Sample Forum GSRM7354 MCBS
Sample Forum GSRM7354 MCBS
Sample Forum GSRM7354 MCBS
The practice and environment of integrated marketing communication
a. Costly Resources
As a brand manager for Kraft salad dressing, the IMC process might call for costly
resources, including time, resources, and money. Any integrated marketing
communications plan has to involve the recruitment of professionals in specialized fields
including direct marketing, digital marketing, print advertising, and public relations. These
highly skilled staff are needed in order to carry out a strategic marketing plan. The
effectiveness of the marketing effort depends heavily on the abilities and expertise of the
staff members, thus, some of them may obtain training in fields they are unfamiliar with.
In-depth planning and effective time management are necessary for integrated marketing
communications to ensure that initiatives are carried out in a timely, strategic way. A
campaign's other components might be impacted if one of its components' timing is off,
which could skew the campaign's outcomes.
management's exclusion from the process could prevent IMC from receiving valuable
c. Unifying technology
Furthermore, there will be challenges in unifying the technology. IMC relies heavily on
technology. If an organisation lacks the capacity to link the data, results will inevitably be
constrained, both in terms of targeting and segmentation prior to launch and results and
attribution following launch. Plus, technology is important to the process of acquiring,
managing, and using customer data; It only receives a lower rating because more focused
questions about what to do with gathered data once it has been received come before
the technical component.
databases, promotion emails, daily publications, advertisements on billboards, telephone
text messaging, magazine ads, coupons, telephone calls, postcards, and catalogue
distribution are all examples of direct advertising strategies.
Furthermore, Kraft can further use direct marketing by generating marketing material that
is specifically targeted to their prospective and current consumers. Businesses may
obtain essential information such as age, income level, reading and browsing preferences,
etc., which allows businesses to personalize communications using consumer
information. Also, Kraft could use direct marketing strategies to monitor the success of
their campaigns by looking at information including the number of customers who
responded to their adverts, the total amount of money generated, and their overall return
on investment. Plus, direct marketing gives businesses the chance to learn exactly what
their potential customers are capable of spending on specific products or services.
Social media has a special ability in three key marketing areas: connection, participation,
and data about customers. This ability has an impact on social media marketing. Because
social media is so widely used nowadays, it is important for businesses to grasp the value
of it for marketing. Even though it takes constant upkeep and might result in undesirable
negative feedback, social media marketing sometimes offers greater visibility at lower
For example, the Kraft salad dressing campaign employed a digital card, or "Zestygram,"
that can be emailed simply via social media platforms and was directed at those they
identified as popular foodies. Moreover, to promote Kraft salad dressing to customers,
businesses must post regularly and frequently on social media (e.g., Instagram,
Facebook). Posting often and consistently is the key to effective social media marketing
since the followers will become accustomed to seeing what Kraft shares on a regular
basis. Kraft can share new recipes that the follower can do with salad dressing daily. To
maintain such a high frequency, attempt to reuse previous material. Reuse old blog
articles, landing pages, and offers from the website into new formats that are appropriate
for each platform.
1.3. Brand equity from both the perspective of the organisation and customer.
By making their goods and services more noticeable, identifiable, and of greater reliability
and quality, businesses may improve the brand equity associated with their products and
services. Moreover, businesses with strong brand equity have a client base that is willing
to pay higher prices for their products, even when they could purchase identical items
from competitors in the market. Brand equity is often established by awareness-raising
initiatives that appeal to the values of the target market, meeting needs and standards
when customers use the product, and seeking to maintain and reward customer loyalty.
In order for the organisation to profit more from the brand, that equity might be transferred
to line extensions (i.e., items associated with the brand that feature the brand name).
Additionally, by offering goods that successfully meet consumers' demands, Kraft may
build brand equity. To retain a strong client base, the company wants to take advantage
of its customers' loyalty.
