I declare that the dissertation describes original work that has not previously been
presented for the award of any other degree of any institution.
Ruth Sutton
The construction industry uses large volumes of physical resource and employs
many. Yet its performance often falls short of expectations. Increasing demand for
their products to be sustainable requires a radical change in methods employed.
Prefabricated construction has been adopted at times of constrained resources. As
such it may be able to meet sustainability expectations. However, using this type of
design without changing the industries methods will not be enough. Systematic
design methods have led to large improvement in the car and electrical product
industries and may be able to support change in construction.
The research developed a systematic design process, for use with prefabricated
construction. The method was adapted to ensure sustainability requirements were
considered during the early design stages by incorporating them into the design
process at the product specification.
The adapted method was applied to a building outline and the sustainability of the
design solutions were compared to a traditional construction method. In the case
study the best performing solution had the design with open timber framed panels,
using the largest panel size, without a structural frame. The design tools used were
shown to improve the users understanding of the design space and creating
possible solutions. The tools included social issues that were poorly addressed
The tool improved some aspects of the building’s sustainability but additional tools
or redefining some of the functional requirements would be required to fully
address whole life sustainability. To improve accuracy the tool would benefit from
comprehensive LCA databases for use in the early stages of the design process. Such
a database would have value across the industry. The industry should also focus on
the development of better relationship along the supply chain.
Ruth Sutton
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Dr Tim Short and Prof
Steve Jones who between them have helped me to make it this far. They have
guided me throughout my studies with patience and immense knowledge. Their
support has been invaluable.
Many thanks to the project busines sponsor, Ric Frankland, without whom there
would not be a project. His continuous striving to improve his product, to achieve a
sustainable building led to many valuable conversations and ideas.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank everyone in my home life. To many
friends who have been their for me, including Chris for his technical support, and
Gill and Helen who offered wise and witty counsel. Finally, those most important to
me. To Phil, without whom I wouldn’t have made it to the end, and to my Mum who
showed me the importance of perseverance.
Contents Ruth Sutton
1.1 Background 1
1.2.1 Aim 3
1.3 Scope 4
1.3.1 Outline 4
1.3.4 Sustainability 5
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Sustainability 7
2.2.1 Introduction 7
2.3.1 Introduction 14
2.4.1 Introduction 19
2.4.4 Summary 24
2.5.1 Introduction 25
2.5.2 History 25
3.1 Introduction 35
3.6.1 Scope 44
Contents Ruth Sutton
3.7 Summary 60
4.1 Introduction 61
4.1.1 Company 61
4.2.1 Introduction 65
4.3.5 Summary 72
4.4.1 Introduction 73
4.5.1 Materials 96
4.5.4 Environment 99
5.1 Introduction 108
Contents Ruth Sutton
A.1 Environmental Metrics 142
Ruth Sutton
Figure 2: Stages of the life cycle assessment. Adapted from (Baumann et al. 2002) 13
Figure 9: Images representing working structures for the creation of volumes. ...... 68
Figure 14: Feasible volumetric packing arrangements: Equal sized module1 ........... 78
Figure 15: Feasible volumetric packing arrangements: . Equal sized module 1 & Room
modules ...................................................................................................................... 79
Ruth Sutton
Table 10: Phases and risk description during prefabricated construction ................ 55
Table 13: Data quality framework adapted from BRE Global ltd 2008 ..................... 58
Table 15: Functional requirements identified from the product design specification
.................................................................................................................................... 65
Table 16: Abstractions of the functional requirements (Pahl et al. 1988) ............... 66
Table 18: Feasibility of working structure combinations for building design ............ 70
Table 19: Abstraction of functional requirements for panel /element (Pahl et al.
1988) .......................................................................................................................... 71
Table 21: Feasibility of working structure combinations for panel design ................ 72
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Table 28: Panel profile: Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) (solution 2) Option 2 ......... 83
Table 29: Environmental Assessment: Green guide rating conversion to metric score
.................................................................................................................................... 84
Table 31: Environmental score (surface area) of the panel types ............................. 85
Table 37: Machining time in factory: Timber Frame Open Panel .............................. 89
Table 38: Machining time in factory: SIP panel Open panel ...................................... 89
Table 39: Factory assembly times for timber frame panels. Total for building in
hours........................................................................................................................... 90
Table 40: Factory assembly times for SIP. Total for building in hours ...................... 90
Table 42: Assembly times for Timber Frame volumetric modules ............................ 90
Table 50: Costs included at each stage of the lifecycle ........................................... 101
Table 53: Summary of top design solutions in the top decile of sustainability scores.
.................................................................................................................................. 106
Ruth Sutton
Ruth Sutton
We are living through the Anthropocene. While not formally adopted as a geological
epoch, the Anthropocene has been defined as the period over which “many
geologically significant conditions and processes are profoundly altered by human
activities” (Crutzen 2002). The atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere
have been changed and these changes can be identified in the geological record.
Increasingly, these changes are causing alarm. The hole in the ozone layer, acid rain
and climate change, all result from anthropogenic activity. These environmental
changes have been caused by “our progress”.
Free market economics states that the price of everything is determined by the
balance of supply and demand. Businesses can exploit inequality or act to reduce it.
They have the capacity to close the gap between the rich and poor, or to cement it
open, making it more difficult to change.
University of Liverpool 2019
volumes of new housing are to be achieved, then changes to how the construction
industry acts are necessary.
While meeting the social need, increases in new housing will lead to the increased
use of resources. The construction industry uses more than 400 million tonnes of
material per annum (Office for National Statistics 2012). Increasing this by a further
10% to meet target construction rates would add at least an additional 40 million
tonnes of material use. However, in traditional construction, between 20% of
designed volume (Barrett and Wiedmann 2007) and 40% (Building Research
Establishment 2013) is waste material and addressing this would reduce the
additional impact. Offsite methods are expected to reduce waste volumes to
approximately 10% of total materials (Smith 2013), a saving at least 44 million
tonnes of materials each year across the whole industry.
Finally, moving construction away from site reduces the risk of injury. Traditional
construction is hazardous (Wright 2015) and offsite processes are widely considered
to represent lower risk (Blismas et al. 2006, Fard et al. 2017, Pan et al. 2012) . These
issues give a small insight into the sustainable improvements which are expected
from prefabrication.
Ruth Sutton
offering improved quality, cost and program reliability, a tool for use by design
teams to develop sustainable construction methods will be created.
1.2.1 Aim
It is proposed that the methods described as engineering design are appropriate for
use in construction, and should improve the sustainability of the design,
manufacture and assembly of prefabricated housing construction.
2) Are there parallels between car manufacture and housing construction which
enable the systematic design method to be applied to construction?
3) How should the systematic design method be adjusted for use in prefabricated
construction design? This adapted method will be the Sustainable Construction
Design Process (SCDP).
4) Does the new SCDP improve the sustainability of the construction method?
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1.3.1 Outline
The SCDP is for use by a developer or an architect designing the small scale
production of residential properties. It focuses on the manufacture and assembly of
the structure and fabric of the building. The installation of services, such as
plumbing, electrics and ethernet are not included in the assessment.
The research focuses on the building fabric, its manufacture and assembly in the
factory and onsite. The outline design places the building into the context of its
geographical environment, site conditions and planning conditions and describes
the approximate size, form, internal layout and glazing areas of the building. The
design process begins once this layout has been established.
The SCDP is for use during the early stages of a project as described by (Pahl et al.
1988) when the power to influence impacts is at its greatest. Although the SCDP
does not include design decisions for the outline building, it should be used
The tool addresses decisions that have little or no consequential impact on the
customer. The decisions addressed are material choices, component sizes and the
degree of offsite manufacture. The exception to this has been the cladding choice
which will have an aesthetic impact on the outside of the building. Cladding choice
has been included in the tool because the different cladding options are installed
using very different methods. The impact of the installation is affected by the
combination of the cladding choice and the construction methods.
Ruth Sutton
The SCDP developed was tested using a case study. The case study compared the
sustainability of a traditional construction method with that of the design solutions
developed using the SCDP. The case study is based in the United Kingdom, using a
British company which produces houses for the United Kingdom market.
The design method is appropriate for use anywhere; however, design must be
developed in accordance with local regulations. The SCDP tool was developed for
use in the UK. Data for the sustainability assessment was taken from a variety of
sources. Where possible the database used was for the United Kingdom, however,
for some of the environmental impacts for the material European data was used.
1.3.4 Sustainability
University of Liverpool 2019
Chapter 1 This chapter gives the background to the research explaining wider context of the
Introduction problem. It also describes the the scope of the research and sumarises the contents.
Chapter 2 The literature review describes the state of the art for the main themes of the
Literature Review research. The current understanding of sustainability in the context of housing
construction is presented with a particular focus on prefabricated housing.
Product design methods used in indutrial design is described and the degree to which
similar tools have entered the construction industry is described.
The research problem is stated, based on the results of the literture review.
Chapter 3 Method The chapter describes the methods used in the research. It explain why the methods
are appropriate in this context.
It describes the product design method and the tools chosen to develop the
contruction process.
It goes onto explain how the sustainability of the solutions are assesed using a life
cycle method.
Chapter 4 Results The results chapter describes the application of the sustainable construction design
tool to a case study to test the effectiveneess of the method.
Chapter 5 The discussion section considers the methods applied within the research and the
Discussion succes of the appliation of the enginnering design method apporach in the context of
prefabricted construction.
The discussion describes how the tool fits within the existing range of design tools
available to the industry and describes the benefits achieved through use of the new
SCDP in the early design phases.
The devlopment of the tool disucusses focussing on the adaption of exisitng systematic
method, particukalry the inclusion of sustainable requirements in the early stages.
Chapter 6 The conclusion summarises the finding of the research. It places the new knowledge in
the context of the existing knowledge and shows how the new findings challenge the
exisitng apporach.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Finally, the lessons from the literature review are brought together to summarise
the state of the art, and to identify where knowledge is required to develop
sustainable construction. The research aim is presented alongside research
questions to shape the research process.
2.2.1 Introduction
The problems with free market exploitation of resources are described in the
“Tragedy of the Commons” (Hardin 1968); competitive advantage prevents business
making sacrifices when limited resources are exploited by many, without any
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There are limited and unlimited resources, and the earth has limited capacity to
renew itself. These limits require strong sustainability, which ensures resource
stocks are maintained or enhanced. The Triple Bottom Line (Elkington 1998) and the
circular economy (Kirchner et al. 2017) address sustainability by creating
relationships with resources that value and therefore account for the flows of
resources at all stages of the product lifetime. This reflects the early thinking used
by the Club of Rome (McCutcheon 1974) who used systems thinking to address how
materials move through the geosphere.
The strong sustainability approach uses the “carrying capacity” of the system to
understand what is sustainable (IUCN-UNEP-WWF 1991); it addresses the
comparative impacts the of different activities on communities to ensure social
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
In the simple sense, a business provides a product or service to meet the customers’
needs (Luttropp andLagerstedt 2006, Short et al. 2012)Luttropp and Lagerstedt.
Business activities are driven by customer demand and this requires a well-
functioning product, as “without customers prepared to pay for the function, and if
companies cannot make a profit, there will be no market” (Luttropp and Lagerstedt
2006). It is often concluded that a business’ economic wants are paramount.
However, a sustainable business has responsibilities to additional stakeholders, and
must identify the social, economic and environmental issues that affect local and
global communities, now and in the future.
The triple bottom line expresses the need to take account of environmental and
social impacts alongside the financial balances, Figure 1 (Elkington 1998). Others
have suggested that resources such as technology, energy, enterprise and social
values (Harder et al. 2013) are included. Here the original three are discussed.
Planet Profit
University of Liverpool 2019
failures can be catastrophic (Van Voorhis 2018). Changes required to become more
sustainable will require investment in training, labour and equipment (Hasan et al.
2018). Return on investment will occur over the long term and as such phased
approaches may be used.
Social capital measures “the ability of people to work together for common
purposes in groups and organizations” (Elkington 1998). Poor behaviour, such as
labour blacklisting (Pyper 2017), poor health and safety practices (Health and Safety
Executive 2017), and labour exploitation (Cockbain and Brayley-Morris 2018) have
been found to occur in the construction industry. Principles such as “trust, common
meaning, diversity, capacity for learning and capacity for self-organization”
(Missimer et al. 2010) should be considered. There has been limited focus on the
social aspects of sustainability (Berardi 2011, Short 2008). That less heed is paid to
social capital may be because it is a more nebulous concept, hard to measure and
subjective (Grosskurth and Rotmans 2005).
Focusing on these capitals, key issues can be identified (Akadiri and Olomolaiye
2012, Basiago 1995)Akadiri and Olomolaiye. Business activities affect the capitals
and business decisions determine the impacts. The challenge is to create the
conditions which ensure sustainability.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Alternatively a strong sustainability could be aimed for, which may increase the
time to market for many products or even preventing some from being produced.
By designing for eco-effectiveness, solutions using different principles can be
achieved (McDonough and Braungart 2010). By understanding the wider
stakeholders’ needs, new types of products or solutions may be found, which,
rather than minimising harm, create additional benefits (Aschehoug and Boks
Tools to support the design process occur as frameworks, principles, guidelines and
assessment methods. These enable designers to understand how their decisions
affect the performance of the products across their required properties.
Frameworks describe the conditions in which the design occurs. They are unlikely to
present numerical values and strict rules for adherence, but they describe a range
of concepts for use by organisations or states to establish their own requirements.
Examples include International Organization for Standardization (ISO) documents,
British Standards and the UK Building Regulations, Factor Ten Engineering Principles
(Lovins et al. 2010) and “12 principles of green engineering” (Anastas and
Zimmerman 2003). Concepts such as “integrative design” and “whole systems
thinking” and “solving many problems at once” (Lovins et al. 2010) address the
framework in which the design process occurs.
Principles and guidelines sit within the framework and describe widely applicable
rules. They describe design properties that should be considered and may be
University of Liverpool 2019 Introduction
Well-developed life cycle methodologies are available for cost and environmental
impacts. Social responsibility is addressed in ISO 26000 but focuses on business
behaviour, not product design.
The life cycle assessment (LCA) is an auditing procedure which enables a business to
understand the impact of processes on a range of conditions. ISO standards lay out
specific methods to calculate life cycle impacts. For construction assessment, life
cycle assessments are predominantly one of three types.
• Single materials are rarely used in construction, instead functional elements are
constructed using several materials. The comparative method addresses
element assemblies which perform the same function.
The LCA process remains the same for each of the three types. In accordance with
ISO 14040 (2006), the assessment comprises four phases as shown in Figure 2. The
goal and scope frames the context of the assessment. It describes the purpose of
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
the tool, indicating who will use the assessment results, and the level of detail
required. A key element of the scope is the functional unit which describes the
product assessed, and which phases of the product’s lifetime are included.
The inventory analysis details all of the materials and processes included in the
functional unit. The production and manufacture can be visualised as a flow chart
showing materials and energy and waste entering and leaving the product system.
It describes the data sources, and how impacts are distributed between multiple
products and processes, if shared.
Goal and •Aims
scope •Scope and
•Flow chart
Inventory •Data
analysis collection
•Description of
Impact impact
assessment •Sustainability
Interpretation •Description of
and •Sustainability
presentation scores
Figure 2: Stages of the life cycle assessment. Adapted from (Baumann et al. 2002)
The interpretation of the assessment occurs throughout the process as the data is
collected and understanding is gained from the results as they become apparent.
While ISO 14040 (2006) states that “there is no scientific basis for reducing the LCA
to a single score”, the design process has included a score to aid the critical review
and simplify decision making for the user. Summary
Sustainability describes a framework in which the current and future states of global
resources can be understood. There are two ways to understand the total resource
impact the first considers the value of all of the resources as a whole and allows for
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the interaction between the resources. The second see the resources as limited and
treats the systems independently during assessment.
The next section describes the traditional construction industry, highlighting the
issues which sustainable methods need to address.
2.3.1 Introduction
The influence of construction on our living environment is clear. Within any city
centre, practically every surface has been constructed. In 2016, the value of output
from the construction industry in the United Kingdom was £93,467 million and
produced, maintained or demolished the built environment. Of this total, 33% was
new housing (Department for Communities and Local Government 2017). This
section explores housing construction with a focus on processes and decisions
which affect its sustainability.
Numerical methods have been used for engineering design of components and
elements, organisation of site work (Villoria Sáez et al. 2014), performance
assessment using optimisation methods (Chardon et al. 2016, Islam et al. 2015), and
energy performance (Hong et al. 2016) assess current performance. Proposed
design tools have been validated using case study data (Gerth et al. 2013, Villoria
Sáez et al. 2014).
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Integrating each system into the single product, balancing conflicting needs, while
also managing the programme and financial constraints is challenging (Pugh 1991).
Increasing the role of the quantity surveyor, and removing decision making power
from the building engineer has replaced design efficiency with cost reduction
(Clarke and Wall 2000). By focusing on the management of financial aspects rather
than on the construction process, opportunities for savings are missed (Sarhan and
Fox 2013).
The construction of the building fabric and systems are often not considered until
the building design has been completed and little design flexibility remains (Bell et
al. 2010). By bringing together the construction team, including designers,
engineers and the onsite contractors, at an early stage of the design, and treating
the building as a large system, integrated solutions can be found (Lovins et al.
Onsite, the location of the workstation is fixed because the building is static, so the
workforce must be mobile. Limited space means that only one team of
subcontractors can work in an area at a time, requiring careful coordination
(Koskela 2003). A team will complete their tasks and move on, allowing the next
team to start their work. This sequencing of subcontractors can mean that
completed work is damaged in order to carry out the next job. Bringing back the
original team to complete the reworking would be costly, so the less skilled
subcontractor, who caused the damage, fixes it, leading to reduced quality
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(Wingfield et al. 2008). Reworking also requires additional materials. Reducing the
amount of reworking is desirable.
The management of materials on site is vital to the site efficiency. The construction
industry uses more than 400 million tonnes of material per annum (Office for
National Statistics 2012). A traditional four bedroomed house is approximately 1778
tonnes of material (Cuéllar-Franca and Azapagic 2012). Waste material produced
onsite is estimated to be between 20% of designed volume (Barrett and Wiedmann
2007) and 40% (Building Research Establishment 2009). As such, any reduction in
waste would be significant.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Much of the existing research is qualitative and develops our understanding of the
motivations to be sustainable or the blockers to the adoption of new methods.
Quantitative research often comprises the detailed assessment of particular
solution types. Where research considers design decisions, the number of metrics
affected by the design choices can be limited. Hester et al. (2018) compared the
impact of design on embodied environmental impacts, operational energy and
For improvements to be made, changes should be made to the design as well as the
construction process. Legislation covers many aspects of the construction process
and building design but it is focused on preventing damage and ensuring minimum
standards. Tools to improve sustainability beyond minimum standards have been
The building assessment tools are developed to “measure and define” buildings
(Wallhagen et al. 2013), with each tool addressing the stakeholders needs.
Sustainability design and assessment tools are available for construction e.g., and
British Standard BS 8905 (British Standard 2011), LEED (Lee 2013) and BRE Green
Print (Building Research Establishment 2013).
In 1996, the Building Research Establishment (BRE) introduced the Green Guide to
Specification (Anderson, Shiers 2009) to support the selection of construction
materials. It has been developed as a summary of life cycle assessment (LCA) data
for a range of construction materials and element assemblies. The impacts
considered are environmental impacts of materials, at all stages of the building
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lifetime. Materials and element are ranked between A*- E based on a weighted
score of the LCA impacts.
Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) tool addressed energy use, site ecology,
materials, waste and other factors; some with minimum performance standards
(Department for Communities and Local Government 2010). The eight categories
were energy and pollution, material and waste, the indoor environment and health
and well-being, domestic water, site ecology and onsite management procedures.
These categories focus on the in-use phase of the building but also include
construction materials and site management. The site management activities
category addresses the impact of building construction. Registration with the
Considerate Constructors Scheme, gains credits. Audit and management systems
are credited, such as waste management plans, and health and safety action plans.
Previously, the CfSH assessment was legally required as part of the design process ;
the requirement for this was removed in 2015.
In 2012, Green Print (Building Research Establishment 2013) was released; a design
tool to encourage collaborative working towards the development of sustainable
communities. The tool has a focus beyond the building and its immediate environs,
and extends to community, transport, place making and business. While this tool
works towards addressing social and economic issues, the scope is much greater
than the impact of the buildings, addressing the lifetime of the development on the
Beyond project design, companies’ sustainability aims are often outlined in the
Corporate Social Responsibility documents (CSR) affecting behaviours and practices
of the company; progress towards meeting their sustainability goals is assessed by
key performance indicators (KPI). Guidance is offered by ISO 26000 (2010) and the
areas covered should include the environment, human rights, labour practices, fair
operating practices, consumer issues, community involvement and development.
Available building assessment tools cover many key sustainability issues; however,
the scope of the tools is by the in-use stage of the building life with limited
consideration given to the construction phase. The social responsibility of a business
to the worker, customer and local and global community has been subject to
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
limited attention by the designer (Short et al. 2012). Beyond the construction,
whole life impact factors such as “flexibility, operations and maintenance” (Berardi
2011) are not addressed.
It is the application of the tools in the design process that governs their real value.
Having tools and guidance which are not applied, or applied incorrectly reduces
their effectiveness. Furthermore, when asked to estimate the cost of the factors
there were large ranges in reported values, indicating either lack of knowledge of
available options or the cost of implementing the designs (Essa, Fortune 2008).
Furthermore, the tools described offer targets and areas of focus for sustainable
design but do not offer methods to optimise the design. As such, designers focus on
achieving the highest scores at lowest cost rather than achieving maximum gains for
all issues (Essa, Fortune 2008).
There has shown to be a need for innovation in construction, but that so far it is
lacking. Other industries may offer analogues which should be explored to identify
methods which would be innovative for construction.
2.4.1 Introduction
The failure of traditional construction to develop the process and the product to
improve sustainability has been established. Meanwhile, the car industry has
embraced systematic design and lean production methods to become more
efficient. Research has established that the similarities between house construction
and car manufacturing could enable lessons to be transferred between industries.
In this section, the car and the house, and the industries that produce them are
compared in order to develop the focus of the research.
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Famously, mass production was introduced within the car industry by Ford, and
later, the Japanese Toyota Production system enabled mass customisation. The
history of car manufacturing is one of continuous development of tools and
methods. Over time, production has moved from the work of a master craftsman
and his apprentices to mass production and assembly lines, then to the automation
of many processes.
Mass production was enabled when Ford introduced gauges as part of the
manufacturing process. Consistency in size enabled pieces, which had previously
been made to measure, to become interchangeable. This separated the component
manufacture and component assembly tasks. A mechanical assembly line, separate
to the manufacture of components, could be introduced because any one of a batch
of prepared parts could be installed into a car. Furthermore, sub-modules could be
pre-assembled before building them into the product (Womack and Jones 1990).
Vehicles were moved between work stations, which would be set up with the
correct tools and parts to make assembly easy for the worker. The worker at the
work station would repeat a smaller number of tasks; thereby, becoming specialised
in those tasks, increasing their efficiency and quality. Ford achieved 88%
improvements in “reduction in effort” between 1913 and 1914, from the
introduction of the assembly line (Womack and Jones 1990).
In 1950, Eiji Toyoda visited the Ford Rouge plant, in Detroit, to learn from their
manufacturing methods. At home in Japan, the family business produced trucks
using craft methods. On returning to Japan, he adapted the methods to fit his
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
business. While many of the ideas at Ford Rouge were valuable, the scale of
production was much greater than in Japan; Toyota needed the machines to be
more flexible (Womack and Jones 1990).
Today, the methods he developed are known as The Toyota Production System, a
“system of production, based on the philosophy of total elimination of waste that
seeks the utmost rationality in the way we make things” and is the basis of lean
production (Womack and Jones 1990).
This section compares small scale construction with lean manufacturing. Within a
small housing development, there may be a range of building products. Typically, a
single construction method (e.g. brick and block, timber frame or structurally
insulated panels across many sites) will be used across a development; however,
design variations, such as knee walls and Juliet balconies, will occur across the
product range. Lean manufacturing was developed to enable similar products to be
manufactured while enabling some customisation and so is suitable for this
The car industry is process orientated and highly organised; the assembly line
system is heavily supported by machinery and runs continuously. The assembly line
describes one or more processes, which can be assessed to remove “waste”, in
terms of set up time, movement of materials, and stock among others. In contrast,
the traditional construction industry is very labour intensive, result orientated and
less formalised. In the initial stages, groundworks are at risk of being disrupted by
weather conditions and unforeseen ground conditions. Building fabric, like cars, are
made from materials with reliable properties designed by engineers using safety
factors. As such, the fabric construction process could be more organised and
process oriented. Removing the risk presented by groundworks from the
construction timetable would enable greater confidence in the manufacturing
Womack and Jones (1990) identified that the use of standardised interchangeable
parts was key to improvements in the car industry. Since then, the same principles
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Components for the cars arrive “just in time” at the assembly line. Suppliers deliver
parts in small batches so that the stock levels at the car manufacturing plant are
kept low (Coronado Mondragon and Lyons 2008, Womack and Jones 1990). Onsite
elements such as windows are ordered to measure; in the factory, the improved
tolerance would allow them to be ordered using design values.
This greater knowledge over the process and the properties of the component
enables them to be delivered in small batches, as required for just-in time-methods.
Each car and building can be different to the last, but modularity makes making the
variations simple.
Materials used in construction may be fragile. On site it is difficult to keep parts safe
leading to high volumes of waste, and reworking. In a factory there are better
opportunities to store the materials safely. Furthermore, on site, the components
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
are often made to measure with low tolerances. This can require schedules to allow
for a lead time between measurement and assembly. The better control of
tolerances in the factory enables the components to be ordered in advance because
they will fit.
The size of the building is considered an issue by Gann (1996). However, modular
construction is successful for aircraft and therefore benefits can be found in large
scale projects. It is transportation that constrains the size of volumetric modules.
More challenging is that buildings are erected in a wide range of locations; the
limits on the module size affects the number of journeys required and thus the cost
and the environmental impacts.
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The consequences of products’ end of life can significantly affect their total
environmental impact. The recovery of materials at the end of the vehicles life
depends on the recyclability of those materials, whether different materials can be
separated. The plastic parts in a BMW vehicle were redesigned to allow for recovery
and reuse and are now 90% (by weight) recyclable. Seventy five per cent (by weight)
of the vehicle is recovered as metal and 15% (by weight) is recovered as thermo-
plastics (Vandermerwe and Oliff 1991). Furthermore, BMW also recovers high value
engine parts for refurbishment, selling them at 50-70% of the cost of a new part
(Thierry et al. 1995).
2.4.4 Summary
The discussion focusses mostly on manufacture and assembly and as such applies to
prefabricated housing unless stated.
As both the car and construction industries are focused on material transformation
processes, there are similarities in their methods. As technically sophisticated
products, cars and houses must be assembled correctly with few faults if they are to
perform correctly. While the product size prevents buildings from being fully
assembled off site, there are commonalties between the two industries and the
potential for them to learn from each other.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Prefabricated construction is a mature process, but has not been adopted as widely
in the United Kingdom as in other countries. The Egan report referring to
improvements in lean manufacturing, indicated that two options were available to
the construction industry “…to ignore all of this the belief that construction is so
unique that there are no lessons to be learned; or seek improvement through re-
engineering construction, learning as much as possible from those who have done it
elsewhere” (Egan 1998). This remain relevant today, understanding the key features
of prefabrication and understanding why it has not been as popular will lead to
methods to improve the design.
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 History
Prefabrication has been used to build housing for over two centuries. British
pioneers and colonialists heading out to the US, Africa and Australia, took the first
flat packed houses, ready to assemble on arrival, with them (Smith 2010). By the
early 20th Century, in the US, prefabricated homes were available to order from
catalogues; the companies selling offered all the necessary parts for the
construction alongside furniture and appliances. During and following the First and
Second World Wars, the UK and the US governments funded schemes to develop
the prefabricated housing methods needed to replace damaged homes and to
house returning soldiers. UK councils continued using the methods into the
following decades to build houses, maisonettes and tower blocks.
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Post war housing used new materials. Factories which had been used to
manufacture munitions were now for housing (Ross 2002). Traditional construction
materials were also scarce but factories which had been used to produce ordnance
were now redundant. The Dorlonco system which consisted of a light weight steel
frame which could be assembled by unskilled labour. Metal laths were fixed to the
external frame and the structure rendered with concrete. Internal linings were
clinker block work and plastered on the internal face (Building Research
Establishment 1987).
Arcon houses were made from a steel frame, with asbestos cement wall panels and
roof panels and glass fibre insulation behind plaster board lining (Davies 2005). The
government allocated £150 million for the provision of temporary housing and led a
programme to develop new construction methods. Steel frames (ARCON), timber
frame (Uni-Seco), precast concrete (Tarran) and aluminium (Aluminium) solutions
were developed. The industry was not wholly convinced; one architect and author
Design of the buildings was driven by the availability of materials and skills. The
products need to be available immediately and assembled quickly by low-skilled
labour. While the design of the Arcon was refined through the construction lifetime,
as the manufacturers gathered field data about the performance of the steel frame,
tolerances were reported to be poor with steel skirting board hiding the gaps
formed where floors and walls met (Davies 2005).
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Failures identified were related to materials, labour, and lifespan. While some of
the failures were the results of innovative methods, such as the poor understanding
of concrete spalling and risks associated with asbestos, other failures occurred
because innovators focussed on elements they felt were problematic.
The life span was limited because of the difficulty obtaining replacement parts, and
the difficulty adapting buildings because of complicated structural design. The
expected lifetime of the building means that if parts are proprietary, there is the
risk that they will no longer be manufactured when needed because of aspects such
as improved design, or loss of economies of scale.
University of Liverpool 2019
Pan et al. (2012) indicated that the traditional methods in the construction industry
are more amenable to gradual evolution rather than radical alteration. However, as
described above, fundamental design principles must be adopted in order to
achieve the benefits of prefabricated methods. Through comparison of the
industries, key elements of manufacturing have been identified to improve the
construction process. Success of these elements in current prefabricated
construction practice is assessed here, supported by the latest research. First, the
organisation of the business is considered. Then the design is addressed, focussing
on the fundamental elements in the preparation and assembly of components in a
factory setting. The use of modular and customised elements in order to enable
product variation while minimising cost is discussed.
Firstly, management are found to be reluctant to change and the risks of adoption
are perceived as greater than the expected benefits (Nadim and Goulding 2010)
indicating that lack of awareness of the benefits, recognised decades ago (Egan
1998, Latham 1994) remains. This lack of awareness has led to a lack of skills. Skills
are required at all levels including contract managers, supply chain, onsite design
teams (Wesz et al. 2018) and in the factory (Banihashemi et al. 2018, Said et al.
Companies which manage both onsite and offsite processes have been shown to be
successful (Jonsson and Rudberg 2014), in part, because they take ownership of the
industrial design process.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Standardisation is the creation of panels and elements which are repeatable, either
through common dimensions or the use of identical interfaces. The build up of
components to create modules is shown in Figure 3 and definitions are provided in
Table 2. Cutting machines have accurate scales for preparing component sizes this
reduces the amount of work required to measure and fit parts, as seen in traditional
methods (Gann 1996). Mass production results from standardisation and allows the
improved efficiency of manufacture because waste is minimised and setup costs are
shared across many units (Gann 1996, Smith 2011).
Panel Component
Module Element panel Component
Figure 3: The constituent parts of a prefabricated building. TOP : Panel assembly. Bottom:
Volume assembly
University of Liverpool 2019
and value must join transformation in order to gain the improvements that the
industry has been looking for.
The benefits of moving construction processes to the factory are limited unless the
design effort addressing the component design is accompanied by focus placed on
the manufacturing processes.
By moving production inside a factory, the work processes can be managed more
easily. Time lost onsite due to poor weather is avoided, improving certainty of cost
and timescales (Gibb and Isack 2003). Quality assurance checks that would be
difficult to complete onsite can be designed into the process; and as long as
assembly on site is not complicated by offsite design , there will be improvements
to quality (Gibb and Isack 2003).
The benefits of prefabrication, detailed above, are most often related to cost,
quality and time. The improvements that lead to these benefits also provide
positive sustainability benefits.
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Improved quality is the result of having standardisation and greater control of the
process in the factory environment. Standardisation reduces the amount of
component reworking and the factory environment reduces reworking required
because of accidental damage. The reduction in reworking reduces material use,
which leads to reduce the embodied environmental costs. Banihashemi et al. (2018)
showed how parametric design could be used with modular coordination to
minimise waste. Shewchuk and Guo (2012) addressed panel stacking during
The research covers a wide range of parameters but only addresses their
relationships in discrete couplings. Widening the scope so that the relationship
between different areas of design decision-making can be explored as required.
The car industry has addressed many issues within its manufacturing process by
improving the design process. It is proposed that systematic design tools, which
have led to large improvements to the car industry, could be adapted for use in
construction design. Improvements achieved by systematic design, include
University of Liverpool 2019
Whole life design tools to ensure the sustainability of construction have been
shown to be limited with design tools having a greater focus on the in-use stage.
While the in-use phase of the building lifetime has a greater impact, the designer
has greater control over decisions and impacts produced during construction, and
so the design stage should receive careful attention. Furthermore, construction
phase decisions affect the global supply chain, and the workforce; if the
construction phase is not considered then these stakeholders are ignored and the
consequences can be fatal.
A new tool for use in the early design stages of building design is required and is the
focus of this research. The tool assists decision making during the design of
prefabricated production of housing. The tool focuses on whole life impact of
manufacture and assembly, by choices such as material, component design and
Literature Review Ruth Sutton
Based on the literature review the research addressed the use of engineering design
methods in construction, with the aim of improving sustainability. This research
extended previous work by incorporating a wider range of sustainability issues into
the single design tool, the SCDP. It also addressed a broader range of design
Other tools address the in-use stage of the building lifetime. This tool focuses on
the construction process. It looks at the development of a single building, and works
at the component level of decision making.
The application of the adjusted design method was used to create a range of
solutions. These solutions were assessed for their sustainability. The research
expresses the power of the design decisions to impact sustainability throughout the
building lifetime.
Methods Ruth Sutton
The literature review explored the research problem in the context of existing
knowledge. It identified areas where knowledge was incomplete and proposed a
research problem. This chapter addresses the problem through the lens of
academic research methods.
This chapter proposes novel research, adapting existing methods and applying them
to a new context. This chapter outlines the new methods and defends their
application in this case.
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Where a single, or small number of case studies are used, large numbers of
variables are considered. This allows many possible relationships to be explored and
inductive reasoning applied to create knowledge. This does not mean that
hypotheses are not required, as these determine the framework within which the
research is created.
Construction research often involves case studies for completed projects. Historical
data and information from the actors provide a rich data set. However, comparably
few examples are found of research taking place alongside business activities. Such
research would be intrusive on day to day practice, commercially sensitive, and
would have to adapt to the business’ programme rather than the researcher’s.
This section gives a brief overview of the research steps. The structure of the
research followed an adapted scientific method is shown in Figure 4. The research
method adopted was essentially exploratory. The research aimed to create a design
method which produces a sustainable construction process.
The first stage addressed the problem. The literature review explored the context in
which the problem is set. Through the critical appraisal of existing research, the
nature of the issues and current knowledge was established. With the problem
clearly defined, methods to find solutions were identified.
Methods Ruth Sutton
Literature Review
Identify current knowledge Identify gaps in knowledge Define problem to be solved
Develop new design tool Develop methods to assess sustainability
Case study
Test effectiveness of the Test the sensitivity of the
Assess usability of the tool
tool tool
Describe the Collect output data Collect data for Compare solutions
modified design for case study conceptual with traditional
process baseline solutions, method
Relate the output of the
Discuss whether the model
meets the aims
casestudy to curent Identify new knowledge.
