Advance Optima Analyzer 50 24 01EN Final

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Advance Optima

Modular Continuous Gas Analyzers

The integrated analyzer system solution
Innovative modular analyzer technology – Advance Optima

The measurement of a large number of different gas components,

at low concentrations, places exacting demands on your continuous
gas analysis systems.

At ABB, we offer you solutions that meet and exceed those

demands, with flexible systems designed to provide optimum
results at very competitive prices.

With Advance Optima, ABB is the right partner for you.

Advanced and reliable technology Advance Optima is based on an integrated system

Advance Optima analyzers combine advanced concept and it excels the performance standards
technologies with more than 75 years of experience of conventional analyzers. Thanks to the advanced
in processing and environmental analysis. They are features built into all Advance Optima analyzers,
the innovative solution for the demands of today comprehensive multi-component analytical systems
and the challenges of tomorrow. Being tailored to can now be expanded to meet new requirements
satisfy the requirements of various industries, the cost-effectively and efficiently.
Advance Optima series can be used in almost every
form of production and has proven itself in the Unrivalled economy
toughest processing environments: With Advance Optima, you can also reduce the
 Refineries, petrochemicals, chemicals and overall costs of your analyzer technology, while at
synthetics the same time increasing the availability of your
 Air separators and pure gas production systems.
 Pharmaceuticals, food and beverages  Cost-effective operation, service and mainte-
 Metals, minerals, pulp and paper nance over the entire life cycle
 Power generation  Lower training and documentation expenses
 Environmental technology

Using advanced technology

Integrated system solutions – "Packaging" that fits right in

for added flexibility Three system housings are available: a 19" slide-in
Standardized modules can now be adapted to your version for cabinet installation, a wall mounted
measuring tasks and combined to systems tailored housing and an explosion-protected design.
to your individual requirements. And all of these And all these housings can be purged for the
assemblies are designed to integrate flexibly with measurement of toxic or corrosive gases.
each other – from analyzer modules to housings,
from displays to control units and from power sup-
plies to sample conditioning. In its basic version,
Advance Optima consists of a central processing
unit and an analyzer module.

Multi-analyzer systems Reliable and powerful

In its most extensive version, an Advance Optima All our analyzers have been designed with user
multi-analyzer system consists of four analyzer requirements in mind and are built for the toughest
modules and it can measure six different compo- industrial conditions. Their convincing features
nents. Communication takes place via its internal include:
system bus. Other locally installed system compo-  Measurements of even low level, trace values
nents for the conditioning of sample gas, such as  Calibration without test gas cylinders
sample gas feeding units and coolers, can also be  Easy-to-service construction
integrated. All the modules are operated by the  Standardized electrical and pneumatic
central processing unit – and the analyzer module connections
can even be installed up to 350 m away.  Proven measuring technology with minimized
Integrated control and monitoring  Corrosion-proof housings made from coated
State-of-the-art processor technology with high stainless steel
performance and rapid signal processing is used for  High quality construction with a long service life
sophisticated calculations, such as cross-sensitivity
correction and auto-calibration. This innovation Always the right analyzer for the job.
therefore eliminates the need for additional external Whatever the measuring task!
logic controllers. Advance Optima offers analyzer modules using
various measurement principles which are suitable
Simple, user-friendly operation for practically any processing task, including:
The control unit is ergonomically designed, with  Infrared analyzer modules
an illuminated, easy to read display.  Process photometers
 Simultaneous display of up to six sample  Thermal conductivity analyzer modules
components  Oxygen analyzer modules
 Clear status and maintenance messages  Flame ionization detectors
 Operation menus with online help  Laser analyzer modules
 10 languages are available
 Operator controls can be customized

Unlimited communications – information anywhere

operator level
Thanks to Advance Optima’s unique Higher-level
communication network, which includes control systems
a wide range of standard interfaces,
vital information can be made available
virtually anywhere. Its analyzers are OPC-Server
seamlessly incorporated in existing PC
networks or higher-level control systems
by means of an integrated ethernet,
profibus or modbus port. analyzer

