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307 (November 4, 1987)

"Establishing the Occupational Safety and Health Center in the Employees'
Compensation Commission" attached agency of the Department of Labor and

What Is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

Occupational safety and health is a discipline with a broad scope involving
three major fields –Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Industrial

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Occupational safety deals with
understanding the causes of accidents
at work and ways to prevent unsafe act
and unsafe conditions in any
workplace. Safety at work discusses
concepts on good housekeeping,
proper materials handling and storage,
machine safety, electrical safety, fire
prevention and control, safety
inspection, and accident investigation.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Occupational health is a broad
concept which explains how the
different hazards and risks at work
may cause an illness and emphasizes
that health programs are essential in
controlling work-related and/or
occupational diseases.

Industrial hygiene discusses the

identification, evaluation, and control
of physical, chemical, biologic and
ergonomic hazards.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

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XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
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• 65% deaths worldwide occurred in Asia (2015 report)

• Most work-related deaths and non-fatal accidents occur in low- and middle-
income countries of the region.

• “Every 15 seconds, 180 workers have a work-related accident. Every 15

seconds, a worker dies from a work- related accident or disease.”

• It was estimated that more than 7,500 people die every day; 1,000 from
occupational accidents and 6,500 from work-related diseases – more than
2.7 million deaths per year

• Over 374 million accidents occur on the job annually

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Hazard – a source or situation with a potential to cause harm in terms of
injury, ill health, damage to property, damage to the environment or a
combination of these.

Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous

event with specified period or in specified circumstances and the severity
of injury or damage to the health of people, property, environment, or
any combination of these caused by the event.

Hazard control – the process of implementing measures to reduce the

risk associate with a hazard.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Hierarchy of control – the established priority order for the types of
measures to be used to control risks.

Hazard identification – the identification of undesired events that lead

to the materialization of the hazard and the mechanism by which those
undesired events could occur.

Risk assessment – the process of evaluating the risks to safety and

health arising from hazards at work.

Risk management – the total procedure associated with identifying a

hazard, assessing the risk, putting in place control measures, and
reviewing the outcomes.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Likelihood is an event likely to occur within the specific period or
in specified circumstances

Severity is outcome from an event such as severity of injury or

health of people, or damage to property, or insult to environment,
or any combination of those caused by the event.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Accident is an undesired event often caused by unsafe acts or unsafe
conditions that results in physical harm to persons, damage to
property, or business interruption.

Injury is one of the many possible outcomes of an accident and is the

most prominent consequence. It is tallied and used as a measure of
safety effort, safety failure, or safety success.

Near-miss incidents are also known as close-call incidents, close

shaves, and warnings or near hits. Other terms are close calls, or in the
case of moving objects, near collisions. Near-miss incidents have also
sometimes been termed near hits.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
What are the Fatal Four?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration identifies four leading

causes of deaths in construction: falls, struck by an object, electrocutions
and caught in or caught between.

Falls. These account for 36.5% of construction deaths. They include falls off
ladders, roofs and scaffolding because of unprotected areas, improperly
constructed working spaces or failure to use safety equipment and

Struck by an object. 10% of construction fatalities happen because of

swinging, falling or misplaced objects. Sometimes an equipment malfunction
causes the object to fall. Other times it’s rigging failures, loose materials or
because a vehicle struck something.
XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
What are the Fatal Four?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration identifies four leading

causes of deaths in construction: falls, struck by an object, electrocutions
and caught in or caught between.

Electrocution. At 8.6%, electrocution causes fewer deaths than being struck

by an object but can happen in various ways. An exposed wire, poorly
maintained extension cords and wet conditions around electrical equipment
are just some of the electrical hazards workers face in the field.

Caught in or caught between. About 2.5% of all construction fatalities

happen in this manner. Getting caught in between machines, rotating
equipment, or collapsing structures can all lead to serious injury or death.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises
1. Red - Fire Protection. To call
attention to fire protection equipment
apparatus and facilities.

