Tac77 08
Tac77 08
Tac77 08
HlC flTTfl~
TACRP 127-1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material in this magazine are nondirective in nature. All suggestions and recom -
mendations are intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and incidents does
not identify the persons. places, or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform
Code of Military Justice . Names, dates, and places used in conjunction with accident stories are fictitious . Air Force units are en -
couraged to republish the material contained herein ; however, contents are not for public release . Written permission must be
obtained from HQ TAC before material may be republished by other than Department of Defense organizations .
Contributions of articles. photos, and items of interest from personnel in the field are encouraged, as are comments and
criticism . We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability . Direct communication is authorized with : The
Editor, TAC ATIACK, HQ TAC / SEPP, Langley AFB , VA 23665 . Autovon 432-2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
of Angle of Attack
tives / regulations and other operational standards
is absolutely essential to preserve allowed train-
ing environs. Occasional deviations in judgment
and relaxed discipline have cost many aircrew Colonel, USAF
members their lives and the taxpayer combat air-
George M. Sauls, Colonel, USAF Chief of Safety
It may be a long walk By Maj Larry E. Carrigan, USAF Armed Forces Staff College Norfolk, VA
Afew years ago. I stepped off a C- 1 41 that that fact before . You have never read about the
had just arrived at Clark Air Force Base in the gross evasion mistakes made in the jungle of
Philippines. It was approximately 4 PM. and it Vietnam by the POWs . They are al l good guys.
appeared that everyone on the humid ramp was right? They all parachuted into the middle of
happy all over. It was a good. yet unnerving. angry villagers and were taken directly to HAO
feeling facing the real world for the first time in LO (The Hilton) where they were put in leg irons
a group of years . POW life had been a real bum - and tortured. right? Wrong -- many of us made
mer. all 5 years and 7 months of it. dumb evasion mistakes! We don't like to admit
Time passed -- and many of my friends put our mistakes. but perhaps if told . those same
down on paper their thoughts that ended up in mistakes can be avoided in the future . Read on
books; books on their POW experience . What gang -- there 's not going to be a test.
emerges is an image of a group of men that After being hit at 12.000 feet MSL and 550
were stubbornly equal to the worst that could True . my aircraft (F-4C) caught on f ire. and what
happen to them . It was a grim TOY gang . please seemed like immediately. the aircraft was out of
don't miss the point. but a nagging concern control . The alternative to ejection was unthink -
continues to haunt me. In many cases. the POW able. so 1 pulled the lower. hand le. Unhurt. I
tour could have been avoided. descended into the pungent jungle of North
I don't know if you have ever been exposed to Vietnam . Unfortunately. I on ly spent three and
4 AUGUST 1977
one-half days evading the Vietnamese (V) regu- territory. A POW camp appeared to be a better
lars. militia . and villagers 45 miles northwest of option than dying in a SEA jungle.
Hanoi prior to my capture . But I learned a lot Why did they lose hope in the SAR effort?
about evasion during that short time. First. many of the men lost th.eir survival radios .
Having been through the survival school at mirrors. flares . compasses . and other equipment
Stead. water survival at Langley. and the jungle in the dense jungle . Without a method of
school in the Philippines prior to my first contacting the SAR aircraft. they were forced to
combat sortie . I felt that I was as prepared as walk out on their own . and that sobering
anyone for the worst survival situation. I wasn 't! thought became a mental catastrophe .
I wasn 't mentally prepared at all to walk out of
the Red River Delta back into the safety of Thai-
land .
Our survival schools spend an enormous
amount of time teaching two general axioms
which apply to all evasion situations -- at all
times. One of these axioms is that. "The will to
survive is paramount to the downed airman."
This is not a frivolous statement. It's true, and at
the same time. it is a statement that can lead
directly to your capture and it should be fully
understood .
I spent a lot of time talking to the men in
Hanoi about their evasion experiences. and
some of the unbelievable hardships they
endured were astonishing . Although they never
lost their will to survive. many lost their will to
evade. Your will to survive is an intangible per-
sonal strength which cannot be taught. but what
about your will to evade? Read the next para-
graph carefully. keeping in mind that many of
the POWs were not seriously injured at the time
of their capture .
