2016-07-01 PHQ 2 and 9 Clean
2016-07-01 PHQ 2 and 9 Clean
2016-07-01 PHQ 2 and 9 Clean
Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams W. The PHQ-9: Validity of a brief depression severity measure. JGIM, 2001, 16:606-616.
Pfizer to Offer Free Public Access to Mental Health Assessment Tools to Improve Diagnosis and Patient Care.;
diagnosis-and-patient-care-99025129.html. Published July 22, 2010. Accessed June 6, 2016.
screening tool be administered?” and “How often should the PHQ 9 tool be re-
administered to assess changes in a patient’s status?”
Each organization will need to identify the PHQ 9 score that necessitates intervention in their
particular setting. This is generally a score of 10 or above and/or a positive answer on question
9 of the PHQ 9, which is a screening for suicidal symptoms. 3,4 A workflow will need to be
developed to identify appropriate staff responsibilities and procedures for responding to these
scores. This workflow includes review by the team (primary care provider and behavioral health
staff, if available). Ideally, this pathway is then embedded into the electronic health record as
part of the standard care delivery process.
Patients receiving intervention should be provided with regular follow up and tracked for
improvement in their PHQ 9 score. The administration of the PHQ for follow up can be done
using phone calls and/or a smartphone application. 5,6 Results from studies that have analyzed
telephonic and electronic administration of the tool have demonstrated that these methods yield
similar results to being administered in person.
Instruction Manual: Instructions for Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) and GAD 7 Measures website.
https://phqscreeners.pfizer.edrupalgardens.com/sites/g/files/g10016261/f/201412/instructions.pdf. Published December 2014.
Accessed June 6, 2016.
Does Response on the PHQ-9 Depression Questionnaire Predict Subsequent Suicide Attempt or Suicide Death?
http://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/appi.ps.201200587. Published December 2013. Accessed June 13, 2016.
Pinto-Meza A, Serrano-Blanco A, Penarrubia M, et al. Assessing Depression in Primary Care with the PHQ-9: Can it be Carried
Out over the Telephone? JGIM, 2005, 20:738-742.
Torous J, Staples P, Shanahan M, et al. Utilizing a Personal Smartphone Custom App to Assess the Patient Health Questionnaire-
9 (PHQ-9) Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. JMIR Mental Health, 2015, 2:1-11.
How often should the PHQ 2 depression screening tool be administered?
The U. S Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for depression in
adolescents ages 12 – 18 and in adults, including pregnant and postpartum women. “Screening
should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective
treatment, and appropriate follow-up.” 7 The American Academy of Family Physician
recommendations mirror those of the USPSTF. 8 The American Academy of Pediatrics
recommends depression screening for adolescents beginning at age 11. 9 At this time, there is
no definitive guidance on how frequently someone should be screened for depression. The
USPSTF states: “The optimum interval for screening for depression is also unknown; more
evidence for all populations is needed to identify ideal screening intervals. A pragmatic
approach in the absence of data might include screening all adults who have not been screened
previously and using clinical judgment in consideration of risk factors, comorbid conditions, and
life events to determine if additional screening of high-risk patients is warranted.” 10 Certain
populations with higher risks for depression, such as those with HIV infection, may be
considered for regular screening. For example, the NY State AIDS Institute HIV guidelines
recommend screening “for depression as part of the annual mental health assessment and
whenever symptoms suggest its presence.” 11 There is growing consensus that screening using
evidence-based tools like the PHQ 9 is a critical component of delivering integrated care. The
choice of how often and when is a workflow consideration.
US Preventive Services Task Force, Screening for Depression in Adults.
screening1?ds=1&s=depression. Published January 2016. Accessed May 2016.
Summary of Recommendations for Clinical Preventive Services. Available at:
http://www.aafp.org/dam/AAFP/documents/patient_care/clinical_recommendations/cps-recommendations.pdf. Published June 2016.
Accessed June 2016.
Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care. Available at: https://www.aap.org/en-
us/Documents/periodicity_schedule.pdf. Published January 2016. Accessed June 2016.
US Preventive Services Task Force, Screening for Depression in Adults.
screening1?ds=1&s=depression. Published January 2016. Accessed May 2016.
Depression and Mania in Patients with HIV/AIDS. Available at: http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/hiv-and-mental-
health/depression-and-mania-in-patients-with-hivaids/. Published October 2010. Access June 2016.
What does the PHQ 9 score mean for treatment planning?
The following chart provides guidance on how to use the PHQ 9 score to inform treatment
The University of Washington’s Advancing Integrated Mental Health Solutions (AIMS) Center
develops and tests evidence-based collaborative care resources and tools. The AIMS Center
provides the following guidance on how often the PHQ 9 should be administered 13:
“Once a patient has been identified as having a behavioral health condition and has
started treatment for that condition, it is very important to re-measure the symptoms at
each contact so that the treating provider has specific information about whether or not
symptoms are improving and which symptoms are, or are not, improving. Some people
are concerned that the concept of measuring mental health with a validated rating
instrument invalidates the patient’s feelings or experience or disregards the complexity
of the patient’s story. These measures are an important piece of information about the
patient but are not meant to represent the entire clinical picture of the patient, nor are
they meant to replace the clinical judgment of the provider. They are an important tool to
assist the clinician and the patient with identification of the specific symptoms causing
difficulty for the patient and how well those symptoms respond to treatment over
time. Frequent measurement of symptoms allows the treating providers and the patient
to know whether the patient is having a full response, partial response or no response to
treatment. These measures also provide clues about which symptoms are improving and
which are not if there is a partial response to treatment. This information is critically
important in making decisions about how to adjust treatment.”
Instruction Manual: Instructions for Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) and GAD-7 Measures. Available at:
https://phqscreeners.pfizer.edrupalgardens.com/sites/g/files/g10016261/f/201412/instructions.pdf. Published December 2014.
Accessed June 6, 2016.
The University of Washington's AIMS Center. Copyright © 2016 University of Washington. https://aims.uw.edu/
The PHQ 9 is a useful tool because, as noted above, it can be re-administered as needed.
There are no strict guidelines on how often to re-administer the tool; however, a common
recommendation for monitoring and adjusting treatment at 4-6 weeks includes 14:
The PHQ 2 and 9 and other versions of the PHQ are translated into other languages. Translated
versions of the instrument can be found at www.phqscreeners.com.
Additional information on administering the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 can be found at the following
Document developed in collaboration with The National Council for Behavioral Health.
Chung H, Pietruszewski P. Clinical Staff Webinar, National Council Depression Care Collaborative. 2015.