Hult Ug Brochure 2024 25

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G I U L I A O R L A N D O N I , I TA LY, C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4


The Management Education The world has changed. Employers are no longer interested in

Founding a
Institute in Boston is formed
by Arthur D. Little Inc., the what graduates know, or how good they are at tests. More than ever,
world’s oldest management employers want to know what graduates can do and are looking
consulting firm.

Different Way of
for people with human skills and adaptability. Traditional business
2003 education wasn’t built for today’s reality. And that’s why Hult is
Renamed Hult International
Business School, honoring different. We believe that humans learn best by doing, because

Bertil Hult’s vision of mastering a skill—any skill, from riding a bike to leading a team—
educating global leaders
in Boston. takes practice. We thrive when we’re working together, free to try—
2008 and fail—in a safe environment.
Opens first Dubai campus.
There are four universal capabilities you must master to be a
2009 strong, successful businessperson in any industry, economy, culture,
Growing up in Sweden, Bertil Hult Launches undergraduate
program and opens first
or scenario:
struggled in school and teachers told
London campus.
him his dyslexia would limit his education. 1. Work in diverse teams to get things done that can’t be done alone
He was so frustrated by textbook learning 2010
that he dropped out after junior high. He got
2. Inspire, lead, and manage diverse teams
Opens San Francisco campus
a job in London, where he learned to speak and the Hult Prize is launched. 3. Communicate ideas clearly and concisely
English and realized that cultural immersion 4. Make smart decisions based on business sense
is the best way to learn a language. 2012
Opens rotation center in Now, you may think you’re naturally good at some of these,
He returned to Sweden and at age 23
New York.
founded EF Education First, a language study or naturally bad at some of them. But you can only get better at
and travel abroad organization. Experiential 2015
language learning underpinned its success Merges operationally with
any of them through continuous practice—not just studying from
as it grew to more than 500 schools in Ashridge Business School a book. At Hult, our programs are designed so that whatever topic
53 countries. to offer global executive
education, qualifications,
you’re studying, you’ll be practicing these four attributes.
Bertil’s struggle in education ultimately
and apprenticeships.
led him to become one of Europe’s most Bertil Hult Hult exists to inspire and challenge our community to make
successful education-focused entrepreneurs. 2018
While growing his business globally, Sweden an impact that matters. From our foundation by one of Europe’s
Awarded EQUIS
Bertil found that the key to growth was Founder, Hult International accreditation in addition to most successful entrepreneurs, Bertil Hult, in 2003 to
not theoretical knowledge, but cultural Business School AMBA and AACSB—the becoming one of the world’s leading business
understanding and practical skills. first US business school to
If language was best learned experientially, achieve this. schools over two decades, we’re constantly
surely international business would be too? optimizing our learning-by-doing
Bertil founded Hult International Launches redesigned methodology and developing a truly
Business School in 2003, inspired by the Bachelor of Business unique student experience.
belief that learning by doing is the best way Administration program
for graduates to thrive in the real world. to deliver an unparalleled
Hult continues to disrupt business education undergraduate learning
to this day, pioneering experiential learning
and curriculum innovation. 2023
Wins the MERIT Award
Matt Lilley, PhD
for Innovation in Higher UK
Education for the President, Hult International
undergraduate program. Business School
The world has changed. Employers are no longer interested in
what graduates know, or how good they are at tests. More than ever,
PAT R I C K H E R L U C E O P I A N G A H , G A B O N , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4

employers want to know what graduates can do and are looking

G I U L I A O R L A N D O N I , I TA LY, C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4
for people with human skills and adaptability. Traditional business

WA G N E R S A N TA N A L E S S A , B R A Z I L , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3
education wasn’t built for today’s reality. And that’s why Hult is
different. We believe that humans learn best by doing, because
mastering a skill—any skill, from riding a bike to leading a team—
takes practice. We thrive when we’re working together, free to try—
and fail—in a safe environment.
There are four universal capabilities you must master to be a
strong, successful businessperson in any industry, economy, culture,
or scenario:
1. Work in diverse teams to get things done that can’t be done alone
2. Inspire, lead, and manage diverse teams
3. Communicate ideas clearly and concisely
4. Make smart decisions based on business sense
Now, you may think you’re naturally good at some of these,
or naturally bad at some of them. But you can only get better at
any of them through continuous practice—not just studying from
a book. At Hult, our programs are designed so that whatever topic
you’re studying, you’ll be practicing these four attributes.

D A N I E L M A R R E R O B A S T O S , S PA I N , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3
Hult exists to inspire and challenge our community to make
an impact that matters. From our foundation by one of Europe’s
most successful entrepreneurs, Bertil Hult, in 2003 to
becoming one of the world’s leading business
schools over two decades, we’re constantly

optimizing our learning-by-doing

methodology and developing a truly

Z E I N E L R A B B AT, E GY P T, C L A S S O F 2 0 2 6
I S A A C J E S S Y N Z I Z A , R WA N D A , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3

unique student experience.

Matt Lilley, PhD

President, Hult International
Business School
What’s Inside
Program Introduction We Do Challenges We Do Global We Do Growth


20 30 42
THE CENTER Gain international experience and Grow your interpersonal and technical
OF LEARNING master your cross-cultural collaboration abilities and pursue your passions to
skills, teamworking with classmates build a career you’ll love.

from 150 nationalities.
DONE 38 Grow With Hult
26 Doing Global With Hult 39 Student Story:
27 Our World in Numbers Mariam’s Growth Journey ✓
28 Working in Diverse Teams ✓ 40 Your Support Network
29 Professor Story: 42 Skills Development
Uma—AI & the Classroom 43 Personal Support
What does it mean to study business
at the school for those made to do? 30 Global Campus Rotation ✓ 44 Clubs & Campus Life ✓
32 Hult Boston 46 Sports Clubs Snapshot
6  acing the Challenge: How You’ll
F DONE Put theory into practice to hone your Hult London
34 47 Professional Clubs Snapshot
Learn to Do Business creative problem-solving skills—
36 Student Story: 48 Social Clubs Snapshot
8 Holistic Learning: Program and be ready to thrive in a dynamic
Victoria—Life on Rotation ✓ 49 Alumni Story:
Overview business world.
Ryan—Building Tomorrow’s World ✓
10 The Hult Difference: Frequently Challenge Yourself With Hult
14 ✓ 50 Careers: Post-BBA Employment
Asked Questions ✓ 16 Program Modules & Statistics
12 Sample Day at Hult Example Challenge 51 Lifelong Learning at Hult
18 Professor Story:
Robert—Teaching at Hult
20 Working with Real Companies
on Real Challenges
22 Entrepreneurial Environment ✓
24 Alumni Story: More Information
Jessica—Face Your Fears



52 How to Apply ✓
53 Costs & Scholarships
54 Rankings & Awards
Learn through interconnected
modules, not standalone courses
Through lectures, workshops, and supervised Get active coaching,
group work, you’ll build the all-around knowledge
and skills needed to effectively tackle each
not passive advice
challenge at the center of every module—with Your personal student development coach
each building upon the last. will support you throughout your journey—
helping you connect your strengths with your
academic choices and your career goals
through your online student dashboard.

A Degree
3 out of 4 employers say that graduates
don’t have the skills they need to thrive Designed PUTTING THE

in the workplace.* Hult’s undergraduate
program is designed to solve that. How? CENTER OF LEARNING
By combining the essential elements of How should your company integrate AI? What’s
traditional education with the proven your startup idea to disrupt the digital space?
How can you visualize data to impact business

power of learning by doing. decisions? These are the questions that need
solving in the real business world. And these are
Working in diverse teams to the types of challenges every module on Hult’s
solve real-world challenges is at the undergraduate program is designed around.
center of Hult’s program. Supported
by expert faculty, you’ll expand your
knowledge, discover the latest theory,
then apply that through practical project
work that will develop the skills you
could never learn in a lecture.

