Hyperautomation Tech

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Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

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Hyperautomation for the enhancement of automation in industries

Abid Haleem a, Mohd Javaid a, *, Ravi Pratap Singh b, Shanay Rab a, Rajiv Suman c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India


Keywords: Hyperautomation is a true digital transformation with the help of advanced techniques such as Robotic Process
Hyperautomation Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It automates complicated business
Automation processes, even where topic specialists were formerly needed. This is an expansion to the processes of traditional
business-process automation. Hyperautomation allows automation to do virtual tasks performed by business
people by merging AI technologies with RPA. This takes to the next level for detecting and generating automation
Technologies processes dynamically. It allows companies to combine business intelligence systems, undertake complex needs,
and increase human expertise and automation experience. This paper briefly discusses Hyperautomation and its
need in the current scenario. Then it elaborates the significant roles of sensors to enhance Hyperautomation.
Various versatile Technologies, such as dedicated workflow processes, specific domains of Solicitations associated
with Hyperautomation, are also discussed diagrammatically. Then this study further identifies and discusses the
capabilities of hyper-automation for industries. Hyperautomation is being utilised to increase the efficiency and
human enhancement of automated operations substantially. It comprises several automated tools, including an-
alytics, discovery, design, measurement, monitoring, and complex automation components. Thus, it ideally uti-
lises to integrate state-of-the-art tools and develop new methods of working.

1. Introduction increase quality. The main advantages of hyper-automation include

lower automation costs, improved IT-business alignment, improving se-
Hyperautomation is primarily about the additional intelligence and curity and governance. It improves the use of AI and machine education
adopting a more effective system-based approach to growing automation in corporate operations. The majority of automation providers analysed
initiatives. The approach stresses the significance of striving to strike the that hyperautomation is increasing. It eliminates work formerly per-
correct balance between manual effort replacement and automation and formed by human beings. Furthermore, the surveillance technologies
optimising difficult stages. Experts in business processes can better employed in hyperautomation may cause knowledge workers concerned
recognise automation opportunities that many employees manage. Users about exploiting this data [4,5].
can automate many of their processes in their functions and achieve more Hyperautomation is rising with the evolution of automation tech-
quickly with the resources at their disposal, using the capability of hyper- nologies. Companies are moving their practices to people-centred and
automation solutions. It allows focusing on more powerful duties, such as intelligent working environments. This transition has led to a new age for
planning and strategy. Hyperautomation enables the firm to express the businesses that rely on technology and automation instruments to keep
value of integrations effortlessly with bulky on-prem technologies and their edge competitive. With all types of automation working together in
diverse data platforms [1–3]. close collaboration, businesses can go past technology's unique advan-
Today, human beings refine various automated processes in order to tages to true digital agility and scale flexibility. Companies may monitor

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ahaleem@jmi.ac.in (A. Haleem), mjavaid@jmi.ac.in (M. Javaid), singhrp@nitj.ac.in (R.P. Singh), shanayrab753@gmail.com (S. Rab), raje.
suman@gmail.com (R. Suman).

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Received 13 July 2021; Received in revised form 15 August 2021; Accepted 15 August 2021
Available online 17 August 2021
2666-3511/© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