AnalyzeIT Explorer

Improved operating functions such as remote con- Asset management facility wide
trol of the analyzer, effective asset management as The asset management software "Analyze IT Explorer"
well as the installation of new software versions permits centralized maintenance of all analyzers and
from a central maintenance computer, are now also systems via the Ethernet – as well as worldwide via
possible. And advanced software tools are available an Intranet connection.
too. Naturally, today's commonly used fieldbus
systems are supported by the system as well as the  Increased system availability through rapid
traditional 4...20 mA analog outputs. trouble-shooting and diagnosis
 Reduced costs through planned predictive
 Ethernet port with TCP/IP protocol for direct maintenance
integration into existing PC networks or control  Surveillance, interpretation and reporting
systems according to EN 14181 with QAL3 package
 OPC interface for direct integration into in Analyze IT Explorer
centralized process control equipment
 Profibus-DP/PA interface for the direct
coupling of a fieldbus
 Modbus connection, serial port, also for
Windows applications

 Complete remote control of the analyzer

 Asset management for centralized maintenance
 Facility wide – as well as worldwide access

Improving safety for people, facilities and the environment

Safety concept for flammable and

toxic sampling components
A sophisticated safety concept which is built into In addition, an innovative 24-7 alarm system has
Advance Optima ensures the impermeability of also been integrated, which can send messages to
its measuring system. Minimized purging volumes maintenance personnel via the standard network,
and superior EEx nAC (nonincendive) protection as well as by e-mail or SMS.
even permits the installation of these modules in
hazardous Zone 2 or Division 2 areas.

Explosion protection Quality assurance

Advance Optima with all its associated safety ABB fulfills all ISO 9001 quality guidelines.
engineering assemblies is certified for operation in All development and production processes are
hazardous Zone 1, Zone 2 and Class I Division 2 monitored.
designated areas.
International certifications
The AO2060 category's 2G analyzers are available in
 For emission monitoring tested according
an explosion-proof version. And the AO2040 central
to European Regulations EN 2001/80/EG
processing unit with overpressure purging can be
and EN 2000/76/EG, 13. and 17. BImSchV
installed either directly in a Zone 1 area or in a
and TA-Luft in Germany
non-hazardous area via an extended system bus.
 EN 14181/EN 14956 (QAL1), prEN 15267-3
 In Great Britain, certified to MCERT
The designs for operation in Zone 2 (known as
 ATEX-certified for Category II 2G, II 3G
Class I and Division 2 in the USA and Canada res-
 Certified safety concept for measurement of
pectively) do not require additional case purging.
flammable gases in Zone 2
All the assemblies have been tested to ensure that
 In the USA, meets EPA requirements
they are nonincendive.
 CSA-certified for use in Class I, Division 2 areas
 In Germany, certified for quality assurance
systems in production sites
 Additional certificates are available on request

Infrared analyzer module

The continuous NDIR industrial photometer can Gas-filled calibration cells substitute expensive test
selectively measure concentrations of up to four gas bottles. With an optional electro-chemical sensor
sample components. cell, oxygen can be measured in the same device.

The analyzer features gas-filled opto-pneumatic For corrosive and toxic processes or use with flamma-
detectors. Detector filling corresponds to the gas ble gases, a special safety cell is available whose win-
being measured. This means that the detector dows can be purged. Purging is monitored internally.
provides optimum sensitivity and high selectivity
compared with the other gas components in the
sample. Smallest measuring ranges are possible
with the thermostat version.

Typical applications
 Emission monitoring
 Landfill gas monitoring
 Gas production/purity monitoring
 Burner optimization
 Process monitoring, e.g. in the chemical industry,
steel and glass industry, power generation
 Fermentation process monitoring
 Blast furnace gas analysis

Sample components – smallest measuring

Measurement principle ranges (examples)
Non-dispersive infrared absorption in  CO 0...10 ppm
the λ = 2.5...8 µm wavelength range.  CO2 0...5 ppm
 NO 0...150 ppm
 SO2 0...25 ppm
 N2O 0...20 ppm
 CH4 0...50 ppm
 C3H8 0...50 ppm
 C2H4 0...300 ppm
 R 134 0...50 ppm

 Zero- and end-point calibration with gas-filled
calibration cells or test gas mixture
 Automatic calibration by means of internal