Test your skills,

not your memory Graduate with a business
Tests play an important role in checking your
portfolio, not just exam results
understanding. But at Hult, your performance Your grades only tell a part of the story.
is assessed in the same way a company would Capture your experience and results in an
evaluate employees—through continuous online portfolio, ready to showcase the
assessment of your progress with 360-degree impact you really have in a team to future
feedback from peers and professors. employers—from client pitches and
Watch this video to see how
challenge learning makes the Hult business reports to TEDx talks.
undergraduate program unique

*According to a 2019 report from the Society of Human Resource Management.


Program Overview:
How It Works
At Hult, how much you practice is as important as what you learn. So, rather than study a class
in marketing and then a totally unrelated class in finance, our modules are designed to work
together. This way, you’ll come to understand how topics interconnect with each other and can
be used to solve a central business challenge. Guided by professors that have firsthand experience
in their specialization, each module builds on the last so you accumulate skills and knowledge to
graduate with a holistic skillset that will give you a competitive advantage in the workplace.
Jimena Perez Orejas, Ahmed Adow, Sophie Labs, and Anna Levitova
work on their campaign for FEDORA, who challenged the class to devise
All core and specialization modules are a a strategy to help fund emerging artists in Europe
half-semester long, equating to 7.5 credits
over seven weeks.
Maybe you want to dig
deeper to understand Sample graduation tracks. Optional summer modules would expedite graduation for all tracks.
consumers and what makes
them tick—you could major
in Marketing with a minor
in Psychology.

Core Modules Specialization Modules* 1 2 3 4 5

Startup Challenge ● Marketing
Challenge US Standard
Social Impact Challenge ● Finance Year 1 Year 2
Learning Track1
Future Proofing Challenge ● Business Analytics Perhaps you want to
Employability combine a major in 6 7 8
Complex Decisions Challenge Skilling ● Management
Entrepreneurship with
Power & Policy Challenge Personal ● Entrepreneurship a minor in Design to
help tailor your smart Year 3 Year 4
Culture & Media Challenge Coaching ○ Psychology
ideas and stand out
Global & Local Challenge ○ Design from the competition.
Hult Business Challenge
Major or Minor
Minor only
1 2 3 4 5

Global Standard
Year 1 Year 2


2 Years 3 Years 4 Years

Transfer Track Global Standard Track US Standard Track

Students who wish to transfer to Hult Students in some parts of the world Students from US high schools will Transfer
1 2 3 8
may be eligible for transfer credits; take additional high school education typically be on this track and graduate Track3
assessments are available on receipt (e.g. the IB or UK A-levels). This qualifies in 4 years. This is the standard length
Year 1 Year 2
of transcript. for 30 Advanced Placement (AP) of an undergraduate program at most
credits, meaning students can expect US colleges and universities. AP credits
Summer Rotation Add-Ons* to graduate in 3 years. are assessed on an individual basis. Core Modules Specialization Modules

Global Rotation Add-Ons

de at
Get the full program gui
US Standard Track: students taking 120 credits (no credits transferred).
* Please note: specialization options vary by campus location; 2
Global Standard Track: students taking 90 credits (plus 30 credits transferred).
core and specialization modules subject to change. 3
Transfer Track: students taking 60 credits (plus 60 approved transfer credits).


Q. How is the modular Q. How do you teach skills?
way of learning at Hult A. Core skills—those skills that have been identified
different from traditional as being most valuable to career success such as
communication, collaboration, creativity, learning to
degree courses? learn, and critical thinking—can only be developed
through practice. Teaching at Hult is all about
A.In a traditional academic setting, you would take providing an academic environment that enables
five standalone courses in a semester, for example students to practice these skills, make mistakes,
General Business, Marketing, Communications, and learn from those mistakes.
Psychology, and Finance. These courses would be Through guided group work, one-on-one
taught independently of each other; they would each coaching sessions, and continuously reflecting on
focus on their own content and would be unrelated your performance—both as an individual and as part
of a team—you’ll expand and deepen your practical
to each other.
With Hult’s modular approach, instead of abilities as you progress through the program. Q. Will I not take tests or
This follows the academic research in how the
studying these five subjects as standalone courses,
we have interlinked the topics so that the content Q. So, would I still have classes? brain learns best: with topics and disciplines being
exams then?
is related, and they are all focused on solving a
particular challenge. A. Absolutely, they’re just delivered in a different format.
interwoven and learned in context.
A. All the academic research shows that exams do
not help students to learn. At Hult, assessments do
You study specialized subjects taught by specialist
include timed assessments and quizzes, but there
professors with scheduled classes, supervised group
are no ‘end-of-year’ exams that determine your
work, and professor-led challenge sessions. They all
entire grade.
play a vital role in your learning and assessment.

An Evolved Q. Can I do an internship

while I study?

Way to Learn
Yes, internships are encouraged and can be done for
credit. Given the rigor of the program, they need to
be done over the summer. If you want to intern in the
US or UK, you can do it over the summer as part of
your student visa. You can also intern in your home
country or another country where you have working
rights. Our dedicated careers team will support you
Learning at Hult is different from what you’re used to. Sure, there’s reading, in finding, applying, and obtaining internships over
lectures, and tests. But just like in the real working world, there’ll be a lot Q. How do you assess skills? the summer.
more demanded of you than that. There’s more working in groups, more A. You cannot assess someone’s practical skill or
team projects, and a lot more sessions where it’s you and your classmates impact in a team through a written exam. That’s
doing the talking, not the professor. Want to know what that means and why students at Hult are assessed on an ongoing
basis through a variety of methods, from reports
how it feels? Let’s find out … to presentations, observed discussion meetings to
business plans, pitches to prototypes, alongside
more traditional coursework and projects.
Q. How many challenges do I This is why your participation is so important—
how much you engage and take part in classes,
work on each semester? group work, and workshops plays a big part in your
assessment and is crucial to success in the program.
A. Each challenge takes half a semester to complete, Your skill development is tracked over time and
so you’ll work on two challenges each semester, one captured through your online dashboard so you can
after the other. Faculty from all the different disciplines see how you’re progressing against assessment
work together to ensure students not only learn what criteria in real time. Your coach will work closely with
they need to complete the challenge but are also able you to help you connect your actions in class and on
to apply this knowledge in a practical way. challenges with your performance.


See what a day in your life at Hult might look like with the sample timetable below.

A Day as a Doer
You’ll be busy learning and applying all the relevant topics for your module challenge,
combining multiple disciplines such as marketing, finance, and ethics with support
from your challenge professor, your coach, and anyone else you might need to call
upon—from campus counselors to student services.
STO ENT Check out the student
journal at

1 Monday
9am 10:45am-12:15pm 12:15pm 2pm 3pm 5:30pm
Refuel with friends ☕🥐
Meet friends on campus and
Quick break
Time to grab a cold drink🥤 Lunch 🍛
Head out for some lunch with
Basketball practice
Who says business school
grab a pastry and coffee at the and take a power walk around some of my team members. students don’t play competitive

😍 🏃
student-run cafe—brain fuel! the block with a classmate. There are so many foodie sports?! Got to practice ahead
options by campus and the of our big game against UCL
debate is lively—we can’t stop this weekend.
talking about our startup idea.
Class: Marketing
We learn about the core principles
🤩 Skills feedback
of customer segmentation from Meet with my coach to discuss
marketing professor Princewill
12:30pm my skills development and
analyze my online dashboard.

Challenge session
Challenge session 📚
Meet with my challenge team
Quick review to work out our projected costs Club dinner
of last vs revenue. I never loved math, Out for pizza with my friends
week’s main Class: Management but being able to apply the from the Hult Creative Club.
for this
Professor Hamwee delivers
a lecture on supply chain for
concepts directly makes it so
much easier to understand. 🍕
module with startups. Today, we focus
our challenge on sourcing materials and
professor, Stefania Cassar. human resources.

