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AdTech Weeks 17 18 Finals

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Technical Reports

Advanced Technical Communication

Weeks 17-18 | Finals
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• define technical report;

• identify the different types of technical
• apply guidelines and principles in writing a
technical report
- provides technical information about a particular
item to assist people for better understanding
- common document describing the process and
results of technical or scientific research
- may include in-depth experimental details, data,
and further research recommendations.
- means of allocating and summarizing knowledge
that is gained through the observation of a
process, experiment, and other phenomena
- involves the writer’s adequate understanding of
the subject matter being written about
- requires careful and deliberate recording of
important details about a topic studies
Importance of Writing a Technical Report

1. Efficient Communication – information provided

by technical reports inform decisions to be made by
industry leaders and managers
(e.g., proposals, regulations, manuals, procedures, requests,
progress reports, emails, memos.)
2. Evidence for your work
3. Organizes the data
4. Tool for the evaluation of your work.
How to Write a Technical Report?

I. Approach
A. Top-down approach – title to subsections and
conclusion; putting the segmented matters in their
respective areas (allows thought process to follow a defined flow)
B. Evolutionary delivery – going with the flow; writer
writes and decides as the work progress; allows for
the editing of parts when necessary
How to Write a Technical Report?
II. Structure
A. Cover Page – title, author’s name, institution details
B. Title Page – indicates the status of the project and
the mentor/supervisor’s name
C. Abstract – executive summary; gives the project’s
succinct overview
D. Preface – specifying due credits to sources
How to Write a Technical Report?
II. Structure
E. Dedication – (optional) author dedicates work to a
loved one; mostly used in theses
F. Acknowledgement – mentioning people,
organizations, and institutions that helped or inspired
you in the completion of the work.
G. Table of Contents – list of work’s sections and
the page number for easier navigation
How to Write a Technical Report?
II. Structure
H. Introduction – specify the context, purpose,
objectives, the questions answered by the report
I. Central Chapters – clearly defined with sub and
sub-sub sections (with individual purposes)
• Clearly define the chapters’ purpose in its introduction.
• Mentions assumptions considered for the study.
• Results must be verifiable and supported by empirical evidence.
• Each conclusion should be aligned with another central chapter.
How to Write a Technical Report?
II. Structure
J. Conclusion – wrap up/summarize everything
discussed in the previous chapters; mention the
findings, objectives met, and the extent to which
they are reached; discuss the implications of the
findings and the value of your research to the field
K. Appendices – complete sets of data, statistical
formulas, tables and figures (arranged chronologically)
How to Write a Technical Report?
II. Structure
L. Bibliography/ References
• References – actual materials you take into your
research, previously published by someone else
• Bibliography – account of all the data you read, got
inspired from, or gained knowledge from, which is not
necessarily a direct part of your research
The Standard Presentation Guidelines

• Script – printed on an A4 paper

• Page Numbers – pages that contain the content
(exclude the title page and summary)
• Margins – 1 inch or 2.54 cm on all sides
• Binding – staple on top left if short; bind if long
• Font – 12, Times New Roman (or other formal fonts)
• Spacing – 1.5 or 2
Tips on Writing a Good Technical Report

1. Use appropriate fonts consistently.

2. Use proper headings and subheadings.
3. Cite the works you have used in your project.
4. Obtain information from credible sources.
5. Re-read, edit, modify, proofread your work.
6. Make your summary concise and clear.
- less than 300 words
Types of Technical Reports
1. Progress Report – written to inform a
supervisor, associate, or customer about the progress
you’ve made on a project over a certain period of time
- provides information to decision-makers about a
project’s status (schedule and budget)
- used for projects that take time to complete
- issued at regular intervals to update what’s done
and what needs more time to finish
What you explain in a progress report:

• The amount of work completed

• The work that’s currently in progress
• The problems or unexpected things that
• The work that is pending
• How the project is going in general
Why is a progress report important for business

1. Aligning your team.

2. Showcasing wins.
3. Giving stakeholders updates on projects.
4. Documenting work for future references.
5. Identify common roadblocks.
Steps in Writing a Progress Report
• Determine your report’s purpose.
• Start by crafting the header (project name,
writer’s name and position, submission date, recipient’s
name and position.
• Write the introduction. (overview)
• Compose the report’s body. (completed
tasks, problems encountered, and action plans)
Steps in Writing a Progress Report

• Supplement report with details for

future work.
• Create your report’s summary.
• Review and revise report.
Types of Technical Reports
2. Annual Report – document containing
comprehensive financial information about public
companies, small and large corporations, non-profit
organizations, partnerships, and other businesses
- includes financial performance and activities over
the prior fiscal year
- also known as “business annual reports,”
“statements of information,” “yearly statements”
Purpose of an Annual Report

• Help to attract new investors

• Retain the confidence of current
• Provide business analysts and creditors with
insight into the company’s financial status
Information included in Annual Reports
• Company name, business type, and registered agent
• Corporate officers and directors, and the physical location
• CEO’s report on company’s economic status, key events, activities
and achievements, yearly highlights, new products/ services, future
goals, and company’s business trajectory
• Company’s financial breakdown (balance sheet summaries, cash flow
statement, capital investment data, auditor’s report, anticipated revenues and
expenses, changes in equity report, income statement, and other profit and
loss details)
• Company’s core values, mission statement, and future objectives
Types of Technical Reports
3. Letter Report – ‘preliminary title report’
- essential protection in a real estate deal
- written after application for title insurance and before writing
a title insurance policy
- describe findings uncovered during a title search that a
resulting title insurance policy will exclude
- supplies what the buyer needs to know to decide whether to
proceed or ask the seller to address the exceptions before
closing the sale
Types of Technical Reports
3. Letter Report – ‘preliminary title report’
- designed to inform the customer
- highlight is the accompanying attachments and
schedules that contain a legal description of
the property
- identify and provide details for what the policy
will exclude
Types of Technical Reports
4. Laboratory Report – provides a formal
record of an experiment
- The discussion of objectives, procedures,
and results should be specific enough that
interested readers could replicate the
Format of a Laboratory Report
• Abstract – informative summary of the experiment
(less than 200 words)
• Introduction – explains the objectives and
significance of the experiment; provides background
information or context
• Procedures (or Methods) – the steps
undertaken in the conduct of the experiment
Format of a Laboratory Report
• Results and Discussion – conveys the
outcomes; analyses the results and discusses their
implications; results can be presented visually, given
that they are accompanied by caption and explanation
• Conclusion – places results into the context of the
experiment as a whole
• Appendices – supplementary data or evidence
Types of Technical Reports
5. Position Paper – document containing an
argument that needs to be built upon evidence
Purpose: generate support on an issue
- describes the writer’s position regarding an issue
and the rationale for that position
- based on facts that solidly supports an argument
Elements of a Position Paper
A. Introduction – identifies the issue to be
discussed and states the author’s position
B. Body – contains the main argument
1. Background information
2. Evidence supporting the author’s position
3. Discussion of both sides
C. Conclusion – restating key points, suggesting
possible resolutions
Types of Technical Reports
6. Recommendation Report – written to
propose or recommend options/choices to
address an issue or fill a need.
Goal: compare options, recommend one, and support that
Writers must provide sufficient information so that
recipients can confidently follow the

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