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in Building
2. Green - Safety. Designating “safety”

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Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises

3. White - Traffic. White, black, or a combination of these are the

basic colors for the designation of traffic and housekeeping
marking. Solid white, solid black, single-color stripping or
alternate stripes of black and white.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises
4. Yellow - Caution. To designate caution and for marking
physical hazards, such as striking against, stumbling, falling,
tripping, and “caught in between”.

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises
5. Orange - Alert. To designate dangerous parts of machines or
energized equipment which may cut, crush, shock or otherwise
injure, and to emphasize such hazards when enclosure doors
are open or when gear, belt or other guards around moving
equipment is open or removed, exposing unguarded hazards.

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises
6. Blue - Precaution. To designate caution, limited to warning
against starting, use of, or the movement of equipment which is
under repair or being worked upon.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in
Building Premises
7. Purple - Radiation. To designate hazards. Yellow is used in
combination with purple for markers, such as tags, labels,
signs and floor markers.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

1.Falls from Heights

a. Temporary structures

b. Excavation

c. Roof

d. Moving vehicle and equipment

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
2. Excavation and Trench Work
a. Cave-in
b. Falling of persons, materials
and equipment
c. Asphyxiation

3. Construction Machineries and Equipment

a. Power tools
b. Woodworking machines
c. Heavy machines

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
4. Cranes and Elevators 5. Electrical Accidents
a. Overloading a. Electrical Shock and Burns
b. Lifting and carrying of loads
c. Erection and dismantling

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Incidence Rate (IR) – refers
to cases of occupational
injuries with workdays lost per
1,000 workers.
• Average Workdays Lost
– refer to workdays lost for
every case of occupational
injury resulting to temporary

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Exposure is the total number of hours worked by all
employees in each establishment including employees of
operating production, maintenance, transportation,
electrical, administrative, sales and other departments.

• Disabling injuries - work injuries, which result in death,

permanent total disability, permanent partial disability
or temporary total disability.

• Non-disabling injuries (Medical Treatment) - injuries

which do not result into disabling injuries but required first
aid or medical attention of any kind.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Occupational accident – this is an
unexpected and unplanned occurrence,
including acts of violence arising out of or
in connection with work which resulted in
one or more workers incurring an injury,
personal disease or death. It may have
occurred outside the usual workplace/
premises of the establishment while the
worker was on business on behalf of
his/her employer, i.e., in another
establishment or while on travel, transport
or in road traffic.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Occupational injury – this is the case of an injury that
resulted from a work-related event or a single
instantaneous exposure in the work environment.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Temporary incapacity – this is a case where an
injured person was absent from work for at least
one day, excluding the day of the accident, and
1. was able to perform again the normal duties of
the job or position occupied at the time of the
occupational accident or
2. will be able to perform the same job but his/her
total absence from work is expected not to exceed
a year starting the day after the accident, or
3. did not return to the same job but the reason for
changing the job is not related to his/her inability
to perform duties and responsibilities.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Permanent Incapacity - case where an injured person was
absent from work for at least one day, excluding the day of
the accident, and
1. was never able to perform again the normal duties of the
job or position occupied at the time of the occupational
accident, or
2. will be able to perform the same job but his/her total
absence from work is expected to exceed a year starting the
day after the accident.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Fatal case - case where a
person is fatally injured as a
result of occupational
accident whether death
occurs immediately after the
accident or within the same
reference year as the

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Stable Rock Vertical 90 Degrees
Type A ¾:1 53 Degrees
Type B 1:1 45 Degrees
Type C 1½:1 34 Degrees

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

• Stable rock means

natural solid
mineral matter that
can be excavated
with vertical sides
and remain intact
while exposed

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

• Stable rock means

natural solid
mineral matter that
can be excavated
with vertical sides
and remain intact
while exposed

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
•Men working in trenches shall
wear goggles & hard hats as
protection against falling

•Excavated materials shall be

stored and retained at least 1.0
meter from the edge of the
excavation and at a distance to
prevent excessive loading on the
face of the excavation.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
•Boulders or other
materials such that may
slide /roll into the
excavation shall be
removed or made safe.