A new design method was developed by adapting design methods used within
other specialisms. In order to assess whether the method could create more
sustainable construction methods it was tested using a case study. The design
method was applied to a “real life” example. The effectiveness of the tool is tested
by comparing the sustainability of the design solutions with a baseline case, which
will be a traditional construction method.
A design process used for product design in mechanical engineering was adapted
for use in prefabricated construction incorporating sustainability requirements into
the design aims of the tool.
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context was adopted. A single score was produced to describe the sustainability of
the solution.
The results are presented in two parts. The first describes the design process
applied to the case study. The second part details the scoring of the design
solutions. Success of the design tool is measured by the improvement of
sustainability against that of a traditional construction method.
Finally, the discussion and conclusion discuss the effectiveness of the design tool
and how it informs our understanding of sustainable construction in this context. It
compares the findings to other research findings in the field and describes where
new knowledge has been achieved.
The aims and methods of the project are constrained by the context of the
research. For a business to engage in sustainable activities implies that the social,
economic and environmental impacts of its activities have been identified,
considered and addressed. The construction activities take place within a capitalist
economic model. As such, the environmental and social benefits are constrained by
the costs of the design decisions.
The triple bottom line was used as the sustainability model with social,
environmental and economic issues as the focus. Sustainability can be addressed by
minimising the impacts, or by offsetting the impacts of the process. Offsetting and
technological fixes allow the negative impacts to be produced during production
and then corrected by undertaking activities which repair the damage, or by
supporting the communities and ecosystems to adapt. In the design process the
product design should be optimised before production is automated so that the
benefits are maximised (Pahl et al. 1988). Similarly, the negative impacts should be
minimised, prior to applying any fixes. It was assumed that sustainability is a
necessary activity and minimising negative impacts is preferred over the use of a
technological solution.
Methods Ruth Sutton
The most sustainable design is not a defined fixed point, independent of context,
but instead will be a balance of the impacts of a project, where a stakeholder has
defined the relative importance of the issues.
Systematic design offers a structured method to support the creative process. The
systematic design process places the customer’s functional requirements at the
centre of a structured method for the product development. Taking a project from
product specification through to its delivery, the method describes routines which
assist the identification and exploration of innovative solutions. The systematic
design process, described by Pugh (1991) and Pahl, Beitz et al. (1988), is the spine of
the new SCDP. Including sustainability as a functional requirement ensures that it is
accounted for in the design. The design process is presented in Figure 5.
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A product design specification (PDS) was developed using Pugh’s (1991) list of
requirements for consideration; a description of the building as a product was
created. Information used was gathered from a range of sources including existing
businesses, best practice design guides, legislation and mortgage requirements.
From the list, key features of importance, to the customer and the business and
legal requirements were selected; these formed the constraints.
Pahl and Beitz (1992) present lists of categories to consider when creating the PDS.
The categories spur aims, best practice and competitors’ performance to be
considered and catalogued.
The resulting specification defines the product, providing a list of targets and
constraints. Some requirements must be met, some must be avoided and some
should be optimized.
The conceptual design “specifies the design solution” (Pugh 1991). The conceptual
design process involves finding solutions to the functional requirements based on
the “flow of energy, materials and signals”. Pahl, Beitz et al. (1988) recommends
that this is approached using a block diagram which can assist the removal of
prejudices towards preferred solutions. Feasible solutions are developed and
Methods Ruth Sutton
refined using tools which aim to optimise the functional requirements and aspects
of the manufacture and assembly.
Functional requirements were developed from the PDS to describe the operation of
the product. Once the functional requirements were clearly established, the
different ways in which the operations can be met using a series of functions were
explored. Starting with structures describing mechanical, electrical and chemical
actions, which either singly or in combination, in parallel or consecutively, produced
the functional requirements, functional abstractions were developed (Pahl, Beitz et
al. 1988). Sketches and text were used to shows the working structure of the
product (Moultrie and Maier 2014, Pahl et al. 1988).
Abstract solutions to the requirements were identified for the key functional
requirements. Abstract solutions did not describe construction solutions, but
instead showed physical arrangements, or mechanical methods to achieve the
functional requirement. By describing how requirements could be achieved in the
abstract, novel solution types could be explored without the constraint of
established construction methods.
The working principles were combined to create solutions. These were presented as
a table. The combinations were then tested and dismissed if they were not possible,
or if they failed to meet the key design constraints identified within the
The first stage of the embodiment of the design is the identification of the main
design constraints. Pahl and Beitz (1988, pg. 167) identify the size, the arrangement
of the product elements and material requirements as key requirements.
Design for assembly was addressed for two phases. Firstly, the assembly of
panels/elements onsite was considered; then, the assembly of components to
produce the panels themselves was addressed.
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Assembly times for the panels were calculated using catalogue tables in Boothroyd
(1994). Assembly timings were the product of the component characteristics. The
form and symmetry of parts, and the type and positioning of fixings were reviewed
to ensure the engagement of components cannot be completed incorrectly but that
the ergonomics of assembly is ensured. The designs were reviewed with respect to
the storing and handling of parts, identifying, selecting and moving components.
Data provided by Boothroyd (1994) was available for sizes up to 3.2m. In the
factory, handling of pieces above the size limit used the maximum assembly time
Identifying handling times for onsite assembly was more difficult. Detailed
descriptions of the tasks, data taken from Boothroyd (1994), industry data and
assumptions relating to site layout were used to give estimated times.
• Does the part need to move with respect to the rest of the assembly?
• Does the part need to be of a different material or be isolated from the rest
of the assembly?
Methods Ruth Sutton
calculated. Although manufacturing costs are available for machined parts, injection
moulded parts, die cast parts, sheet-metal stampings and powder metal parts
(Boothroyd 1994). A database for timber machining was identified, instead typical
set-up times and cutting rates were provided by a factory equipment supplier.
Simple component forms, minimising the number of faces and enclosed spaces are
cheapest to produce and minimise production waste. Simplifying manufacture
could require splitting a component into two parts, or altering the configuration.
Design engineering for manufacture balances these elements. Considering each
independently, may lead to conflicting design aims for each component.
Optimisation finds the combination such that the functional requirements are best
To achieve the best whole life performance of the product other properties are
considered. In mechanical products this also includes designing for creep and
relaxation, and designing against corrosion damage. Here, the latter has been
adapted as design for maintenance which ensures materials that are exposed to the
elements, can be replaced during the buildings lifetime.
Materials supplied to the construction industry are available in standard sizes and
these materials were used as the input materials to the manufacturing process.
The lifetime of the building was defined in the functional unit of the building,
described as 60 years. Replacements factors were not adopted as part of the
assessment. Instead it was assumed that all of the materials would be replaced at
the end of their lifetime. As such, a material with a lifetime of 25 years would be
replaced at 25 years, and 50 years.
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The evaluation of solutions occurs throughout the design process. Primarily, the
design solutions must meet the functional requirements and should be disregarded
if they do not.
Beyond the functional requirements, there are design constraints which determine
the feasibility of the solution. These include financial, legal and manufacturing
Some solutions will be found to be unfeasible and Pahl et al. (1988) explain that for
solutions that do not work should be disregarded and that most effort should be
placed on the solutions which appear most promising. However, Short and Lynch
(2004) argue that all solutions should continue to be explored for as long as
possible, so that the maximum information can be gained about the product in the
design space. The justification for the selection of the solutions to be further
developed at each stage of the design is provided within the result section.
3.6.1 Scope
The assessment of sustainability needs a clear definition of the scope, including the
purpose of the assessment, definition of the product, activities included or excluded
and the issues of concern. The scope was developed from the information in the
product specification and the a literture review.
Methods Ruth Sutton
contributed knowledge of the design space to assist design decisions. Bassed on the
results, the most sustainable method can be selected.
The research addressed the design of a single house layout. Factory and site
location parameters are fixed. The design life time of the house was 60 years.
The design tool focused on the production of the house; as such, only phases
related this will be included. Materials flowed through processes and activities
performed to them were recorded. Materials arrived at the factory or on site as
“raw materials” from the supplier. Recycled materials are described as “raw
material” in the product phase. They enter the manufacturing process with the
same properties as “new” materials. Raw materials were manufactured creating
components and waste. The components were assembled to produce elements for
the building. Throughout the in-use phase, materials were replaced; the frequency
was determined by the life span. Changes caused by updating the property or
changing fashions were not included. The maintenance on the building creates
waste through the removal of material that has reached the end of its life span and
new waste is produced by the replacement of the elements/components removed
(Silvestre et al. 2014). At the end of life, the waste pathway for the building was
Gate to grave
B5 Refurbishment
Use phase – information B6 Operational energy use
module related to the B7 Operational water use
operation of the building
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LCA boundaries Life Cycle phases/ LCA Life cycle phase designation and description Included
information modules
End of life phase C1 De-construction, demolition ✓
C2 Transport to waste processing, ✓
C3 Waste processing for reuse, recovery
and /or recycling
C4 Disposal ✓
Benefits and loads beyond D Reuse, recovery and/or recycling
system boundary
Collating the inventory involved identifying all important materials and activities
within the study boundary. Material and energy flows were recorded in order to
identify the impacts. The model aimed to account for 95% of the fabricated
materials. However, where materials and assembly processes were identical across
all solutions the element was not included; such as windows, doors, guttering and
roof trusses. Internal fixtures and fittings, such as carpets, kitchens and bathrooms,
were not included because the customer would be given freedom to choose these
for themselves.
• Witihin the definition of the functional unit, 95% of all materials were included,
excluding only materials which were present in small volumes.
• The impacts of capital equipment, such as energy and cost to run offices,
factories and the support systems therein were not included. This did not
extend to the power use of machinery, which was included within the inventory.
• Within the BRE methodology, construction impacts were not included. Within
the model, cost for the use of crane is included, however, fuel impacts were not
included separately. Time taken to assemble modules on site was considered
and associated labour costs were included .
• Site wastage during the manufacture process is included. Wastage rates for
prefabricated methods were assumed based on reported literature estimates.
Methods Ruth Sutton
Waste during traditonal construction was already included within the data
• The quantity and transport of any significant materials used (e.g. in painting and
varnishing) over the lifetime of a product will be included.
• The BRE methodology includes flooring. This was not included within the model.
• What allows the designer to consider the overall impact from quantities of
different materials required to produce different building solutions without
having to consider differences in energy consumption resulting from different
thermal resistance values. In general, comparison between elements with the
same functional unit can ignore lifetime energy use within the assessment.
However, care should be taken where aspects such as thermal mass may have
implications on energy consumption in the building.
• The impact of the demolition process is not included. Data sets are not widely
available and the impact is considered to be small and difficult to allocate to
specific materials.
• The boundary of the LCA includes the impacts of disposal of all materials.
Models for the amounts for construction materials estimated to go to landfill,
incineration, recycling and reuse. The environmental impact included these
impacts. Cost of the disposal of the materal was determined using costs
provided by a local company. Routes for disposal were based on industry
Widely recognised metrics were adopted where available, from sources such as the
Green Guide, LEED and BREEAM. In other cases qualitative assessment methods
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from the literature (Gosling et al. 2013) were adapted to provide quantitative
Criteria were derived from the sustainability requirements described in the product
specification. Constraints for each criterion were then identified and a network of
the relationships between the constraints and the criteria was drawn. This also
allowed the criteria to be checked for redundancy and interdependence. Stakeholders
Methods Ruth Sutton
Economic criteria were reviewed. The profitability of the activities was important,
but profit levels cannot be defined at this stage. Creating employment, in the
factory and onsite, support the local economies and is represented by labour cost. A
new business would need investment to set up a factory. Material cost reflects the
cost of the building and is important to the consumer. The cost metric will reflect
elements of each of these.
The social criteria were reviewed. The adaptability of the building, as an indicator of
the potential to extend the lifetime of the building, was considered important.
Health and safety during the build was considered very important. Moving
operations inside of the factory made controlling the process is much easier;
however, the size and weight the components meant that some onsite assembly
would always be necessary. On a larger geographic scale, responsible sourcing of
materials was selected. Impacts on stakeholders can operate over local, regional
and international scales. However, it is recognised that for the small business
holder, managing the chain of custody is onerous. Criteria
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Environment References
Luttropp and Lagerstedt 2006, Persimmon 2013, Sobotka, Rolak 2009
Akadiri and Olomolaiye 2012, Anastas and Zimmerman 2003, Berardi
Waste: hazardous material 2011, Labuschagne et al. 2005, Luttropp and Lagerstedt 2006, Sobotka
and Rolak 2009
Climate Change Building Research Establishment 2013, Department for Communities
and Local Government 2010, Kubba 2012, Luttropp and Lagerstedt 2006
Acid rain potential Department for Communities and Local Government 2010
Photochemical smog Akadiri and Olomolaiye 2012
Ozone Akadiri and Olomolaiye 2012
Energy consumption Barratt Developments PLC 2013, Department for Communities and Local
Government 2010, Howarth and Hadfield 2006, Kubba 2012, Persimmon
Renewable energy Barratt Developments PLC 2013, IKEA 2013
Transport IKEA 2013, Labuschagne et al. 2005, Persimmon 2013
Nature/ Biodiversity Barratt Developments PLC 2013, Building Research Establishment 2013,
Persimmon 2013
Water use on site Barratt Developments PLC 2013, Department for Communities and Local
Government 2010
Water in-use Akadiri and Olomolaiye 2012, Department for Communities and Local
Government 2010, Kubba 2012, Sobotka and Rolak 2009
Methods Ruth Sutton
Water extraction
Mineral extraction
Ozone depletion
Resource use
Human toxicity
Eco toxicity to fresh water
Ecotoxicity to land
Waste disposal
Responsible sourcing
Economic Cost
University of Liverpool 2019 Metrics
A full detailed life cycle assessment addressing the lifetime impact each of the
assembly of all the components would provide the most accurate value for this
metric. The data required would include material volumes, lifespan, environmental
impacts for each material, power consumption during manufacturing, transport and
waste pathways.
Creating the inventory for these processes would be time consuming and expensive.
Furthermore, environmental impact data available is is not precise enough to
accurately reflect the difference in performance between the small changes
affected by the design process As such, a full LCA was considered inappropriate and
more general metric was selected.
The Green Guide to Specification was adopted for environmental assessment. The
assessment addresses the impacts of the release of pollutants to the geosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere. It also considers the extraction of limited natural
resources. A list of the metrics used are included in Appendix A.
Ratings, between A+ and G, are given to assemblies to describe the whole lifetime
impact. By using assemblies, the embodied impacts of the materials and their in-use
performance are reflected in a single value. Their incorporation into the
sustainability assessment enable simple assessment of environmental impacts
which otherwise require complicated lifecycle assessment.
The Green Guide applies a rigorous Life Cycle Assessment method to assess the
element assemblies. The guide has a list of completed, audited assembly types
which provide details of materials and element assemblies. The scores are based on
a standardised functional unit which enables direct comparison. As such, the use
of proxy assemblies to compare very different construction styles is considered
appropriate an the early stages.
For the purpose of this research the closest assembly was chosen. The Green Guide
offers a calculator for BREEAM assessors to build their own assessment using their
specification. However, this was not available so the generic elements were used. In
Methods Ruth Sutton
future research it would possible to use the BRE’s proprietary calculator to calculate
more accurate ratings.
When materials for manufacture were selected, possible solutions were reviewed.
A minimum element performance, above “B”, was required for the element design
to be progressed further.
At the embodied design stage, a score describing the environmental impact was
produced. Element scores as given in the Green Guide were converted to a
numerical score, as described in Table 8. The impact score was adjusted to reflect
the proportion of the material in the building.
A 6
B 2
C-G 0
The environmental impacts of the element and module transport were included as
part of the environmental assessment (Anderson and Shiers 2009). Costs were
determined using data from a local haulage company.
Labour spent on machining and assembling, onsite and in the factory was included.
Factory and site management and administration were not included.
Economic: Cost
Costs to the company occur in different forms. Assessment of the cost is achieved
by considering the three elements of investment, materials and labour. Scores are
given based on the relative cost of the solutions under consideration.
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At conceptual design stage the cost of investment is used to assess the whether the
solution is feasible. Initial costs to the business will occur to prepare the design, and
set up manufacture. Factory premises and equipment is a long term commitment.
The design establishes whether equipment must be bespoke or may be resold.
At embodied design stage a detailed cost model was produced which included the
cost of materials, manufacture, labour and transport.
Material costs were based on the component size, and included 10% waste (Cuéllar-
Franca and Azapagic 2012). Where required, the cost of materials replaced during
maintenance were included. The cost of materials used for maintenance did not
incorporate any inflationary price increase.
Waste materials at the end of life were accounted for. Prices were obtained from a
waste disposal company and assumed that materials were separated, as detailed in
Appendix C.
Responsible sourcing assessed the materials supplied and their suppliers. Three
aspects of responsible sourcing were assessed: environment assurance, chain of
custody, and internal business practices. One credit could be achieved in each,
giving a maximum of three credits. Credits could be gained by providing evidence of
being audited or accredited by recognised scheme, see Appendix A. In order to not
be unduly penalise small companies which do not have the resources to undertake
often cumbersome accreditation processes, half points were made available if the
company had reports of reviewed in house assessments. Three points are credited if
an external report produced in accordance with the GRI reporting guidelines is
Methods Ruth Sutton
Where material types were identified during the conceptual design stage, products
from the suppliers that performed best against the responsible sourcing
Health and safety risks associated with the construction was assessed following
embodied designs. At the conceptual design stage, the risks were not apparent. The
construction was split into six key phases, as found in the LCA, Table 3. Possible
events from hazardous activities included falling, exposure to weather, handling,
exposure to toxic materials, injury caused by equipment, multiple activities in a
small area, Table 9. The risk score of the incident was the product of consequence
and likelihood, Table 10. The higher the score, the greater the risk as shown in
Table 11.
Handling Risk of falling Exposure to toxic Exposure to the Risk of injury Multi activities in
materials elements (equipment) small area
Lifting materials Trip hazards in Inhalation of Exposure to cold Minor cut to Trip hazards
factory materials during hand
Lifting panels in Trip hazard on Treatment of Exposure to heat Serious blade Equipment injury
factory site material injury (hospital)
Lifting panels on Fall from height: Irritant Excessive damp Collision with
site scaffold and cold vehicle (in
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Death* 3 6 9
Consequence of incident
Reportable* 2 4 6
Recordable 1 2 3
reported to the
Social: Adaptability
The adaptability metric assesses the feasibility to make changes to the building
throughout its lifetime. The assessment addressed the flexibility of the building
design during three phases of the building lifetime, during design, in-use and end of
During the design stage, influence of changing climate on the building across its
lifetime must be considered. As such, functional requirements, which reflect this
need are necessary. The ability to change the building during the in-use phase of
the life will increase lifetime of the building. For a household the capacity to adapt a
Methods Ruth Sutton
building rather than relocate is valuable. The ability for a house to change to reflect
changes to lifestyle increases the expected lifetime. Finally, the ability to change the
use of the building at the end of the as-designed life, and to use part or all of the
fabric as part of a new building. Scoring
The relative importance of sustainability issues are not the same for each individual.
Any design tool must include a method to create the relative weightings. By
consulting industry specialists their knowledge is captured in the weighting.
Business’ and customers’ preferences can be captured by using the business
knowledge of the market and issues. The development of weightings should be
transparent and so a user can interpret the results of an assessment.
Simple ranking is an often used weighting method. The stakeholder orders the
criteria in order of importance on an ordinal scale. There is no scale to the ranking
so the weightings increase in equal increments, reducing the level of complexity
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that can be reflected in the scores. However, where many stakeholders’ opinions
are being represented, and a single solution only provides a representation of their
views it offers a simple methodology, removing the need to apply “unrealistic
assumptions about the underlying distributions” (Akadiri and Olomolaiye 2012).
A linear additive model is used here to create a scoring for the alternative solution.
Linear additive methods have three key stages, scaling of the performance of
criteria, weighting the importance of criteria, and determining the relationship
between the weight and the scaling. These are then combined with the weighting to
create a criteria score. The sum of these values is the sustainability index, as shown
in Table 12.
The assessment of the design method requires both qualitative and quantitative
data. Data was collected, where possible using the most recent accurate and
relevant data.
Data relating to materials were either supplied by the manufacturer or were taken
from generic sources. Environmental data was collected from BRE Global
Environmental Profile Certification Scheme and BRE Global Environmental Profiles
Scheme. The quality of the data used is detailed in the BRE Global environmental
profiles methodology. Their assessment of data quality has been included in Table
Table 13: Data quality framework adapted from BRE Global ltd 2008
Age From 2010 Between 2005-2009 From 2000-2004
Geography UK* Europe Rest of World
Source Trade Association Single Manufacturer Single Manufacturer
Representativeness Over 50% of industry 20-50% of industry Less than 20% of industry
LCA Practitioner LCA verified by 3rd Party Non-verified Student, Non-verified
Methodology Transparent and Some transparency or No transparency, unclear
including all inputs and some aspects missing methodology or significant
Methods Ruth Sutton Interpretation
Case Study
The reseach is limited to the scope of the design tool. The research does not
present a fully devloped tool but instead explores the impacts during the
conceptual and embodied design stages. This scope of the research restricts the
design tools to addressing the design and manufacture of the building fabric.
Coupled to the limtied scope of the research, the design efforts have been litmed to
the design of components and elements. A structural assessment has not been
completed to ensure the feasibility of the research, instead rules of thumb, often
applied in the ealry stages of design (Pahl et al. 1988) have been adopted. Any
solution would need to be assessed for structural feasibility and finding would need
to be fed back into the design process, if alterations to the design are required. As
such, detailed design would be completed following the embodied design phase.
The use of a single case study restricts the confidence in the wider applicability of
the product design. The sustainability of the solutions will to some degree be
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dependent on the skills of the designer. The degree of the improvement is partially
affected by the skills employed. However, it is the development and application of
the method which is of interest. As such, it is the degree of improvement between
the traditional construction method and the design solutions.
In all, the research cannot be considered a scientific method and the conclusions
will be limited to informing the success of the method for the case study and the
general findings from the process.
This chapter described the methods applied in the research process undertaken.
Methods used by other researchers were compared and most appropriate selected
for adaption to make them suitable for the context of sustainable construction.
Reasoning behind the choices were defended.
Using these methods, the next chapter describes the application of the design
process to a case study. A product design method is developed for the
prefabricated house, the design process creates conceptual and embodied design
solutions, and the solutions are assessed using the sustainability assessment
The research will inform how the design process for prefabricated construction
should be directed and the importance of the identified design parameters. The
success of the design tool to produce sustainable solutions for the case study house,
will inform the validity of the design tool and indicate whether the tool should be to
further case studies.
Results Ruth Sutton
Chapter 3 describes the SCDP adapted from Pahl et al’s (1988) systematic approach.
Changes to the original process were made to make the process suitable for
application to prefabricated building construction and to incorporate sustainable
requirements. In order to explore the application of the SCDP in real conditions a
case study was employed. In this chapter, the results of the design process are
described alongside the assessment of a traditional construction method.
4.1.1 Company
The case study gathered information from house design and construction business.
At present, the business is a small enterprise run by a single director. The product
considered was small houses, to be built as part of a development within the UK. At
the time of the research, the factory had not been established; as such, the
following assumptions were made.
• The company employed the factory labour, while assembly on site was
completed by a construction firm local to the site.
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The house was a two storey detached property. Figure 7 shows the outline layout of
the proposed house design. Downstairs, the property comprised a hallway, lounge,
kitchen and dining room. The first floor comprised a landing, two bedrooms and a
bathroom. Minimum dimensions for some areas have been prescribed; otherwise,
minor alterations to the layout could be considered.
Built for the United Kingdom’s market, the building must meet the legislative
requirements for use as a permanent residence. It should have a design life over 60
years in order for it to qualify for a mortgage.
The next section describes the whole life cycle and then outlines the embodied
design process to be taken.
Results Ruth Sutton
The whole life cycle of the building was recorded in order to capture all of the
phases and develop the scope of the design, as described in Table 14; it also acts as
the framework for the inventory
The first phase involves the extraction or harvesting and processing of the raw
materials, and could include reprocessing of recycled material, or the refurbishment
of recovered elements. The possible range of processes and geographical locations
in which they could occur are extensive. Activities are managed by others and the
resulting products are purchased to be employed in the manufacturing process. As
such, improvements are outside the control of this project, but selection of
materials can take their sustainability into account. Construction materials are often
specified by their technical properties, and in some cases, require certification, for
example, I joists and C16 timber. Furthermore, many materials are delivered in
standard sizes when purchased from a builder’s merchant; obtaining larger or
custom sizes are possible but there will be a premium to pay.
Materials are transported between the material supplier, the building merchants,
the factory and site and distances can vary significantly. The number of vehicle trips
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depends on the volumes of the materials transported, but weight is rarely an issue.
Abnormal loads can be transported on a trailer, but will need to be accompanied by
safety vehicles which increases the vehicle mileage and cost, and creates
Manufacturing methods in the factory are determined by the types of materials and
equipment used. Investment in workstations, saws, moulds and other equipment is
a significant cost, and will affect the flexibility of the product design and the rate of
The more simple the design of the components, the easier they are to produce.
Timber cutting involves routers, circular saw and plane saw. Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) routers enable component lists to be programmed and cut. Concrete
panels use moulds which into which the mix is poured and allowed to set over 24
hours. Sandwich panels require similar tools to timber cutting, but also glue
spreading machinery plus clamping tables to prepare the panels.
Assembly processes occur both in the factory and onsite. The shape, weight and
symmetry of the components affect how easy it to orientate and fix them together.
During assembly, handling components presents health and safety concerns. In the
factory, the processes can be controlled and refined, while onsite access constraints
will vary for each location. Onsite conditions may affect the type and cost of lifting
equipment, access may limit the vehicles entering the site. Labour required will be
affected by assembly processes applied.
During the in-use phase, the fabric will suffer from natural wearing and corrosion
and eventually require replacement. When maintenance should be completed will
be dependent on the material life span.
Finally, at the end of life, the building will demolished or dismantled and waste
treatment of the material occurs. Materials will go to landfill, be recycled, or be
reused. If recycled or reused they can be considered to contribute to the feedstock
of raw materials.
Results Ruth Sutton
4.2.1 Introduction
The following sections describe the results of the design process. In order to
describe the results, it has been necessary to impose a linearity to the process.
However, the following should be read with the understanding that many of the
design stages were revisited as the design space became better understood. The
results describe the final outputs and as such, describe the optimised designs and
the accurate assessment of the impacts.
A product design specification (PDS) of the building lifetime was created using the
building outline, information from the business and the literature review and is
presented in full in Appendix B. The key requirements are described here and
summarised in Table 15
The business indicated that that they intended to use the sustainability of the
building as a selling point; as such, as well as performing sustainably, the palette of
materials chosen should be understood as being sustainable by the public.
The functional requirements were extracted from the full PDS document and
presented alongside the sustainability requirements. Design requirements which
constrain the solution were identified. The combination of the functional
requirements with the constraints defined the design space and all viable solutions
would lie within the design space.
Table 15: Functional requirements identified from the product design specification
Functional Requirements
Two storey building with pitched roof
Walls must be solid with little deflection or movement. Loads from building materials, wind, snow and live
loads to be transferred to the foundations.
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Functional Requirements
Sustainability requirements
Minimise cost
The functional abstractions are presented in Table 16. Each functional requirement
was considered individually and the abstraction developed by building function
structures and sub function structures.
A volume is contained within surfaces and can be described by the internal and
external environments. Given a surface material, a volume can be created by
producing a pressure difference between the internal and external environments,
like a balloon. In this context, this is not feasible because, among other things, of
the expense of maintaining the pressure difference between the two environments.
Results Ruth Sutton
design will optimise the transference of loads through beams and posts to the pad
foundations. Such a frame allows for a skin to be formed by materials with little
engineering strength; infill panels would only need to be self-supporting.
Thin membrane construction engages the reaction between the structural frame
and the taught skin. Like a tent, the external skin is stretched over rigid, fixed,
elements; the tension in the skin compresses the fixed elements. Any opening in the
fabric must be included during the design of the structure because the skin is
designed to rest in equilibrium.
Finally, load bearing structures have elements (walls, floors, and roof) that are
strong enough to bear their own self weight, dead loads transferred to them and
live loads. Floor and roof elements will be rigid enough to transfer their weight and
any additional loads to the outer loading points. Loads are transferred to trench
foundations, with Figure 8 representing three such structures.
The creation of internal volumes can be considered in terms of the division of the
large volume into smaller compartments, or the accumulation of small volumes into
a larger form. This informs how the solution is approached.
Structural walls are able to carry loads and provide rigidity to the building if integral
to the structure. Acting as part of the whole structure, load bearing capacity of the
structural elements in the shell can be reduced.
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Light weight partitions can support their own weight and act as dividers; but do not
provide any structural strength to the larger structure. They may be fixed in place
by securing them to the floor, ceiling or wall panels. As they are not structural,
there is a limit to their size. Figure 9 represents three such structures.
Internal temperature is determined by the balance of heat losses and gains. Central
heating, solar, metabolic and equipment gains contribute heat to the house. Losses
occur by air change with the outside, and by fabric heat loss.
Thermal mass can slow the rate of heating up and cooling by absorbing and
releasing heat based on the temperature gradient. Thermal mass can be created by
using materials with large heat capacity. Figure 10 illustrates 3 such structures.
Results Ruth Sutton
Figure 10: Images representing working structures for internal thermal environment.
The working structures for each functional requirement were combined to create
conceptual solutions in a selection chart, as shown in Table 17. Each of the
combinations were assessed and solutions were disregarded if they were not
The review identified that structural frame and load bearing solutions have been
widely adopted during the construction of houses. However, no examples of thin
membrane structures used for residential homes were identified. As a very light
weight structure, with no thermal mass and little thermal resistance, the internal
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The conceptual design process was repeated for the building elements. The
functional requirements for the panels were considered, presented in
Results Ruth Sutton
Table 19: Abstraction of functional requirements for panel /element (Pahl et al. 1988)
Structural unit
Cosmetic surfaces
The creation of large external volume with a series of internal volumes has been
simplified and is described as the panel needs a structural strength. The need to
provide a stable thermal environment remains. The creation of openings has not
been included as this is achieved by other components.
The building envelope and element types were differentiated into external wall,
floor, ceiling, roof and internal wall, each with individual performance
All of the panels required structural components. The load bearing capacity was
dependant on the function of the building solution. Solutions identified were a box
structure and a composite structure.
The panels would act as part of the system providing a stable thermal environment.
Elements separating the internal and external environments require insulation to
restrict heat and sound transfer. The passage of sound between areas within the
building must also be restricted. Materials with insulation properties were required.
The position of the panels determined the functional requirements of the surface
facings. External surfaces must provide protection to the core elements. The
surfaces will also need to have positive aesthetic properties; externally these are
determined by the customer with input by planners. Internally, the surface must be
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visually pleasing. The surface choice will vary depending on the use of the space.
However, here the most frequently used surface material, plaster has been
Panels which interface between the internal and external environments require
insulation and protective facings.
Thermal performance is not required for the internal panels; however, insulation
from sound is needed. Dependant on the structural solution, the panels may have
different strength requirements.
The function structures for eachof the functional requirements were combined to
create conceptual solutions in a selection chart, as shown inTable 21 Each of the
combinations were assessed for their feasibility, and solutions were disregarded if
they were not feasible, as presented in Table 21.
4.3.5 Summary
The conceptual design process translated the product specification into possible
product layouts. The solutions identified have the following features:
Results Ruth Sutton
4.4.1 Introduction
The embodied design stage developed the conceptual design using a variety of
tools. The character of the solution was developed, shaped by manufacturing and
assembly constraints, legal requirements and technical constraints. The following
section describes how the product arrangement was developed through
consideration of the manufacturing and assembly processes.
The design process required the repetition of design methods; a range of options
were considered and the impacts of each decision assessed leading to refined
solutions. The results of the processes are described here as if a linear process, with
outputs of one design process becoming the inputs to the next stage; however, in
reality the process has a cyclic nature.
The main constraint determining the module size leaving the factory was the ability
to transport the prefabricated units from the factory to site. The size and weight of
units were considered to ensure that they could be transported to site on a
standard trailer. Unless the factory is set up adjacent to site, units must be
transported along the road network. Table 22 details loading limitations of the
transport options. A quick review of the limits indicates that the weight of loads is
not a limitation but that the volume is.
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Addressing panel elements, the dimensions of the full elements are given in Table
23. Single storey wall panels could be transported as single elements; however, the
floor and roof elements were too wide to fit onto a trailer in any orientation. As
such, they had to be divided into smaller modules. By transporting the elements to
site as individual panels, a greater packing density can be achieved. Two designs
were explored.
Open panels comprised the core structure of the panel, without insulation,
cladding or linings panel, when they left the factory. Transporting the panels
without facings, allow them to be stacked on top of each other, which is the most
space efficient method.
Closed panels were fully assembled in the factory, including cladding and linings. As
they were more fragile, they were transported in a frame, on edge, as if in a toast
rack. Where panels were too long to stand upright on the trailer, they were
transported on their side perpendicular to the design assembly intention.
Both packing arrangements were able to transport the panels, (lining and cladding
materials in the case of open panels) in two trailers. A third trailer was required to
delivered roof trusses from the supplier to site.
Volumetric assembly achieved a lower packing density than the panel arrangements
because of the empty volume within the room modules. As a starting point the
volumes were determined by splitting the building in half, as shown in Figure 11.
This produced two modules of 7.0 x 2.1m. Three of the volume sides were external
Results Ruth Sutton
walls and the fourth face had little, if any, support from internal wall elements.
Including roof panels, transport from factory to site required four trailers. Two
modules had long spans (4.6m) without any upright structural support for the
Volumetric assembly
design boundary line
ceiling panel; as such, structural supports to bear loads and provide rigidity during
transportation and assembly would be needed.
boundary line
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the building width is too large to fit three modules, from a single storey, on a single
trailer, meaning that 5 trailers were required, Figure 15.
Using the principles of force transmission and stability (Pahl,Beitz et al. 1988 pg.
213), the final volumetric design was divided into room modules using the internal
and external wall panels as module faces, Figure 13. The building layout indicated
that while 2 rooms were larger than a standard trailer, they each had three load
bearing walls and, as such, they could be engineered to be stable with bracing
during transit. The layout in Figure 15 shows the packing arrangement. In order to
minimise the number of trailers, the delivery of panels would not be in the order of
assembly, and as such modules would be stored on site and require double
2 1 Volumetric assembly
design boundary line
Many of the modules for each storey are the same, assisting the clarity and
simplicity of the design. The basic layout assists structural design, structural
elements should be aligned and by having the modules aligned the designs can be
checked by overlaying the designs. If the internal elements were structural then
some internal walls upstairs and downstairs would need to be aligned.
Results Ruth Sutton
On this basis, the only volumetric option taken forward was “Volumetric assembly:
Room modules”; both panel methods were also taken forward. A summary of the
transport options is presented in Table 24.
Adressing the transport of the building between the factory and the site has defined
the transport constraints for the modules. The buiding can not be transported as a
single unit and as such must be divided into module. Three module types were
considered, panel stacked (open), panel toast (closed), equal sized (vol.). The
following summarising the finding for each type:
1) Volumetric design:
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a. The panel core with lining and cladding were transported on their
Results Ruth Sutton
Figure 15: Feasible volumetric packing arrangements: Equal sized module 1 & Room
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The functional requirements identified the product needs at the building level. This
level addresses of functional requirements of the elements in the building. Each
element as a unit must meet their own specific set of functional requirements
determined by their position in the building. Each of the functional carriers met
several requirements including structural requirement, thermal and acoustic
performance, and aesthetic requirements as detailed in Table 25. In order to
maitain a modular approach, a similar design was used for the core of each panel
solution. Adaptions then ensured the panel met the functional requirements of the
element, as described in Section 4.3.
Membrane ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Air gap /hygrothermal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External protective
surface ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Aesthetic surface
Structurally timber, laminated timber, steel and concrete are among materials that
provide the structural strength required in the frame. Where a frame is in place,
infill panels may be used for the walls, otherwise panels must be designed to be
load bearing.
