B. CONTRACTOR is obliged to provide field laboratory equipment and submit a report to the
COMPANY of its daily analysis. For comparison at the beginning and end of the drilling process,
sampling will be conducted for analysis of wastewater at third party laboratory certified by National
Accreditation Committee (KAN) paid by CONTRACTOR. The equipment, services, personnel and
support are described below:
1. Inlet Pit
The inlet pit serves as a temporary storage of drilling wastewater from rig during drilling. The
main function of this pool is to uniform concentration of contaminants in the wastewater as
well as the first sedimentation basin of the drilling mud out of the rig.
The second function of this pool is to Biologically Process Wastewater using surface aeration.
This biological process serves to reduce the content of organic matter and gases present in
the drilling wastewater such as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Phenol (C6H5OH), Ammonia (NH3), etc.
2. pH Adjustment
pH adjustment is required when the pH of the wastewater is too acidic or too alkaline, it will
greatly affect the coagulation process in the next process.
4. Sedimentation
The settling pit serves to separate colloidal solids from water that has been processed through
ECR. Settling pit size should be sufficient to allow minimum 12 hours settling at the maximum
expected waste water production rate.
5. Micro Filtration
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Filtering system that will remove all particles larger than 1 micron.
6. Carbon Filters
Final process of wastewater treatment in waste drilling prior to environment. Capable to
removes organic particles in the wastewater before discharge as well as highly effective in
reducing the color of the water content so the water comes out after treatment process has
been clear and meet applicable Standards Regulations.
9. Analysis Laboratory
Laboratory analysis will be performed at the location (onsite) using Spectrophotometry
method and equipped with a pH meter, thermometer and TDS meter. Laboratory test refers
to the Indonesia National Standard (SNI) for its parameters, and witnessed by the COMPANY
drilling HSE Supervisor in charge. The parameters and the quality standard limits based on
the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 19 Year 2010 (or the newest regulation) that will
be tested include:
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): < 200 mg/l.
Oils and Fats: < 25 mg/l.
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): <0.5 mg/l.
Ammonia (NH3): <5 mg/l.
Total Phenol: <2.0 mg/l.
Temperature: <40o C.
pH: 6.0 – 9.0
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS): <4,000 mg/l.
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Process Diagram of the Waste Water Treatment System
No. Description
Experience, years Quantity Remarks
Experienced as Project
Manager for waste water
1 Project Manager 5 2
treatment, especially in East
Kalimantan area
Experienced as Operator for
waste water treatment,
2. Operator 3 2
especially in East Kalimantan
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