•Do not stockpile materials

or store equipment nears
the edge of excavation,
excessive loading on the
face of excavation will tend
to collapse.
XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
•Special attention shall be given to side
slopes, which may be adversely affected
by weather, moisture content or

• The sides of excavations 4.0 ft. or 1.22

meter or more in depth unless in rock,
hard shale, or sand and gravel shall
either be sloped to the angle of repose
or be supported by sheeting, shoring,
or other support systems.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Where it is necessary to
undercut the side of an
excavation, overhanging
material shall be safely

• Pick & shovel men working in

excavation/trenches shall
keep a sufficient distance
apart so they cannot injure
each other.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Where excavations are to be made
below adjacent foundations of
structures, such foundations shall
be supported by adequate shoring,
bracing underpinning or other
supports shall be inspected daily
and after every rainstorm or other
hazards increase occurrence by a
competent person.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Ground water shall be controlled.
Diversion ditches dikes or other
suitable means shall be constructed
and used to prevent surface water
from entering an excavation/trenches.
• Where pedestrian and vehicular traffic
is to be maintained over or adjacent
to excavations, proper safeguards
should be provided, such as
walkways, bridges, guardrails,
barricades, warning flags or lights.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• If it is necessary to operate power
shovels, trucks, materials or heavy
objects on a level above and near
an excavation, the sides of
excavation shall be sheet piled,
shored and braced as necessary
to resist the extra super imposed

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Excavating or hoisting equipment shall
not be allowed to raise, lower or
swing loads over people in the
excavation without substantial
overhead protection.
• When mobile equipment is utilized or
allowed adjacent to excavations,
substantial stop logs, warning signs,
or barricades shall be installed.

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Don’t work too close to the
cliff/edge of the excavation. Avoid
rework due to cave in.
• When starting the machine to
move forward and backward,
sound the horn or give signals to
ensure safety.

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
During Break Times - Workmen shall never
stand or take rest on high banks of soft material
where there is danger of a cave-in.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Excavations over 1.0 meter deep
should be by ramps, ladders and
stairways. Workmen should not jump
into the trench and shall not use the
bracing as a stairway.

• Ladders used as access-ways shall

extend from the bottom of the trench
to not less than 3.0 ft. or 91.44 cm
above the surface. Lateral travel to an
exit ladder shall not exceed 25.0 ft. or
7.62 meters.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Guardrails, fences or other barricades
and warning lights or other
illuminations maintained from sunset
to sundown shall be placed at all
Rule 1410 Construction Safety
Rule 1413 Excavation
• No tools, materials or debris should be left
in walkways, ramps, or near the edge of
excavations. Such material might be
knocked off or cause a worker to lose his

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
• Check the atmosphere condition before
entry. Do not work alone in confined
space. Provide lifeline. Provide ventilation
or blower before entering the confined
spaces. Emergency rescue equipment
such as breathing apparatus, safety
harnesses and line and basket stretcher
shall be readily available where adverse
atmospheric conditions are suspected or
may develop in excavations.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
1. Fall from edge of work level 2. Fall into a floor opening

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

• Fall from scaffolds, stairs, ladders or ramps

• Fall from moving vehicles and equipment

• Fall towards a work surface

• Fall against an object

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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1. Surface protection against slipping and
tripping hazard

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
a. Guardrail



toeboard 1m height

vertical post must not

be more than 2m apart

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
a. Guardrail

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
b. Warning Barrier

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
b. Warning Barrier

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
b. Warning Barrier

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Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
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2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
c. Handrail

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2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
d. Ladder Cage

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2. Edge protection using fixed barriers
d. Ladder Cage

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3. Surface Opening Protection – Guardrails/Floor Coverings

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4. Travel Restraint System





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5. Fall Arrest System





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6. Fall Containment Systems – Safety Net

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6. Fall Containment Systems – Safety Net

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6. Fall Containment Systems – Safety Net

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6. Fall Containment Systems –Safety Mesh

