Sunrise Educational Center
Sunrise Educational Center
Sunrise Educational Center
November 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 1
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. The Ministry of Education Brief Overview ..................................................................... 2
2.2. The Scope of the Project Proposal Document.............................................................. 2
3. THE PROJECT PROPOSAL OUTLINE.............................................................................. 3
4. SEC DATA SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 4
4.1. Key Project Activities ................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Summary of area to be built up .................................................................................... 7
4.3. Cost Estimate per area ................................................................................................ 7
5. PROJECT APPARAISAL AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ................................................. 8
6. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ..............................................................................10
7. PROJECT RISK ANALYSIS..............................................................................................10
8. EXIT STRATEGY ..............................................................................................................11
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Ethiopia after realizing the fact that education is a sure means towards the improvement
of the country’s economy; it formulated the Education and Training Policy year 2005
which integrated in the formal school system what was called. This is for children aged
between 3 years and 6years. The major objective is to introduce pre-schools in every
primary school. The government wants these pre-schools to be run by local
governments, private institutions and individuals to build and operate pre-schools. The
major objective of initiating per-schools is to bring up children by promoting and
enriching the experiences so far acquired by the children from community and family in
such areas as religion, languages, culture, health care etc.
At primary and secondary school levels the government aims at improving access and
enrolment levels due to the fact that in the past the education system was characterized
by high drop-out rates mainly due to poor teaching methods by Universal Primary
Education (UPE) teachers who were themselves failures at primary school levels.
The policy was passed by the government after realizing the fact that early childhood
education leaves an imprint in the child’s mind and it is a significant factor in the mental
and social development of children. The government puts stress on this type of
education in its effort to develop the country’s human resources.
It is from this need that Sunrise Education Centre builds its foundation to explore this
opportunity by coming up with a vision of setting up the Centre for early childhood to
access which will help to prevent stunted cognitive development of child and is reputed
for facilitating better future performance in school.
Sunrise Education Centre will offer pre-primary education, primary education and
secondary education. Secondary education will consist of ordinary level and high school
level. It is estimated that first phase of its construction will be done in the first five years.
2.1. The Ministry of Education Brief Overview
According to Ethiopia Education and Training policy (2005), the Republic of Ethiopia
has realized that quality education is the pillar of national development, for it is through
education that the nation obtains skilled manpower to serve in various sector in the
nation’s economy. It is through quality education Ethiopia will be able to create a strong
and competitive economy which can effectively cope with the challenges of
development and which can also easily and confidently adapt to the changing market
and technological conditions in the region and global economy.
The structure of the Formal Education and Training System in Ethiopia constitutes two
(2) years of pre-primary education, seven (7) years of primary education, and four (4)
years of secondary education. The education system has three (3) levels, namely:
Basic, Secondary and Tertiary Levels.
This project proposal is about education center construction of which will be known as
Sunrise Education Centre. Upon completion, it will have pre-primary education, primary
education and secondary education. Secondary education will consist of ordinary level
and high school level. The official language will be Amharic and English, which will be
used at all levels.
As mentioned earlier, the scope of this project proposal will be to construct the
education center within five years, whereby pre-primary school and primary school will
start simultaneously in one year while building construction will be progressing. Ordinary
secondary school is planned to commence in year three and advanced level in year
The general goal of this school is to have a school center which will offer education of
high quality basing on Ethiopia Ministry of Education curriculum. This center will provide
accommodation to those who are coming from a distant area and also provide tea as
well as lunch to those who stay at home.
The education center has its plan in future to have branches in different regions
depending on availability of fund as it is in the process of requesting grants from the
government. This is because Ethiopia has made progress in making education as
practical and market oriented as possible guided by the government policy of education
for self-reliance. The subject combinations are tailored towards what is offered in tertiary
and higher education.
Institution Name
The name of this project proposal is known as, Sunrise Education Centre (SEC)
For the progress of this project contact Mr. Abere Amsalu who is the Managing Director
of this Centre.
Project name
Project location
The project will be located at Addis Ababa. Project buildings will be constructed at Addis
Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia.
Project Area
The total area made available to Sunrise Education Centre is about eight (8) hectares
and this will be used for the constructions of buildings, basketball, netball court, football
pitch, short put, high jump, long green areas and gardens land is not a problem around
the area and if the school will need more land it will have to apply for such land and it
will not be difficult at all to be allocated such land.
Problem statement
The project is in line with government efforts to establish as many pre-schools, primary
schools and secondary schools as possible so that many children get access to
education. Quality basic education is very important to even the poor children. People of
Ethiopia constitutes empowerment; and it is one of the tools that will empower the
country in different aspects of the war against poverty.
Project objectives
This project proposal has two main objectives as mentioned here under:
To respond to the needs of a rapidly growing business and education sector in Ethiopia
municipality by producing the quality and quantity of educated people sufficiently
equipped with the requisite knowledge to solve the society’s problems in order to meet
the challenges of development and attain competitiveness at regional and global at
large at affordable costs.
