
to half the full
9. Load the dc generator
sequentially under this condition of this load
10. Repeat step 5, 6, and 7
load. keeping its voltage constant. Maintain
the generator to 3/4 of
11. Increase the load on part of the experiment.
constant throughout the next load on the motor.
6, and 7 sequentially for this increased
12. Repeat step 5, gradually.
on the dc generator
13. Remove the load
supply to the motor to stop it.
14. Switch-offthe
as follows.
OBSERVATION: May be tabulated

S. No.

motor and 3-phase induction
between a 3-phase synchronous
,Whatare the basic differences motor ?
torque in 3-phase synchronous
What is the magnitude of starting
3-phase synchronous motor?
What are the various methods of starting a
motor at normal excitation ?
.What isthe power factor of the (ii)over
of power factor, when a synchronous motor is operated (i) under excited
E What is the nature
excited ?

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