accurately with crucial analysis based on automated processes, savings of the other hand, necessitates meticulous preparation and implementation.
time and money weekly, monthly, and annual. Many organisations can Organisations must comprehend how digital technologies will integrate
apply this new technology when automation became the leader in most into existing workflows and their roles in new processes. Simply adding
sectors [6,7]. automation into a business process without understanding its function
Hyperautomation facilitates the infusion of AI and machine learning will play, or automating a flawed process, can have significant ramifi-
skills into automation through pre-constructed modules provided cations at the organisational level [16,17].
through an app store. Automating tools must easily integrate into an It is a paradigm for deploying several automation technologies stra-
existing technology stack but must do so without the need to lift too tegically, either alone or in tandem and augmenting them using AI and
much from IT. In order to accomplish hyperautomation, a platform must machine learning. It is vital to keep in mind that hyperautomation is not
be able to plug and play with a wide range of different technologies. The intended to replace humans altogether. Instead, automation frees
interoperability of automation technologies is a related quality for workers from repetitive and low-value duties, allowing them to focus on
hyperautomation. Thus, companies must construct a platform that more valuable things to the business [18,19]. Organisations may create
combines many various best-of-breed solutions [8,9]. better customer experiences while lowering operating costs and
Hyperautomation platforms can be placed immediately over the increasing profitability by combining automation and human
existing technology businesses. Traditional techniques to company participation.
automation are the best way to deploy automation in a specific scenario.
These automatons were tailored to a specific programme component. As 3. Need of hyperautomation
businesses hyperautomation, there are several ways which improve
corporate processes. Hyperautomation is a relatively new idea, and The need for hyperautomation is to automate more knowledge labour
businesses are still working out to put it into effect. Some organisations and include everybody in an organisation. It combines several process
improve their approach by being more centralised, while others may see automation components, merging tools and technology to enhance la-
more outstanding outcomes with a federal or scattered approach to bour automation. Hyperautomation is the merging of numerous machine
handling large-scale programmes. There are many more security and learning and automation tools to undertake tasks. That is increasingly
privacy problems that may get added [10,11]. automatic and increases the number of people that can use these so-
Hyperautomation does not only replicate how robotic process auto- phisticated technologies. Hyperautomation refers not just to the sophis-
mation completes tasks. It is only the initial stage of this technological tication or stages in automation but also to a spectrum of instruments. It
development. The capacity to include people in the process is a signifi- is equally vital for hyperautomation to choose a technology that will
cant quality of hyper-automation. With technology and people working speak well with staff. Today, most teams are composed of people with
side by side, workers may also start training automation instruments and diverse talents and experiences, and it is crucial to find a tool that
other software and reach the stage of AI-enabled decision-making everyone can use and interact effortlessly. The choice of a solution re-
through machine learning. Companies can start to reinvent jobs usually duces various, which might provide companies with a substantial lead in
done by IT workers using hyperautomation. The automation solutions automation. Through a mixture of automation technologies, hyper-
attempt to ease the time-consuming work of workers who do not automation can overcome some constraints of a single automation de-
contribute positively to their experience or spend their time to the vice method. This allows companies to transcend beyond the limits of
greatest possible advantage [12,13]. This article addresses the following each process and automate almost any arduous and scalable operation
research questions. [20–22].
Hyperautomations can unify corporate strategy that ultimately aims
RQ1 to study hyperautomation and its need in the current scenario; to create and optimise end-to-end processes that enable innovative new
RQ2 - to discuss the role of sensors to enhance hyperautomation; business proposals. The organisation boosts efficiency, productivity, and
RQ3 - to discuss the versatile technologies associated with moral standards by decreasing human interventions in repetitive, time-
hyperautomation; consuming operations. Organisations need to understand the extent
RQ4 - to discuss the dedicated workflow process for hyperautomation; and function of digital technologies in their current workflows. The
RQ5 - to study the specific domains of Solicitations through choice of the ever-growing and developing product market is also a
hyperautomation; significant problem. The selection of which organisations of items should
RQ6 - to identify and discuss the capabilities of hyper-automation for make their customers accessible might be intimidating. Given the
industries. crowded market, a series of fusions and purchases are expected to reduce
redundancies throughout their products and enhance customers' assess-
2. What is hyperautomation? ment of possible suppliers. Hyperautomation may improve the health-
care business, which provides a better patient experience, more robust
First time Gartner, an IT research and advisory group, coined the results, and more reliable data [23,24].
phrase hyperautomation in 2019. Gartner's Top list of 10 Strategic
Technology Trends for 2020 lists hyperautomation at the top [14,15]. 4. Role of sensors to enhance hyperautomation
Basic automation is utilised to do basic and repetitive operations. How-
ever, Hyperautomation enables employees to train for the optimum ex- Hyperautomation incorporates robotic intelligence into the typical
ercise of their responsibilities through the newest marketing knowledge automation process, enhancing procedures' efficiency, speed, and error-
and company insights. The ultimate goal of hyper-automation is to build free execution. The technology can automate practically any repetitive
a mechanism for automating corporate automation. It is a framework and work by AI technologies with RPA; it automates the automation by rec-
collection of sophisticated technologies for scaling automation in the ognising business processes and creating bots to automate them. It ne-
company. Hyperautomation, to put it simply, is a combination of auto- cessitates the use of many technologies, which implies that organisations
mation technologies and artificial intelligence that, when combined, investing in it must have the appropriate tools, which must also be
boost humans' capabilities, allowing them to execute activities faster, interoperable. Hyperautomation uses AI and machine learning to
more efficiently, and with fewer errors. construct “digital twins,” essentially virtual replicas of processes or
Hyperautomation overcomes some constraints of systems that rely on tangible assets. Digital twins are monitored by network-connected sen-
a single automation tool by leveraging various automation technologies. sors and other devices, which collect mountains of data on their state and
This enables businesses to go beyond specific procedures and automate condition [25–27].
practically any time-consuming and scalable operation. Automation, on This data is compared to other contextual data to acquire insight into

