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Influence of the Alcoholic/Ethanolic Extract of Mangifera indica
Residues on the Green Synthesis of FeO Nanoparticles and
Their Application for the Remediation of Agricultural Soils
Jhordi Bautista-Guzman 1 , Rosa Gomez-Morales 1 , David Asmat-Campos 2, * and Noemi Raquel Checca 3
1 Facultad de Ingeniería, Carrera Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Privada del Norte, Trujillo 13011, Peru; (J.B.-G.); (R.G.-M.)
2 Dirección de Investigación e Innovación, Universidad Privada del Norte, Trujillo 13011, Peru
3 Brazilian Center for Physics Research, R. Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, Rio de Janeiro 22290-180, Brazil;
* Correspondence: or
Abstract: The green synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles (FeO NP) has been investigated using the
extract in absolute ethanolic and alcoholic solvents 96% from the peel of the mango fruit (Mangifera
indica), thus evaluating the influence of the type of solvent on the extraction of reducing metabolites.
A broad approach to characterization initially controlled by UV-vis spectrophotometry has been
directed, the formation mechanism was evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),
the magnetic properties by characterization by Physical Property Measurement System (PPSM), in
addition to a large number of techniques such as X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray
Citation: Bautista-Guzman, J.; diffraction (DRX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM/STEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy
Gomez-Morales, R.; Asmat-Campos, (EELS), and Z potential to confirm the formation of FeO NP. The results suggest better characteristics
D.; Checca, N.R. Influence of the for FeO NP synthesized using 96% alcoholic solvent extract. The successful synthesis was directly
Alcoholic/Ethanolic Extract of proven in the removal of metals (Cr-VI, Cd, and Pb) as a potential alternative in the remediation of
Mangifera indica Residues on the
agricultural soils.
Green Synthesis of FeO Nanoparticles
and Their Application for the
Keywords: FeO nanoparticles; green synthesis; Mangifera indica; soil remediation; metal removal
Remediation of Agricultural Soils.
Molecules 2021, 26, 7633. https://
quinquefolia [19], green tea [20], coconut shell [21], eucalyptus [22], Moringa oleifera [23],
and Bauhinia tomentosa [24]. The development of these ecosystem-friendly methods for
nanoparticle synthesis has become an important branch of nanotechnology: “green synthe-
sis” [25,26]. Plant or fruit extracts contain phytochemicals and metabolites that give them
unique properties, which can be used as reducing agents for the synthesis and stabilization
of nanoparticles [13,27].
According to [28], the synthesis of iron nanoparticles supported with bentonite ob-
tained sizes between 40–80 nm, and the analysis of the nanomaterial shows the presence
of C, O, and Fe, attributing the former to molecules and polyphenols of green tea extract.
The absorption of Cr (VI) in sandy loam soil was stable up to a concentration of 100 mg/L;
subsequently it decreased as a result of the availability of active sites for the adsorption
of Cr, deducing an increase in the particle dose for higher concentrations of pollutant.