✓ Friendship ✓ Knowledge & Skills ✓ Wellbeing ✓ Knowledge & Skills ✓ Knowledge & Skills ✓ Knowledge & Skills

✓ Knowledge & Skills ✓ Knowledge & Skills ✓ Collaboration ✓ Collaboration ✓ Friendship

✓ Collaboration ✓ Collaboration ✓ Prep work ✓ Wellbeing


Practical business challenges are at the center of your
program. As you learn business by doing business, you’ll
come to understand the relevant theory while developing
the mindsets and skills essential for a career on a global
scale. You’ll put theory into practice through real-world
business scenarios, live client consulting, simulations,
and hackathons. Work in diverse teams, take risks in a
safe and supportive environment, and solve the
challenges businesses are facing right now as you carve Skills
your path to becoming a successful global professional.


Business Challenges


We Do



Challenge-Based Module Culture

Module Learning 6 & Media

Challenge MO
Startup Challenge NAP
Modules are divided into two categories—core modules and Advise a local cultural organization
specialization modules. You’ll choose the specializations that on where its strengths lie and where
it needs to change to survive, while
interest you the most, but every student will complete the core retaining the core art that it focuses on. Every business starts
modules. Each module is based on a central business challenge somewhere.
and takes around half a semester (seven weeks) to complete.
Your pitch will answer the
question: “What problem does
Coursework is taught by faculty who are
expert practitioners in the topic, while
my product or service solve?”
Module Future Proofing

dedicated workshops will help you build
the skills and mindsets employers are
looking for. Your challenge professor
will then guide you and your team in HOW YOU’LL DO IT
applying the knowledge and skills you’re CONSULTING: SOLVE HEALTHCARE
learning to solve the module’s challenge. Learn about emerging technologies
(such as blockchain, AI, and robotics)
Let’s take a closer look at the types of T IO
and how to differentiate yourself from NA
challenges you’ll be working on in your AI in the future. What is it that you, as a


Find a gap in the market, build a high performance team, analyze your

core modules. human, can do that AI cannot?

competitors, understand the global context, and understand yourself.

Create a completely new product or service to meet the market need
and build your business plan that you would take to investors.

T. I
N 1964
Explore your own strengths and weaknesses from the start, identifying

areas where you can show leadership and what you’ll need to focus
on improving.

Module Startup Module Complex Module Global & Local

1 Challenge
4 Decisions
Challenge 7 Challenge
The Startup Challenge
Venture capitalists and angel investors was my first module at Hult
want to see successful teams that can and something I’ve never
A STARTUP Identify, transform, and visualize facts NEW MARKET
iterate and work together to develop experienced before. My
Create a startup with a completely with data to unearth valuable insights— Explore the viability of expanding to a
their idea. team had complementary
new product or service that fills a gap then work out how to make decisions new geography, taking into account the
in the market, and create the business when there is no “right” answer. socioeconomic, cultural, ethical, and skillsets and we were very
plan to take it to the next level. sustainable needs of the target market. supportive of each other—
plus we had a professional
KEY STRENGTHS NEEDED coach to help us through any
See snapshot on facing page issues. A couple of successful
→ Research Methods business founders visited us in class. We grew hard
→ Entrepreneurial Strategy & Finance skills related to the creation of a business across
→ Costing & Pricing marketing, finance, and management. And we
improved soft skills such as communication and
Module Social Impact Module Power & Policy Module Hult Business → Supply Chains, Sustainability & Ethical

2 5 8
Decision-Making collaboration. Ultimately, we successfully created
Challenge Challenge Challenge → Marketing: Positioning, Branding & Sales and ran a business for seven weeks, pitching in
→ New Product Development front of mock investors at the end of the term.
→ Cultural Awareness & Communication Skills Peter Zakhar, Slovakia & Hungary,
→ Presentation Skills Class of 2025
Build on Core Module 1 to scale BUSINESS VENTURE Bring all your learning together for your
your startup, with an emphasis on Consider the differences between final project—working in teams to
making a positive social impact. specific emerging markets and the G20 consult for a real company.
Create a sustainable business model economies—then propose policies
that incorporates the “3Ps” (profit, to remove inequalities and encourage
people, planet) and consider how your growth that benefits all parties. Search “challenge” on the Hult blog
business can change the world. to read more student experiences
Please note: Core and specialization modules
subject to change.


Professor On … teaching
Teachers and students both need an open mind. I always tell my students, “Guys, if
Robert Hamwee you think that you’re going to learn from me, you’re wrong. We’re going to learn from
UK each other.” It’s a two-way process. So, you don’t know the answer? Google it! Be
Professional background: creative! Prepare to question, to challenge—if you always agreed with me, life would
I was at Accenture for 12 be boring.
years. But my background On … the curriculum
is in music. I still conduct We focus on the “how” and “what” rather than the more traditional approach solely
orchestras and write music. on the “what.” So, students apply concepts almost immediately in real-life projects
I also run my own consulting and group assignments. Talking about business is very different than doing business.
practice. Students formulate strategies for new products, new processes, and new services
Specializes in: Strategy, with the constant guidance of tutors.
Storytelling, Persuasion, On … the classroom
Business Skills, Influencing & Right from module one, you’ll get your first project. And you’ll start working in a team.
Negotiation, Public Speaking This is very valuable because once you’re out there in the real world, it’s highly unlikely
& Communication you’ll work by yourself. Here, you’ll get people from different countries, cultures,
ethnicities, nationalities, beliefs … there’s a diversity here that I think is second to none.
On … passion
Yes, passion! Passion is very important! In the words of Beethoven, “Playing a wrong
note is meaningless; playing without passion is unforgivable.” My passions include
knowledge (and sharing knowledge), music, animals…. And flying—I also fly airplanes.
I’m the worst person to go on holiday with, unless there’s lots to do—my boredom
threshold is very low.


Hult Style
“The first semester of my first year—I was really shy,
with my French accent, scared to talk or look dumb in
class. Then Robert gave us a TED Talk project. I worked
so hard, and when I was done, he said: “How can my
students be so talented?” Robert gave me a reason to
fight harder, to stop being scared to fail, and to work on
my weaknesses. He helped me to free myself from my
own barriers and words will never be enough to thank
him for that.”
Agnès-Dina Oualitsen, France & Germany, Class of 2023


From hackathons and real-
The Bühler Challenges

Work With
time simulations to working on
1. Diversity & Inclusion—
challenges set by local startups, Improving gender balance
NGOs, and global corporations, 2. Networking—Keeping
networking alive globally
you’ll gain the kind of experience

3. Sustainability—Measuring
and exposure employers really sustainable impact on society

value. Here, Ian Roberts, Chief

The Bühler Clients
Technology Officer, and Irene Ian Roberts, Chief Technology
Mark, Chief HR Officer, share Officer, Bühler

their experience of working with Irene Mark, Chief HR Officer,
Hult students on challenges set
by Bühler, a tech company at the
forefront of innovation.

Students present their proposals to the corporate judging panel

Happy students from one of the three winning

teams after pitching their ideas to get more
women in STEM

Snap here for the

challenge video

See Ian’s and Irene’s feedback below ↓

HULT How did Hult students perform in this consulting challenge?

IAN They grappled very successfully with three difficult topics. They understood
the culture of our company to visualize how they can change it. They did a lot
of background research and looked at how competitors and NGOs would
solve the problem. All this has given us valuable fresh thinking.
IRENE What especially impressed me was the quality and content of all the

presentations and the diversity of the teams. The way they’ve been coached,
and the curiosity they demonstrate to dive into a new topic for them and
come up with a solution—that speaks to the quality of Hult students. It’s been
totally inspiring.
HULT What have the team dynamics been like?
IAN They’ve worked extremely efficiently within their teams. They bring together

diverse cultures and opinions in an effective way, which is sometimes quite

difficult to do. And they’ve delivered their messages concisely and with impact.
HULT What’s next for the Bühler-Hult collaboration?
IRENE We’ll keep in close contact with the students from the winning teams and

work with the team coaches to explore some of the actions and solutions
they proposed.
HULT And beyond?
IAN From what we’ve seen during this partnership program, I think Hult students

would thrive in the company culture that Bühler offers. I hope that we’ll work
closely together for the foreseeable future and that some might see themselves
building their career with us after graduation.


