Lesson 6 Bioethics and Its Application in Various
Lesson 6 Bioethics and Its Application in Various
Lesson 6 Bioethics and Its Application in Various
At the start of this lesson, you are to take pre – assessment test to see how much background
information and knowledge you have.
This lesson is self – instructional. You can read, analyze concepts and idea presented and relied on
them. The activities and self – check questions will help assess how you progress as you go through the
The answers to the self – check questions and activities may be self – evaluated by your facilitator if
you so desire. These will be part of our formative evaluation. Do not write your answers in the module,
your answers should be written in a separate notebook.
The answer key to self – check questions and activities are found at the end of the lesson. The post –
assessment will be given in a separate booklet upon completion of the module. It will serve as the
summative evaluation of your performance.
Remember, you are to work on this module independently. I shall not be around to supervise you
1. Formulate with the client a plan of care to address ethical health concerns, needs, problems and
issues based on priorities.
2. Implement safe and quality interventions with the client to address ethical health concerns,
needs, problems and issues:
- Relate the inviolability of life to ethical death and dying
A. S
Lesson 6: e
and Human Reproduction
Human Sexuality and Its Moral Evaluation
AS God’s gift to us, it is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual
The Sixth Commandment
protects Human Sexuality.
You shall not commit Adultery
prohibits married person from
entering into sexual union with
someone other than their spouse.
It touches on the very nature of human sexuality and the full range of man – woman
It protects the family and marriage, with their two ends of procreation and human
Nature and Definition
Humankind’s most basic and oldest social unit is the family. It is a social institution primarily
established by society to ensure its continuity and regulate the sexual behavior of its members.
The family is the primary group where the child is initially socialized and initiated in the ways of life of
his group. The family provides the child’s social, psychological and emotional needs – warmth, intimacy,
affection, love, nurturance, care and security.
The New Family Code of the Philippines, which became effective on August 3, 1998, defines:
Aspects of Marriage
First, Legal Point of View
Posts that Marriage is a Contract.
Second, Religious Point of View
Posts that Marriage a Sacrament.
“What God has put together let no man put asunder”.
o Views the meaning of marriage and family as centering primarily on Social Obligations
c. A Third
o Meaning of marriage suggest that families and the marital relationship exist for the Individual.
Art 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal requisites shall render the marriages
“void ab initio” (void from the beginning) except as stated in Article 35 (a)
C. Annulment of a marriage
- Refers to hr legal process of filing a petition in the appropriate court seeking a judicial
declaration of making a marriage null and void ab initio or from the beginning as if no marriage
took place.
One of the contracting parties is 18 years of age or over but below 21 and without parental
Either party was of unsound mind
Consent of either party was obtained by fraud, force and intimidation
Either party was physically incapable of consummating the marriage with the other
Either the was afflicted with a sexually transmissible disease found to be serious and incurable.
D. Legal separation
Legal Separation – refers to the legal process of filling a petition in the appropriate court seeking
a judicial declaration of legal separation for married couples.
Art. 55. A petition for legal separation may be filed on any of the following grounds.
Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner
Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner, apolitical affiliation
Forms of marriage
Love compatibility
Economic security unhappy home situation
Emotional security money
Parent’s wishes companionship
Escape from loneliness adventure
Common interest sex and sexual attraction
Parenthood death of a former spouse
Physical attraction acceptance responsibility
Family Planning as the process by which responsible and mature couples, if they wish, determine by
themselves the timing, proper spacing and numbers of children born to them. Family planning involves
three main aspects:
Responsible Parenthood
Proper spacing of children
Birth control
Contraception means prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
Responsible parenthood means responsible procreation and socialization of children.
As responsible parents, married couples are prepared for the responsibility of rearing a child who
can be properly fed, clothed and educated
1. Chemical Methods
a. Pill or oral contraceptives
b. Morning After Pill
- Emergency birth control – anti abortion and pro life groups insist that the pill previously
marketed here under the brand Postinor – is an abortifacient because as many of them believe, a
fertilized egg is already considered a life form.
c. Implants
The rods released low doses of hormones to suppress ovulation and cause a thickening of the
cervical mucus so that sperm cannot penetrate.
