TS Gr-2 RRT-09-EM Ans - Modified
TS Gr-2 RRT-09-EM Ans - Modified
TS Gr-2 RRT-09-EM Ans - Modified
108. Consider the following statements with 109. Arrange the following Indian tiger reserves in
reference to PSLV-C56 rocket launched by chronological order based on their tiger
ISRO recently abundance, from highest to lowest
1. PSLV-C56 / DS-SAR, is the Dedicated a) Corbett, Bandipur, Nagarhole,
Commercial Mission of NewSpace India Bandhavgarh, Dudhwa
Limited (NSIL) for ST Engineering, b) Bandipur, Corbett, Nagarhole,
Singapore Bandhavgarh, Dudhwa
2. DS-SAR, a Radar Imaging Earth c) Nagarhole, Bandipur, Corbett,
Observation satellite, is the primary Bandhavgarh, Dudhwa
satellite for the mission d) Dudhva, Corbett, Bandipur, Nagarhole,
3. It carried an iodine-based solid Bandhavgarh,
propellant propulsion module, based on Answer : a
Hall effect thruster for orbit Explanation :
maintenance. The largest tiger population of 785 is in Madhya
How many of the statements given above is Pradesh, followed by Karnataka (563) &
/are correct Uttarakhand (560), and Maharashtra (444).
a) Only One The tiger abundance within the Tiger Reserve
b) Only Two is highest in Corbett (260), followed by
c) All three Bandipur (150), Nagarhole (141), Bandhavgarh
d) None (135), Dudhwa (135), Mudumalai(114), Kanha
Answer : c (105), Kaziranga (104), Sundarbans (100),
Explanation : Tadoba (97), Sathyamangalam (85), and Pench-
PSLV-C56 / DS-SAR, is the Dedicated MP (77).
Commercial Mission of NewSpace India Limited
(NSIL) for ST Engineering, Singapore. DS-SAR, a
Radar Imaging Earth Observation satellite, is 110. Consider the following statements with
the primary satellite for the mission. In addition reference to Resource Efficiency Circular
to this, there are six co-passenger customer Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC)
satellites also belonging to Singapore. PSLV-C56 1. It is an industry-driven initiative that
is configured in its core-alone mode, similar to aims to promote resource efficiency and
the previous C55 mission. All satellites are circular economy practices globally.
injected into a 535 km circular with 5 orbital 2. It involves 39 multinational corporations
inclination. SAR carries a Synthetic Aperture from various sectors, such as steel,
Radar (SAR) payload Hoped by Israel Aerospace FMCG, and electronics.
Industries (IAI) 3. It has three guiding principles:
ARCADE is a 27U microsatellite designed and Partnerships for impact, Technology
built by Nanyang Technological University Cooperation and Finance for scale.
(NTU), Singapore, in collaboration with the How many of the statements given above
INSPIRE (International Satellite Program in is/are correct
129. Anitha walks 40 m towards the north and 131. If 22nd January 2011 was a Saturday, then
then turns right and walks 60 m. Then she what was the day of the week on 23rd January
turns left and walks 50 m. After that she turns 2015?
right and walks 60 m. From there, she turns a) Friday
right and walks 130 m. Then she again turns b) Sunday
left and walks 80 m. She finally turns left and c) Thursday
walks 40 m. How far is she from her home d) Monday
now and in which direction with reference to Answer: a
her home?
a) 140 m, South
b) 200 m, East
c) 80 m, East
d) 100 m, West
Answer: b