Advance Optima Analyzer 50 24 01EN Final
Advance Optima Analyzer 50 24 01EN Final
Advance Optima Analyzer 50 24 01EN Final
Using advanced technology
Unlimited communications – information anywhere
operator level
Thanks to Advance Optima’s unique Higher-level
communication network, which includes control systems
a wide range of standard interfaces,
vital information can be made available
virtually anywhere. Its analyzers are OPC-Server
seamlessly incorporated in existing PC
networks or higher-level control systems
by means of an integrated ethernet,
profibus or modbus port. analyzer
AnalyzeIT Explorer
Improved operating functions such as remote con- Asset management facility wide
trol of the analyzer, effective asset management as The asset management software "Analyze IT Explorer"
well as the installation of new software versions permits centralized maintenance of all analyzers and
from a central maintenance computer, are now also systems via the Ethernet – as well as worldwide via
possible. And advanced software tools are available an Intranet connection.
too. Naturally, today's commonly used fieldbus
systems are supported by the system as well as the Increased system availability through rapid
traditional 4...20 mA analog outputs. trouble-shooting and diagnosis
Reduced costs through planned predictive
Ethernet port with TCP/IP protocol for direct maintenance
integration into existing PC networks or control Surveillance, interpretation and reporting
systems according to EN 14181 with QAL3 package
OPC interface for direct integration into in Analyze IT Explorer
centralized process control equipment
Profibus-DP/PA interface for the direct
coupling of a fieldbus
Modbus connection, serial port, also for
Windows applications
Improving safety for people, facilities and the environment
Infrared analyzer module
The continuous NDIR industrial photometer can Gas-filled calibration cells substitute expensive test
selectively measure concentrations of up to four gas bottles. With an optional electro-chemical sensor
sample components. cell, oxygen can be measured in the same device.
The analyzer features gas-filled opto-pneumatic For corrosive and toxic processes or use with flamma-
detectors. Detector filling corresponds to the gas ble gases, a special safety cell is available whose win-
being measured. This means that the detector dows can be purged. Purging is monitored internally.
provides optimum sensitivity and high selectivity
compared with the other gas components in the
sample. Smallest measuring ranges are possible
with the thermostat version.
Typical applications
Emission monitoring
Landfill gas monitoring
Gas production/purity monitoring
Burner optimization
Process monitoring, e.g. in the chemical industry,
steel and glass industry, power generation
Fermentation process monitoring
Blast furnace gas analysis
Zero- and end-point calibration with gas-filled
calibration cells or test gas mixture
Automatic calibration by means of internal
Process photometers
Typical applications
Burner optimization
The Limas11 is a process photometer which Control of DeNOx installations
is easily configured to meet individual process Emission monitoring of FCC furnaces
measurement requirements. Nitric acid production
Cement production
Purity measurement in the chemical industry
Production and processing of cellulose and
Natural gas conditioning
Cl2 production and processing
Plastics production
Caldos25 Caldos27
The Caldos25 is designed for highly corrosive appli- Smallest measuring ranges and fast measurements
cations. The measuring cell with its glass-coated are characteristic of Caldos27 thanks to its silicon
resistor is especially resistant to corrosive gases. sensor. In addition, the micro-structure of the sensor
With Caldos25 pressure correction is not required. gives the Caldos27 a particularly short T90 response
The measurement signal is completely independent time. Measuring ranges can be selected freely. An
of the sample gas pressure – whether negative or exceptionally long-term stability of the end point
positive. permits Caldos27 the single-point calibration with
only one gas.
Oxygen analyzer modules
Flame ionization detectors
Laser analyzer modules
The LS25 laser analyzer selectively measures the The laser analyzer module consists of a transmission
concentration of up to two sample components. and receiver unit which can be used on ducts with a
The laser operates according to the principle of diameter of 0.5...6 m. Depending on the application,
single-line spectroscopy. For measurement purposes process pressures of 10 bar and temperatures up to
a single absorption line is selected from the gas to 1500 °C can be achieved.
be measured in the near infrared spectral range, at
which no cross-sensitivity from other gases occurs.
The absorption line is scanned and the receiver
located opposite detects the absorption caused by
the sample gas and calculates the gas concentration
from this.
Calibration takes place either via a built-in flow
cell or a separate calibrating cell.
Analyzer technology is our strength
ABB is one of the leading international companies international reputation and represent the leading
in the field of analyzer technology. Thanks to edge of technology. Since then, analyzers with the
decades of experience, we can develop innovative names Uras, Limas and Magnos have enjoyed world-
instruments and systems to meet your company's wide acclaim and stand for the highest efficiency.
individual requirements. Today, more than 35,000 of these analyzers have
been installed throughout the world – in almost
And with a distribution network covering over every industry.
40 countries, ABB's know-how is available to you –
2007 ACX, complete systems
2005 EasyLine EL3000
Naturally, after any purchase after-sales services are
2003 AO2000 series, the integrated analyzer system
just as important to you, as they are to us. That's why 2002 ACF-NT, with FTIR technology
we offer you a broad spectrum of specialized ser- EL6010 analyzers for hazardous areas
vices, such as: continuous maintenance, analyzer 2001 EasyLine analyzers, high-quality measuring
system modifications and troubleshooting etc. technology for simple applications
1999 Limas11, unique UV/IR photometer
We'll be pleased to put together an individual service
1998 ABB acquires Hartmann & Braun
package for you.
1996 Advance Optima,
the first modular analyzer system
ABB is your partner: From consulting to project 1988 Uras10,
planning, from system installation to after-sales with calibration cells which replaced test gas cylinders
service. 1986 Magnos 6/7, Caldos 5/7,
digital microprocessors replace analog electronics
1980 Radas* UV analyzer, new measurement methods for
Tradition and innovation gas analyzers
More than 75 years of experience in the develop- 1970 Fidas** flame ionization detector
ment and production of analyzers as well as regular 1950 Uras, Magnos and Limas capture the market
1938 CO-, CO2 analyzer
contacts with our customers are the basis for our
1929 First CO2-analyzer for combustion,
innovative solutions, which have always been the basis for the subsequent Caldos
market leader. Under the brand name "Hartmann & 1901 Foundation of Hartmann & Braun AG
Braun", our products for the continuous measurement * today Limas11UV ** today MultiFID14
of processing gases have gained an outstanding
© ABB 2007
Stierstädter Str. 5
60488 Frankfurt