A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

the digital twins' health and performance. As more data is examined, practices, digital twin of the organisation (DTO), optical character
these systems become increasingly intelligent. This allows enterprises to recognition (OCR), and natural language processing (NLP). The design of
understand the physical environment better, avoid problems, develop a hyperautomation tool focuses on procedures that require automation
new products and services, and analyse opportunities. Organisations can and focus on strategic objectives. It boosts the production and quality
use digital twins to understand client demands better and improve the control of a given item. With hyperautomation, automation techniques
customer experience. The importance of sensors will grow with the are used to carry out low-value work. The appropriate design allows
arrival of Industry 4.0. At every point, smart sensors will be required, and autonomous manufacturing, with minimum human involvement, to
the information required will go from simple GO/NO-GO inputs to a work efficiently. People with hyperautomation may establish a flexible,
whole new level of precise data from every location in the field. These dynamic workplace, using data for fast and efficient decisions [30–32]. A
sensors can work in extreme temperatures, pressures, and conditions company requires a strong automation foundation to get a hyper-
such as undersea, space, and more, all at a reasonable price. automation plan off the ground. Automation of fundamental operations,
Factory automation and Industry 4.0 rely heavily on sensors. Various automation tools for data storage, and a handful of additional automation
sensors such as motion, environmental, and vibration sensors are used to solutions are essential to accommodate different teams and departments.
monitor equipment health from linear or angular positioning, tilt sensing, Hyperautomation is a technique that uses the advanced automation
levelling, shock, or fall detection. With a broad mechanical frequency technology ecosystem to increase human expertise by the organisation.
sensing spectrum, high reliability, consistent readings, and accurate Its objective is to gradually automate corporate processes to enhance
operation, dedicated industrial motion sensors based on micromachined education and agility by building information and knowledge to make
sensing (MEMS) elements are appropriate for Industry 4.0 applications decision-making more efficient. Hyperautomation is an inevitable mar-
[28,29]. Smart sensors have grown to deliver unprecedented levels of ket situation in which all business operations are rapidly identified and
intelligence and communication capabilities to extend the useful life of automated by enterprises. Previously, organisations invested in auto-
legacy industrial equipment, maximising the potential advantages that mation will probably recognise the advantages of optimising robotic
IoT and cloud computing currently provide. In the market, these smart activities and processes [33–35]. ML is a discipline that automatically
sensors have been rapidly upgraded. Thus, with greater automation employs computer techniques to develop systems over time and is often
levels on the plant floor, real-time monitoring of machine characteristics, used synonymously with AI. In order to find data trends, organisations
and equipment designed with Predictive Maintenance in mind drives, utilise both supervised and unchecked algorithms. Supervised algorithms
sensor demand has increased across the globe. develop inputs and outputs before they can predict themselves. Un-
monitored algorithms monitor structured input and create pattern
5. Versatile technologies associated with hyperautomation recognition insights. The strategic deployment of AI and ML is necessary
for hyperautomation.
Fig. 1 is reflecting the variety of versatile technologies associated with The data constraints of an automation technology like RPA are solved
the concept of hyper-automation. It includes process mining, robotic via hyperautomation. While RPA is restricted to structured data, tech-
process automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning nology hyperautomation can handle structured and unstructured data. It

Fig. 1. Several associated technologies for hyperautomation.