Brand equity is the value that a particular brand brings to a product or service. Consumers'
favourable perceptions of or emotional connections to brands might affect their choices
of products to buy as well as their overall brand loyalty. It is produced through consistent
marketing initiatives, happy customer outcomes, and the brand's general reputation. At
Kraft, brand equity is determined by how current customers perceive the goods and
services offered by the business. Consumer preferences are the only factor determining
high brand value. Brand equity is not the brand's monetary value; rather, it is the brand's
reputation among its target audience on a social level. P&G first reported an increase of
107% when Kraft ran advertisements based on the Old Spice Guy. The brand has already
undergone substantial lighting up to that point. An established brand could give a
business a competitive advantage in the marketplace given that customers are prone to
choose a well-known brand over one that is less well-known. Achieving this can aid the
business in gaining a greater share of the market since customers are more likely to get
a trusted brand over a competitor. Customers may be more satisfied with products and
services provided by businesses with strong equity because they usually possess a
positive reputation and can provide high-quality products and services.
Brand leveraging is an important component of new product launches in order to
familiarise buyers with a new product category. This is accomplished by extending
positive brand features and attitudes into a new product category. Customers with strong
brand impressions are more likely to experiment with a new product they think has the
same degree of quality and characteristics as their original choice since the brand is
readily identifiable. Additionally, since the products fall into different categories, they won't
compete for market share, which is crucial for a successful branding strategy. Four
strategies for building brand equity through leverage are as follows:
a. Vertical Extension:
In order to draw adequate and great-quality goods, it encompasses raising and lowering
the quality and price of the items by providing a range of choices to cater to varied
customer groups. The new items and the old versions are closely similar. For example,
the increase in P&G profit and spike in sales are explained by the heavy use of coupons.
b. Line Extension:
It emphasises minor changes and alterations to a product's name, packaging, and
advertisements. Line extensions can be helpful in reaching out to new customers who are
looking for benefits that the brand has not previously provided in the category. In order to
grab customer interest in a dull product area, line expansions are also important. The
ability to choose from a wide range of options is a feature that some customers value.
However, line extension causes businesses to focus on small adjustments, packaging
improvements, and advertising rather than true innovation. For example, Kraft's new
campaign uses a model featuring a shirtless male chef to promote their Kraft Zesty Italian
dressing product.
c. Brand Extension:
Brand extension refers to the use of a recognized brand name to refer to new product
categories. The brand may be entering a category that is related to or unrelated to the
present product categories. A brand name's reputation might be harmed in other contexts
if it is overused. A business has to identify the product categories where its well-known
brand name will do well and those where it will fall short. To achieve that, the business
must determine why the brand name has succeeded in its present industry. Customers
are more inclined to get familiar with a brand if it embodies their values and aims and if
they share the same views and objectives as the initial business. Brand extensions have
the benefits of lowering risk and being more affordable than other launch approaches
when introducing new products. Customers appear to have carried over the previous
brand's high-quality reputation to the new offering. For instance, Krafty leveraged the 'Old
Spice Man" advertisements' existing popularity because it was a well-known household
d. Brand Attribution:
The tendency to establish a brand with unique attributes based on prior experiences.
Individuals will rely future purchase decisions on their previous experiences with your
brand, due to brand attribution. Businesses may determine the marketing channels that
generate the most leads and convert those leads into sales or conversions by using brand
attribution. It enables businesses to examine why some touchpoints perform poorly while
others generate a lot of traffic. It will be easier to reach businesses key performance
indicators (KPIs) if they can identify which product categories or keywords contribute to
conversion. Businesses can simply map out the course of consumers' purchase decisions
and rapidly evaluate the interactions that lead them to act.
When consumers are introduced to a new brand, there are a few important things that
can shape their thoughts and decisions.
One key factor is the brand's reputation. If people have heard good things about a brand,
like how reliable and satisfying its products or services are, they're more likely to trust it
and give it a chance. On the other hand, if a brand has a bad reputation, people might be
hesitant to try it.
Another important aspect is the brand's image. This means the overall impression that
people have of the brand. If a brand has a strong, positive image that aligns with what
people value and aspire to, it can catch their attention and make them more interested in
trying it out.
Brand Differentiation, being different from other brands is also crucial. If a new brand
offers something unique or special, like a feature, benefit, or experience that sets it apart
from the competition, people are more likely to be curious and give it a shot. In regard to
raising the curiosity of the public,
The personality of a brand matters too. Just like people, brands can have personalities.
If a brand's personality resonates with people and matches their own values and
preferences, they're more likely to feel a connection with it and be more open to adopting
Lastly, how a brand communicates with people is really important. If a brand effectively
communicates its value, benefits, and emotions in a way that people can understand and
relate to, it can have a positive impact on how people perceive it. Consistency and
honesty in how a brand talks about itself across different platforms also make a difference.
