Green Iot
Green Iot
Green Iot
Green IoT: A Review and Future Research Directions
Mohammed H. Alsharif 1, * , Abu Jahid 2, * , Anabi Hilary Kelechi 3 and Raju Kannadasan 4
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sejong University,
209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea
2 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, 25 Templeton St.,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada
3 Department of Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA
4 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
Sriperumbudur, Chennai 602117, India
* Correspondence: (M.H.A.); (A.J.)
Abstract: The internet of things (IoT) has a significant economic and environmental impact owing to
the billions or trillions of interconnected devices that use various types of sensors to communicate
through the internet. It is well recognized that each sensor requires a small amount of energy to
function; but, with billions of sensors, energy consumption can be significant. Therefore, it is crucial
to focus on developing energy-efficient IoT technology and sustainable solutions. The contribution
of this article is to support the implementation of eco-friendly IoT solutions by presenting a thor-
ough examination of energy-efficient practices and strategies for IoT to assist in the advancement
of sustainable and energy-efficient IoT technologies in the future. Four framework principles for
achieving this are discussed, including (i) energy-efficient machine-to-machine (M2M) communica-
tions, (ii) energy-efficient and eco-sustainable wireless sensor networks (WSN), (iii) energy-efficient
radio-frequency identification (RFID), and (iv) energy-efficient microcontroller units and integrated
circuits (IC). This review aims to contribute to the next-generation implementation of eco-sustainable
and energy-efficient IoT technologies.
Keywords: internet of things; green IoT; energy-efficient; energy harvesting; wireless charging; green
6G; green communications; eco-sustainable WSN; RFID; M2M
2 of 38
technology [1]. The IoT enables the network objects to perform tasks by coordinating
decisions and sharing information through these sensors.
2. Methodology
To write this literature review on energy-efficient and eco-sustainable strategies for
future massive green IoT networks, a systematic process was used to gather information.
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
method was used to formulate the research questions (RQ) that guided the study.
• RQ1: What are the energy-efficient techniques that can be used to implement massive
green IoT networks?
This question aims to identify the various energy-efficient techniques mentioned in the
literature, evaluate their advantages, and examine their trends to aid the implementation
of massive green IoT networks.
• RQ2: How can energy consumption be reduced in IoT devices without compromising
performance and functionality?
The objective of this question is to explore the integration of various software and
hardware techniques and approaches to minimize energy wastage caused by inefficient
resource utilization.
• RQ3: What are the key challenges in designing and implementing green IoT networks?
This question aims to investigate the symmetry between energy efficiency and key
performance indicators, such as coverage and signal strength, in IoT networks.
After identifying the research questions, the following keywords were established to
create the research string (RS): “Green IoT”, “Energy efficiency”, “Green communications”,
“Energy harvesting”, and “Low-power design”. The research string (RS) is indicated as:
RS = (Green communications OR Green IoT) AND (GIoT OR Energy harvesting OR Energy efficiency OR IoT)
AND (Low-power design OR low-power devices)
After constructing the RS, we started with the document search phase. The databases
that were consulted for this study included Science Direct, IEEE, Scopus, Springer, Web
of Science, Wiley Online Library, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and MDPI.
These databases were chosen due to their wide range of publications and previous research.
An effort was made to include all databases that have been used by authors in prior studies.
Notably, no additional techniques were applied to expand the results, as the number of
articles obtained from the aforementioned databases was sufficient. We implemented a
three-stage process, as demonstrated in Figure 2.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 5 of 38
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 5 of 37
Figure 2. 2.
Figure Research
methodology of the
the article.
Figure 3. The proposed framework and energy-efficient technologies for IoT in this study.
Figure 3. The proposed framework and energy-efficient technologies for IoT in this study.
4. Energy-Efficient M2M
4. Energy-Efficient M2MCommunications
M2M M2M communicationinvolves
communication involves the
the exchange
exchange ofofdata
between devices or sensors
devices with-
or sensors with-
out the need for human intervention [16], and these devices often have
out the need for human intervention [16], and these devices often have limited energy limited energy
resources due to their small size and/or reliance on batteries [11]. Techniques that can
resources due to their small size and/or reliance on batteries [11]. Techniques that can help
help M2M communication systems use less energy are, therefore, inevitable. As a result,
M2M communication systems use less energy are, therefore, inevitable. As a result, tech-
techniques that can reduce the energy consumption of M2M communication systems are of
niques that can
significant reduceThe
interest. theproposed
energy consumption of M2M the
methods for enhancing communication
energy efficiencysystems
of M2M are of
in the IoTinterest. The proposed
environment methods
are outlined for enhancing
in Figure 4. The amountthe energy efficiency
of energy saved for ofeach
M2M in
the approach/technique
IoT environment are outlined
relies in Figure
on a number 4. The
of key amount
factors, of energy
including savedtechnique
the specific for each ap-
being used, the relies
type ofon a number
M2M of key factors,
communication system, including
the devicethe specificand
hardware technique
used, thetype
the operating
of M2Menvironment. Thus, itsystem,
communication is difficult todevice
the accurately quantifyand
hardware the amount
software,of and
the energy
operatingthat environment.
