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Statics of Rigid Bodies 5.

Compute I y for the region shown, given that x = Strength of Materials

25.86 mm.
1. In the figure shown, the moment of a certain 1. The corners of the square plate are given the
force F is 180 kN-m clockwise about O and 90 kN- displacements indicated. Determine the shear
m counterclockwise about B. If its moment about strain along the edges of the plate at A and B.
A is zero, determine the force.

2. The homogeneous 40-kg bar ABC is held in

position by a horizontal rope attached to end C.
2. The aluminum block has a rectangular cross
Neglecting friction, determine the tension in the Dynamics of Rigid Bodies section and is subjected to an axial compressive
force of 8 kip. If the 1.5-in. side changed its length
1. If a car travels at 15 m/s and the track is banked
to 1.500132 in., determine the Poisson’s ratio and
5 degrees, what is the smallest radius it can
the new length of the 2-in. side. Eal= 10(10)3 ksi
travel so that friction will not be necessary to
resist sliding?
2. A body starting from point A is given an
acceleration which uniformly increase from zero
3. The cable attached to the eyebolt in the figure is at A to 1.8 m/s^2 at B in 4 seconds. The initial
pulled with the force F of magnitude 500 lb. velocity at A is 3 m/s. Find the distance travelled
Determine the rectangular representation of this at the end of 4 seconds. 3. The acrylic plastic rod is 200 mm long and 15 mm
force. 3. A block weighing W sits on a level surface. One in diameter. If an axial load of 300 N is applied to
end of the surface is raised until the block begins it, determine the change in its length and the
to slide down the ramp at a constant velocity. change in its diameter. Ep=2.70 GPa vp = 0.4
What is the coefficient of friction between the
block and the incline plane?
4. A 0.04 kg bullet is fired from a rifle that is
clamped to a trolley. The combined weight of the
rifle and trolley is 10 kg. after firing, the velocity
4. The weights and lengths of the two of the trolley is known to be V A=1.5 m/s to the 4. What minimum force (kN) is required to punch a
homogeneous beams that make up the structure left. Determine the muzzle velocity (velocity of 20-mm-diameter hole in a plate that is 25mm
are shown in the figure. Determine the the bullet relative to the barrel of the rifle). thick? The shear strength of the plate is 360 MPa.
magnitude of the pin reaction at B. 5. A projectile is fired from the edge of a 150-m cliff Factor of Safety = 2.
with an initial velocity of 180 m/s at an angle of
30 degrees with the horizontal. Neglect air 5. A steel propeller shaft is to transmit 4.5 MW at 3
resistance. Determine the greatest elevation Hz without exceeding a shearing stress of 50 MPa
above the ground reached by the projectile. or twisting through more than 1 degree in a
length of 26 diameters. Compute the proper
diameter if G = 83 GPa.
Environmental Engineering of specific gravity 1.2, what is the minimum The annual maximum series of flood magnitudes in a river
velocity required for removing the sewerage? is assumed to follow a log-normal distribution with a mean
1. A waste is being discharged into a river that has a 3. An inverted siphon composed of three pipes is to of 6000 m3/s and a standard deviation of 4000 m3/s.
temperature of 100C. What fraction of the be used to convey wastewater from a city of total
maximum oxygen consumption has occurred in population 225000 inhabitants at side of a river 4. What is the probability in each year that a flood
four days if the BOD rate constant determined in to the other side. The water consumption is 120 magnitude would exceed 7000 m3/s?
the laboratory under standard conditions is 0.115 L/c/d. The invert level of the upstream manhole 5. Determine the flood magnitude with a return
d-1 (base e)? is + 98 m above the sea level. The length of each period of 100 years.
2. A drinking water treatment plant uses a circular of the three pipes is 300 m. The peak factor = 2.5
sedimentation basin to treat 3.0 MGD of river Hydrology
and minimum flow factor = 0.40. Consider
water. (MGD stands for million gallons per day Manning coefficient = 0.013. Find the average 1. A 25 g/l solution of a flourescent tracer was
and is a common U.S. measure of flow rate used flow in m3 /s. discharged into a stream at a constant rate of 10
for water and wastewater treatment 1.0 MGD = cm3/s. The background concentration of the dye
0.0438 m3/s. After storms occur upstream, the 4. If the over land flow from the critical point to the in the stream water was found to be zero. At a
river often carries 0.010 mm silt particles with an drain is 8 km and the difference in level is 12.4 m, downstream section sufficiently far away, the dye
average density of 2.2 g/cm3, and the silt must be what is the inlet time? was found to reach an equilibrium concentration
removed before the water can be used. The of 5 parts per billion. Estimate the stream
plant’s clarifier is 3.5 m deep and 21 m in 5. Compute the fire demand for a city of 200000 discharge.
diameter. The water is 15°C. a. What is the population by using Kuchling’s formula. 2. A 30 cm diameter well completely penetrates a
hydraulic detention time of the clarifier? confined aquifer of permeability 45 m/day. The
For items 3 to 5: length of the strainer is 20 m. Under steady state
Water Resource Engineering
of pumping, the drawdown at the well was found
The town of State College discharges 17,360 m 3/d of 1. Determine the average discharge from a to be 3.0 m and the radius of influence was 300
treated wastewater into the Bald Eagle Creek. The treated reservoir required to generate 4700 MWh of m. Calculate the discharge.
wastewater has a BOD5 of 12 mg/L and a k of 0.12 d-1 at energy at the hydropower plant for a month (30 3. Design the bottom diameter of a dug well in fine
200C. Bald Eagle Creek has a flow rate of 0.43 m 3/s and an days). The average head is 95 ft and the overall sand region to obtain 10 liters/s of yield under a
ultimate BOD of 5.0 mg/L. The DO of the river is 6.5 mg/L efficiency is 0.85. What is the storage draft, that depression head of 2.5 m. The value of Ks =
and the DO of the wastewater is 1.0 mg/L. The stream is, the volume of water that must be released, Specific capacity per unit area may be taken as
temperature is 100C and the wastewater temperature is assuming this is a critical drawdown period for 0.6 h-1.
100C. the reservoir?
For items 4 to 5:
2. The exceedance series of 30-min duration rainfall
3. Compute the DO after mixing
values has a mean of 1.09 in and standard At a certain point in an unconfined aquifer of 3 km2 area,
4. Compute for the initial ultimate BOD after
deviation of 0.343 in. Determine the 100-year the water table was at an elevation of 102.00 m. Due to
30-min duration rainfall value using the Gumbel natural recharge in a wet season, its level rose to 103.20 m.
5. Given that the saturation value of dissolved
(extreme value type I) distribution with the A volume of 1.5 Mm3 of water was then pumped out of
oxygen is 11.33 mg/L, calculate the initial deficit
frequency factor method. the aquifer causing the water table to reach a level of
of the Bald Eagle Creek after mixing with the
3. The R.L. of ground water table on the sides of a 101.20 m. Assuming the water table in the entire aquifer to
wastewater from the town of State College.’
valley is 1505 m whereas R.L. of the stream respond in a similar way,
Sanitary Engineering water is 1475 m. If 60° slope consists of pervious
soil between R.L. 1485 m to 1500 m, what is the 4. Estimate the specific yield of the aquifer.
1. If the daily water consumption of a city is 24000 gravity spring that may be expected at the point 5. Estimate the volume of recharge during the wet
cum, what is the peak hourly demand of the of reduced level? season.
maximum day of course?
2. A sewer pipe contains 1 mm of sand particles of For items 4 to 5:
specific gravity 2.65 and 5-mm organic particles

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