The Zesty’s Man campaign used sex appeal to catch the attention of the public, it provides
the public with curiosity to try out the product. This creates brand differentiation for Kraft
among its competitors.
However, the brand communication technique could backfire. In today’s society’s norm,
such advertisements that used sex appeal may be seen as objectifying or degrading.
Those suggestive imagery can offend and alienate a significant portion of the target
audience. This can result in a negative brand reputation as well as brand image leading
to the loss of potential customers who find the approach disrespectful or inappropriate.
There is a need for them to find a new way to adapt their marketing communication with
modern society’s values to successfully launch their new brand.
Differentiated Undifferentiated Concentrated
Target Two or more well- Also known as mass Usually only one well-
market defined target marketing, brands defined market or
markets. promote products or sector.
services to a broad
audience without
specific parameters
that define the
different customer geographies in the discerning
segments, such as same way, individuals. Its brand
kid’s menu or ‘kids emphasising the ambassadors are
eat free’ promotion to same message of those in sports or
target families, and refreshing and joy. arts, to represent
lunch set menu to precision, quality and
target working/office craftsmanship.
Source: Adapted from (2023)
Additionally, Kraft capitalised on the cultural popularity of the book “Fifty Shades of Grey”
published two years earlier, which enabled more open discourse around sexuality and the
female audience. Thus, the zesty salad dressing campaign targeted women by appealing
to their fantasies, all centred around the character of ‘The Zesty Guy’, played by a male
model who was shirtless in all campaign collateral.
Another evidence that women were the primary target market is the setting of the
advertisements. The Zesty Guy addresses the audience as “ladies” and can be seen in
the kitchen making a salad or a pizza. Not only that, the model himself can cook in real
life (Toofab, 2013). All this make the messaging more realistic and relatable to the target
market as women tend to be in the kitchen more and are more involved in cooking or
interested in food.
The choice of channels is further evidence that Kraft used differentiated marketing. The
TV commercials ran heavily on Bravo, a cable network that “delivers the best in food,
fashion, beauty, design and pop culture”, with signature programmes such as Top Chef
and The Real Housewives series that are aligned with the target market of Kraft salad
dressing. Plenty of female audience engagement can also be seen on both the Kraft salad
dressing Facebook account and The Zesty Guy’s Twitter.
2.3. Main message and channels used in the Kraft salad dressing ‘zesty man’
A Kraft rep told AdWeek that the ‘zesty’ campaign is "targeted toward our salad dressings
consumer, who we define as a mainstream foodie. They enjoy cooking and creative
expression, and this campaign speaks to them in a way that recognises she is an
individual in addition to being a mom.” (McMains, 2013)
We can deduce, then, that the main message of the campaign is about individuality,
creativity and control – in terms of food, and, indirectly, sexuality. Kraft transformed the
kitchen, which might seem mundane to a mom who is labouring there every day, into a
sexy and creative space. It is telling the consumer that Kraft salad dressing will give them
control, by asking them ‘how zesty’ they want their food to be. The use of the shirtless
male model also signals to the female audience that they are being recognised, as very
often advertising caters to the male gaze.
Firstly, in terms of brand personality, it created a specific character that appeals to the
target market, called ‘The Zesty Guy’, and hired a male model to personify this character.
This character would then interact with audiences both online and offline. The main
message channels used in the campaign were advertising (television, print, billboard),
digital marketing (website), social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) and public
relations (interviews with the male model).
In the TV commercials, he is addressing the target market directly (“hey”, “ladies”),
displaying his culinary skills and teasing them with how “zesty” they want their food to be.
The series of commercials ran on Bravo which programming caters to a predominantly
female audience.
The print and billboard advertisements, meanwhile, featured the shirtless Zesty Guy in
various poses signalling his “availability”, with punny taglines such as “the only thing
better than dressing is undressing”.
The puns and double entrendres continued on social media with posts about smacking
the pizza dough and hashtag #50ShadesofWhey. The Zesty Guy actively responds to
tweets on his dedicated Twitter account, where he also uploads Vimeo (video) clips. The
videos, commercials and posts are also made available on dedicated Kraft salad dressing
Facebook account and YouTube channel where the levels of fan engagement can be
tracked and their demographics further analysed.
