Laromer+UA+9181 000000000030794238 SDS GEN 00 en 2-1
Laromer+UA+9181 000000000030794238 SDS GEN 00 en 2-1
Laromer+UA+9181 000000000030794238 SDS GEN 00 en 2-1
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BASF Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
1. Identification
Product identifier
Laromer® UA 9181
Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Relevant identified uses: Raw material for coatings for industrial or professional use, polymers for
inks, varnishes or coatings, UV acrylic varnish
Uses advised against: All consumer uses are strongly advised against., The hazardous properties of
the substance require safety measures which can, in principle, not be sufficiently ensured in the
home worker sector.
67056 Ludwigshafen
Global Business Unit Resins and Additives
2. Hazards Identification
Skin Corr./Irrit. 2
Eye Dam./Irrit. 1
Skin Sens. 1
Aquatic Acute 2
For the classifications not written out in full in this section the full text can be found in section 16.
Label elements
Signal Word:
Hazard Statement:
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H401 Toxic to aquatic life.
Other hazards
No specific dangers known, if the regulations/notes for storage and handling are considered.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Not applicable
Chemical nature
Oxybis(methyl-2,1-ethanediyl) diacrylate
Content (W/W): >= 25 % - < 50 % Acute Tox. 5 (oral)
CAS Number: 57472-68-1 Skin Corr./Irrit. 2
EC-Number: 260-754-3 Eye Dam./Irrit. 1
Skin Sens. 1
Aquatic Acute 2
H318, H315, H303, H317, H401
For the classifications not written out in full in this section the full text can be found in section 16.
4. First-Aid Measures
Description of first aid measures
Immediately remove contaminated clothing.
If inhaled:
If difficulties occur after vapour/aerosol has been inhaled, remove to fresh air and seek medical
On skin contact:
Wash thoroughly with soap and water
On ingestion:
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
Rinse mouth and then drink 200-300 ml of water. Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison
control center or doctor.
5. Fire-Fighting Measures
Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media:
water spray, dry powder, foam
Further information:
The degree of risk is governed by the burning substance and the fire conditions. Contaminated
extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with official regulations.
Environmental precautions
Contain contaminated water/firefighting water. Do not discharge into drains/surface
Exposure controls
Personal protective equipment
Respiratory protection:
Suitable respiratory protection for higher concentrations or long-term effect: Gas filter for
gases/vapours of organic compounds (boiling point >65 °C, e. g. EN 14387 Type A)
Hand protection:
Chemical resistant protective gloves (EN ISO 374-1)
Suitable materials for short-term contact (recommended: At least protective index 2, corresponding >
30 minutes of permeation time according to EN ISO 374-1)
butyl rubber (butyl) - 0.7 mm coating thickness
nitrile rubber (NBR) - 0.4 mm coating thickness
Supplementary note: The specifications are based on tests, literature data and information of glove
manufacturers or are derived from similar substances by analogy. Due to many conditions (e.g.
temperature) it must be considered, that the practical usage of a chemical-protective glove in
practice may be much shorter than the permeation time determined through testing.
Manufacturer's directions for use should be observed because of great diversity of types.
Eye protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles (cage goggles) (e.g. EN 166) and face shield.
Body protection:
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
Body protection must be chosen depending on activity and possible exposure, e.g. apron, protecting
boots, chemical-protection suit (according to EN 14605 in case of splashes or EN ISO 13982 in case
of dust).
Form: liquid
Colour: colourless
Odour: acrylic-like
Odour threshold:
Not determined due to potential
health hazard by inhalation.
pH value: 7-8 (ASTM E70)
(1 %(m))
Melting point: < -60 °C (DSC (DIN 51007))
Becomes very viscous at low
boiling temperature: > 100 °C
(1.013 hPa)
The substance / product
Flash point: 138 °C (ISO 2719, closed cup)
Evaporation rate:
not determined
Flammability: not flammable (derived from flash point)
Lower explosion limit:
For liquids not relevant for
classification and labelling., The
lower explosion point may be 5 - 15
°C below the flash point.
Upper explosion limit:
For liquids not relevant for
classification and labelling.
Ignition temperature: 418 °C (DIN EN ISO/IEC 80079-20-1)
Vapour pressure: < 1 Pa
(20 °C)
The product has not been tested.
