Statement-14123739 TRANSFEREE JasonBrettWatson

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Transferee Statement

Duties Form ID: 14123739

Settlement Statement Code: 510066

Transferee 1 details
Full name
Jason Brett Watson
Date of birth
05 May 1972
Address at time of transfer
Unit 19 1034 Nepean Hwy, MORNINGTON VIC 3931
Address for future correspondence
9 Phillip Ct, HASTINGS VIC 3915
Mobile number
0421 776 924
Foreign natural person Are you a foreign natural person?
Nationality/citizenship Country of tax residence
Trust Are you acting on behalf of a trust?
Interest held What is your interest held after the transfer?
1 of 2 shares

Other Transferee(s)
Transferee 2 Full name
Susan Mary Rae

Transferor 1 Full name
Mr Bryan John Hale

Property details
What is the total interest in the property/parcel being transferred?
Property 1 What is the property type?
Residential - private dwelling
Property address
9 Phillip Ct, HASTINGS VIC 3915
Is this a new home, established home or vacant land ?
Established home
Market value/Consideration
Land identifier(s)
Volume: 8376 Folio: 281
Is the property eligible for the duty exemption or concession for a new home, with a dutiable value of up to
$1 million, located in the City of Melbourne local government area or within the Capital City Zone?

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Transaction details
Duty is calculated on the dutiable value of a property. This dutiable value includes penalty interest
resulting from a late settlement or a failed/rescheduled settlement. If the agreement or arrangement
entered into on or after 1 July 2022 involves penalty interest, you must notify us by email within 30
days of settlement. Please visit our website for more information.
Are the transferor(s) and transferee(s) related or associated?
Does the transfer involve a contract?
What is the contract date?
20 Apr 2023
When is settlement due to occur under the
19 Jul 2023
When is the intended transfer date?
19 Jul 2023
Was there an option granted or other arrangement entered into in respect to the transfer?

Consideration and value

What is the monetary consideration (if any) for the transfer of the property (including any goods
$ 682000
Deposit Paid
% $ 68200
Was any non-monetary consideration given for the property?
Does the total market value of the property (including any goods transferred) differ from the monetary
consideration paid?

Does the consideration amount stated in the contract include any amount for GST?
Does the transferor make a taxable supply under the contract for the purposes of GST?
Please explain why there is no taxable supply
sale of existing residential premises

Sale of business/goods
Is there a sale of business?
Is there a related sale of goods to one of the transferees or to any other person, that forms substantially
one arrangement with the sale of the property declared above?

Water rights
Is there a sale of water rights?

Additional arrangements
Are there any other transfers of land which form substantially one arrangement with this transaction?


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Are you applying for a concession or exemption or relief in relation to this transaction?
Do you intend to occupy the property as your principal place of residence (PPR)?
PPR Transferee & Property Transferee Property intended for PPR Date of occupancy
Jason Brett Watson 9 Phillip Ct, HASTINGS VIC 19 Jul 2023
Concession/exemption/relief 1 Concession/exemption/relief type
Principal place of residence concession
Jason Brett Watson
Property address
9 Phillip Ct, HASTINGS VIC 3915
Land identifier
Volume: 8376 Folio: 281
Market value / consideration
Establishment Type
Established home
Do you commit to moving into the home within 12 months of settlement and living in it as your principal
place of residence for at least a year?
You must notify the Commissioner of State Revenue in writing within 30 days of becoming aware of any
circumstance that may result in the above residence requirement not being complied with.
Concession/exemption/relief 2 Concession/exemption/relief type
Pensioner concession
Jason Brett Watson
Property address
9 Phillip Ct, HASTINGS VIC 3915
Land identifier
Volume: 8376 Folio: 281
Market value / consideration
Establishment Type
Established home
I/we confirm I/we have never received a pensioner exemption/concession in Victoria?
I am the holder of a
Disability Support Pension
Card CRN (found on the front of your concession card)
Does the transferee name on this form differ from the card holder name?

Off-the-plan/house and land/refurbishment sales

Is the sale subject to an off-the-plan concession?

Sub-sale, nomination and options

Is the transferee(s) the same party as the purchaser(s) named in the contract or agreement?
Was there any change to the transfer rights the purchasers had under the contract or agreement?
Parallel Arrangement Was there a parallel arrangement (building contract) or other arrangement associated with this property?

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Land Development In relation to the property, did any land development (including construction of a building or refurbishment)
occur between the contract date and the transfer date?
Additional Consideration Was there additional consideration paid/payable in relation to this property including any consideration for
the parallel arrangement?
Options Was there an option granted in relation to this property?

I acknowledge that the information provided on this form, and in any attached documents, is complete and
correct. I understand that giving false or misleading information and/or omitting information is an offence
and I may be liable to statutory penalties.

Signed in the capacity of transferee

Name: Jason Brett Watson

Signature Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Attorney (if under Power of Attorney)

Signed for Jason Brett Watson by their attorney,

appointed by Jason Brett Watson under general non-enduring power of attorney/enduring power of
attorney made on _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Signature Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Electronic Submission
The Electronic Submission Statements (Victoria) Act 2000 establishes the regulatory
framework for transactions to be completed electronically. By ticking the box you indicate
your approval of the contents of this electronic communication.

This information is collected by the SRO for the general administration of land transfer duty, including the
calculation of any duty that may be payable on the transfer of dutiable property. If you do not provide the
information required, we may not be able to process this transaction. The information collected may be
used for the purposes of other legislation administered by the SRO. Where authorised by law to do so,
we may also disclose this information to other government agencies including the ATO for the purpose of
the Third Party Reporting requirements, State and Territory revenue offices, and law enforcement
agencies. You can find out more about how we use and protect your information in our Privacy Policy on

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