Kraft also created a website,, where fans can send personalised
"Zestygram" or send a message to the Zesty Guy himself. There is also an online
cookbook, and promotions such as contests and events are publicised.
On the public relations front, Kraft pushed the model of the campaign to do TV and online
interviews, further making him more real to the audience, which can heighten the fantasy
of the advertising. Kraft also ran a contest that gave fans the chance to meet the Zesty
Guy in person.
Overall Kraft relied heavily on both the character of Zesty Guy and the physical attributes
of the male model that played the character to sell its salad dressing.
Moorman & Jaworski (1991), there are four ways to enhance processing motivation,
namely: appeal to intrinsic hedonic needs; use novel stimuli; use figural/prominent stimuli;
and enhance ad complexity.
With the Zesty Man campaign, Kraft successfully combined two methods to enhance
processing motivation. These are: appealing to hedonic needs, i.e. food and sex appeal;
and using novel stimuli, i.e. using a shirtless male model which was not traditionally done
by a major food brand.
Hedonic refers to the pursuit of pleasure. Food and sex are both base appetites of
humans. By combining these in advertising featuring a shirtless man, cooking and food,
Kraft created stimuli that evoked consumers’ senses and made them feel good. It
continued spreading related content, such as a cookbook and meet the Zesty Guy contest,
across social channels to generate additional engagement and connection with fans.
The Zesty Guy salad dressing campaign also used humour and sex appeal to make the
message new and unexpected. In one TV commercial, the model’s shirt was “burnt” by
hot flames while cooking, to reveal his abs. Using sex appeal to sell products is usually
targeted at the male gaze, and prior to Kraft, had not been done before by a major food
brand. Kraft successfully reinvented food marketing and the campaign became viral, thus
helping brand recall and product sales.
The next stage is knowledge, where the advert provides viewers with relevant information
about Kraft Salad dressing. It communicates details such as the product's flavors,
versatility, quality ingredients, and any unique selling points. By providing this knowledge,
consumers can understand the benefits of the product and how it can enhance their salad
After gaining knowledge, the advert focuses on building a sense of liking toward Kraft
Salad dressing. It aims to generate a positive emotional response through appealing
visuals, relatable characters, satisfied customers enjoying the product, or the use of
humor or emotional storytelling. The goal is to create a favorable impression and evoke
positive feelings toward the brand and its product.
Once consumers develop a liking for Kraft Salad dressing, the advert works on
establishing a preference for the product over competing alternatives. It emphasizes the
unique qualities, taste, and benefits of Kraft Salad dressing, differentiating it from other
salad dressings available in the market. This helps consumers develop a preference for
Kraft Salad dressing when making purchasing decisions.
The next stage is conviction, where the advert aims to strengthen consumers' conviction
in their choice of Kraft Salad dressing. This could be achieved through testimonials from
satisfied customers, expert opinions or endorsements, or by highlighting positive reviews
or awards. The goal is to reinforce consumers' confidence in their decision to choose Kraft
Salad dressing.
Finally, the advert focuses on the purchase stage. After progressing through the previous
stages, consumers are more likely to make a purchase of Kraft Salad dressing. The advert
provides clear information on where and how to purchase the product, and may even
include promotional offers or incentives to encourage immediate action.
By following this hierarchy-of-effects model, the 'Zesty Man' TV advert guides consumers
through a series of psychological stages, leading them from awareness to purchase. The
effectiveness of the advert in each stage, along with subsequent consumer actions and
responses, ultimately determines the success of Kraft in driving adoption and sales of
their salad dressing product.
In conclusion, the 'Zesty Man' TV advert for Kraft salad dressing successfully applies the
hierarchy-of-effects model to influence consumers' attitudes and drive adoption of the
product. The advert effectively creates awareness by capturing viewers' attention and
introducing them to Kraft Salad dressing. It then progresses to provide relevant
knowledge about the product, highlighting its flavours, versatility, and quality ingredients.
By generating a sense of liking through engaging visuals and storytelling, the advert
cultivates positive emotions and favourable impressions of the brand.
3.1. Communication and advertising serve various critical functions that are
essential for successful campaigns.
