Year 8 Biology Term 3 Marks Scheme

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Year 8 Biology Term 3 Mark schemes

(a) • being out of breath easily

• heart disease

• lung cancer
if all three answers are correct, award two marks
if two answers are correct, award one mark
if only one answer is correct, award no mark
if more than three boxes are ticked, deduct one mark
for each incorrect tick
2 (L3)

(b) (i) • group A

if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)

(ii) • group A
group B
both boxes are required for the mark
if more than two boxes are ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)

(c) • they both breathe in smoke

accept ‘they spend time in smoky places’
accept ‘they breathe in second-hand smoke’
accept ‘they are passive smokers’
do not accept ‘they both smoke’
1 (L4)

(d) • Peter
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)
(a) (i) P
1 (L5)

(ii) S
1 (L5)

(b) (i) oxygen

1 (L5)

(ii) carbon dioxide

1 (L6)
(c) so that oxygen or carbon dioxide or gases can pass through quickly
or easily
do not accept ‘so air can pass through easily’
do not accept ‘so that oxygen can pass through’
accept ‘so they can expand easily’
1 (L6)

(d) any one from

• so that a lot of oxygen can be absorbed or taken in

accept ‘so that enough oxygen or carbon dioxide
or gas can pass through’

• the body needs a lot of oxygen

• so that a lot of carbon dioxide can be removed

accept ‘so that gas can pass through quickly’
1 (L6)

(a) to transfer / provide / give release energy
or production of ATP / adenosine triphosphate
accept to give heat

(b) (i) C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

accept any other
n : 6n : 6n : 6n ratio
do not credit if any other changes have been made

(ii) glucose
do not credit sugar / sucrose

(c) (i) any two from

large surface

thin (surface)

moist (surface)

(with a good) blood supply

(ii) carbon dioxide
accept water vapour
do not credit just water

(d) (i) anaerobic (respiration)


(ii) any three from

in mitochondria

glucose decomposes / breaks down / reacts

or glucose → lactic acid for (2) marks

to give lactic acid

or breathing hard
or lactic acid → CO2 + water

causing pain

(leaving an) oxygen debt

(quick) source of energy

(but) less efficient than aerobic respiration

accept less efficient than with oxygen
3 [10]

(a) (i) oxygen and carbon dioxide
1 (L5)

(ii) smaller surface area

1 (L5)
answers may be in either order
both are required for the mark
accept ‘O2 and CO2’
accept ‘nitrogen’ instead of oxygen and carbon dioxide
do not accept ‘smaller’

(b) (i) nicotine

1 (L5)

(ii) tar
1 (L5)

(iii) carbon monoxide

1 (L5) [5]
(a) ovary
accept ‘ovaries’ do not accept ‘ovum’
1 (L6)

(b) uterus
accept ‘womb’
1 (L6)

(c) (i) placenta

do not accept ‘umbilical cord’
1 (L6)

(ii) any one from

• oxygen

• antibodies

• water
do not accept ‘air’ or ‘blood’ or ‘liquid
or ‘food’ or any type of nutrient
1 (L6)

(d) reproductive system

accept ‘reproductive’ or ‘reproduction’
do not accept ‘sex organs’
1 (L6)

(a) • leaves are bigger
accept ‘there are leaves or a canopy’
accept ‘leaves open or grow’
‘trees block the light’ is insufficient
1 (L5)
(b) any two from

• light is needed for photosynthesis

accept ‘photosynthesis’

• more (photosynthesis)
accept, for two marks, ‘the rate
or amount of photosynthesis increases if the light

• light provides energy for growth

‘they need light to grow’ is insufficient
‘light is a source of food’ is insufficient

• biomass or food or sugar or starch or carbohydrate is produced

2 (L6)

(c) • glucose
1 (L6)

• water
answers must be in the correct order
1 (L6) [5]

(a) (i) any one from

• it protects them from frost

accept ‘protects them from the cold or weather’
accept ‘it keeps them warm’
accept ‘it warms the soil’
‘protects them’ is insufficient

• the soil is kept moist

accept ‘they do not dry out’

• it protects them against birds or insects or animals

accept ‘it stops animals digging them up’
1 (L4)

(ii) • light
answers may be in either order
1 (L3)

• air 1 (L3)
• water 1 (L3)
(b) any one from

• so (potato) plants can grow

accept ‘more space to grow’
‘more space’ is insufficient

• it prevents pollution

• it protects the environment

• it will not get tangled with machinery or animals

• it does not have to be picked up

1 (L4)

(c) (i) • ladybirds eat aphids

accept ‘they eat them’
‘they kill them’ is insufficient
1 (L4)

(ii) • insecticide
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)

(a) any three from

• by photosynthesis

• carbon dioxide and water used

• oxygen produced
accept for two marks the second and third
marking points in a word or symbol equation,
for example ‘carbon dioxide + water → glucose +

• chlorophyll or chloroplasts absorb solar energy or sunlight

accept ‘solar energy transferred to chemical energy’
3 (L7)

(b) carbohydrates
1 (L6)
(c) (i) any one from

• loss of habitat
accept ‘more buildings’

• use of herbicides or weedkillers

• climate change
accept ‘global warming’

• competition with other plants

do not accept ‘growing populations’
as this answer is too vague
1 (L7)

(ii) it increases
because there is more light or there is more photosynthesis
both the answer and the explanation
are required for the mark
1 (L6)

(a) (i) respiration
1 (L7)

(ii) carbon dioxide is produced

accept ‘maggots breathe out carbon dioxide’
1 (L7)

(b) (i) photosynthesis

1 (L7)

(ii) any one from

• carbon dioxide is used up

• carbon dioxide reacts with water in the plant

accept ‘the carbon dioxide reacts with water’
‘carbon dioxide is absorbed’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘the carbon dioxide reacts with
water in the tube’
1 (L7)
(c) any one from

• carbon dioxide produced by respiration was used up in photosynthesis

• carbon dioxide produced by the maggots is used in photosynthesis

• carbon dioxide produced by the maggots was used by the leaves

answers must refer either to respiration
or maggots and photosynthesis or leaves
‘the concentration of carbon dioxide remains
unchanged’ is insufficient
1 (L7)

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