Results Ruth Sutton
Composite panels use an expanded polystyrene foam core with a rigid material on
the outer surfaces. Concrete, oriented strand board (OSB) and steel are possible
outer materials using sandwich form.
Insulation typically comes as highly porous material, such mineral wool, glass wool,
or sheep wool. These are supplied as rolls of material between 400 and 600 mm
wide and are cut to the length required. Thicknesses of the of the insulation are
available as multiples of 25 mm, between 100 – 300 mm. Blown materials, such as
recycled paper and expanded polystyrene (EPS) balls can be installed into contained
volumes. Finally, rigid insulation materials are available as batts, examples are EPS
and dense wool slabs. Thermal mass can be made available through concrete
elements or plasterboard impregnated with phase change materials (PCM).
Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) are created from a sandwich of two 18 mm OSB
board with an EPS sandwich filling. Manufacture requires gluing and compression of
sandwich to fix.
The EPS can be formed by heating pellet styrene polymers, reducing initial storage
requirements. However, it is reported that manufacture of EPS is only economical
for very large volumes, over 500,000 m3 , which is not feasible in this context. EPS is
available to the factory in their expanded form in sheets up to 1200 mm from
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builders merchants. Larger custom sizes could be available; however, the glue
machines are restricted to a maximum 1360 mm.
The panel functional requirements were combined with the material palette to
create the panel solutions. The relative position of the materials affected the
performance of the panel. Two solutions were created and the arrangements for
the wall panels designs are presented in Table 27 and Table 28.
Panel depth varies according to the materials used. SIP panels are the slimmest with
an open panel depth of approximately 150 mm to achieve a wall u-value of
Results Ruth Sutton
0.17W/m2K. Timber frame with a sheepwool insulation will have an open panel
depth of ~240 mm to achieve similar.
Ceiling (mm)
Floor (mm)
Upper floor
Roof (mm)
Wall (mm)
Roof gable
Timber frame
Panel profile / Thickness of parts
Table 28: Panel profile: Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) (solution 2) Option 2
Ceiling (mm)
Wall (mm)
Floor (mm)
Upper floor
Roof (mm)
Roof gable
OSB 18 18 18 18 18 18
Vapour membrane 1 1 1 1 0 0
Battens (horizontal) 38 0 38 38 0 0
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A joist spacing of 600 mm was is the maximum spacing advised by the suppliers.
Based on this spacing, panel sizes were multiples of 600 mm. This also enabled
components size to correspond with standard sizes. While SIP panels do not
necessarily have to conform to the same structural design constraint, machinery
available for gluing panels has a maximum width of 1200 so multiples of 600 mm
have been adopted to simplify comparison between solutions. Furthermore,
standard size of materials used to produce the SIP panels are based on 600 mm.
The environmental impact was described using a score out of 10. The higher scores
correlated with low impact elements. Table 29 shows how the ratings used in the
Green Guide were converted to metric scores. Details of Green Guide Ratings which
correlate with the general solutions are given in Appendix D and are summarised in
Table 30 below.
Table 29: Environmental Assessment: Green guide rating conversion to metric score
Green Guide A+ A B C D E F G
Environmental metric 10 6 2 0 0 0 0 0
Results Ruth Sutton
The case study company determined that the building should be able to be
promoted as sustainable building to the public. As such, a design requirement that
individual elements must achieve a Green Guide rating above “B” was determined.
Scores for the elements were combined according to the surface area within the
building. Output scores for the environmental metric had little variation, as shown
in Table 31.
The environmental assessment has limted scope to inform the designer about the
design space. The use of elements assessment to calculate the score meant that
design improvements are not accounted for. Improvements are achieved by a
reduction in material volumes, waste and energy consumption. Within a solution
type the saving achieved by panel size are reflected in the material inventory and
manufacturing time, as such, the information relating to the environmental impact
within the the design space can be understood.
The responsible sourcing metric was based on the material choices and their
suppliers. Each material product was given an individual score based on the social
responsbility of the supply chain. Solutions scores were calculated by aggregating
scores using the weightings in Table 32. Solution scores were in the range 4.85-5.6,
with a mean score of 5.3. The traditional construction score was 5.5.
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No filtering of materials, based on the health and safety assessment was made at
this stage. This metrics focusses on processes which have not ben developed at this
stage in the design. Adaptability
Asessing adaptaboility at this stage. The design flexibility of the proposed solutions
were assessed. The assessment identified that concrete panel method had low
modular design flexibility because changes to panel size or form alteration required
new moulds and additional investment. As such, concrete was considered not
suitable. Cost
As a first level assessment, the initial investment cost for equipment was
considered. The assessment identified that concrete panel required significant
investment in moulds or forms for pouring panels, and that this method had little
adaptability with respect to design. As such, concrete was considered not suitable.
Design for manufacture and assembly tools methods were developed to improve
the efficiency of manufacture and assembly in the factory, and in the factory setting
the data developed in Boothroyd (1994) can be applied. The panel design was
addressed using the method described in Section Each component was
considered, addressing whether it could be eliminated, reduced or replaced. The
summary of the assessment is presented in Table 34.
Results Ruth Sutton
Thermal mass Plasterboard PCM plasterboard has good performance and can
reduce the need for less efficient materials.
Addressing the panels, the original design comprised two timber I-joists as upright
structural components; two horizontal timbers were used to create a box frame.
OSB sheeting provided rigidity and created and internal volume that also contained
the insulation. A final surface was formed by a membrane.
• SIP panel requires fewer parts than timber frame, as shown in Table 35.
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• Panel size affects the number of I joists required. Materials and material
manufacture can be minimised by maximising the size of the panel. Larger
panels require few I joists. Material saving for using I joists, as shown in Table
An inventory of parts for each panel was created. Machining times were then
calculated for the parts. Costs were prepared for each panel and then for the whole
building. Table 26 details the material preparation methods used.
Insulation and membranes were not cut using machinery blades but were cut by
hand. They did not account for any power consumption associated with their
preparation. Prepepared I joists were supplied at the necessary lengths from the
Timber machining data comprised setup time and cutting time. Cost of materials
and labour and power consumption were calculated for each component based on
the machining data. Parts were cut from standard sized materials. The maximum
number of components were manufactured from a single sheet and the total
cutting time divided among the total number of pieces. Where multiple
components of the same size were required, one machine set up was required for
all of the components of that size in the building.
Results Ruth Sutton
Panel sizes were selected which optmised the cutting lengths required. For example
froma OSB board, a single piece 2400 mmx 1200 mm would not require any cutting,
but a 600 mm required one cut of 2400 mm and produced two pieces.
The impact of panel size affected total machining times and cost. Table 37 and Table
38 describes the total material machining times for wall panels in timber frame and
SIP respectively, results for all materials are presented in Appendix F.
Panel assembly in the factory occur at a workstation. Butterfly tables enable the
minimal handling of heavy partially assembled modules. Assuming that parts could
be organised in a workstation arangement around a central assembly point, time
were calcluated for the assembly of panels using methods described in Boothroyd
Panel assembly was calculated in accordance with the description in Section 4.4.4.
Parts typically had at least 180 degrees of symmetry which enables easy and could
be positioned and fixed easily. Assembly and fixings were typically from above,
except for top and bottom box panels which required horizonatl fixing. Panels were
square and the use of a butterfly table would assist maintaining the correct shape.
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Where lining and cladding were fixed to the panel, this was completed with the
panel in an upright position.
Table 39: Factory assembly times for timber frame panels. Total for building in hours
600 1200 1800 2400
Open 88 49 61 48
Closed 100 64 68 52
Table 40: Factory assembly times for SIP. Total for building in hours
600 1200
Open 1.1 2.5
Closed 0.3 2.2
The design of the volumetric solution divided the building into volumes of different
sizes. This led to a larger number of different sized element units, compared to the
panel assembly method. As such, volumetric assembly required a larger number of
element panels which did not match the standard module sizes (600, 1200, 1800, or
2400 mm) and a larger number of component set-ups, assembly set-ups creating a
greater inventory of parts. Table 41 shows the comparison between panel and
volumetric assembly. Manufacture and assembly times for the panels are presented
in Table 42.
Results Ruth Sutton
In the factory, assembly time is minimised by reducing the number of parts and
optimising the form. In the factory, where small components can be arranged close
to the assembler at the workstation, moving components from storage has little
effect and so the number of parts, the ease of positioning and fixing are most
important. Onsite, modules to be assembled are much bigger and must be
manoeuvred by more than one person and often also require lifting equipment.
Frequently, the modules must also be moved to the location of assembly from a
distant position. These factors affect how the design for assembly results present.
Onsite, if elements (wall, floor etc.) are transported as single modules, cranes would
be required to lift them into position. However, if elements were divided into
modules small enough, they could be carried into positions without additional lifting
The weight of structural panels are shown in Table 43. Assuming a worker can carry
20-25 kg and an upper limit of 6 workers handling a panel as a team, panel weights
of 120-150 kg can be moved. All open panel types of width 600 mm and 1200 mm
and closed 600 mm can be handled without lifting equipment. Where lifting
equipment is required, the panel size determines the number of lifting points
required and the speed the panel can be moved.
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Open Volumetric
Mass per
whole panel Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Handling
Sealing the building to ensure airtightness appears to be most difficult for the
modular solution. While, the assembly of volumetric modules in the factory can be
produce better quality outputs, where finishes are in place, connecting the module
interfaces present challenges. Where plasterboard is designed to be the primary air
barrier in a dwelling, a continuous ribbon of adhesive is required. Similar measures
should be considered when faces are connected. Using a sealant on site has the
lowest economic cost and was adopted in the design. Alternatively, a gasket could
be installed in the factory; however, accurate information for costs was difficult to
obtain and was not pursued further here. Finally, the vapour barrier already
presented could be relied on to ensure airtightness. Tiems to lift and install the
panels are presented in Table 44.
Results Ruth Sutton
The assembly of the building using volumetric units minimised the number of
module moves required on site. Distances moved between storage location and
building can be larger, and have been assumed to be 15000 mm, greater than the
7000mm assumed for the panel assembly. The position of lifting points must to be
carefully designed by engineers for each module; here the number of points was
assumed based on the weight of the module. As for the panels, crane speeds were
adjusted to account for the weight of the modules. Assembly time presented
includes time for assembly of volumes in the factory.
Table 45 shows the assemby times for the different panel sizes. The shortest onsite
assembly time was for the volumetric assembly. This is in part because much of the
assembly would be completed in the factory. Of the panel designs, the smallest, 600
mm panel was the fastest assembled onsite because it could be positioned without
lifting equipment. The adoption of larger panels meant fewer moves, and as such
for the panels which required crane movements, assembly times fell with increased
panel size.
The impact of assembly times on the environment are considered to be small and
not discussed here. Material choices are not imapcted by onsite assembly so
responsible sourcing metric is not affected.
The cost implications of onsite assembly are related to the hiring of the crane which
has a day rate. The times presented in Table 45 described the total time, for all of
the activities, and do not account for work to be completed concurrently. Cost of
the crane are included the each solution dependant on the panel size.
University of Liverpool 2019
The positioning of panels and modules on site was considered the most hazardous
activitity. The movement of large objects across site requires careful management.
With 600 mm panels the risk is low. Handling of panels can be controlled and the
severity is lower than for large panels.
Manufacturing decisions affected by the activities on site were panel size, and
choice of cladding materials. Transport of the panels, affecting panel and module
sizes has been discussed above. The preparation of cladding is discussed here.
Cladding and lining materials provide a protective covering to the core sturctural
materials and provide the aesthetic surface. Building fabric can achieve a long life,
as long as the external surfaces protect the internal materials. To achieve this, the
external facing and internal linings were treated as sacrificial and allowed to have a
shorter lifetime than the building. Recognising that materials will need to be
replaced, the design should enable maintenance. Where materials are removed and
replaced, damage to remaining parts should be minimised.
The cladding layout used over lapping pieces, as shown in Figure 1616. The
minimum overlap to prevent water ingress was 13 mm. In order to enable assembly
Results Ruth Sutton
units that matched panel sizes a range of overlaps were calculated. Table 46 shows
the results. 19 mm overlap was chosen as the requiring the least material but
allowing for the most simple assembly.
Gap (y) 56 60 65 67 70
Manufacture of parts in the factory was assumed butonly the two conditions.
assembly in the factory and asembly onsite were considered. Assembly in the
factory was designed to be completed as part of the panel assembly and on site a
connecting piece to ensure continuity would be fitted. On site assembly would
require assembly in situ. This would require scaffolding to enable safe handling of
Assembly times were calculated for onsite and factory assembly. Additional
assembly time resulting from onsite assembly was estimated based on expected
fixing times and movement of materials from the working area to the building. On
site data, similar to Boothroyd (1994) is not available and as suvch time have been
increased by 50% to reflect the additional effort. Summary
The embodied design process has explored the design space through the
application of design tools. Taking conceptual designs, design for manufacture and
assembly was used to develop the construction process. The tools have created
design information, in the form of component inventory, and time and cost data as
well as sustainability information. The information will be used in the next section
to assess the whole life sustainability of the solutions.
The design process has produced solutions which meet the functional and
sustainable requirements. Through the embodied design process the design space
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has been explored and the solutions have been refined. Based on the information
gathered the following design conditions are considered to be the most favourable.
• SIP is the most efficient method because of the efficiency of parts. The low
number of parts meant that maching and assembly times were reduced
compare to the timber frame alternative.
• The selection of SIP means that the insulation parameter was fixed.
The traditional construction method in the United Kingdom is a brick house with a
tiled roof. The outer leaf of the building has an insulated cavity wall. The roof has a
trussed construction and is covered with a vapour membrane and tiles. Internal
walls are a mixture of structural and non-structural elements. The ground floor is
built over a hardcore layer; insulation and a damp proof membrane (DPM) are
covered with a concrete floor slab. Upper floors are built using timber joists; where
spans are greater than the length of the available joists, additional beams may be
used to provide extra support. The following sections described the materials and
construction process in greater detail.
4.5.1 Materials
Materials were chosen to meet the requirements of the element construction and
are described in Table 48.
Results Ruth Sutton
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Ground conditions vary significantly across the country. Foundation depth for a
house is usually about 1.2 m. Soil conditions in each location must be investigated
and foundation and service routes should be designed accordingly. The
development of brownfield sites requires increased caution. The construction
process outlined here, starts at the point that the building is raised above ground
level. As such, preparation of foundation and services have not been included.
The ground floor is built onto a hardcore layer, onto which a insulation layer is
installed. A DPM prevents moisture wicking into the fabric of the building. The DPM
Results Ruth Sutton
is continuous from the floor level, over the internal block work and external brick
Building up from the prepared ground level, and assuming strip foundations, the
double skin of concrete block and brick are constructed by bricklayers. Insulation is
fixed, flush to the inner layer as the wall progresses. The leaves are attached to
each other using wall ties.
Structural internal walls are constructed at the same rate as the external walls.
The first floor is constructed when the external walls reach the suitable height, this
provides a platform for the safe construction of the walls to the first floor.
Joists and beams for the first floor and the upper ceiling are installed using joist
A wall plate is installed along the external wall of the building. When construction is
managed solely on site, ridge board, rafters and trusses will all be prepared and
assembled. Pre-fabricated trussed rafters are very widely across the housing
construction industry. As such their usehas been assumed here.
Once assembled roofing felt is used to enclose the roof space. Battens are
constructed, running horizontally along the length of the wall, onto which tiles are
fixed. Tiles are fitted with an overlapping patter. Special tiles are required at the
edges and the ridge of the roof. The lining is a wet plaster.
Windows and doors are installed, making the building water tight. The first fix
installs the plumbing and electrical fitting which are then encapsulated within the
fabric by the lining. The second fix completes the building by installing fitting such
as switches, sockets, and surface finishes.These stages are not included.
4.5.4 Environment
The building element were review using the Green Guide and the elements all had
ratings A+. Details are presented in Appendix D. As such, the traditional building
method has an environmental score of 10.
University of Liverpool 2019
4.5.5 Cost
Cost for the traditional construction was calculated using an estimating guide.
Disposal of waste at the end of life was clauleted based on the volume of materials.
Unit areas for each of the elements were calculated and used to estimate costs for
the build. The whole life time cost was £24,030.
A risk assessment was undertaken for the construction processs. The original metric
addressed the the construction in phases, and addressed the onsite and factory
work separately. Traditional construction does not have a LCA phase in the factory
factory. As such, the building construction was considered in terms of the work
required to assessmbl the building elements, as shown in Table 49.
External End of
Ground floor/ Internal Mainten-
wall Roof life
floor upper finishes ance
Traditional Con. * L- Con. * L- Con. * L- Con. * L- Con. * L- Con. * L- Con. * L-
construction Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood Hood
Handling 4 1 6 6 4 6 2
6 4
Risk of falling 6 2 6 9 1
Exposure to 1
4 4 2 4 4 1
toxic materials
Exposure to the 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
Risk of Injury 4
2 1 1 12 1 4
(by equipment )
4.5.7 Adaptability
The adaptability of the traditonal design and construction was considered using the
methods described in Section The results are presented in Appendix H.
Results Ruth Sutton
4.6.2 Cost
This metric most closely resembles the life cycle assessment method. The cost
metric required the most detailed data collection of the selected metrics. Table 50
summarises the cost included at each stage
University of Liverpool 2019
Raw materials Material cost based on volumes Costs of materials were collected
Waste assumed to be 10% added to from material supllier. Materials
material were priced either for
compomponent, or for system if
Factory manufacture Cost of labour based on time Labour cost from SPONS
Cost of power based on time Power cost based on industry xxx
Transport from factory to site Based on total number of journey Cost per journey was obtained from
required to transport modules from local company.
factory to site.
Assembly Equipment cost based on panel Crane cost obtained from local
weight company
Labour cost based on time Labour cost from SPON
Maintenance Material cost based on lifetime of Lifetime based on product data or
materials industry accepted values
End of life Waste disposal determined by Industry averages for the disposal
industry averages. routes were used.
Costs provided by local company
The first stage of the assessment required the preparation of an inventory of all
parts for each solution.
• The cost of each component was calculated, including material cost, plus an
additonal cost for waste materials.
• Manuacturing cost which includes the power used for cutting the materials and
labour for the manufacturing process.
• Time for assembly was calculated and a cost for the labour of assembly in the
factory was included.
• On site, the cost of assembly comprising labour and labour related to craning
panels and modules.
• Materials required for manitenance was calculated using the service life of the
msterials. The cost of maintenance materials was included but no manfacturing
or labour costs were included.
• At the end of life, demolition costs were not included, but costs for waste
disposal were included.
Results Ruth Sutton
The total lifetime costs were between £25,703 and £39,937. The average cost is
£29,519. SIP panels solutions have lower costs, with an average cost of £24,496. The
average cost of a timber panels solution is £30,455.
The health and safety metric was based on manufacture and assesmbly processes.
The construction processes during each stage of the construction lifetime are
reviewed, the hazard events are identifed and the risk is assessed. The risk score
was calculated as the product of potential consequence and likelihood of the event.
Each design solution was assessed for risk. Detailed risk assessments are shown in
Appendix H.
Health and safety metric scores were between 7.41 and 8.13 with an average score
of 7.66. The solution scores show little pattern reflecting the wide range of
processes required in each construction. Within the assessment process specific
design properties were identified as being influencial. The following activities were
associated with reduced risk:
• Manufacture and assembly in the factory has lower risk than onsite.
• Smaller panels are considered to have lower risk because the likelihood of
accidents during moving panels and assembly is reduced.
• The construction of a structural frame reduces the risk, because it removes the
need temporary support during assembly. Adaptability
University of Liverpool 2019
end of life was considered. For each phase marks were scored with higher marks
being correlated with greater adaptability.
The range of metric scores, before normalisation, for each of the parameters are
described below. Each of the metric scores were plotted in order from low to high
to understand the distribution of the score.
The environmental metric score were created by produced a weighted sum, of the
element scores taken from the Green Guide Rating. At conceptual design stage the
elelement were retricted to well performing elements. As such, there was little
variation between the environmental scores. The final scores for the environmental
metric were either 9.2 or 10.
The cost metric was the sum of financial cost of the materials and activities across
several phases of the building lifetime. Material and waste disposal cost, machining
power cost, transport and labour all contributed towards the total cost. The
solutions developed had cost scores that showed a mostly linear distribution
between £17,623 and £47,585. Values at the top and bottom of the range move
away from the trendline slightly; however, a linear relationship was used for
Results Ruth Sutton
The health and safety scores was calculated by summing the risk scores of activites
during each phase of the building life. A list of hazards were considered for each
phases and the associated risk for each was scored out of 9. A maximum total score
of 1080 was reduced to a score out of 10. The design achieved scores between
solutions between 7.41 and 8.13. Most scores lie in a linear distribution. The
maximum value 8.13 is the traditional construction score.
The responsible scourcing metric was scored using credit method. Credits were
gained for environment assurance, chain of custody, and internal business
practices. Solutions had responsible sourcing scores between 4.85 and 5.6. The
scores lie along a linear distribution.
Scores were aggregated using a simple summing method. Each of the metric scores
was decimalised. Weightings were applied to the metric score and
summed.Weightings are presented in Table 51. This sustainability score was then
used to compare solutions.
The aim of the design process is to create sufficient understanding that the best
performing solutions can be identified. It supported the creation of knowledge and
understanding of the design space.
The design process created a number of feasible solutions developed using design
tools adapted from the engineering design. The solutions were created using
functional and sustainable requirements. In order to assess the success of the
adapted method the sustainability of the designs were measured using a
sustainability index.
In order to assess the success of the design process to develop sustainable design
solutions based on the requirements, it was necessary to compare the total impact
of the solutions on the selected issues. Alongside the assessment of the designs
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described above, sustainability scores were developed for the feasible design
solution combinations. By creating scores for the full range of feasible solutions the
power of the design process could be more clearly understood.
Total sustainabilty scores were in the range 29.5 and 50 out of a total 60. The
average score was 39.3 as summarised in Table 52.
The total scores indicate that the top performing solutions perform better than the
traditonal construction method. However, the traditional method is found in the
top decile of perfromance, as shown in Table 53. Also notable, all of the top
performing solutions are have large panel sizes.
Table 53: Summary of top design solutions in the top decile of sustainability scores.
Results Ruth Sutton
Traditional 46
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The aim of the research was to improve the sustainability of housing construction.
In this chapter the results of the research are brought together and the degree to
which they respond to the research aims is described.
This chapter discusses the development of the SCDP. It describes how the new
design tool has responded to the gaps in knowledge, identified in the literature
review. The research aims and the methods applied are then discussed. The
implication of the results with respect to the aims of the research is discussed and
then the findings are expanded to relate their meaning to existing knowledge.
At the same time as the industry is squeezed financially, the need for sustainable
development is reaffirmed. The literature review described the need to address
Discussion Ruth Sutton
social and environmental issues. The construction industry has been repeatedly
challenged to improve both the quality of the building and their productivity, and it
was proposed that mechanical engineering methods would lead to the desired
Within in this context small construction firms have the oppurtunity to offer better
quality housing with improved sustainability. This research addressed the needs of
the housing construction sector by delivering a sustainable construction design
process, which improves social and environmental performance of the construction
process while recognising the economic constraints of the sector.
The literature review showed that lean methods and prefabrication have been used
within the construction industry for several decades. However, the research uses
large manufacturing works, such as the car industry, for comparison and the
construction industry projects are often large in scale. This research, focusing on the
application to small scale businesses, shows how benefits can be achieved using the
principles for low volume housing.
Literature addressing the design and construction methods of both traditional and
prefabricated was reviewed. A comparison between the car industry and
construction showed that many aspects of the production can be compared. More
importantly, the design processes were shown to offer approaches to construction
issues which traditional methods struggle to tackle.
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5.3.1 Sustainability
The literature review identified that sustainability metrics are poorly addressed in
construction design tools particularly addressing social issues. The literature review
identified issues affecting the stakeholders of the housing construction industry.
Analysis of the issues placed them into social, economic and environmental
groupings, as such the research adopted the triple bottom line model of sustainable
business practices approach (Elkington 1998).
At the sustainability scoring stage, the indiviudal metrics were attributed to one of
environmental, social or economic impacts so that the scores could be aggregated.
However, the impacts of each criteria were also felt in each of the other criteria.
For example, adaptability was addressed as a social issue; however, the factors
considered could also have environmental and economic effects. Where the
adapatability of the building extends the lifetime of the building so that it is not
replaced, and components are reused, financial and environmental benefits are also
Similar benefits across the the triple bottom line can be described for health and
safety. In the UK, the economic cost of illness due to accidents at work is
approximately £1 billion (Wright 2015).
This contribution of the factors to triple bottom line criteria meant that creating
weighting factors which were developed by placing the factors in competition with
each other was problematic.
Equal weightings were given to the triple bottom line criteria. This was to reflect
that each were equally important. Consideration was given to creatings weighting
by the business owner, but in the first instance he felt he did not have the expertise
to prioritise environmental issues; then when the scoial and economic factors were
discussed it was difficult to constrain the discussion to weighting of impacts within
the scope of the tool. As the business owner, he had decision making power beyond
Discussion Ruth Sutton
those dealt with here, which meant that he was concerned with a broader scope of
issues than those dealt with in the research.
In the traditional design process, functional requirements which are the focus of the
PDS are driven by the in-use phase of the product. However, the whole life
sustainability has a broader scope.The identification of the stakeholder to the
construction and design process, ensured that the wider sustainability issues were
5.3.3 Metrics
The research has illustrated the complexity of aiming for sustainability. The number
of stakeholders and the variety of impacts mean that considering each criteria
independently becomes time-consuming and is likely to be omitted in the early
stages. Placing sustainability as a functional requirement , requires that the impacts
are identified and incorporated into the design.
The success of the product is determined by the delivery of a product that customer
wants, at a price they are willing to pay. Sustainability is not yet a driving factor for
the customer when buying houses, particulalry elements of sustainability which do
not impact the in-use phase. As such, the cost of the building could be argued to be
the most important criteria to the customer. On the other hand, prefabrication is
not a traditional construction method, and as such, the customer selecting such
product is most likely to be seeking sutainability among the product functions. With
such an interest, the attention to the whole life impact would be a selling point for
the company.
It is assumed that labour employed in the factory have fulltime permanent roles.
This increases the labour costs to the company, but has been adopted so that the
full benefits of prefabricated manufacture and lean processes can be achieved.
The literature review identified issues such as labour blacklisting and labour
exploitation. These are impacted by the product cost. However, where a business is
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more able to control its costs, it is in a stronger position to address poor business
Materials gained credits, when they were shown to have considered elements of
their supply chain. The use of creditation schemes mean that a thorough
assessment process has been completed, beyond what would be feasible without
the use of proxy assessments. However, again the use a third party data source
meant that the limited scope to compare the impacts.
Where several materials were considered for the same funtion, the best performing
option was selected. This meant that high scores were achieved. However, there is
also the need to ensure that if descisions are made on the basis a particular supplier
Discussion Ruth Sutton
and product that cheapar products are not chosen as a replacement further along
the the design process.
The use of certification in this way prevents the the selection of “gold star”
performers who can be identified as performing better than other products. Better
performance could be driven by the requirement for additonal certification to be
met. As the industry improves, the list of possible schemes will expand and should
be added as they become available. In contrast, the method can establish a
minimum performance by adopting a set of design parameters which must be met.
In this research, this has been achieved by demanding a minimum environmental
performance, and by the adoption of the best perfoming material when a nube rof
alternatives are available.
The literature review showed that it was considered important to bring assessment
of health and safety earlier into design process in order to achieve benefits. As the
risks are related to activities, the health and safety assessment is not addressed at
conceptual design stage but considered during embodied design.
The metrics were created to be suitable for use by a small company with limited
resources. The criteria metrics addressed issues which could be described by both
qualitative and quantitative properties. In order to develop a single score to
describe sustainability the metrics, assessments needed to be available as a
quantitative value. This has been been achieved by a mixture of methods including
quantitative assessment, scored qualitative assessment, and credit methods. It is
felt that information relating to the design space has been lost during this
translation. The benefits creating a detailed knowledge of the design space is
discussed below.
The SCDP developed and assessed solution for an outline building. The tool created
a variety of ideas which were explored and refined. The solutions were compared to
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The design tools created knowledge about the design space. This enables the
designer to understand aspects of the manufacturing system which would
otherwise have remained unclear. It is suggested that this information is valuable to
the designer even when it it not used.
The design process identified activities which, although too small to capture by the
sustainability metric, created improved conditions for the whole sustainability of
the building. The following actions were identified
• Replacing nails and staples with screws would improve the recoverability of
materials from the building. However, screws are a more expensive connector,
and they take longer to fix leading to increased labour costs. This is capture in
the adaptability of the design
• Within the panel, larger panels used less material for vertical elements.
The tool presented here can not be a standalone solution. In terms of sustainability
it only addresses the manufacture and assembly of the building. As is widely
accepted, the in-use phase of the building represents a significant part of the whole
Discussion Ruth Sutton
life impact and must be addressed. The in-use energy consumption is not
considered here.
Furthermore, the design tool presented here has only developed the embodied
solution with respect of manufacture and assembly. The product requires additional
input from other specialisms, such as structural engineer in order to refine the
The aim of this research is not to introduce novel materials to the architect’s
palette, rather it is to show that a robust assessment of sustainability of options is
possible. This is achieved by using a range of materials with similar functional
properties but which differ in other ways and comparing their impacts. While the
designer is likely to have a palette of preferred materials with which they are
familiar. It is important that alternative materials fulfilling the functional needs are
also identified to maintain design freedom. However, designers are not, nor should
they be environmental experts, due to the time constraints involved. As such the
design guidelines are useful.
University of Liverpool 2019
The adoption of the modular approach, initially driven by transport constraints, was
appropriate. By adopting a dominant panel width for the building and discrete
inventory of was created. Further research could explore the benefit of greater
modularity using standard panel lengths also.
The volumetric design, that divided the building into several volumes, each with
different sizes, required a relatively large inventory. Within the factory this
increases workload and waste because it is necessary to hold the inventory for
longer, to have double handling of parts and to increase the number of machinery
During the conceptual design phase, the development of functional structures and
working structures enables the designer to explore new types of solutions. It is
during this phase that unconventional solutions should be considered.
The application of the tool led to improvements by minimising the number of parts,
simplifying manufacture and assembly by the design of identified design parameters
which to minimise material in the construction process. In addition, the completion
of the design assessment meant that issues relating to adaptability and health and
safety could be exposed. It is noted, again, that the recording and transfer the
issues identified during the design process is required, otherwise while much of the
knowledge has been created the associated impact will not be achieved.
As the design tool will be used again and again to develop optimised manufacture
and assembly solutions, revised weightings can be developed and fed into the next
design. In this case the weightings should be monitored to assess whether they
Discussion Ruth Sutton
stabilise to give a set of “ideal” weightings which reflect the stakeholders’ needs in
the current design setting.
The research shows the richness of knowledge that can be gained from completing
a systematic design process. Although time consuming, a model can be developed
overtime with feedback from projects. Once complete the database of information
can be configured in a number of ways to elucidate aspects of the building design.
The design process itself enables the team to understand the relationship between
factors. Additional research should be undertaken to tie the design methods to
other design research, such as ensuring creative problem solving methods are used
to produce the best conceptual designs.
A lack of case studies moving from research and development through to actual
construction has led to theoretical models indicating potential benefits but few
established projects. Similarly here the results are theoretical and would benefit
from real data.
The quality of the model data for the assessment model was “troubled “by the
uncertainty of the input data and could be improved by using statistical methods to
account for this uncertainty (Hester et al. 2018).
University of Liverpool 2019
It has been noted that construction design decisions often occur late in the design
process. This tools presents a method for construction design decisions to be made
early on. It includes factors that affect contractors, material suppliers and engineers
and as such they should be included in the early stages of the design process.
These actors are required to supply information to the tool early in the process.
Variability, lack of stability in cost, and supply chains challenges the adoption of the
tool. As such, there is a strong argument that there should be greater collaboration
between developers, contractors and the material supply chain.
Designing for modularity is useful where the core functions of a module are similar
but a variety of output forms are needed. The basic functions identified in the
conceptual design phase were fundamental to all buildings and as such modularity
can be adopted across construction. Achieving the benefits of modularity requires
off site manufacturing to mature. The step changes is comparable to that of Ford to
Toyota. The benefits are not achieved by minimising the differences, but by
optimising the similarities. Savings can be achieved by identifying the best panel size
for the design, material choices and the business’ capabilities; however,
construction will always involve uncertainty as each project is different and
assembly on site is subject to factors less controllable than within the factory.
Factories require significant investment and renting of buying the factory space
often requires a long term commitment. The turbulent nature of the construction
industry, with peak and troughs, means that there is significant risk of factories
spending long periods inactive. However, investment could also help support a
more steady supply rate. This would mean that jobs in the industry are more
secure, that companies would be able to plan training.
Discussion Ruth Sutton
For the design process, it is assumed that all assembly occurs by hand because this
allows the fundamentals of design to be applied before any automation brings
additional benefits.
Set-up times assumed that all identical components are prepared as part of a single
batch. Set up times were then divided among the number of components.
Estimated cutting rates and set up times were provided by the equipment supplier
(Smith 2013). Other estimates included rate of glue spreading for SIPs, and the
setup and pouring times concrete moulds.
When the components were cut from the standard material size, but had different
sizes, it was assumed that the machine set up happened twice.
University of Liverpool 2019
The research shows that optimal sustainable design properties are determined by
the effect of the life cycle of construction activities: machining, assembly,
disassembly and disposal. Conceptual design formulates the “what”, creating the
basis for a building that works, embodied design devises the production,
maintenance and end of life processes that ensure the “how” is achieved efficiently.
This research has shown that wider issues affecting construction sustainability can
be correlated with production efficiency.
From the outset of the research it was recognised that in-use energy consumption is
often the largest contrbuter to green house gas emissions throughout the lifetime
of a house. As such, this tool can not be used on its own to design sustainable
building. It should be part of a suite of tools which are used as part of the design
process. The tool however, does assist the designer to consider the construction
process, in a manner which has not been addressed elsewhere and as such it
considered a valuable contribution to the field of sustainable construction.
Building performance during the in-use phase is affected by many factors beyond
the fabric materials and layout. The arrangement and form of buildings with the
same floor area can vary significantly, and the impact on the on the thermal
coefficient will be large. The occupant behaviour has been shown to affect the
energy consumption in the use phase. Houses often have long lifetimes and can be
owned by a number of different householders, or the same householders will have
different occupancy patterns across their life phases (working, retired, part time,
Discussion Ruth Sutton
Irrespective of building size, the aim of the research was to identify methods or
guidance which will improve all housing designs. If the building does not function
well, is built poorly, or cannot be adapted for changes in people’s circumstances,
the building will not achieve its expected life time.
A systematic design approach was applied to a building layout and was shown to be
effective. Design solutions formulated were original and feasible and a manufacture
and assembly process could be developed, in detail, from the tools available.
Conclusions Ruth Sutton
It is becoming increasingly clear that there must be a change from the status quo of
construction activities to deal with their environmental and social impacts. At the
same time, the demand for the industry to increase the output of housing risks the
production of housing with low whole life sustainability that will be in-use for the
next 60 years. Tools to support the sustainability of the construction to
sustainability independantly of other construction issues, leading to sustainability
acting in conflict with other design decisions. Integrating sustainability into a tool
which designs the construction process enables sustainability to be placed at the
centre of decision making.
The tool was valuable for the creation of knowledge relating to the design space.
The focus of the tool on manufacture, enabled highlighted the improved
sustainability performance that can be achieved by strengthening the relationship
between material suppliers and the manufacturers. The car industry have
sophisticated supply chains driven by use of lean methods to reduce many types of
waste. The supply of materials that meet the size requirements of the
manufacturers can minimise machining, reduce handling and stock inventory, which
leads to reduced material waste.
