Porous Pavement

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Porous Pavement
Dr Pooja Gupta1, Sumer Yadav2, Prakshit Rajodia3, Shubham Nair4
Professor, 2,3,4Student,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, India – 302022

Abstract:- Porous concrete is a special type of cementitious I. INTRODUCTION

material consisting of a slit-graded aggregate coveredwith a
thin layer of cement paste and held together by a layer of In recent years, porous concrete pavements have gained
cement paste which is partially touching. Porousconcrete is appeal as a storm water management technology. Porous
concrete with an unbroken cavity that is deliberately concrete pavement is a relatively recent concept in many regions
inserted into the concrete. Permit stones are madeof asphalt, of the world. Porous concrete was developed in the 1980s as an
open pore foams or concrete, below which the rock deposits ecologically friendly material. Because of the multiple
are present. It allows grip of rainwater and surface runoff, environmental benefits of reducing storm water runoff,
and store in storage and allow it to slowly penetrate into the recovering groundwater resources, and minimising water and
soil below or be removed by stream tile. Fully permeable soil pollution, it has been widely used in Japan, the United
floors are installed in which all layers are permeable, and States, and Europe. Porous concrete has been used in road
floor makers use water to collect water and minimize the pavements because of its water-permeable, water-draining, and
adverse effects of storm water. The basic surface of both water-retaining properties [1]It's used for noise absorption and
sections is open-air information that allows storm water to thermal insulation in a variety of applications.
enter the sub-grade soil for storage. Due to the open-layer
In many places of the world, direct dumping of storm
nature of the surface layer and the base layer, storm water
water r unoff caused by urban roads and highways into natural
enters the groundwater layers through layers of floor to
recharge andeliminates the need for floodwater water bodies is prohibited to protect water quality.
construction. When compared to conventional concrete, As a result, governments, particularly transportation
Porous concrete was found to have high absorptivity and agencies, must employ "best management practises." (BMP).
was fabricated of cement, water, and coarse aggregates and
is known to havethe advantages for bringing down the Before releasing road runners into the wild, collect and
discharge and change the quality of water in ground for proces s them [2].
Due to inadequate access to filthy roadways, the
Other benefits of PC include improved road safety, application o f BMPs, which are frequently used on municipal
better off road noise, and less "heat island" effects. Low highways, is difficult and often impossible.
durability, maintenance due to clogging, relative weakness
is some of the downsides of the porous concrete which Even if space is available, it can be costly to collect and
retards its probable use in the large scale projects. Its use treat significant volumes of polluted runoff created by sealed
has been limited to parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and metropolitan roadways. As a result, present approaches for
roads with low traffic. managing urban runoff are neither practicable nor long-term. In
addition, as environmental restrictions tighten, many cities may
Even when space is available, collecting and treating be compelled or encouraged to move from waterproof tiled
large volumes of polluted runoff from impermeable urban roofs to permeable tiled roofs in order to produce a greener
highways is usu ally prohibitively costly. urban surface.
As a result, traditional storm water runoff II. POROUS CONCRETE: MATERIALS, MIX
management in cities will be rendered obsolete. DESIGN AND PROPERTIES
Furthermore, if environmental restrictions become A. Materials
more rigorous in the future, many municipalities in
metropolitan regions may be required or encouraged to  Aggregates
transition from impermeable paved surfaces to permeable Porous concrete is composed of aggregates of size ranging
paved surfaces, resulting in a greener ur ban surface from 19- 9.5 mm. This range of aggregate size provides the
evolution. porous concrete with sufficient voids in the material. In some
studies, coarse aggregates of the range 9.5- 2.36 are also utilized
Keywords:- Stromwater runoff management, clogging, skid to focus on the strength properties of the porous concrete [3].
resistance, permeability, heat island effect. Along with size, aggregate type also plays a vital role in
showing the properties of porous concrete. From ages we were

