C2 Wordlist Unit 4
C2 Wordlist Unit 4
C2 Wordlist Unit 4
connectedness (n) /kəˈnektɪdnəs/ brigade (n) /brɪˈɡeɪd/
the sense of having a connection with others a group of people who share a common
and being a part of a group ● Social media opinion; a unit of soldiers in an army
may offer a sense of connectedness to ● Desmond finally gave up cigarettes under
people living in remote areas. ➣ connect (v), pressure from the anti-smoking brigade at
connection (n) work.
dissimilar (adj) /dɪˈsɪmɪlə(r)/ entourage (n) /ˈɒnturɑːʒ/
not similiar ● Katie was finding it hard to settle a group of people who travel with or follow an
down in China as the culture was so dissimilar important person ● The actor entered the hotel
to that of Wales. ➣ dissimilarity (n) surrounded by his entourage of security staff.
✎ Opp: similar
fraternity (n) /frəˈtɜːnəti /
transmittable (adj) /trænzˈmɪtəˌbəl/ a close-knit group formed around a particular
that can be passed on or transmitted from ideal or shared experience ● Dramatic
sb/sth to sb/sth else ● The common cold is fluctuations in currency rates have raised
caused by highly transmittable infections. concerns among the banking fraternity.
➣ transmit (v), transmission (n)
squad (n) /skwɒd/
intrinsic (adj) /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/ a group of police or soldiers working together
that is a basic part of sth/sb which can’t be on a specific task; a large group of players
taken out ● Email has become an intrinsic part from which a team is selected ● The rowdy
of business communications. ➣ intrinsically demonstrators were turned back by the riot
(adv) squad.
essence (n) /ˈesns/ cartel (n) /kɑːˈtel/
the important basic quality central to what a group of companies who agree to price fixing
or how sth is ● In essence, people not using to maximise profits ● The dairy cartel has
social media find it increasingly difficult to stay ensured that milk prices are much the same
informed about certain events. ➣ essential across all the supermarkets.
(adj), essentially (adv) syndicate (n) /ˈsɪndɪkət/
a group of companies or people who work
Vocabulary pages 52-53-54
together towards a particular objective ● The
politician had links with the largest crime
kin (n) /kɪn/ syndicate in Mexico.
people you are related to; family members union (n) /ˈjuːniən/
● Police are trying to trace the victim’s next of an organisation established to protect workers
kin. ➣ kinship (n), kindred (adj) needs and negotiate improved conditions
board (n) /bɔːd/ ● Flights were delayed due to a strike by the
an official decision-making group in a company baggage handlers’ union. ➣ unite (v), unify (v),
or organisation ● The staffing cuts will be unionise (v), unionisation (n)
discussed at the next meeting of the board of dynasty (n) /ˈdɪnəsti/
directors. a long line of rulers from the same family
cabinet (n) /ˈkæbɪnət/ group ● The Tudor dynasty ruled England for
a team of members of parliament chosen to centuries. ➣ dynastic (adj)
make decisions on policy ● The Prime Minister platoon (n) /pləˈtuːn/
is meeting with the cabinet ministers to discuss a small group of 10-12 soldiers that is part of a
tax reforms. larger group ● Two platoons advanced on the
faction (n) /ˈfækʃn/ enemy camp in the middle of the night.
a small part of a group whose beliefs or aims diaspora (n) /daɪˈæspərə/
differ from those of the wider group ● Trouble the movement of people from one ethnic group
broke out between rival factions in the stadium to another country ● The annual Notting Hill
after the match. ➣ factional (adj) festival brings out the music and spirit of the
lobby (n) /ˈlɒbi/ Jamaican diaspora.
a pressure group who try to influence decision horde (n) /hɔːd/
makers on a particular issue ● Community a huge crowd of people ● Miltiades gave
groups organised a lobby against the closure the command to charge upon the horde
of the local school. ➣ lobby (v), lobbyist (n) of Persians advancing across the plain of
troupe (n) /truːp/ crowdfunding (n) /ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ/
a team of performers ● The troupe of the act of raising money for a project by
acrobats gave a breathtaking performance. attracting large numbers of small donations,
➣ trouper (n) usually through social media sites ● Valerie
used crowdfunding to pay for her awareness-
posse (n) /ˈpɒsi/
raising documentary about the children’s
a small group of people with a similar purpose
home. ➣ crowdfund (v)
or interest ● Eagerly awaiting the star’s arrival,
a small posse of photographers stood outside emoticon (n) /ɪˈməʊtɪkɒn/
the theatre. a set of symbols used in text messages to
represent a facial expression or feeling
throng (n) /θrɒŋ/
● It is inadvisable to include smileys and other
a large crowd ● Throngs of people lined the
streets to watch the parade. ➣ throng (v) emoticons in a business email.
meme (n) /miːm/
an image or saying that is transmitted quickly
on internet and adapted to various situations
brigade faction posse to make it funny ● While some memes can be
cabinet fraternity squad funny, most tend to lack originality, so I usually
cartel horde syndicate delete them – and never share such trivia!