University of Liverpool 2019
accurate data to replace the data developed from Boothroyd, and the generic data
used in this work would develop the design tool presented here and provide a tool
which can contribute to the management of workflow through a factory and on site,
enabling lean design to be used. Material data from suppliers, assembling and
machining times from the workstation and on site, and more detailed design
information from structural engineers would improve the validity of the results
presented here.
The results of the tool indicated that the design with open timber framed panels,
using the largest panel size (2400 mm), without a structural frame is the most
sustainable construction method. The research suggested that the cost of adoption
is not prohibitive. As such, prefabricated construcion methods can epresent a
sustainable alternative to traditional construction methods. However, the current
economic landscape means that any company setting up prefabricated construction
is at risk in the long term as the volatility of the housing market means that they
may be left with capital assets which are not productive during economic
downturns. Changes to the house building market which result in lower risk to
innovative methods should be considered by the authorities. Market forecasts
indicate that the long term need for new build housing is high, as such, maintaining
a steady supply flow would support the sustainable improvements that adoption of
the SCDP method could achieve.
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Appendices Ruth Sutton
Appendices Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Climate change was been chosen because it included aspects of both energy
consumption and the embodied energy of materials.
A.1.2 Toxicity
Impacts to air and water have been combined in the ratings tables. Characterisation
factors, expressed as Human Toxicity Potentials (HTP), are calculated using USES-
LCA, as with Ecotoxicity, which describes fate, exposure and effects of toxic
substances for an infinite time horizon. For each toxic substance HTPs are expressed
using the reference unit, kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DB) equivalent.
The BRE indicate that indoor air quality is not covered by this category.
Appendices Ruth Sutton
Acid rain and ozone depletion are both significant environmental problems. Ozone
depletion compounds are found in refrigerants, solvents and propellants. Acid rain
is produced by the solution of sulphur dioxide and nitrous gases in rain water
producing acid conditions. These will be measured using the LCA methods
While some materials are highly effective and have low embodied carbon, they may
be scarce, or also be required for other industries, this is represented resource
scarcity. The requirement of sustainable development to enable future generations
to meet their own means requires today’s society to maintain a stock of a resource
so that it is not diminished beyond recovery.
The impact of minimising waste will be measured in the LCA and so is not addressed
Green guide to specification offered a reliable, trustable and (for the business)
transparent tool, reducing the scale of modelling required.
University of Liverpool 2019
A.2.1 Cost
Appendices Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
The construction is split into four key phases based on Hazard events are considered and the product of
when a risk assessment would be completed and the severity of accident and the likelihood of an
actions taken. incident is recorded.
E: Maintenance; • Handling
Appendices Ruth Sutton
A.3.3 Adaptability
There is a push for homes to be designed so that householders can remain in the
home throughout their lifetime. This means that they should be able to extend the
house to accommodate more people, or to remove them as the household shrinks.
Room use should be changeable.
It is difficult to fully assess the impact over time because it is difficult to predict the
life span of the building (Berardi 2013). Often buildings outlive their design life,
through adaptation and refurbishment (Brand 1995). Extending the lifetime of the
product reduces the need for replacement (Gosling, Sassi et al. 2013). An adaptable
building is able to achieve this with “minimal waste production and material use”
(Gosling, Sassi et al. 2013).
This adaptability is beneficial for the customer. Adaptable design can also be
beneficial for the business, interchangeability of modules also the product range to
be extended with less development time and lower costs (Gu, Hashemian et al.
Appendices Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Appendix Ruth Sutton
Target product cost £1200/m2 approx. refers only to the build cost and not the life time cost.
Competition Passiv Haus is considered represents comparable level
design quality and thermal performance.
Other competitors include: Huf Haus, IKEA Boklok.
Other building methods considered suitable for high
specification building include thin joint masonry, SIPS
Shipping Mainly UK based
European freight should be considered
Packing (not included This may require removable handles or slings to be Wrapped for transport to site. May be stored on site.
here.) attached during manufacture, which are then removed Design should allow component to be easily handled manually or by equipment
once assembled. While the time spent awaiting assembly onsite will be minimised, it should be
expected that the materials could be exposed to the elements for some time.
Quantity Approximately 52 buildings from the factory each year.
University of Liverpool 2019
Size Not for comparison A number of building sizes will be available in the range.
The design is created by architect who determines sizes of spaces based on the
internal furniture and desired layout.
Other factors may include
Constraints of transporting the panels may them lead to slight adjustment to
the dimensions.
Weight Modcell transport the timber frame as flat pack, then There are weight constraints related to transport.
using a flying factory close to site, they build the closed Lorries have weight limits of XXXX
panels minimising the transport
On site the weight of elements should reflect the proposed handling method. If
a crane then large weights can be carried. If manual handling is prescribed then
all elements should be able to be handled safely.
Aesthetics, appearance Prefabricated panels minimise the amount of onsite Should be high quality and suggest sustainability?
and finish. tasks that are required. Confirmed by Building
Material properties Large range in best materials, depends on function. Must meet building standards. Values for off-gassing, fire resistance and xxx
Typical targets include minimize volume of material, Must be ethically sourced
minimize weight. Aesthetic value and
Materials must widely available across the industry. Components materials,
such as timber, glulam, oriented strand board (OSB) and plywood, and
insulation products should be available from builder’s merchants at standard
Appendix Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Installation Transported for factory to site on the back of lorries (how many?)
Assembled using xx people and a crane.
Assembly of the shell took xx hours. It then took approximately xx weeks to
Fast assembly in the factory and little assembly required on site.
Minimise the time the building is not water tight.
Documentation BIM management systems Not completed
Some drawings available. Full documentation of designs, options manufacture
and construction method should be achieved.
Occupant handbook should be available with clear sections for the occupier,
Appendices Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Cost Affordability is important for large Minimise cost per unit floor area
scale infiltration of the market. of building
However, the total price of a property
is significantly affected by land cost.
Employment Create skilled, well paid, secure
employment. Invest in training.
Local employment Modcell have been involved with Create employment where the
community projects, at which houses are built, support the
community stakeholders help insulate local economy.
the panels.
Embodied carbon Earthen structures and timber Minimise the release of
structure can be closed system and greenhouse gases, over the
carbon neutral. lifetime of the building.
Acid rain potential Most of acid rain potential is Minimise the release of gases and
associated with sulphur from fossil fuel particulates which contribute to
combustion. acid rain potential.
Ozone potential It is feasible to select materials that Minimise the release of chloro-
have zero ozone potential for fluoro-carbons.
Resource Use Renewable material >36%. Renewable materials, minimising
Factory timber waste 8% (lower when waste through design
reuse and recycling included) (WRAP). Use materials which aren’t scarce
At Stuart Milne 80% of this waste is To minimise timber waste in
recycled or reused. factory and continue to minimise
through lean methods.
Toxicity “Natural” homes use only materials Minimise
with no known toxicity to people
Water Minimise use onsite and in the
Minimise embodied water in
Adaptable Portal frame methods allow the
internal building to be rearranged with
little damage to the fabric. Office
buildings often have movable sections,
and flooring.
Impact during Construction on site impacts the
construction (off local community through noise
Sustainable Design Requirements
Appendices Ruth Sutton
Functional Environmental
Provide natural daylight /Allow privacy Moderate internal temperature
Secure Control air movement (prevent draughts)
Offer space as desired Remove pollutants (smells, moisture etc. )
Have separate compartment spaces as needed Control humidity
Deliver electricity and water from outside to inside the home Prevent moisture ingress
Remove waste water from the home Prevent ingress of external noise
Provide sufficient daylight
Today, companies offering offsite solutions have a variety of backgrounds. Most are
from construction, such as, Archihaus which is formed as a partnership between
Architects and developers (Archihaus 2013). Redrow is a housing developer. Toyota
is a large multinational, known in the United Kingdom for manufacturing vehicles,
but, among other things, manufactures housing in Japan. However, Legal & General,
a financial services company, announced in mid-2016 that they would build the
world’s largest modular building factory, in Leeds, West Yorkshire, to take
advantage of the government sponsored build-to rent scheme (Legal & General
The scale of production varies, too. Toyota produces 4000 houses per year across
their three plants in Japan. Legal & General has not announced the scale of output,
but it is likely to be in the thousands (Legal & General 2017). Huf Haus report that
their output is limited to approximately 200 large houses per year. In the long term,
the Archihaus expect their factory will have capacity for 500 houses per year,
supplying the United Kingdom (Archihaus 2013).
The challenge for any business involved in factory production is to manage the
demand such that the supply rate is balanced throughout the year. Archihaus have
planning permission to build the factory and a housing development across the
road, which ensures they have predictable demand as they become established
(Archihaus 2013). Legal and General are using their investors’ money to build to
rent, ensuring a continuous demand (Legal & General 2017). For Huf Haus, they
manage their flow through the factory by limiting the number of houses they build,
stating that they limit this in order maintain customer service.
University of Liverpool 2019
The degree of offsite prefabrication can range from just the fabrication of the
structural frame of element panels through to completion of room modules. Where
panels are used, companies manufacture a standard sized panel with small
variations to allow for the building layout. Modcell use a 3.0*3.2m standard panel
which can be handled. An Oxford supplier, Green Unit, has panels that are 2.5*
5.4m sections; they describe the panels . as light enough to be carried by two
people. Kingspan Tex offers panels up to 1.22*7.50m which require installation
using a crane (Kingspan Group 2010).
The prefabricated panels or modules are delivered to site from the factory. Huf
Haus fabricate all the components in Germany, then transport them to site whether
in Germany, in the UK or elsewhere. Unusually, Modcell prepares the components
of the panel frames at their factory in Bath, and deliver them flat packed to a “flying
factory” within 30miles of the development. In the flying factory, the panel frames
are assembled and locally sourced straw bale insulation is installed. Volumetric
module sizes are limited by transport and site access constraints.
Where the process is understood, lean can be achieved. Huf Haus, (in the Grand
Designs programme) arrive on site with a transit van which has exactly enough
fixing for the building and all the tools required. The team is skilled and thorough: at
the end of the job the construction team cleaned the van from top to bottom
before leaving site, a behaviour which is considered unusual in the UK.
Appendices Ruth Sutton
Material Labour cost in the factory is for Glulam and steel are
Manufacture general operative £12.12/hr structural frames. The
Assembly materials will be
Transport prefabricated by supplier.
Material Environmental responsible sourcing,
Manufacture Labour cost in the factory is for
Assembly general operative £12.12/hr
Connect craning hooks to panel. Number of fixing points to crane
Crane into position. Survey in based on weight of module. Time
position. Fix , seal using , and Taken per connector
unwrap (if necessary) Speed of crane movement
dependant on weight
Assume assembly ng onsite takes 1.5
Assembly parts on site times offsite assembly
Machine parts off site SIPS assembly, including gluing
University of Liverpool 2019
D.3.1 Timber
Timber describes a large range of materials. In the United Kingdom woods used in
construction include spruce and fir, with woods such as oak and sweet chestnut
being used more rarely.
Timber used in the United Kingdom construction industry is often from outside the
United Kingdom. The quality of timber is lower strong enough for use as a structural
material. Methods to make timber materials stronger are used, such as laminated
and ply.
British timber meets European Union Timber Regulations. The EUTR requires
foresters and suppliers to maintain a chain of custody, identifying the type of tree,
country of origin and volume along with other information.
Manufacturing treatment
Timber has several sustainable characteristics. If the rate of renewal is less than the
rate at which timber is replaced, if the stock of trees is not carefully managed, then
the timber is not sustainably sourced. It is a renewable resource, which at the end
of its life can often be reused or recycled or incinerated. The Environment Agency
have four grades of waste wood, covering virgin timber, mixed wood, treated wood
suitable for incineration and hazardous wood (contaminated with copper, chrome
of arsenic treatment or creosote).
Appendices Ruth Sutton
D.3.2 Metals
In construction, metals are used as structural elements, fixing and connectors. They
can also be used as a surface facing. The type and amount of material used is
determined by the required strength, life time and aesthetic considerations.
Metals are finite. They require large amounts of energy to extract from their ores,
and sometimes require toxic chemicals during processing. A market has developed
for the recovery and recycling of metals because the “new” materials are more
expensive to extract than reprocessing used metals. Table below details the impacts
of virgin material and recycled material.
Steel is available in the UK but the material produced is of higher specification than
used for construction. As such, steel specificities could be shipped from China or
other similar. Manufacture of the structural elements would be completed by a
steel fabricator, offsite and it would be delivered to site ready for assembly.
Appendices Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Loadbearing Precast Concrete Systems B 230
806260689 Reconstructed stone faced precast concrete cladding panel,
insulation, light steel studwork, plasterboard, paint
Loadbearing Precast Concrete Systems D 250
806530031 Sandstone faced precast concrete cladding panel, insulation,
light steel studwork, plasterboard, paint
Appendices Ruth Sutton
D.3.5 Roof
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Appendices Ruth Sutton
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Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Thickness/diameter (fixed)
Vertical (varaible)
Density (kg/m3)
Purchase metric
metric unit cost
Variable metric
Vertical (cost)
supplier unit
volume cost
Element Component Material
Finish Cladding Stone Z-shaped stone cladding 122.50 3.06E-06 m2 40.00 m2 3,000,000 0.0000408
cladding 1200 2500 40 1000 2700 120000000
Finish Cladding Timber Western Red Cedar 2.44 1.37E-06 m 19.00 m2 470,000 0.0000052
5000 94 19 1000 380 8930000 1
Finish Cladding Metal Zinc cladding 97.50 1.39E-04 M2 0.70 m2 1,000,000 0.0000975
cladding 1000 1000 0.7 1000 7135 700000
Finish Lining Drylining Plasterboard 1.55 4.31E-08 sheets 12.5 2,880,000 0.0000005
2400 1200 12.5 2400 668 36000000 m2 1000
Incidental Base Frame Steel base frame 938.00 UNIT 1 1 938.0000000
7000 4200 100 1 1 2940000000 unit
Incidental TF/SIP Top plates; 44x240mm SW 3.75 1.46E-07 m 10560 2,440 0.0015369
headers &
blockers 2440 44 240 2440 600 25766400 m 1
Insulation Insulation SIP Structural EPS density 20kg/m3 2400 1200 160 2400 20 41.91 9.09E-08 m2 160 2,880,000 0.0000146
460800000 m2 1
Insulation Insulation Blown Warmcell 1000 1000 240 1000 0.5 1,000.00 unit 240 1,000,000 0.0010000
Insulation 240000000 m2 1000
Insulation Insulation Insulation Rockwool 1200 600 240 1200 40 10.50 6.08E-08 sqm 240 720,000 0.0000146
batts 172800000 m2
Insulation Insulation Insulation Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1000 30 1.03E-07 sqm 240 741,000 0.0000246
batts 177840000 18.23 m2
Panel TF/SIP Panel 89x38mm SW battens 1.88 2.27E-07 m 3382 2,440 0.0007684
2440 89 38 1000 600 8252080 m 1
Membrane TF/SIP Breather Pro Clima Solitex WA 100.00 1.33E-06 Roll 1 75,000,000 0.0000013
membrane 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 m2 1
Membrane TF/SIP Damp proof DPM 100.00 1.33E-06 Roll 1 75,000,000 0.0000013
membrane 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 m2 1
Membrane TF/SIP Internal Pro Clima Intello Plus 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 178.00 2.37E-06 Roll 1 m2 75,000,000 0.0000024 1
Panel TF/SIP membrane
External 38x50mm treated SW 2.50 5.48E-07 m 1900 2,400 0.0010417
battens battens 2400 50 38 1000 600 4560000 m 1
Panel TF panel Panel 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 10800 1,000 0.0045400
Structural Joist
component 1000 45 240 1000 600 10800000 m m 1
Thickness/diameter (fixed)
Vertical (varaible)
Density (kg/m3)
Purchase metric
metric unit cost
Variable metric
Vertical (cost)
supplier unit
volume cost
Element Component Material
Panel TF/SIP Internal 44x69mm SW battens 0.94 1.29E-07 m 3036 2,400 0.0003917
battens 2400 69 44 1000 600 7286400 m 1
Panel SIP Panel Sheathing 18mm 2440x1220 OSB3 15.54 2.90E-07 sheets 18 2,976,800 0.0000052
board 2440 1220 18 2440 600 53582400 m2 1
Panel TF panel I joist flange 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 2025 1,000 0.0045400
Joist flange (soft wood)
1000 45 45 1000 500 2025000 N/A m
Panel TF panel I joist web 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 90 1,000 0.0045400
Joist web (fibre board) 1000 9 10 1000 900 90000 N/A m
Panel TF panel Panel boxing 240*44mm SW battens 3.75 1.46E-07 m 10560 2,440 0.0015369
C16 2440 240 44 2440 600 25766400 m 1
Panel TF panel Sheathing 11mm 2440x1220 OSB3 10.20 3.11E-07 sheets 11 2,976,800 0.0000034
board 2440 1220 11 2440 600 32744800 m2 1
Structural Structural Structural 90x240mm glulam 17.61 8.15E-07 m 21600 1,000 0.0176100
portal component
1000 90 240 1000 380 21600000 m 1
Structural Structural Structural Steel rsj beam 203*133 62.50 2.31E-06 m 26999 1,000 0.0625000
portal component 1000 133 203 1000 25.1 26999000 m
Structural cementitous Concrete Ready-mix Concrete 458.40 1.01E-07 unit 162.00 28,000,000 0.0000164
4000 7000 162 1000 2332 4536000000 m2 1
Structural Brick Brick LBC COMMON BRICK 390brick 13,975 0.0195349
65MM (60brick per
215 65 102.5 215 1900 1432437.5 273 m2 102.5 m2 1
Structural Block Block TARMAC TOPLITE 1 (10.25 per 94,600 0.0000155
AERATED BLOCK 2.9N 440 215 100 440 1980 9460000 1.47 m2 21500 m2 1
Structure Floor Timber joist Joist (47*220mm) 7.56E-07 1,000 0.0079900
1000 47 225 1000 600 10575000 7.99 m 10575 m 1
Surfacing Floor Floor boards Timber floor boards 4.57E-07 0.0000100
2400 600 22 1000 600 31680000 14.47 m2 22 m2 1440000 1
Structural Wall Mortar brick mortar brick 4.68E-06 0.0004798
10 280 102.5 1000 2332 287000 1.34355 102.5 m2 2800 1
Structural Wall Mortar block mortar block 3 655 100 1000 2332 196500 1.91 9.72E-06 100 m2 1965 0.0009720 1
Lining Internal lining Plaster (wet- Plaster (wet-premixed ) 4.15E-07 0.0000062
premixed ) 1000 1000 15 1 861.5 15000000 6.23 25kg 15 m2 1000000 1
Roof Traditional Roof trusses Roof trusses 1.00E-09 1 1.0000000
1000 1000 1000 1 600 1000000000 1 unit 1 unit 1
Roof Traditional Tiles Tiles 1.05E-06 44,220 0.0000262
268 165 25 1 1085.48 1105500 1.16 unit 25 m2 1
Roof Traditional Tiles Ridge tile #DIV/0!
Social/chain of cusytody
ems14001: 2004
Score x/3
BS 8902
Element Component Material
Finish Cladding Stone Z-shaped stone cladding Taylor Taylor 1 1 2.00 100
cladding Maxwell Maxwell 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Finish Cladding Timber Western Red Cedar Vincent 1 0 2.00 50
cladding Timber
N/A 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 1
Finish Cladding Metal Zinc cladding ZM zinc ZM zinc 1 1 3.00 80
cladding 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Finish Lining Drylining Plasterboard Knauf SIG Insulation 1 1 2.00 39
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Incidental Base Frame Steel base frame 1 1 3.00 100
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Incidental TF/SIP Top plates; 44x240mm SW Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 60
headers &
blockers N/A 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 1
Insulation Insulation SIP Structural EPS density 20kg/m3 Travis Perkins 0 0 0.00 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insulation Insulation Blown Warmcell Warmcel Warmcel 1 1 2.00
Insulation 0 1 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Insulation Insulation Insulation Rockwool Knauff Travis Perkins 1 1 2.50 100
batts 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.5
Insulation Insulation Insulation Sheep wool Thermafleece Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 100
batts 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Panel TF/SIP Panel 89x38mm SW battens Wisa Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 100
1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 1
Membrane TF/SIP Breather Pro Clima Solitex WA Pro Clima Penycoed 0 1 1.00 100
membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Membrane TF/SIP Damp proof DPM Travis Perkins Travis Perkins 0 0 0.00 100
membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Membrane TF/SIP Internal Pro Clima Intello Plus Pro Clima Penycoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0.00 100
Panel TF/SIP membrane
External 38x50mm treated SW Booker Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 60
battens battens Timber 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 1
Panel TF panel Panel 240x45mm timber I- 1 1 3.00 100
Structural Joist
component 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1
Social/chain of cusytody
ems14001: 2004
Score x/3
BS 8902
Element Component Material
Appendices Ruth Sutton
E.1.1 Components
University of Liverpool 2019
Kitchen 4200*2400
Hall 1000*2400
Hall 1800*2400
Bedroom 1 3700*2400
Bedroom 2 3300*2400
Appendices Ruth Sutton
Total weight
Material Number of pieces Weight
I joist (90*sw90) 2 12.24
C16 2 3.8 7.6
I joist 2 21.42
C16 2 3.8
Screw 16 0.002
OSB 2 15.55
nail fixings 96 0.001
insulation 1 <2.5
OSB sheathing board 2 15.55
tacks 96 0.005
I joist (90*sw90) 2 40.0
C16 2 3.8 7.6
OSB 1 15.552
nail fixings 96 0.001 0.10
University of Liverpool 2019
insulation 2 <2.5 5
I joist (90*sw90) 2 40.0 80.0
insulation 1
Appendices Ruth Sutton
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Thickness/diameter (fixed)
Vertical (varaible)
Density (kg/m3)
Purchase metric
metric unit cost
Variable metric
Vertical (cost)
supplier unit
volume cost
Element Component Material
Finish Cladding Stone Z-shaped stone cladding 122.50 3.06E-06 m2 40.00 m2 3,000,000 0.0000408
cladding 1200 2500 40 1000 2700 120000000
Finish Cladding Timber Western Red Cedar 2.44 1.37E-06 m 19.00 m2 470,000 0.0000052
5000 94 19 1000 380 8930000 1
Finish Cladding Metal Zinc cladding 97.50 1.39E-04 M2 0.70 m2 1,000,000 0.0000975
cladding 1000 1000 0.7 1000 7135 700000
Finish Lining Drylining Plasterboard 1.55 4.31E-08 sheets 12.5 2,880,000 0.0000005
2400 1200 12.5 2400 668 36000000 m2 1000
Incidental Base Frame Steel base frame 938.00 UNIT 1 1 938.0000000
7000 4200 100 1 1 2940000000 unit
Incidental TF/SIP Top plates; 44x240mm SW 3.75 1.46E-07 m 10560 2,440 0.0015369
headers &
blockers 2440 44 240 2440 600 25766400 m 1
Insulation Insulation SIP Structural EPS density 20kg/m3 2400 1200 160 2400 20 41.91 9.09E-08 m2 160 2,880,000 0.0000146
460800000 m2 1
Insulation Insulation Blown Warmcell 1000 1000 240 1000 0.5 1,000.00 unit 240 1,000,000 0.0010000
Insulation 240000000 m2 1000
Insulation Insulation Insulation Rockwool 1200 600 240 1200 40 10.50 6.08E-08 sqm 240 720,000 0.0000146
batts 172800000 m2
Insulation Insulation Insulation Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1000 30 1.03E-07 sqm 240 741,000 0.0000246
batts 177840000 18.23 m2
Panel TF/SIP Panel 89x38mm SW battens 1.88 2.27E-07 m 3382 2,440 0.0007684
2440 89 38 1000 600 8252080 m 1
Membrane TF/SIP Breather Pro Clima Solitex WA 100.00 1.33E-06 Roll 1 75,000,000 0.0000013
membrane 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 m2 1
Membrane TF/SIP Damp proof DPM 100.00 1.33E-06 Roll 1 75,000,000 0.0000013
membrane 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 m2 1
Membrane TF/SIP Internal Pro Clima Intello Plus 50000 1500 1 1500 0.9 75000000 178.00 2.37E-06 Roll 1 m2 75,000,000 0.0000024 1
Panel TF/SIP membrane
External 38x50mm treated SW 2.50 5.48E-07 m 1900 2,400 0.0010417
battens battens 2400 50 38 1000 600 4560000 m 1
Panel TF panel Panel 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 10800 1,000 0.0045400
Structural Joist
component 1000 45 240 1000 600 10800000 m m 1
Thickness/diameter (fixed)
Vertical (varaible)
Density (kg/m3)
Purchase metric
metric unit cost
Variable metric
Vertical (cost)
supplier unit
volume cost
Element Component Material
Panel TF/SIP Internal 44x69mm SW battens 0.94 1.29E-07 m 3036 2,400 0.0003917
battens 2400 69 44 1000 600 7286400 m 1
Panel SIP Panel Sheathing 18mm 2440x1220 OSB3 15.54 2.90E-07 sheets 18 2,976,800 0.0000052
board 2440 1220 18 2440 600 53582400 m2 1
Panel TF panel I joist flange 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 2025 1,000 0.0045400
Joist flange (soft wood)
1000 45 45 1000 500 2025000 N/A m
Panel TF panel I joist web 240x45mm timber I- 4.54 4.54E+00 90 1,000 0.0045400
Joist web (fibre board) 1000 9 10 1000 900 90000 N/A m
Panel TF panel Panel boxing 240*44mm SW battens 3.75 1.46E-07 m 10560 2,440 0.0015369
C16 2440 240 44 2440 600 25766400 m 1
Panel TF panel Sheathing 11mm 2440x1220 OSB3 10.20 3.11E-07 sheets 11 2,976,800 0.0000034
board 2440 1220 11 2440 600 32744800 m2 1
Structural Structural Structural 90x240mm glulam 17.61 8.15E-07 m 21600 1,000 0.0176100
portal component
1000 90 240 1000 380 21600000 m 1
Structural Structural Structural Steel rsj beam 203*133 62.50 2.31E-06 m 26999 1,000 0.0625000
portal component 1000 133 203 1000 25.1 26999000 m
Structural cementitous Concrete Ready-mix Concrete 458.40 1.01E-07 unit 162.00 28,000,000 0.0000164
4000 7000 162 1000 2332 4536000000 m2 1
Structural Brick Brick LBC COMMON BRICK 390brick 13,975 0.0195349
65MM (60brick per
215 65 102.5 215 1900 1432437.5 273 m2 102.5 m2 1
Structural Block Block TARMAC TOPLITE 1 (10.25 per 94,600 0.0000155
AERATED BLOCK 2.9N 440 215 100 440 1980 9460000 1.47 m2 21500 m2 1
Structure Floor Timber joist Joist (47*220mm) 7.56E-07 1,000 0.0079900
1000 47 225 1000 600 10575000 7.99 m 10575 m 1
Surfacing Floor Floor boards Timber floor boards 4.57E-07 0.0000100
2400 600 22 1000 600 31680000 14.47 m2 22 m2 1440000 1
Structural Wall Mortar brick mortar brick 4.68E-06 0.0004798
10 280 102.5 1000 2332 287000 1.34355 102.5 m2 2800 1
Structural Wall Mortar block mortar block 3 655 100 1000 2332 196500 1.91 9.72E-06 100 m2 1965 0.0009720 1
Lining Internal lining Plaster (wet- Plaster (wet-premixed ) 4.15E-07 0.0000062
premixed ) 1000 1000 15 1 861.5 15000000 6.23 25kg 15 m2 1000000 1
Roof Traditional Roof trusses Roof trusses 1.00E-09 1 1.0000000
1000 1000 1000 1 600 1000000000 1 unit 1 unit 1
Roof Traditional Tiles Tiles 1.05E-06 44,220 0.0000262
268 165 25 1 1085.48 1105500 1.16 unit 25 m2 1
Roof Traditional Tiles Ridge tile #DIV/0!