The estimated pH to achieve good results is between 2–6 on the acid scale, and [29] ob-
tained iron nanoparticles and carried out a comparative analysis of chemically synthesized
nanoparticles with extracts of neem and mint leaves; the removal of lead and nickel at a
concentration of 0.1 g NP/Kg of soil shows that the NP by NaBH4 removed 21.6% Pb and
18.5% Ni; while with neem extract 26.9% Pb and 33.2% Ni. The low removal efficiency
is the product of agglomeration and exposure to the atmosphere resulting in oxidation
of the surface of the particles. In the case of mint leaves, a concentration of 0.2 g NP/Kg
of soil and the elimination of 66.1% Pb and 56.1% Ni was obtained. The improvement in
performance is due to the little agglomeration between the nanomaterial, unlike the others,
increasing the reaction area [30]. In the case [31] synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles with
Excoecaria cochinchinensis extract which were applied to eliminate arsenic in soils, for the
SEM-EDS characterization, nanoparticles between 50 and 100 nm with Fe compounds were
evidenced, O, C product of the reduction mechanism. The BET surface area was 32 m2 .g−1
and had a mean pore diameter of 12 nm, indicating high adsorption capacity. The adsorp-
tion of As occurred in the amorphous and crystalline Fe oxide layer, due to its positive
charge that could adsorb both arsenate and arsenite simultaneously. FeO NP was obtained
using Excoecaria cochinchnensis Lour extract with sizes between 5 and 20 nm with different
carbon-oxygen functional groups on the surface of the Fe3 O4 spheres, which contribute
to the adsorption of Cd, and on the surface of the particles by electrostatic attraction. The
adsorption rate was 93.69% at 30 min. The change in pH exerts variation in the removal
of Cd (II): at low pH the elimination of Cd (II) decreases by increasing the temperature,
indicating that the adsorption process is an exothermic process. Furthermore, an increased
dose of nanoparticles and low temperature increase the adsorption rate [32]. Nanoparticles
have a size between 38–47 nm and it was shown that they can oxidize As (III) to As (V)
almost completely at 24 h, with pH values 3 and 7. On the contrary, [33] investigated the
elimination of As (V) with nanoparticles synthesized with green tea extract which have a
size between 50 and 100 nm, irregular and amorphous, and during the adsorption of As
(V) the amount of active sites were reduced.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of the solvent (96% alcohol
and absolute ethanol) in the extraction of metabolites from the residues (shell) of Mangifera
indica for its application as an organic reducer in the synthesis of FeO nanoparticles;
likewise, the nanoparticulate material will be applied in the removal of metals present in
agricultural soil such as hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb).
Figure 1. Block
Figure 1. Block diagram
diagram of
of the
the green
green synthesis
synthesis process
process of
of FeO
NP mediated by M.
mediated by M. indica
indica extract.
Scientific) to evaluate the organic agents present in the extracts and FeO NP and to respond
to possible mechanisms involved in the formation of nanostructures. Electron microscopy
analyses were performed using a Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in the modes:
High Resolution TEM (HRTEM), Scanning TEM (STEM), and Energy-Dispersive X-ray
Spectroscopy (EDS) to characterize the morphology and elemental composition of the
FeO nanoparticles. The studies were conducted in a JEOL 2100F equipment, operating
at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV/current 130 µA and equipped with an CCD camera
(One view). STEM images were obtained using an annular dark field (ADF) detector. The
elemental composition was investigated by EDS using the STEM-DF mode and an Energy
spectrometer of Oxford (Xplore).
The microscope was also equipped with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)
(EELS-GIF Tridiem GATAN) accessories. EELS spectra were conducted in the STEM
imaging mode using a spot size of 0.7 nm. The spectrometer aperture was 5 mm. The
energy resolution measured by the FWHM of the zero loss peaks was approximately 1.6 eV.
For TEM observation, the nanoparticles were placed inside a 1.5 mL tube with acetone
and ultrasonicated for 30 min. The acetone solution was then dropped over carbon-covered
TEM grids.
X-ray diffraction patterns of the nanoparticles were obtained in an Empyrean diffrac-
tometer (Panalytical) with Cu-Kα radiation (λ = 1.54056 Å) at 45 kV and 40 mA. Data were
collected in the 20◦ < 2θ < 80◦ range in Bragg Brentano geometry, in spinner mode, with a
step size of 0.026◦ .
The stability of FeO NP was characterized by Potential Zeta using the Zeta plus—Zeta
potential analyzer equipment from the Brookhaven Instrument Corporation, from their
electrophoretic mobility. These data are reported as a standard deviation and average of
10 different measurements.
Magnetic properties were measured using a Physical Property Measurement System
(PPMS) DynaCool of Quantum Design at CBPF. The magnetization versus temperature
measurements were performed in zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) conditions
with a 200 Oe probe field. The hysteresis loops were measured at range 5 K and 300 K with
an applied field up to 9 T.