A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

lets the industry acquire key organisational insights by accessing and Hyperautomation provides the capacity to bridge organisational
analysing data. Unstructured data for usage with RPA technologies can boundaries more simply with more extensive automation opportunities.
be converted from hyperautomation into structuring. This connection It contributes to the automation of many areas of company decision-
illustrates the seamless collaboration across different digital instruments making. These include: rapid automation of processes, advanced
to provide efficiency. The transformation process becomes an essential analytical applications, increased employee happiness and motivation,
factor in making an additional effect for everybody, including business value-added workforce work, more accurate insights, better compliance
analysts, experts, and remaining business users. Technologies of hyper- and decreased risk, improved productivity and enhanced teamwork
automation enable robots and humans to function efficiently. Business [46–48]. As companies seek to use a broader range of automation solu-
users may employ tools that are easy to integrate and adaptable. Auto- tions to alleviate functional and process barriers, the focus is on
mation is achievable from running processes and taking time to fewer achieving end-to-end automation of processes.
scope procedures [36–38]. Hyperautomation is excellent for both the client and the employee
Instantly, hyper-automation incorporates more intelligence and a who are eventually directly proportionate to the employer. A process
more comprehensive range of tools instead of referring to an out-of-the- modelling tool employed in order for the process to be recorded, stored
box invention. It includes various tools to push enterprises to take and optimised by business and IT stakeholders, linked to and prioritised
fundamental ways of determining and automaticating, improving, in all areas for improvement. Decision-modelling software may also be
finding, planning, quantifying and monitoring workflows and processes utilised to automate the checks manually by managers or finance teams
throughout the company. Process mining and task mining tools find until the possible process is automated. AI is a primary catalyst for
automation possibilities and prioritise them. Automation tools can improved process automation and human enhancement, and commit-
reduce building automation effort and costs. Various tools for corporate ment. A comprehensive toolset for intelligent automation allows better,
logic to make automation easier to adapt and reuse is smart management smarter, quicker results focusing on each process stage. Various emerging
of business processes, policy, and management. AI and automated technologies work together with hyper automatic technology to assist
learning techniques expand automation capabilities. Natural language enterprises to develop as much end-to-end business [49,50].
processing (NLP), optical identification of character, virtual agents and With hyperautomation, businesses can begin to rethink labour that
chatbots are all the instruments available in this field [39,40]. was done previously by workers using technology. Employees may use
Hyperautomation is not limited to only the instruments for automa- the power of hyper-automation technologies to automate the various
tion; it also involves protocols for all automation steps. Process discovery, activities within their function and get more done quicker, using the
process optimisation, design, planning, development, use, and moni- resources at their disposal. By reducing manual activities, they can focus
toring are included in this system. The bulk of automated processes that on more practical activities, such as planning and strategy. This system is
companies now have in production are not end-to-end processes with capable of identifying and learning from patterns. The system's algorithm
several facets. The extraction of invoices is a fantastic example of stan- is initially trained with training data, creating a model for learning about
dard automation that many companies have in production. In this sce- production. The success of hyper-automation depends on the develop-
nario, a bot takes client information from bills in particular and inserts it ment of technologies and tools that function effectively with a system. It
into a recording system. This extraction of data is a considerably wider may be utilised for the analysis of visual information ranging from social
sub-process, which includes all processing stages for an invoice. It assures media faces to chemical items. A comprehensive internal process and
that the work is accomplished more quickly and more accurately infrastructure review is required [51–53]. Human beings are important
[41–43]. decision-makers and are highly beneficial for data and logic
The next step of production involves a digital technology ecosystem. interpretation.
A combination of advanced automatic technologies, hyper-automation Hyperautomation automatically saves people time and money while
creates unique process ecology. It would be easy for firms with hyper- eliminating mistakes. It has been utilised to enhance customer experience
automation to truly see the return that they can achieve with clear visi- and to carry out managerial responsibilities. Automation may be regar-
bility of time and money saved from the number of operations that have ded as robotic arms for faster and fewer mistake jobs. By comparison, the
been automated. The hyper-automation system provides seamless con- use of a robotic brain is regarded as a hyperautomation for smarter ac-
nectivity, adaptability, and digital agility amongst multiple data systems tivities. It comprises many types of AI technology. Combined with
in businesses. Companies benefit from more productivity, improved automation software, these technologies significantly boost the possi-
output, better compliance, better insights, enhanced analytics and bility for increased flexibility. Hyperautomation delivers a range of
automated operations [44,45]. backend efficiencies supporting the availability anytime and required
reporting and regulation of online banking and financial apps. Both the
6. Dedicated workflow process for hyperautomation banking and financial industries include vast quantities of complex data
to handle [54–56]. Hyperautomation technology is broad and continu-
Fig. 2 exemplifies the workflow of the hyper-automation methodol- ously developing, which thoroughly is mentioned. It is the collection of
ogy. This starts with the problem statement step, which further then business, designs, and decisions, where a range of technologies are
proceeded towards the information extracted by RPA bots, further fol- covered with the extent and degree of the automation.
lowed by validation & verification of details by ML models. The step of
double check and validation has been considered, and in the end, the
enriched machine-readable data is completed and validated.

