022 Article A010 en
022 Article A010 en
022 Article A010 en
I, .1 a much-cited address in August 1984 at This article surveys various issues associ- investment is productive, the debt would pay
the 40th Congress of the International ated with the growth of public debt among for itself by raising the level of economic ac-
Institute of Public Finance, Jacques de the Organization for Economic Co-operation tivity and, therefore, the tax base.
Larosiere, then Managing Director of the IMF, and Development (OECD) countries. It high- If the increase in public spending is not
expressed his concern about the "explosion of lights the links between increases in the ratio temporary and is financed by debt, the share
public debt" that was affecting developing of government debt to GDP and increases in of public debt in national income may grow.
and developed countries alike. He outlined real interest rates, between increases in inter- As a consequence, the cost of servicing the
various consequences of excessive indebted- est payments and reductions in capital spend- debt will also grow, especially if interest rates
ness and called on governments to pursue ing, and between increases in interest pay- are high. Thus, ironically, the debt that may
structural reforms in their public finances to ments and increases in taxation. have been used to keep tax rates down may
contain such an "explosion" and put their fis- eventually force these rates up, since the
cal houses in order. Reasons for concern country will in time need to generate a "pri-
Given the high and growing public debts in Debt financing substitutes for taxation. It mary surplus" (the difference between rev-
most industrial countries in recent years, the thus allows governments to maintain or in- enues and non-interest expenditures) to ser-
renewal of such concerns is not unjustified. crease, at least temporarily, public spending vice the debt. In cases where public spending
There has been much controversy, in particu- without the need to legislate tax increases. In is difficult to cut, that primary surplus must
lar, as to whether an enlarged public debt other words, it has the political advantage of be generated mostly through higher taxes.
could raise interest rates. While earlier stud- generating an immediate benefit (the public Over the 1975-87 period, for example, in spite
ies have examined the effects of fiscal deficits expenditure) without an immediate cost (the of the increase in the share of public debt
and debt on real interest rates for individual raising of tax rates). Given that governments into GDP, the share of total taxes in GDP
countries, there is a growing consensus that, are likely to have short horizons and, thus, to grew substantially in most OECD countries,
in view of the increasing integration of finan- discount future costs at high rates—espe- largely to finance higher government interest
cial markets, which allows fiscal deficits of cially when there is a high probability that payments.
one country to be financed by savings of these costs will be faced by another set of pol- The growth of the ratio of debt to GDP is
other countries, a better understanding might icymakers, or even by another party—the influenced by the rate of growth of the econ-
be obtained by taking a global, rather than a temptation to finance spending through debt omy, the interest rate on the debt, and the size
national, perspective. Thus, each country's is naturally strong. of the primary surplus. Thus, a high growth
deficit has its impact on interest rates in the If the additional spending is temporary, an rate and a low rate of interest will be major
world capital market. argument can be made that debt financing contributors to restraining the growth of pub-
will help smooth the required changes in tax lic debt in GDP. The current fiscal stance, as
rates over time. Since sudden and temporary assessed through the primary surplus or
changes in tax rates generate distortions and, deficit, also plays an important role. In fact,
thus, welfare losses, with adverse effects on since countries generally cannot, over the
growth, the use of debt finance will increase longer-term horizon, significantly influence
For a detailed version, see "Interest Rates and the efficiency of the economy. This would be the rates of interest and the growth of the
Government Debt: Are the Linkages Global Rather the case especially when the increase in economy, the policy variable available to
than National?" by Vito Tanzi and Mark Lutz, IMF spending is caused by wars, depressions, or them is the primary surplus. If non-interest
Working Paper (WP/91/6), available from the large public investments concentrated in a spending cannot be reduced, then the tax rate
authors. relatively short time. In the latter case, if the becomes the basic policy instrument.