The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of
sexual intercourse.
Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation,
fertilization, and implantation. There are different kinds of its birth control that act at different points in
the process.
On moral issue
1. Those who say contraception is morally wrong do so far a variety of reasons
Contraception is inherently wrong:
Contraception is unnatural
Contraception is anti – life
Contraception is a form of abortion
Contraception separates sex from reproduction
3. Contraception is unnatural…
The natural consequence of having sexual intercourse is conceiving a child. It is wrong to
interfere with this. Therefore, birth control is intrinsically wrong.
This argument depends on two other ideas:
It is wrong to interfere with the natural order of the universe
Human beings interfere with the natural order of the universe all the time.
4. Contraception is Anti – life
The argument is based on the premise that life is a good thing of this view argue that
contraception is morally wrong because:
Life is a fundamental good – it is a good thing
Those who use contraception are engaged in an intentionally life act because they intend
to prevent a new life coming into being.
5. Contraception is a form of abortion…
Some birth control technique can operate by preventing the implantation and
development of a fertilized egg. Those opposed to such methods say that this amounts
to an abortion and that if abortion is wrong then those forms of contraception must also
be wrong.
The forms of contraception included in this objection are:
Some birth control pills
Most modern birth control pills
The “morning after pill”
6. Contraception separates sex from reproduction
Contraception makes it easier for people to have sex outside marriage. This is certainly
true, since sexual intercourse without contraception carries a significant risk or
conceiving a child, which most of those having sex outside marriage would regard as a
People think separating sex from marriage is wrong because:
It makes immoral behavior less risky
It undermine public morality by making it more likely that people will have sex outside
It weakens the family
“Abortion is not a lesser evil, it is a crime. Avoiding a pregnancy is not an absolute evil”
- Pope Francis
Issues on Artificial
Reproduction: Its Morality
and Ethico – Moral
Responsibility of Nurses
Artificial insemination
- Depositing a man’s semen in the vagina, cervical canal or uterus, through the use of
instruments to bring about conception without sexual intercourse.
- How is it done?
Methods of Extraction:
Condomistic Intercourse
Coitus Interruptus
Anal massage of the prostate gland
Direct puncture of the epididymis
Justifications of AIH
o Husband is impotent.
o Anatomical defects
o Oligospermia/azoospermia
o Spinal injury
o Vasectomy
o Physiologic obstruction of genital organs of wife
In Vitro Fertilization
In Vitro Fertilization
Refers to the union between egg cell and sperm outside body in a culture vessel involving their collection
and fusion under appropriate conditions in vitro to give rise to zygotes which are cultured in virto to
obtain young embryos.
Infertility is a common and serious problem in reproduction now – a – days. Animal culture and tissue
techniques provide a solution to this problem through the techniques of IVF and Embryo transfer (ET).
The implantation of young embryos developed in vitro or obtained from the uterus of females into the
womb of selected females is termed as Embryo Transplantation or Embryo Transfer.
Steps involved
Collection of oocytes
Collection of sperms
IVF of the oocytes
Implantation of the resulting zygotes in the uterus
The patient is orally administered with Valium before embryo transfer.
The whole process is negotiated through cervical canal.
Steps Involved:
The patient is placed in lithotomy (knee chest) position.
A sterile bivalve speculum is inserted to visualize the cervix.
The cervical canal and uterine cavity are aligned.
The embryo is drawn into a Teflon catheter in tissue culture medium. Teflon is used due to its
low adhesiveness.
The catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity just short of the fundus.
The embryo is gently inserted in culture medium and the catheter and cannula are gently
Catheter is examined under the microscope to ensure that the embryo has been expelled.
Success Rate
IVF success rates are the percentage of all IVF procedures which result in a favorable outcome,
which implies Pregnancy Rate (Number of confirmed pregnancies) or Live Birth Rate (Number of
Live Births)
Due to advancement in reproductive technology, the IVF success rates are substantially better
today than they were just a few years ago.
Ethical Issues
Laboratory mix – ups (misidentified gametes, transfer of wrong embryos) have occurred, leading
to legal action against the IVF provider and complex paternity suits.