Social/chain of cusytody
ems14001: 2004
Score x/3
BS 8902
Element Component Material
Finish Cladding Stone Z-shaped stone cladding Taylor Taylor 1 1 2.00 100
cladding Maxwell Maxwell 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Finish Cladding Timber Western Red Cedar Vincent 1 0 2.00 50
cladding Timber
N/A 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 1
Finish Cladding Metal Zinc cladding ZM zinc ZM zinc 1 1 3.00 80
cladding 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Finish Lining Drylining Plasterboard Knauf SIG Insulation 1 1 2.00 39
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Incidental Base Frame Steel base frame 1 1 3.00 100
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Incidental TF/SIP Top plates; 44x240mm SW Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 60
headers &
blockers N/A 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 1
Insulation Insulation SIP Structural EPS density 20kg/m3 Travis Perkins 0 0 0.00 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insulation Insulation Blown Warmcell Warmcel Warmcel 1 1 2.00
Insulation 0 1 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Insulation Insulation Insulation Rockwool Knauff Travis Perkins 1 1 2.50 100
batts 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.5
Insulation Insulation Insulation Sheep wool Thermafleece Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 100
batts 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Panel TF/SIP Panel 89x38mm SW battens Wisa Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 100
1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 1
Membrane TF/SIP Breather Pro Clima Solitex WA Pro Clima Penycoed 0 1 1.00 100
membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Membrane TF/SIP Damp proof DPM Travis Perkins Travis Perkins 0 0 0.00 100
membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Membrane TF/SIP Internal Pro Clima Intello Plus Pro Clima Penycoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0.00 100
Panel TF/SIP membrane
External 38x50mm treated SW Booker Travis Perkins 1 1 3.00 60
battens battens Timber 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 1
Panel TF panel Panel 240x45mm timber I- 1 1 3.00 100
Structural Joist
component 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1
Social/chain of cusytody
ems14001: 2004
Score x/3
BS 8902
Element Component Material
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
38x50mm treated
600 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 1 2400 m 4560000 2 2.50 5.00 9120000 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 1 2400 m 4560000 4 2.50 10.00 18240000 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 1 2400 m 4560000 6 2.50 15.00 27360000 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 1 2400 m 4560000 8 2.50 20.00 36480000 2.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
2400 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2400 2400 5760000 m2 63360000 2 19.74 39.47 126720000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2400 1440000 m2 15840000 2 4.93 9.87 31680000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1200 2400 2880000 m2 31680000 2 9.87 19.74 63360000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2400 1440000 m2 15840000 2 4.93 9.87 31680000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 600 1 600 m 6336000 2 0.92 1.84 12672000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 2400 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1800 1 1800 m 19008000 2 2.77 5.53 38016000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1200 1 1200 m 12672000 2 1.84 3.69 25344000 1.00 4
38x50mm treated
600 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2177 1 2177 m 4136300 2 2.27 4.54 8272600 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1200 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2177 1 2177 m 4136300 4 2.27 9.07 16545200 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1800 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2177 1 2177 m 4136300 6 2.27 13.61 24817800 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
2400 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2177 1 2177 m 4136300 8 2.27 18.14 33090400 2.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1200 2400 2880000 m2 31680000 2 9.87 19.74 63360000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1800 2400 4320000 m2 47520000 2 14.80 29.60 95040000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2400 2400 5760000 m2 63360000 2 19.74 39.47 126720000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
600 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 4200 2520000 m2 27720000 2 8.63 17.27 55440000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2400 1440000 m2 15840000 2 4.93 9.87 31680000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1200 2400 2880000 m2 31680000 2 9.87 19.74 63360000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
2400 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 2400 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
600 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 600 1 600 m 6336000 2 0.92 1.84 12672000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1200 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1200 1 1200 m 12672000 2 1.84 3.69 25344000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1800 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1800 1 1800 m 19008000 2 2.77 5.53 38016000 1.00 4
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
44x69mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 1 2400 m 7286400 4 0.94 3.76 29145600 2.00 4
44x69mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 1 2400 m 7286400 6 0.94 5.64 43718400 2.00 4
44x69mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 1 2400 m 7286400 8 0.94 7.52 58291200 2.00 4
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1800 4200 7560000 m2 2520000 1 5.98 5.98 2520000 1.00 1
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1800 2177 3918600 m2 5040000 1 11.96 11.96 5040000 1.00 1
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2400 1440000 m2 15840000 2 4.93 9.87 31680000 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1200 2400 2880000 m2 31680000 2 9.87 19.74 63360000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 600 1 600 m 6336000 2 0.92 1.84 12672000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1200 1 1200 m 12672000 2 1.84 3.69 25344000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1800 1 1800 m 19008000 2 2.77 5.53 38016000 1.00 4
240*44mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 2400 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 4
38x50mm treated
600 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 1349 1 1349 m 2563100 2 1.41 2.81 5126200 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1200 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 1349 1 1349 m 2563100 4 1.41 5.62 10252400 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
1800 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 1349 1 1349 m 2563100 6 1.41 8.43 15378600 2.00 4
38x50mm treated
2400 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 1349 1 1349 m 2563100 8 1.41 11.24 20504800 2.00 4
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1200 4200 5040000 m2 2880000 1 6.84 6.84 2880000 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 600 2400 1440000 m2 1440000 1 1.92 1.92 1440000 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 1200 2400 2880000 m2 2880000 1 3.84 3.84 2880000 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 1800 2400 4320000 m2 4320000 1 5.76 5.76 4320000 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 2400 2400 5760000 m2 5760000 1 7.68 7.68 5760000 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 600 2177 1306200 m2 1306200 1 1.74 1.74 1306200 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 1200 2177 2612400 m2 2612400 1 3.48 3.48 2612400 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 1800 2177 3918600 m2 3918600 1 5.22 5.22 3918600 1.00 1
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 2400 2177 5224800 m2 5224800 1 6.97 6.97 5224800 1.00 1
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 600 2400 1440000 m2 2880000 1 6.84 6.84 2880000 1.00 1
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1200 2400 2880000 m2 2880000 1 6.84 6.84 2880000 1.00 1
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1800 2400 4320000 m2 2880000 1 6.84 6.84 2880000 1.00 1
Internal Pro Clima Intello
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 2400 1349 3237600 m2 2880000 1 6.84 6.84 2880000 1.00 1
11mm 2440x1220
600 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2177 1306200 m2 14368200 2 4.48 8.95 28736400 1.00 4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 1200 2177 2612400 m2 28736400 2 8.95 17.90 57472800 1.00 4
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1618800 1 3.84 3.84 1618800 1.00 1
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 3700 2220000 m2 24420000 1 7.61 7.61 24420000 1.00 2
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 2400 1440000 m2 15840000 1 4.93 4.93 15840000 1.00 2
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 4600 2760000 m2 30360000 1 9.46 9.46 30360000 1.00 2
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 600 3700 2220000 m2 24420000 1 7.61 7.61 24420000 1.00 2
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
240*44mm SW
1800 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 1800 1 600 m 19008000 2 2.77 5.53 38016000 1.00 2
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2400 4600 2760000 m2 15840000 1 4.93 4.93 15840000 1.00 2
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2400 3700 2220000 m2 15840000 1 4.93 4.93 15840000 1.00 2
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 600 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 2
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 600 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 2
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2400 1 600 m 25344000 2 3.69 7.38 50688000 1.00 2
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 300 600 180000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 400 600 240000 m 1618800 1 0.24 0.24 1618800 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 100 600 60000 m 1618800 1 0.24 0.24 1618800 1.00 1
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 300 600 180000 m 1618800 2 0.24 0.47 3237600 1.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 300 600 180000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 400 600 240000 m 1618800 1 0.21 0.21 1618800 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 200 600 120000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 100 600 60000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
44x69mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 100 600 60000 m 1618800 1 0.21 0.21 1618800 2.00 1
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
item volume
scalar (the
product of the
component dimensions
Horizontal (fixed Assembly dimension that donot component Number in Total assembly cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) assembly width length variable change in volume assembly component cost Total cost volume maintenance numbers
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 300 600 180000 m 1618800 2 0.21 0.42 3237600 2.00 1
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
number of number of
Horizontal (fixed width cuts cutting remainder length cuts cutting remainder
Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) length width depth length width depth length width (length run) length board (width run) width board
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
38x50mm treated
600 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2400 50 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38x50mm treated
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2400 50 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38x50mm treated
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2400 50 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38x50mm treated
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2400 50 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
2400 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 2400 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 1220
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 2 1220 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 1200 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 2 1220 13420 20
240*44mm SW
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 600 240 44 0 360 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 0 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1800 240 44 0 1560 1 240 1800 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1200 240 44 0 960 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
38x50mm treated
600 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2177 50 38 0 0 1 50 223 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
1200 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2177 50 38 0 0 1 50 223 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
1800 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2177 50 38 0 0 1 50 223 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
2400 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 2177 50 38 0 0 1 50 223 0 50 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 1200 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 1800 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 1220
11mm 2440x1220
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 2400 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 1220
11mm 2440x1220
600 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 4200 600 11 1760 2980 1 1220 0 1 0 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 2 1220 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 1200 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 13420 20
240*44mm SW
2400 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 2160 1 240 40 0 240 0 0
240*44mm SW
600 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 600 240 44 0 0 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
1200 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1200 240 44 0 960 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
1800 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1800 240 44 0 1560 1 240 1800 0 0 0 0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
44x69mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 2400 69 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44x69mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 2400 69 44 0 2331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44x69mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 2400 69 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 4200 600 1 0 2700 11 16500 3800 1 16500 0 0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 4200 1200 1 0 2700 11 16500 3800 1 16500 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 0 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 1200 11 0 0 1 1220 40 1 1220 13420 20
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 600 240 44 0 360 1 240 2400 0 0 0 0
240*44mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1200 240 44 0 0 2 480 40 0 480 0 0
240*44mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1800 240 44 0 0 1 240 640 0 240 0 0
240*44mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 0 1 240 40 0 240 0 0
38x50mm treated
600 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 1349 50 38 0 0 1 50 1051 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
1200 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 1349 50 38 0 0 1 50 1051 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
1800 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 1349 50 38 0 0 1 50 1051 0 50 0 0
38x50mm treated
2400 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 2400 50 38 1349 50 38 0 0 1 50 1051 0 50 0 0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2400 600 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 2 30000 30000 300
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2400 1800 1 0 300 20 30000 2000 1 30000 0 1500
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2400 2400 1 0 900 20 30000 2000 1 30000 0 1500
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2177 600 1 0 0 22 33000 2106 2 33000 33000 300
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2177 1200 1 0 0 22 33000 2106 1 33000 33000 300
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2177 1800 1 0 300 22 33000 2106 1 33000 0 1500
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 50000 1500 1 2177 2400 1 0 900 22 33000 2106 1 33000 0 1500
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
Internal Pro Clima Intello
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 2400 1200 1 0 0 20 30000 2000 1 30000 30000 300
11mm 2440x1220
600 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2177 600 11 0 0 1 1220 263 1 1220 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
1200 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2177 1200 11 0 0 1 1220 263 1 1220 13420 20
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 50000 1500 1 1349 1200 1 0 0 37 55500 87 1 55500 55500 300
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 3700 600 11 1260 2480 1 1220 0 2 0 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 2 1220 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 4600 600 11 2160 3380 1 1220 0 2 0 13420 20
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 3700 600 11 1260 2480 1 1220 0 2 0 13420 20
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
240*44mm SW
1800 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1800 240 44 0 1560 1 240 640 0 240 0 0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 0
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 2440 1220 11 2400 600 11 0 1180 1 1220 40 1 1220 0 0
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 2160 1 240 40 0 240 0 0
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 2160 1 240 40 0 240 0 0
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 2400 240 44 0 2160 1 240 40 0 240 0 0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2440 240 44 1349 1200 1 0 960 1 240 1091 1 240 0 1200
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
44x69mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
length left
Piece larger than
purchase size manufactured piece standard size (the cut travel cut travel width
extra bit)
Horizontal (fixed cut
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable)
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2400 69 44 1349 1200 1 0 1131 1 69 1051 1 69 0 1173
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
38x50mm treated
600 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 6.16 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.03 £ 0.01 0.0046 2.50 150.0
38x50mm treated
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 12.33 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.05 £ 0.01 0.0046 2.50 75.0
38x50mm treated
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 18.49 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.08 £ 0.01 0.0046 2.50 50.0
38x50mm treated
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 24.66 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.11 £ 0.01 0.0046 2.50 37.5
11mm 2440x1220
2400 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0634 19.74 23.7
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 9 2440 0 878 9 15.41 99.31 198.62 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.43 0.85 £ 0.45 0.0158 4.93 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0317 9.87 19.6
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 9 2440 0 878 9 15.41 99.31 198.62 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.43 0.85 £ 0.45 0.0158 4.93 21.4
240*44mm SW
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 0.92 52.9
240*44mm SW
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 3.69 64.3
240*44mm SW
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 2.77 64.3
240*44mm SW
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 1.84 64.3
38x50mm treated
600 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 20.56 £ 0.00 0.00 £ 0.04 0.09 £ 0.05 0.0041 2.27 150.0
38x50mm treated
1200 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 41.13 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.18 £ 0.05 0.0041 2.27 75.0
38x50mm treated
1800 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 61.69 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.27 £ 0.05 0.0041 2.27 50.0
38x50mm treated
2400 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 82.26 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.35 £ 0.05 0.0041 2.27 37.5
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0317 9.87 19.6
11mm 2440x1220
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0475 14.80 23.7
11mm 2440x1220
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0634 19.74 23.7
11mm 2440x1220
600 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 1220 0 439 5 15.41 90.92 181.84 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.39 0.78 £ 0.41 0.0000 8.63 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 9 2440 0 878 9 15.41 99.31 198.62 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.43 0.85 £ 0.45 0.0158 4.93 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0317 9.87 19.6
240*44mm SW
2400 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 480 0 173 5 15.41 37.64 75.28 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.16 0.32 £ 0.17 0.0253 3.69 64.3
240*44mm SW
600 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 0.92 52.9
240*44mm SW
1200 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 1.84 64.3
240*44mm SW
1800 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 2.77 64.3
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
44x69mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 12.33 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.05 £ 0.01 0.0073 0.94 45.0
44x69mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 18.49 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.08 £ 0.01 0.0073 0.94 30.0
44x69mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 5 0 0 0 5 15.41 3.08 24.66 £ - 0.00 £ 0.01 0.11 £ 0.01 0.0073 0.94 22.5
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 12 33000 0 11880 12 15.41 991.28 991.28 £ 0.21 0.21 £ 4.26 4.26 £ 4.47 0.0000 5.98 180.0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 12 33000 0 11880 12 15.41 991.28 991.28 £ 0.21 0.21 £ 4.26 4.26 £ 4.47 0.0000 11.96 180.0
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0000 4.93 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0317 9.87 19.6
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 240 0 86 5 15.41 20.36 40.72 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.09 0.18 £ 0.09 0.0000 0.92 52.9
240*44mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 6 960 0 346 6 15.41 60.17 120.34 £ 0.01 0.02 £ 0.26 0.52 £ 0.27 0.0127 1.84 64.3
240*44mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 480 0 173 5 15.41 37.64 75.28 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.16 0.32 £ 0.17 0.0190 2.77 64.3
240*44mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 5 480 0 173 5 15.41 37.64 75.28 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.16 0.32 £ 0.17 0.0253 3.69 64.3
38x50mm treated
600 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 20.56 £ 0.00 0.00 £ 0.04 0.09 £ 0.05 0.0026 1.41 150.0
38x50mm treated
1200 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 41.13 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.18 £ 0.05 0.0026 1.41 75.0
38x50mm treated
1800 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 61.69 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.27 £ 0.05 0.0026 1.41 50.0
38x50mm treated
2400 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens 5 100 0 36 5 15.41 10.28 82.26 £ 0.00 0.01 £ 0.04 0.35 £ 0.05 0.0026 1.41 37.5
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 6.84 180.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 22 60000 0 21600 22 15.41 982.52 982.52 £ 0.21 0.21 £ 4.22 4.22 £ 4.43 0.0014 1.92 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 3.84 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0043 5.76 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0058 7.68 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 24 66000 0 23760 24 15.41 990.64 990.64 £ 0.21 0.21 £ 4.26 4.26 £ 4.47 0.0013 1.74 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 23 66000 0 23760 23 15.41 1033.71 1033.71 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.44 4.44 £ 4.66 0.0026 3.48 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 23 66000 0 23760 23 15.41 1033.71 1033.71 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.44 4.44 £ 4.66 0.0039 5.22 300.0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA 23 66000 0 23760 23 15.41 1033.71 1033.71 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.44 4.44 £ 4.66 0.0052 6.97 300.0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 6.84 450.0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 6.84 180.0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 6.84 900.0
Internal Pro Clima Intello
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 21 60000 0 21600 21 15.41 1029.31 1029.31 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.42 4.42 £ 4.64 0.0029 6.84 900.0
11mm 2440x1220
600 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0000 4.48 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
1200 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 357.52 £ 0.04 0.08 £ 0.77 1.54 £ 0.81 0.0287 8.95 19.6
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus 38 111000 0 39960 38 15.41 1051.98 1051.98 £ 0.22 0.22 £ 4.52 4.52 £ 4.75 0.0016 3.84 450.0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 1220 0 439 5 15.41 90.92 90.92 £ 0.02 0.02 £ 0.39 0.39 £ 0.41 0.0244 7.61 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 2440 0 878 5 15.41 178.76 178.76 £ 0.04 0.04 £ 0.77 0.77 £ 0.81 0.0158 4.93 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 1220 0 439 5 15.41 90.92 90.92 £ 0.02 0.02 £ 0.39 0.39 £ 0.41 0.0304 9.46 21.4
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 5 1220 0 439 5 15.41 90.92 90.92 £ 0.02 0.02 £ 0.39 0.39 £ 0.41 0.0244 7.61 21.4
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
240*44mm SW
1800 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 3 480 0 173 3 15.41 62.74 125.47 £ 0.01 0.02 £ 0.27 0.54 £ 0.28 0.0190 2.77 64.3
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 3 2440 0 878 3 15.41 297.94 297.94 £ 0.06 0.06 £ 1.28 1.28 £ 1.34 0.0000 4.93 23.7
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 3 2440 0 878 3 15.41 297.94 297.94 £ 0.06 0.06 £ 1.28 1.28 £ 1.34 0.0000 4.93 23.7
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 3 480 0 173 3 15.41 62.74 125.47 £ 0.01 0.02 £ 0.27 0.54 £ 0.28 0.0253 3.69 64.3
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 3 480 0 173 3 15.41 62.74 125.47 £ 0.01 0.02 £ 0.27 0.54 £ 0.28 0.0253 3.69 64.3
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 3 480 0 173 3 15.41 62.74 125.47 £ 0.01 0.02 £ 0.27 0.54 £ 0.28 0.0253 3.69 64.3
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 94.11 £ 0.02 0.02 £ 0.40 0.40 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 94.11 £ 0.02 0.02 £ 0.40 0.40 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 2 480 0 173 2 15.41 94.11 188.21 £ 0.02 0.04 £ 0.40 0.81 £ 0.42 0.0016 0.24 52.9
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 32.55 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.14 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
44x69mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 32.55 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.14 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
total Per item Machinery Set
cutting Power cost up (shared
Horizontal (fixed travel Per item (not including Labour cost total labour TotalManufactu Piece Material price across all
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) distance whole pieces loading timing setup cost) (machining) cost re cost volume (per piece) pieces)
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens 2 138 0 50 2 15.41 32.55 65.09 £ 0.01 0.01 £ 0.14 0.28 £ 0.15 0.0016 0.21 75.0
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
38x50mm treated
600 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.64 600.00 2.736 5.472
38x50mm treated
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.32 600.00 2.736 10.944
38x50mm treated
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.21 600.00 2.736 16.416
38x50mm treated
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.16 600.00 2.736 21.888
11mm 2440x1220
2400 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.10 600.00 38.016 76.032
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 9.504 19.008
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.08 600.00 19.008 38.016
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 9.504 19.008
240*44mm SW
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 3.8016 7.6032
240*44mm SW
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
240*44mm SW
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 11.4048 22.8096
240*44mm SW
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 7.6032 15.2064
38x50mm treated
600 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.64 600.00 2.48178 4.96356
38x50mm treated
1200 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.32 600.00 2.48178 9.92712
38x50mm treated
1800 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.21 600.00 2.48178 14.89068
38x50mm treated
2400 roof Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.16 600.00 2.48178 19.85424
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.08 600.00 19.008 38.016
11mm 2440x1220
1800 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.10 600.00 28.512 57.024
11mm 2440x1220
2400 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.10 600.00 38.016 76.032
11mm 2440x1220
600 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 16.632 33.264
11mm 2440x1220
600 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 9.504 19.008
11mm 2440x1220
1200 internal wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.08 600.00 19.008 38.016
240*44mm SW
2400 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
240*44mm SW
600 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 3.8016 7.6032
240*44mm SW
1200 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 7.6032 15.2064
240*44mm SW
1800 roof Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 11.4048 22.8096
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
44x69mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.19 600.00 4.37184 17.48736
44x69mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.13 600.00 4.37184 26.23104
44x69mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.10 600.00 4.37184 34.97472
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 0.77 0.90 0.002268 0.002268
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 0.77 0.90 0.004536 0.004536
11mm 2440x1220
600 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 9.504 19.008
11mm 2440x1220
1200 wall Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.08 600.00 19.008 38.016
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 3.8016 7.6032
240*44mm SW
1200 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 7.6032 15.2064
240*44mm SW
1800 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 11.4048 22.8096
240*44mm SW
2400 wall Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
38x50mm treated
600 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.64 600.00 1.53786 3.07572
38x50mm treated
1200 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.32 600.00 1.53786 6.15144
38x50mm treated
1800 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.21 600.00 1.53786 9.22716
38x50mm treated
2400 roof gable Panel TF/SIP External battens SW battens £ 0.16 600.00 1.53786 12.30288
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof gable Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 0.77 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.001296 0.001296
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.003888 0.003888
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.005184 0.005184
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.00117558 0.00117558
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.00235116 0.00235116
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.00352674 0.00352674
Breather Pro Clima Solitex
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane WA £ 1.29 0.90 0.00470232 0.00470232
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 1.93 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1200 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 0.77 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
Internal Pro Clima Intello
1800 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 3.87 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
Internal Pro Clima Intello
2400 roof Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 3.87 0.90 0.002592 0.002592
11mm 2440x1220
600 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 8.62092 17.24184
11mm 2440x1220
1200 roof Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.08 600.00 17.24184 34.48368
Internal Pro Clima Intello
600 wall Membrane TF/SIP membrane Plus £ 1.93 0.90 0.00145692 0.00145692
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 14.652 14.652
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 9.504 9.504
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 18.216 18.216
11mm 2440x1220
600 floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.09 600.00 14.652 14.652
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
240*44mm SW
1800 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 11.4048 22.8096
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.10 600.00 9.504 9.504
11mm 2440x1220
2400 upper floor Panel TF panel Sheathing board OSB3 £ 0.10 600.00 9.504 9.504
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
240*44mm SW
2400 floor Panel TF panel Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.28 600.00 15.2064 30.4128
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 internal Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 0.97128
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 floor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
240*44mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 0.97128
240*44mm SW
600 wall Panel TF Panel boxing battens C16 £ 0.23 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 internal Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 ceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 upperceiling Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 0.97128
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 internalwall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 floor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
44x69mm SW
600 upperfloor Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 0.97128
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Labour cost
(set up
Horizontal (fixed adjusted per component
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component or variable) piece ) material density mass total mass
44x69mm SW
600 wall Panel TF/SIP Internal battens battens £ 0.32 600.00 0.97128 1.94256
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Horizontal component
(fixed or assembly Assembly dimension component Number in Total assembly maintenanc cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component variable) width length variable volume assembly component cost Total cost volume e numbers
assembly Assembly dimension component Number in Total assembly maintenanc cutting
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component Material width length variable volume assembly component cost Total cost volume e numbers
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 4200 2520000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 3.68E+01 36.75 604800000 0 1
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 6.20E+01 62.00 604800000 0 1
600 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 4200 2520000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 3.68E+01 36.75 604800000 0 1
600 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 6.20E+01 62.00 604800000 0 1
600 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 2177 1306200 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 2177 1306200 m2 313488000 1 1.90E+01 19.05 313488000 0 1
600 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 2177 1306200 m2 313488000 1 3.21E+01 32.13 313488000 0 1
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 1349 809400 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 1349 809400 m2 194256000 1 1.18E+01 11.80 194256000 0 1
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 1349 809400 m2 194256000 1 1.99E+01 19.91 194256000 0 1
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 4200 2520000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 3.68E+01 36.75 604800000 0 1
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 4200 2520000 m2 604800000 1 6.20E+01 62.00 604800000 0 1
600 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 2400 1440000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 600 2400 1440000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
600 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 600 2400 1440000 m2 345600000 1 2.10E+01 21.00 345600000 0 1
600 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 2400 1440000 m2 345600000 1 3.54E+01 35.43 345600000 0 1
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 4200 5040000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 7.35E+01 73.50 1209600000 0 1
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 1.24E+02 123.99 1209600000 0 1
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 4200 5040000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 7.35E+01 73.50 1209600000 0 1
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 1.24E+02 123.99 1209600000 0 1
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 2177 2612400 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 2177 2612400 m2 626976000 1 3.81E+01 38.10 626976000 0 1
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 2177 2612400 m2 626976000 1 6.43E+01 64.27 626976000 0 1
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 1349 1618800 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 1349 1618800 m2 388512000 1 2.36E+01 23.61 388512000 0 1
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 1349 1618800 m2 388512000 1 3.98E+01 39.83 388512000 0 1
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 4200 5040000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 7.35E+01 73.50 1209600000 0 1
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 4200 5040000 m2 1209600000 1 1.24E+02 123.99 1209600000 0 1
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 2400 2880000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1200 2400 2880000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 2400 2880000 m2 691200000 1 4.20E+01 42.00 691200000 0 1
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 2400 2880000 m2 691200000 1 7.09E+01 70.85 691200000 0 1
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 4200 7560000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.10E+02 110.25 1814400000 0 1
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.86E+02 185.99 1814400000 0 1
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 4200 7560000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.10E+02 110.25 1814400000 0 1
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.86E+02 185.99 1814400000 0 1
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 2177 3918600 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 2177 3918600 m2 940464000 1 5.71E+01 57.15 940464000 0 1
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 2177 3918600 m2 940464000 1 9.64E+01 96.40 940464000 0 1
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 1349 2428200 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 1349 2428200 m2 582768000 1 3.54E+01 35.41 582768000 0 1
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 1349 2428200 m2 582768000 1 5.97E+01 59.74 582768000 0 1
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 4200 7560000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.10E+02 110.25 1814400000 0 1
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 4200 7560000 m2 1814400000 1 1.86E+02 185.99 1814400000 0 1
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 2400 4320000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1800 2400 4320000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1800 2400 4320000 m2 1036800000 1 6.30E+01 63.00 1036800000 0 1
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 2400 4320000 m2 1036800000 1 1.06E+02 106.28 1036800000 0 1
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 4200 10080000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 1.47E+02 147.00 2419200000 0 1
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 2.48E+02 247.99 2419200000 0 1
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 4200 10080000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 1.47E+02 147.00 2419200000 0 1
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 2.48E+02 247.99 2419200000 0 1
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 2177 5224800 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 2177 5224800 m2 1253952000 1 7.62E+01 76.20 1253952000 0 1
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 2177 5224800 m2 1253952000 1 1.29E+02 128.54 1253952000 0 1
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 1349 3237600 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 1349 3237600 m2 777024000 1 4.72E+01 47.22 777024000 0 1
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 1349 3237600 m2 777024000 1 7.97E+01 79.65 777024000 0 1
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 4200 10080000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 1.47E+02 147.00 2419200000 0 1
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 4200 10080000 m2 2419200000 1 2.48E+02 247.99 2419200000 0 1
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 2400 5760000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 2400 2400 5760000 m2 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00 0 0 1
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 2400 2400 5760000 m2 1382400000 1 8.40E+01 84.00 1382400000 0 1
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 2400 5760000 m2 1382400000 1 1.42E+02 141.71 1382400000 0 1
600 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 600 2400 1440000 m2 345600000 1 3.54E+01 35.43 345600000 0 1
1200 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1200 2400 2880000 m2 691200000 1 3.54E+01 35.43 345600000 0 1
1800 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1800 2400 4320000 m2 1036800000 1 3.54E+01 35.43 345600000 0 1
2400 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 2400 2400 5760000 m2 1382400000 1 3.54E+01 35.43 345600000 0 1
number number
of width of length cutting
Horizontal cuts cuts mm (m/min) time
(fixed or (length cutting remainde (width cutting cutting remainde (seconds)
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component variable) width depth length width depth length width run) length r board run) width width r board number seconds seconds £ 0.02
Per item
length left Power
Piece larger than cutting
after total cost (not
purchase size standard size (the cut travel width /travel
compone cutting including
extra bit) rate
nts cut travel whole Per item setup
Panel size Panel type Product system Element Component Material manufactured piece distance pieces loading timing cost)
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 600 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 16.41 116.2 116.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 600 240 300.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 17.41 111.3 111.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 600 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 19.41 117.7 117.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 600 240 300.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 20.41 112.8 112.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2177 600 240 977.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 22.41 119.2 119.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2177 600 240 877.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 23.41 114.3 114.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 1349 600 240 149.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 25.41 120.7 120.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1349 600 240 49.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 26.41 115.8 115.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 600 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 28.41 122.2 122.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 600 240 300.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 29.41 117.3 117.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
600 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2400 600 240 0.00 0.00 1 600 0 0 0 0 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 32.41 124.2 124.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
600 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 600 240 1100.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 34.41 119.8 119.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1200 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 37.41 126.7 126.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1200 240 300.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 38.41 121.8 121.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1200 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 40.41 128.2 128.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1200 240 300.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 41.41 123.3 123.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2177 1200 240 977.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 43.41 129.7 129.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2177 1200 240 877.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 44.41 124.8 124.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 1349 1200 240 149.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 46.41 131.2 131.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1349 1200 240 49.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 47.41 126.3 126.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1200 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 49.41 132.7 132.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1200 240 300.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 50.41 127.8 127.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2400 1200 240 0.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1200 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 53.41 134.7 134.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1200 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 1200 240 1100.00 60.00 1 570 0 1 0 1140 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 55.41 130.3 130.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1800 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 58.41 137.2 137.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1800 240 300.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 59.41 132.3 132.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1800 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 61.41 138.7 138.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1800 240 300.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 62.41 133.8 133.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2177 1800 240 977.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 64.41 140.2 140.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2177 1800 240 877.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 65.41 135.3 135.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 1349 1800 240 149.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 67.41 141.7 141.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1349 1800 240 49.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 68.41 136.8 136.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 1800 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 70.41 143.2 143.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 1800 240 300.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 71.41 138.3 138.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2400 1800 240 0.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 1800 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 74.41 145.2 145.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
1800 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 1800 240 1100.00 90.00 1 570 0 1 0 1710 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 76.41 140.8 140.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 2400 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 79.41 147.7 147.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 ceiling Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 2400 240 300.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 80.41 142.8 142.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 2400 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 82.41 149.2 149.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 2400 240 300.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 83.41 144.3 144.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2177 2400 240 977.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 85.41 150.7 150.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 roof Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2177 2400 240 877.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 86.41 145.8 145.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 1349 2400 240 149.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 88.41 152.2 152.2 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 roof gable Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 1349 2400 240 49.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 89.41 147.3 147.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 4200 2400 240 600.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 91.41 153.7 153.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 upper floor Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 4200 2400 240 300.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 92.41 148.8 148.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Blown Insulation Warmcell 1000 1000 240 0 0.0 £ -
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Rockwool 1200 600 240 2400 2400 240 0.00 0.00 1 600 0 1 0 2400 2 600 0.167 216.0 2 95.41 155.7 155.7 £ 0.03 £ 0.029
2400 wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 2400 240 1100.00 120.00 1 570 0 1 0 2280 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 97.41 151.3 151.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
600 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 600 240 1100.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 34.41 119.8 119.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1200 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 1200 240 1100.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 56.41 130.8 130.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
1800 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 1800 240 1100.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 77.41 141.3 141.3 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
2400 internal wall Insulation Insulation Insulation batts Sheep wool 1300 570 240 2400 2400 240 1100.00 30.00 1 570 0 1 0 570 2 570 0.167 205.2 2 98.41 151.8 151.8 £ 0.03 £ 0.028
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
600 Floor panel o 12 195.5 2 240 480 1500 100 15 975 11700 195 1200 Floor panel 6 0 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 5872.5 98
600 Wall panels o 36 122.9 2 240 480 1500 100 15 975 35100 585 Wall panels 20 0 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 19575 327
600 Upper floor o 12 486.0 4 240 960 1500 100 15 1935 23220 387 Ceiling panels 12 0 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 11745 196
600 Ceiling panels o 12 901.2 4 240 960 1500 100 15 1935 23220 387 First floor wall panels 0 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 0 0
Roof trusses 12 58.2 4 240 960 1500 100 15 1935 23220 387 Roof trusses 12 100 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 11745 196
600 Roof panels o 22 523.0 2 240 480 1500 100 15 975 21450 358 Roof panels 12 0 2 240 480 1500 80 18.75 978.75 11745 196
Internal 37 293.0 240 0 1500 100 15 255 9435 157.25 Internal 20
Total time
600 2132
1200 5785500
1800 774
2400 562
Number connecting Number g time per connect/
number of lifting time per connect/ distance to time t total per total (all time number of lifting lifting disconnec distance to move total per total (all time
of units weight point lifting point disconnect move (average) speed move piece pieces) (minutes) of units weight point point t (average) speed time t move piece pieces) (minutes)
1800 Floor panel 4 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 4925 83 2400 Floor panel 3 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 2970 50
Wall panels 25 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 14775 247 Wall panels 19 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 9900 165
Ceiling panels 4 720 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Ceiling panels 19.00 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 8910 149
First floor wall panels 4 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 0 0 First floor wall panels
3.00 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 0 0
Roof trusses 100 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Roof trusses 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 5940 99
Roof panels 8 720 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Roof panels 6.00 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 5940 99
Internal 14 8.52E+02 Internal 11.00 1.17E+03
Number connecting Number g time per connect/
number of lifting time per connect/ distance to time t total per total (all time number of lifting lifting disconnec distance to move total per total (all time
of units weight point lifting point disconnect move (average) speed move piece pieces) (minutes) of units weight point point t (average) speed time t move piece pieces) (minutes)
Floor panel 5 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 4925 83 Floor panel 3 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 2970 50
Wall panels 15 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 14775 247 Wall panels 10 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 9900 165
Ceiling panels 9 720 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Ceiling panels 9 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 8910 149
First floor wall panels 540 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 0 0 First floor wall panels 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 0 0
Roof trusses 9 100 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Roof trusses 6 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 5940 99
Roof panels 9 720 2 240 480 1500 60 25 985 8865 148 Roof panels 6 2 240 480 1500 50 30 990 5940 99
Internal 14 8.52E+02 Internal 11
Number connecting Number g time per connect/
of lifting time per connect/ distance to time t total per total (all time of lifting lifting disconnec distance to move total per total (all time
weight point lifting point disconnect move (average) speed move piece pieces) (minutes) weight point point t (average) speed time t move piece pieces) (minutes)
Floor panel 5 540 2 240 480 1000 60 25 985 4925 83 Floor panel 5 540 2 240 480 1000 60 25 985 4925 83
Roof trusses 9 100 2 240 480 1000 60 25 985 8865 148 Roof trusses 9 100 2 240 480 1000 60 25 985 8865 148
Total 231 Total 231
open open
closed Connecting Connect / Distance closed Number Distance to
volumetri number Number of time per lifting disconnec to move Time t Total per Total (all Time volumetri number of lifting Connecting time Connect / move Time t Total per Total (all Time
Volume c of units weight lifting point point t (average) Speed move piece pieces) (minutes) Volume c of units weight point per lifting point disconnect (average) Speed move piece pieces) (minutes)
1 v 14.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 7000 116.6667 1 v 10.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 5000 83.333333
2 v 7.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1935 13545 225.75 2 v 6.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1935 11610 193.5
3 v 7.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 3500 58.33333 3 v 6.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 3000 50
4 v 7.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1936 13552 225.8667 4 v 6.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1936 11616 193.6
5 v 6.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 3000 50 5 v 4.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 2000 33.333333
6 v 8.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1937 15496 258.2667 6 v 6.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1937 11622 193.7
7 v 5.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 2500 41.66667 7 v 5.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 2500 41.666667
8 v 5.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1938 9690 161.5 8 v 5.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 1938 9690 161.5
9 v 9.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 4500 75 9 v 7.00 2 240 480 500 25 20 500 3500 58.333333
mins 1213.05 mins 1008.9667
days 2.527188 days 2.1020139
Assembly of a panel
The panel is simple a box fully filled with insulation. Two or more I joists form the height of the box, and C16 timbers form the end. I joists are repeated at 600mm centres.
Thick board, typically OSB, is fixed to the frame structure, typically nailed.
The board is turned over, if insulation is as batts then then batts are installed by placing them into the spaces. If insulation is blown then this happens after the second facing is attached.
The second facing is either airtightness membrane or internal boarding, dependant on intended use.
At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board
In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors.
2 240*44mm SW battens C16 C16 2 180 180 360 600 44 38.016 None two hand 76.03
4 11mm 2440x1220 OSB3 OSB sheathing board 1 180 180 360 2400 18 15.552 None two person 15.55
4a 0.00
5 Nail fixings Nail fixings 60 360 0 360 60 <2 0.001 one hand 0.06
38x50mm treated SW
10 battens Cladding fixing batten(1) 2 180 180 360 2400 1 0.00456 None Two hand 0.01
14 Western Red Cedar Cladding 4 180 180 360 2400 19 1.628832 None Two hand 6.52
6 Rockwool Insulation 2 180 180 360 600 240 <2.5 None Two hand
7 Pro Clima Intello Plus Airtightness membrane 1 360 90 450 2400 1 0.05 None Two person 0.05
One hand
8 Tacks Tacks 60 360 0 360 60 <2 0.001 None (multiples) 0.06
9 Tape Tape 2 180 180 360 2400 1 0 None Two hand 0.00
44x69mm SW battens Internal battens ( vertical ) 2 180 180 360 2400 38 2.736 None Two hand 5.47
44x69mm SW battens Internal battens (horizontal ) 2 180 180 360 500 38 0.57 None Two hand 1.14
Plasterboard Plasterboard 1 180 180 360 2400 12.5 24.048 None two person 24.05
s s Description 0.01
10 Cladding fixing batten(1) 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 1 Fix to the OSB prior to turning over (5-6)
12 Cladding fixing batten (2) 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 0 Fix to the OSB prior to turning over
Acquisition times for large size of components ( booth royd pg 119) Custom assembly
distance to Total
location of acquisition
Item Item name Number of items parts Code Size of largest part Weight Times time Total weight
1 I joist 2 >3 50 2400 12.24 12.41 24.82 12.24
2 C16 2 >3 50 600mm 38.016 12.41 24.82 38.016
3 Screw 16 >3 04 5 0.002 0.84 13.44 0.002
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Size Thickness Weight Chamfer Handling wieght
α β total mm
1 I joist 2 180 180 360 4200 240 21.42 None Two handed 42.84
2 C16 2 180 180 360 600 38 8.208 None Two handed 16.42
3 Screw 16 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None One handed 0.03
4 OSB sheathing board 5 180 180 360 4200 18 27.216 None Two handed 136.08
5 Nail fixings 96 360 0 360 60 <2 0.001 None One handed 0.10
6 Insulation 2 180 180 360 2400 240 <2.5 None Two handed
7 OSB sheathing board 5 180 180 360 2400 18 0.001 None Two handed 0.01
8 Tacks 96 360 0 360 60 <2 0.0005 None One handed 0.05
panel Floor panel 195.52
6 Lift and turn over board 1 >3 53 >65 205.77 50.07 50.07 179.56784
7 Insulation 2 >3 50 >65 <2.5 14.41 28.82 2.5
Total weight
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Size Thickness Weight Chamfer Handling of parts
α β total mm
1 I joist (90*sw90) 2 180 180 360 2177 240 11.1027 None No 22.21
2 C16 2 180 180 360 600 38 3.804 None No 7.61
3 Screw 16 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None No 0.03
4 OSB sheathing board 2 180 180 360 2177 18 14.10696 None No 28.21
Nail fixings 56 360 0 360 60 <2 0.001 None No 0.06
5 Insulation 2 180 180 360 2177 240 <2.5 None No
14 Cladding fixing batten(1) 2 180 180 360 2177 1 0.00293895 None Two hand 0.01
3 Screw 8 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None No 0.02
15 Cladding fixing batten (2) 2 180 180 360 600 1 0.00081 None Two hand 0.00
3 Screw 8 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None No 0.02
16 Cladding 4 180 180 360 2177 19 1.47748636 None Two hand 5.91
3 Screw 16 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None No 0.03
14 Cladding fixing batten(1) 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 1 Fix to the OSB prior to turning over
3 Screw 8 10 1.5 92 5 52 0 Fix c16 timbers in place
15 Cladding fixing batten (2) 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 0 Fix to the OSB prior to turning over
3 Screw 8 10 1.5 92 5 52 0 Fix c16 timbers in place
6 Lift and turn over board 1 >65in 53 >65 50.07 50.07 0.0000
7 Insulation 2 >65in 50 600 <2.5 14.41 28.82 2.0000
11 cladding fixing batten (2) 1 >65in 50 2400 0.00 12.41 12.41 0.0020
3 Screw 16 >65in 04 small part 1.48 0.84 13.44 23.6398
12 cladding 36 >65in 50 0.00 0.0720
3 Screw 0 >65in 04 small part 0.00 0.84 47.04 0.0000
Total 116.64 273.28 83.9465
Upper floor panel
Panel 4.2m*0.6m 4200 600
1 I joist (90*sw90) 2 180 180 360 4200 240 21.42 None two hand 42.84
2 C16 2 180 180 360 600 44 66.528 None two hand 133.06
4 OSB sheathing board 5 180 180 360 4200 18 27.216 None two person 136.08
6 Insulation 2 180 180 360 4200 240 <2.5 None Two hand
7 OSB sheathing board 5 180 180 360 4200 18 27.216 None two person 136.08
9 Plasterboard 2 180 180 360 4200 12.5 18.9 None two hand 37.80
Total Part
Number of Manual Insertion time Total Figures for efficiency
Item Item name items handling code Handling time per item Manual Insertion code per item operation time min. parts (Ea)
s s Description 0.01
Acquisition times for large size of components ( booth royd pg 119) Custom assembly
distance to Total
Number of location of acquisition
Item Item name items parts Code Size of largest part Weight Times time Total weight
1 I joist 2 >3 50 2400 21.42 12.41 24.82 21.42
2 C16 2 >3 50 600mm 66.528 12.41 24.82 66.528
3 Screw 16 1.5 04 5 0.002 0.84 13.44 0.002
Assembly of a panel
The panel is simple a box fully filled with insulation. Two or more I joists form the height of the box, and C16 timbers form the end. I joists are repeated at 600mm centres.
Thick board, typically OSB, is fixed to the frame structure, typically nailed.
The board is turned over, if insulation is as batts then then batts are installed by placing them into the spaces. If insulation is blown then this happens after the second facing is attached.
The second facing is either airtightness membrane or internal boarding, dependant on intended use.
At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board
In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors.
