RC Box Section Construction-Wall Steel Formwork (R5-2)

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B ) Design of Formwork for side Walls ( H=5m)

Calculation of max. concrete pressure :

According to CIRIA REPORT 108 :
Maximum concrete pressure on formwork , Pmax
= D[C1 R  C 2 K H  C1 R ] or Dh kN/m , which is smaller.

Vertical form height, H = 5.000 m

Vertical pour height, h = 5.000 m
Weight density of concrete, D = 25 kN/m
Coefficient dependent on the size C1 for wall = 1.0 m h
and shape of formwork (see Table 1),
Coefficient dependent on the constituent C2 for OPC with retarder = 0.45 m
materials of the concrete ( see Table 1),
Rate at which the concrete rises vertically up the form, R = 1.20 m / h
Concrete Temperature at placing, T = 32 C

K = 36 2
( )
T  16
= 0.563

Pmax = Dh
= 125 kN/m OR

Pmax = D[C1 R  C2 K H  C1 R ]

= 39.890 kN/m2

Take smaller Pmax ==> Pmax = 39.89 kN/m2

Therefore Design Pressure, = 39.89 kN/m2
Table 1 Values of coefficient C1 and C2
Wall : C1 = 1.0 a = Pmax / D
Column : C1 = 1.5

Concrete Value of C2 a=
OPC, RHPC or SRPC without admixtures 0.30 1.60
OPC, RHPC or SRPC with any admixture, except a retarder* 0.30
OPC, RHPC or SRPC with a retarder 0.45 5.00
LHPBFC, PBFC, PPFAC or blends containing less than 70% ggbfs 0.45
or 40% pfa without admixtures 3.40
LHPBFC, PBFC, PPFAC or blends containing less than 70% ggbfs 0.45
or 40% pfa with any admixtures, except a retarder*
LHPBFC, PBFC, PPFAC or blends containing less than 70% ggbfs 0.60
or 40% pfa with a retarder#
Blends containing more than 70% ggbs or 40% pfa # 0.60 39.89
* see Section 2.1
# Thesecombinations materials are rare, and the values indicated are derived from
extrapolation of the data, together with a consideration of the theoretical effects.
C) Design Steel formwork for wall
C-1) Check 1.5mx0.3m prefabricated steel module Member (1)

For loading width = 0.3 m

Span , L = 0.50 m
Design Concrete Pressure, q = 55.85 kN/m2 (factored)
Design loading q1 = 16.75 kN/m

Max Design Moment, Mmax = q 1L2

= 0.419 kNm

Max Design Shear Force, Qmax = 0.6qL

= 5.026 kN

Shear Capacity,Pv = 0.6pyAv where Av = 0.9A0

A0 = 750 mm (2.5mm tk plate)
= 106 KN > Qmax O.K. !
Law shear
Check Bending Stress
Applied Bending Stress,fb = Mmax / Z
2 2
= 70.5 N/mm < σw = 145.0 N/mm
O.K. !
Check Deflection

Deflection, d = 0 . 677  q 1  L 4
100 E I

= 0.128 mm
Permissible Deflection = L / 300
= 1.667 mm > 0.128 mm O.K. !
C-2) Check 48mm dia 3.5mm tk CHS Member (2) (2x CHS @ each upright)

For loading width = 0.50 m

Span , L = 0.600 m
Design Concrete Pressure, q = 55.85 kN/m2 (Factored)
Design loading q2(two) = 27.92 kN/m (for 2 CHS)
Design loading q2 = 13.96 kN/m (for 1 CHS)

1 2
Design Moment, M2 = 10 q 2 L

= 0.503 kNm

Design Shear Force, Q2 = 0.6q2L

= 5.026 kN

Shear Capacity,Pv = 0.6pyAv where Av = 0.6A

A = 489 mm
= 69 KN > Qmax O.K. !
Law shear

Check Bending Stress

Applied Bending Stress,fb = M2 / Z2
2 2
= 98.9 N/mm < Pb = 145.0 N/mm
O.K. !
Check Deflection
0 .677  q 2  L4
Deflection, d =
100 E I

= 0.490 mm
Permissible Deflection = L /300
= 2.000 mm > 0.49 mm O.K. !
C-3) Check R14 Tie Bar Member (3)

Design Concrete Pressure, q = 39.89 kN/m2 (Unfactored)

= 55.85 kN/m (Factored)
Vertical Spacing = 0.60 m
Horizontal spacing = 0.500 m

Tensile Force act on Bolt, Ft = 16.8 kN

Tensile stress area of R14 tie, At = 108 mm (Assumed At = 0.7An conservatively)

Check Tensile Capacity, Pt = 0.8pyAt

= 21.6 KN
> Ft = 16.8 N/mm O.K. !

C-4) Check Diagonal Bracings (48mm dia, 3.5mm tk CHS at max 2m c/c) Member 4

Assumed construction load

(horizontal), Hv = 1.50 kN/m (Unfactored)
= 2.40 kN/m (factored) Hv
When, h1 = 3.0 m 48mm dia, 3.5mm tk
L1 = 2.0 m CHS at max 2m c/c
Length of dia bracing, L = 3.6 m
Effective Length of dia bracing, LE = 4.3 m (x 1.2)
Axial Force act on dia bracing, Fc = Hv/Cosθ x spacing
= 8.7 kN h1
48mm dia, 3.5mm tk CHS, i = 15.8 mm
λ = 273.8 θ
pc = 25 N/mm
Pc = Apc
= 12.2 KN L1
Pc > Fc = 8.7 N/mm O.K. !

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