The statement has been derived from
the properties of the individual
Density: 1,085 g/cm3 (ISO 2811-3)
(20 °C)
1,055 g/cm3 (ISO 2811-3)
(50 °C)
Relative density: 1,085 (calculated)
(20 °C)
Relative vapour density (air):
not determined
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
Solubility in water: not determined
Solubility (qualitative) solvent(s): polar solvents
Partitioning coefficient n-octanol/water (log Kow):
not applicable for mixtures
Thermal decomposition: 160 °C, 252 J/g (DSC (DIN 51007))
Viscosity, dynamic: 1,8 - 2,0 Pa.s (DIN 53019)
(23 °C)
Viscosity, kinematic: approx. 1.500 - 2.000 mm2/s (calculated (from dynamic
(23 °C) viscosity))
Explosion hazard: not explosive
Fire promoting properties: not fire-propagating
Other information
Hygroscopy: Non-hygroscopic
Surface tension:
No data available.
Grain size distribution: The substance / product is marketed or used in a non solid or
granular form.
Chemical stability
The product is stable if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated.
Conditions to avoid
Avoid direct sunlight. Avoid extreme temperatures. Avoid inhibitor loss. To maintain inhibitor activity,
oxygen must not be eliminated from the atmosphere above the product. Avoid oxygen content above
the product of less than 5 %.
Incompatible materials
Substances to avoid:
strong acids, strong bases, radical formers, peroxides, Inert gas
Acute toxicity
Experimental/calculated data:
LD50 rat (oral): > 5.000 mg/kg (OECD Guideline 401)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Experimental/calculated data:
Skin corrosion/irritation rabbit: Irritant. (OECD Guideline 404)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Respiratory/Skin sensitization
Assessment of sensitization:
Sensitization after skin contact possible.
Experimental/calculated data:
Mouse Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) mouse: skin sensitizing (OECD Guideline 429)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Assessment of mutagenicity:
Based on the ingredients, there is no suspicion of a mutagenic effect.
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
Assessment of carcinogenicity:
The whole of the information assessable provides no indication of a carcinogenic effect.
Reproductive toxicity
Developmental toxicity
Assessment of teratogenicity:
Based on the ingredients, there is no suspicion of a teratogenic effect.
Repeated dose toxicity and Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)
Aspiration hazard
not applicable
Toxicity to fish:
LC50 (96 h) 1 - 10 mg/l, Fish (DIN 38412 Part 15, static)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Aquatic invertebrates:
EC50 (48 h) 10 - 100 mg/l, Daphnia magna (Directive 84/449/EEC, C.2, static)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Aquatic plants:
EC50 (72 h) 1 - 10 mg/l (growth rate), Scenedesmus subspicatus (DIN 38412 Part 9, static)
The product has not been fully tested. The statements have been derived in parts from products of a
similar structure or composition.
Mobility in soil
The product does not contain substances that are listed in Regulation (EC) 1005/2009 on
substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Additional information
Contaminated packaging:
Uncontaminated packaging can be re-used.
Packs that cannot be cleaned should be disposed of in the same manner as the contents.
Land transport
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Sea transport
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number: Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Air transport
Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations
UN number or ID number Not applicable
UN proper shipping name: Not applicable
Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable
Packing group: Not applicable
Environmental hazards: Not applicable
Special precautions for None known
Not applicable
Full text of classifications, hazard symbols and hazard statements, if mentioned in section 2 or 3:
Skin Corr./Irrit. Skin corrosion/irritation
Eye Dam./Irrit. Serious eye damage/eye irritation
Skin Sens. Skin sensitization
Aquatic Acute Hazardous to the aquatic environment - acute
Acute Tox. Acute toxicity
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H303 May be harmful if swallowed.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H401 Toxic to aquatic life.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
The data contained in this safety data sheet are based on our current knowledge and experience and
describe the product only with regard to safety requirements. This safety data sheet is neither a
Certificate of Analysis (CoA) nor technical data sheet and shall not be mistaken for a specification
agreement. Identified uses in this safety data sheet do neither represent an agreement on the
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Safety data sheet according to UN GHS 4th rev.
Date / Revised: 18.02.2022 Version: 2.1
Product: Laromer® UA 9181
(ID no. 30794238/SDS_GEN_00/EN)
Date of print 21.09.2023
corresponding contractual quality of the substance/mixture nor a contractually designated use. It is the
responsibility of the recipient of the product to ensure any proprietary rights and existing laws and
legislation are observed.
Vertical lines in the left hand margin indicate an amendment from the previous version.