Tugas Week 1
Tugas Week 1
Tugas Week 1
Tugas Week I
Tugas Week I bisa direkam dengan Voice Note atau Via Video. PIC kasih tugas ke setiap
member berupa bagian-bagian untuk direkam. Dan dikumpulkan kembali ke PIC untuk
digabungkan. Setelah sudah rapih, dikirim ke tutor untuk dinilai.
I. There is a 7-year-old girl named Cece and she’s pretty bad at pronunciation. She needs
your help. Please help her.
(Ada anak perempuan yang berumur 7 Tahun dan lumayan buruk dengan pelafalan. Dia
butuh bantuan kalian. Tolong bantu dia yah)
Kak, gimana sih cara baca kata-kata ini? Aku suka bingung sama penekanan suku kata
nya dimana. Biar Cece ngomong lebih dimengerti sama kawan cece dari California.
You guys:
Gampang kok ce, sini kaka bantu.
>> Baca kata-kata ini sesuai dengan penekanan suku kata yang benar<<
1. Congratulations
2. Determine
3. Delivery
4. Audacity
5. Practicality
6. Perpetuate
7. Vocabulary
8. Grammatically
9. Pronunciation
10. Terminology
11. Democracy
12. Develop
13. Penetrate
14. Photographer
15. Stereotype
16. Understand
17. Bilingual
18. Restaurant
19. Underrated
20. Overwhelming
21. Instagram
22. Native
23. Event
24. Essential
25. Distance
26. Twitter
27. Experience
28. Attack
29. Incompetent
30. Writing
II. Frey, Her little sister is also there. She’s reading something from Instagram, and you
guys notice she’s making some pronunciation mistakes.
(Frey, adiknya juga disana. Dia sedang membaca sesuatu dari Instagram, dan kalian
tahu dia buat beberapa kesalahan dalam pelafalan)
You guys:
Sini biar kaka contohin cara yang benar dalam membacanya:
>> Pada saat baca, perhatikan penekanan suku kata dan intonasi di setiap kalimat. <<
(Jika penekanan setiap suku kata dan intonasi sudah benar, maka akan dapat 70
1. No one can fix what is unreachable inside of you. Only you can do that. Only you
can teach yourself how to heal. How to move on. How to deal with everything
you’ve been through.
Only you can save yourself. Only you can find what is meant for you. Only you can
turn a bad situation into a good one. Into something beautiful.
Only you can give yourself the clarity you need to find the peace you need. The
people you need. The love you need. Only you. You are your own salvation. And
no one can change that but you.
2. This is your life. Make it count. Make your own validation. Your own path. Your
own way of life. You are enough. And you are not broken. You're a lot stronger
than you want to believe. Now breathe.
3. You need love. I don’t care how hard you want to be. Or how cold you want to
portray yourself as. You need it. Everyone needs someone to love.
Don’t tell me you don’t need it, that you can live without it. That “you’ve been
there and done that.” You can’t stay alone forever. Sooner or later someone is
going to find you. And they will make you rethink everything.
They will convince you to love again. To want to take that risk again. So don’t
shut yourself out. Don’t say it’ll never happen. Because it will. You’ll see and it
will be unexpected. As it always is. And it will be worth it. I promise.