Student board members and entrepreneurs working
on their startup ideas in the Hult Founders Lab with COSACO Look Inside the Hult
professor of entrepreneurship, Liliana Caimacan Ariadna Salvador Lopez
Founders Lab
IDEA: Hoodie blankets
with a social impact—
30% supporting solar panel
streetlight installation in
Alejandra Mejía Garcia low-income communities
& Maria Camila Guzmán

IDEA: Ultra-portable
30% phone charger for
emergency situations

Lila Behr
Peter Zakhar
IDEA: Costa Rica-
Slovakia & Hungary
based impact-driven
crowdfunding platform Class of 2025

The Hult Founders Lab (HFL) is an on-

campus incubator. It’s a great way for
any budding entrepreneur to explore
their startup ideas through mentoring,
workshops, networking events, and
business fairs. My concept, CLOSWAP,
is a clothes-swapping community
that’s good for your wallet, closet, and
the planet in general. CLOSWAP truly
came to life in HFL and we’ve taken it
all the way to the Hult Prize. We also
won at the WORLDMUN Global
Resolution Project finals—opening the
NURTURE & LOYALTYCHAIN door to more mentorship, networking,
RESET Lukas Spitaler & and 3,000 USD in funding!
Margaret Karaba Amando Mond

IDEA: Moringa-based health IDEA: Blockchain-based

food products sourced from loyalty program
small-scale rural farmers in
Nairobi, Kenya

How will you change

the world?
Work in teams to
IDEATE a winning idea

Free Your “Learning from professors who are

experienced entrepreneurs, consulting
for local business owners, and
PILOT your project
PITCH to judges


learning to launch your own ventures Prize fund
are staples of the Hult experience.
Bringing out your inner entrepreneur 100K+
requires an environment that gives Student participants annually
you the confidence to experiment.

Our high-tech classrooms provide
Whatever your career aspirations, an entrepreneurial mindset Hult Prize alumni on Forbes 30
a space that inspires creativity and
Under 30
will serve you well in business. Take a look inside Hult Founders encourages collaboration.”
Lab, our on-campus incubator. Here, students are given expert Daniel Rukare, UK & Uganda, Find out more at
guidance and support to develop their startup ideas. Professor of Entrepreneurship


Germany & Spain
& Partnerships, JetBlue
Bachelor of Business
Administration Class of 2021
Master of Business Analytics
Class of 2022

Jessica— NI

Embrace ALUMRY

Why venture capital?
Venture capital is the perfect way to get a high-level understanding of many different
industries and meet the leaders at the forefront. I grew up moving around mostly
developing countries. One of the things that never made sense to me was just general
inequality. Why was I allowed to take a shower in an actual shower—and other children
my age were showering in a puddle? So, from a young age, I was determined to change
the world!
What’s your greatest challenge?
My greatest challenge is also my superpower! I have dyslexia very strongly. It impacts
me daily; it’s kind of ridiculous. So I’ve become very comfortable with failure because
it’s there on such a constant basis. And I’ve become an advocate for myself, which
then leads to becoming an advocate for others.
Tell us about your Dual Degree?
After my BBA, I came back to Hult to do a Master’s in Business Analytics. I was
working at a non-profit, getting young girls into STEM, and realized that I can’t be
preaching about STEM if I don’t know enough about it myself.
Any advice for new students?
Make the most of your time at Hult and get out there! I was invited to the Dominican
Republic for TEDx Punta Cana Women and gave my TED Talk about dyslexia, which
I wrote with my Hult professor for my Storytelling & Persuasion class, “The Power
of Misspelling Your Name.” I became the director of MakerGirl’s Harvard and MIT
Academy (an NGO teaching young girls to 3D print). I was the co-president of
Women+ in Business and the vice program director at Hult Founders Lab. I also co-
boarded the Comfort Via Discomfort Club, which is a good first step to getting out
of your comfort zone!


Class of 2022/23 data
Diverse by design, at Hult you’ll be immersed in a % %
melting pot of 150 nationalities where every classmate
is a new learning opportunity. And with every team
project, class debate, and campus you visit, you’ll learn
to turn difference into strength and unite toward a
common goal.

95% 109
16–34 20% Tunisia Senegal Tanzania Greenland

We Do
the age range of students have Austria Ethiopia Palestine Uruguay
of students dual nationalities Chile Kosovo Rwanda Serbia
Portugal Mongolia Bolivia Trinidad and Tobago
95% 150 Poland Ireland Nepal Equatorial Guinea
of students study at nationalities and South Africa Finland Czech Republic Montenegro
a campus outside counting ... Japan Hungary Korea (South) Singapore
their home country United States Nigeria Angola Uzbekistan Cameroon
Italy Cambodia Jordan Greece Maldives
2.31 France Philippines Luxembourg Australia Andorra
the average number of India Turkey Romania Iran Mali
languages per person Mexico Argentina Kenya Iraq Malaysia
Germany Canada Georgia Libya American Samoa
109 Brazil Honduras Bulgaria Sierra Leone Mauritania
total number of Norway Algeria Costa Rica Armenia Oman
languages spoken Spain Indonesia Lithuania Congo Benin
across all our Russian Federation Haiti Israel Estonia Sri Lanka
campuses, with the Colombia Lebanon Taiwan Malta Iceland
top 10 languages China Thailand Saudi Arabia Turkmenistan Sudan

after English being: United Kingdom Dominica Gabon Paraguay Mozambique
Español (28%) Dominican Republic Guatemala Kyrgyzstan Cuba Guinea-Bissau
Français (18%) Sweden Denmark Slovenia Latvia Burkina Faso
Deutsche (10%) Belgium Bangladesh Madagascar New Zealand Afghanistan
Italiano (9%) Ecuador Pakistan Myanmar Syria Lesotho
हिन्दी (7%) Morocco Panama Cyprus Saint Kitts and Nevis Barbados
Português (6%) Netherlands Ghana Jamaica Zimbabwe Burundi
‫( ةيبرعلا‬5%) Kazakhstan Peru Antigua and Barbuda Hong Kong Belarus
Pусский (5%) Venezuela Côte d’Ivoire Azerbaijan Puerto Rico Bahamas
Norsk (4%) Switzerland Ukraine Uganda Gambia Togo
普通话 (3%) Vietnam Egypt Slovakia Yemen
El Salvador Nicaragua Congo Curaçao
Albania United Arab Emirates Guinea Belize


“The diversity that surrounds us at Hult has Professor
radically changed my way of thinking. You learn Uma Gunasilan
a lot about how differently people live, and you
get to tell your own story of where you’re from,
STUDENT Background: Data Analytics
what you do. It’s crazy to think that we’re only in STORIES Consultancy; PhD Computer
our first year. I look back to who I was a year ago, Science & PhD Management
and I didn’t know half of the things I do today.” Modules: CM3-Future
Proofing, CM4-Complex
Toni Charlot, Class of 2026 Decision Making; all Business

Thrive in Analytics Specializations

The team, according to Toni:
– Max is controversial, which can shine ST FESS
light on a new angle to solve a problem. Y R
– Abi has extraordinary leadership skills.
When nobody knows where to go, she
leads the team in the right direction
with logic.
– Sveva always knows what’s best and
shows leadership skills that the team
often needed.
– Marlene is highly compassionate.
She was a leading force in all our
social decisions.
– Salma brought reason to the team in
times of misjudgment.
– 1 unexpected discovery: Our relatability.
See the World
I think it’s beautiful that, although we
come from all over the world, we can all
share common ground and laugh.
The task
We roleplayed consultants for the
Australian healthcare sector, with the aim I’ve worked across Malaysia, the Middle East, Australasia, Europe, and Canada. Experiencing
to minimize costs and help more patients such diversity of viewpoints and cultures gives you a deeper understanding of the world, its
via technology. We chose to tackle the complexities, and the varied approaches different cultures and societies adopt when problem-
major social issue of the lack of medical solving. Hult students get that truly global exposure straight from the classroom.
access for Aboriginal groups and the We also use generative AI tools to approach an issue from a new angle. AI transforms the room
biases these communities face from into fertile ground for creative new ideas. Thanos might introduce the concept of inevitability or
within the sector. Wall-e might spark a debate about machines brainwashing us. After all, we’re producing graduates
who will be comfortable working in the AI environment.
We also need to consider the ethical component of AI. In our data visualization class,
we discussed the US elections and considered tools that would influence turnout and voter
persuasion. Discussing these critical topics that have the potential to bring about mass destruction
or influence. Last year, we used data to predict the scores for the soccer World Cup! I often pit the
students against each other—one visualization versus another, they don’t get to choose!
Toni Charlot, Haiti & Nicaragua Sometimes I’ll be wicked and give them an argument I know they won’t agree with and do the
Maximilian Mueller Germany same for the opposing team. They enjoy this because it forces them to think on their feet. Diversity
Abibatou Samoura US adds an extra layer because what’s illegal in one country isn’t in another, so ethics comes into play
Sveva Naldini Italy
Marlene Voninahitsy France once again, as does respecting each other’s viewpoints. Our students get out into the real world
Salma Tahboub Israel with increased empathy, and the skills and understanding to change it for the better.