~-Maj larry E. Carrigan is this
~month's Fleagle T-shirt winner.
it may be less in the jungle environment. The downed
aircrews that had bought their survival knives
a long walk
How could they lose all that equipment? It was
from the indigenous folks that lived in the jun -
gles of the Philippines. Nam. and Thailand were
completely satisfied . Their knives were not only
easy. For instance. once desperate for water. I durable . they were efficient. The point is. buy
stopped to cut out the cellulose core from the yourself a survival knife from the local folks in
innards of a bamboo tree which was full of pota- your area of combat soon after your arrival.
ble water . Having trouble holding a slippery The rubber knapsack in your seat kit is the
hand ax in my attempt to cut the tree down . I same type we used in SEA and it tore along the
took off my right flight glove and tossed it on zipper on numerous evasion efforts because of
the green foliage of the jungle floor . After· abuse . I promise. due to the nature of your prob -
quenching my thirst. I looked for my glove which lem. you will abuse yours too . A knapsack will
couldn't have been more than 10 feet away . be your most important piece of equipment.
Thirty minutes later. mentally cursing myself and third only to your radio and knife on any lengthy
what seemed like a million bloodsucking mos- evasion trek. So buy yourself a durable one. and
quitoes. I took out a piece of parachute shroud wear it on all of your sorties.
line that I had saved and tied every item of Even though Red Flag is being conducted in a
remaining equipment to my survival vest. G-suit. desert environment . the survival instructors
or knapsack. I never lost another piece of gear . haven 't found an item yet that doesn 't apply to
This is really an important point for you to re- almost any . geographical area. In SEA. crews
member ; TIE every piece of equipment to spent a good deal of time directly concerned
something you are wearing . over equipment they carried because they knew
Second. there were few SAFE AREAS in North their turn on the ground could be ne xt. We
Vietnam . I'll never forget how the intel officers aren 't dropping iron in anger today. but you
almost apologized (and the aircrews smiled) as should be prepared to E and E as if we were --
they daily briefed Thud Ridge as a safe area . TODAY.
Located NW of the city of Hanoi . the mountain This brings us to the second all-important eva-
range rose to 5.218 feet and was topped by a sion axiom : "Training. foreknowledge of what to
Vietnamese lookout tower. Later. during my eva - expect and what to do. and preparation before a
sion . my doubts about this safe area were con - combat mission are the most critical elements
firmed . Hiding on the ridge. I found myself sur- towards a successful evasion. .. What you know
rounded by what must have been 25.000 V liv- and what you do before you ever climb into the
ing in huts -- men. women. and children were cockpit of your iron horse can determine your
everywhere . Two days later .. . It's no wonder rescue. or loss. in an evasion situation as much
then that not a single individual was ever res- as what you do after your bailout. Remember
cued from that infamous safe area . We have got that SAR forces are there to help you. not to
to be realistic with our aircrews and not pass on rescue you in spite of yourself .
a false hope. 'Nuf said . I wonder how many of you fighter jocks have
I have been following the Red Flag ~AR ever seriously thought about how difficult an
reports in the Service mags and have been evasion effort is? I suspect that most do not
disappointed that the accompanying photos think about evasion at all after a survival school
often show an individual without his G- suit on . experience . unless you get "bagged " at Nell is.
Keep yours. and wear it at all times during your It's important that you think about it now .
evasion . .It will save you the wretched misery of Studies have shown that most aircrews that
minor cuts and is an outstanding piece of flota- were shot down . were downed within their first
tion gear . Other photos depict survivors without 10 combat sorties . Assuming that you w ill fly
their survival gear tied down and as I mentioned four to five sorties per week. that gives you a
above that is a gross mistake . You should also cool 2 weeks to prepare for the worst situation .
be aware of the absolute necessity of obtaining and that is simply not sufficient time .
a survival knife . In addition to the orange switch - Survival schools emphasize the possibility that
blade which everyone carried in their chutes . I the downed aircrew may not be picked up im-
had the PE guys sew a naval survival knife onto mediately by a SAR force . From that departure
my G-suit. It looked good . but proved to be use- point. things get progressively better . Eventually.
6 AUGUST 1977
the Jolly Green arrives , and the last scene is one
neat party at the O'Ciub . Super, huh?