Fig. 2. Work flow progressive steps for hyperautomation.

A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

7. Specific domains of solicitations through hyperautomation assist in acquiring new customers and retaining both consumers and
workers. The aim is to enhance business operations throughout the
Fig. 3 shows the real-time aspect related to hyper-automation con- company's productivity and efficiency [62,63].
ceptualisation. These included the claims handling cases, travel & Hyper-automation needs strategic architecture and planning. It is
expense processes, anti-money laundering (AML), fully digital processes crucial to evaluate the immediate and long-term objectives of the com-
and steps, order management, and customer service operations. Auto- pany. Hyper-automation represents an automation extension and
mation has been used worldwide for many years; however, it has become enhancement that combines smart process discovery, smart document
imperative to adapt to hyperautomation with daily changing techno- processing, analytics and insights, and robotic process automation to
logical developments. With hyperautomation, the new era of automation automate complicated workflows. Hyperautomation platforms, agile,
and intelligent firms worldwide are moving in this direction. Both the iterative systems, and new information and working procedures are the
client and the employee benefit from hyper-automation, directly pro- optimum approaches for business operations and decision-making in all
portionate to the company [57–59]. Bots collect data that is subsequently forms. The purpose of hyper-automation is not to leave the loop but to go
utilised for analytical hyperautomation. The Bot Insight integrates up to the driver's podium, which leads all orchestral groups to perform
self-monitoring and self-measurement deeply. Each bot acquires infor- together correctly. It automates complicated tasks, generally dependent
mation along its job route, and then it sends the whole piece of knowl- on human inputs, has an enormous potential to affect the speed of digital
edge to hyper-automation analysis. Hyperautomation is employed in transformation for enterprises [64,65].
businesses seeking work, staff, procedures and more for the collective Companies have to establish a Digital Twin of their Organization for
good. Robotics can pass over redundant labour and people to perform modelling scenarios to achieve hyperautomation. Organisations evaluate
various activities. the advantages and deficiencies of different digital and automation
Hyperautomation has the potential to revolutionise how to work and changes to help them get the most favourable results. Hyperautomation
live. Problems that could previously only be solved with human intellect analytics provides insight into the workings and encounters of digital
may be solved in the future by digital twins. The digital objective of bots. Companies see the advantages of machines, materials, procedures
hyper-automation is to increase customer and staff happiness and to and people merging. It has prompted migration to hyperautomation as
provide an optimised business model. Intelligent Automation puts in part of its transformation towards Industry 4.0 that benefits from inter-
command of various business processes by establishing a client-centric connected data and communication opportunities. In the digital facility,
organisation that is hyper-automated. Using an Intelligent Automation IoT and edge computing are used to link devices to networks. The digital
platform equipped with artificial intelligence technologies pushes the design process is extended to include engineers and manufacturers using
limits by integrating people, processes, and technology to create enhanced and virtual reality technologies [66,67].
Hyperautomation, allowing seamless interactions between humans and The next level of smart automation is hyperautomation which
digital employees [60,61]. essentially involves end-to-end process automation with minimum
The combination of robotic process automation with AI technology human interaction. This opens a new space for quick and clever auto-
can unlock various automation options than ever. The combination of mation across a variety of applications. It is usually confined in its early
innovative technology and tools enables the capability to automate even phases to rather specific applications and scenarios. It becomes the new
complicated and unstructured data operations. Various valuable tools standard across several industries, including common services, hospi-
and technology can handle the whole automation cycle, from process tality, logistics, immovable products and more. Hyperautomation can
discovery through large-scale measurement of return on investment. enhance efficiency and eliminate waste. Stakeholders throughout the
Everyone automates and helps to create a more substantial influence on company have to work to identify the greatest automation opportunities
the transformation process. It can also enhance the customer experience, to manage the business [68,69]. This platform enables companies to
automate their work as much as possible, enabling people to concentrate
on more value-driven tasks.