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XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Four simple steps: Don’t: Do:
▪ Use the right ladder for ▪ Overreach ▪ Move the ladder
the job from a ladder
▪ Use the top ▪ Get a taller
▪ Inspect the ladder two rungs ladder
▪ Move a ladder
▪ Set-up the ladder properly while on it ▪ Get down and
move the ladder
▪ Follow rules for climbing ▪ Climb with
and using ladders material ▪ Use a toolbelt
▪ Share a ladder ▪ Get a 2nd ladder

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Always: Always:
▪ Maintain three points of ▪ Make sure ladder has non-skid
contact with the ladder at all pads
times ▪ Ensure spreaders are fully
▪ Maintain the center line of extended and locked
your body between the ladder’s ▪ Test pullies, springs, rung locks
vertical support rails while and ropes on extension ladders
working ▪ Store ladders on their side or
▪ Check bottom of shoes and secure with a chain or cable when
ladder rungs for grease and stored in an upright position

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Extension Ladders:
▪ A minimum of 36 inches overlap is

▪ Must be secured at the top

▪ Must have a clear area where the
feet of the ladder will be positioned

▪ Must have area secured with cones

or barrier tape, or have an attendant

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Follow the 4:1 rule when using extension ladders

4:1 Rule

5 ft.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Series of 1998
“Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction

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Review and Training Solutions
a) “Accredited organization” means any organization duly accredited
by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) delegated or
authorized to perform functions related to improvement of occupational
safety and health in the form of training, testing, certification, safety and
health auditing or any other similar activity.

b) “Certified first-aider” means any person trained and duly certified

or qualified to administer first-aid by the Philippine National Red Cross
or by any organization accredited by the same.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
c) “Construction project manager/consultant” means a person or
entity who is hired by the project owner, to act in the owner’s behalf
concerning supervision and monitoring of all matters related to the
overall execution of a construction project. The construction project
manager shall be a separate entity from the general constructor or
any subcontractor of the construction project.

d) “Construction safety and health committee” means the general

safety and health committee for a construction project site that shall
be the overall coordinator in implementing OSH programs.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
e) “Construction safety and health officer” means any
employee/worker trained and, in addition to their regular duties and
responsibilities, tasked by his employer to implement occupational
safety and health programs in accordance with the provisions of the
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).

g) “Construction safety signage” refers to any, but not limited to,

emergency or danger sign, warning sign or safety instruction, of
standard colors and sizes in accordance with the specifications for
standard colors of signs for safety instructions and warnings in
building premises as described in Table II of the OSHS.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
h) “Constructor” is deemed synonymous with the term “builder”. It
refers to any person or organization who undertakes or offers to
undertake or purports to have the capacity to undertake or submits a
bid to, or does himself or by or through others, construct, alter, repair,
add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building,
highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, project,
development or improvement, or to do any part thereof, including the
erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in connection
therewith. The term constructor includes subcontractor and specialty

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
i) “Emergency health provider” means any person or organization who
is certified or recognized by the
Department of Health and who can provide the same or equivalent
emergency health services as an emergency hospital, including
emergency treatment of workers on site, emergency transport and care
during transport of injured workers to the nearest hospital, with
adequate personnel, supplies and facilities for the complete immediate
treatment of injuries or illnesses.

j) “General constructor” means a constructor who has general

supervision over other constructors in the execution of the project and
who directly receives instructions from the owner or construction
project manager (if one is appointed by the owner).