Well north of the Red River there was a big
league war going on with no SAR effort to speak
of . Since SAR recovery was unlikely to occur,
evasion was the only recourse . The attitude of
the typical aircrew was that " If I'm downed
north of the Red , I'll see you after the war ." In
fact many had put their hands in the air in de-
spair before they ever launched from home
plate . Why should they think otherwise ? Just
look at their predicament if downed north of the
Red River:
a. No SAR .
b. No real safe area . the best poss ible course for the successful ac-
complishment of your evasion effort
c . Two and one-half million Vietnamese living I understand that E and E is not a pleasant
on the banks of the Red River that had to subject and never will be except in the comfort
be crossed . of our O'Ciub bars . Unfortunately, the results of
d . Radio contact to be maintained with strike Red Flag exercises continue to reflect that at-
flights if a SAR effort was to be initiated titude by too many of our aircrews , both young
after crossing the river . and old . Anyone of the following errors that
could cost you years in a "Hilton " are con-
It really wasn 't a very pleasant thought; so the tinually observed by the survival instructors at
fighter wings made light of the subje ct in their Nellis .
jokes , songs, and party suit patches . There was a. Survivors continue to leave an obvious trail
no recourse north of the Red , or so it seemed . departing the the landing site .
However, I will suggest that avoiding the enemy, b. Survivors continue to reflect a lack of
c rossing the Red , and a successful evas ion detailed knowledge concerning helicopter
could have been effectively accomplished by pick- up devices .
utilizing successfully the following four factors : c. Survivors lack familiarity with appropriate
a . Knowledge of your survival equipment signaling devices .
(know exactly what is in your kit and how to d. Surv1vors generally Indicate that they would
use it) and evasion techniques . You need to bury their parachute and excess gear at the
know how to obtain water and food . You landing site, or carry the equipment with
also need to know details about the country them for disposal along the E and E route .
in which you are evading . Know the daily The list goes on and on . The same mistakes
habits of its people , e.g ., the V took a 2 - that were made in Nam , Korea , World War II,
hour nap every afternoon, and this was an etc ., are being made today. What is really sad is,
excellent time to travel. you have the information in your squadrons that
b. Common Sense to control your responses w ill help you avoid being captured . Get in the
to the evasion situation . books and never forget- - your best and perhaps
c. Imagination to outwit the enemy by being your only chance for evasion will be immediately
unpredi ctable . after you're shot down. Good luck, think evasion ,
d . Resourcefulness to recognize and use mo- and I'll see you at the O'Ciub .
ments of opportunity. For those of you that are still reading and
Add to these factors a realization that perhaps insist that because of your cool, your in-
the only way to your home base could be telligence, your gunnery scores , or your good
through your own attitude , physical ability, looks that you will never get shot down in
patience, and courage . Armed with these ca - combat I have one last piece of wisdom.
pabilities prior to your initial launch in a combat Discard all of the above and memorize the
environment you will have placed yourself on following chart:
it may be a long walk !
The POW tap code was based on th is chart.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 A B c D E Thus
2 F G H I J (K) D IS 1-4
3 L M N 0 p u .IS 4-5
4 Q R s T u M IS 3-2
5 v w X y z B IS 1-2
Good luck and 1"11 see you at -- well --
maybe Clark. __-::..
.. ·
··- . . ..
. ·.· . ..• .
..... .
.. ·.
8 AUGUST 1977
, , interest items,
tac tips with morals,
for the
TAC a1rcrewman
America and defeat cannot be made to rhyme.
Eric A. Johnston
how cum ?•
DID you ever see a bird have an accident?
Some birds make pretty weird landings. That's
gear-up landing DESIGN ERROR .
Birds get smashed by hail, thunderstorms, etc.,
The aircraft from another command was en but that's WEATHER FACTOR .
route to its home base after an "out and back" A bird with a broken wing can't fly, but that
mission . Destination weathe r was estimated 500 has to be MAINTENANCE FAILURE.
feet ove rcast and one-half mi le visibility. And of course the mother bird may push the
Th e mission had proceeded normally until on youngster out of the nest too soon . Call that
GCA final when the IP turned off the Guard SUPERVISORY ERROR .
receiver due to excessive transmissions on What I mean is the plain, old garden variety
Guard channel. At approximate ly 1 .5 NM. th e BIRD ERROR accident . Like a bird fails to pay at-
aircraft began drifting to the right of centerline tention to what he's doing and flies right into a
due to a wind shea r. There had been no GCA tree trunk. Or he gets so engrossed looking at
traffic prior to this aircraft to ale rt the controller something that he quits flapping his wings and
to the possibility of a shear . and although nu- goes crashing to the ground.
merous heading corrections to the left were Why is it then that this lowly creature, who
issued . the aircraft continued to drift right . At can 't read , can 't reason, and can't benefit from
the one-mile point. the controlle r directed a other bird's experience, and who knows only
missed-approach stating . "too far right for safe what instinct and his mama taught him, goes
approach." The crew confirmed the deviation by through life without having an accident?
cross-checking the localizer indications and vis- And why is it that we thinking, reasoning, su-
ually noting strobe lights to their left. The IP. perior, intelligent human critters do?
who was flying the aircraft. initiated the missed-
approach by advancing the throttles to milita ry. Courtesy U.S. Army Aviation Digest
retracting the speed brake. and retracting the
gear . At this point. he observed the runway and
decided to land. Power was retarded. speed
brake extended. and the aircraft landed -- sans
wheels .