8. Capabilities of hyperautomation for industries

Hyperautomation provides a strategic framework for the independent

and simultaneous deployment of various automation technologies. It
encompasses the identification of tasks, agility in the reuse of automated
processes, and their capabilities. The objective of hyper-automation is to
reduce expenses, increase productivity, achieve efficiency via automa-
tion, and use digital process data created and gathered. Organisations
may take this information to make business choices better and timelier.
Hyperautomation provides a platform for companies to grow, integrate
and optimise corporate automation. It expands and tackles the success
and limits of RPA instruments. Hyperautomation is separated from other
automation frameworks that focus on merely enhancing automation
tools or automation ideas. The process of automation identification and
subsequently auto-generation of the suitable artefacts for automation
[70–74]. Table 1 discusses the significant capabilities of
hyper-automation for the enhancement of automation in industries.
In hyperautomation, modern technologies are used to transcend the
constraints of previous methodologies in order to automate business
activities. This enables companies to move beyond the limits of particular
operations and discover the correct solutions to automate almost all
scalable and sophisticated business activities. Hyperautomation provides
sophisticated analytical tools and features to assist enterprises to tran-
scend the constraints of a single data-gathering and analysis platform
Fig. 3. Real time Aspects Related to Hyperautomation. [75–78]. In contrast to adding artificial intelligence, it allows business

A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Significant Capabilities of hyper-automation for industries with a brief S. Capabilities Description on capabilities
description. No
S. Capabilities Description on capabilities achievable from processes that run and take time to
No procedures that are less in scope.
1 Automate business Hyperautomation is not only a possible opportunity 8 Automate repeat Hyperautomation strives to bring together people's
for the company but also an unavoidable operation talents and system capacities to automate repeat
transformation. It enhances all business procedures operations, orchestrate operating processes on a
that need to be promptly identified and automated. broad scale, and make better judgments.
Companies which previously invested in automation Hyperautomation aims to automate more in order to
will likely already be aware of the benefits of robotic accomplish more productive work. It has been
optimisation of activities and processes. It can also be developed to facilitate work quickly and intelligently,
advantageous in companies that still have to make work meaningful, and contribute to matters.
understand the advantages of automation. This The capacity to integrate different technologies and
provides better outcomes rapidly and spares from a modern solutions to give a seamless and stress-free
rather strenuous effort. service is among the main characteristics of hyper-
2 Increase human skill Hyperautomation combines automation technology automation.
and artificial intelligence, increasing human skills, 9 Speed up the digital Hyperautomation enables companies to speed up
enabling tasks to be completed more quickly, journey their digital journey and creates the groundwork for
effectively, and with fewer mistakes. critical future developments. Companies that can
Hyperautomation has a robotic intelligence that harness the full potential of data and its analysis
makes the processes smarter where automation may establish distinctive and durable competitive
be easy to optimise task procedures. Automation uses advantages in their markets. Consequently,
robots to accomplish duties faster and utilises a automation evolves from something that enhances
robot's brain to complete them more intelligently. efficiency and productivity and essentially affects
3 Scalability of Integration is also an important quality for how an organisation functions. This Intelligent
operations hyperautomation. Different automation technologies automation uses the set of tools and technology to
have to cooperate harmoniously in order to achieve provide greater-than-average value for essential
scalability in operations. Smart business process stakeholders. This helps firms to manage, secure,
management provides careful planning, execution, share and develop their data more internationally.
and improvement of processes. In order to avoid 10 Automation in the The automation of billing cycles, client contact and
malfunctions that might have severe effects on billing cycle collection is done by using hyperautomation. It can
business, organisations build and try new procedures also handle the maintenance of patient records,
before implementing them. Management software in gather data and provide helpful information for more
business processes is a solid and easy instrument to precise treatment plans. Hyperautomation is also
manage a company's hyperautomation strategies and commonly utilised to guarantee compliance with
efforts. crucial rules to any healthcare organisation's
4 Gain flexibility Based on a variety of automation technologies, hyper- sustainability and profitability. It may be utilised to
automation may make use of a single digital manage inventory and purchase of drugs and plan
technology. This helps firms to gain operational workers and other resources. The applications in the
scalability and flexibility. Employees are capable of healthcare sector for hyperautomation are unlimited,
automating time-consuming jobs with lesser and the advantages may enhance the organisation,
resources and serving more critical functions in partners and patients.
companies. Organisations can integrate digital 11 Automate workload With the progress in hyper-automation, companies
technology throughout their operations and systems automate workload automation, file transfer, and
through hyperautomation. Stakeholders have hybrid IT environments and different cloud systems
improved data access and can easily interact within and premises. The same high-level goals are shared
the company. with enterprise-wide hyperautomation: visibility and
5 Improve operational Hyperautomation improves income and lowers process knowledge, linking processes across systems
efficiency expenses. Organisations can optimise the use of their and environments. Hyperautomation helps
resources through sophisticated analytical tools and companies to make meaningful progress on the
skills. Process maker is a management software for digital path of transformation. The technology
low-code business processes and continues to support combination permits the end-to-end automation of
enterprises worldwide with hyperautomation more complex business processes, involving human
technology to improve operational efficiency. The functions as required. This provides more employees
ultimate objective of hyper-automation is to build a with productivity increases, boosts work satisfaction
method for automating enterprises. and consequently motivation and performance.
6 Detect risk Hyperautomation ensures that finance teams update
and centralise their data immediately. It enhances
precision and allows presenting live data, detecting users to automate the whole process of hundreds of jobs. Automation
risks and opportunities promptly and making quick depends heavily on the performance of the company's current IT infra-
choices utilising the latest data. Low-level jobs are structure and business operations. Robotic process automation integrates
automatically managed, and financial organisations
may provide strategic decision-making guidance with
traditional systems and hyper-automation to combine numerous machine
automated reporting insights. Employees have done learning, packaged software, and work automation technologies. It is
more strategically work with less time at low-value necessary to get higher outcomes and improved productivity to enhance
manual jobs to increase employee happiness, the lives of employees. Various digital technologies are used to create
motivation and production.
automation in manufacturing industries [79–82]. Automation has been
7 Efficiently Technologies of hyper-automation enable robots and
functioning humans to function efficiently. It works together to used worldwide for many years; however, it has become imperative to
automate lengthy and end-of-life business procedures adapt to hyperautomation with daily changing technological
from the simple to complicated. With the emerging AI developments.
technology, employees can identify and automate any
task to find worthwhile throughout the companies
process. Business users may employ tools that are
9. Discussion on the study
easy to integrate and adaptable. Automation is
Hyperautomation refers to the combination of automation technolo-
gies that enhance and expand human skills. It means that poor quality