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
k) “General safety and health inspection” refers to inspection of the
work environment, including the location and operation of machinery
other than those covered by technical safety inspections, adequacy of
work space, ventilation, lighting, conditions of work environment,
handling, storage or work procedures, protection facilities and other
safety and health hazards in the workplace.

l) “Heavy equipment” refers to any machine with engine or electric

motor as prime mover used either for lifting, excavating, leveling, drilling,
compacting, transporting, and breaking works in the construction site,
such as but not limited to crane, bulldozer, backhoe, grader, road
compactor, prime mover and trailer, with minimum operating weight and
horsepower rating of 1,000 KG and 10 HP, respectively.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
m) “Imminent danger” means a condition or practice that could
reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm
before abatement under the normal enforcement procedures can be

n) “Occupational health personnel” refers to a qualified first-aider,

nurse, dentist, or physician, engaged by the employer to provide
occupational health services in the establishment/undertaking.

o) “Project manager” means the overall technical personnel of the

general contractor and/or the subcontractor in charge of the actual
execution of a construction project.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
p) “Resident engineer” means a duly licensed engineer who shall be
tasked to be present at the construction site at all times, whenever work
is being undertaken, and shall have the responsibility of assuring the
technical conformance of all designs, materials, processes, work
procedures rendered for the execution of the construction project,
including safety and health of all persons within the construction site.

q) “Safety and health audit” refers to a regular and critical examination

of project sites, safety programs, records and management performance
on program standards on safety and health.

r) “Safety and health committee” means a group tasked with the

authority to monitor, inspect, and investigate all aspects of the
construction project pertaining to health and safety of construction
XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
s) “Safety organization” means any organization recognized and
accredited by the DOLE to conduct occupational safety and health
training and/or safety and health audit.

t) “Safety personnel” refers to any person engaged by any constructor,

trained, accredited by DOLE and tasked to provide occupational safety
and health services for the workers/employees in any construction

u) “Skills standards” refers to the written specification of the minimum

stock knowledge and skills a worker should possess to perform the
functions identified in the job description of his occupation.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
v) “Technical safety inspection” refers to inspection for the purpose
of safety determination of boilers, pressure vessels, internal
combustion engines, electrical installations, elevators, hoisting
equipment and other mechanical equipment.

w) “Trade test” refers to an instrument used to measure workers’

skills and knowledge based on the requirements of the skills.

x) “Treatment Room” refers to any enclosed area or room equipped

with the necessary medical facilities and supplies, and located within
the premises of the establishment where workers maybe brought for
examination and treatment of their injuries or illnesses in cases of

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
y) “Toolbox meeting or gang meeting” refers to daily meeting
among workers and their respective supervisors for the purpose of
instruction, discussion and proper briefing on the planned work, the
assessment of past work, the possibility or actual occurrence of
accidents at the site, tips and suggestions on how to prevent possible
accidents and other related matters.

z) “Unguarded surface” refers to any working surface above water or

ground, temporary or
permanent floor platform, scaffold construction or wherever workers
are exposed to the possibility of falls hazardous to life or limb.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Series of 1998
“Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the
Construction Industry”

Section 8. Emergency Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
8.1 The construction project owner or his duly authorized
representative shall provide competent emergency health personnel
within the worksite duly complemented by adequate medical
supplies, equipment and facilities, based on the total number of
workers in the site as indicated below:

a) The services of a certified first-aider when the total number of

workers is fifty (50) or less;

b) The services of a full-time registered nurse when the total

number of workers exceeds fifty (50) but not more than two
hundred (200);

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
c) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a part-time
physician and a dentist, and an emergency clinic when the total
number of workers exceeds two hundred (200) but not more than
three hundred (300); and

d) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a full-time

physician, a dentist and an infirmary or emergency hospital with
one (1) bed capacity when the number of employees exceed three
hundred (300). In addition, there should be one (1) bed capacity for
every one hundred (100) employees in excess of three hundred (300).

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
Series of 1998
“Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the
Construction Industry”

Section 9. Construction Safety Signages

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
9.1 The signages include but are not limited to:

a) Mandatory requirement on the usage of personal protective

equipment prior to entry to the project site.

b) Areas where there are potential risks of falling objects.

c) Areas where there are potential risks of falling.

d) Areas where explosives and flammable substances are used or


e) Areas where there are tripping or slipping hazards.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
f) Approaches to working areas where danger from toxic or irritant airborne
contaminants/substances may exist which should indicate the name of the
contaminant/substance involved and the type of respiratory equipment to be

g) All places where contact with or proximity to electrical/facility equipment

can cause danger.