The lessons learned from this mishap are ob-
vious -- once you decide to execute a missed-
approach. carry the procedure thr ough to com-
pletion. It's a lot easier to go around and make
another approach than to try and taxi with the
wheels in the well. Why me .. ?
TAC Aircrew of Distinction
locked pOsition by looping a strap or similar rear baggage companment door and leaned out
device over the trailing edge of the main gear to secure the cord as far back as possible on the
strut. They experimented with their idea by plac- right main gear strut. This was necessary to ob-
ittO an 0-2A aircraft on jacks. When convinced it tain maximum mechanical advantage from the
would work. they relayed details of the sugges- copilot's seat. Captain Stephens then returned to
tion to the airborne crew. the front seat and was able to pull the main gear
Major Schmidt and Captain Stephens quickly into the full forward position. Since positive down
located and removed an intercom cord installed lock indications were not available, the front en-
for a third seat occupant. Major Schmidt gine was shut down on short final, and the air-
performed a controllability check to determine the craft recovered uneventfully on a foamed runway.
minimum safe airspeed while Captain Stephens The superior airmanshap, ingenuity, and
carefully adjusted the cord length to prevent acci- professional competence demonstrated by Major
dental rear propeller /cord entanglement. Captain Schmidt and Captains Stephens, Benger, and
Stephens then secured one end inside the co- Dwyer evened an aircraft accident and possible
pilot's window and released the other end into injury to personnel. Their actions quaHfy them as
the airstream. With Major Schmidt maintaining Tactical Air Command Aircrew of Distinction.
minimum airspeed. Captain Stephens opened the ~
Fly out, eject, or die
By Maj Robert W. Coburn quickly lost. If you don't fly near the full ca-
Chief, Flight Safety Div pability of your aircraft. you are that much less
HQ PACAF able to use it when the need arises . Also. budg-
etary restraint has limited sortie availability and
this cannot help but cause a partial loss of flying
proficiency for each crewmember. especially
As long as we want to be the best fighter new ones .
force in the world. we will walk a fine line The same factors reduce our ability to recog-
between effectiveness and disaster . When you nize these situations as they develop . Therefore.
fly into a marginal situation at high speed . low the question arises: How well will you handle a
to the ground. or in proximity to other aircraft . situation which you can't practice; aren't trained
you're faced with three options : fly out; eject; or for; and may not recognize until you are well
die . into it? If you haven't done your homework.
Trying to get the most out of each mission is statistics indicate that you will handle it poorly.
the lure that hooks us into these situations . Through accident and incident reports . the Air
Don't get me wrong: with reduced flight time Force provides you with daily results of how
and rationed sorties. it is important to maximize other aircrewmembers handled these situations.
training because our ultimate job hasn't so you can go to school on their errors . But
changed. However. last year 21 USAF Tactical knowing the results and statistics isn 't enough .
Air Forces' {TAF) aircraft were lost by pilots who You must put some of your time and effort to
flew into marginal situations . An additional 22 understanding and using the information pro-
aircraft were lost due to materiel failure and un- vided by analyzing those situations you are likely
known causes . Of the aircrewmembers involved to encounter . Remember. situation analysis is
in these marginal situations . 31 d1ed -- while the only approved way to approach prohibited
only 22 ejected in time to survive . The TAF maneuvers or go beyond Air Force or command
figures thus far in 1977 look better; but ADC. limits. I'm not recommending armchair analysis
ATC . and SAC have had fatal accidents in two-- to prove you 're smarter than the other guy. I am
place aircraft which indicate that the loss of recommending actual . real-world understanding
equipment and people to marginal situations is which will : { 1) help you recognize a marginal
continuing . situation earlier (possibly avoiding it entirely) ;
A point to consider here is the possibility that and {2) shorten the time you need to decide
the number of encounters with marginal situa- what recovery to use. initiate that maneuver with
tions -- and subsequently the loss rate -- may minimum delay. or eject before the situation has
increase. deteriorated completely.