A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100124

activities with automated tools, machine learning, and sophisticated activities.

artificial intelligence are conducted properly to generate outputs and
operate efficiently without human interaction. Hyperautomation may 11. Conclusion
build a workplace with informed, flexible and capable of making fast,
precise decisions using data and insights. The use of model recognition to Emerging technologies like AI are paired with automation to tackle
know what to do next and optimise operations is based on minimum difficult issues and simplify operations. Hyperautomation may bring
human interaction. The algorithm of the system is taught using training people together, with technology and people working side by side and
data and then develops a used model. The capacity to establish a working together. It utilises the technology to analyse big data and apply
confluence of many types of automation is a crucial component of hyper- insights to its company as influential policymakers; by optimising
automation, which complement one another effortlessly at the highest corporate processes by reducing repetitive operations and automating
value. This includes machine learning, which helps the software recog- manual ones, hyper-automation changes enterprises. It enables com-
nise data patent, natural language treatment, and intelligent optical panies to do operations with consistency, precision, and speed. As a
character recognition. result, prices are reduced, and customer experience is typically improved.
Hyper-automation does not only mean the implementation of task Any new approach to business processes or infrastructure is subject to
management systems. It also calls for human participation. This is problems using hyperautomation. Hyperautomation automates a wide
because people are important decision-makers and may employ tech- range of instruments that can be automated and can quickly sort out
nology for data interpretation and logic. To generate reports and draw complex problems. Many firms have made investments in new technol-
data from social media, a company may rely on the tools to use machine ogy to confront constraints. With hyperautomation, the company can
learning to achieve client feelings. It suggests that low-value jobs with automatically automate activities to enhance productivity and provide
automation technologies, advanced artificial intelligence, and machine the client with more value. Hyperautomation is sophisticated automation
learning are preferably carried out to automatically generate outputs and that seems quicker, more efficient, and makes lesser mistakes to complete
practically run productively with lesser human involvement. Hyper- activities and processes. Thus provides the intended results and basic
automation, together with humans, can create an ever-trained, flexible value requirements, such as revenue, cost savings, and risk management.
and ready working environment that utilises data and insights to make
rapid and precise decisions. Hyperautomation enables employees to
learn the most recently available company and market data so that they Declaration of competing interest
can do their duties perfectly.
Hyperautomating attempts to boost sustainability while setting There is no conflicts of interest.
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