NCP 092
NCP 092
NCP 092
Monitor response to
medications to control
blood pressure.
Rationale: Blood pressure
monitoring would perform
better as a means of
detecting nonadherence
where the effects of the
regimen were large and
worse where they were
Long Term: Refer the patient to a Long Term:
Objective: cardiologist to provide
At the end of 1 week;
Vital signs: further treatment.
BP: 130/90 • the patient’s long-term At the end of 1 week;
Rationale: A cardiologist is a
Skin: Burn on right hand.
needs will be given physician who's an expert in
Laboratory: Myoma • the patient’s long-term
• available resources, the care of your heart and needs were given
specific referrals will be blood vessels. They can
treat or help you prevent a • available resources, specific
number of cardiovascular referrals were made.
PHINMA - Cagayan de Oro College
College of Allied Health Sciences – BS Nursing