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
using lime aggregate to make porous concrete but some B. Mix design
researchers have proved that dolomitic aggregates issue high There is no specific mix design for the porous pavements,
compressive strength when prepared at higher porosity levels. different researchers have given different mi designs as per
theirs studies. Deo and Neithalath used absolute volume method
 Admixtures which is the traditional method for calculating the proportion of
As we all know that pervious concrete is used in road permeable concrete mix. As we have observed, the total
pavements so it has zero slump value, which gives us the idea aggregation ranges from 1400-1800 kg / m3 with a cement to
that some admixtures are being used in the preparation of cement ratio of 4: 1-12: 1 [3]. In addition, the water-cement ratio
porous concrete to make it workable without any undue varies in size from 0.2 to 0, 42 and lowered with conventional
increase in the water content. Several researches show that concrete. Nguyen et al. has developed a complex design and
water reducing admixtures are used in porous concrete to make appropriate design for concrete mixing based on the principle of
them workable even at low water content. Since we know that high-density paste [3]. The amount of cement screed needed to
porous concrete is very harsh in nature so we require retarding provide the required stiffness is determined by dividing it into
admixtures to ease the field placement of the porous concrete as thin layers of round rolls. Yahia and Kabagire developed a
it may take some additional time for placement. Researchers mixing rate method based on the paste size ratio (PV) and the
have also recommended the use of evaporation retarders to voids in the particles (IPV).
minimize the evaporation of gauged water from the freshly laid
concrete [3]. F-T durability is also checked by using Air- As the conventional concrete pavement is disparate to that
entraining admixtures in the preparation of porous concrete. of porous concrete pavement so it requires especial procedure
for specimen preparation. Rizvi et.al [1] conducted various
 Binding material researches to find a suitable compaction method to make porous
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is usually used for the concrete cylinders of 1:2 ratio (150 mm diameter and 300 mm
preparation of the porous concrete. The main purpose of cement height) for test. They conducted many researches to find the
material is to create edited coatings to increase the durability of best specimen for test which closely represents the specimen
the moving concrete. Additional binders such as silica fume and which is being used in the field. A rodding and 2.5 kg standard
fly ash are also used by some researchers for the partial proctor hammer was being used by them for preparing the
replacement of the OPC [3]. However, the use of this filler specimen. Two layers of concrete were compacted
material in perforated concrete was observed showed different simultaneously by a 2.5 kg standard proctor hammer to get the
results than the conventional concrete. Rather than enhancing best specimen which resembles the field specimen. Normally it
the properties of the porous concrete, SMCs decreased the is not possible to prepare a specimen which is exactly the same
strength of porous concrete when used beyond a threshold as that of porous concrete but the void ratioranges within the
partial replacement. Structural and hydrological performances values of porous concrete.
of the porous concrete pavements are assessed by the thickness
of the cementing material coating. Bhutta and others have performed slump and flow tests on
new electric concrete in their operations [1]. This test was
performed to determine the performance of the new concrete.
Tests for hardened aerated concrete, including compressive
strength test, flexural strength test, tensile strength test, density
test, porosity test and water permeability test.

Fig. 1: Test specimen of porous concrete [4]