cluster host throng
diaspora tag (v) /tæɡ/
kin troupe
add a link with a user’s name to a photo on
dynasty lobby union
social media ● Kindly ask my permission
entourage platoon
before tagging me on a photo next time; my
friends thought I was in Rome with you.
be thick as thieves (expr) /bi θɪk əz θiːvz/ be ➣ tag (n)
extremely friendly with each other, often in a trend (v) /trend/
conspiratorial way ● Beth and Judy are thick
be a popular subject of discussion currently
as thieves; anything you say to one always on social media ● Though her family have
gets back to the other.
requested privacy, the singer’s death is
get along famously (expr) /ɡet əˈlɒŋ currently trending on social media. ➣ trend (n),
ˈfeɪməsli/ trendy (adj)
have a very good relationship ● Though a little
analogy (n) /əˈnælədʒi/
worried about meeting her new colleagues,
a comparison of sth with sth else that is similar
Christine got on famously with them from the
to give an example ● Our biology teacher drew
first day.
an analogy between the human body and a
have a nodding acquaintance with sb (expr) machine. ➣ analogous (adj)
/həv ə ˈnɒdɪŋ əˈkweɪntəns wɪθ ˈsʌmbədi/ contradict (v) /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt/
know sb very casually and not closely ● We say sth that is the opposite of what has been
have a nodding acquaintance with most of our
said to correct sb or show disagreement
neighbours, but only know a few of them by name.
● It was obvious they were about to break up
one-sided (adj) /wʌn ˈsaɪˌdid/ when they were constantly contradicting each
that only involves or benefits one person ● The other. ➣ contradiction (n), contradictory (adj)
match was entirely one-sided as United had
detract from sth (phr v) /dɪˈtrækt frəm
no chance of winning with two players sent off
in the first half.
take away from the enjoyment of sth ● The
avatar (n) /ˈævətɑː(r)/ unsightly forest of wind turbines detracted from
an image of a person of animal, etc. that the beauty of the island. ➣ detractor (n)
represents a user on a website or game
diversify (v) /daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ/
● Vicky uses a photo of her favourite pet as an
begin to include a wider range of things to
avatar on social media.
become more varied ● The lifestyle of the
bio (n) /ˈbaɪəʊ/ islanders has diversified over the year through
a record of your qualifications and work the influence of foreign tourists. ➣ diversity
experience; a CV ● Colin had sent copies (n), diversification (n), diverse (adj),
of his bio to over 20 companies before he diversely (adv)
received even one job offer.
homogenise (v) /həˈmɒdʒənaɪz/ change
clickbait (n) /ˈklɪkbeɪt/ sth so that all its features blend
images and words, etc. on the internet which and become similar ● The spread of chain
attract users to open links to particular sites stores has homogenised shopping centres
● It may be hard to ignore those cute kitty across the UK so they are almost all identical.
videos, but most of them are purely clickbait ➣ homogenisation (n), homegeneity (n),
from advertisers. homogenous (adj), homogenised (adj)
proximate (adj) /ˈprɒksɪmət/ caption (n) /ˈkæpʃn/
closest in distance or time ● Brake failure words written on or below an image ● Cynthia
was the proximate cause of the accident. always inserts hilarious captions on her
➣ proximity (n) Instagram photos. ➣ caption (v)
shrinkage (n) /ˈʃrɪŋkɪdʒ/ communal (adj) /kəˈmjuːnl/
the process of getting smaller; the extent to shared by a number of people ● As a student,
which sth reduces in size ● Due to shrinkage Anita rented a room in a flat and shared a
in the wash, my new sweater was too small to communal kitchen and bathroom.
wear. ➣ shrink (v), shrunken (adj), shrinking ➣ communalism (n), communally (adv)
(adj) cultivate (v) /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/
telecommunications (n) develop sth, such as support, friendship, etc.
/ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃnz/ ● We aim to cultivate loyalty and trust with our
the communications between people clients. ➣ cultivation (n), cultivated (adj)
using technological means ● Advances in nourish (v) /ˈnʌrɪʃ/
telecommunications have meant that we can help sth to grow or develop; keep sth/sb alive
now get in touch with people almost anywhere and healthy by feeding them ● Face-to-face
at anytime. communications beats virtual contact when it
globalisation (n) /ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ comes to nourishing a relationship.
the worldwide spread of trade and production ➣ nourishment (n), nourishing (adj)
of the same goods and services in many comrade (n) /ˈkɒmreɪd/
countries ● Traditional craftsmen blame the sb that you serve together with in a military
increase in globalisation for their loss of group or fellow member of a socialist or
business. ➣ globalise (v), global (adj), communist party ● Granddad gets together
globally (adv) with his old army comrades every year on
connectivity (n) /ˌkɒnekˈtɪvɪti/ Remembrance Day. ➣ comradeship (n),
the state of being connected ● Before you comradely (adj)
buy that country house, check the internet confidant (n) /ˈkɒnfɪdænt/
connectivity in the area. ➣ connect (v), sb that you trust with your personal secrets
connection (n) ● Robert has been my closest friend and
get hold of sb (expr) /ɡet həʊld əvˈsʌmbədi/ confidant for years. ➣ confide (v)
manage to contact sb ● I couldn’t get hold of ✎ Also: confidante
Nigel this morning; he was in meetings for confederate (n) /kənˈfedərət/
hours. sb who helps or conspires with sb to do sth
in the loop (expr) /ɪn ðə luːp/ ● Police have arrested one of the terrorists,
involved in a group dealing with or sharing but his confederates are still at large.