The definition of a marginal situation is chang- You don't need to spend your time analyzing
ing. Command restrictions have enlarged the every situation you hear about. With the exten-
area where we do not fly frequently. Without sive amount of material you are responsible for .
practice. familiarity with lower minimums. de- this would rapidly lead to an overload of your
livery parameters. and recovery procedures i_s available time . But there are situations which
a flying recovery or a fully deployed parachute
fly out, above ground level? If you run into figures you
can't resolve or have trouble believing, fly the
situation profile next time you're in the simulator
and get some personal experience. This way you
eject, or DIE can duplicate aircraft malfunctions, too.
The guidelines used here apply more closely
to air-to-mud problems, but similar ones can
pilots seem to encounter frequently, as indicated easily be drawn for air-to-air, takeoff, landing,
by accidents, incidents, articles, and other war instrument approach, inflight refueling, low
stories. Choose the ones that apply based on level, or any other marginal situation you're
your mission. aircraft, home base climate, and likely to encounter. The goal is for you to be
additional specifics. An obvious situation for air- more aware of the hazardous areas and avoid
to-ground aircrews to analyze would be pop-ups them if possible. But if you do encounter a
combined with target fixation. Abort criteria marginal situation, you will be well armed to
were specifically stated by the TAF to preclude make a quick, logical assessment and a correct
the recurrence of the accidents last summer. decision.
Once you have decided on the situation, get
the whole story: flight parameters. aircraft
malfunctions, pilot actions, and results. in
analyzing a war story situation. talk to other
members of the flight if possible: your analysis
is only as good as the inputs you start with.
Keep in mind this analysis of marginal situations
is for one purpose. to provide you with the op-
tions of flying out or ejecting -- not dying.
Start your analysis with your aircraft perform,
ance data. Get the G available to the aircraft
accident/incident crew Look at the energy-
maneuverability charts and see if the G available
could be maintained. See if the recovery charts
would indicate possible recovery. How much
farther could the crew have gone before
recovery would have been impossible? When
you find this point, you have a reference for
deciding: fly out or eject.
Next, look at the capability of your egress
system. You're drawing a line between ejecting
and dying now. so you ought to be quite
interested in an accurate figure. This process
will also make you a believer in the 10.000 feet
and 2.000 feet AGL ejection figures. Very few of
us would like to bet on the possibility of getting
a fully deployed parachute at one foot AGL. This
reference line is also the only decision point of
importance when your aircraft has failed and a
flying recovery is not possible. Too obvious a ajor Robert W. Coburn (MPS Western
decision? This year, two crewmembers rode a T- entucky University) is Chief. Flight Safety Di-
38A in from 10.000 feet with the left aileron un- krision, HO PACAF, Hickam AFB, Hawaii. His
controllable due to materiel failure. ervice experience includes fighter assignments
When ydu have the two decision points firmly PACAF. TAC, and USAFE, with two combat
fixed in your mind, talk to other pilots; and com- urs in SEA.
pare your data with their decision points. Do
some have themselves programmed too low for
14 AUGUST 1977
The greatest storm on Earth
18 AUGUST 1977
Throughout the world they bear names given
locally: Baquio in the Philippines; Cyclone in the
Indian Ocean; Typhoon in the western Pacific. In
the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific. their name
By SMSgt David E. Masters
is HURRICANE -- the greatest storm on earth .
5th Weather Wing Climatologist
Scientists do not have a full understand ing of
Langley AFB, VA
the triggering mechanism involved in hurricane
generation. It is believed that most storms begin
with a starter mechanism in which either
internal or external force intensifies the in itial
disturbance. setting up a vertical circulation
from a vantage point in space. they look like which becomes an organized hurricane . In the
small, flat spirals drifting on the sea -- gentle lower few thousand feet of a mature hurricane.
eddies in the endless flowing of the planet's at- air flows in through the cyclone and is whipped
mosphere. But where their drift takes them upward through ascending col umns of air near
across shipping lanes and islands or the coasts the center. Somewhere above 40.000 feet the
of continents. their passage is noted by counterclockwise flow is replaced by clockwise
destroyed property and death . They are tropical circulation . This forms an enormous , high
children spawned by the ocean and atmosphere. altitude pump which is the life sustain i ng
Their power comes from the ocean's heat and exhaust system of the hurricane heat engine .
they are driven by the easterly trades and The strong winds associated with hurricanes
temperate westerlies. the high planetary winds. are produced by marked differences in at-
and their own fierce energy. In their cloudy arms mospheric pressure and density. W ith the ex-
and around their tranquil core. winds blow with ception of the pressure change across the nar-
lethal velocity, and the ocean develops an row funnel of the tornado, the pressure-grad ient
inundating surge . As they move toward land . -- rate of pressure change across a distance --
tornadoes come down from the advancing wall produced in hurricanes is the most severe in the
of thunderstorms . atmosphere .
the greatest storm on earth
hurricane Camille in 1969 .