FeO NP with alcoholic extract 96%
FeO NP with absolute ethanol extract
Absorbance (u.a)
400 500 600 700 800
Wavelenght (nm)
Figure UV-visspectrum
spectrum of FeO NP NP
of FeO obtained by the
obtained bygreen route, using
the green route,extracts of M. indica
using extracts in indica in
of M.
solvents.The inset
The shows
inset the colloids
shows FeO NP
the colloids FeOobtained.
NP obtained.
The results indicate the presence of the RPS peak at 390.4 and 391.2 nm for FeO NP
The results indicate the presence of the RPS peak at 390.4 and 391.2 nm for FeO NP
syntheses using 96% alcoholic and absolute ethanolic solvent extracts respectively, typical
syntheses using 96% alcoholic and absolute ethanolic solvent extracts respectively, typica
for this type of nanostructure. There is also evidence of a difference between the bandwidths
for this
and type of nanostructure.
the absorbance, the FeO NP sampleThere is also evidence
obtained of a difference
with an extract in absolute between
ethanolicthe band
widths and the absorbance, the FeO NP sample obtained with
solvent being predominant, which shows a higher production of nanostructures, but at an extract in absolute eth
the same solvent
time a being predominant,ofwhich
high polydispersity showsresults
sizes. These a higher production
certify of nanostructures
the visual perception
atcolor change
the same of the
time solution
a high from light brown
polydispersity to black
of sizes. Theseand describe
results the the
certify formation
visual percep
of FeO NP using M. indica extract, this being consistent with
tion of the color change of the solution from light brown to black and describe the UV-vis spectra of the the for
nanoparticles under study.
mation of FeO NP using M. indica extract, this being consistent with the UV-vis spectra o
Evaluating the stability over time is an important factor to identify the viability of the
the nanoparticles under study.
synthesis of nanostructures.
Evaluating the stability over time is an important factor to identify the viability of the
In Figure 3a,b, spectra are presented as a result of the sequential evaluation from day
1synthesis of nanostructures.
of the synthesis to day 39 of the FeO NP. The results suggest a good behavior in the
projection of the3a,b,
In Figure RPS spectra
peak onare the presented as a result
axis wavelength, which of leads
the sequential evaluation
us to consider that it isfrom day
1 of the
highly synthesis
stable in both to day 39
extracts, butofwith
the aFeO
slightNP. The results
improvement by suggest a good
the alcoholic behavior
solvent 96%. in the
projection of the RPS peak on the axis wavelength, which leads us to consider that it i
However, there is dynamic activity in the absorbances since the values increase compared
to the first
highly day,inwhich
stable both means that
extracts, there
but with is aa slight
of formation of bymore nanoparticles,
the alcoholic solvent 96%
possibly due to the fact that the green synthesis methodology does
However, there is dynamic activity in the absorbances since the values increase compared not usually have
a total reduction efficiency of the precursor, which generates a greater production of
to the first day, which means that there is a process of formation of more nanoparticles
nanostructures and therefore an increase in absorbance. For this case, Figure 3b shows a
possibly due to the fact that the green synthesis methodology does not usually have a tota
higher absorbance value.
reduction efficiency
Polyphenols of the precursor,
are generally believed to which generatesfora the
be responsible greater production
synthesis of nanostruc
and stabiliza-
tion irontherefore an increaseand
oxide nanoparticles in absorbance.
are producedFor this case, Figure
by complexing 3b shows
with the a higher ab
Fe salt and
sorbance value.
simultaneous reduction of Fe (III) with oxidized polyphenols [34].
(a) 1.2 (b)
0.8 1.0
Day 01 Day 01
Absorbance (u.a)
Absorbance (u.a)
Day 04 0.8 Day 04
Day 14 Day 14
Day 25 0.6 Day 25
0.4 Day 32 Day 32
Day 39 0.4 Day 39
0.0 0.0
-0.2 -0.2
400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 3. Evaluation
Figure of the
3. Evaluation stability
of the of of
stability FeO NP
FeO NPbyby
spectrophotometry: (a)
(a) with extract
extract in
(b) with extract
(b) with in absolute
extract ethanolic
in absolute ethanolicextract.
calcium phosphates and CO and C=O groups, which can be evidenced in the characteri-
100 EDX. The aforementioned peaks disappear when analyzing the FeO NP sam-
zation by
ples, which
would allow us to approximate the mechanism of formation of nanostructures
and specifically associated with the functional groups C=C and C=O that derive from wa-
80 compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids considered protective ligands of
Transmittance (%)
NPs [35,36].