Explore More With Summer Rotation
AF867 B7 14C

Choose London or Boston GATE SEAT

for your home campus, or CW0103 F19 31G

hop between the two. HU LT

DUBAI DATE: 2024 »

Dubai Internet City, PO Box 502
988, UAE
ers and shak ers with a nothing-is-impossible attitu
THE LOCALS: Dynamic mov
s, a highly international
the world’s fastest-growing economie
FAMOUS FOR: Having one of
MD880 A2
tion bridging East and Wes t
raphical loca
and driven workforce, strategic geog
UAE ///
-modern cam pus, surrounded by world-leading tech
MUST-SEES: Hult’s ultra
HULT perfectly positioned to enjoy the city’s
leisure lifestyle
beaches and desert adventures
35 Commercial Road, London, E1 1LD, UK
FAMOUS FOR: Business-minded creatives with a HULT FLIGHT

can-do attitude 21E

IMPRESSIVE LANDMARKS: Hult’s campus, a converted

brewery with an on-site cafe in London’s creative
center, bordering Tech City 1355 Sansome Str
eet, San Francisco,
TRANSPORT: Hult’s campus is five minutes from HU LT LOCAL VIBE:
CA 94111, US

the nearest Zone 1 Tube station, making zipping disruptive innovato

around this big city super convenient RES: #1 for ventu
re capital, 51 Fortu DATE: 2024 »
Area, 30 internation ne 500 companies ba
WHERE TO STAY: Student accommodation is al banks here sed in the Bay
available near campus OTS: Hult’s camp
1 Education Street, Cambridge, MA 02141, US and feel, minutes fro us—a former dot-c
om headquarters wi
LOCAL NETWORKS: On-campus challenges and m the San Francisc th a startup layout
tion, o Bay waterfront
/// TO SAN
visits to big-name companies like Bloomberg es, hikes, trams an (SFO) USA
Science, Tech d buses (“the Mun ///
and Salesforce WATCH OUT FO i”), the “BART” (tra
R: Noisy sealio
ns in), the ferry ...
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Reputation as the most
DON’T MISS: A weekend trip into continental l
Europe, just a couple of hours from central prestigious academic city in the US, internationa
prowe ss in health care, emerg ing startup scene
London by plane or train
MUST-SEES: Hult’s campus, right on
the Charles
CULTURAL HIGHLIGHTS: 300 languages spoken here, g
River and backing onto North Point Park; offerin
18k+ tech startups registered here in 2021, £29b+ town and even a
breathtaking views of down
invested in UK startups in 2021
piece of the Berlin Wall.
PASSENGER: TBD WHERE TO STAY: Hult’s stunning accom

block, right next door to campus—amenities
DATE: 2024 »

include gym, climbing wall, soccer pitch, and

basketball courts
CULTURAL HIGHLIGHTS: #1 startup destin
ation in the


US, 550 biotec
250K+ students
h firms in Massa

LOCALS BE: Catching the Red Sox play

heading to the Cape for a beach
chuse tts, home to

baseball or
weeke nd Explore Your
Global Campuses
DATE: 2024 »




Make your home at our campuses in Boston or London, with the option to take credits
over the summer in Dubai and San Francisco, as well as Boston and London.* We call
this ability to travel from campus to campus “Rotation,” and it’s a unique opportunity to
explore different cultures, master new skills, and expand your global network.
*Please note: specialization options vary by campus location.


“Here we are at Welcome Week. Hult invited us to a Red
Sox game. This was the first baseball match I ever saw.
I had a great time with my new friends at Fenway.”
Duan Garcia, Class of 2025

“End-of-year celebration with colors of happiness, joy, and love at Color Fest.”
Vaishnavi Kolkar, Class of 2023
“On Summer Rotation from Boston to Dubai, we captured this beautiful
sunset after a day excursion to the desert.”
Victoria Perez de Pena, Class of 2023

“Biking around Boston—a great way to refresh the mind!”

Wagner Santana Lessa, Class of 2023
“Collegiate life in the heart of the city.”
Student accommodation

“This picture was taken on the first day of Fall 2022’s Welcome Week. As current undergrad
students, we volunteered to help welcome the new cohort to Boston campus through a week of
fun activities on and off campus, as well as share our undergrad experiences of Hult Boston.”
Isaac Nziza Jessy, Class of 2023

Hult’s state-of-the-art accommodation block is located 1 Education Street

right next to campus and features modern amenities, Cambridge, MA
sports courts and pitches, a gym, and even a climbing wall 02141 USA
Learn more at

The campus is right on the banks of the Charles River,

with stunning views of downtown Boston. Hang out on
the esplanade, go kayaking, or take a walk along the
water’s edge to clear your head.

Hult Boston
The sun-filled atrium on Hult’s Boston campus. All the big celebrations
take place here, like Mardi Gras and Diwali.

Hult London

“‘Global Village’” at its finest ... Hult’s favorite way to showcase how
international we are!”
Giulia Orlandoni, Class of 2024

The campus is a modern conversion of a historic brewery, and it won a RIBA “With some friends and Professor Max, enjoying
architectural award for its redesign. There are pieces of original street art on the the cohort soccer tournament.”
walls, giving it that edgy, East London feel. Giulia Orlandoni, Class of 2024

“These are my two teammates from Core Module 1 in front of

Big Ben. We’d just finished our first challenge and wanted to
take a picture to remember that day.”
Patrick Herluce Opiangah, Class of 2024
“Hult student ‘family vacation’ sightseeing around
Greenwich, the Docklands area of London.”
Zein Elrabbat, Class of 2026

35 Commercial Road
London, E1 1LD

The campus is located in London’s startup and creative hub, Aldgate East, minutes from
the Zone 1 Tube station. You can see everything from here—the markets of Whitechapel,
hipster Brick Lane, and the glass-filled skyscrapers of the financial district, which is just a “My first ‘traditional Christmas dinner’ with Hult
ten-minute walk away. family in London!”
Saruulkhuslen Batbayar, Class of 2025

“There’s the best of everything—for everybody.”

“Me and my CLOSWAP co-founders calling to
agree on a meeting and accidentally wearing
the same hoodies.”
Peter Zakhar, Class of 2025


Victoria STUDENT

My Rotation


I like getting out of my comfort zone. That’s how you grow. I’m the first in my family
to study abroad. I didn’t know what to expect, but when you get the opportunity to
rotate campuses, you’ve got to take it. Because when will I ever get to go to Dubai
for a month again?!
Boston is my home campus. It’s like a city of schools and everyone mixes. There
are parks everywhere—so beautiful. When I rotated to London, Covid was still a big
thing. But when I arrived on campus, everyone was so welcoming. They showed
me around, introduced me to the dean, and to a buddy that I could go to with any
questions or if I needed help. I made friends through the year group chat who I’m
still in contact with today.
As a student in London, you get free access to lots of places and student
discounts for everything. And it opens you up to a lot of opportunities to explore
more of Europe. It’s also very rich in culture and things to do, like Boston. In Boston,
there are many people from Central and South America, but in London it’s more
Europeans. So, you see the contrast, not only in the way things work in the city and
everything, but also in the people.
I’m from Dominican Republic, where building relationships and a culture at work
Victoria is very important. In Boston, and the US generally, you see how everyone lives such
Pérez De Peña fast-paced lives. I like that London is a bit more relaxed in the sense that people
might leave the office together for a mid-afternoon walk in the park. And then in
Dominican Republic Dubai, it’s totally different. It’s super fun. They have many beach clubs, there’s the
Class of 2023 desert, you can go on a day trip to Abu Dhabi. We explored a lot.