Wall panel
Panel 2.4m*1.2m 2400 1200
One hand
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer /two hand total weight of parts
α β total mm /kg
1 I joist (90*sw90) 3 180 180 360 2400 240 12.24 None Two hand 36.72
2 C16 2 180 180 360 1200 38 6.5664 None Two hand 13.1328
4 OSB sheathing board 1 180 180 360 2400 18 15.552 None Two person 15.552
14 Cladding 8 180 180 360 2400 19 1.628832 None Two hand 13.030656
6 Insulation 4 180 180 360 600 240 <2.5 None Two hand
7 membrane 1 360 90 450 2400 1 0.05 None Two person 0.05
Internal battens
(horizontal) 2 180 180 360 1100 38 1.254 Two hand
Plasterboard 1 180 180 360 2400 12.5 24.048 Two person 24.048
Manual Handling time per Manual Insertion time operation Figures for
Item Item name Number of items handling code item Insertion code per item time min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea)
s s Description 0.008141849
7 membrane 1 92 2 06 5.5 7.5 1 Lay over
distancew to total
location of size of largest acquisition
Item Item name Number of items parts Code part weight times time Weight
m /kg
1 I joist 3 >3 50 2400 12.24 12.41 37.23 12.24
2 C16 2 >3 50 1200 6.5664 12.41 24.82 6.5664
3 Screw 16 >3 04 5 0.002 0.84 13.44 0.002
5 Lift nail
turn over 96 >3 04 5 0.001 0.84 80.64 0.001
6 board >3 53 2400 34.3614 50.07 0 <2.5
7 insulation
airtightness 4 >3 50 600 <2.5 14.41 57.64 0.05
8 membrane 1 >3 50 2400 0.05 12.41 12.41 0.001
9 tacksfixing
cladding 96 >3 04 15 0.001 0.84 80.64 0
10 batten(1) 0 >3 50 2400 2.736 12.41 0 2.736
11 claddingScrew
fixing batten 16 >3 04 5 0.002 0.84 13.44 0.002
12 (2) 3 >3 50 1200 0.06156 12.41 37.23 0.06156
13 Screw 16 >3 04 5 0.002 0.84 13.44 0.002
14 cladding 16 >3 50 2400 1.628832 12.41 198.56 1.628832
15 Screw 64 >3 04 5 0.002 0.84 53.76 0.002
Total 664.05 0
Floor panel
Panel 2.0m*1.2m 4200 1200
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer weight
α β total mm
1 I joist 3 180 180 360 4200 240 21.42 64.26
2 C16 2 180 180 360 1200 38 1.03968 2.07936
3 Screw 16 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None One handed 0.032
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer total weight of parts
α β total mm
13 cladding 8 180 180 360 2177 19 1.47748636 None Two hand 11.81989088
14 Screw 32 360 0 360 60 5 0.002 None No 0.064
Manual Handling time per Manual Insertion time operation Figures for
Item name Number of items handling code item Insertion code per item time min. parts Description
s s
1 I joist 3 95 4 00 1.5 16.5 1 Place in to frame
2 C16 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 0 Place along bottom and top of
3 Screw 16 10 1.5 92 5 104 0 Fix c16 timbers in place
4 OSB sheathing board 2 95 4 00 1.5 11 0 Add
15 cladding
3 Screw 32 10 1.5 92 5 208 0 Fix c16 timbers in place
Total 164.08 1343.942 2
cladding fixing
10 batten(1) >65in
3 Screw 8 1.5 0.84 6.72 0.032
cladding fixing batten
11 (2) >65in
3 Screw 32 1.5 0.84 26.88 0.032
12 cladding >65in
3 Screw 0 1.5 0.84 0 0.032
Total 118.64 321.4872
Wall panel
Panel 2.4m*1.2m 2400 1200
One hand
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer /two hand total weight of parts
α β total mm /kg
1 I joist (90*sw90) 3 180 180 360 2400 240 12.24 None two hand 36.72
2 C16 2 180 180 360 1200 38 6.5664 None two hand 13.1328
3 OSB sheathing board 1 180 180 360 2400 18 15.552 None two person 15.552
4 insulation 4 180 180 360 600 240 <2.5 None Two hand
3 OSB sheathing board 1 180 180 360 2400 18 15.552 None two person 15.552
12 Plasterboard 1200 180 180 360 1200 12.5 0 None two hand
Manual Handling time Manual Insertion time operation Figures for
Item Item name Number of items handling code per item Insertion code per item time min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea)
s s Description 0.006153846
distancew to total
location of size of largest acquisition
Item Item name Number of items parts Code part weight times time
1 I joist 3 1.5 >65in 12.24 12.41
2 C16 2 1.5 >65in 6.5664 12.41
Screw 16 1.5 0.002 1.11
Lifting panels into place Summary 600 1200 1800 2400
on site mins 1386.0 2903.0 1893.0 1784.0
hours 23.1 48.4 31.6 29.7
days 2.9 6.0 3.9 3.7
Persons 4 2 2 2
total labour (s) 332640.00 348360.00 227160.00 214080.00
number of panels
Sealing Wall length floor/ceiling length roof length wall floor roof roof gable upper floorceiling internal wallwall floor roof roof gable upper floorceiling internal wall
Sealing time/ Sealing time/ Sealing
Sealing length mins Sealing length mins Sealing length time/
600 4800 0.48 8400 0.84 4354 0.4354 76 12 24 14 12 12 37 36.48 10.08 10.4496 6.72 10.08 10.08 17.76 101.6496
1200 4800 0.48 8400 0.84 4354 0.4354 40 6 12 8 6 6 20 19.2 5.04 5.2248 3.84 5.04 5.04 9.6 52.9848
1800 4800 0.48 8400 0.84 4354 0.4354 28 4 8 6 4 4 14 13.44 3.36 3.4832 2.88 3.36 3.36 6.72 36.6032
2400 4800 0.48 8400 0.84 4354 0.4354 20 3 6 4 3 3 11 9.6 2.52 2.6124 1.92 2.52 2.52 5.28 26.9724
filling hopper Volume number of fills time per fill filling hopper Volume number of time
fills per fill
600 17.6 50.21 0.00 600 18.84 53.82 0.00
1200 17.3 49.32 0.00 1200 19.44 55.55 0.00
1800 17.3 49.53 0.00 1800 22.78 65.08 0.00
2400 16.6 47.53 0.00 2400 19.44 55.55 0.00
Pumping time /hr fill time set up time /hr sealing time /hr Total time Total power kW/hr Pumping time /hr fill time set up timesealing
/hr timeTotal
/hr time Total power kW/hr
600 0.50 0.21 0.088 0.088 0.884 1.67 600 0.04 0.22 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.40
1200 0.490 0.21 0.085 0.085 0.864 1.64 1200 0.04 0.23 0.067 0.067 0.266 0.41
1800 0.492 0.21 0.085 0.085 0.869 1.65 1800 0.05 0.27 0.069 0.069 0.409 0.48
2400 0.472 0.20 0.078 0.078 0.825 1.59 2400 0.04 0.23 0.079 0.079 0.461 0.41
Crane manoevering
Average panel weight
(closed) kg No of panels
600 158 600 147
1200 49 1200 69
1800 69 1800 45
2400 6124120 2400 30
Distance moved
(Average distance to middle of the building) 7000
Height (roof level) 4800
Diagonal 8487.6
Half diagonal 4243.8
Assembly times based on component properties Assembly times based on component properties
Wall panel
Panel Building fabric 2400 600 Panel 2.4m*1.2m 2400 1200
Symettry Size Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight of parts
Item Item name Number of items α β total mm /kg total weight of parts α β total mm /kg
Steel frame 16 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 16000 Steel frame 16 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 16000
DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128 DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128
Floor panel 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.83E-06 2persons 2.1906E-05 Floor panel 6.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Wall panels 75.00 360 360 720 600 240 1.17E-05 2persons 0.000878489 Wall panels 40.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Upperfloor panels 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.75E-06 2persons 2.09569E-05 Upperfloor panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Roof gable 14.00 360 360 720 1.87E-06 Roof gable 7.00 360 180 540 2400 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Ceiling panels 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.75E-06 2persons 2.09569E-05 Ceiling panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328
Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0 Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0
Roof panels 22 360 360 720 600 240 3.17E-06 Crane 6.97139E-05 Roof panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 2.0216 Two hands 0 Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0
Glulam portal 12 180 180 360 5000 240 65 Crane 780 glulam portal
Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per Total Part efficiency Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per
Item Item name Number of items Manual handling code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts (Ea) Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea)
s s Description 0.016666667 s s Description 0.000466019
0 0
Cladding 12 94 20 38 15 420 Cladding 16 94 3 48
Glulam portal 12 glulam portal 0
Number of lifting Connecting time per Distance to move Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move
600 weight point lifting point Connect / disconnect (average) Speed Time t move Total per piece Total (all pieces) Time (minutes) weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move total per piece total (all pieces) time (minutes)
Floor panel 12.00 59.78 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Floor panel 6.00 1.22E+02 5 240 1200 7000 80 87.5 2487.5 14925 249
Wall panels 75.00 36.33 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 21000 350 Wall panels 40.00 6.78E+01 3 240 720 7000 80 87.5 1527.5 61100 1019
Upper floor 12.00 57.88 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Ceiling panels 12.00 9.20E+01 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Ceiling panels 12.00 50.27 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Upperfloor panels 12.00 9.20E+01 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Roof gable 10.00 23.75 1 240 240 7000 100 70 550 5500 92 roof gable 7.00 3.66E+01 2 240 480 7000 80 87.5 1047.5 7332.5 123
Roof trusses 12 100.00 4 240 960 7000 100 70 1990 23880 398 Roof trusses 12 100 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Roof panels 22 33.66 2 240 480 7000 100 70 1030 22660 378 Roof panels 12 6.29E+01 3 240 720 7000 80 87.5 1527.5 18330 306
83120 1386 173957.5 2900
155.00 total per building 1386 mins total per building 2903
total per building 23.10 hours total per building 48.38333333
2.89 days 6.047916667
At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board
In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors. In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors.
Assembly times based on component properties Assembly times based on component properties
Wall panel Wall panel
Panel 2.4m*1.8m 2400 1800 Panel 2.4m*1.8m 2400 2400
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight of parts Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight
α β total mm /kg α β total mm /kg
Steel frame 1 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 1000 Steel frame 1 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 1000
DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128 DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128
Floor panel 4.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! Crane #REF! Floor panel 3 360 180 540 1200 240 293.5143024 Crane 880.5429072
Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328 Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Wall panels 28.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Wall panels 20 360 180 540 1200 240 1553.054899 2persons 31061.09798
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Upperfloor panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Upperfloor panels 3 360 360 720 600 240 148.3838038 2persons 445.1514113
Roof gable 5.00 360 180 540 2400 240 #REF! Crane #REF! Roof gable 4 360 180 540 2400 240 1.86553E-06 Crane 7.46213E-06
Ceiling panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Ceiling panels 3 360 360 720 600 240 148.3838038 2persons 445.1514113
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328
Roof trusses 90 360 360 720 4200 90 #REF! Crane #REF! Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0
Roof panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 1.55E+02 Crane 621.2219161 Roof panels 6 360 360 720 600 240 155.305479 Crane 931.8328741
Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0 Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0
glulam portal glulam portal
Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per
Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea) Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts
s s Description 0.002005013 s s Description
Sole plate 10 99 9 38 6 150 1 Placed on steel frame. No restriction in access Sole plate 10 99 9 38 6 150 1 Placed on steel frame. No restriction in access
Roof trusses 12 Craning 480 Craning 18.75 5985 12 Crane into place, secured using nail pates. Roof trusses 12 Craning 480 Craning 18.75 5985 12 Crane into place, secured using nail pates.
0 0
Cladding 20 94 3 Cladding 20 94 3
glulam portal 0 glulam portal 0
Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move
weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move total per piece total (all pieces) time (minutes) weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move
Floor panel 3 1.79E+02 8 240 1920 7000 60 116.6666667 3956.666667 11870 198 Floor panel 3 213.60 9 240 2160 7000 50 140
Wall panels 20 9.93E+01 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 40733.33333 679 Wall panels 10 130.74 6 240 1440 7000 50 140
Ceiling panels 3 1.34E+02 6 240 1440 7000 60 116.6666667 2996.666667 8990 150 Ceiling panels 9 175.58 8 240 1920 7000 50 140
Upperfloor panels 3 1.34E+02 6 240 1440 7000 60 116.6666667 2996.666667 8990 150 Ceiling panels 175.58 8 240 1920 7000 50 140
roof gable 4 6.58E+01 3 240 720 7000 60 116.6666667 1556.666667 6226.666667 104 Roof gable 81.34 4 240 960 7000 50 140
Roof trusses 12 100 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 24440 408 Roof trusses 6 100 4 240 960 7000 50 140
Roof panels 6 9.22E+01 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 12220 204 Roof panels 6 108.20 5 240 1200 7000 50 140
mins total per building 1893 mins total per building
mins (check) total per building 31.55 hours total per building
hours 3.94375 days
per day crane cost 1342 per day crane cost
Assembly times based on component properties Assembly times based on component properties
Wall panel
Panel Building fabric 2400 600 Panel 2.4m*1.2m 2400 1200
Symettry Size Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight of parts
Item Item name Number of items α β total mm /kg total weight of parts α β total mm /kg
Steel frame 16 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 16000 Steel frame 16 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 16000
DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128 DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128
Floor panel 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.83E-06 2persons 2.1906E-05 Floor panel 6.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Wall panels 75.00 360 360 720 600 240 1.17E-05 2persons 0.000878489 Wall panels 40.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Upperfloor panels 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.75E-06 2persons 2.09569E-05 Upperfloor panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Roof gable 14.00 360 360 720 1.87E-06 Roof gable 7.00 360 180 540 2400 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Ceiling panels 12.00 360 180 540 600 240 1.75E-06 2persons 2.09569E-05 Ceiling panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF!
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328
Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0 Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0
Roof panels 22 360 360 720 600 240 3.17E-06 Crane 6.97139E-05 Roof panels 12.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! Crane #REF!
Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 2.0216 Two hands 0 Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0
Glulam portal 12 180 180 360 5000 240 65 Crane 780 glulam portal
Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per Total Part efficiency Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per
Item Item name Number of items Manual handling code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts (Ea) Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea)
s s Description 0.016666667 s s Description 0.000466019
0 0
Cladding 12 94 20 38 15 420 Cladding 16 94 3 48
Glulam portal 12 glulam portal 0
Number of lifting Connecting time per Distance to move Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move
600 weight point lifting point Connect / disconnect (average) Speed Time t move Total per piece Total (all pieces) Time (minutes) weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move total per piece total (all pieces) time (minutes)
Floor panel 12.00 59.78 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Floor panel 6.00 1.22E+02 5 240 1200 7000 80 87.5 2487.5 14925 249
Wall panels 75.00 36.33 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 21000 350 Wall panels 40.00 6.78E+01 3 240 720 7000 80 87.5 1527.5 61100 1019
Upper floor 12.00 57.88 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Ceiling panels 12.00 9.20E+01 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Ceiling panels 12.00 50.27 0 240 0 7000 25 280 280 3360 56 Upperfloor panels 12.00 9.20E+01 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Roof gable 10.00 23.75 1 240 240 7000 100 70 550 5500 92 roof gable 7.00 3.66E+01 2 240 480 7000 80 87.5 1047.5 7332.5 123
Roof trusses 12 100.00 4 240 960 7000 100 70 1990 23880 398 Roof trusses 12 100 4 240 960 7000 80 87.5 2007.5 24090 402
Roof panels 22 33.66 2 240 480 7000 100 70 1030 22660 378 Roof panels 12 6.29E+01 3 240 720 7000 80 87.5 1527.5 18330 306
83120 1386 173957.5 2900
155.00 total per building 1386 mins total per building 2903
total per building 23.10 hours total per building 48.38333333
2.89 days 6.047916667
At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board At present no electrical conduit, cladding connectors or other attachments are connected. to the faces of the board
In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors. In the first case the board will be attached to each other and the sole plates using nails. Alternative solution could be proprietry panel connectors.
Assembly times based on component properties Assembly times based on component properties
Wall panel Wall panel
Panel 2.4m*1.8m 2400 1800 Panel 2.4m*1.8m 2400 2400
Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight of parts Item Item name Number of items Symettry Siize Thickness Weight chamfer One hand /two hand total weight
α β total mm /kg α β total mm /kg
Steel frame 1 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 1000 Steel frame 1 360 360 720 4200 240 1000 Crane 1000
DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128 DPM 1 90 180 270 4200 2 268128 2 hands 268128
Floor panel 4.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! Crane #REF! Floor panel 3 360 180 540 1200 240 293.5143024 Crane 880.5429072
Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328 Sole plate 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Wall panels 28.00 360 180 540 1200 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Wall panels 20 360 180 540 1200 240 1553.054899 2persons 31061.09798
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 2 hands 131.328
Upperfloor panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Upperfloor panels 3 360 360 720 600 240 148.3838038 2persons 445.1514113
Roof gable 5.00 360 180 540 2400 240 #REF! Crane #REF! Roof gable 4 360 180 540 2400 240 1.86553E-06 Crane 7.46213E-06
Ceiling panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 #REF! 2persons #REF! Ceiling panels 3 360 360 720 600 240 148.3838038 2persons 445.1514113
Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328 Head binder 10 180 180 360 2400 38 13.1328 Two hands 131.328
Roof trusses 90 360 360 720 4200 90 #REF! Crane #REF! Roof trusses 12 360 360 720 4200 90 0 Crane 0
Roof panels 4.00 360 360 720 600 240 1.55E+02 Crane 621.2219161 Roof panels 6 360 360 720 600 240 155.305479 Crane 931.8328741
Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0 Cladding 180 180 360 4000 19 Two hands 0
glulam portal glulam portal
Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per Manual handling Handling time per Manual Insertion Insertion time per
Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts Total Part efficiency (Ea) Item Item name Number of items code item code item Total operation time Figures for min. parts
s s Description 0.002005013 s s Description
Sole plate 10 99 9 38 6 150 1 Placed on steel frame. No restriction in access Sole plate 10 99 9 38 6 150 1 Placed on steel frame. No restriction in access
Roof trusses 12 Craning 480 Craning 18.75 5985 12 Crane into place, secured using nail pates. Roof trusses 12 Craning 480 Craning 18.75 5985 12 Crane into place, secured using nail pates.
0 0
Cladding 20 94 3 Cladding 20 94 3
glulam portal 0 glulam portal 0
Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move Number of lifting connecting time per distance to move
weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move total per piece total (all pieces) time (minutes) weight point lifting point connect/ disconnect (average) speed time t move
Floor panel 3 1.79E+02 8 240 1920 7000 60 116.6666667 3956.666667 11870 198 Floor panel 3 213.60 9 240 2160 7000 50 140
Wall panels 20 9.93E+01 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 40733.33333 679 Wall panels 10 130.74 6 240 1440 7000 50 140
Ceiling panels 3 1.34E+02 6 240 1440 7000 60 116.6666667 2996.666667 8990 150 Ceiling panels 9 175.58 8 240 1920 7000 50 140
Upperfloor panels 3 1.34E+02 6 240 1440 7000 60 116.6666667 2996.666667 8990 150 Ceiling panels 175.58 8 240 1920 7000 50 140
roof gable 4 6.58E+01 3 240 720 7000 60 116.6666667 1556.666667 6226.666667 104 Roof gable 81.34 4 240 960 7000 50 140
Roof trusses 12 100 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 24440 408 Roof trusses 6 100 4 240 960 7000 50 140
Roof panels 6 9.22E+01 4 240 960 7000 60 116.6666667 2036.666667 12220 204 Roof panels 6 108.20 5 240 1200 7000 50 140
mins total per building 1893 mins total per building
mins (check) total per building 31.55 hours total per building
hours 3.94375 days
per day crane cost 1342 per day crane cost
University of Liverpool 2019
The construction is split into four key Hazard events are considered and the
phases based on when a risk product of the severity of accident and
assessment would be completed and the likelihood of an incident is
actions taken. recorded.
A External wall
• Exposure to the elements
B Ground floor
• Exposure to toxic materials
C Upper ceiling
• Risk of injury (equipment)
D Roof
• Multiple activities in a small
E Internal walls
F Internal finishes
• Handling
G: Maintenance;
• Risk of falling
H End of life
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
A External Wall
The brick and block work is built by a team of brick layers. The materials are
assembled in situ at the building. Materials are transported to where the assembly
occurs. This could be by vehicles or by manual handling. The assembly requires
repeated movement lifting bricks to the wall. Materials may need to be prepared by
cutting and this can done using an axel grinder, us by brick cutter.
The work is outside and workers are always exposed to the elements.
Mortar and concrete are hazardous materials to human health. Contact with the
materials should be minimised. Inhalation of dust should be minimised also. This
can achieved by use of PPE.
Where materials are heavy, they move in small batches or moved using vehicles.
Bricklaying requires repeated bending and lifting movements. To minimise risk the
distance materials are moved should be minimised. This can achieved by raising
materials to the level of the builder. When construction work occurs at height, the
work station needs to move so that the workers position is safe, this can be
achieved using scaffolding, working platforms or similar.
C Ground floor
The ground floor is at ground level. Concrete is poured and levelled using
The work is outside and workers are always exposed to the elements.
Mortar and concrete are hazardous materials to human health. Contact with the
materials should be minimised. Inhalation of dust should be minimised also. This
can achieved by use of PPE.
Construction of the floor slab occurs early in the process. As such, there are few
other obstructions.
University of Liverpool 2019
Trip hazards are those associated with a general contraction site. No increase risk
associated with the activity.
The ceiling structure is built of timber joist and struts, chipboard floor covering and
plasterboard ceiling. Insulation is inserted to minimise sound transference. The
upper ceiling does not have the floor covering of the insulation. To construct, joist
hangers are attached to the inner leaf of the building wall external walls, and
timber beams are inserted. Plasterboard in attached to the bottom of the joists.
Insulation is inserted between the joists. Floor boards are screwed to the top of the
The work is outside and workers are always exposed to the elements. However
there is some shelter from the walls. The roof has not be constructed.
Materials have low toxicity. However, care must be taken when preparing and
handling the materials. Cutting timber can produce hazardous dust and insulation
can be a skin irritant.
Materials are large and may require two persons to handle. Installation is over head
so work should occur using a raised platform and materials should be available at
the height of the platform.
F Roof.
The roof trusses are prefabricated offsite and brought to site from the factory. A
crane will lift the trusses into place . Workers are needed at roof height to secure
the trusses. A working platform at roof height is required (scaffolding). Once
secured roof felt covers the trusses. Battens are fixed and the roof is tiled.
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Materials are non toxic. Mortar is used to fix tiles, which can be an irritant.
Trusses are positioned using a crane and their positions secured by the workers.
The trusses are large and heavy and their movement, controlled by the crane but
affected by wind must be carefully managed.
Positioning the trusses requires the workers to use two hands. They are working at
height. The risk of falling is high.
G Internal walls
Structural walls are built in a similar manner to the external walls and the workers
are exposed to the same hazards.
H Internal finishes
Internal finishes are created using wet plaster or plaster board. These are applied
by hand. They represent low risk, although the compound is alkaline and a potential
irritant so PPE should be used.
University of Liverpool 2019
Material Score
Steel 3.0
Glulam 3.0
I joist 3.0
Red cedar 2.0
Zinc 3.0
Stone 2
Warmcell 2
Rockwool 2.5
EPS 0.0
Plaster board 2.0
Sheep wool 3.0
Timber (general) 3.0
Membrane 1.0
OSB 3.0
Brick 3.0
Block 3.0
Concrete 3.0
Wet plaster 3.0
Roof tiles 3.0
Data was collected from supplier websites, or direct contact with the supplier.
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Internal document
Element Component Material
ems14001: 2004
GRI (all)
BS 8902
Structural 90x240mm 2.5
Glulam 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
portal glulam
Structural Steel rsj beam 2.0
Steel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0
portal 203*133
240x45mm 2.5
TF panel I-joists 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
timber I-Joist
Structural 18mm 2.5
SIP Panel 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0
board SIP 2440x1220 OSB3
240*44mm SW 2.5
TF panel structure 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0
Top plates;
Fabric (sole)plates 44x240mm SW 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 2.5
assembly …
Structural 89x38mm SW 2.5
TF panel 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0
stud battens
External 38x50mm
panel faces External treated SW 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 2.5
(excluding battens battens
Internal battens 44x69mm SW 2.5
1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0
panel faces (plaster battens
18mm OSB 2.5
Inner lining OSB panel
1 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 0
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Plasterboar 2
Lining 12.5x1200 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0 0
Internal Pro Clima Intello 0
Membrane membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
Breather Pro Clima Solitex 0. 0
Membrane membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WA 0
Damp proof 0. 0
Membrane membrane DPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
University of Liverpool 2019
Structural Frame Con. * L-Hood Con. * L-Hood Con. * L-Hood Con. * L-Hood
Handling 0 3*2 0 3*3
Risk of falling 0 3*3 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 0 1*1 0 1*1
Exposure to the elements 0 2*3 0 2*3
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 0 2*3 0 3*3
Load bearing panels
Handling 2*3 3*2 0 3*3
Risk of falling 2*3 3*3 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 1*1 1*1 0 1*1
Exposure to the elements 0 2*3 0 2*3
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 2*3 2*3 0 3*3
Panel size 600/1200
Handling 1*3 1*3 0 1*3
Risk of falling 0 2*2 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 3*2 0 0 0
Exposure to the elements 0 2*2 0 2*2
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 2*3 3*2 0 3*1
Panel size 1800/2400
Handling 2*3 2*3 0 2*3
Risk of falling 0 2*2 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 3*2 0 0 0
Exposure to the elements 0 2*2 0 2*2
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 2*3 3*2 0 3*1
Insulation batts
Handling 0 0 0 0
Risk of falling 0 0 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 0 0 0 0
Exposure to the elements 0 0 0 0
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 1*2 1*2 0 0
Blown Insulation
Handling 0 0 0 0
Risk of falling 0 0 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 0 0 0
Handling 0 0 0 0
Risk of falling 0 0 0
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Timber Frame
Handling 1*3 1*3 0 1*3
Risk of falling 0 2*2 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 3*2 0 0 0
Exposure to the elements 0 2*2 0 2*2
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 2*3 3*2 0 3*1
Handling 1*3 1*3 0 1*3
Risk of falling 0 2*2 0 0
Exposure to toxic materials 3*2 0 0 0
Exposure to the elements 0 2*2 0 2*2
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 2*3 3*2 0 3*1
Red cedar
Handling 1*3 1*3 1*3 1*3
Risk of falling 0
3*2 3*2 3*2
University of Liverpool 2019
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Exposure to toxic materials 1*4 1*4 1*2 1*4 1*4 1*1 1*1
Exposure to the elements 1*4 1*4 1*4 1*4 1*4 1*4 1*4
Risk of Injury (by equipment ) 1*2 1*1 1*1 3*4 1*1 2*2 2*2
Handling 4 1 6 6 4 6 2
6 4
Risk of falling 6 2 6 9 1
20 12 19 35 14 21 15
University of Liverpool 2019
H.1.3 Adaptability
1a Design flexibility Capacity to have a 20 0-5 Bespoke design for the building .
range of buildings 5-10 Some common design elements used within
using similar the design but not between different designs
components (product 10-15 Some design details Components/
platform) Panels/volumes expected to be usable within a
range of design. Design principles shared across
15-20 Active identification of components/panels
to be used in product range
2a In-use Layering 30 0-5 Low proportion of materials with lifetime
Maintenance, Where materials have less than 25 years can be removed without
shorter lifetimes, they significant additional damage or cost
can be replaced 6-10 Some materials with lifetime less than 25
without damaging the years can be removed without significant
longer lasting additional damage or cost
components (which 11-15 Most materials with lifetime less than
are still serviceable). 25years can be removed without significant
additional damage or cost
2b In-use Structure allows for 20 0-5 Internal walls required for fabric stability
Change of use changes in fabric and to support load of upper floors.
arrangement without 5-9- Internal wall support internal floors only
significant 10-14 Some internal walls structurally necessary
reengineering. but only a central core, (large spaces remain ) A
Are any internal walls number of different configurations are available)
load bearing 15-20 Internal space is completely flexible.
3 Disassembly and Change of location of 30 0 -4 Elements are not designed to be taken
reuse at end of the building (dismantle apart. Components materials can be recycled
life and rebuild) 5-10 Individual components can be recovered
Can the building be and reused
disassembled and 11-15 Some assembled components can be
reassembled in its recovered and reused, but with significant fixing
current form? required. (screwed rather than nailed)
Can building modules 16-20 Most components can be recovered and
be recovered and used reused.