Process photometers

Typical applications
 Burner optimization
The Limas11 is a process photometer which  Control of DeNOx installations
is easily configured to meet individual process  Emission monitoring of FCC furnaces
measurement requirements.  Nitric acid production
 Cement production
 Purity measurement in the chemical industry
 Production and processing of cellulose and
 Natural gas conditioning
 Cl2 production and processing
 Plastics production

The measuring principle is particularly reliable Sample components – smallest measuring

because of its high stability which is based on the ranges (examples)
four-beam signal processing principle. As a result, Limas11UV Limas11IR
the Limas11 is unaffected by contamination in the NO 0...10 ppm CO 0...500 ppm
cells. A high degree of selectivity is provided by SO2 0...25 ppm CO2 0...150 ppm
using interference and gas filters as well as optimum NO2 0...50 ppm HCl 0...2,500 ppm
selection of measured wavelength and reference H2S 0...25 ppm CH4 0...1,000 ppm
wavelength. This allows electronic cross sensitivity Cl2 0...125 ppm C2H2 0...1,250 ppm
correction. CS2 0...50 ppm C2H4 0...1,500 ppm
COS 0...250 ppm C2H6 0...250 ppm
The Limas11 is also the economical and simple so- C3H6 0...500 ppm
lution for the measurement of flammable, corrosive Limas11HW C3H8 0...150 ppm
and toxic samples, also in the hazardous zone 2. NO 0...25 ppm C4H10 0...250 ppm
The new safety concept makes this possible by NO2 0...40 ppm
using a cell of high-grade steel. The sample gas path NH3 0...25 ppm
is made completely of high-grade steel and hermeti-
cally sealed. In order to meet increased safety Measuring ranges
standards, the cell windows can be purged and the  1 to 5 ranges per sample component
purging monitored by means of built-in sensors.  Measurement ranges freely adjustable within a
range ratio of 1:20 relative to the factory-set
Measurement principle reference measuring range
 Electronic zero-point suppression,
Process photometer for measuring gas filter
max. suppression ratio of 1:10
correlation or wavelength comparison
 in ultraviolet and visible spectrum range Calibration
λ = 200...600 nm (Limas11UV, Limas11HW) and  Zero- and end-point calibration with gas-filled
 in infrared spectrum range λ = 2.5...10 µm calibration cells or test gas mixture
(Limas11IR)  Automatic calibration by means of internal
Thermal conductivity analyzer modules

Caldos25 Caldos27
The Caldos25 is designed for highly corrosive appli- Smallest measuring ranges and fast measurements
cations. The measuring cell with its glass-coated are characteristic of Caldos27 thanks to its silicon
resistor is especially resistant to corrosive gases. sensor. In addition, the micro-structure of the sensor
With Caldos25 pressure correction is not required. gives the Caldos27 a particularly short T90 response
The measurement signal is completely independent time. Measuring ranges can be selected freely. An
of the sample gas pressure – whether negative or exceptionally long-term stability of the end point
positive. permits Caldos27 the single-point calibration with
only one gas.

Typical applications Typical applications

 Chlorine production  Hydrogen purity measurement
 Analysis of SO2 in metal roasting plant off-gas  Turbo generator monitoring
 Ammonia dissociation  Inert gas monitoring
 LEL monitoring
Sample components – smallest measuring
ranges (examples) Sample components – smallest measuring
 H2 in N2 or air 0... 0.5 Vol.-% ranges (examples)
 SO2 in N2 or air 0...1.5 Vol.-%  Ar in O2 0...2 Vol.-%
 H2 in Cl2 0...0.5 Vol.-%  H2 in Ar 0...0.25 Vol.-%
 H2 in N2 or air 0...0.3 Vol.-%
Calibration  CH4 in N2 or air 0...2 Vol.-%
 Zero-point calibration with sample component-  Ar in N2 97.5...100 Vol.-%
free process gas or substitute gas  He in N2 97...100 Vol.-%
 End-point calibration with process gas having a
known sample gas concentration or with subs- Calibration
titute gas  Zero-point calibration with sample component-
free process gas or substitute gas
 End-point calibration with process gas having
a known sample gas concentration or with
substitute gas
 Simplified calibration with standard gas avoids
the need for separate zero- and end-point cali-
Measurement principle bration with test gases
The analyzer modules’ measuring principle is based  Automatic calibration by means of internal
on the differences in thermal conductivity between control
gases. Individual gas components are quantitatively
analyzed in a binary or quasi-binary mixture based Dynamic response
on their thermal conductivity.  T90 ≤ 2 s