One Student’s
When you join Hult, you’re beginning a lifelong journey
of personal and professional growth. You’ll be coached
Journey Where I started STUDE
and assessed on the key skills and mindsets critical for Mariam Gogidze My brother introduces me
lifelong success. It’s you in the driver’s seat, but with Georgia to this college, Hult …
personalized coaching, advice, and the wellbeing team Class of 2023
on hand, you’ll have all the tools to keep yourself on
First day on campus—
track and ensure you thrive from day one in your Welcome Week!
career—and beyond. There’s already an
international network
The more I learn about Hult, the more I at my fingertips.
Professor Gloria Walker know it’s the place for me. Somewhere
sparks my curiosity for I can focus on entrepreneurship and
learning differently. marketing and really grow my skills.

Entrepreneurship Professor Daniel

Rukare encourages me to create
something of my own.
Meet with my student development
coach, Kiki. Coaching at Hult is so
much more holistic than just getting
from A to B as quickly as possible. Working
through some
feedback with
my coach.
Mindsets workshop: self-
reflection is the hardest
thing. Success starts with
an honest conversation.
Copywriting club = founded.
I feel my confidence growing
every day now.

We Do
Professor Lilliana
Caimacan shows me
how to do it on my own. Back to business: my
I got elected in the HSA elections. brother starts a social
I didn’t think I’d have a shot but media agency.
due to coaching and involvement
in the clubs.
I’ve got an

through a Hult
MBA alum.
Graduation soon and
I’m the most relaxed
I’ve ever been.

Discover more about Mariam’s

Where I’m going journey on page 42.


“There is no one-size-fits-all approach
The Connectors to career development. By developing
The Counselors Corporate Relations Team The Experts yourself from every angle, with the Hult
– Recruitment fairs careers team as your guide, your goals can
On-Campus Counselors – Corporate partnerships Career Development Team gain the strategy and support needed to
– 1-2-1 counseling – Networking events – 1-2-1 career advising
– Group counseling – Workshops (e.g., personal branding,
lead to your success.”
– Industry panels
– Wellbeing events & workshops networking, mock interviews) Dawn Gallt Watson, Head of Careers
– Sexual health, drugs & alcohol – Resume reviews
workshops – LinkedIn profile optimization
– Educational campaigns – Internships: advice, support,

The Tech
Online Support
– Digital employability hub
– AI tools
You Support
– Career resources
– Latest job market info
– Industry-leading recruitment
platform (Handshake) Network
Deciding what to do with the rest of your
life can be overwhelming. Here, you’ll have
a full-circle support system of professionals
dedicated to helping you carve out your career
The Community The Coaches path. It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery.
Hult Network The Hosts Student Development Coaches
– Faculty – Personal coaching sessions
– Alumni (e.g., networking and Student Success Team – Career mapping
panel events) – Settling into your new city – Workshops and tutorials
– Hult Student Association – Logistics (e.g., rotation, – Online dashboard: skills and
accommodation) mindsets tracker
– Campus events
– Counseling
– Clubs & societies


In collaboration with Burning Glass Technologies, we used Personal Support
big data to identify the critical competencies that top global
employers want from business graduates. Through assessments,

workshops, and 1-2-1 coaching you’ll work continuously to
build on these core skills and key mindsets on your path to Personal Coaching Your Grades
becoming a proactive, responsible business professional. Here,
Work with your student development coach throughout your program to understand and
current student Mariam Gogidze shares examples of how she embrace feedback from your professors and peers. Your coach will help you connect your
developed hers. learning outcomes with your goals, so that you can develop your strengths into a career
you love. 40%

Development “Coaching is different for every single person. At Hult, we go

beyond goal setting to support students in all aspects of their
lives—academically, personally, and professionally. Whatever
your most pressing needs, from time management, public
speaking, or navigating team conflict—we’ll be by your side
throughout your journey to keep you motivated and on track.”
What You Know

What You Do

Core Skills
Communication Kristina Skotte, Student Development Coach
“During COVID, I thought, how do I
connect with people behind my screen?
How do I extend those conversations after
our laptops close? That’s why I joined so Your Online Dashboard
many clubs.”
Track your development of key mindsets and core
skills through your own online dashboard, with
“Taking part in the HSA elections was a
the help of your coach. Your data is compiled
bit crazy. I thought I had a low chance
from personal reflections, faculty grades, and
because nobody had seen me in real life.
peer reviews and incorporates team-based
Putting yourself out there works!” Key Mindsets Follow the QR for more on
coaching at Hult
and written assessments, participation in class,
Creative Thinking Global mindset presentations and videos, and short quizzes.
“Learning how to creatively problem solve “The African Business and Culture Society ← This example shows how your communication skills might
was a game changer. Thinking freely is was the first club I ever joined. I really progress over time

going to help us in our careers and our lives.” wanted to learn more about the food,
Learning to learn
“Professor Gloria Walker had an enormous Growth mindset On-Campus Counseling Business
impact on me. She brought real products “Hult gave me the tools—but I made my
into class that you could touch. I realized career prospects happen. I’ve secured Change doesn’t come without challenge, so we’ve put in place all the support
that I learn so well in this way.” internships and am managing a business you’ll need to make the most of this transformational journey, from your Keep track of all your projects
with my brother.” enrollment advisor to your dean, and everyone in between. Need a little extra
Critical Thinking and accomplishments and
support? Our on-campus counselors are here for you too. graduate with a digital
“We’ve had to become problem solvers Self-aware mindset
to build our digital agency, figuring “Coming from a small country and city, I “I help students through individual sessions, group business portfolio, ready to
out things like how to create more did have this moment of adjustment—of sessions, or workshops on topics like anxiety; showcase your achievements
and keep costs down.” understanding that not everyone thinks depression; family, team, or relationship issues; to future employers.
like I do.” stress management; burnout; and emotional
intelligence. Sometimes they don’t know what the
Entrepreneurial mindset issue is, they just want a safe space to talk—and
“Copywriting was a skill we needed for our that’s exactly what we’re here for.”
business—so I founded a club. I procured
live clients and had real work experiences.”
Ethical mindset
“Hult gives you an opportunity to lend a Mandi Curtis, On-Site Counselor
hand to others.”


SIN IO Noth ing li ke li tt le
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Sweetnetzsers lfand to
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From the ou
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re at riki ng p oses,
witz erl and
slop es ’s

an initiat ive to p wns

Stu dent s un ite fort com
educa te the Hul ion and mun ity to hel Sparkliangppgero suits
end discriminat haras sme nt and d dent s cre ate
as st u et ta ble
un forg es at the
me mori e Week Gala

Clubs That Do What You Love

FI Welc om

Cl usta
Are you a keen soccer player? Have a passion for ub in
fashion or want to try journalism? Or just want to ilit
explore your new city with like-minded people? S KI A N D
Join one of the dozens of sports, professional, and ARD CLUB
social clubs on campus—or start one of your own! Spl as
Holi,heFess otif c olor mark the
val of Colo
The Hult Student Association (HSA) represents the views and
opinions of the student community. We act as a bridge between
rs c ele br at i on of
staff and students when it comes to giving feedback, sharing
concerns, or offering advice.

