09 Activity 1 - ARG

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Name: Airra Novelle P.

Sanchez Section: BSTM 2-1BP


Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS)

Based on my perspective, In terms of the area of Lumba-Lumba Island, Lumba-Lumba

Island created a marine ecologically friendly harbor that serves as a habitat for marine life, as
well as a rainforest with a diverse flora and fauna named Gubat and designated as a national
park. Gubat National Park has been transformed into a conservation tool, providing fresh air,
food and vegetation sources, species, habitat, and a moderate infrastructure in exchange. The
island has strict rules and regulations about the island’s safety and sustainability for both the
tourists and the locals or residents of the area.

Limits of Acceptable Change

Lumba-Lumba Island can accommodate approximately 350 tourists per month, but in the
last three (3) years, tourist arrivals have increased to approximately 200–500 tourists per month.
If the island’s tourism administrator accepts a lot of tourists, it will cause a lot of problems like
contamination and pollution.

Visitor Impact Management (VIM)

In my own perspective, Lumba-Lumba Island is a beautiful place that attracts tourists
from all over the world. The island has a lot of attractions, including dolphins and other marine
ecosystems such as coral reefs, species of fish, crustaceans, and plankton. But the island can
accommodate only 350 tourists per month. But accommodating tourists who are higher than
their limits can have positive and negative impacts on their island, including the following:

Positive Impact:
 The island will be popular and well visited.
 They will make a profit.
 The profit that they collect will be used to build or repair new attractions or landscapes.
Negative Impact:
 Air pollution
 Overcrowded
 Water contamination
 Natural resources will be damaged.

Tourism Optimization Management Model

The king of Lumba-Lumba Island has a main focus, and that is the sustainability of the
island. Also, if the islanders use an excessive amount of their natural resources, they must plant
trees every year, and they must also know how to dispose of waste properly. Now that the
island has a lot of tourists, the king also makes rules for them to follow. The islanders should
talk to the tourists about the dos and don'ts of the island before continuing to explore it.
Visitor Activity Management Process

Lumba-Lumba Island is a tropical rainforest with a wide variety of flora and fauna. The
rainforest is established as a national park called Gubat. Gubat National Gubat serves as a
shelter that provides fresh air, a source of food and plants, and importantly, habitat for species.
If they want to conserve and protect their natural resources and species. They must follow the
rules in order to maintain and preserve the aforementioned resources.
Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP)

In my opinion, Lumba-Lumba Island is a small island that has a lot of tourist attractions
but also suffers from pollution and contamination caused by visitors. Tourists should be
educated about the island's sustainability practices. Tourists are heading to the island to enjoy
its white-sand beaches and rainforest hikes. Several conservation groups, on the other hand,
have taken the initiative to educate tourists about the dangers of overconsumption and
excessive use of the island's natural resources. Sustainable tourism would be able to protect
the island’s environment while still attracting visitors to come enjoy their stay.

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