The first function is informing, where the goal is to provide relevant and accurate
information to the target audience. This involves sharing details about a product, service,
event, or idea to create awareness and understanding among consumers. Through TV
advertisements and social media platforms, Procter & Gamble(P&G) provided information
about the product's features, flavors, and potential uses.
The second function is influencing, which focuses on persuading the target audience to
adopt a particular viewpoint or take a desired action. Through persuasive techniques and
appeals to emotions, logic, or credibility, companies aim to shape attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors. P&G aimed to persuade the target audience to try the salad dressing by
highlighting its unique qualities and benefits. Through persuasive techniques such as
emphasizing the dressing's delicious taste, versatility, and potential to enhance meals,
P&G successfully influenced consumers' attitudes and behaviours towards the product.
Adding value is another important function, where companies aim to demonstrate the
benefits and value their products or services bring to customers. This involves highlighting
features, advantages, and unique selling points to showcase why consumers should
choose their offerings over others in the market. The Zesty Man campaign focused on
adding value to consumers' lives. P&G highlighted the unique taste and versatility of the
salad dressing, showcasing how it could elevate everyday meals and make them more
enjoyable. By emphasizing the value that Zesty Man's salad dressing brings to
consumers' dining experiences, P&G successfully positioned the product as a worthwhile
addition to their shopping carts.
Lastly, other efforts encompass various functions that support effective communication
and advertising. This includes building brand awareness, establishing a strong brand
identity, fostering customer engagement, and maintaining consistent messaging across
different channels. These efforts are crucial for creating a comprehensive and cohesive
communication strategy. P&G implemented other crucial communication and advertising
efforts. They built brand awareness for Zesty Man's salad dressing by leveraging TV and
social media platforms to reach a broad audience. P&G also maintained a consistent
messaging strategy across various channels, reinforcing the product's key attributes and
benefits. These efforts created a cohesive and comprehensive campaign that contributed
to the overall success of Zesty Man's salad dressing.
In conclusion, informing, influencing, increasing salience, adding value, and other related
efforts are critical functions in communication and advertising. By effectively carrying out
these functions, companies can convey information, persuade audiences, position their
offerings, showcase value, and implement other essential activities to drive successful
campaigns. The success of Zesty Man's salad dressing campaign can be attributed to the
effective execution of the five critical communication/advertising functions. P&G
successfully informed, influenced, increased salience, added value, and implemented
other essential efforts to capture consumers' attention, generate awareness, and create
a positive impression of the product. By strategically aligning these functions with their
campaign objectives, P&G was able to drive the success of Zesty Man's salad dressing
in the market.
3.2. The MECCAS model
The MECCAS model consists of multiple levels that help understand the underlying
components of advertising strategy and each level has a significant function to convey
information in marketing:
a. Product Attributes: This level focuses on the tangible and intangible descriptions of
a product or service. It includes features, specifications, quality, design, packaging,
price, and other factors that distinguish the product from competitors.
b. Consumer Benefits: At this stage, the focus shifts to understanding the specific
benefits that consumers associate with product attributes. These benefits can be
functional (e.g., convenience, performance) or emotional (e.g., status, happiness)
and meet the needs and wants of the target audience.
c. Personal Values: This level explores the basic personal values held by the
consumer. Personal values represent individuals' core beliefs, principles, and ideals,
which guide their decision-making and behaviour. Examples of personal values
include environmental sustainability, social responsibility, freedom, or self-
d. Instrumental Values: This level explores deeper into understanding instrumental
values that link personal values with consumer benefits. Instrumental values reflect
the means or actions that individuals use to achieve their personal values. For
example, if a person values environmental sustainability (personal value), they may
seek environmentally friendly products (instrumental value) to fulfil that value.
e. Terminal Values: It represents the goal or desired end state that the individual strives
for. It reflects the aspirations of individuals and the results they want to achieve.
Examples of end values include happiness, success, health, or personal satisfaction.
The MECCAS model aims to establish a relationship between these various levels,
starting from tangible product properties and progressing towards the consumer's
personal values and ultimate goals. This understanding helps advertisers create
persuasive messages that align with consumers' values and aspirations, ultimately
influencing their decision-making and behaviour.