in different form? 20-25 Building is designed to be dissembled and
25-30 Building is designed to be disassembled
and reconfigured as desired
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Ruth Sutton University of Liverpool May 2019
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Material Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Material SIP 600 £ 5,381.90 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Material SIP 1200 £ 5,921.33 0.00 £ - 0.00
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Manufacture SIP 600 £ 1,186.34 £ 238.83 £ 2,971.76 29466.17
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Manufacture SIP 1200 £ 1,064.41 £ 124.50 £ 1,564.09 14733.09
Assembly Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Setup SIP 600 £ 27.27 £ 1.97 £ - 540.00
Assembly Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Component Original Setup SIP 1200 £ 21.21 £ 1.53 £ - 420.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 9,811.93 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 8,974.61 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 7,286.74 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 6,543.25 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 600 £ 641.47 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 1200 £ 1,068.99 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 1800 £ 942.01 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 2400 £ 868.63 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 158.14 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 190.66 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 136.94 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 126.31 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Material TFpanel 600 £ 661.31 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Material TFpanel 1200 £ 797.31 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Material TFpanel 1800 £ 572.65 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Material TFpanel 2400 £ 528.21 0.00 £ - 0.00
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 43.74 £ 11.17 £ 278.72 2533.78
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 36.52 £ 9.38 £ 232.26 2111.48
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 24.39 £ 6.30 £ 154.85 1407.69
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 18.28 £ 4.71 £ 116.13 1055.74
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 43.74 £ 32.57 £ 800.55 7277.72
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 36.52 £ 27.14 £ 667.12 6064.77
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 24.39 £ 18.09 £ 444.76 4043.23
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 18.28 £ 13.57 £ 333.56 3032.38
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 3,000.00 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 3,000.00 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 3,000.00 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 3,000.00 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 3,810.37 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 3,810.37 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 3,810.37 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 3,810.37 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 6,428.04 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 6,428.04 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 6,428.04 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 6,428.04 0.00 £ - 0.00
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 1,170.88 £ 1,234.43 £ 55.14 283624.98
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 1,071.15 £ 1,036.20 £ 50.55 227083.13
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 744.12 £ 691.58 £ 35.12 147454.92
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 352.08 £ 378.96 £ 16.58 83327.78
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ - £ 11.58 3182.61
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ - £ 11.32 3112.17
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ - £ 11.38 3128.02
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Warmcell Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ - £ 10.81 2971.28
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 102.49 £ 97.14 £ 2,486.58 22605.31
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 55.35 £ 52.68 £ 1,348.40 12258.16
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 39.64 £ 37.86 £ 969.05 8809.59
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Rockwool Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 31.78 £ 30.44 £ 779.30 7084.58
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 98.78 £ 93.70 £ 1,893.87 17217.00
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 53.50 £ 50.96 £ 1,031.83 9380.25
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 38.40 £ 36.71 £ 744.48 6768.00
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Sheep wool Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 30.85 £ 29.58 £ 600.81 5461.88
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Setup TFpanel 600 £ 33.33 £ 2.40 £ - 660.00
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Setup TFpanel 1200 £ 24.24 £ 1.75 £ - 480.00
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Setup TFpanel 1800 £ 45.45 £ 3.28 £ - 900.00
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Setup TFpanel 2400 £ 24.24 £ 1.75 £ - 480.00
Assembly Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Assembly TFpanel 600 £ 2,006.79 £ 4,282.08 £ - 3.86E+05
Assembly Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Assembly TFpanel 1200 £ 1,133.01 £ 733.55 £ 399.46 2.18E+05
Assembly Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Assembly TFpanel 1800 £ 1,200.61 £ 777.32 £ 423.29 2.31E+05
Assembly Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Component Original Assembly TFpanel 2400 £ 967.11 £ 626.14 £ 340.97 2.57E+05
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport SIP 600 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport SIP 1200 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport SIP 600 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport SIP 1200 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 600 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 1200 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 1800 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Open OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 2400 £ 132.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 600 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 1200 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 1800 £ 66.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Transport TFpanel 2400 £ 132.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Transport Volume 600 £ 264.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Transport Volume 1200 £ 264.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Transport Volume 1800 £ 264.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Transport Transport Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Transport Volume 2400 £ 264.00 £ - £ - 0.00
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Material Any 600 £ 5,421.12 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Material Any 1200 £ 5,421.12 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Material Any 1800 £ 5,421.12 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Material Any 2400 £ 5,421.12 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Material Any 600 £ 8,016.01 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Material Any 1200 £ 8,016.01 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Material Any 1800 £ 8,016.01 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Material Any 2400 £ 8,016.01 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Material Any 600 £ 15,690.07 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Material Any 1200 £ 15,690.07 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Material Any 1800 £ 15,690.07 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Material Any 2400 £ 15,690.07 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Maintenance Maintenance Any 600 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Maintenance Maintenance Any 1200 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Maintenance Maintenance Any 1800 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Maintenance Maintenance Any 2400 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Maintenance Maintenance Any 600 £ 12,942.32 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Maintenance Maintenance Any 1200 £ 12,942.32 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Maintenance Maintenance Any 1800 £ 12,942.32 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Maintenance Maintenance Any 2400 £ 12,942.32 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Maintenance Maintenance Any 600 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Maintenance Maintenance Any 1200 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Maintenance Maintenance Any 1800 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Maintenance Maintenance Any 2400 £ - 0 £ - 0.00
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Manufacture Any 600 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Manufacture Any 1200 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Manufacture Any 1800 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Manufacture Any 2400 £ - £ -
Manufacture Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Manufacture Any 600 £ 400.17 £ 1.46 £ 44.02 400.17
Manufacture Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Manufacture Any 1200 £ 421.57 £ 1.53 £ 46.37 421.57
Manufacture Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Manufacture Any 1800 £ 443.01 £ 1.61 £ 48.73 443.01
Manufacture Factory Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Manufacture Any 2400 £ 422.23 £ 1.54 £ 46.44 422.23
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Manufacture Any 600 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Manufacture Any 1200 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Manufacture Any 1800 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Manufacture Any 2400 £ - £ -
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Assembly Any 600 £ 7,370.80 £ 81.51 2.24E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Assembly Any 1200 £ 7,370.80 £ 81.51 2.24E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Assembly Any 1800 £ 7,370.80 £ 81.51 2.24E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
Original Assembly Any 2400 £ 7,370.80 £ 81.51 2.24E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Assembly Any 600 £ 165.90 £ 175.99 4.84E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Assembly Any 1200 £ 173.80 £ 175.99 4.84E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Assembly Any 1800 £ 181.70 £ 175.99 4.84E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
Original Assembly Any 2400 £ 173.80 £ 175.99 4.84E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Assembly Any 600 £ 4,282.08 £ 40.50 1.11E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Assembly Any 1200 £ 4,282.08 £ 40.50 1.11E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Assembly Any 1800 £ 4,282.08 £ 40.50 1.11E+04
Assembly Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding Original Assembly Any 2400 £ 4,282.08 £ 40.50 1.11E+04
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture SIP Panel 600 £ 43.74 £ 11.17 £ 278.72 2533.78
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining Original Manufacture SIP Panel 1200 £ 36.52 £ 9.38 £ 232.26 2111.48
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture SIP Panel 600 £ 43.74 £ 32.57 £ 800.55 7277.72
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining Maintenance Manufacture SIP Panel 1200 £ 43.74 £ 27.14 £ 667.12 6064.77
Assembly Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 600 £ - £ -
Assembly Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 1200 £ - £ -
Assembly Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 1800 £ - £ -
Assembly Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 2400 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost SIP Panel OPCL Building Original Setup SIP 600 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost SIP Panel OPCL Building Original Setup SIP 1200 £ - £ -
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly SIP 600 £ 2,542.05 £ 2,542.05 0.00E+00 6.99E+05
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly SIP 1200 £ 1,961.74 £ 1,961.74 0.00E+00 5.39E+05
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 600 £ 2,542.05 £ 2,542.05 6.99E+05
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 1200 £ 1,961.74 £ 1,961.74 5.39E+05
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 1800 £ 1,306.11 £ 1,306.11 3.59E+05
Assembly Site Cost Open OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 2400 £ 1,132.35 £ 1,132.35 3.11E+05
Assembly Site Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 600 £ 4,866.92 4867 1.08E+06
Assembly Site Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 1200 £ 3,908.23 3908 8.65E+05
Assembly Site Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 1800 £ 3,978.56 3979 8.80E+05
Assembly Site Cost Closed OPCL Building Original Assembly TFpanel 2400 £ 3,742.30 3742 8.28E+05
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Assembly Site Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Assembly Volumetric 600 £ 8,921.10 £ 8,921.10 2.45E+06
Assembly Site Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Assembly Volumetric 1200 £ 3,851.40 £ 3,851.40 1.06E+06
Assembly Site Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Assembly Volumetric 1800 £ 3,026.10 £ 3,026.10 8.32E+05
Assembly Site Cost Volumetric Volume Building Original Assembly Volumetric 2400 £ 3,026.10 £ 3,026.10 8.32E+05
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 600 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 1200 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 1800 £ - £ -
Manufacture Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building Original Setup TFpanel 2400 £ - £ -
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building End of life Waste TFpanel 600 £ 1,056.92 0 0
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building End of life Waste TFpanel 1200 £ 966.34 0 0
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building End of life Waste TFpanel 1800 £ 919.23 0 0
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel OPCL Building End of life Waste TFpanel 2400 £ 843.21 0 0
Disposal Site Cost SIP Panel OPCL Building End of life Waste SIP Panel 600 £ 945.94 0 0
Disposal Site Cost SIP Panel OPCL Building End of life Waste SIP Panel 1200 £ 851.83 0 0
Disposal Site Cost Cladding OPCL Z-shaped stone cladding
End of life Waste Cladding - £ 434.49 0 0
Disposal Site Cost Cladding OPCL Zinc cladding End of life Waste Cladding -- £ 73.07 0 0
Disposal Site Cost Cladding OPCL Western Red Cedar
End of life Waste Cladding - 202.6940259 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining End of life Waste SIP Panel 600 £ 223.05 0 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost SIP Panel OPCL Lining End of life Waste SIP Panel 1200 £ 268.92 0 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 600 £ 223.05 0 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 1200 £ 268.92 0 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 1800 £ 193.14 0 0 0
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel OPCL Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 2400 £ 178.16 0 0 0
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component volume Material TFpanel 1200 £ 16,749.19 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component volume Material TFpanel 1800 £ 9,361.19 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component volume Material TFpanel 2400 £ 6,653.67 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component volume Material TFpanel 600 £ 6,900.01 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 1200 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 1800 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 2400 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost TFpanel Volume Component Maintenance Material TFpanel 600 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Volumetric Volume Lining Original Material Volumetric 600 £ 192.62 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Volumetric Volume Lining Original Material Volumetric 1200 £ 179.21 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Volumetric Volume Lining Original Material Volumetric 1800 £ 126.42 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost Volumetric Volume Lining Original Material Volumetric 2400 £ 126.36 0.00 £ - 0.00
Material Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Material SIP 600
Material Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Material SIP 1200
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Manufacture SIP 600
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Manufacture SIP 1200
Assembly Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Setup SIP 600
Assembly Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Component Original Setup SIP 1200
Stage Location Parameter Panel Component Proccess cost labour power time
Material Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Material TFpanel 600 £ 263.15
Material Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Material TFpanel 1200 £ 179.21
Material Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Material TFpanel 1800 £ 126.42
Material Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Material TFpanel 2400 £ 126.36
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 314.09
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 185.68
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 80.38
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Original Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 2.12
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 600 £ 203.19
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 1200 £ 557.03
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 1800 £ 241.14
Manufacture Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture TFpanel 2400 £ 6.36
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel volume Component Original Setup TFpanel 600 £ 106.05
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel volume Component Original Setup TFpanel 1200 £ 72.72
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel volume Component Original Setup TFpanel 1800 £ 75.75
Manufacture Factory cost TFpanel volume Component Original Setup TFpanel 2400 £ 57.57
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining Original Manufacture SIP Panel 600
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining Original Manufacture SIP Panel 1200
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture SIP Panel 600
Manufacture Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining Maintenance Manufacture SIP Panel 1200
Manufacture Site Cost SIP Panel volume Building Original Setup SIP 600
Manufacture Site Cost SIP Panel volume Building Original Setup SIP 1200
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel volume Building End of life Waste TFpanel 600 £ 2,214.84 0.00E+00
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel volume Building End of life Waste TFpanel 1200 £ 1,441.57 0.00E+00
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel volume Building End of life Waste TFpanel 1800 £ 1,170.68 0.00E+00
Disposal Site Cost TFpanel volume Building End of life Waste TFpanel 2400 £ 1,233.26 0.00E+00
Disposal Site Cost SIP Panel volume Building End of life Waste SIP Panel 600
Disposal Site Cost SIP Panel volume Building End of life Waste SIP Panel 1200
Disposal Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining End of life Waste SIP Panel 600
Disposal Factory Cost SIP Panel volume Lining End of life Waste SIP Panel 1200
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 600 £ 461.91 0.00E+00
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 1200 £ 278.04 0.00E+00
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 1800 £ 196.14 0.00E+00
Disposal Factory Cost TFpanel volume Lining End of life Waste TFpanel 2400 £ 196.04 0.00E+00
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Structural
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Cost Transport Assembly assembly Disposal Total cost
TF/SIP factory; factory; factory;
components, TF TF TF
original and lining cladding insul
maintenance original and original and original and site
materials, maintenance maintenance maintenance panels
manufacture and materials materials, materials, assembly Structural Frame
assembly manufacture and manufacture and manufacture and maintenance Materials and
panel size assembly assembly assembly transport assembly Assembly Disposal
86 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 28,441.78
87 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 29,307.51
88 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 31,923.33
89 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 38,710.74
90 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 39,576.46
91 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 42,192.28
92 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 28,891.10
93 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 29,756.83
94 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 32,372.65
95 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 25,874.64
96 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 26,740.36
97 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 29,356.18
98 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 36,143.59
99 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 37,009.31
100 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 39,625.13
101 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 31,871.34
102 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 32,737.06
103 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 35,352.88
104 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 28,854.87
105 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 29,720.59
106 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 32,336.41
107 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 39,123.82
108 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 39,989.55
109 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 42,605.37
110 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 31,473.51
111 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 32,339.23
112 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 34,955.05
113 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 28,457.05
114 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 29,322.77
115 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 31,938.59
116 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 38,726.00
117 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 39,591.72
118 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,235.26 £ 42,207.54
119 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 28,906.37
120 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 29,772.09
121 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 32,387.91
122 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 25,889.90
123 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 26,755.62
124 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 29,371.44
125 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 36,158.85
126 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 37,024.58
127 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,235.26 £ 39,640.40
128 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 31,886.60
129 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 32,752.32
130 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 35,368.14
131 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 28,870.13
132 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 29,735.86
133 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 32,351.68
134 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 39,139.09
135 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 40,004.81
136 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 12,272.01 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,235.26 £ 42,620.63
137 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 36,043.18
138 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 36,908.90
139 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 39,524.72
140 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 33,026.71
141 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 33,892.43
142 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 36,508.25
143 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 43,295.66
144 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 44,161.39
145 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,719.62 £ 46,777.21
146 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 33,476.03
147 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 34,341.75
148 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 36,957.57
149 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 30,459.57
150 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 31,325.29
151 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 33,941.11
152 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 40,728.52
153 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 41,594.24
154 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,719.62 £ 44,210.06
155 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 36,456.27
156 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 37,321.99
157 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 39,937.81
158 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 33,439.80
159 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 34,305.52
160 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 36,921.34
161 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 43,708.75
162 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 3,866 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 44,574.47
163 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 16,821.91 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ 6,482 £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,719.62 £ 47,190.29
164 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,048.03
165 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,898.04
166 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 32,514.48
167 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,010.13
168 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,860.14
169 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,476.58
170 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 36,279.08
171 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 37,129.09
172 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 39,745.53
173 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 26,480.88
174 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 27,330.89
175 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 29,947.33
176 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 23,442.98
177 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 24,292.99
178 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 26,909.43
179 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 33,711.94
180 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 34,561.95
181 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 37,178.38
182 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,461.12
183 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 30,311.13
184 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 32,927.56
185 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,423.22
186 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 27,273.23
187 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,889.66
188 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 36,692.17
189 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 37,542.18
190 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 3,978.56 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 40,158.62
191 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,375.58
192 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 27,225.59
193 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 29,842.03
194 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 23,337.68
195 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 24,187.69
196 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,804.13
197 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 33,606.64
198 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 34,456.65
199 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,112.37 £ 37,073.08
200 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 23,808.44
201 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 24,658.45
202 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 27,274.89
203 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 20,770.54
204 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 21,620.55
205 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 24,236.99
206 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 31,039.49
207 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 31,889.50
208 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ - £ 1,112.37 £ 34,505.94
209 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 26,788.67
210 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 27,638.68
211 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 30,255.12
212 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 23,750.77
213 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 24,600.78
214 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 27,217.22
215 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 34,019.72
216 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 34,869.73
217 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 10,218.93 £ 758 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 66.00 £ 1,306.11 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,112.37 £ 37,486.17
218 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 27,327.56
219 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 28,177.57
220 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 30,794.01
221 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 24,289.66
222 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 25,139.67
223 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 27,756.11
224 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 34,558.61
225 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 35,408.63
226 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,366.82 £ 38,025.06
227 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 24,760.42
228 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 25,610.43
229 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 28,226.86
230 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 21,722.52
231 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 22,572.53
232 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 25,188.96
233 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 31,991.47
234 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 32,841.48
235 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,366.82 £ 35,457.92
236 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 27,740.65
237 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 28,590.66
238 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 8,459 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 31,207.10
239 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 24,702.75
240 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 25,552.76
241 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 5,421 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 28,169.20
242 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 34,971.70
243 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 3,850 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 35,821.71
244 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 9,436.94 £ 574 £ 15,690 £ 6,466 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,366.82 £ 38,438.15
245 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 27,326.09
246 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 28,168.24
247 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 30,784.99
248 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 24,308.97
249 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,151.12
250 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 27,767.87
251 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 34,577.92
252 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 35,420.08
253 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 38,036.82
254 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 24,758.94
255 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 25,601.10
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Structural
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Cost Transport Assembly assembly Disposal Total cost
TF/SIP factory; factory; factory;
components, TF TF TF
original and lining cladding insul
maintenance original and original and original and site
materials, maintenance maintenance maintenance panels
manufacture and materials materials, materials, assembly Structural Frame
assembly manufacture and manufacture and manufacture and maintenance Materials and
panel size assembly assembly assembly transport assembly Assembly Disposal
256 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 28,217.84
257 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 21,741.83
258 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 22,583.98
259 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 25,200.73
260 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 32,010.78
261 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 32,852.93
262 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 35,469.68
263 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 27,739.18
264 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 28,581.33
265 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 31,198.08
266 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 24,722.06
267 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,564.21
268 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 28,180.96
269 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 34,991.01
270 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 35,833.16
271 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 3,742.30 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 38,449.91
272 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 24,716.14
273 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,558.29
274 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 28,175.04
275 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 21,699.02
276 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 22,541.17
277 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,157.92
278 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 31,967.97
279 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 32,810.12
280 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,021.36 £ 35,426.87
281 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 22,148.99
282 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 22,991.14
283 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 25,607.89
284 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 19,131.87
285 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 19,974.03
286 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 22,590.77
287 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 29,400.83
288 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 30,242.98
289 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ - £ 1,021.36 £ 32,859.73
290 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,129.22
291 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,971.38
292 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 28,588.12
293 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 22,112.11
294 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 22,954.26
295 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 25,571.01
296 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 32,381.06
297 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 33,223.21
298 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 8,755.31 £ 691 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 132.00 £ 1,132.35 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,021.36 £ 35,839.96
299 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 24,267.91
300 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 25,110.06
301 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 27,726.81
302 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 21,250.79
303 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 22,092.95
304 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 24,709.69
305 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 31,519.75
306 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 32,361.90
307 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,429.30 £ 34,978.65
308 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 21,700.77
309 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 22,542.92
310 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 25,159.66
311 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 18,683.65
312 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 19,525.80
313 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 22,142.55
314 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 28,952.60
315 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 29,794.75
316 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ - £ 1,429.30 £ 32,411.50
317 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 24,681.00
318 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 25,523.15
319 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 8,438 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 28,139.90
320 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 21,663.88
321 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 22,506.03
322 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 5,421 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 25,122.78
323 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,000 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 31,932.83
324 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 3,842 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 32,774.99
325 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool £ 6,711.24 £ 261 £ 15,690 £ 6,459 £ 264.00 £ 3,026.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,429.30 £ 35,391.73
326 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 1,967 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 26,552.01
327 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 22,583.89
328 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 32,852.84
329 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 23,011.81
330 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 20,016.74
331 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 30,285.69
332 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 25,992.04
333 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 22,996.98
334 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 4,866.92 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 33,265.93
335 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 25,796.13
336 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 22,801.06
337 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 33,070.02
338 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 23,228.98
339 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 20,233.92
340 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 30,502.87
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Structural
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Cost Transport Assembly assembly Disposal Total cost
TF/SIP factory; factory; factory;
components, TF TF TF
original and lining cladding insul
maintenance original and original and original and site
materials, maintenance maintenance maintenance panels
manufacture and materials materials, materials, assembly Structural Frame
assembly manufacture and manufacture and manufacture and maintenance Materials and
panel size assembly assembly assembly transport assembly Assembly Disposal
341 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 8,416 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 26,209.22
342 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 23,214.15
343 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,602.30 £ 994 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 5,084.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 33,483.10
344 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 8,416 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 27,709.73
345 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 24,714.67
346 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,168.98 £ 34,983.62
347 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 8,416 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 25,142.59
348 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 22,147.52
349 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ - £ 1,168.98 £ 32,416.47
350 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 8,416 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 28,122.82
351 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 25,127.76
352 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,568.24 £ 973 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 8,921.10 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,168.98 £ 35,396.71
353 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 24,326.20
354 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 21,309.74
355 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 31,578.69
356 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 21,759.06
357 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 18,742.59
358 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 29,011.55
359 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 24,739.29
360 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 21,722.83
361 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,908.23 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 31,991.78
362 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 24,341.47
363 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 21,325.00
364 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 31,593.95
365 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 21,774.32
366 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 18,757.86
367 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 29,026.81
368 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 8,438 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 24,754.56
369 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 5,421 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 21,738.09
370 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 8,139.96 £ 1,141 £ 15,690 £ - £ 132.00 £ 3,923.49 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 32,007.04
371 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 23,207.01
372 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 20,190.54
373 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,567.15 £ 1,120.75 £ 30,459.49
374 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 20,639.86
375 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 17,623.39
376 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ - £ 1,120.75 £ 27,892.35
377 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 8,438 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 23,620.09
378 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 5,421 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 20,603.63
379 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3
£ 6,985.74 £ 1,101 £ 15,690 £ - £ 264.00 £ 3,851.40 £ 2,980.23 £ 1,120.75 £ 30,872.58
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Time
factory; factory;
TF TF factory; factory;
components, lining TF TF site
original and maintenance original and maintenance cladding insul panels
materials, manufacture and assembly materials original and maintenance original and maintenance assembly
panel size manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly transport maintenance assembly Structural frame Total time Total total time hours total time/ days
2 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1767489.33 1767115.329 490.97 61.37115727
3 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1790094.64 1789720.639 497.25 62.15606386
4 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1784706.33 1784332.331 495.75 61.96896982
5 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1767089.16 1766715.156 490.86 61.35726235
6 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1789694.47 1789320.466 497.14 62.14216895
7 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1784306.16 1783932.157 495.64 61.95507491
8 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1767089.16 1766715.156 490.86 61.35726235
9 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1789694.47 1789320.466 497.14 62.14216895
10 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1784306.16 1783932.157 495.64 61.95507491
11 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1767115.33 1767115.329 490.87 61.35817116
12 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1789720.64 1789720.639 497.14 62.14307775
13 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1784332.33 1784332.331 495.65 61.95598371
14 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1766715.16 1766715.156 490.75 61.34427624
15 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1789320.47 1789320.466 497.03 62.12918284
16 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1783932.16 1783932.157 495.54 61.9420888
17 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1766715.16 1766715.156 490.75 61.34427624
18 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1789320.47 1789320.466 497.03 62.12918284
19 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1783932.16 1783932.157 495.54 61.9420888
20 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1767251.33 1767115.329 490.90 61.36289338
21 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1789856.64 1789720.639 497.18 62.14779998
22 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1784468.33 1784332.331 495.69 61.96070594
23 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1766851.16 1766715.156 490.79 61.34899846
24 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1789456.47 1789320.466 497.07 62.13390506
25 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1784068.16 1783932.157 495.57 61.94681102
26 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1766851.16 1766715.156 490.79 61.34899846
27 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1789456.47 1789320.466 497.07 62.13390506
28 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1784068.16 1783932.157 495.57 61.94681102
29 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2087760.98 2087386.977 579.93 72.4917006
30 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2110366.29 2109992.287 586.21 73.2766072
31 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2104977.98 2104603.979 584.72 73.08951316
32 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2087360.80 2086986.804 579.82 72.47780569
33 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2109966.11 2109592.114 586.10 73.26271228
34 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2104577.81 2104203.805 584.60 73.07561824
35 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2087360.80 2086986.804 579.82 72.47780569
36 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2109966.11 2109592.114 586.10 73.26271228
37 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 2104577.81 2104203.805 584.60 73.07561824
38 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2087386.98 2087386.977 579.83 72.47871449
39 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2109992.29 2109992.287 586.11 73.26362109
40 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2104603.98 2104603.979 584.61 73.07652705
41 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2086986.80 2086986.804 579.72 72.46481957
42 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2109592.11 2109592.114 586.00 73.24972617
43 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2104203.81 2104203.805 584.50 73.06263213
44 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2086986.80 2086986.804 579.72 72.46481957
45 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2109592.11 2109592.114 586.00 73.24972617
46 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 2104203.81 2104203.805 584.50 73.06263213
47 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2087522.98 2087386.977 579.87 72.48343671
48 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2110128.29 2109992.287 586.15 73.26834331
49 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2104739.98 2104603.979 584.65 73.08124927
50 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2087122.80 2086986.804 579.76 72.4695418
51 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2109728.11 2109592.114 586.04 73.25444839
52 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2104339.81 2104203.805 584.54 73.06735436
53 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2087122.80 2086986.804 579.76 72.4695418
54 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2109728.11 2109592.114 586.04 73.25444839
55 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 2104339.81 2104203.805 584.54 73.06735436
56 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3142203.86 3141829.857 872.83 109.1043006
57 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3164809.17 3164435.167 879.11 109.8892072
58 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3159420.86 3159046.859 877.62 109.7021132
59 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3141803.68 3141429.684 872.72 109.0904057
60 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3164408.99 3164034.994 879.00 109.8753123
61 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3159020.69 3158646.685 877.51 109.6882182
62 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3141803.68 3141429.684 872.72 109.0904057
63 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3164408.99 3164034.994 879.00 109.8753123
64 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 3159020.69 3158646.685 877.51 109.6882182
65 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3141829.86 3141829.857 872.73 109.0913145
66 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3164435.17 3164435.167 879.01 109.8762211
67 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3159046.86 3159046.859 877.51 109.689127
68 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3141429.68 3141429.684 872.62 109.0774196
69 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3164034.99 3164034.994 878.90 109.8623262
70 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3158646.69 3158646.685 877.40 109.6752321
71 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3141429.68 3141429.684 872.62 109.0774196
72 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3164034.99 3164034.994 878.90 109.8623262
73 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 3158646.69 3158646.685 877.40 109.6752321
74 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3141965.86 3141829.857 872.77 109.0960367
75 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3164571.17 3164435.167 879.05 109.8809433
76 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 400.17 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3159182.86 3159046.859 877.55 109.6938493
77 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3141565.68 3141429.684 872.66 109.0821418
78 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3164170.99 3164034.994 878.94 109.8670484
79 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3158782.69 3158646.685 877.44 109.6799544
80 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3141565.68 3141429.684 872.66 109.0821418
81 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 22605.31 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3164170.99 3164034.994 878.94 109.8670484
82 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 670206.70 19622.99 0.00 17217.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 3158782.69 3158646.685 877.44 109.6799544
83 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1327356.09 1326982.094 368.71 46.08875326
84 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1339614.25 1339240.249 372.12 46.51438365
85 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1336736.34 1336362.345 371.32 46.41445642
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86 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1326934.52 1326560.519 368.59 46.07411525
87 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1339192.67 1338818.674 372.00 46.49974564
88 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1336314.77 1335940.77 371.20 46.39981841
89 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1326934.52 1326560.519 368.59 46.07411525
90 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1339192.67 1338818.674 372.00 46.49974564
91 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1336314.77 1335940.77 371.20 46.39981841
92 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1326982.09 1326982.094 368.61 46.07576715
93 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1339240.25 1339240.249 372.01 46.50139754
94 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1336362.34 1336362.345 371.21 46.40147031
95 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1326560.52 1326560.519 368.49 46.06112914
96 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1338818.67 1338818.674 371.89 46.48675953
97 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1335940.77 1335940.77 371.09 46.3868323
98 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1326560.52 1326560.519 368.49 46.06112914
99 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1338818.67 1338818.674 371.89 46.48675953
100 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1335940.77 1335940.77 371.09 46.3868323
101 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1327118.09 1326982.094 368.64 46.08048938
102 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1339376.25 1339240.249 372.05 46.50611976
103 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1336498.34 1336362.345 371.25 46.40619253
104 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1326696.52 1326560.519 368.53 46.06585137
105 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1338954.67 1338818.674 371.93 46.49148175
106 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1336076.77 1335940.77 371.13 46.39155452
107 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1326696.52 1326560.519 368.53 46.06585137
108 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1338954.67 1338818.674 371.93 46.49148175
109 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1336076.77 1335940.77 371.13 46.39155452
110 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1540808.78 1540434.782 428.00 53.50030493
111 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1553066.94 1552692.937 431.41 53.92593531
112 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1550189.03 1549815.033 430.61 53.82600809
113 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1540387.21 1540013.207 427.89 53.48566692
114 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1552645.36 1552271.362 431.29 53.9112973
115 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1549767.46 1549393.458 430.49 53.81137008
116 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1540387.21 1540013.207 427.89 53.48566692
117 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1552645.36 1552271.362 431.29 53.9112973
118 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1549767.46 1549393.458 430.49 53.81137008
119 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1540434.78 1540434.782 427.90 53.48731882
120 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1552692.94 1552692.937 431.30 53.9129492
121 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1549815.03 1549815.033 430.50 53.81302197
122 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1540013.21 1540013.207 427.78 53.47268081
123 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1552271.36 1552271.362 431.19 53.89831119
124 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1549393.46 1549393.458 430.39 53.79838396
125 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1540013.21 1540013.207 427.78 53.47268081
126 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1552271.36 1552271.362 431.19 53.89831119
127 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1549393.46 1549393.458 430.39 53.79838396
128 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1540570.78 1540434.782 427.94 53.49204104
129 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1552828.94 1552692.937 431.34 53.91767142
130 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1549951.03 1549815.033 430.54 53.8177442
131 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1540149.21 1540013.207 427.82 53.47740303
132 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1552407.36 1552271.362 431.22 53.90303341
133 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1549529.46 1549393.458 430.42 53.80310619
134 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1540149.21 1540013.207 427.82 53.47740303
135 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1552407.36 1552271.362 431.22 53.90303341
136 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1549529.46 1549393.458 430.42 53.80310619
137 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1520998.22 1520624.222 422.50 52.81243826
138 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1533256.38 1532882.377 425.90 53.23806865
139 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1530378.47 1530004.473 425.11 53.13814142
140 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1520576.65 1520202.647 422.38 52.79780025
141 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1532834.80 1532460.802 425.79 53.22343064
142 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1529956.90 1529582.898 424.99 53.12350341
143 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1520576.65 1520202.647 422.38 52.79780025
144 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1532834.80 1532460.802 425.79 53.22343064
145 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1529956.90 1529582.898 424.99 53.12350341
146 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1520624.22 1520624.222 422.40 52.79945215
147 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1532882.38 1532882.377 425.80 53.22508254
148 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1530004.47 1530004.473 425.00 53.12515531
149 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1520202.65 1520202.647 422.28 52.78481414
150 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1532460.80 1532460.802 425.68 53.21044453
151 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1529582.90 1529582.898 424.88 53.1105173
152 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1520202.65 1520202.647 422.28 52.78481414
153 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1532460.80 1532460.802 425.68 53.21044453
154 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1529582.90 1529582.898 424.88 53.1105173
155 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1520760.22 1520624.222 422.43 52.80417438
156 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1533018.38 1532882.377 425.84 53.22980476
157 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 421.57 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1530140.47 1530004.473 425.04 53.12987753
158 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1520338.65 1520202.647 422.32 52.78953637
159 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1532596.80 1532460.802 425.72 53.21516675
160 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1529718.90 1529582.898 424.92 53.11523952
161 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1520338.65 1520202.647 422.32 52.78953637
162 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 12258.16 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1532596.80 1532460.802 425.72 53.21516675
163 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 445450.16 16352.49 0.00 9380.25 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1529718.90 1529582.898 424.92 53.11523952
164 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1265828.44 1265454.435 351.62 43.95237623
165 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1274638.02 1274264.023 354.07 44.25826467
166 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1272596.44 1272222.436 353.50 44.18737624
167 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1265385.43 1265011.427 351.50 43.93699399
168 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1274195.01 1273821.014 353.94 44.24288244
169 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1272153.43 1271779.427 353.38 44.17199401
170 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1265385.43 1265011.427 351.50 43.93699399
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Time
factory; factory;
TF TF factory; factory;
components, lining TF TF site
original and maintenance original and maintenance cladding insul panels
materials, manufacture and assembly materials original and maintenance original and maintenance assembly
panel size manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly transport maintenance assembly Structural frame Total time Total total time hours total time/ days
171 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1274195.01 1273821.014 353.94 44.24288244
172 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 374.00 1272153.43 1271779.427 353.38 44.17199401
173 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1265454.44 1265454.435 351.52 43.93939011
174 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1274264.02 1274264.023 353.96 44.24527856
175 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1272222.44 1272222.436 353.40 44.17439013
176 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1265011.43 1265011.427 351.39 43.92400788
177 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1273821.01 1273821.014 353.84 44.22989633
178 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1271779.43 1271779.427 353.27 44.1590079
179 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1265011.43 1265011.427 351.39 43.92400788
180 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1273821.01 1273821.014 353.84 44.22989633
