An Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System

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11 V May 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at

An Automatic Driver’s Drowsiness Alert System

Prof. J.R. Rokade1, Miss. Hase Pravara2, Miss. Hase Vaishnavi3, Mr. Krushna Jadhav4, Mr. Nitin Jondhale5
Department of Electrical Eng., Amrutvahini College of Eng., Sangamner, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System (ADDAS) using a PIC microcontroller is a technological solution
that aims to prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving. This system uses a combination of sensors and algorithms to detect
the driver's level of alertness and sends a warning when the driver is experiencing drowsiness or fatigue. The system is
based on a PIC microcontroller that processes the data obtained from the sensors, which include an eyeblink sensor, a
temperature sensor, a Heartbeat sensor, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) module and GPS (Global
Positioning System). The eyeblink sensor monitors the driver's eye movements, the temperature sensor measures the driver's
temperature, heartbeat sensor measures the pulse rate of driver, alcohol sensor measures alcohol intake of driver. The data
is processed using an algorithm that analyses the driver's behaviour and physiological parameters to determine the level of
alertness. If the driver is found to be drowsy or fatigued, the system sends a warning to alert the driver, such as an audible
alarm. This system is efficient, reliable, and cost-effective, making it an ideal solution for preventing accidents caused by
drowsy driving. It promotes safer roads and reduces the risk of fatalities, making it an essential tool for enhancing driver
Keywords: Microcontroller, Eyeblink Sensor, GSM Module, Heart Beat Sensor

The Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System is a safety mechanism designed to prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue.
This system incorporates a PIC microcontroller, eyeblink sensor, temperature sensor, alcohol sensor, heart beat sensor, and
GSM module to detect signs of drowsiness in the driver. The heart beat sensor monitors the driver's heart rate, based on eye
blink sensor output, which increases when they are sleepy and triggers the system to send an alert message to a designated
emergency contact via the GSM module [1]. This system ensures the driver's safety and provides an efficient way to notify
their loved ones in case of an emergency [2]. The Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System is a modern-day solution to
prevent road accidents caused by driver fatigue. It is a sophisticated system that utilizes a PIC microcontroller, a heart rate
sensor, and a GSM module to detect the early signs of drowsiness in drivers [3]. The idea of developing a drowsiness alert
system for drivers was first introduced in the late 1990s. However, the initial systems were bulky and expensive, and they
required complex wiring and setup [4]. Over time, with the advancements in technology, the system has become more compact
and affordable, and the implementation of microcontrollers and wireless communication modules has made it more efficient
and user-friendly [5]. The heart rate sensor plays a crucial role in the functioning of this system. When a person is drowsy, their
heart rate slows down, and the sensor detects this change. The PIC microcontroller is programmed to receive and analyse the
signals from the sensor [6]. If the heart rate falls below a certain threshold, it triggers an alarm, and a warning message is sent
to the driver through a speaker or display unit. The GSM module is another critical component of the system. It is used to send
alert messages to the emergency contacts of the driver [7]. When the driver's heart rate falls below the set threshold, the PIC
microcontroller activates the GSM module, and an SMS alert is sent to the designated contact number. The message contains
the driver's location, and the contact can take appropriate action to ensure the driver's safety. The development of this system
has been a collaborative effort between engineers and researchers from various fields [8]. The system has been tested
extensively in different driving conditions, and the results have been promising. Several studies have shown that the use of
drowsiness alert systems significantly reduces the risk of accidents caused by driver fatigue [9]. The Automatic Driver's
Drowsiness Alert System using PIC microcontroller, heart rate sensor, and GSM module has made a significant contribution to
road safety by providing an early warning system for driver fatigue. It helps prevent accidents caused by drowsy drivers by
continuously monitoring their heartbeat and alerting them when they are at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel [10]. The
system's integration with a GSM module enables the driver's emergency contacts to be notified in case of an emergency, thus
improving their chances of getting timely help.
This system's contribution to road safety is crucial, and it has the potential to save lives by preventing accidents caused by
driver fatigue, making it an essential technological innovation in the field of transportation [11].

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2519
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at


Drowsy driving is a major safety concern that leads to a significant number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. Therefore,
there is a need for an effective and reliable solution to prevent these accidents. Traditional methods of detecting drowsy driving,
such as monitoring have limitations and are not always accurate. Therefore, an Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System
using a PIC microcontroller is proposed as a solution that can accurately detect driver drowsiness using a combination of
sensors and algorithms. This system aims to reduce the number of accidents caused by drowsy driving, promote safer roads,
and enhance driver safety. In order to minimize chances of accident system incorporates with two stages of working. Such that
in primary stage system will give a warning alert by turning on buzzer, if driver still not responds to system, then system will
take secondary action in which system will turn off car’s engine and slow down the speed of vehicle in order to stop the vehicle
and using GPS sends current location of vehicle via GSM.


