CDW Test 1questions and Answers
CDW Test 1questions and Answers
CDW Test 1questions and Answers
Signs - correct answer a consequence or an indicator of something specific, which cannot be changes by
arbitrary action or labels (wet streets are a sign of rain)
symbols - correct answer Arbitrary representation of ideas, objects, people, relationships, cultures,
genders, races, and so forth
Three Different Models of Communication - correct answer 1) Action - The act of sending messages
whether or not they are received
3) Transaction - The construction of shared meanings or understandings between two (or more)
Communication as Representation - correct answer Describes facts or conveys information (contrast with
Communication as Presentation - correct answer One person's particular version of, or "take" on, the
facts or events (contrast with representation)
Framing - correct answer Basic forms of knowledge that provide a definition of a scenario, either
because both people agree on the nature of the situation or because the cultural assumptions built into
the interaction and the previous relational context of talk give them a clue
Communication Frame - correct answer A boundary around a conversation that pulls one's attention
toward certain things and away from others
Historiography - correct answer The study of the persuasive effect of writing history in particular ways
and the reasons why particular reports and analyses are offered by specific authors
Three Approaches to the Study of Communication - correct answer 1) Social Scientific - Views the world
as objective, casual, and predictable; researchers using this approach primarily seek to describe
communication activity and to discover connections between phenomena or casual patterns
2) Interpretivist - Views communication as creative, uncertain, and unpredictable, and thus rejects the
idea that a single reality exists or can be discovered; researchers using this approach primarily seek to
understand and describe communication experience.
3) Critical- Seeks to identify the hidden but formidable symbolic structures and practices that create or
uphold disadvantage, inequity, or oppression of some groups in favor of others.
Social Desirability - correct answer Research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to
answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others
Perceptual Process - correct answer sequence of psychological steps that a person uses to organize and
interpret information from the outside world.
Perceptual Process(3) - correct answer 1) Selection - Driven by internal and external factors.
2) Organization - Once we have selected some sort of information from the outside world, the choice
sets off a series of reactions in our brain. Which is then transmitted into neural activity, where we then
construct a mental representation of the stimulus or information.
3) Interpretation - After our brains have received and organized the information, we interpret it in a way
that makes sense using our existing about the world
Selective Exposure - correct answer The idea that you are more likely to expose yourself to that which
supports your values and attitudes, that you will be more likely to pick up on activities that support your
views of the world, and that you will pay less attention to those that do not
Foot-In-The-Door Technique - correct answer Sequential method of persuasion that involves making a
small request and then following up with a second, larger request
Cognitive Dissonance - correct answer People prefer their actions to be consistent with their attitudes,
beliefs, and values, because inconsistency elicits negative feelings; explains foot-in-the-door technique
How Identity is Created - correct answer Developed by a person's uniqueness, represented by
descriptions, a self-concept, inner thoughts, and performances, that is symbolized in interactions with
other people and presented for their assessment and moral evaluation
Symbolic Interactionism - correct answer How broad social forces affect or even transact an individual
persons view of who he or she is
Altercasting - correct answer How language can impose a certain identity on people, and how language
can support or reject the identity of another person
Onion Model - correct answer Sees identity as analogous to an onion where deeper and deeper layers of
more intimate information about a person are found beneath previous layers. This model assumes that
we have a Core Self, but we do not.
Relational Dialectics - correct answer The study of contradictions in relationships, how they are played
out and how they are managed
Johari Window - correct answer A communication model that is used to improve understanding between
individuals, the word "Johari" is taken from names of Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham who developed the
model in 1955
Johari Window(4) - correct answer 1)Open Area- This quadrant represents the things that you know
about yourself, and the things that others know about you. This includes your behavior, knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and "public" history.
2) Blind Area- This quadrant represents things about you that you aren't aware of, but that are known by
3) Hidden Area- This quadrant represents things that you know about yourself, but that others don't
4) Unknown Area- This last quadrant represents things that are unknown by you, and are unknown by
Performative Self - correct answer A self that is a creative performance based on the social demands and
norms of a given situation
Face Work - correct answer The management of peoples dignity or self-respect, known as "face"
Self Concept/Self Perception - correct answer Explains foot-in-the-door technique; people come to
understand their attitudes, beliefs, and values through their actions
Social Comparison Theory - correct answer States that we determine our own social and personal worth
based on how we stack up against others
Reflective Appraisal - correct answer term used in psychology to describe a person's perception of how
others see and evaluate him or her