can be saved through
Thus, the
it isuse of various
difficult techniques quantify
to accurately for energy-efficient
the amount M2M of en-
communication. A detailed discussion of the potential approaches to improving the EE of
ergy that can be saved through the use of various techniques for energy-efficient M2M
M2M is given in the following subsections.
communication. A detailed discussion of the potential approaches to improving the EE of
M2M is given in the following subsections.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 8 of 378 of 38
workload on the M2M device’s processor can lower the device’s energy consumption [37].
Another benefit is that offloading computation can allow M2M devices to perform tasks
that they would not be capable of performing on their own, due to limited resources such
as processing power or memory [38]. This can enable M2M devices to perform more
complex tasks, such as data analysis and machine learning, which can improve the overall
functionality of the M2M system. There are several ways in which offloading computation
for energy-efficient data transmission in M2M communications can be classified.
One way is based on the location of the resources or computing used for offloading [39]
(as shown in Figure 5):
(i) Edge-based offloading: In this type of offloading, computation-intensive tasks are trans-
ferred to a nearby edge device, such as a gateway or a fog node. This can be done
over a local area network (LAN) or a wireless network.
(ii) Fog-based offloading: A decentralized computing paradigm that gathers computing and
data storage closer to the devices and users that need them, enabling more efficient
and effective use of resources.
(iii) Cloud-based offloading: In this type of offloading, computation-intensive tasks are
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757
transferred to a remote server or cloud computing infrastructure. This can be11done of 38
Another waytotoclassify
offloading is based
is based on on
thethe types
types of tasks
of tasks that that are offloaded
are offloaded [39]:
(i) Data-intensive offloading: In this type of offloading, tasks that involve large amounts of
(i) Data-intensive offloading:
data, such as data Inand
analysis thismachine
type of learning,
aretasks that involve
transferred largeresources.
to external amounts
(ii) of data, such as data offloading:
Computation-intensive analysis and machine
In this type oflearning, aretasks
offloading, transferred to external
that require re-
processing power, such as image processing and video encoding, are transferred to
(ii) Computation-intensive
external resources. offloading: In this type of offloading, tasks that require signifi-
cant processing power, such as image processing and video encoding, are transferred
to external resources.
Table 2. Summary comparison of the use of different wireless technologies for IoT applications.
Parameters LoRa Bluetooth LR-WPAN WiMAX WiFi
IEEE 802.15.4 3G-UMTS, IEEE 802.11
Standard LoRaWAN R1.0 IEEE 802.15.1 IEEE 802.16
(ZigBee) CDMA2000 a/c/b/d/g/n
Very Low Medium; BLE: Low Medium Medium High
Very Low
Frequency 868/915 MHz, 865 MHz–
868/900 MHz 2.4 GHz 2–66 GHz 5–60 GHz
band 2.4 GHz 2.6 GHz
1 Mb/s–1 Gb/s
Data rate 0.3–50 Kb/s 1–24 Mb/s 40–250 Kb/s 200 kb/s–1 Gb/s 1 Mb/s–6.75 Gb/s
50–100 Mb/s
Transmission Entire cellular
<30 Km 8–10 m 10–20 m <50 Km 20–100 m
range area
Cost High Low Low Medium High High
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 12 of 37
Table 3. The suitability of various wireless technologies for IoT applications [42,43].
Wireless Technology Healthcare Smart Cities Smart Building Automotive Industry Local Network (M2M)
Bluetooth (BLE) very high low low very low very high medium
LR-WPAN medium high low very low low high
LoRa low high high high high high
WiFi low high medium medium low high
WiMAX low very high high high very high high
Mobile communication low high high high medium very low
Wireless sensors are used to regularly and autonomously send data over a long period
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 13 of 3
of time, especially in critical applications such as weather forecasting, traffic reporting,
water quality monitoring, healthcare, and embedded systems. Wireless sensors are powered
by batteries, but the cost of replacing or maintaining exhausted batteries can be prohibitive,
especially in remote especially
locations that in
haveremote locations
difficult thatmaking
terrain, have difficult
to thesemaking
sites access t
these sites challenging [44]. Due to geographical constraints,
challenging [44]. Due to geographical constraints, battery replacement may prove to be battery replacement ma
prove to be challenging in certain situations. Therefore, it is essential
challenging in certain situations. Therefore, it is essential to develop energy-efficient to develop energy
efficient solutions in order to extend battery life and reduce replacement costs for the su
solutions in order to extend battery life and reduce replacement costs for the sustainability
tainability of WSN. There have been numerous efforts to propose energy-efficient solu
of WSN. There have been numerous efforts to propose energy-efficient solutions for WSN.