An example: A case of a woman in California who received the embryo of another couple and was
notified of this mistake after the birth of her son. This has led to many authorities and individual clinics
implementing procedures to minimize the risk of such mix ups.
The Catholic Church opposes all kinds of in vitro fertilization because, as with contraception, it
separates the procreative purpose of the marriage act from its unitive purpose, i.e. to produce a
new life.
Another concern is that people will screen in or out for particular traits.
A deaf British couple have petitioned to create a deaf baby using IVF. Medical Ethicists are
against this form of Pre Implantation Genetic screening or diagnosis as intentionally culling out
blind or deaf embryos might prevent considerable future suffering, while a policy that allowed
dear or blind parents to select for such traits intentionally would be fair more troublesome.
Surrogate Motherhood
Ethic Perspective
The ruined family moral principles.
Vatican has issued a statement rejecting surrogate motherhood.
Lesson 7:
Dignity in
Death and
Learning Outline:
1. Euthanasia and Prolongation of Life
2. Inviolability of Human Life
3. Dysthanasia
4. Orthothanasia
5. Administration of Drugs to the Dying
6. Advance Directives
7. End of Life Care Plan or DNR
8. Nursing Roles and Responsibilities
9. Ethical Decision Making Process
Dying with Dignity – movement that promotes the ability to meet death on your own terms.
Suicide: Assisted suicide, which is also called physician – assisted suicide, is when a doctor gives a person
the means to commit suicide when required for:
Euthanasia: A doctor is allowed by law to end person’s life by a painless means, as long as the patient
and their family agree.
1. Euthanasia:
Voluntary – when euthanasia is conducted with consent. Voluntary euthanasia is currently legal in
Belgium, Luxemberg, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the states of Oregon and Washington in US.
Non – voluntary – when euthanasia is conducted on a person who is unable to consent due to their
current health condition. In this scenario the decision is made by another appropriate person, on behalf
of the patient, based on their quality of life and suffering.
Involuntary – when euthanasia is performed on a person who would be able to provide informed
consent, but does not, either because they do no want to die, or because they were not asked. This is
called murder as it’s against the patient’s will.
2. Inviolability of Life
The concept of inviolability is an important tie between the ethics of religion and the ethics of
law, as each seeks justification for its principles as based on both purity and natural concept as
well as in universality of application.
In religion and ethics, the inviolability or sanctity of life is a principle of implied protection
regarding aspects of sentient life that are said to be holy sacred or otherwise of such value that
they are not to be violated.
The phrase sanctity of life refers to the idea that human life is sacred, holy and precious, argued
mainly by the pro life side in political and moral debates over such controversial issues as
abortion, contraception, euthanasia, embryonic, stem – cell research and the “right to die” in the
United States, Canada, United Kingdom and other English speaking countries.
3. Orthothanasia
4. Dysthanasia
Dysthanasia is a term generally used when a person is seen to be kept alive artificially in a
condition where, otherwise they cannot survive sometimes for some sort of ulterior (intentionally
hidden/future) motive
6. Advance Directives
Are legal documents that allow you to spell out your decisions about end of life care ahead of
time. They give you a way to tell your wishes to family, friends and health care professionals and
to avoid confusion later on.
Living Will - The living will is a legal document used to state certain future health care decisions
only when a person becomes unable to make the decisions and choices on their own.
Durable Power of Attorney for health care/Municipal Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney for health care, is a legal document in which you name a person to
be a proxy (agent) to make all your health care decisions if you become unable to do so.
Treat people
Listen to people
Communicate clearly and sensitively
Identify and meet the communication needs of each individual
Acknowledge pain and distress and take action
Recognize when someone may be entering the last few days and hours of life
Involve people in decisions about their care
Keep the person who is reaching the end of their life and those important to them up to date
with any changes in condition
Document a summary of conversations and decisions
Seek further advice if needed
Learning from complaints
Care of the person
Lesson 9: Ethical
Decision Making
Ethical Decisions: generate and sustain trust; demonstrate respect, responsibility, fairness and
caring and are consistent with good citizenship. These behaviors provide a foundation for making
better decisions by setting the ground rules for our behavior.