TEDx D xH ul tL on d one,
HultLo “A t TeEall p as si onngatne w
ndon we’r ut de velopi r er
a bo s ou tsi de ou tri um ph i ngi ouovs
sk ill fort z on e and at i on of li ght
i n a scrum pt
c om y sh owca si ng e.” the c el e br nd ulg e
re allcti ca l exp eri enerc , A midk nestss, st u dent s i
pra el Kam me r st ing
a ch es, spawaarkren dar ali feast
Ra phi de Stu de nt s d on m u es s Di w
Pres xHulnt, d on Club ion s and ra ising
tLon c on versatem b er”
TED for “Mov
Read more about club
and events at
e ge lubs

44 ura
Who? People that share a strong passion and love for basketball. We’re M
always looking for ways to develop our skills and improve as a team.
Victories? We achieved some impressive wins against big universities like King’s hă
o! Ciao!
College, UCL, and Imperial College. We also made it to the semifinals
of the tournament, and throughout the competition, we consistently
ranked high on the leaderboard.
Who? People who love learning about
Vibe? The Basketball Club embodies a fun, friendly, and competitive spirit. international relations, diplomacy, and
The community we built is supportive and positive, and we look the United Nations.
forward to you joining our club.
Awards? 2022 was a big year for us—we won
Skills? It’s good for boosting your fitness, teamwork, leadership, strategic Best Professional Society at the Hult
thinking, and communication. Annual Spring Awards and Best Small
Impact? You’ll be part of a dynamic group of players and compete against Delegation of Europe.
other universities in London while proudly representing Hult. You’ll

Vibe? HultMUN is a fast-paced and
truly feel like you belong to something special. supportive society.
Highlights? Seeing players forming friendships with their teammates. And coming Skills? It’s great for public speaking, debating,
together and working as a team to achieve things, like winning tough problem-solving, negotiation, and
matches or going on winning streaks. It’s also exciting to see when our critical thinking.
fellow Hult students come to cheer us on at games.
Impact? You’ll come together to uncover various
Goals? To win competitions! We also want to continue to promote teamwork, problems and challenges, from human
good sportsmanship, and positive team culture. The most important rights issues to regional economic
thing for us about playing basketball is to have a blast. instabilities facing the world, and solve
them through a unique perspective of a
given country.

We’re the Career

Participating in Model UN conferences
will allow you to network with students
from many different colleges and

Hult practice your research techniques,

public speaking, and leadership skills to
help you succeed at UN conferences

and on a professional level while staying
informed about international affairs.

Meet the Hult

So, that’s us! We hope you enjoyed

Club getting to know the society and what

we do. You can check out our website
for more details about conferences and
how you can join the club.
Model United
More sports clubs at Hult
(currently active)
More professional clubs at Hult
(currently active)
Nations Society
Boston London Boston Toastmasters Club Management &
Adventure Club Bowling Club African Business Undergraduate Consulting Club
Boxing Academy Chess Club Club Investment Group Photography Club
Cheering Club Football Club Boston Model UN Women+ In Business Social
Cricket Association Futsal Club Consulting Club Club Entrepreneurship
Dance Club Golf Club Data Global Society
Formula 1 Club Men’s Football Fashion & Arts Club London TEDxHultLondon
Skate In Suits Club Padel Club Fashion in Business Aviation & Technology The Business of Style
Ski & Snowboard Running Club Finance Club Association The Courage
Club Table Tennis Club Giant Steps Blockchain & NFT The Green Beacon
Soccer Club Fundraising Club Society Weekly Insights
Tennis Academy Hultrepreneurs Creative Club Podcast
Volleyball Club Networking Club Debate Club
Women’s Soccer Real Estate Hult African &
Club Association Caribbean Society
Research Lab Inclusive Finance
Start Up Routine Society


Ryan Jones
Class of 2019

From Club
Senior Climate Tech
From living a more sustainable lifestyle
Associate, SecondMuse
to recycling as much as possible or using
reusable bottles—the Sustainability Writer & Editor, Climate
Society welcomes everyone to join in For Breakfast

to Career
and be part of making our environment a
better place to be.
Why join?
Whether it’s to meet like-minded people
through organized coffee chats or because
you actually want to make impact and ALUMNI
make the world a better place through STORY
events such as “Growing Your Own
Micro-Garden,” our sustainability society
welcomes everyone! You can start making What you do outside of the classroom can be as important
the campus or your home a greener and
more environmentally friendly place now. as what you learn inside it. For many Hult students, the
💚 experience they gain from taking part in clubs can be
hugely influential in their career choices and make a big
difference to the skillset they graduate with.

Boromey Mong, founder of the Net Impact Club,
on a beach cleanup in San Francisco

Facing the
I’ve always been interested in how we can use tech to solve social issues.
At Hult, I was a director of the Hult Founders Lab and a member of the
Social Impact Club.
Many people still view climate breakdown as an “environmental” thing,
when really it touches every industry in every aspect now. It needs a very
different way of thinking because it’s interconnected. Certain environmental
effects will in turn affect real estate, food prices, and migration.
At SecondMuse, we develop different entrepreneurial support systems
for social problems—from getting women into tech to youth mental
health startups. We run NASA’s hackathon and a lot of different climate
Social clubs currently active initiatives in Indonesia, Singapore, and New York. My particular program is
across campuses called Scale for Climate Change, in New York, and focuses on scaling and
deploying climate hardware.
Bake-a-Boo Club Hult Podcast Some of these solutions are incredible. Everything from taking
Bounce Magazine InFocus Club
food waste and turning it into hydrogen to power ships to capturing
Hult Global Panel Mental Health Society
SEA Club Mentorship Club carbon in biochar pellets that are being put on the outside of Audi cars.
Social Impact Club Sustainability Society There’s definitely a future we can create with all of these solutions that
Hult Pride Hult Thrift is really beautiful.
Hult Film Club Voices of Hult People assume that because it’s been this way for the past 20 years, it
Hult Queer Club can’t change. But this challenge will ultimately force us to change—for the
better. I find that very exciting but … can we do it quick enough?


69 % Companies who
came to campus
or worked on
challenges with
95 % Be a Lifelong
are working in a different
country than their country
of origin
students include
are employed or
continuing education
within 6 months’
Learner When you finish your degree, your career
journey is just beginning. Whether you’re
moving somewhere new, searching for your
next opportunity, or looking to hire talent—

Fortinet the Hult community will be a resource you
InCommodities post-graduation can rely on every step of the way.
LINK One thing that can be guaranteed

L’Oréal An elective for life is that you’ll need to continually refresh
National COSH
participated Take any one elective, at any campus, every year— your knowledge, skills, and qualifications
Parcella Holdings
companies across 33 in for-credit for life. For a 100 USD registration fee, you can throughout your career. Whether your goals
countries hired Hult grads internships upskill or widen your expertise with a choice of change, or your industry does, our lifelong
100+ electives that are updated every year.
during their learning options enable you to stay up to date
This year’s popular electives include:

Life After
– Behavioral Economics & Decision-Making and relevant—always.
– Developing the Next Growth Engine
– Crisis Management, Mitigation & Response

Grad schools from the past

Continue your education
3 years include Lifelong
If you decide to advance your education, Hult has Learning

Babson College a degree for every stage of your career:
EAE Business School
– Master’s
EBS Universität – MBA
Hult is the proud recipient
EHL – Doctorate of the bronze award for Best
City, University of London Lifelong Learning Initiative
2021 from the Association
These numbers represent the ultimate achievement Glion Institute of Higher Education of MBAs (AMBA) and
*All statistics are from the 2022 graduating class of Hult’s undergraduate program unless otherwise stated.

of our practical approach to education—our alumni’s HEC Lausanne the Business Graduates
for more
Hult International Business School Association (BGA). Go to
career statistics. From pursuing prestigious postgraduate on Hult’s lifelong learning opp ortunities
IE Business School
degrees to finding work in their dream location to
gaining experience with their ideal internship—Hult London School of Economics
students go on to do great things with their degree. Nova Business School Come back to campus
Politecnico di Milano Our alumni are a huge part of our vibrant campus community.
SKEMA business school Hult graduates frequently come back to campus to share

66 %
Employers include Goldman Sachs University of Virginia their insights and experience with current students, expand
UNSW Sydney their network, and recruit for their businesses via:
– Alumni career panels
Adidas Hilton
– Business Challenges
Amazon JPMorgan Chase – Career fairs

34 %
Bank of America & Co.
Bloomberg L’Oréal
Join an alumni chapter
Bosch Meta
of international Citi Salesforce 31,000+ alumni, active in 170 countries, championing 70+
students at US Deloitte Santander global chapters. Wherever you’re living or working, accessing
campuses gained of international students at UK your alumni community is a great way to leverage your local
Estée Lauder Superdry
network. Connect with alumni through different events like:
employment in EY UNICEF campuses gained employment – Social meetups
the US Gartner Unilever in the UK – Community cleanups
– Workshops


Application & Admissions Costs & Scholarships
Your Hult journey is unique and will be personalized to you. Your undergraduate education is undoubtedly one of the most
This starts the day you get in touch with us and continues important investments you’ll ever make, and we’ll work closely
through to graduation—and beyond. with you to help you understand the funding options available.