The proposed approach for the Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System using a PIC microcontroller involves a
combination of sensors and algorithms to accurately detect driver drowsiness. The system uses an eyeblink sensor to monitor
the driver's eye movements, a temperature sensor to measure the driver’s temperature, and a heartbeat sensor to measure pulse
rate of driver, alcohol sensor to measure alcohol consumed. These sensors are connected to a PIC microcontroller that
processes the data obtained from the sensors. The data is analysed using an algorithm that takes into account the driver's
behaviour and physiological parameters to determine the level of alertness. If the driver is found to be drowsy or fatigued, the
system sends a warning to alert the driver, such as an audible alarm notification on the dashboard. Overall, this approach is
efficient, reliable, and cost-effective, making it an ideal solution for preventing accidents caused by drowsy driving.

A. Block Diagram And Description

1) Sensors: The system uses four sensors, including an eyeblink sensor, a temperature sensor, and a heartbeat sensor, alcohol
sensor to detect the driver's status of drowsiness. .
2) PIC Microcontroller: The sensors are connected to a PIC microcontroller, which processes the data obtained from the
sensors and takes further required action according algorithm. .
Algorithm: The system uses an algorithm that takes into account the data obtained from the sensors to determine the
driver's level of alertness. The algorithm processes the data and sends warning signals if the driver is found to be
drowsy. .
3) Warning Signals: If the driver is found to be drowsy or fatigued, the system sends warning signals, such as an audible
alarm notification on the dashboard, to alert the driver. .
4) Power Supply: The system requires a power supply to operate, which can be obtained from the car's battery or an external
power source.
5) Health Monitoring System: The system collects data from various sensors and uploads it on cloud server in order to
perform health monitoring system.

Figure 1. Block Diagram

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2520
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at

Overall, the block diagram shows how the system integrates sensors, a PIC microcontroller, and an algorithm to accurately
detect driver drowsiness and prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving.

B. Working
The Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System using PIC microcontroller, eye-blink sensor, alcohol sensor, heartbeat sensor,
temperature sensor and GSM module, GPS module works by continuously monitoring the driver's eye status with to detect
early signs of drowsiness. The heart rate sensor measures the driver's heart rate, eyeblink sensor sense the eye blinking motion
and based on collected data from sensor and according to program algorithm it sends signals to the PIC microcontroller for
analysis. The PIC microcontroller has a pre-set threshold for detecting driver’s drowsiness and if the threshold is crossed, it
activates the alarm and sends a warning message to the driver through a buzzer. If the driver does not respond to warning sound,
then system will take further action. The PIC microcontroller activates the GSM module to send an SMS alert to the designated
emergency contacts. The SMS contains the driver's location and reason of SMS, which enables the contacts to take appropriate
action and ensure the driver's safety. The system's working principle is since a driver's eye status when they are drowsy, and
this change can be detected using an eyeblink sensor. The use of a PIC microcontroller ensures efficient signal processing, and
the integration of a GSM module enables remote communication for emergency situations. The analysis of the system's
working shows that it is an effective and reliable mechanism for preventing accidents caused by driver fatigue. The continuous
monitoring of the driver's eye motion ensures that the system detects drowsiness at an early stage, and the integration of the
GSM module ensures timely communication in case of an emergency.


Figure 2. Flow Chart oF the System Working

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2521
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at

The block diagram of the Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System using a PIC microcontroller can be illustrated using an
image, as follows:

The image shows four sensors, including an eyeblink sensor, a temperature sensor, and an alcohol sensor, heartbeat sensor
connected to a PIC microcontroller. The microcontroller processes the data obtained from the sensors and if it seems to be
drowsiness of driver, then sends warning signals to alert the driver after 2 seconds. if still driver do not responds to warning and
drowsiness is still detected, then system approaches secondary action to reducing speed of vehicle in order to stop and send
SMS to register contact number with specific location of vehicle This secondary action plays an important role in system as in
case of an emergency situation of accident immediate medical help can be provide. An algorithm is used to analyse the data
obtained from the sensors to determine the driver's level of alertness. If the driver is found to be drowsy or fatigued, the system
sends warning signals, such as an audible alarm notification. The system also collects data on the driver's behaviour and
physiological parameters to create a driver profile, which can be used to customize the warning thresholds for individual
drivers. Here we used an open-source cloud server for uploading data for health monitoring system, which is used for future
reference. A power supply is required to operate the system, which can be obtained from the car's battery or an external power
source. Overall, the image provides a clear and concise representation of the system's functionality and components.

This paper designed and implemented an Automatic Driver's Drowsiness Alert System using a PIC controller. It is capable of
detecting drowsiness of the driver and alerting them through audio signal to avoid potential accidents. System incorporates with
eyeblink sensor, temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor, alcohol sensors to monitor the driver's eyes movement, body temperature,
pulse rate and alcohol content. The designed System process the data from these sensors and trigger the audio alerts under primary
action and further after buzzer warning if driver does not responds to system, then system will take secondary action which consists
of stalling the vehicle by reducing the speed and using GPS through GSM for sending SMS. This SMS contains GPS location of
vehicle in order to avail emergency help. The proposed system is easy to apply with minor modifications to any type of electric
vehicle. This article focused on PIC microcontroller based automated technology that saves the life of the driver.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2522
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 2523

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