Because hurricanes are influenced by many
unpredictable and unknown forces. hurricane
forecasts have inherent errors. To compensate
for erratic storm behavior. the Hurricane Warn-
ing Service must "overwarn" to some extent.
This means that when a high probability exists
that a hurricane will strike a general area within
a given interval of time. the threatened area is
warned . Sometimes the entire area covered by a
hurricane warning is not touched by the storm.
Judicious overwarning is a way of ensuring that
sudden accelerations or deviations of the hur-
ricane will not catch people unaware . As with
automobile insurance. it is easier to absorb the
economic loss of precautionary measures than
the destruction of an accident. What the public
should remember -- and what it frequently
forgets -- is that in the business of hurricane
warning. there are no false alarms . The threat is
real when a warning is issued .
During the hurricane season. June through
November. you may hear some of the various
warnings and advisories put out by the Weather
Bureau or the Hurricane Warning Service. These
If you are not in the local area (TOY. etc .). J. Rags. mops . pans . and buckets .
your dependents should contact your unit's First k. Games. books. and toys for children .
Sergeant. Disaster Preparedness Officer or Com-
mander for assistance in coping with hurricane In the event of a hurricane. you will probably
conditions . For those personnel residing in on- have several hours of advance notice of its ar-
base dormitories. essential services will be pro- rival. Because of this .the loss of your life . or the
vided by the base Civil Engineers . Unless your lives of your loved ones is unwarranted . But it's
duties dictate otherwise . everyone should up to you -- stay calm. stay informed . and use
remain indoors during a hurricane and monitor your head . Above all . don 't take chances . If you
the local TV and radio stations for the latest in - follow these commonsense rules . you ' ll be
formation on the storm 's progress and possible around when the hurr icane is over to talk about
evacuation measures . In the early stages of a the " greatest sto~m on earth ." _;:;>-
Flying with "mary jane"
"magi" Jane"
"The effects of marijuana upon human performance is an area of major
concern. No place is the concern more critical than in complex man-
machine systems, such as those found in aviation, where even the slightest
degradation in either flying or maintenance performance can result
in catastrophic losses -
flying with "mary jane"
required to continua lly manipulate the controls
to maintain the desired attitude . These flight
profiles were carefully chosen to demand a high
level of flying skill to correctly complete the se-
24 AUGUST 1977
In actual flight situations. instructions come Regardless of the pros and cons . we know
sequentially from an air traffic control specialist that alcohol is a dangerous drug physically.
and must be accurately noted and repeated (i .e .. psychologically or socially for millions of people
read back) by the pilot . whose drinking is out of control. that it is a fac-
Unfortunately. there has been little research tor in one-half of all highway accidents . and that
into the effects of marijuana intoxication on it has also been a factor in numerous aircraft
personnel performing specific jobs such as air- accidents . And. based on the limited research
craft maintenance. air traffic control . or other presently available. there is no firm evidence
support duties. However . the effects of that " pot" would be less harmful i.f used as
marijuana upon human performance. particu- consistently as alcohol.
larly those tasks requiring a high level of skill . Although marijuana is not a narcotic and does
memory. interpretation. awareness. and judg- not appear to cause physical dependence such
ment. have been well documented . Based on as heroin or other hard narcotics . users of
this research and on the detrimental effects of marijuana are more frequent abusers of other
marijuana intoxication on the performance of stronger drugs . This may be sociological . but
aviators. it is logical to assume that job perform- the relationship does exist.
ance of all aviation -related personnel would be
affected . P nalties Severe
Needle, ball and Godspeed
26 AUGUST 1977
After experiencing several, practicing many, way to visualize the aircraft's turning perform-
and administering dozens of partial panel ap- ance is to picture the turn needle as a rep-
proaches as an IP. can propose several tech-
I resentative of your control stick -- needle left.