3.3. Kraft salad dressing’s MECCAS model application
To understand more on how the examples done, we will use each MECCAS model to
explain each strategy Kraft does in the salad dressing campaign.
a. Product Attributes: In the "Zesty Man" campaign, the focus will be on highlighting
certain product attributes of the salad dressing. For example, it emphasizes the bold
and vibrant flavours offered by the "Zesty Man" dressing, showcasing the unique
flavour profile and range of zesty options available. The campaign also highlights the
use of high-quality ingredients, the freshness of the dressing and its versatility in
completing various salad combinations.
b. Consumer Benefits: The campaign highlights the consumer benefits derived from
using the "Zesty Man" salad dressing. It showcases how the dressing adds a burst of
flavour and zest to salads, elevating the overall taste experience. The campaign
emphasizes how the "Zesty Man" dressing allows consumers to transform ordinary
salads into exciting and delicious culinary creations. By using the dressing,
individuals can enjoy meals that are more vibrant, savoury, and amusing.
c. Personal Values: The "Zesty Man" concept can relate to personal values that
resonate with the target audience. For example, it taps into values such as adventure,
fun and the desire for exclusive and unforgettable experiences. The campaign
presents the "Zesty Man" as a symbol of courage and culinary exploration, in line with
the personal values of individuals who want to try new flavours and add excitement
to their meals.
d. Instrumental Values: The campaign would connect the personal values to the
instrumental values represented by the "Zesty Man" dressing. If adventure is a
personal value, the advertisement could showcase how using the dressing allows
individuals to trial with different salad recipes, discover new flavour arrangements,
and step outside their culinary comfort zone. The dressing becomes an instrumental
tool for expressing one's adventurous spirit and trying new preference experiences.
e. Terminal Values: The "Zesty Man" campaign would align with the ultimate goals or
desired end-states that consumers strive for. It underlines how incorporating the
"Zesty Man" dressing into meals contributes to a more enjoyable dining experience,
creating moments of excitement and culinary discovery. The campaign might
highlight the fulfilment and satisfaction that individuals experience when their taste
preferences are met, and their meals become a source of joy and satisfaction.
By integrating the "Zesty Man" concept within the MECCAS model, the salad dressing
campaign has created a organized narrative that interests to the target audience. It
effectively communicates the unique characteristics and benefits of the dressing, taps into
personal and instrumental values, and aligns with consumers' ultimate goals and
aspirations, ultimately motivating them to choose the Kraft "Zesty Man" salad dressing
campaign over alternatives.
3.4. Roles of using sex appeal as an advertising message appeal in Kraft ‘zesty
man’ salad dressing campaign.
In the field of advertising, the use of sex appeal has become a popular strategy to attract
audiences and promote products. When applied to a salad dressing campaign, this
approach can serve several purposes, although it is important to consider the
appropriateness for the brand and target audience. Although sex appeal can be a
controversial tactic, it has the potential to fulfil multiple roles in the context of a salad
dressing campaign.
First, one of the main objectives of incorporating sex appeal is to attract attention. In
today's highly saturated advertising landscape, it can be challenging for brands to stand
out. By using an attractive model or using raunchy imagery, the ad can grab the viewer's
attention instantly. This initial impact is important in gaining awareness and attracting
interest in the product.
Another role that sex appeal can play is creating an unforgettable advertising experience.
By including sexual imagery or innuendo, the ad aims to leave a lasting impression on
the viewer. This recall factor can be an advantage when consumers are faced with various
options at the time of purchase. If the ad manages to stick in their minds, it increases the
likelihood that the product will be recalled and chosen.
Sex appeal also taps into the emotional aspects of advertising. By evoking desire,
excitement or attraction, the ad aims to connect with the audience on an emotional level.
In the context of a salad dressing campaign, this emotional appeal can create positive
feelings and associations with the brand. It can help foster a sense of aspiration, making
consumers believe that by using the product, they can experience the same positive
emotions as depicted in the ad.
Furthermore, the use of sex appeal can serve as a tool for differentiation. In a highly
competitive market, it is important for brands to find a unique selling point that
differentiates them from their competitors. By leveraging attractive models or
incorporating sensual themes, advertisers can position their brand of salad dressing as
distinctive and more desirable. This differentiation can help attract consumers looking for
a brand that stands out and offers a different experience.
In addition, sex appeal can contribute to the formation of a personality or brand image.
Depending on how it is executed, the ad can convey qualities such as confidence,
sophistication, or a sense of adventure. By aligning with the aspirations and values of the
target audience, the brand can create a strong brand identity and foster a deeper
connection with consumers.