information about a particular issue ● Peter ➣ confederate (adj)
attends all the board meetings so he keeps in counsellor (n) /ˈkaʊnsələ(r)/
the loop with management decisions. sb who offers specialist advice to others
✎ Opp: out of the loop ● Meg and Tom sought the advice of a
touch base (with sb) (expr) /tʌʧ baɪs guidance counsellor in an effort to save their
wɪθˈsʌmbədi/ marriage. ➣ counsel (v), counselling (n)
make contact with sb, often after being out of overhaul (n) /ˈəʊvəhɔːl/
touch ● David hadn’t heard from his brother in a review of a system to assess and repair or
months, so he decided to phone to touch base change it ● Our country’s education system is
with him. outmoded and needs a complete overhaul.
disassemble (v) /ˌdɪsəˈsembl/ ➣ overhaul (v)
take sth to pieces; spread apart in different infrastructure (n) /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/
directions ● The technician disassembled the the basic networks, such as roads, power,
laptop to pinpoint the problem. water supply, hospitals, schools, etc. that
➣ disassembler (n) help a country or organisation function ● The
deactivate (v) /ˌdiːˈæktɪveɪt/ complex infrastructure of the multi-national
cause sth to stop functioning ● If you use the giant means that any new plans take months
incorrect PIN number too often, the bank will to implement. ➣ infrastructural (adj)
deactivate your card. ➣ deactivation (n) framework (n) /ˈfreɪmwɜːk/
discontinue (v) /ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː/ the basic ideas or structure that a
stop manufacturing a product; stop doing sth system is built around ● Discussions are
● Sales of the phone have been discontinued underway regarding the legal framework for
following vast numbers of customer complaints. environmental protection.
➣ discontinuity (n), discontinuous (adj)
underpinning (n) /ˌʌndəˈpɪnɪŋ/
sth that supports the basis of an idea or Networking: nouns
building ● Though I disagree with him, the
underpinnings of his theory are quite logical. attention-seeking framework
➣ underpin (v)
avatar globalisation
bio infrastructure
branding medium
caption meme
clickbait mentality
be thick as thieves commodity newsfeed
get along famously confederate norm
get hold of sb confidant overhaul
going forward connectedness small talk
have a nodding acquaintance with sb connectivity telecommunications
in the loop counsellor trolling
lay the foundation for crowdfunding underpinning
to all intents and purposes emoticon vehicle
touch base (with sb) encounter
vehicle (n) /ˈviːəkl/ emotive (adj) /iˈməʊtɪv/
means of achieving or expressing sth full of or inspiring emotion ● He wrote an
● Clever memes are used as a vehicle to emotive account of his ordeal. ➣ emotion (n),
attract potential customers to her online shop. emotional (adj), emotionless (adj), emotionally
bombard (v) /bɒmˈbɑːd/
give large amounts of sth at once ● The going forward (expr) /ˈgəʊɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd/
moment she signed the online petition as from now; looking ahead ● Going forward,
she was bombarded by spam emails. we expect a gradual improvement in the
➣ bombardment (n) company’s performance.
newsfeed (n) /ˈnjuːzˌ fiːd/
a constant updating list of stories, comments,
photos, etc. on social media sites ● I had to Verbs
block notifications from my daily newsfeed as bombard embrace
there was too much repetition of information to contradict entertain
bother with. cultivate homogenize
self-absorbed (adj) /self əbˈzɔːbd/ deactivate nourish
only interested in yourself ● The morning train detract from sth popularise
was filled with self-absorbed commuters wired disassemble shudder
up to their personal listening devices. discontinue skew
➣ self-absorption (n) diversify tag
elaborate trend
narcissistic (adj) /ˌnɑːsɪˈsɪstɪk/
being too preoccupied with admiring your
own appearance ● The band’s performance
would have been fantastic were it not for the
overacting of the narcissistic lead singer. Video 4: Elephant
➣ narcissism (n), narcissist (n)
cautious (adj) /ˈkɔːʃəs/
careful not to take risks ● We kept a cautious Adjective
eye on the weather forecast before setting off s
on our hiking trip. ➣ caution (v), caution (n), intrigued
cautiously (adv) applicable intrinsic
blatant mind-boggling
primary (adj) /ˈpraɪməri/ cautious monocultural
basic; main ● Their primary concern was how colloquial narcissistic
to keep the animals out of danger. ➣ primarily communal non-verbal
(adv) dissimilar one-sided
vicinity (n) /vəˈsɪnəti/ emotive primary
the surrounding area ● There was no phone empirical proximate
signal in the vicinity, so we walked for miles to far-reaching self-absorbed
find help. formative transmittable
inflated viral