Oxygen analyzer modules

Magnos206 Measurement principle

The Magnos206 is based on the magneto-mecha- The measuring method of this analyzer module
nical measuring principle. Thanks to the short T90 is based on the specific paramagnetic behavior
time, the Magnos206 is also suitable for measuring of oxygen.
rapid changes in the concentration of the sample

The ability to freely select measuring ranges and set

suppressed ranges means that the analyzer can be
easily adapted to specific measurement tasks. Even
measurements for safety are no problem – monito-

ring the sample flow rate through the measuring Magnos27

chamber always ensures that the current oxygen
The Magnos27 is based on the thermomagnetical
concentration is being measured. Calibration of the
measuring principle. The robust measuring cell
zero-point is only required once a month using air
means that the Magnos27 is especially resistant to
or nitrogen.
vibrations and shocks.
Typical applications
 Oxygen purity measurement
 Air separation plants Typical applications
 Biogas monitoring  Flue gas analysis
 Process gas monitoring  Metal roasting plant off-gas analysis
 Emission monitoring  Cement flue gas analysis

Sample components Sample components

 O2  O2 in flue gas or nitrogen

Measuring ranges Measuring ranges

 Smallest measuring range: 0...1 Vol.-% O2  Smallest measuring range: 0...3 Vol.-% O2
 Largest measuring range: 0...100 Vol.-% O2  Largest measuring range: 0...100 Vol.-% O2
 Measuring range suppression max. 1:100,
e.g. 99...100 Vol.-% O2 Calibration
 Zero-point calibration with oxygen-free process
Calibration gas or substitute gas
 Zero- and end-point calibration with nitrogen  End-point calibration with process gas having a
and air or test gas mixtures known oxygen concentration or with substitute
 Single-point calibration with ambient air gas
 Automatic calibration via built-in pneumatic  Automatic calibration via built-in pneumatic
module or external valves module or external valves

Flame ionization detectors

MultiFID14 MultiFID14 NMHC

The Multi-FID14 is a flame ionization detector The Multi-FID14 NMHC is a flame ionization detec-
which measures the total content of organic carbon tor which measures the total contents of organic
in the sample gas. For this purpose organic sub- carbon with and without methane in the sample gas
stances are ionized in a hydrogen flame. The current (NMHC = non-methane hydrocarbon). Via an inter-
of these ions is proportional to the organic carbon nal solenoid valve, the sample gas is conducted
content. The analyzer is heated up to 200 °C and through a catalyst in which all hydrocarbons are
can be directly connected to a heated sample gas combusted into CO2 and H2O without methane.
line. Thus no cold spots occur at any point. The Thus only the methane content is measured. Then
Multi-FID14 features self-monitoring, fault detection, the sample gas is supplied directly to the detector
logging and messaging functions. An automatic leaving out the catalyst. The methane-free hydrocar-
reset is also possible after fault correction. bon concentration derived from the difference can
be displayed.

Typical applications Typical applications

 Emission monitoring  Emission monitoring
 Process monitoring  Process monitoring
 Measurement of volatile hydrocarbons (VOC)  Also for applications in which there is
in water no O2 or H2O
 Purity measurements of O2, N2 and argon
Sample components
Sample components  Hydrocarbons
 Hydrocarbons  Methane
 Hydrocarbons without methane
Measuring ranges
 Smallest measuring range: 0...10 mg org. C/m3 Measuring ranges
 Largest measuring range: 0...100,000 mg org. C/m3  Smallest measuring range: 0...10 mg org. C/m3
 Measuring range switching: manual;  Largest measuring range: 0...5,000 mg org. C/m3
optionally external or automatic control
Calibration  Zero-point calibration with air or nitrogen
 Zero-point calibration with air or nitrogen  Sensitivity calibration with propane or another
 Sensitivity calibration with propane or another hydrocarbon in air or nitrogen
hydrocarbon in air or nitrogen  Automatic calibration via built-in zero gas and
 Automatic calibration via built-in zero gas and test gas valves
test gas valves  Efficiency testing of catalyst with test gas C3H8
and CH4 in N2