70 Mango, being a fruit of tropical climate, has a quantity of these compounds
including others such as flavonoids, gallates, benzophenones, and derivatives of gallic
acid [37]. The peaks at 788 and 796 cm−1 are associated with the vibration of the FeO NP.
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Wave number (cm -1
Figure FTIRspectra
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Figure Characterization by by
XRD of FeO
XRD NP synthesized
of FeO with extracts
NP synthesized in solvents
with extracts (a) ethanolic
in solvents (a) ethanoli
absolute, (b) alcoholic 96%.
absolute, (b) alcoholic 96%.
The average crystallite sizes calculated from the FeO NP using the full width at
The average crystallite sizes calculated from the FeO NP using the full width at hal
half maximum intensity (FWHM) of the dominant peak in combination with the Debye-
Scherrer intensity
equation were(FWHM) of the
3.95 and 2.93 nm,dominant peak
for the FeO in combination
NP cases synthesizedwith
with the Debye-Scher
extract in
absolute ethanolic solvent and alcoholic 96% respectively, which follow the same trend of
the estimated sizes determined by STEM.
Figure6. 6.EDS
nanoparticlessynthesized using M.
synthesizedusing M. indica extract (a,b,e,g) absolute
absolute ethanolic
(c,d,f,h) 96%96% alcoholic
alcoholic solvent.
that iron
iron in
in its
its metallic
metallic form tends to react naturally
naturally with
with air
(or water), which generates the formation of an iron oxide
(or water), which generates the formation of an iron oxide layer layer [40].
The shape and size of the FeO nanoparticles synthesized
shape and size of the FeO nanoparticles synthesized byby the
the green
green pathway
pathway were
confirmed by TEM/STEM characterization. Figure 7a corresponds to
confirmed by TEM/STEM characterization. Figure 7a corresponds to the colloid obtainedthe colloid obtained
by usingM.
byusing M.indica
magnifications, where the spherical morphology is evidenced and with
ent magnifications, where the spherical morphology is evidenced and with an approxi- an approximate
mate 3.18of±3.18
ofsize 0.51± 0.51
nm. nm.
In the first
In the image
first image (5 (5
agglomerates are are observed that
observed that
are linked to organic materials present in the extract, this was also evidenced
are linked to organic materials present in the extract, this was also evidenced in the XRD in the XRD
diffractograms where there was a peak at 2θ at 26.2◦ attributable to organic stabilizing
agents, in addition to the organic radicals shown in the FTIR.
The TEM image related to the FeO NP sample using 96% alcoholic solvent extract is
presented in Figure 7b, where spherical morphology is also evidenced with an average size
of 2.50 ± 0.47 nm.
The histogram shows the particle distribution and the mean size obtained. These
dimensions coincide well with the results presented by UV-vis spectrophotometry, in
addition to the results by XRD by calculating the size of the crystallite using the Debye-
Scherrer equation. It can be seen that the size of FeO NP is affected by the type of solvent
used for the extraction of metabolites from M. indica.
FeO NP with 96% alcohol. It has generally been shown that the intensities of the peaks
Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 18
are attributed to oxygen vacancies within the nanostructures; therefore, the lower the
maximum intensity of the EELS spectra, the higher the content of oxygen vacancies in
FeO NP. Given this, it can be deduced that the vacant oxygen content is higher in FeO
NP synthesizedwhere there wasethanol
with absolute a peak extract
at 2θ atof26.2° attributable
M. indica to organic
than using stabilizing
the extract with
agents, in addition
96% alcohol. to the organic radicals shown in the FTIR.