IJISRT22MAY1691 www.ijisrt.com 1867

Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Properties  Pore properties
The porosity of a classic porous concrete ranges between
 Strength properties 15-25% with a least of 15% as authorized by the National
Compressive, flexural and fatigue strength are some of the Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) [1] [4].
important properties that are studied under strength properties
of a porous concrete. Many studies showed that flexural III. POROUS PAVEMENT: APPLICATIONS,
strength remain unaffected by the curing period of the porous ADVANTAGES, DRAWBACKS, IMPACT ON
concrete. 7 and 28 days flexural strength were seen with no ENVIRONMENT AND MAINTENANCE
difference. And it was concluded that 7 days compressive
strength was approximately 70-90% of the 28 days compressive A. Applications
strength [5]. Polymers and micro silica were used to as  Strom water management-Porous pavements manage storm
modifiers to study the fatigue strength of the porous concrete. water, as the direct discharge generated by the urban roads
Beams were studied at various stress levels and porosities by and highways penetrates into the pavement through its pores.
Chen and Wang to check the fatigue behavior. This storm water is stored into the voids of the porous
pavement and slowly keeps moving into the soil below the
 Abrasion resistance pavement [6].
The Cantabro test, the loaded wheel wear disc and the  Restoring ground water supplies-As the excess water
surface wear test are most commonly used to check the wear penetrates into the porous pavement through its pore
resistance of porous cement. Fiber and latex were used by Dong structure, later on this water goes to the soil which is present
et al. Investigate the wear resistance of cementitious adhesives under the porous pavement to recharge the ground water [6].
[3]. High levels of resistance were observed with the  Reducing water and soil pollution-Porous pavement has
combination of latex and fibers. Gaedicke et. al. to study the different layers when observed through its cross- sectional
wear resistance of cement. view. When the water travels through these layers it gets
filtered by the various layers of pavement such as base and
Pebble gravel exhibits low abrasion resistance due to poor sub base reservoir, thereby reducing the water and soil
bonding between aggregate and cement paste in perforated pollution.
concrete. Also, the recycled aggregates proved to be abrasion
 Reduce urban heat islands-Urban heat island is a
resistant materials for concrete. In other studies, different types
phenomenon in which the impervious pavement systems
of rubber were used to make different concretes to test abrasive
behave as a heat storing media and these pavements release
behavior. Fine crushed rubber (mm and tire chips and crushed
this heat back to the environment during night. As the name
rubber reduced abrasion resistance.
suggests porous pavement is a pervious pavement which
 Freeze-thaw studies don’t stockpile heat and therefore reduces the urban heat
Expanded concrete is usually stored in pores due to the islands [7].
macro-porous structure of the water, and porous concrete can  Driveways –Porous pavements are generally used in
undergo F-T cycles, causing the material to degrade. Losses that driveways where there is low traffic.
occur after several successive freezing and thawing cycles are  Parking lots –The use of porous pavements in parking lots
commonly used to test F-T resistance. Different additives were can be seen very easily in different malls, hospitals, MNCs
being used to by researchers to measure the F–T resistance. Air- and many other complex buildings.
entraining admixture was used by Ghafoori and Dutta to  Sidewalks –Porous pavements are also seen on the sidewalks
improve F–T resistance in concrete [3]. Yang and Jiang found which allow the water to penetrate into the surface and keep
that silica smoke used in conjunction with super plasticizers the sidewalks slip free and clean.
increases F-T resistance. F–T resistance was also improved with
the use of Tire chips and crumbed rubber. The fine rubber
particles played the role of entrained air bubbles which
increased air content, thereby reduction in the effect of
expansive stresses by water on the cement paste was observed.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 2: Urban heat island diagram [8]

B. Advantages pavements as per our needs and requirements. They provide

 Water purification-As I have already discussed the cross- great design flexibility to the designer. Porous pavements
sectional view of the porous pavement so from that we can can be of different shapes, sizes and color as per our needs.
see that porous pavement purifies theexcess water and rain  Nearby trees and plants are benefited-When the water
water which is being stored in it by the different layers of penetrates into the soil through porous pavements the nearby
gravels ad pebbles [7]. soil gets good amount of moisture which later on benefit the
 Aesthetics-There are various types of porous pavements nearby plants of that area [10].
available like as porous pavers, concrete pavers and asphalt  Sound absorption-As the porous pavement is a gap graded
pavers. These different types of pavements give high material so it has large volume of joined voids or pores in it
aesthetics to our building. which makes it highly productive in acoustic absorption [7].
 Design Flexibility-We can design different types of porous

Fig. 3: Sound absorption [11]

 Skid resistance-The micro pores structure of the porous  Not applicable for high-traffic areas-As the porous
pavement checks the skid resistance at low velocity; on the pavement is less durable and have low strength so it cannot
other hand its macro pore structure simulates it at high be used in high traffic areas [9].
velocity [7].  Not applicable for use by heavy vehicles-Due to its low
strength, porous pavement cannot bear the load of heavy
C. Drawbacks vehicles so it is not applicable for the use of large and heavy
 Low strength and durability-Due to presence of large duty vehicles.
number of interconnected voids in the structure of porous  Difficulty in maintenance-Due to its porous structure it is
pavement, it shows low strength and is less durable [9]. very hard to maintain this pavement as it gets clogged by
 Potential for clogging of porous media-Due to presence of different materials so it needs high attention for its
pores in the porous pavement structure, many things go and maintenance [4].
clog in the voids of the pavement making it less durable [4].

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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