Unit 5

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Unit 5 Name:____________________________ Mark: ___/70

1 Listen and complete the sentences. 6 What happened to Ben while he was
working in Peru?
How long have they had a photography club
at the school?
7 How many books has Ben written?
The e had a photograph club at school
for five years.
1 Why did they have to change the room?
From Taransay to the South Pole
Ben Fogle is a famous TV presenter in the UK,
2 What does Miss Dean teach?
but he has done many exciting and interesting
things in his life. He became famous in the year
3 What did Jack Parker take a photo of? 2000 when he was in a reality TV show called
___________________________________ Castaway. He was part of a group of people
4 What did they use this photograph for? who lived alone on a remote Scottish island
___________________________________ called Taransay for a year. There were thirty-
5 Who will give some advice later on in the six people and they had to build their own
houses and grow their own food. Since then he
has presented a lot of TV programmes about
nature and animals including Animal Park, Wild
6 When will there be organized trips? in Africa, and Extreme Dreams. These
___________________________________ programmes have taken him all over the world.
7 When will there be a competition? He has also made documentaries about the
___________________________________ British explorer Captain Scott, Prince William
and crocodiles in Botswana.
_____ 14
Ben loves exploring and he has done some
2 Read the text and answer the questions. very difficult and dangerous expeditions. In
2005/6 he rowed across the Atlantic with
Why did Ben Fogle become famous in
Olympic rowing champion James Cracknell.
2000? They were in a small boat and they had many
He took part in a reality programme. accidents during the journey. Then in 2009 he
1 What did the people have to do on the island skied across Antarctica in a race to the South
of Taransay? Pole. One of the people in his team was his old
___________________________________ rowing partner James Cracknell. This journey
2 What kind of TV programmes has Ben ook 18 da . The didn in. The No egian
team beat them but it was a great achievement
o com le e he jo ne . Ben nea l didn go
on this last trip. While he was working in Peru
3 Which two people has Ben made he became very ill and nearly died. But he
documentaries about? recovered and immediately started training for
___________________________________ the Antarctic race. He has written five books
4 Which ocean did Ben row across with about his adventures and his life and he writes
a regular column for a British newspaper. The
James Cracknell?
only question remains. What will Ben do next?
5 How long did it take for Ben to ski to the _____ 14
South Pole?

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

3 Write the past participle of the verbs. 5 Complete the sentences. Use the present
fly flown ___________ perfect or past simple form of the verbs in
1 eat _______________________
2 ride _______________________ Maria and Jacky rode an elephant when

3 write _______________________ they went to India. [ride]

4 do _______________________ 1 Look! Dad ________________ an

5 climb _______________________ enormous fish! [catch]

6 go _______________________ 2 They ________________ the new James

7 swim _______________________ Bond film last week. [see]

3 I ________________ a birthday card from
_____ 7
my sister. [just / have]
4 Write complete sentences or questions with 4 Elsie ________________ her homework.
the present perfect. Put the word in brackets She ai ing fo Dad o hel he . [no do]
in the correct place. 5 Carla ________________ me to her
your friends / fly / in a plane? (ever) Halloween party last year. [invite]
Have your friends ever flown in a plane? 6 My cousins ________________ in a plane,
1 Michael / win / a competition. (never) they went on a boat. [not fly]
___________________________________ 7 Guess what! Our school _______________
___________________________________ the tennis competition! [win]
2 we / finish / our homework. (just) _____ 7
___________________________________ 6 Choose the correct words.
3 Jake / play / tennis for the school. (never) The e an em crisp packet / bottle top
___________________________________ on the floor.
1 Can I fill my foil tray / plastic bottle with
water, please?
4 Lizzie / climb / a mountain? (ever)
2 There a akea a i a in he cardboard
___________________________________ box / polystyrene cup on the table.
___________________________________ 3 Plea e don che food packaging /
5 Linda and Bridget / cook / dinner for their chewing gum in class.
parents. (just) 4 Don o ho ing in a plastic bottle /
___________________________________ plastic bag.
5 This is a metal bottle top / cardboard box.
6 There are a lot of old sweet wrappers /
6 they / be / in hospital? (ever)
cardboard boxes in your schoolbag.
___________________________________ 7 We always put empty paper tissues /
___________________________________ drinks cans in the recycling bin.
7 George / sleep / in a caravan. (never)
_____ 7

_____ 7

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

7 Complete the words.

Do a b u n g e e jump 1 Fly in a b _ _ l _ _ _

2 Ride a h _ _ s _ 3 Drive a r _ c _ _ _ c__

4 Climb a m _ u _ _ _ _ n 5 Sleep in a t _ _ t

6 Swim with d _ _ p _ _ n_ 7 See a gh _ _ _

_____ 7

8 Correct the mistake(s) in the sentences.

Josh Have ever you travelled to another country? Have you ever travelled to another country? ___
Ellie (1) Yes, I been to Spain and France. ____________________________________
Josh (2) How have you travelled? ____________________________________
Ellie (3) We go by plane to Spain and we take the
train to France. ____________________________________
Josh (4) Did you went on the Eurostar from London? ____________________________________
Ellie (5) Yes, we did. It has been great. ____________________________________
Josh (6) I e flo n ne e in a lane. ____________________________________
Ellie (7) I f n, and ai o i e ci ing lace . ____________________________________

_____ 7

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

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