niques and procedures that might be useful. your stick is left. etc., while keeping the ball
Naturally, there are no 'approved solutions." but centered with rudder. (We 0-2 drivers visualize
these can be used as starting points for tailoring the turn needle as a representation of our stick
procedures to individual aircraft. if we had a stick.) When level, keep crosscheck-
First, get to know your turn needle. AFM 51-37 ing the magnetic compass. You'll find that, after
shows three kinds of turn and slip indicators: a few times, the partial-panel approach is almost
two minute: four minute: and, the integrated as easy as a full-panel approach -- and probably
AC/I/turn and slip. Regardless of what you call as smooth.
it. if it has "dog houses" on each side of the In TAC, fortunately. we have a mission in
center index, putting the needle under the dog- which the approach and landing merely
house results in a standard rate turn. If there constitute the termination of a sortie on which
are no doghouses, one-needle width gives a combat training was conducted. Of necessity.
standard rate turn. In any aircraft and at any instrument approaches and training take a back
speed, a standard rate .turn is 3 degrees per seat to mission training, as well they should.
second, or a 180 degree turn in one minute. But, sooner or later, you just might find yourself
Only the angle of bank required changes. The in the weather when your primary attitude
next time you fly. get a good idea of how much systems go "Tango -Uniform." It could be that
bank gives you a standard rate turn at approach the ole needle-ball-airspeed trick is the deciding
airspeeds factor in your uneventful recovery. -a.
Likewise, devote a few seconds to your
"Whiskey" compass. There's nothing mysterious
about making turns on it -- if you just remember
that it's probably lying. Actually, you have to re-
member to add your latitude to the roll-out lead
point when turning north, and subtract the
latitude when turning to the south. Put more
simply. if you use a 5 degree lead point and you
are CONUS-based (approximately 30 degrees
north latitude), roll out about 35 degrees prior
to your desired heading when turning north and
roll out about 25 degrees past your desired
heading when turning south. There are no ap-
preciable errors when turning east or west.
Okay, now it's time to put this information to
practice. Some VFR day, on a practice GCA,
cover up the attitude indicator. A line-up card
with a piece of masking tape works well, and it
can be rapidly removed. After you've gotten the
hang of it, cover the heading indicator also. Now
go through the procedures you've established
for your aircraft.
Generally, the first thing you want to do when
you have attitude indicator problems is select
your alternate attitude source/gyro power. -=31
Verify which instruments have failed, using your Captain George E. Nolly (M.S.., University of Southern
altimeter, VVI, turn and slip indicator and mag- California) is Assistant Chief of Training for the 549th
netic compass. Advise Approach Contro, you re- Tactical Air Support Training Squadron, Patrick Air Force
quire a no-gyro approach (be sure to tell them Base, Florida. His flying exper:ence has included F-4, B-52
when it's a practice approach). Now, make all and -T-39 aircraft, in addition to his current assignment as an
0-2A Instructor Pilot. During two combat tours he logged
turns prior to GCA final at a standard rate, and 200 missions in both the 0-2A and the F-4.
all turns on final at a half-standard rate. An easy
Emergency Situation Training
·- -~ .... .. ..... .. _....,:.,
··- - ...
' ·~ .
'. ... _
. ·--- ·.. .,
.... __ _
,..,_ .. ~- .. '.
·--. ·-·
:- ... . . '-
- .. ' .
: - -- ~ .
You're leading a three-ship of F-4Es on a A. Treat the problem as an Equipment Cooling
ground attack mission. Everything is going well. Turbine Failure .
and you expect to win a few quarters from the B. Reduce airspeed . wait 1 5 seconds and
bets on the bomb scores. On the pull-off from a push the reset button. If the light remains on .
30-degree dive bomb pass. as the nose of the remain at reduced airspeed and RTB .
aircraft is coming through the horizon . you hear C. Tell your WSO to put out his cigar .
a loud "whooshing " noise (similar to the sound D. Reduce airspeed. wait 1 5 seconds and
of rushing air) emanating from outboard and push the reset button . If the light remains on .
forward of the throttle quadrant. As you roll remam at reduced airspeed and reduced power
wings-level on downwind at 6.000 feet AGL. setting and treat it as a possible bleed air duct
light gray smoke begins to fill the cockpit. You failure .
and your WSO calmly select 1 00 percent E. Treat the problem as an electrical fire.
oxygen and check the circuit breakers -- they're
all in . The smoke becomes more intense and DISCUSSION :
very dark in color. and the MASTER CAUTION
and RADAR-CNI COOL OFF lights illuminate . It is always possible that Option C will
Whatcha gonna do now. Bunky? eliminate the smoke and fumes in the cockpit.
Unfortunately, today you are flying with a WSO
who doesn't smoke.