181 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 0.00 1271779.43 1271779.427 353.27 44.1590079
182 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1265590.44 1265454.435 351.55 43.94411234
183 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1274400.02 1274264.023 354.00 44.25000079
184 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1272358.44 1272222.436 353.43 44.17911236
185 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1265147.43 1265011.427 351.43 43.9287301
186 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1273957.01 1273821.014 353.88 44.23461855
187 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1271915.43 1271779.427 353.31 44.16373012
188 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1265147.43 1265011.427 351.43 43.9287301
189 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1273957.01 1273821.014 353.88 44.23461855
190 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 880319.92 136.00 1271915.43 1271779.427 353.31 44.16373012
191 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 744440.04 744066.0393 206.79 25.84861248
192 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 374.00 753249.63 752875.6266 209.24 26.15450092
193 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 751208.04 750834.0398 208.67 26.08361249
194 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 743997.03 743623.0309 206.67 25.83323024
195 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 374.00 752806.62 752432.6182 209.11 26.13911869
196 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 750765.03 750391.0314 208.55 26.06823026
197 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 743997.03 743623.0309 206.67 25.83323024
198 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 374.00 752806.62 752432.6182 209.11 26.13911869
199 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 374.00 750765.03 750391.0314 208.55 26.06823026
200 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 744066.04 744066.0393 206.69 25.83562636
201 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 0.00 752875.63 752875.6266 209.13 26.14151481
202 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 750834.04 750834.0398 208.57 26.07062638
203 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 743623.03 743623.0309 206.56 25.82024413
204 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 0.00 752432.62 752432.6182 209.01 26.12613258
205 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 750391.03 750391.0314 208.44 26.05524415
206 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 743623.03 743623.0309 206.56 25.82024413
207 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 0.00 752432.62 752432.6182 209.01 26.12613258
208 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 0.00 750391.03 750391.0314 208.44 26.05524415
209 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 744202.04 744066.0393 206.72 25.84034859
210 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 136.00 753011.63 752875.6266 209.17 26.14623704
211 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 750970.04 750834.0398 208.60 26.07534861
212 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 743759.03 743623.0309 206.60 25.82496635
213 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 136.00 752568.62 752432.6182 209.05 26.1308548
214 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 750527.03 750391.0314 208.48 26.05996637
215 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 743759.03 743623.0309 206.60 25.82496635
216 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 358931.52 136.00 752568.62 752432.6182 209.05 26.1308548
217 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 358931.52 136.00 750527.03 750391.0314 208.48 26.05996637
218 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1217108.52 1216734.519 338.09 42.26071248
219 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1225918.11 1225544.107 340.53 42.56660092
220 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1223876.52 1223502.52 339.97 42.49571249
221 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1216665.51 1216291.511 337.96 42.24533024
222 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1225475.10 1225101.098 340.41 42.55121869
223 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1223433.51 1223059.511 339.84 42.48033026
224 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1216665.51 1216291.511 337.96 42.24533024
225 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1225475.10 1225101.098 340.41 42.55121869
226 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1223433.51 1223059.511 339.84 42.48033026
227 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1216734.52 1216734.519 337.98 42.24772636
228 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1225544.11 1225544.107 340.43 42.55361481
229 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1223502.52 1223502.52 339.86 42.48272638
230 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1216291.51 1216291.511 337.86 42.23234413
231 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1225101.10 1225101.098 340.31 42.53823258
232 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1223059.51 1223059.511 339.74 42.46734415
233 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1216291.51 1216291.511 337.86 42.23234413
234 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1225101.10 1225101.098 340.31 42.53823258
235 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1223059.51 1223059.511 339.74 42.46734415
236 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1216870.52 1216734.519 338.02 42.25244859
237 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1225680.11 1225544.107 340.47 42.55833704
238 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 443.01 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1223638.52 1223502.52 339.90 42.48744861
239 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1216427.51 1216291.511 337.90 42.23706635
240 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1225237.10 1225101.098 340.34 42.5429548
241 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1223195.51 1223059.511 339.78 42.47206637
242 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1216427.51 1216291.511 337.90 42.23706635
243 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 8809.59 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1225237.10 1225101.098 340.34 42.5429548
244 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 379240.60 5450.92 0.00 6768.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1223195.51 1223059.511 339.78 42.47206637
245 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1173255.14 1172881.137 325.90 40.73802558
246 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1180339.71 1179965.714 327.87 40.98401786
247 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1178717.01 1178343.012 327.42 40.92767404
248 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1172832.91 1172458.911 325.79 40.72336496
249 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1179917.49 1179543.488 327.75 40.96935723
250 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1178294.79 1177920.786 327.30 40.91301341
251 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1172832.91 1172458.911 325.79 40.72336496
252 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1179917.49 1179543.488 327.75 40.96935723
253 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 374.00 1178294.79 1177920.786 327.30 40.91301341
254 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1172881.14 1172881.137 325.80 40.72503947
255 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1179965.71 1179965.714 327.77 40.97103175
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panel size manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly transport maintenance assembly Structural frame Total time Total total time hours total time/ days
256 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1178343.01 1178343.012 327.32 40.91468792
257 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1172458.91 1172458.911 325.68 40.71037885
258 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1179543.49 1179543.488 327.65 40.95637112
259 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1177920.79 1177920.786 327.20 40.9000273
260 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1172458.91 1172458.911 325.68 40.71037885
261 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1179543.49 1179543.488 327.65 40.95637112
262 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 0.00 1177920.79 1177920.786 327.20 40.9000273
263 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1173017.14 1172881.137 325.84 40.72976169
264 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1180101.71 1179965.714 327.81 40.97575397
265 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1178479.01 1178343.012 327.36 40.91941015
266 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1172594.91 1172458.911 325.72 40.71510107
267 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1179679.49 1179543.488 327.69 40.96109334
268 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1178056.79 1177920.786 327.24 40.90474952
269 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1172594.91 1172458.911 325.72 40.71510107
270 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1179679.49 1179543.488 327.69 40.96109334
271 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 828045.29 136.00 1178056.79 1177920.786 327.24 40.90474952
272 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 311180.64 374.00 656390.49 656016.4888 182.33 22.79133642
273 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 374.00 663475.07 663101.0663 184.30 23.03732869
274 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 374.00 661852.36 661478.3642 183.85 22.98098487
275 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 374.00 655968.26 655594.2628 182.21 22.77667579
276 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 374.00 663052.84 662678.8403 184.18 23.02266806
277 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 374.00 661430.14 661056.1382 183.73 22.96632424
278 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 374.00 655968.26 655594.2628 182.21 22.77667579
279 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 374.00 663052.84 662678.8403 184.18 23.02266806
280 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 374.00 661430.14 661056.1382 183.73 22.96632424
281 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 311180.64 0.00 656016.49 656016.4888 182.23 22.77835031
282 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 0.00 663101.07 663101.0663 184.19 23.02434258
283 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 0.00 661478.36 661478.3642 183.74 22.96799876
284 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 0.00 655594.26 655594.2628 182.11 22.76368968
285 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 0.00 662678.84 662678.8403 184.08 23.00968195
286 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 0.00 661056.14 661056.1382 183.63 22.95333813
287 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 0.00 655594.26 655594.2628 182.11 22.76368968
288 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 0.00 662678.84 662678.8403 184.08 23.00968195
289 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 0.00 661056.14 661056.1382 183.63 22.95333813
290 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 311180.64 136.00 656152.49 656016.4888 182.26 22.78307253
291 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 136.00 663237.07 663101.0663 184.23 23.0290648
292 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 136.00 661614.36 661478.3642 183.78 22.97272098
293 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 136.00 655730.26 655594.2628 182.15 22.7684119
294 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 136.00 662814.84 662678.8403 184.12 23.01440418
295 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 136.00 661192.14 661056.1382 183.66 22.95806035
296 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 311180.64 136.00 655730.26 655594.2628 182.15 22.7684119
297 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 311180.64 136.00 662814.84 662678.8403 184.12 23.01440418
298 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 311180.64 136.00 661192.14 661056.1382 183.66 22.95806035
299 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1176809.85 1176435.849 326.89 40.86145308
300 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1183894.43 1183520.426 328.86 41.10744536
301 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1182271.72 1181897.724 328.41 41.05110154
302 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1176387.62 1176013.623 326.77 40.84679246
303 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1183472.20 1183098.2 328.74 41.09278473
304 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1181849.50 1181475.498 328.29 41.03644091
305 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1176387.62 1176013.623 326.77 40.84679246
306 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1183472.20 1183098.2 328.74 41.09278473
307 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 374.00 1181849.50 1181475.498 328.29 41.03644091
308 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1176435.85 1176435.849 326.79 40.84846697
309 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1183520.43 1183520.426 328.76 41.09445925
310 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1181897.72 1181897.724 328.30 41.03811542
311 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1176013.62 1176013.623 326.67 40.83380635
312 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1183098.20 1183098.2 328.64 41.07979862
313 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1181475.50 1181475.498 328.19 41.0234548
314 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1176013.62 1176013.623 326.67 40.83380635
315 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1183098.20 1183098.2 328.64 41.07979862
316 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 0.00 1181475.50 1181475.498 328.19 41.0234548
317 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1176571.85 1176435.849 326.83 40.85318919
318 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1183656.43 1183520.426 328.79 41.09918147
319 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 422.23 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1182033.72 1181897.724 328.34 41.04283765
320 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1176149.62 1176013.623 326.71 40.83852857
321 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1183234.20 1183098.2 328.68 41.08452084
322 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1181611.50 1181475.498 328.23 41.02817702
323 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1176149.62 1176013.623 326.71 40.83852857
324 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 7084.58 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1183234.20 1183098.2 328.68 41.08452084
325 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 340325.50 4088.12 0.00 5461.88 0.00 831600.00 136.00 1181611.50 1181475.498 328.23 41.02817702
326 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1513210.53 1512836.527 420.34 52.54203218
327 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1512810.35 1512436.353 420.23 52.52813727
328 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 374.00 1512810.35 1512436.353 420.23 52.52813727
329 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1512836.53 1512836.527 420.23 52.52904607
330 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1512436.35 1512436.353 420.12 52.51515116
331 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 0.00 1512436.35 1512436.353 420.12 52.51515116
332 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1512972.53 1512836.527 420.27 52.53376829
333 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1512572.35 1512436.353 420.16 52.51987338
334 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1076885.47 136.00 1512572.35 1512436.353 420.16 52.51987338
335 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 1833482.17 1833108.175 509.30 63.66257552
336 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 1833082.00 1832708.001 509.19 63.6486806
337 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 374.00 1833082.00 1832708.001 509.19 63.6486806
338 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 1833108.17 1833108.175 509.20 63.6495894
339 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 1832708.00 1832708.001 509.09 63.63569449
340 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 0.00 1832708.00 1832708.001 509.09 63.63569449
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation Time
factory; factory;
TF TF factory; factory;
components, lining TF TF site
original and maintenance original and maintenance cladding insul panels
materials, manufacture and assembly materials original and maintenance original and maintenance assembly
panel size manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly materials, manufacture and assembly transport maintenance assembly Structural frame Total time Total total time hours total time/ days
341 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 1833244.17 1833108.175 509.23 63.65431163
342 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 1832844.00 1832708.001 509.12 63.64041671
343 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1397157.12 136.00 1832844.00 1832708.001 509.12 63.64041671
344 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 2887925.05 2887551.055 802.20 100.2751755
345 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 2887524.88 2887150.881 802.09 100.2612806
346 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 374.00 2887524.88 2887150.881 802.09 100.2612806
347 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 2887551.05 2887551.055 802.10 100.2621894
348 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 2887150.88 2887150.881 801.99 100.2482945
349 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 0.00 2887150.88 2887150.881 801.99 100.2482945
350 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 400.17 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 2887687.05 2887551.055 802.14 100.2669116
351 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 2887286.88 2887150.881 802.02 100.2530167
352 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 415927.89 19622.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2451600.00 136.00 2887286.88 2887150.881 802.02 100.2530167
353 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1114946.05 1114572.054 309.71 38.71340464
354 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1114524.48 1114150.479 309.59 38.69876663
355 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 374.00 1114524.48 1114150.479 309.59 38.69876663
356 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1114572.05 1114572.054 309.60 38.70041853
357 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1114150.48 1114150.479 309.49 38.68578052
358 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 0.00 1114150.48 1114150.479 309.49 38.68578052
359 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1114708.05 1114572.054 309.64 38.70514076
360 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1114286.48 1114150.479 309.52 38.69050275
361 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 864757.87 136.00 1114286.48 1114150.479 309.52 38.69050275
362 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1328398.74 1328024.742 369.00 46.12495631
363 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1327977.17 1327603.167 368.88 46.1103183
364 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 374.00 1327977.17 1327603.167 368.88 46.1103183
365 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1328024.74 1328024.742 368.90 46.1119702
366 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1327603.17 1327603.167 368.78 46.09733219
367 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 0.00 1327603.17 1327603.167 368.78 46.09733219
368 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1328160.74 1328024.742 368.93 46.11669242
369 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1327739.17 1327603.167 368.82 46.10205441
370 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1078210.56 136.00 1327739.17 1327603.167 368.82 46.10205441
371 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1308588.18 1308214.182 363.50 45.43708964
372 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1308166.61 1307792.607 363.38 45.42245163
373 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 374.00 1308166.61 1307792.607 363.38 45.42245163
374 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1308214.18 1308214.182 363.39 45.42410353
375 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1307792.61 1307792.607 363.28 45.40946552
376 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 0.00 1307792.61 1307792.607 363.28 45.40946552
377 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 421.57 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1308350.18 1308214.182 363.43 45.42882576
378 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1307928.61 1307792.607 363.31 45.41418775
379 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 233040.12 16352.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058400.00 136.00 1307928.61 1307792.607 363.31 45.41418775
Panels Cladding Insulation Lining Structure Structure Wall panel and cladding upper floor Insulation Internal wall Time score Environmental Cost score Adaptability H&S responsible sourcingSustainbility score
1 traditional 3 3 2.50 2.00 3 5.55 9 10 10 3.1 8.13 5.55 46
2 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 3 9.2 4 5.6 7.70 5.3 35
3 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 2 9.2 3 5.6 7.67 5.35 33
4 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 3 9.2 2 5.6 7.67 5.4 33
5 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 3 9.2 6 5.6 7.70 5.3 37
6 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 2 9.2 5 5.6 7.67 5.35 35
7 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 3 9.2 4 5.6 7.67 5.4 35
8 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 5.6 7.88 5.5 32
9 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 5.6 7.84 5.55 31
10 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 5.6 7.84 5.6 32
11 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 3 10 6 6.2 7.53 5.3 38
12 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 2 10 5 6.2 7.49 5.35 36
13 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 3 10 3 6.2 7.49 5.4 35
14 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 3 10 7 6.2 7.53 5.3 39
15 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 2 10 7 6.2 7.49 5.35 38
16 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 3 10 5 6.2 7.49 5.4 37
17 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 3 10 2 6.2 7.70 5.5 34
18 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 2 10 2 6.2 7.67 5.55 33
19 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 3 10 1 6.2 7.67 5.6 33
20 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 3 9.2 4 5.6 7.70 5.05 35
21 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 2 9.2 3 5.6 7.67 5.1 33
22 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 3 9.2 2 5.6 7.67 5.15 33
23 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 3 9.2 6 5.6 7.70 5.05 37
24 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 2 9.2 5 5.6 7.67 5.1 35
25 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 3 9.2 3 5.6 7.67 5.15 34
26 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 5.6 7.88 5.25 32
27 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 5.6 7.84 5.3 31
28 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 5.6 7.84 5.35 32
29 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 2 9.2 4 6.1 7.79 5.3 34
30 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 6.1 7.75 5.35 32
31 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 2 9.2 2 6.1 7.75 5.4 32
32 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 2 9.2 6 6.1 7.79 5.3 36
33 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 2 9.2 5 6.1 7.75 5.35 35
34 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 2 9.2 4 6.1 7.75 5.4 34
35 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.96 5.5 32
36 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.93 5.55 32
37 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.93 5.6 32
38 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 2 10 5 6.7 7.61 5.3 37
39 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 1 10 5 6.7 7.57 5.35 36
40 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 2 10 3 6.7 7.57 5.4 35
41 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 2 10 7 6.7 7.61 5.3 39
42 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 2 10 6 6.7 7.57 5.35 38
43 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 2 10 5 6.7 7.57 5.4 37
44 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 2 10 2 6.7 7.79 5.5 34
45 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 2 10 2 6.7 7.75 5.55 34
46 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 2 10 1 6.7 7.75 5.6 33
47 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 2 9.2 4 6.1 7.79 5.05 34
48 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 6.1 7.75 5.1 32
49 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 2 9.2 2 6.1 7.75 5.15 32
50 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 2 9.2 5 6.1 7.79 5.05 35
51 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 2 9.2 5 6.1 7.75 5.1 35
52 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 2 9.2 3 6.1 7.75 5.15 33
53 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.96 5.25 32
54 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.93 5.3 32
55 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 2 9.2 1 6.1 7.93 5.35 32
56 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 1 9.2 5 5.9 7.82 5.3 34
57 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 0 9.2 5 5.9 7.79 5.35 33
58 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 5.9 7.79 5.4 32
59 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 1 9.2 7 5.9 7.82 5.3 36
60 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 1 9.2 6 5.9 7.79 5.35 35
61 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 1 9.2 5 5.9 7.79 5.4 34
62 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 1 9.2 2 5.9 8.00 5.5 32
63 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 1 9.2 2 5.9 7.96 5.55 32
64 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 1 9.2 1 5.9 7.96 5.6 31
65 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 1 10 7 5.9 7.65 5.3 37
66 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 0 10 6 5.9 7.61 5.35 35
67 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 1 10 5 5.9 7.61 5.4 35
68 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 1 10 8 5.9 7.65 5.3 38
69 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 1 10 8 5.9 7.61 5.35 38
70 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 1 10 6 5.9 7.61 5.4 36
71 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 1 10 3 5.9 7.82 5.5 33
72 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 1 10 2 5.9 7.79 5.55 32
73 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 1 10 2 5.9 7.79 5.6 32
74 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 1 9.2 5 5.9 7.82 5.05 34
75 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 0 9.2 4 5.9 7.79 5.1 32
76 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 5.9 7.79 5.15 32
77 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 1 9.2 7 5.9 7.82 5.05 36
78 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 1 9.2 6 5.9 7.79 5.1 35
79 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 1 9.2 5 5.9 7.79 5.15 34
80 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 1 9.2 2 5.9 8.00 5.25 31
81 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 1 9.2 1 5.9 7.96 5.3 30
82 TFpanel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 1 9.2 1 5.9 7.96 5.35 30
83 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 5.7 7.70 5.3 38
84 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 5.7 7.67 5.35 38
85 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 5 9.2 3 5.7 7.67 5.4 36
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Element Element
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation responsible soucing environment Cost score
Panels Cladding Insulation Lining Structure Structure Wall panel and cladding upper floor Insulation Internal wall Time score Environmental Cost score Adaptability H&S responsible sourcingSustainbility score
86 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 6 9.2 7 5.7 7.70 5.3 41
87 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 5 9.2 6 5.7 7.67 5.35 39
88 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 5.7 7.67 5.4 38
89 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 6 9.2 2 5.7 7.88 5.5 36
90 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 5 9.2 2 5.7 7.84 5.55 35
91 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 5 9.2 1 5.7 7.84 5.6 34
92 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 5 10 7 6.3 7.53 5.3 41
93 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 5 10 6 6.3 7.49 5.35 40
94 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 5 10 4 6.3 7.49 5.4 38
95 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 6 10 8 6.3 7.53 5.3 43
96 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 5 10 8 6.3 7.49 5.35 42
97 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 5 10 6 6.3 7.49 5.4 40
98 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 6 10 3 6.3 7.70 5.5 39
99 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 5 10 2 6.3 7.67 5.55 37
100 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 5 10 1 6.3 7.67 5.6 36
101 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 5.7 7.70 5.05 38
102 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 4 5.7 7.67 5.1 37
103 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 5 9.2 3 5.7 7.67 5.15 36
104 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 6 9.2 7 5.7 7.70 5.05 41
105 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 6 5.7 7.67 5.1 39
106 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 5.7 7.67 5.15 38
107 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 6 9.2 2 5.7 7.88 5.25 36
108 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 5 9.2 1 5.7 7.84 5.3 34
109 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 5 9.2 1 5.7 7.84 5.35 34
110 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 4 9.2 5 6.2 7.79 5.3 37
111 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 3 9.2 5 6.2 7.75 5.35 37
112 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 3 9.2 3 6.2 7.75 5.4 35
113 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 4 9.2 7 6.2 7.79 5.3 39
114 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 3 9.2 6 6.2 7.75 5.35 38
115 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 3 9.2 5 6.2 7.75 5.4 37
116 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 6.2 7.96 5.5 35
117 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 6.2 7.93 5.55 33
118 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 6.2 7.93 5.6 33
119 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 4 10 7 6.8 7.61 5.3 41
120 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 3 10 6 6.8 7.57 5.35 39
121 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 3 10 4 6.8 7.57 5.4 37
122 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 4 10 8 6.8 7.61 5.3 42
123 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 3 10 8 6.8 7.57 5.35 41
124 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 3 10 6 6.8 7.57 5.4 39
125 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 4 10 3 6.8 7.79 5.5 37
126 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 3 10 2 6.8 7.75 5.55 35
127 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 3 10 1 6.8 7.75 5.6 34
128 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 4 9.2 5 6.2 7.79 5.05 37
129 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 3 9.2 4 6.2 7.75 5.1 35
130 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 3 9.2 3 6.2 7.75 5.15 34
131 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 4 9.2 7 6.2 7.79 5.05 39
132 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 3 9.2 6 6.2 7.75 5.1 37
133 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 3 9.2 4 6.2 7.75 5.15 35
134 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 6.2 7.96 5.25 35
135 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 6.2 7.93 5.3 33
136 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 3 9.2 1 6.2 7.93 5.35 33
137 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 4 9.2 3 5.7 7.82 5.3 35
138 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.79 5.35 34
139 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.79 5.4 34
140 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 4 9.2 4 5.7 7.82 5.3 36
141 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 4 9.2 4 5.7 7.79 5.35 36
142 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.79 5.4 34
143 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 8.00 5.5 33
144 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 7.96 5.55 33
145 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 7.96 5.6 33
146 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 4 10 4 5.7 7.65 5.3 37
147 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 4 10 4 5.7 7.61 5.35 37
148 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 4 10 2 5.7 7.61 5.4 35
149 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 4 10 6 5.7 7.65 5.3 39
150 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 4 10 5 5.7 7.61 5.35 38
151 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 4 10 4 5.7 7.61 5.4 37
152 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 4 10 1 5.7 7.82 5.5 34
153 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 4 10 1 5.7 7.79 5.55 34
154 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 4 10 1 5.7 7.79 5.6 34
155 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.82 5.05 34
156 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.79 5.1 34
157 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 7.79 5.15 33
158 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 4 9.2 4 5.7 7.82 5.05 36
159 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 4 9.2 4 5.7 7.79 5.1 36
160 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 4 9.2 2 5.7 7.79 5.15 34
161 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 8.00 5.25 33
162 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 4 9.2 1 5.7 7.96 5.3 33
163 TFpanel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 4 9.2 0 5.7 7.96 5.35 32
164 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.62 5.3 40
165 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.58 5.35 40
166 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 6 9.2 4 6.3 7.58 5.4 38
167 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 7 9.2 8 6.3 7.62 5.3 43
168 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 6 9.2 8 6.3 7.58 5.35 42
169 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.58 5.4 40
170 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 7 9.2 2 6.3 7.80 5.5 38
Panels Cladding Insulation Lining Structure Structure Wall panel and cladding upper floor Insulation Internal wall Time score Environmental Cost score Adaptability H&S responsible sourcingSustainbility score
171 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 6 9.2 2 6.3 7.76 5.55 37
172 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 6 9.2 1 6.3 7.76 5.6 36
173 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 6 10 8 6.9 7.44 5.3 44
174 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 6 10 7 6.9 7.41 5.35 43
175 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 6 10 6 6.9 7.41 5.4 42
176 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 7 10 9 6.9 7.44 5.3 46
177 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 6 10 9 6.9 7.41 5.35 45
178 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 6 10 8 6.9 7.41 5.4 44
179 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 7 10 4 6.9 7.62 5.5 41
180 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 6 10 3 6.9 7.58 5.55 39
181 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 6 10 2 6.9 7.58 5.6 38
182 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.62 5.05 40
183 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.58 5.1 40
184 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 6 9.2 4 6.3 7.58 5.15 38
185 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 7 9.2 8 6.3 7.62 5.05 43
186 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 6 9.2 8 6.3 7.58 5.1 42
187 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 6.3 7.58 5.15 40
188 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 7 9.2 2 6.3 7.80 5.25 38
189 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 6 9.2 2 6.3 7.76 5.3 37
190 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 6 9.2 1 6.3 7.76 5.35 36
191 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.6 7.70 5.3 47
192 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 9 9.2 8 6.6 7.67 5.35 46
193 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 9 9.2 6 6.6 7.67 5.4 44
194 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 10 9.2 9 6.6 7.70 5.3 48
195 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 6.6 7.67 5.35 47
196 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 9 9.2 8 6.6 7.67 5.4 46
197 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 10 9.2 4 6.6 7.88 5.5 43
198 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 9 9.2 3 6.6 7.84 5.55 41
199 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 9 9.2 2 6.6 7.84 5.6 40
200 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 10 10 9 7.2 7.53 5.3 49
201 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 9 10 9 7.2 7.49 5.35 48
202 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 9 10 8 7.2 7.49 5.4 47
203 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 7.2 7.53 5.3 50
204 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 9 10 10 7.2 7.49 5.35 49
205 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 9 10 9 7.2 7.49 5.4 48
206 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 10 10 6 7.2 7.70 5.5 46
207 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 9 10 5 7.2 7.67 5.55 44
208 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 9 10 3 7.2 7.67 5.6 42
209 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.6 7.70 5.05 47
210 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 9 9.2 7 6.6 7.67 5.1 45
211 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 9 9.2 6 6.6 7.67 5.15 44
212 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 10 9.2 9 6.6 7.70 5.05 48
213 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 6.6 7.67 5.1 47
214 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 9 9.2 8 6.6 7.67 5.15 46
215 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 10 9.2 4 6.6 7.88 5.25 43
216 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 9 9.2 3 6.6 7.84 5.3 41
217 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 9 9.2 2 6.6 7.84 5.35 40
218 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.74 5.3 42
219 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.70 5.35 42
220 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 7 9.2 6 5.6 7.70 5.4 41
221 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 7 9.2 9 5.6 7.74 5.3 44
222 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 7 9.2 8 5.6 7.70 5.35 43
223 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.70 5.4 42
224 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 7 9.2 3 5.6 7.92 5.5 38
225 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 7 9.2 3 5.6 7.88 5.55 38
226 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 7 9.2 2 5.6 7.88 5.6 37
227 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 7 10 9 5.6 7.56 5.3 44
228 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 7 10 8 5.6 7.53 5.35 43
229 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 7 10 7 5.6 7.53 5.4 43
230 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 7 10 10 5.6 7.56 5.3 45
231 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 7 10 10 5.6 7.53 5.35 45
232 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 7 10 8 5.6 7.53 5.4 44
233 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 7 10 5 5.6 7.74 5.5 41
234 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 7 10 4 5.6 7.70 5.55 40
235 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 7 10 3 5.6 7.70 5.6 39
236 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.74 5.05 42
237 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.70 5.1 42
238 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 7 9.2 5 5.6 7.70 5.15 40
239 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 7 9.2 9 5.6 7.74 5.05 44
240 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 7 9.2 8 5.6 7.70 5.1 43
241 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 7 9.2 7 5.6 7.70 5.15 42
242 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 7 9.2 3 5.6 7.92 5.25 38
243 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 7 9.2 3 5.6 7.88 5.3 38
244 TFpanel TF/SIP 1800 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 7 9.2 2 5.6 7.88 5.35 37
245 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 9 9.2 7 6.2 7.62 5.3 44
246 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 6.2 7.58 5.35 43
247 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 8 9.2 6 6.2 7.58 5.4 42
248 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 6.2 7.62 5.3 46
249 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 8 9.2 8 6.2 7.58 5.35 44
250 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 6.2 7.58 5.4 43
251 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 9 9.2 3 6.2 7.80 5.5 41
252 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 8 9.2 3 6.2 7.76 5.55 40
253 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 8 9.2 2 6.2 7.76 5.6 39
254 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 9 10 9 6.8 7.44 5.3 48
255 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 8 10 8 6.8 7.41 5.35 46
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Element Element
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation responsible soucing environment Cost score
Panels Cladding Insulation Lining Structure Structure Wall panel and cladding upper floor Insulation Internal wall Time score Environmental Cost score Adaptability H&S responsible sourcingSustainbility score
256 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 8 10 7 6.8 7.41 5.4 45
257 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 9 10 10 6.8 7.44 5.3 49
258 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 8 10 10 6.8 7.41 5.35 48
259 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 8 10 8 6.8 7.41 5.4 46
260 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 9 10 5 6.8 7.62 5.5 44
261 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 8 10 4 6.8 7.58 5.55 42
262 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 8 10 3 6.8 7.58 5.6 41
263 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 9 9.2 7 6.2 7.62 5.05 44
264 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 6.2 7.58 5.1 43
265 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 8 9.2 5 6.2 7.58 5.15 41
266 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 6.2 7.62 5.05 46
267 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 8 9.2 8 6.2 7.58 5.1 44
268 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 6.2 7.58 5.15 43
269 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 9 9.2 3 6.2 7.80 5.25 40
270 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 8 9.2 3 6.2 7.76 5.3 39
271 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 8 9.2 2 6.2 7.76 5.35 39
272 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 10 9.2 9 6.4 7.70 5.3 48
273 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.4 7.67 5.35 47
274 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 10 9.2 7 6.4 7.67 5.4 46
275 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 10 9.2 10 6.4 7.70 5.3 49
276 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 10 9.2 10 6.4 7.67 5.35 49
277 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.4 7.67 5.4 47
278 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 10 9.2 5 6.4 7.88 5.5 44
279 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 10 9.2 4 6.4 7.84 5.55 43
280 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 10 9.2 3 6.4 7.84 5.6 42
281 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7.53 5.3 50
282 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 7.49 5.35 49
283 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 10 10 8 7 7.49 5.4 48
284 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7.53 5.3 50
285 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7.49 5.35 50
286 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 7.49 5.4 49
287 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 10 10 6 7 7.70 5.5 46
288 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 10 10 6 7 7.67 5.55 46
289 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 10 10 4 7 7.67 5.6 44
290 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 10 9.2 9 6.4 7.70 5.05 47
291 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.4 7.67 5.1 46
292 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 10 9.2 7 6.4 7.67 5.15 45
293 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 10 9.2 10 6.4 7.70 5.05 48
294 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 10 9.2 9 6.4 7.67 5.1 47
295 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 10 9.2 8 6.4 7.67 5.15 46
296 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 10 9.2 4 6.4 7.88 5.25 43
297 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 10 9.2 4 6.4 7.84 5.3 43
298 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 10 9.2 3 6.4 7.84 5.35 42
299 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 8 9.2 9 5.4 7.74 5.3 45
300 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 7 9.2 9 5.4 7.70 5.35 44
301 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 5.4 7.70 5.4 43
302 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 8 9.2 10 5.4 7.74 5.3 46
303 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 6 7 9.2 10 5.4 7.70 5.35 45
304 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 6 8 9.2 9 5.4 7.70 5.4 45
305 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 6 8 9.2 5 5.4 7.92 5.5 41
306 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 6 7 9.2 4 5.4 7.88 5.55 39
307 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 6 8 9.2 3 5.4 7.88 5.6 39
308 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 8 10 10 5.4 7.56 5.3 46
309 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 7 10 10 5.4 7.53 5.35 45
310 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 8 10 8 5.4 7.53 5.4 44
311 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 8 10 10 5.4 7.56 5.3 46
312 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 3 5.35 10 10 10 7 10 10 5.4 7.53 5.35 45
313 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 3 5.4 10 10 10 8 10 10 5.4 7.53 5.4 46
314 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 3 5.5 10 10 10 8 10 7 5.4 7.74 5.5 44
315 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 3 5.55 10 10 10 7 10 6 5.4 7.70 5.55 42
316 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 3 5.6 10 10 10 8 10 4 5.4 7.70 5.6 41
317 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 8 9.2 9 5.4 7.74 5.05 44
318 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 7 9.2 8 5.4 7.70 5.1 42
319 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 8 9.2 7 5.4 7.70 5.15 42
320 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 2 2 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 8 9.2 10 5.4 7.74 5.05 45
321 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 2 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.1 10 10 6 7 9.2 10 5.4 7.70 5.1 44
322 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 2 3 2.00 0.5 5.15 10 10 6 8 9.2 9 5.4 7.70 5.15 44
323 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Warmcell Warmcell 3 3 2 2.00 0.5 5.25 10 10 6 8 9.2 5 5.4 7.92 5.25 41
324 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Rockwool 3 3 2.5 2.00 0.5 5.3 10 10 6 7 9.2 4 5.4 7.88 5.3 39
325 TFpanel TF/SIP 2400 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding Batts (sheepwool or Rockwool) Sheep wool 3 3 3 2.00 0.5 5.35 10 10 6 8 9.2 3 5.4 7.88 5.35 39
326 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 8 5.5 7.70 5.1 41
327 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 10 5.5 7.70 5.1 43
328 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 5 9.2 4 5.5 7.88 5.3 37
329 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 5 10 9 6.1 7.53 5.1 43
330 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 5 10 10 6.1 7.53 5.1 44
331 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 5 10 6 6.1 7.70 5.3 40
332 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 5 9.2 8 5.5 7.70 4.85 40
333 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 5 9.2 9 5.5 7.70 4.85 41
334 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 5 9.2 4 5.5 7.88 5.05 37
335 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 2 9.2 8 6 7.79 5.1 38
336 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 2 9.2 9 6 7.79 5.1 39
337 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 2 9.2 4 6 7.96 5.3 34
338 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 2 10 9 6.6 7.61 5.1 40
339 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 2 10 10 6.6 7.61 5.1 41
340 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 2 10 6 6.6 7.79 5.3 38
0/1800/2 Open/Closed/ Structure Cladding Element Element
timber /sip 400) Volumetric (glulam /steel/none) (red cedar/stone/zinc) Insulation responsible soucing environment Cost score
Panels Cladding Insulation Lining Structure Structure Wall panel and cladding upper floor Insulation Internal wall Time score Environmental Cost score Adaptability H&S responsible sourcingSustainbility score
341 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 2 9.2 8 6 7.79 4.85 38
342 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 2 9.2 9 6 7.79 4.85 39
343 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 2 9.2 4 6 7.96 5.05 34
344 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 1 9.2 7 5.6 7.82 5.1 36
345 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 1 9.2 9 5.6 7.82 5.1 38
346 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 5.6 8.00 5.3 32
347 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 1 10 8 5.6 7.65 5.1 37
348 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 1 10 10 5.6 7.65 5.1 39
349 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 1 10 4 5.6 7.82 5.3 34
350 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 1 9.2 7 5.6 7.82 4.85 35
351 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 1 9.2 9 5.6 7.82 4.85 37
352 SIP Panel TF/SIP 600 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 1 9.2 3 5.6 8.00 5.05 32
353 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 5.5 7.70 5.1 46
354 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 9 9.2 10 5.5 7.70 5.1 47
355 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 9 9.2 5 5.5 7.88 5.3 42
356 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 9 10 10 6.1 7.53 5.1 48
357 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 9 10 10 6.1 7.53 5.1 48
358 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 9 10 7 6.1 7.70 5.3 45
359 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 9 9.2 9 5.5 7.70 4.85 45
360 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 9 9.2 10 5.5 7.70 4.85 46
361 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Closed OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 9 9.2 5 5.5 7.88 5.05 42
362 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 9 6 7.79 5.1 42
363 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 5 9.2 10 6 7.79 5.1 43
364 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 6 7.96 5.3 38
365 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 5 10 10 6.6 7.61 5.1 44
366 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 5 10 10 6.6 7.61 5.1 44
367 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 5 10 7 6.6 7.79 5.3 42
368 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 5 9.2 9 6 7.79 4.85 42
369 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 5 9.2 10 6 7.79 4.85 43
370 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Open OPCL Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 5 9.2 5 6 7.96 5.05 38
371 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 6 9.2 9 5.6 7.82 5.1 43
372 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 6 6 9.2 10 5.6 7.82 5.1 44
373 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume 90x240mm glulam Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 5.6 8.00 5.3 40
374 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 6 10 10 5.7 7.65 5.1 44
375 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 3 5.1 10 10 10 6 10 10 5.7 7.65 5.1 44
376 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Non-structural Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 3 5.3 10 10 10 6 10 7 5.7 7.82 5.3 42
377 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Western Red Cedar EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 6 9.2 9 5.6 7.82 4.85 42
378 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Z-shaped stone cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 2 0 2.00 0.5 4.85 10 10 6 6 9.2 10 5.6 7.82 4.85 43
379 SIP Panel TF/SIP 1200 Volumetric volume Steel rsj beam 203*133 Zinc cladding EPS EPS density 20kg/m3 3 3 0 2.00 0.5 5.05 10 10 6 6 9.2 6 5.6 8.00 5.05 40
Roof sarking 1.5m x 50m -
University of Liverpool 2019
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
University of Liverpool 2019
Email communication
to Gordy, Ruth
Hi Gordy
I’ve uploaded the latest CAD drawing to Dropbox (“urban”). Although it’s
very much a working drawing, hopefully it’s clear enough. I’ve also added the
“timber panels” drawing. This hopefully shows you my proposed "kit-of-parts".
Originally I designed the frame and panels based on the following principles:
90x240 glulam (or LVL if necessary) portal frames at roughly 2.4-3m centres;
glulam beam at ground floor level connects across to create a fully connected
90x240 I-joists connect across portal at intermediate floor levels (lighter in weight,
cheaper and easier to run services through);
(closed) panels are typically made up using 11mm OSB and 240mm I-joists at
400mm centres;
timber roof and floor panels span across between portals, whereas the wall panels
are upright;
wall, roof and ground floor panel connections are made using Walco connectors
fixed into glulam portals and 45mm LVL along the edges of the panels;
intermediate floor panels are fixed using Simpson Strongtie hangers; and
internal walls and fins (made from 89mm SW between 2 layers of 12.5mm
Fermacell) positioned within the portal provide rigidity.
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
There’s a sketch of the general idea in Dropbox. Now I’m considering the following,
to keep the material cost down:
90x240 glulam (or LVL if necessary) portal frames at roughly 2.4-3m centres;
glulam beam at ground floor level connects across to create a fully connected
with differences...
timber panels are around 1.2x2.4m in size, although depending on weight, could
make some of the wall panels slightly bigger (2.4x2.4m, so one full panel fits
between the portals and the floors);
(closed) panels are typically made up using 11mm OSB and 240mm I-joists at
greater 600mm centres (?), with floor panels still at 400mm centres;
timber roof and floor panels span across between portals - wall panels could also
span lengthways, for easier fixing? - no twisting in the centres;
wall, roof and ground floor panel connections are made by simply screwing through
the wood fibre insulation and OSB into the glulam portal, replacing the 45mm LVL
along the edges of the panels with insulated I-joists;
intermediate floor panels are fixed using Simpson Strongtie hangers; and
internal walls and fins (made from 89mm SW between 2 layers of 12.5mm
Fermacell) positioned within the portal provide rigidity.
Items I’m unclear about and need some direction to enable me to include in the
costs are as follows:
sub base design / foundation design - how are the portals supported off the
foundations, allowing different options for the foundations (for Cornwall the
foundations will be standards across the site but we’ve not had details yet, possibly
precast beams, whereas for the Skippets maybe we could use )?
University of Liverpool 2019
connection plates for the portals - are they bespoke or is there something off-the-
shelf we can use from Rothoblaas or Simpson Strongtie?
requirement for ridge beam? - ideally would like flues to terminate through the
apex of the roof.
Best regards
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
Further to our recent site visit, please find below our quotation for the provision of
Contract Lift Services at the above site location. This quotation is provided following
a preliminary site visit and either uses actual information that has been provided by
the client or uses evaluation that will require confirmation prior to the operation
being planned. The following price may need to be revised in the event of any
unpredictable changes that may occur prior to the actual lift operation.
All Hewden Crane Hire Contract Lifts are carried out in accordance with BS7121 Part
3 Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes, LOLER Regulations 1998 and CPA
Standard Terms and Conditions for a contract for the Lifting and Movement of
Goods Involving Crane Operation.
Please note that any insurance referred to below may not cover the value of the
item being moved, therefore it is the clients responsibility to ensure that adequate
insurance is obtained for any / all items being lifted during the operation.
The ground pressure loadings assigned to the standing / lifting area of the
procedure are required as essential information for the Method Statement that is
required for the planned operation.
University of Liverpool 2019
Provision of Slinger
1.2 Specialist Lifting Tackle – not carried as standard equipment with crane.
2.2 The above price allows for up to 8 hours work on site per day. Hours worked in
excess of 8 would be chargeable at £170.00 per each additional hour.
2.3 The above price allows for transportation of crane and equipment to and from
site, and includes for standard rigging and de-rigging of the crane.
2.4 The above price includes for experienced supervision and labour to execute the
2.5 The above price includes for the provision of a Method Statement, which will be
supplied upon receipt of a Purchase Order.
2.6 The above price includes for provision of an Appointed Person to plan and
arrange supervision of the lifting operation/s.
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
2.7 Insurance cover as set out in the C.P.A. Standard Terms and Conditions for a
Contract for the Lifting and Movement of Goods Involving Crane Operation is
provided for in this quotation – refer to section 7.0 for specific details.
4.0 Access/Authority
4.4 Failure to comply with the above will leave the Client liable for the full contract
charges, should the job be aborted.
5.1 This quotation is subject to the CPA Standard Terms and Conditions for Contract
for the Lifting and Movement of Goods Involving Crane Operation (copies enclosed).
5.2 These Terms and Conditions shall not be varied, except with our Company’s
written agreement and signed by a person authorised thereto by our Company.
5.3 This quotation is based upon lifting the items detailed in the scope of works.
Should additional lifts be required which fall outside this scope of works then the
contract would revert to the CPA Model Conditions for the Hiring of Plant.
5.4 Unless otherwise specified by our Company in writing, every quotation is open
for acceptance for a period of thirty days, after which the quotation will be subject
to confirmation by our Company.
University of Liverpool 2019
5.6 Any technical literature or drawing supplied by Hewden Crane Hire Limited is
supplied without liability and any defects will not affect the conditions of hire.
5.7 Availability - this offer is made subject to the availability of the equipment and
the receipt of a written order. Additionally, we can accept no consequential losses
incurred due to Police or Local Authority actions in delaying authorised movements
of machines in the process of travelling to your site from our depot or previous
Your attention is drawn to Clause 7 of the CPA Standard Terms and Conditions for a
Contract for the Lifting and Movement of Goods Involving Crane Operation. In
particular the client should note the following:
6.1 Any defect in the contract goods including any design defect and any defect
relating to lifting points on the contract goods.
7.0 Insurance
7.1 Our Company’s liability, if any, arising from or in connection with the lifting
contract will be limited to:
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
7.1(a) For loss or destruction of or damage to the contract goods will be limited to
a total of £25,000.00 (twenty five thousand pounds sterling).
7.1(b) For any other loss, damage or injury will be limited to a total sum of
£5,000,000.00 (five million pounds sterling).
7.2 Our Company can on request, prior to the commencement of the contract,
provide quotations to increase the amounts stated in Clauses 7.1(a) and 7.1(b). This
must be agreed in writing prior to the commencement of the lifting contract.
7.3 We recommend that the client contact their insurance advisors to confirm that
they have sufficient cover for our Company’s exclusion of liability.
7.4 The client should also ensure that they have sufficient Public Liability Insurance
Cover to provide indemnity for our Company’s plant/equipment caused by the
client’s negligence either in whole or part.
Please Note – This quotation is based on client information only and is subject to a
Hewden site visit.
We trust that we have interpreted your requirements correctly, should you require
any further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the
If you should require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the
Yours faithfully
University of Liverpool 2019
Emma Laing
H1 Risk assessment Ruth Sutton
to Ruth
Hi Ruth
We don’t normally agree to help with research but please find rates below.
Contracted weekly removal of waste from a factory. Costs per tonne for timber,
plasterboard and "other general mixed waste" Approximately 0.5 tonne per week.
General Mixed Non-recyclable Waste £105.00 per tonne although bulky items for
landfill are £120.00 per tonne
The above rates would be based on you tipping into our facility. For an 8yd skip to
an ‘M’ postcode for recyclable construction waste the rate would be £180.00.
Kind regards
Jane Eustace, Customer Services Manager, JWS Waste and Recycling Services Ltd