How much does the How do I apply for When should I apply for
program cost? a scholarship? a scholarship and financial
The full cost of your degree will depend Scholarship applications are submitted support?
How do I apply? on where you study, how much you travel, as part of your online application to Financial planning for college can be
and the extent of your living expenses. the program. Our enrollment team will time-consuming—be sure to apply as
Step 1 support you in the application process early as possible to allow you and your
Go to: OR For the most up-to-date information on and help you find the scholarship best family time to get everything in order. OR tuition fees and additional costs please suited to you. Scholarship submissions Our enrollment advisors are here to
visit can be written essays or videos, so you help and will advise you every step of
Step 2 can choose the format that you feel the way.
Create your personal profile What scholarships can I makes the most impact.
Find out more about scholarships and
Step 3 apply for? awards at
Is there other financial
Activate your application by We offer a range of merit-based
scholarships that reward your
support available?
paying the 95 USD fee
achievements and potential both inside If you have a financial need that extends
Step 4 and outside the classroom. So whether beyond scholarships, we have a limited
Submit your documents: you’re an academic high achiever, number of grants that can help. Your
a budding entrepreneur, or have enrollment advisor will work with you to
Who should apply? – High school transcripts
demonstrated an aptitude to lead—there determine if you are eligible for a Hult
– Contact details for one
We’re looking for students who’ll make Visa support academic reference could be a scholarship for you at Hult. grant and will help you apply.
an impact—not just in business, but in Hult is an international business – Personal statement
the world. We want candidates who school and visa support is integral – Evidence of English proficiency
demonstrate academic achievement, to the service we provide students. (if not a native speaker)
passion, curiosity, leadership potential, We have dedicated teams of local – SAT/ACT (optional)
and drive. If you’re made to do, then
you’re made for Hult.
visa coordinators on every campus
who provide concierge-level support Step 5
Ready to take the next step?
to students. They’ll help you with
Attend your personal assessment
your visa needs at every stage,
What support do I get? from securing your student visa, to
You’ll have a team of international traveling during your program, to work All candidates are required to
education specialists who are here to authorization after you graduate. attend an online interview with
ensure your preparation for college is as a member of our enrollment
smooth and stress-free as possible. How do you assess team. This is where we really
get know you, understand what
Enrollment support
applications? motivates you, and assess your
From the moment you activate your We want to understand who you are fit for Hult.
application, you’ll have a dedicated and what drives you. We review all
Step 6
enrollment advisor. They’ll guide you information submitted with every Meet us Meet us Meet us
and your family through the admissions application and take a holistic approach Receive your admissions decision where you are online on campus
process right up to your arrival on to assessing a candidate’s suitability
You’ll receive your decision
campus. They can give you personalized for the program. Motivation and Our enrollment teams are based all over All of our events—whether a class with Come and visit our unique campuses
within two weeks of completing
advice on everything from your mindset are as important to us as the world, so you can come to a local a professor, a virtual campus tour, or a in person. You could meet your future
your application
application to scholarships to campus academic achievements. office or traveling professor event, or 1-2-1 with a member of our team—are professors and deans and get to ask the
locations and program information. Visit we can come to you for a 1-2-1. available online. people on the ground all your burning
We assess each application individually for full details on application questions.
through a combination of: deadlines and scholarship
– Personal profile processes
– Academic achievement Browse and register for all events
– Personal assessment interview


Degrees for Those Pass It On
Reduce waste and spread the love!

Made to Do Before you drop this brochure in

the recycling, is there anybody you
could pass it on to?

Leave a message for the new owner:

Top-ranked by the best Name
Our programs are recognized as being among the best
in the world in the most reputable global rankings. Date


Bloomberg Businessweek 2022 Best

B-Schools MBA
Financial Times 2022 Global Executive
MBA Ranking
Financial Times 2022 Global Masters in
Management Ranking Forbes 2019 Best International One-
Financial Times 2021 MBA Ranking Year MBA

Why not bring a friend with you on your Hult

journey? Introduce them to us at
The Economist 2022 Full-Time Global Forage 2023 Top Universities for
MBA Ranking Experiential Learning
The Economist 2021 Global Masters in
Management Ranking
The Economist 2021 Global Executive
MBA Ranking
The Merit Award Winners of the Undergraduate
Innovation in Higher Education Build an essential skillset with our
Award 2023 Bachelor of Business Administration,
for high school graduates.
QS World University 2023 Online
MBA Rankings
Fortune 2023 Best Online Master’s
MBA Programs Deepen your expertise with our
range of general and specialized
master’s degrees.
Poets & Quants 2023 Best
Undergraduate Business Schools
Accelerate your career with a variety of
Worldwide accreditations flexible programs for professionals with
three or more years of work experience.

Attain the highest academic accolade
with our Doctorate in Business
Administration, for professionals with
10+ years of work experience.

Hult International Business School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization registered in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) to award US degrees. Hult’s London Unless otherwise stated, all statistics are from the Class Hult International Business School reserves the right to make changes in the courses offered, requirements for graduation, locations, program, fees, and
campus is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). For additional accreditation information please visit of 2022. For full statistics, please refer to accommodation at any time without notice. The most recent Terms & Conditions are available at


Degrees for Those


Made to Do

S A R U U L K H U S L E N B AT B AYA R , M O N G O L I A , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 5
Top-ranked by the best

D U A N G A R C I A , M E X I C O, C L A S S O F 2 0 2 5
Our programs are recognized as being among the best
in the world in the most reputable global rankings.


Bloomberg Businessweek 2022 Best
B-Schools MBA
Financial Times 2022 Global Executive
MBA Ranking
Financial Times 2022 Global Masters in
Management Ranking Forbes 2019 Best International One-
Financial Times 2021 MBA Ranking Year MBA

The Economist 2022 Full-Time Global Forage 2023 Top Universities for
MBA Ranking Experiential Learning
The Economist 2021 Global Masters in
Management Ranking
The Economist 2021 Global Executive
MBA Ranking
The Merit Award Winners of the Undergraduate
Innovation in Higher Education Build an essential skillset with our
Award 2023 Bachelor of Business Administration,
for high school graduates.
QS World University 2023 Online

VA I S H N AV I KO L K A R , I N D I A , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3
MBA Rankings
Fortune 2023 Best Online Master’s
MBA Programs Deepen your expertise with our
range of general and specialized
master’s degrees.

P E T E R Z A K H A R , S L O VA K I A , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 5
Poets & Quants 2023 Best
Undergraduate Business Schools

VA L E R I E A C C I U S , U S , C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2


Accelerate your career with a variety of
Worldwide accreditations flexible programs for professionals with
three or more years of work experience.

Attain the highest academic accolade
with our Doctorate in Business
Administration, for professionals with
10+ years of work experience.

Hult International Business School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization registered in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) to award US degrees. Hult’s London Unless otherwise stated, all statistics are from the Class
campus is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). For additional accreditation information please visit of 2022. For full statistics, please refer to



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