Card Enceph
Card Enceph
Card Enceph
Louis R. Caplan, MD
Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA.
Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine 2004, 6:217–222
Current Science Inc. ISSN 1092-8464
Copyright © 2004 by Current Science Inc.
Opinion statement
Many patients develop confusion, lethargy, and cognitive and behavioral abnormali-
ties during or after cardiac decompensation. Congestive heart failure and the accom-
panying elevation in systemic venous pressure and decrease in cardiac output can lead
to changes within the cranial cavity that cause an encephalopathy. At times, excess
cerebrospinal fluid accumulates within the cranium causing an apathetic state identi-
cal to that seen in patients with other causes of hydrocephalus. Awareness of the syn-
drome of cardiac encephalopathy and optimal management of congestive heart failure
and body fluids can reverse the neurologic dysfunction. In some patients with excess
cerebrospinal fluid, lumbar puncture with removal of cerebrospinal fluid can reverse
the apathetic state.
Patients with heart disease, especially those who have put, consumes about 65% of the glucose used by the
congestive heart failure, often develop confusion, body, and uses about 20% of the body’s oxygen supply
decreased alertness, diminished intellectual function- [3•]. Cerebral cortical gray matter nerve cells metabo-
ing, and focal neurologic signs [1••,2]. Often, these lize about 75% of the oxygen used by the brain,
neurologic abnormalities are explained by brain embo- although gray matter accounts for only 20% of brain
lism arising from the heart, aorta, and occlusive lesions mass [3•]. The brain has enormous needs and demands
within the cervicocranial arteries [2]. Occasionally, epi- for nutritional substrates and blood flow, explaining the
sodes of hypotension and systemic hypoperfusion are vulnerability of this very complex and precise organ to
responsible for the brain dysfunction. Sometimes the metabolic perturbations.
neurologic abnormalities are side effects of medicines
used to treat the cardiovascular disease. PRIOR STUDIES OF PATIENTS
The neurologic symptoms and signs in many WITH SEVERE CARDIAC DISEASE
other patients are caused by various physiologic and Cardiac encephalopathies are not well recognized by
biochemical perturbations that develop in patients cardiologists. I could find no mention of this condition
who have cardiac disease and congestive heart failure. in any cardiology text (except my chapters in Hurst’s The
Brain function depends importantly on its biochemi- Heart concerning neurologic disorders in cardiac
cal milieu. Just as a fresh water fish cannot swim, or patients [2]). Some reports of patients with severe heart
even survive, in ocean waters, the brain is quite sensi- disease, syncope, and congestive heart failure have
tive to any alteration in its chemical or physical envi- shown a high frequency of cognitive abnormalities,
ronment. Most biochemical perturbations affect the although none have defined the pathogenesis of the
brain globally, often first affecting the most complex loss of intellectual function. Zuccala et al. [4] studied 57
intellectual functions that are most vulnerable. Dif- consecutive patients (average age 76.7 years) with
fuse brain dysfunction related to potentially revers- chronic congestive heart failure. More than half (53%)
ible biochemical and physiologic changes is usually had low scores on a battery of cognitive function tests;
referred to as an encephalopathy. the presence of low scores was highly correlated with
Although the brain accounts for only about 2% of left ventricular ejection fractions of less than 30% [4].
body mass, it is a disproportionate consumer of Rosenberg et al. performed detailed neuropsychological
resources. The brain receives about 20% of cardiac out- testing on seven patients with recurrent cardiogenic syn-
218 Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
cope, six of whom had documented arrhythmias [5]. to have only slight improvements [7]. Bornstein et al.
They found abnormalities on tests of memory function [8] studied 62 patients (mean age 44.7 years) who
not found in age- and education-matched control sub- were evaluated for cardiac transplantation. A total of
jects. Garcia et al. [6] tested 100 consecutive cardiac 45% of the patients had dilated cardiomyopathies and
patients admitted to a rehabilitation hospital. They 40% had ischemic cardiomyopathies. The patients
found that four out of 24 (16.7%) patients with were impaired on 50% of the neuropsychological mea-
ischemic heart disease but no known strokes had signif- sures and 58% of patients met criteria for overall intel-
icant cognitive impairment. lectual impairment. The highest rates of impairment
The most detailed information about cognitive and were on tests of memory, speed of motor activity, mea-
intellectual functions in patients with severe heart dis- sures of attention, reasoning, and concept formation.
ease comes from studies of patients considered for car- Impaired intellectual functioning correlated with ele-
diac transplantation [7,8]. Neuropsychological tests vated right atrial pressure. Better performance corre-
are often included as part of the routine battery of test- lated with higher stroke volume, stroke volume index,
ing before transplantation, and these tests are occa- and cardiac index. Pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
sionally repeated after transplantation. Schall et al. [7] sures and left ventricular ejection fractions did not cor-
studied 54 patients, among whom 20 had idiopathic relate with results of neuropsychological testing in this
myocardiopathies and 25 had ischemic cardiomyopa- series. Only 11 of these patients were retested (seven
thies. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction of who had transplantation and four who did not) a
these patients was 20% and the mean cardiac index mean of 36 months after the initial testing. The trans-
was 2.6 L/min/m 2 . The major impairments were in plant p atients showed improvement and tho se
tests of memory and visual and tactile perception; patients who did not have transplantation usually per-
56% of patients were moderately impaired on logical formed worse than they had before [10]. The authors
memory tests and this increased to 61% when 30- considered that elevated right atrial pressure was prob-
minute delays were introduced into the testing [7]. ably a marker for biventricular failure and low cardiac
Among the 54 patients, 20 were retested (mean of 7.7 output and that the cognitive deficits related to chron-
months after cardiac transplantation), and were found ically reduced brain blood flow [10].
• Cardiac encephalopathy has not been recognized by cardiologists and there
are no trials of treatment. The family of patients often report intellectual
and behavioral changes that should alert clinicians to the early presence of
an encephalopathy. Measurements of hepatic and renal function and elec-
trolytes are important in the differential diagnosis, as is a review of medica-
tions and their use. Optimal management of congestive heart failure is
important. Blood pressures and fluid volume require close attention. In
patients with intracranial fluid effusions, lumbar puncture can dramatically
improve attention and behavior.
sions within the cranial cavity probably have the same explanation as pleu-
ral and peritoneal effusions. The meninges are connective tissue structures
very similar in structure and function to the pleura, pericardium, and peri-
toneum. Increased venous pressure leads to decreased absorption of CSF at
the same time that production of CSF continues unchanged. The amount
of CSF increases and fluid accumulates in the cisterns around the brain, in
the subarachnoid space, and in the ventricles. As is well known, compensa-
tion and correction of congestive heart failure does not necessarily result in
full reabsorption of pleural and pericardial effusions and ascites. The pres-
sure in the intracranial venous sinuses and neck and cranial veins that
drains the head may normalize sufficiently to prevent further CSF effusions
but not enough to allow absorption and clearing of the effusions already
present. Similarly, thoracentesis and abdominocentesis may be required to
remove persistent pleural fluid and ascites even after treatment with diuret-
ics and cardiac drugs. The same syndrome can develop in patients with ana-
sarca due to the nephrotic syndrome and liver failure.