tions for WSN. The major existing energy-saving mechanisms for green WSN are summa
The major existing energy-saving mechanisms for green WSN are summarized in Figure 6.
rized in Figure 6. Below, a detailed discussion of the current energy-saving mechanism
Below, a detailed discussion of the current energy-saving mechanisms will be presented
will be presented with the goal of creating a more environmentally friendly WSN.
with the goal of creating a more environmentally friendly WSN.
saving cooperative topology that allows nodes with higher remaining energy to increase
their transmission power, which allows other nodes to decrease their transmission power.
This can reduce interference and improve connectivity, but may also potentially increase
the delay as more hops may be needed to forward a packet. Cooperative communications
among neighboring sensor nodes can address the delay problem by creating a virtual
multiple-antenna environment, providing spatial diversity and enabling retransmission
of data. Cooperative communications among neighboring sensor nodes can improve the
quality of the received signal by reducing the effects of multi-path fading and shadowing,
extending the communication range among sensor nodes, and providing better energy
savings and smaller end-to-end delays over certain transmission range distances. This has
been reported in studies such as Cui et al. [48] and Jayaweera [49], who have compared the
energy consumption of single input single output and virtual multiple-antenna (multiple
input and multiple output) systems and found that the virtual multiple-antenna system
offers better energy savings and smaller end-to-end delays under certain conditions. On
the other hand, Cui et al. [50] have studied the relationship between energy consumption,
transmission time, and bit error rate. The results showed that optimizing the transmission
time can minimize the energy consumption needed to meet a given bit error rate and delay
requirement. In addition, the authors in [51] conducted a comparison of the energy effi-
ciency of three different modulation schemes to determine the optimal modulation scheme
that achieves the lowest energy consumption at various distances between sensor nodes.
consumption, the active period of nodes may depend on various factors such as traffic load,
buffer overflows, delay requirements, or harvested energy, as discussed in [56].
Table 4. Summary of the indoor and outdoor energy harvesting sources and their characteristics.
Power Harvester
Environment Solar Panel Wind Generator Thermoelectric Electromagnetic
Power density of the
100 µW/cm2 35 µW/cm2 @ wind speed < 1 m/s 100 µW/cm2 @ 5 ◦ C 4 µW/cm3 @ human
indoor environment
motion (Hz) 800 µW/cm3
Power density of the
10 mW/cm2 3.5 mW/cm2 @ wind speed ≤ 8.4 m/s 3.5 mW/cm2 @ 30 ◦ C @ machine (kHz)
outdoor environment
Figure The operating
8. operating
8. The concept
concept of wireless
of wireless charging
charging by by both
both magnetic
magnetic inductiveand
inductive andmagnetic
onance coupling.
• Magnetic resonance coupling involves the utilization of an evanescent field that
The generates
inductiveand coupling andelectrical
transmits magnetic resonance
energy between coupling techniques
two resonators both
[65]. To fallthis
create under
the category
typeof ofshort-range communications,
resonator, a capacitance also
is inserted knownanasinduction
between near-field wireless
coil. communi-
An illustration
cations (NFC). For more information on these,
of the operating concept is depicted in Figure 8.readers can refer to [66]. The high power
conversion Theefficiency
inductiveof near-field
coupling and wireless
magnetic transmission
resonance couplingis well-known,
techniques and both it is under
fall strongly
influenced by the coupling coefficient and distance between the two
the category of short-range communications, also known as near-field wireless communi- coils/resonators.
Nonetheless, the operational
cations (NFC). range (i.e., on
For more information thethese,
distance between
readers theto
can refer transmitter
[66]. The highandpower
a significant challenge
efficiency for near-field
of near-field wirelesswireless transmission
transmission sinceand
is well-known, theitpower dimin-
is strongly
rapidly asby thethe coupling
distance coefficient
between theand distance
devices between
increases theTable
[67]. two coils/resonators.
5 provides a sum-
maryNonetheless, the operational
of the advantages, range (i.e., the
disadvantages, anddistance between
effective the transmitter
charging distanceand receiver)
of three tech-
poses a significant challenge for near-field wireless transmission since the
niques: the non-directive RF radiation technique, magnetic inductive coupling, and mag- power diminishes
rapidly as the distance between the devices increases [67]. Table 5 provides a summary of
netic resonance coupling. Based on information in existing reviews or research in the field
the advantages, disadvantages, and effective charging distance of three techniques: the
[68,69], these factors were determined by the authors of this article.
non-directive RF radiation technique, magnetic inductive coupling, and magnetic reso-
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 17 of 37
nance coupling. Based on information in existing reviews or research in the field [68,69],
these factors were determined by the authors of this article.