Effective Decisions: are effective if they accomplish what we want accomplished and if they
advance our purposes. The key to making effective decisions to think about choices in terms of
their ability to accomplish our most important goals. This means we have to understand the
difference between immediate and short term goals and longer range goals.
1. A state wherein a human organism has irreversibly lost his/her capacity of consciousness.
a. Brain Death c. Cortical Death
b. Persistent Vegetative State d. Comatose
2. Which of the following describes euthanasia?
a. Is believing that in certain cases there is totally no hope for improvement from an incapacitating
b. Do not slow down nor speed up the onset of death.
c. Does not intervene with the patient's life.
d. Ending the life of a person to relieve pain or suffering
3. Result of a study showed that there is residual language recognition observed in brain death.
a. False b. True
4. "Death cannot be dignified"
a. Socrates c. Terri Schiavo
b. P.Welby d. Epicurius
5. Only those that are living are the ones who can die?
a. True b. False
6. The ethical principle of respect for persons is a broader concept than autonomy
a. True c. False
7. What principle best applies for euthanasia?
a. Beneficence c. Justice
b. Non-maleficence d. Autonomy
8. The following are the most frequent symptoms experienced by the dying older adult. Select all that
a. Pain c. Respiratory Distress-
b. Euphoria d. Confusion
9. DNR. Select all that apply
a. Do not resuscitate c. Withhold other care
b. No code d. May be indicated in patient’s living will
10. Signed and witnessed documents providing specific instructions for healthcare treatment in the event
that a person is unable to make those decisions personally at the time they are needed.
a. Advanced directives c. Living will
b. Power of attorney d. health document
11. Professional accountability serves for the following purpose except for:
a. To provide basis for ethical decision
b. To respect the decision of the client
c. To maintain standards of health
d. To evaluate new professional practices and reassess existing ones
12. A wrong dose of drug is administered by the nurse. The nurse is responsible to whom?
a. Client c. Society
b. Physician who ordered the drug d. all of these
13. The nurse in a unit is caring for several clients. To distribute nursing care the nurse utilized the
principle of triage due to the limited availability of resources. The nurse is promoting which ethical
a. Fidelity c. veracity
b. Justice d. confidentiality
14. The client on renal dialysis informs the nurse that he wants to stop the series of dialysis. The nurse
should appropriately do which action in response to the client’s decision?
a. Inform the client that the doctor must decide what to do.
b. Tell the client that he must finish his series of renal dialysis.
c. Respect the client’s decision and provide comfort measures
d. Leave the client and attend other patients
15. The nurse’s obligations to the client least like include:
a. Considers the dignity of clients
b. Retains a commitment of welfare to the client
c. Work toward securing and maintaining conditions of employment that satisfy the goals of nursing
d. Hold confidential all information about a client learned in a health care setting
16.Before the nurse administered the client’s medication she assessed the client’s needs for drugs, and
followed the “rights” in drug preparation and administration. After the nurse has given the dose, she
evaluated the client’s response to the medication given. The nurse is promoting:
a. Accountability c. Responsibility
b. Autonomy d. veracity
17. Being answerable for one’s own action is assuming:
a. Accountability c. Nonmaleficence
b. Responsibility d. Veracity
18. The execution of duties associated with nurse’s particular role is called:
a. Accountability c. nonmaleficence
b. Responsibility d. veracity
19. Nursing ethics provides the standards for professional behavior and is the study of principles of right
and wrong for nurses. This set of standards states the duties and obligations of nurses to:
a. Client c. community
b. Other health professionals d. all of these
20. Nurse Janine avoids deliberate harm, risk of harm and harm that occurs during her performance of
nursing actions. The nurse is promoting which ethical principle?
a. Autonomy c. beneficence
b. Nonmaleficence d. justice
Self – Assessment
Before you end this lesson, evaluate your current competency by answering the checklist
that follow. Put a check (/) mark to best describe you current level of mastery of each list of
1. Harold W. Baillie, John F. Mcceehan, Thomas M. Garrett, Rosellen M. Garrett 2018, Health Care
Ethics Sixth Edition, Mind Mover Publishing House, Inc. Manila