The TEM image related to the FeO NP sample using 96% alcoholic solvent extract is
presented in Figure 7b, where spherical morphology is also evidenced with an average
size of 2.50 ± 0.47 nm.
The histogram shows the particle distribution and the mean size obtained. These di-
mensions coincide well with the results presented by UV-vis spectrophotometry, in addi-
tion to the results by XRD by calculating the size of the crystallite using the Debye-Scher-
rer equation. It can be seen that the size of FeO NP is affected by the type of solvent used
for the extraction of metabolites from M. indica.
Furthermore, the Fe-L edges provide us with the ionization state of the metal cations
by identifying the individual edges L3 y L2 , these results are shown in Figure 4. The general
results indicate the presence of 78% Fe and 22% O for FeO NP using absolute ethanolic
extract, while 52.03% Fe and 47.97% O for FeO NP using 96% alcohol extract.
Figure 9.
Figure Measurements of
9. Measurements of saturation
saturation magnetization
magnetization versus
versus applied
applied field
field hysteresis
hysteresis for FeO NP
for FeO NP using
using extracts
extracts in
in ethanolic
and alcoholic solvents (a) 5 K, (b) 300 K.
For 55 K,
For K, aa maximum
maximumMs Mswas
emu/g and
and 6.13
6.13 emu/g.
emu/g. ThisThis
decreased behavior was also evident when it was analyzed at 300 K, where
creased behavior was also evident when it was analyzed at 300 K, where values of 16.8values of 16.8
and 2.31
and 2.31 emu/g
all of
of the
the aforementioned
aforementioned forfor the
the extracts
extracts in
in ethanolic
ethanolic and
alcoholic solvents respectively. In general, the magnetization values tend to decrease
when there is also a decrease in the diameter of the nanoparticle. This behavior is corrob-
orated in the results obtained by TEM/STEM and the size histogram with values of 3.18
and 2.50 nm for FeO NP using excerpts mentioned above.
The magnetic response values are lower compared to other methods such as thermal
Molecules 2021, 26, 7633 11 of 17
alcoholic solvents respectively. In general, the magnetization values tend to decrease when
there is also a decrease in the diameter of the nanoparticle. This behavior is corroborated in
the results obtained by TEM/STEM and the size histogram with values of 3.18 and 2.50 nm
for FeO NP using excerpts mentioned above.
The magnetic response values are lower compared to other methods such as thermal
decomposition (76 emu/g) [45] and co-precipitation (60 emu/g) [46]. This reduction of Ms
is linked to a crystalline disorder, spin inclination due to the reduction of the coordination
of surface cations and/or negative surface effects promoted by a broken exchange between
spins in NP with small crystallite size [2,47]. Regarding other green synthesis methods,
Ms values lower than the one presented in this research have been reported (regardless
of the type of solvent used to obtain the extract), such as 23 emu/g [48], 5.35 emu/g [17],
7.78 emu/g [49], 11 emu/g [18], 0.015 emu/g [50], and 1.57 emu/g [51].
On the other hand, observed in Figure 10 is the curve of the magnetization as a function
of the temperature of the FeO NP obtained by the green route with the two types of extracts
mentioned. It can be seen that after cooling the sample under the influence of a magnetic
field, both have a different response when varying the temperature. In the case of the
sample with 96% alcoholic solvent extract, the increase in temperature generates a decrease
in the magnetization values for both the zero field cool measurements ZFC (orange) and
WFC (blue). This does not happen with the second sample, where it is evidenced that the
Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEW
ZFC behavior increases until it reaches its maximum point of 3.09 emu/g. The response of
the WFC measure, by contrast, describes a decline. In both cases there is no evidence of
thermal instability.
Figure 10. Magnetization curve as a function of temperature at low fields, under the ZFC and WFC
Figure 10. Magnetization curve as a function of temperature at low fields, under the ZFC a
protocols (a) FeO NP Absolute ethanolic extract, (b) FeO NP 96◦ alcoholic extract.
protocols (a) FeO NP Absolute ethanolic extract, (b) FeO NP 96° alcoholic extract.