Table 5. A summary of the advantages, disadvantages, and effective charging distance of the energy
transfer techniques.
Several studies have examined the method of delivering energy wirelessly to sensor
nodes that have been deployed in the field [70–72]. However, new challenges are introduced
such as energy cooperation, as nodes can now share energy with their neighbors. In
future wireless networks, nodes are expected to be able to both gather energy from their
environment and transfer energy to other nodes, making the network self-sufficient [73].
Recent studies have shown that multi-hop energy transfer is possible [63], which presents
new opportunities for designing wireless charging protocols, cooperative energy systems,
and energy-efficient routing.
Cluster architecture
Unfortunately, uneven can improve energy
distribution saving
of sensor nodes incan
WSN in several
result ways:of energy in
in depletion
certainIt areas
decreases the communication
or create energy “holes”. distance
this can thebecluster,
mitigatedwhichby reduces
properlythe need
the nodes
for highthrough optimalpower.
transmission distribution or by adding a few relay nodes with increased
It reducesThistheimproves
number energy balance among
of transmissions the nodes,
by leveraging dataavoids
at thehotspots, and
cluster head.
ensures coverage
It cuts and connectivity. Many
down energy-consuming studies
activities suchhave been conducted
as coordination and dataon aggregation
finding the
minimum number ofthem
by distributing relaytonodes or placing
the cluster head.them in the most efficient way to extend the
network lifetime
It allows for[76–78].
some nodes to be powered off within the cluster, as the cluster head
In general,forwarding
assumes single-pathresponsibilities.
routing protocols are more straightforward compared to mul-
tipath routing protocols, However,
It distributes energy consumption theyevenly
can quickly
nodes by therotating
energy theof nodes
chosen path. Additionally, when a node runs out of power, a new route must be recal-
culated in single-path routing. On the other hand, multipath routing distributes energy
Unfortunately, uneven distribution of sensor nodes can result in depletion of energy
among nodes by alternating forwarding nodes and also improves network reliability by
in certain areas or create energy “holes”. However, this can be mitigated by properly plac-
providing alternative routes and allowing the network to recover quickly in case of failure.
ing the nodes through optimal distribution or by adding a few relay nodes with increased
For more detailed information on multipath routing protocols for WSN, a comprehensive
capabilities. This improves energy balance among the nodes, avoids sensor hotspots, and
survey can be found in [79]. One energy-efficient multipath routing protocol for WSN is
ensures coverage and connectivity. Many studies have been conducted on finding the
the energy-efficient multipath routing protocol (EEMRP), which is described in [80]. This
minimum number of relay nodes or placing them in the most efficient way to extend the
protocol discovers multiple paths that do not share nodes by using a cost function based
network lifetime [76–78].
on the energy levels and hop distances of the nodes. and then, it allocates traffic to each of
In general, single-path routing protocols are more straightforward compared to mul-
the selected paths. Additionally, the energy-efficient and collision aware (EECA) protocol,
tipath routing protocols, However, they can quickly deplete the energy of nodes in the
described in [81], puts forward two routes between a source and a sink that are not only
chosen path. Additionally,
node-disjoint when
but also free from a node runs
collisions. Liu out
et al.of[82]
power, a newtwo
proposed routenewmust be recalcu-
cost functions to enhance the energy balancing capability of the routing protocol by energy
lated in single-path routing. On the other hand, multipath routing distributes factor-
ing nodes
in high by alternating
energy consumption forwarding nodes in
rates of nodes and also improves
hotspots: (i) The network
and sineby
providing alternative routes and allowing the network to recover
cost function based route (ESCFR) function, which amplifies small changes in remaining quickly in case of fail-
ure. For
nodal moreinto
energy detailed information
large changes in theon multipath
cost functionrouting
value. By protocols for WSN, to
giving preference a compre-
hensive survey can be found in [79]. One energy-efficient multipath routing protocol for
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 19 of 37
with higher remaining energy during route selection, the ESCFR function promotes energy
balance. (ii) The double cost function based route (DCFR) protocol factors in not only the
remaining energy of nodes but also their energy consumption rate, which improve the
energy-balancing performance of the routing protocol, even in networks with obstacles.
Overall, the research results showed that multipath routing protocols were more energy-
efficient than single-path routing protocols. Additionally, energy efficiency and the lifetime
of the WSN can be further improved if the routing algorithms not only consider the shortest
paths but also choose the next hop based on its remaining energy.