Laser analyzer modules

The LS25 laser analyzer selectively measures the The laser analyzer module consists of a transmission
concentration of up to two sample components. and receiver unit which can be used on ducts with a
The laser operates according to the principle of diameter of 0.5...6 m. Depending on the application,
single-line spectroscopy. For measurement purposes process pressures of 10 bar and temperatures up to
a single absorption line is selected from the gas to 1500 °C can be achieved.
be measured in the near infrared spectral range, at
which no cross-sensitivity from other gases occurs.
The absorption line is scanned and the receiver
located opposite detects the absorption caused by
the sample gas and calculates the gas concentration
from this.

Multianalyzer systems allow the combination of up Typical applications

to four analyzer modules from the product range.  Emission monitoring
 Combustion control
 Process monitoring and analysis in the chemical
industry, steel and iron manufacture, power
industry and glass manufacture.
 Control of DeNOx installations

Sample components – smallest measuring

ranges (examples)
 O2 0...1 Vol.-%, 10 bar, 1,500 °C
 CO 0...3,000 mg/m3, 3 bar, 1,500 °C
 CO2 0...3,000 mg/m3
 HCl 0...7 mg/m3
 H2S 0...300 mg/m3
 NH3 0...10 mg/m3
Hub  H2O 0...3 mg/m3 low levels
 H2O 0...1 Vol.-% high levels

 Calibration takes place either via a built-in flow
cell or a separate calibrating cell.

Analyzer technology is our strength

ABB is one of the leading international companies international reputation and represent the leading
in the field of analyzer technology. Thanks to edge of technology. Since then, analyzers with the
decades of experience, we can develop innovative names Uras, Limas and Magnos have enjoyed world-
instruments and systems to meet your company's wide acclaim and stand for the highest efficiency.
individual requirements. Today, more than 35,000 of these analyzers have
been installed throughout the world – in almost
And with a distribution network covering over every industry.
40 countries, ABB's know-how is available to you –
2007 ACX, complete systems
2005 EasyLine EL3000
Naturally, after any purchase after-sales services are
2003 AO2000 series, the integrated analyzer system
just as important to you, as they are to us. That's why 2002 ACF-NT, with FTIR technology
we offer you a broad spectrum of specialized ser- EL6010 analyzers for hazardous areas
vices, such as: continuous maintenance, analyzer 2001 EasyLine analyzers, high-quality measuring
system modifications and troubleshooting etc. technology for simple applications
1999 Limas11, unique UV/IR photometer
We'll be pleased to put together an individual service
1998 ABB acquires Hartmann & Braun
package for you.
1996 Advance Optima,
the first modular analyzer system
ABB is your partner: From consulting to project 1988 Uras10,
planning, from system installation to after-sales with calibration cells which replaced test gas cylinders
service. 1986 Magnos 6/7, Caldos 5/7,
digital microprocessors replace analog electronics
1980 Radas* UV analyzer, new measurement methods for
Tradition and innovation gas analyzers
More than 75 years of experience in the develop- 1970 Fidas** flame ionization detector
ment and production of analyzers as well as regular 1950 Uras, Magnos and Limas capture the market
1938 CO-, CO2 analyzer
contacts with our customers are the basis for our
1929 First CO2-analyzer for combustion,
innovative solutions, which have always been the basis for the subsequent Caldos
market leader. Under the brand name "Hartmann & 1901 Foundation of Hartmann & Braun AG
Braun", our products for the continuous measurement * today Limas11UV ** today MultiFID14
of processing gases have gained an outstanding

ABB continuously optimizes its products, therefore the

technical data in this document is subject to change.

Printed in the Fed. Rep. of Germany (10.2007)

© ABB 2007

ABB Automation GmbH

50/24-01 EN 10.07

Stierstädter Str. 5
60488 Frankfurt

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