Although the potential role of using sex appeal in salad dressing campaigns is worth
considering, it is important to approach this strategy with caution. It is important to ensure
that the use of sex appeal remains interesting, relevant, and appropriate for the target
audience. Achieving a balance between attracting attention and communicating product
attributes is essential to maintaining the integrity of the campaign and the brand itself.
Therefore, the use of sex appeal as an advertising message appeal in salad dressing
campaigns can play multiple roles. From attracting attention and creating memorable
experiences to evoking emotions and shaping brand personality, sex appeal can be a
powerful tool if used wisely. However, it is important to carefully assess the fit and
alignment with brand values and target audience before implementing such a strategy.
The use of sex appeal in advertising has been a long-standing strategy used by marketers
to capture attention, create memorable experiences, and foster an emotional connection
with consumers. However, this approach also carries some potential drawbacks that
advertisers must carefully consider.
a. Offending or alienating the target audience:
One significant disadvantage of using sex appeal in advertising is the risk of upsetting or
alienating a segment of the target audience. Sexual content is subjective, and what is
attractive or acceptable to some individuals may be seen as sensual or inappropriate by
others. By using explicit or indecent images, advertisers run the risk of creating a negative
impression with the brand, leading to the loss of potential customers, and damaging the
brand's reputation.
Another disadvantage of using sex appeal in advertising is the potential for objectification
and subsequent backlash from the public. Objectification reduces individuals to mere
sexual objects, disregarding their dignity and respect. In an era where discussions of
gender equality and objectivity are at the forefront, advertisers must be careful. If seen as
objectifying individuals, especially women, brands can face severe backlash and damage
their reputation, causing long-term damage to their image and consumer perception.
While sex appeal may attract attention, it can overshadow the actual benefits or features
of the advertised product. If the focus is mainly on the sexual aspect of the ad, consumers
may find it difficult to connect the brand with its intended purpose. The effectiveness of
the campaign may suffer if the audience cannot associate the product with its unique
selling points or fail to understand how it can meet their needs or desires.
If the use of sex appeal feels forced or irrelevant to the advertised product, it can
undermine the authenticity and credibility of the brand. Consumers are increasingly
looking for authentic relationships with brands that align with their values. When sex
appeal is used as a mere attention-grabbing tactic with no genuine connection to product
quality or value, it erodes trust and can result in a loss of credibility, making it difficult for
brands to maintain a loyal customer base.
e. Negative brand image:
Associating a brand with sex appeal can lead to a negative brand image, especially if it
conflicts with the brand's core values or fails to meet the expectations of the target
audience. A campaign that relies heavily on sex appeal can create the perception that the
brand prioritizes superficiality over substance. This negative image can hinder customer
loyalty, discourage potential customers, and make it challenging for brands to expand into
new markets or demographics.
The use of sexual appeals in advertising can present legal and regulatory challenges for
brands. Different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations regarding decency,
obscenity, and advertising standards. Advertisers must navigate these complexities and
ensure compliance to avoid legal consequences or reputational damage.
While using sex appeal in advertising may offer potential benefits, such as attracting
attention and fostering emotional connection, it also carries significant disadvantages.
Advertisers must carefully consider potential risks, including offending target audiences,
objectives, ineffectiveness in communicating product benefits, lack of authenticity,
negative brand image and legal and regulatory challenges. By weighing these factors and
exploring alternative advertising strategies, brands can make informed decisions that
align with their brand values, target audience and overall marketing objectives.
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Levels of Assessment
Grammar & Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
Mechanics punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting spelling,
grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical punctuation, and
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing grammatical errors;
making reading progress though reader to follow absent of fragments,
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors ideas clearly. Very comma splices, and
comma splices, run- remain. few fragments or run-ons.
ons evident. run-ons.
Errors are frequent.
Fails to follow format Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal and
and assignment assignment assignment assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements and
incorrect margins, generally correct margins, spacing, evidences attention to
spacing and margins, spacing, and indentations are detail; all margins,
indentation; neatness and indentations; correct; essay is spacing and indentations
of essay needs essay is neat but neat and correctly are correct; essay is
attention. may have some assembled. neat and correctly
assembly errors. assembled with
professional look.