Table 6. Cont.
processing overhead.
Data Reduction
Symmetry 2023,15,
Symmetry2023, 15,757
757 22 of
23 of 37
There are several different classifications of RFID tags, as given in Figure 11. How-
ever, we will focus in this study on the classifications in terms of energy.
Figure 10.Operating
There are several different classifications of RFID tags, as given in Figure 11. How-
ever, we will focus in this study on the classifications in terms of energy.
Figure 12.Passive
Figure12. PassiveRFID
discussedin inSection
5.3.3, there
there are
are three
three main
main techniques
techniques for for transferring
transferring electro-
magnetic energy in RFID systems: the RF energy harvesting scheme,
magnetic energy in RFID systems: the RF energy harvesting scheme, magnetic resonance magnetic resonance
coupling,and andinductive
inductive coupling,
coupling, which
presented in (Table 5). NFC
in (Table is commonly
5). NFC is commonlyused
in passive RFID systems, and it can be either backscatter or inductive
used in passive RFID systems, and it can be either backscatter or inductive coupling. The coupling. The RFID
reader sends out
RFID reader sendsa signal
out ainsignal
the formin theof sinusoidal wave, which
form of sinusoidal wave, the tag antenna
which the tag receives
receives and converts into power using a rectifier circuit. The internal IC of is
converts into power using a rectifier circuit. The internal IC of the tag thepowered
tag is pow-by
by thisand it modulates
energy, the signalthe
and it modulates received and delivers
signal received and it back toitthe
delivers backreader.
to theThe tag
solely modulates the signal that the reader sends it, not producing
The tag solely modulates the signal that the reader sends it, not producing any signals of any signals of its own
throughout this process. Detailed information on the backscattering fundamentals can be
its own throughout this process. Detailed information on the backscattering fundamentals
found in [107].
can be found in [107].
Passive RFID tags have low power consumption and are well-suited for wireless
Passive RFID tags have low power consumption and are well-suited for wireless
sensing applications. Notably, their operating range is limited, with the finest passive tags
sensing applications. Notably, their operating range is limited, with the finest passive tags
able to function at a distance of 7–15 m. This is mainly due to the weak electromagnetic
able to function at a distance of 7–15 m. This is mainly due to the weak electromagnetic
induction-based communication principle. Additionally, path loss, which is a significant
induction-based communication principle. Additionally, path loss, which is a significant
parameter in any wireless communication, also plays a pivotal role in limiting the operating
parameter in any wireless communication, also plays a pivotal role in limiting the operat-
range of RFID transmission in passive tags. Path loss is caused by a variety of factors
ing range of RFID transmission in passive tags. Path loss is caused by a variety of factors
such as refraction, free-space loss, diffraction, scattering, antenna height and location,
such as refraction, free-space loss, diffraction, scattering, antenna height and location, re-
reflection, weather conditions and surrounding environment. On the other hand, the
flection, weather conditions and surrounding environment. On the other hand, the inter-
inter-site distance between the transmitter and receiver and the height and position of
site distance
antennas alsobetween
play a vitalthe transmitter
role in pathand lossreceiver and the height
[108]. Therefore, andan
selecting position of antennas
appropriate path
also play a vital role in path loss [108]. Therefore, selecting an appropriate
loss calculation model is crucial. In [109], the author extensively compared various channel path loss cal-
path loss model is crucial.
prediction models,In for
[109], the author
example, Hata,extensively
Friis, CCIR, compared
etc., under various channel
different path
loss prediction models, for example, Hata, Friis, CCIR, etc.,
in various environments. However, such models are highly dependent on the system’s under different scenarios in
various environments. However,
operating frequency and application. such models are highly dependent on the system’s op-
erating frequency
According to Baandetapplication.
al. [110], RFID readers and WISP-Motes, passive RFID wake-up
radios, are the main to Bacomponents
et al. [110], RFIDof thereaders
network. andThe WISP-Motes, passive RFID
energy generated by thewake-up
radios, are wakes
transmitter the main components
up these passive of RFIDthe wake-up
The energy
allowing generated
them toby wakethe upreader
node. wakes
However, up theseall
equipping passive
sensors RFID
RFID readers radios, allowing
is not practicalthem dueto to
theirup the
node. However, equipping all sensors with RFID readers is not
power consumption, which limits their use to single-hop environments. Simulation results practical due to their high
power consumption,
revealed that WISP-Motes which canlimits
save atheir use to single-hop
considerable amount ofenvironments.
energy, but thisSimulation
comes at the re-
sults revealed that WISP-Motes can save a considerable amount
cost of additional hardware and slower data transmission by increasing latency in data of energy, but this comes
at the cost
delivery. Theofadvantages
additional hardware
of this strategyand slower
have beendataillustrated
transmission by the byauthors
increasingin thelatency
context in
of delivery.
a sparse The advantages
delay-tolerant network of this
mobile have
elements beenthat
includeby the readers.
