Name of DRU: JESUS THE GOOD SHEPERD HOSPITAL Type:RHU Gov’t Hospital Gov’t Laboratpry Clinic
Region of DRU: REGION 3 CHO Private Hospital Private Laboratory Airport/Seaport
Province of DRU: PULILAN, BULACAN Type of site: Sentinel Non-Sentinel
I. PATIENT Patient Number: Patient’s Last Name First Name Middle Name
Date of Report: 01 27 2022 Name of reporter: CHRISTINE P. AÑO Contact Nos.: 09653211670
Date of MM DD YYYY
Investigation: 01 27 2022 Name of investigator/s: CHRISTINE P. AÑO Contact Nos.: 09653211670
Category of Exposure:
Feeding/touching an animal
Licking of intact skin(with reliable history and thorough physical examination)
Exposure to patient with signs and symptoms of rabies by sharing of eating or drinking untensils
Casual contact (talking to, visiting and feeding suspected rabies cases) and routine delivery of health care to patient with signs and symptoms
of rabies
Nibbling of uncovered skin with or without bruising/hematoma
Minor scratches/abrasions without bleeding
Minor scratches/abrasions which are induced to bleed
All Category II exposures on the head and neck area are considered Category III and should be managed as such
Transdermal bites(puncture wounds,lacerations,avulsions) or scratches/abrasions with spontaneous bleeding
Licks on broken skin or mucous membrane
Exposure to a rabies patient through bites,contamination of mucous membranes(eyes,oral/nasal mucosa,genital/anal mucous membranes) or
Open skin lesions with body fluids through splattering and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Unprotected handling of infected carcass or ingestion of raw infected meat
All Category II exposures on head and neck area
Type of animal: dog cat bat Other, specify_______________________
Lab. diagnosis done? Yes No Unknown If Yes, result: _______________________________________
Animal status: domestic stray wild Other, specify _______________
Outcome of biting animal: alive died killed intentionally
Deliberately providing false or misleading, personal information on the part of the patient, or the next of kin in case of patient’s incapacity, may
constitute non-cooperation punishable under the Republic Act No. 11332.