The green synthesis of nanoparticles is presented as a new and sustainable alternative
to replace
The other
green typical synthesis
synthesis of methods where inorganic
nanoparticles inputs are
is presented as used
a new throughout the
and sustainable
process, which raises production costs and contributes to the contamination of both nature
tive to replace other typical synthesis methods where inorganic inputs are used th
and the researchers who develop the methodology. However, in this type of ecological
out the process,
synthesis which
it is important to raises
have a production costsofand
good management the contributes to the
parameters linked to contamina
both nature
process, and
in order to the
nanostructureswho develop
with the
similar or methodology.
better characteristicsHowever,
than those in this
developed by
ecological inorganic it
synthesis methods.
is important to have a good management of the parameters
to the process, in order to have nanostructures with similar or better characterist
those developed by inorganic methods.
In this sense, this research provides as a first alternative the use of agro-in
Molecules 2021, 26, 7633 12 of 17
In this sense, this research provides as a first alternative the use of agro-industrial
waste, specifically the peel of the mango fruit (M. indica), to extract the metabolites with
the potential to reduce metal salts (precursor). Thus, the influence of the type of solvent
used in the elaboration of the extract rich in bioactive compounds, such as absolute ethanol
and 96% alcohol, has been evaluated. This is also linked to a decrease in production costs.
To consider a correct synthesis of nanoparticles, it is necessary to carry out a complete
characterization that is evidenced from the analyses presented.
The results show a better result for the FeO NP synthesized using M. indica extract in
alcoholic solvent 96%. This is how the spectrophotometry practiced for the evaluation of
stability over time shows an invariance showing a slight increase in absorbance, possibly
due to which an incomplete reaction was generated, which motivated us to continue with
the reduction process and therefore resulted in a slight increase in the production of nanos-
tructures, which later became stable with the passage of time. The FTIR characterization
shows a possible mechanism involved in the reduction of the precursor agent (metal salt),
with the C=C and C=O groups being the ones that lead to soluble compounds that act as
reducing agents, such as flavonoids and terpenoids. It has been shown that the formation
of this type of nanomaterial has led to having FeO phases such as magnetite and with a
slight contribution of maghemite; likewise, the results of the elemental characterization
(EDS) show that this type of sample has Fe and O without no other type of element. The
morphology was evaluated by TEM/STEM, where the spherical type geometry is evi-
denced and with sizes close to the results obtained using the Debye-Scherrer equation from
the XRD diffractograms. The result for zeta potential reinforces the fact of having achieved
NP with high colloidal stability and the little participation of functional groups such as
traces from the extract.
A behavior of decrease in the maximum values of magnetization between both meth-
ods has been evidenced. This is related to the variation of the diameters of the nanos-
tructures, and because the magnetic properties are defined by characteristics such as size,
surface, and the crystalline structure; in this sense, by obtaining a lower value of magnetic
moment (emu/g) there is a possible alteration of the three-dimensional framework, moti-
vated by structural defects and size that give rise to different magnetization values [52].
In general, the FeO NP obtained reach the saturation state governed by the superparam-
agnetic nature, which makes it very feasible to respond to magnetic fields without delay,
indicating a material with high potential applicability in environmental remediation pos-
sess a perfect Langevin behavior that suggests the ability to act before an external magnetic
field without maintaining a residual magnetism when the same field is eliminated, which
further improves the various applications both in magnetic resonance imaging and cell
separation [53–55].
On the contrary, the FeO NP obtained using M. indica extract in absolute ethanolic
solvent show a high content of traces of organic material from the extract, since the
characterization by FTIR and reinforced with EDS show the presence of phosphorus and
calcium. It is also evident in the TEM/STEM images where there are very dense areas
specifically linked to the aforementioned elements; likewise, UV-vis results show greater
dynamics in the production of nanostructures with the passing of the days.
Thus, for the application in soil remediation, it has been considered to use FeO NP
with pure content of this material without the implication of another type of element, in
addition to considering smaller sizes and high monodispersity.