RFID authors in the
context of a sparse delay-tolerant network with mobile elements that include RFID read-
ers.Active RFID Systems
Battery-powered RFID tags that continuously broadcast their own signal are used in
an ActiveRFID
SystemsThese tags, known as “beacons”, are frequently used to precisely
track Battery-powered
the location of assets
RFIDin real-time or in high-speed
tags that continuously environments
broadcast such
their own as tolling.
signal They
are used in
are more expensive than passive tags but have a considerably larger scan range.
an active RFID system. These tags, known as “beacons”, are frequently used to preciselyFigure 13
summarizes the characteristics
track the location of assets in of the active
real-time or RFID system. environments such as tolling.
in high-speed
They are more expensive than passive tags but have a considerably larger scan range.
Figure 13 summarizes the characteristics of the active RFID system.
Symmetry 2023,15,
Symmetry 2023, 15,757
757 24 of
25 of 37
Figure 13.
Figure 13. Active RFID system.
• Capacitors: Capacitors are highly energy-efficient storage devices and do not diminish
their capacity quickly, making them an ideal component for certain applications.
However, the capacity of a capacitor is largely dependent on its size, and so capacitors
often sacrifice form factors for a longer lifespan. Additionally, capacitors are unreliable
to some extent because they are extremely susceptible to changes in current and
voltage. However, recent advancements in capacitor storage technology have led
to the development of ultra-capacitors and super-capacitors, which can store large
amounts of energy and combine the reliability and performance of rechargeable
batteries with the longevity of regular capacitors [114]. These ultra-capacitors are
selected by designers because they have high energy densities that are many orders
of magnitude higher than those of conventional capacitors. Some designs deploy
a combination of storage devices, creating a hybrid system that combines the best
features of different devices. These models have been investigated and tested using
solar-powered wireless sensors with promising results [115]. The “Prometheus” model,
for example, uses a dual-stage storage model in conjunction with a super-capacitor in
the first stage and a lithium ion rechargeable battery in the second stage [116]. This
system is regarded as a buffer for powering a Berkeley Telos mote extracted from a
PV solar panel system, and experimental results have shown that it can run for up to
43 years at a 1% load and up to 1 year at a 100% load.
In summary, batteries are more suitable for long-term, steady power supply, while
capacitors are better for high-power, short-term usage. The precise requirements of the
RFID application will determine which option is best between the two.
On the other hand, references [6,10,117,118] focused on the transmission power issue.
Reference [10] proposes the use of a sleep mode technique to downscale energy usage
when the reader is not interrogating. Reference [6] proposes a protocol with the necessary
algorithm in order to avoid overheating and save energy when the reader is not interrogat-
ing. A protocol and method are suggested in ref. [93,94] to prevent tag collisions during
data transmission. While ref. [40,41] proposed dynamically adjusting the transmission
power level in order to save energy, this method is less effective than using the sleep mode.
Reducing the size of RFID tags should be taken into consideration to lessen the amount of
non-degradable material required in their fabrication since environmental and energy con-
cerns are the primary drivers behind green technologies such as printable, biodegradable
and paper-based RFID tags [106].
Figure 15.ofDemonstration
Demonstration typicalpower ofconsumption
typical powerscenario
powerconsumption consumption scenario of a microcontroller
generic for gene
Figure 15.Demonstration of typical scenario ofof a microcontroller
a microcontroller forfor
IoT applications.
Figure 16. A summary of the key characteristics of MCUs commonly employed in ultra-low pow
16.A summary of the
A summary of key
the characteristics of MCUs
key characteristics commonly
of MCUs employed
commonly in ultra-low
employed power
in ultra-low
power applications. However, many commercially available low-power microcontrollers are not able
cater to the performance needs of certain applications within the limitations of small co
However,many many commercially
batteries available
and energy-harvesting low-power microcontrollers
devices [120]. microcontrollers
The latest CMOS arearenot
ICs able
not able
have totocapability
performance needs
needs of certain
of certain applications
applications within
within thethelimitations
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Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 27 of 37
Table 7. Overview of recent processors that are both energy-efficient and ultra-low-power.