h) All places where workers may come in contact with dangerous moving
parts of machineries or equipment.

i) Location of fire alarms and firefighting equipment.

j) Instructions on the usage of specific construction equipment.

k) Periodic updating of man-hours lost.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(As Amended, 1989)

The Occupational Safety and Health Standards was formulated in 1978 in

compliance with the constitutional mandate to safeguard the worker’s
social and economic well-being as well as his physical safety and health.
Adopted through the tested democratic machinery of tripartism, the 1978
Standards is considered as a landmark in Philippine labor and social

By virtue of the powers vested in the Department of Labor and

Employment under Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, this
Occupational Safety and Health Standards is hereby promulgated for the
guidance and compliance of all concerned. This body of standards rules
and regulations shall hereafter be referred to as “Standards”.
XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido
Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(1) “Employer” includes any person acting directly or indirectly in
the interest of an employer, in
relation to an employee, and shall include government-owned or
controlled corporations
and institutions, as well as non-profit private institutions or

(2) “Employee” shall mean any person hired, permitted, or suffered to

work by an employer.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(3) “Industrial Enterprise” shall mean any workplace, permanent or
temporary, including any
building or collection of buildings, shed, structure, yard or any other
place, where permanently or temporarily one or more persons are
employed in any manufacturing of goods or products processing and
any other activity similar and incidental thereto.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(4) “Agricultural Enterprise” shall include forestry and logging
operations, farming in all its branches, and among other things,
includes cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production,
cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural and
horticultural commodities, the raising of livestock and poultry, and
any practice performed by a farmer on a farm as an incident to or in
conjunction with such farming operations, but does not include the
manufacturing or processing of sugar, coconut, abaca , tobacco,
pineapple or other farm products.

(5) “Dry Dock” shall include premises where work is performed on

shore or on-board ships in which ships or vessels are constructed,
repaired, refitted, finished or broken up and housed.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(6) “Health” shall connote a sound state of the body and mind of the
worker, which enables
him to perform his job normally, in a state of well-being.

(7) “Safe or Safety” shall refer to the physical or environmental

conditions of work or employment,
which substantially comply with the provisions of this Standards.

(8) “Work Accident” shall mean an unplanned or unexpected

occurrence that may or may not
result in personal injury, property damage, work stoppage or
interference or any combination
thereof, which arises out of and in the course of employment.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(9) “Work Injury” shall mean any injury or occupational illness
suffered by a person, which
arises out of or in the course of his employment.

(10)” Occupational Illness” shall mean any illness caused by

environmental factors, the exposure
to which is characterized or peculiar to a particular process, trade, or
occupation and to which an employee or worker is not ordinarily
subjected to or exposed outside of or away from such employment.

(11)” Recognized Hazards” are those which do not require technical

or testing devices to detect.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(12) ”Workplace” means the office, premises, or work site, where the
workers are habitually employed and shall include the office or place
where the workers, who have no fixed or definite work site, regularly
report for assignment in the course of their employment.

(13) ”Approved” shall mean acceptable to the Secretary in writing

after proper examination
showing compliance with prescribed Standards.

(14) “Code” shall mean the Labor Code P.D. 442 as amended.

(15) “Department” shall mean the Department of Labor and


XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(16) “Secretary” shall mean the Secretary of Labor and Employment.

(17) “Bureau” shall mean the Bureau of Working Conditions.

(18) ”Director” shall mean the Director of the Bureau of Working


(19) ”Standards” shall mean the Occupational Safety and Health


(20) ”Enforcement officer” shall mean the industrial safety engineer,

the labor regulation officer, or any duly authorized representatives of
the Secretary to enforce this Standards.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions
(21) ”Authorized Representative” shall mean and include chartered
cities, municipalities, employees, or officials of other government
agencies empowered by the Secretary of Labor and Employment to
enforce the provisions of this Standards.

XPERTZ CE REVIEW CENTER Engr. June Arion D. Malesido

Excellence in Professional Engineering Full-time Lecturer
Review and Training Solutions

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