The agricultural soil used tests the influence of FeO NP in the removal of chromium
(Cr-VI), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). The results obtained are presented in Table 1.
The removal of chromium (VI) with the 10 mL colloid (C2) obtained 99.48% removal
during a period of 30 min. In this way, a reduction from 734.07 ppm to 3.815 ppm was
achieved, which, compared to the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for agricultural
soil in Peru [56], exceeds 0.4 ppm. Our research, like other studies, has obtained an
efficient elimination of Cr (VI), and the formation of FeO nanoparticles and Fe (II) oxides
is attributed to being strongly reducing. This is based on its various properties such
Molecules 2021, 26, 7633 13 of 17
as the modifiability of the surface by substances and functional groups, as well as its
standard reduction potential, which for Fe2+/FeO is −0.44 V, being more negative than
for Cr 6+/Cr3+(+1.51 V) [44,57–59]. In addition, the redox reactions of ferrous and ferric
ions contribute to the process. The oxidation product binds pollutants through complex
formation and ion exchange; iron oxides serve as a flocculant to capture metal ions and,
therefore, remove contaminants present [60–62]. For the case of sample C1, there is no
evidence of variation in metal concentration even after treatment; similar results indicate
the decrease in removal due to the high initial concentration of Cr (VI) in the solution [63,64].
The effects between adsorbent dose and interaction time on chromium removal can prove
lack of removal in the indicated sample. Additionally, they point to Cr (III) as the main
responsible for forming a solid solution with iron, creating a passive layer of secondary
phases such as magnetite, green oxide, goethite, and ferric hydroxide. This is attributed
to the strong proton chemical gradient (Eh) that exists between the FeO surface and the
surrounding medium. Minerals with Fe in a lower oxidation state, such as magnetite
and green oxide, are often found close to FeO. The formation of such a passive layer
decreases the rate of Cr (VI) reduction in the iron plate [65]. Therefore, increasing the initial
concentration increases the degree of passivity and, therefore, decreases the reaction.
Table 1. Atomic absorption results in agricultural soil samples for chromium, cadmium, and lead; influence in function of
4. Conclusions
It was determined that the influence of the use on the type of solvent for the extrac-
tion of reducing metabolites from the M. indica shell is linked to the degree of alcohol
concentration, 96% being the one from which the most functional groups derived from
soluble compounds such as flavonoids and terpenoids have been extracted, in addition
to not affecting its properties. The FeO nanoparticles showed a spherical geometry with
sizes between 2.5 and 3.1 nm for FeO NP in alcoholic 96% and absolute ethanolic solvents
respectively. In addition, the XRD results confirm the presence of the magnetic phases
of the magnetite as a slight contribution of the maghemite phase. The EDX results show
that a maximum degree of alcohol concentration (absolute ethanol) generates the extrac-
tion of other elements (phosphorus and calcium) present in the extract and even in the
nanoparticles. The magnetic response exhibits in both cases a behavior attributed to super-
paramagnetic materials, indicating the ability to respond to magnetic fields without delay,
being a factor involved in the removal of metals. The successful synthesis of nanoparticles
was applied in the removal of metals, achieving maximum values of 99.48% for chromium,
81.48% cadmium, and 5.9% lead.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.B.-G. and R.G.-M.; methodology, J.B.-G., R.G.-M., and
D.A.-C.; validation, D.A.-C.; formal analysis, J.B.-G., R.G.-M., and D.A.-C.; investigation, J.B.-G.
and R.G.-M.; resources, N.R.C. and D.A.-C.; data curation, N.R.C. and D.A.-C.; writing—original
draft preparation, J.B.-G. and R.G.-M.; writing—review and editing, D.A.-C.; visualization, D.A.-C.;
supervision, D.A.-C.; project administration, J.B.-G. and R.G.-M.; funding acquisition, J.B.-G. and
R.G.-M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank LABNANO/CBPF for the technical support
during the electron microscopy work. Likewise, they thank the Dirección de Investigación e Inno-
vación of the Universidad Privada del Norte for their constant support and management.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are not available from the authors.
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