Number of cores 1 1 1 1 64 4
Data format 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit VLIW 32-bit VLIW 32-bit 32-bit
VDD range (V) 0.4 (1.0) (0.4–1.2) 0.6–1.0 0.4–1.3 0.65–1.15 0.32–1.2
Max freq. (MHz) 25 82.5 331 2600 80 825
Power dens. (µW/MHz) 7.7 10.2 409 62 317 20.7
Best Perf. (MOPS) 25 57.5 662 2600 1600 3300
Energy eff. (MOPS/ mW) 64.5 68.6 4.5 16 3.9 193
Max freq. (MHz) 25 82.5 331 2600 80 825
Max freq. (MHz) 25 82.5 331 2600 80 825
Power dens. (µ W/MHz) 7.7 10.2 409 62 317 20.7
Power dens. (µ W/MHz) 7.7 10.2 409 62 317 20.7
Symmetry Perf.
757 25 57.5 662 2600 1600 3300
28 of 37
Best Perf. (MOPS) 25 57.5 662 2600 1600 3300
Energy eff. (MOPS/ mW) 64.5 68.6 4.5 16 3.9 193
Energy eff. (MOPS/ mW) 64.5 68.6 4.5 16 3.9 193
Figure 17. Comparison of the power efficiency of single-core vs. multi-core processors.
Figure 17.
Figure 17. Comparison
Comparison of
of the
the power
power efficiency
efficiency of
of single-core
vs. multi-core
8. Potential
8. Future Directions
8. Potential
Potential Future
Future Directions
We have
We have identified several
several aspects forfor future research
research areas extracted
extracted from our
our study
We haveidentified
identified several aspects
aspects for future
future research areas
areas extracted from
from our study
that are
that areoutlined
These research
research directions
directions areare further
further discussed
discussed and and elabo-
that are outlined in Figure 18. These research directions are further discussed and elabo-
on on in
in the the following
following paragraphs.
rated on in the following paragraphs.
green IoT.
Figure 18. Potential future directions for green IoT.
Figure 18. Potential future directions for green IoT.
(i) Zero energy
Zero energy
(i) Zero energy
Designing IoT devices to be powered by self-sustaining power sources such as solar,
wind, or kinetic energy is an important area of research, as it enables the deployment of
autonomous and sustainable IoT networks. The use of self-sustaining power sources can
alleviate the challenge of battery replacement or recharging, which is a significant concern
in IoT systems. One important consideration in designing IoT devices that can leverage
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 29 of 37
individual nodes by dynamically adjusting their transmission power and frequency based
on the energy availability and network conditions. For example, nodes with low energy
levels can reduce their transmission power and frequency to conserve energy, while nodes
with high energy levels can increase their transmission power and frequency to improve
network coverage. At the edge device and gateway level, “smart” routing schemes can be
used to optimize the routing of data packets based on the network conditions and traffic
patterns. For example, packets can be routed through nodes that have higher energy levels
or better connectivity to reduce packet loss and improve network efficiency. One example of
a “smart” routing scheme is the energy-aware routing protocol (EARP), which is designed
for IoT networks with energy harvesting capabilities. EARP utilizes a decentralized ap-
proach to dynamically adjust network routes based on the energy availability and network
conditions of individual nodes. The protocol uses a combination of metrics, including
residual energy levels and link quality, to determine the optimal routing path for data
packets. Another example of a “smart” routing scheme is the traffic-aware energy-efficient
routing (TEER) protocol, which is designed for IoT networks with limited energy resources.
TEER utilizes a centralized approach to dynamically adjust network routes based on traffic
patterns and energy availability. The protocol uses a combination of metrics, including
traffic density and residual energy levels, to determine the optimal routing path for data
packets. Overall, the development of “smart” routing schemes that can dynamically adjust
routes based on network conditions, traffic patterns, and energy availability is an important
area of research for the future of IoT networks. These schemes can help to improve network
efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and increase the longevity of IoT devices.
(iii) Adaptive AI and ML
The development of AI-based energy management systems and machine learning
algorithms for IoT devices is a rapidly evolving field that can significantly improve the
energy efficiency and sustainability of IoT networks. These systems and algorithms can
dynamically adjust and optimize power usage based on usage patterns, network conditions,
and energy availability. AI-based energy management systems use machine learning algo-
rithms to analyze data from IoT devices, such as usage patterns and energy consumption,
to identify opportunities for energy optimization. These systems can also incorporate data
from external sources, such as weather conditions or energy prices, to further optimize
energy usage. The algorithms can learn from historical data and make predictions about
future energy usage to adjust power usage in real-time. One application of AI-based energy
management systems is in the optimization of energy usage in smart homes. These systems
can analyze data from sensors, smart appliances, and energy storage systems to optimize
energy usage in real-time. For example, these systems can adjust the temperature in a room
based on occupancy patterns, weather conditions, and energy availability. They can also
optimize the charging of energy storage systems to take advantage of lower energy prices or
higher renewable energy availability. Another application of AI-based energy management
systems is in the optimization of energy usage in smart cities. These systems can analyze
data from sensors, traffic patterns, and energy consumption to optimize energy usage in
real-time. For example, they can adjust the timing of traffic lights based on traffic patterns
to reduce energy consumption and improve traffic flow. They can also optimize the use
of energy storage systems to take advantage of renewable energy availability. Machine
learning algorithms can also be used to optimize power usage in individual IoT devices.