Option A won't hack it either . True. the usual
cause of a RADAR-CNI COOL OFF light. when it
cannot be reset. is a refrigeration turbine failure
or seizure. In such a case. however. the failure
or seizure is usually accompanied by loud. un-
mistakable screeching sounds . These sounds
were not evident in this situation .
Option E is a distinct possibility and most
jocks instinctively think of an electrical fire when
they get smoke in the cockpit. But let's do a little
analysis of this situation. An electrical fire is
usually accompanied by neat little things. such
as circuit breakers popping out -- as well as the
smoke and the fumes. Additionally. because the
RADAR-CNI COOL OFF light has illuminated. we
can assume that if there is an electrical fire or
short. it is in the area of the equipment re-
frigeration package. This area does not contain
large wire bundles -- only low amperage wiring
protected by 5 ampere circuit breakers (Circuit
Breaker Panel 3. A-6 and B-6). It is unlikely that
the arcing required to cause such dense smoke
would not be interrupted by tripping the circuit floor of the F-4 has a Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
breakers . coated. insulated blanket which is adhesively
Option B is close. but "no cigar. " OK. that bonded to the cockpit floor pressurization
leaves Option D. Why? Thought you'd never ask. bulkhead and is separated from the bleed air
The RADAR-CNI COOL OFF light is an indication duct only by a .032 " aluminum alloy which
that an overtemperature condition exists in the rapidly transmits heat. PVC begins to give off
equipment cooling package . A temperature light gray smoke at approximately 580°F. As it
limiter senses air temperature at the exit from continues to deteriorate due to heat. it begins to
the equipment package to the radar compart- give off dark smoke -- exactly like the situation
ment. If the temperature exceeds 150°F. the described.
limiter shuts the system down and actuates the Naturally. you are not expected to know what
warning lights. As was previously stated . the the floor of your aircraft is made up of and at
usual reason for this occurring is a failure of the what temperature it begins to melt and/or give
equipment cooling turbine which results in an off smoke . The important thing to know. and it's
overtemperature condition within the equipment the key. is that if you get a RADAR-CNI COOL
cooling duct. Another source for an OFF light which will not reset and it is accom-
overtemperature condition is the bleed air duct panied by smoke and fumes . your problem is
which runs beside the equipment cooling duct. most likely a bleed air duct failure -- not an
Bleed air temperature within this duct is variable electrical fire .
and depends upon airspeed. power setting , The obvious question at this point is. " If what
pressure altitude and outside air temperature . At you say is true. why isn't the information in the
military power. 6.000 feet pressure altitude. 235 Dash One?" Well friends and neighbors. the in-
knots CAS. and on a standard day (59°F at sea formation will be in the next revision of the F-4
level). the temperature of the bleed air is ap- Flight Manual. The Radar-CNI COOL OFF light.
proximately 730°F -- hot enough to melt the sili - when accompanied by smoke and fumes in the
cone seals around the cooling duct and allow cockpit. will be listed along w ith all those other
hot air to enter it and trip the temperature indications of possible bleed air duct failure . Oh
limiter; or. to short the switch which is located -- this can happen to you . In fact. TAC lost one
just forward of the bl eed air duct. The cockpit . F-4 E earlie r in the year to this same problem .
This F-86 "Sabre" jet pilot served with the 4th Tactical Fighter-Interceptor
Wing in Korea during 19 53
In our June contest, we really tried to stump coveted "Fleagle Fanny Feather of Fate Award,"
everyone. Everyone at Fleagle's Roost thought no decorated with one of Fleag's own tail feathers.
one would be able to recognize the mystery RAF This month, we bring you the photo of another
Spitfire pilot. Then came the deluge -- over 150 fighter pilot from the past -- can you "Place the
entries and only three incorrect responses! Good Face"? Send your responses to:
The winner of the contest was Sergeant John Langley AFB VA 23665
K. Faircloth, Administrative Specialist, 33d
Tactical Fighter Wing, Eglin Air Force Base, P.S. We're running low on vintage photos and
Florida. He correctly identified our fighter pilot as need your help. If you have any vintage photos of
General Robert J. Dixon, Commander, Tactical well-known folks around TAC and would like to
Air Command. Sergeant Faircloth will receive the see them in print, send them to us.
30 AUGUST 1977
thru JUNE
thru JUNE
thru JUNE
,CLASS A MISHAPS 13 I 18 2 6 0 1
RATE. 15
NO OF ACOTS 0 3 1 0 1 0 IIII
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