The following objectives will be implemented after getting approval from the Ministry of
Education and Vocational Training. The School will provide subsidized healthy meals
daily to children attending this Centre School. This Centre will continue to raise funds for
running the operation of the school by requesting sponsorship for educating the children
attending this center.
Target group
The children who currently attend normal Kindergarten, Primary School and Secondary
school, as well as the children living in Addis Ababa community who need to improve
their education level;
The teachers who instruct the children according to the Syllabus provided by the
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training;
The supporting administrative and ancillary staff who will facilitate the operation of the
Parents and guardians in the Addis Ababa community who are interested in giving their
children the opportunity of education at this education center
4.1. Key Project Activities
Key project of Centre will include field activities, building design and construction
supervision. All of which will be undertaken by a consultant company that will be
outsourced from Sunrise Educational Center
Some other activities will include: title Deed follow – up, topographical survey, master
plan preparation. It will also involve location position of buildings. Streets, green areas,
open spaces, play grounds etc. Location positioning of storm water, foul water, sewage
system in relation to septic tank and sock pits. Setting out dimensions will involve
building lines, setbacks and detailed dimensions between one building and the other.
The drawing at this stage will have no detailed dimensions; they will just show
schedules of accommodation for ease of getting rough estimated figures of the costs of
the project.
These are details design for construction purposes and preparation of bills of quantities.
Structural engineer’s designs- these are applicable for stored building and are used for
soil investigation and foundation engineering.
Electrical engineering drawings- these show the layout of electrical fitting and
appliances especially for laboratories, computers etc.
Bills of quantities- these showing detailed breakdowns of materials required for every
building and these may be used as tender documents in cases of building contracts.
Landscaping Architecture and environmental control- this will ensure beautiful and
attractive surroundings through the planting of flower gardens and shade trees.
4.2. Summary of area to be built up
Description Total Area in M2
Secondary School 9337 m2
Primary School 7306 m2
Sport Area 21578 m2
Project duration
The project proposal duration will be for five years which will be preceded with final
evaluations that will be conducted at the end of five years. This evaluation intends to
make an extensive review of the whole project to see its sustainability for its the long
Project Appraisal
Operational necessity
Every project proposal should pass through this criterion for appraisal. In our education
center, this analysis will assist to determine the merit and acceptability of our school
center in accordance with under laid established criteria. This will be the final step
before our project is accepted for financing. It helps us know that our project is feasible
against the situation on the ground that the objectives set remain appropriate and that
costs are reasonable.
Social appraisal
A social appraisal will help us review the project design and the process of project
identification by implementing and monitoring its progress, from a social perspective.
Particular attention will be paid to the likely impact of the project on different
stakeholders, their opportunities for participation, and the project’s contribution to
poverty reduction.
Institutional appraisal
This will help us ensures that the supporting institutions are in place and that they can
operate effectively within the existing legislative and policy environment. This project
has identified opportunities for institutional strengthening and capacity building at a
relative cost.
Economic and financial appraisal
This helped our project to make an analysis of economic soundness of the project and
quantification and valuation of costs and benefits that ensured our financial viability.
Environmental appraisal
The plan was made to invite the government specialists in environmental appraisal
Environmental Assessment (EA) will assist us to meet one of our goals of having a
school center with a conducive academic environment. Most countries have
environment impact assessment (EIA) policy and supporting legislation. Traditionally,
EAA will be designed to operate at our project level to help us identify impacts and
mitigation measures for this project.
Technical appraisal
To prove or test the technology that will be used to implement the entire tasks.
To have a list of equipment and machinery to be installed with their cost and
To know the equipment capacity and whether it is as per requirement etc.
Sensitivity analysis will be done in our project to help us determine which variables have
the most potential to affect this project. These variables include: task duration, task
start time, and success rate and costs risks.
Here under are estimated activities that will be carried out in a specified estimated
period of time.
1. Fund solicitation
2. Buildings constructions
3. Purchase of office furniture
4. Laboratory equipment
5. Purchase of school van
6. Pupils registration
7. Risk analysis
8. Monitoring and evaluation
9. Budget preparation
10. School registration process
11. Recruitment of non and teaching staff
According to Dr. Magigi & Mwaitete Lacture notice. a risk is defined as an uncertain
event which should it occur, will have an effect on the project meeting its objectives. The
rationale of project risk analysis is to reduce the probability and impact of threats and to
increase the probability of opportunities and/or their positive impact.
In most likely any project may be faced by some of these risks: Legal (patents and
lawsuits), changes in technology (does your software project need to support Windows
Vista?), natural hazards and conditions (have you seen the latest volcano news?),
environmental (does a protected or rare species lie in your freeway path?)
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Countermeasures for project risks
In our project we have looked at this part critically from the planning stage. Under this
part we carried out the quantitative analysis by involving different experts brainstorming
with them, and consulting other skilled people to ensure that we review a history of our
project where necessary to make the proper judgments. As a result we listed some risks
prioritized by probability and impact for us to avoid, ignore, or accommodate different
impacts likely to happen.
For its exit strategy, the institution will sell the center to a buyer with high financial
capacity. To achieve the best deal, the institution will market all of the center offerings,
strength, benefit and value proposition and seek offers several potential buyers.
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