These algorithms can learn usage patterns and adjust power usage to minimize energy
consumption while still meeting the device’s operational requirements. For example, a
machine learning algorithm can learn the usage patterns of a smart thermostat and adjust
the temperature settings to minimize energy consumption while still maintaining com-
fort levels. In summary, the development of AI-based energy management systems and
machine learning algorithms for IoT devices is an important area of research that can sig-
nificantly improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of IoT networks. These systems
and algorithms can dynamically adjust and optimize power usage based on usage patterns,
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 31 of 37
network conditions, and energy availability, leading to reduced energy consumption, lower
costs and increased longevity of IoT devices.
(iv) Intelligent sleep modes
The development of intelligent sleep mode algorithms for IoT devices is an important
area of research that can significantly improve the energy efficiency of these devices. Sleep
mode is a power-saving state in which a device uses less power but remains operational.
By developing intelligent sleep mode algorithms, IoT devices can dynamically adjust
power usage based on usage patterns, network conditions, and energy available to achieve
the optimal balance between power consumption and performance. Intelligent sleep
mode algorithms use machine learning techniques to analyze data from the device and
predict usage patterns. For example, the algorithm can learn when the device is typically
used and when it is idle. Based on these data, the algorithm can adjust the device’s
power usage accordingly. If the device is likely to be idle for an extended period, the
algorithm can switch the device to a deeper sleep mode to conserve more power. Another
important aspect of intelligent sleep mode algorithms is their ability to adapt to changing
network conditions. For example, if the device is experiencing poor network connectivity,
the algorithm can reduce power consumption by reducing the frequency of network
communications. Conversely, if the network conditions improve, the algorithm can increase
the frequency of communications to improve performance. Energy availability is another
important factor that intelligent sleep mode algorithms can take into account. For example,
if the device is running low on battery power, the algorithm can adjust power usage to
conserve energy. This might include reducing the brightness of the display or turning
off non-essential features. Overall, the development of intelligent sleep mode algorithms
is an important area of research that can significantly improve the energy efficiency of
IoT devices. By dynamically adjusting power usage based on usage patterns, network
conditions, and energy availability, these algorithms can help to achieve the optimal balance
between power consumption and performance, leading to longer battery life and improved
(v) Wireless charging
The development of more efficient wireless charging technologies is an important
area of research that can significantly improve the energy efficiency of charging electronic
devices, leading to a reduction in environmental impact. Wireless charging is becoming
increasingly popular, as it allows users to charge their devices without the need for cables
or connectors. However, traditional wireless charging technologies have some limitations,
including their energy efficiency. Research is ongoing to improve the efficiency of wireless
charging, which can downscale the required energy to charge devices and decrease the
environmental impact. One approach to improving the efficiency of wireless charging is
to optimize the power transfer between the charger and the device being charged. This
can be achieved through the use of advanced circuitry and control algorithms that monitor
and adjust the power transfer to ensure that the charging process is as efficient as possible.
Another approach to improving the efficiency of wireless charging is to increase the distance
over which charging can occur. This can be achieved through the use of resonant wireless
charging technologies that use magnetic resonance to transfer power over a greater distance.
This technology can be used to charge multiple devices simultaneously, making it ideal
for charging in public spaces such as airports and coffee shops. In addition to improving
the efficiency of wireless charging, research is also ongoing to develop more sustainable
wireless charging technologies. For example, some researchers are investigating the use of
solar-powered wireless charging systems, which use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight
into electrical energy. These systems can be used to charge devices even in remote or
off-grid locations, making them ideal for outdoor and wilderness environments.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 757 32 of 37
9. Conclusions
Undoubtedly, the IoT will transform the whole ICT sector, alter the trajectory of
technological development globally, and have a substantial effect on the economy in
the years to come. This study provided a vision for eco-friendly and sustainable IoT
and presents four (4) principles/frameworks to achieve that vision by tackle the energy
efficiency issues related to hardware such as machine-to-machine communication, radio-
frequency identification, microcontroller units, wireless sensor networks, integrated circuits,
embedded systems, and processors. Finally, this study concludes with suggestions for
potential future research directions to continue the pursuit of a vision for eco-friendly and
sustainable IoT in the future.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.H.A.; methodology, A.J. and M.H.A.; resources, A.H.K.
and R.K.; writing—original draft preparation, M.H.A. and A.J.; writing—review and editing, R.K.
and A.H.K.; visualization, A.H.K.; project administration, R.K. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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