CSK W A Thing of Beauty
CSK W A Thing of Beauty
CSK W A Thing of Beauty
A Thing of Beauty summary tells us the value of beautiful things that are all around us and that one must
cherish them. They provide us timeless joy and leave an unforgettable imprint on our minds, therefore, every
beautiful thing is worth preserving
3. What does the line, ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you?
Keats is a lover of beauty. He employs his senses to discover beauty. The link of man with nature is eternal. The
things of beauty are like wreaths of beautiful flowers. We seem to weave a flowery band every day. It keeps us
attached to the beauties of this earth.
5. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?
John Keats uses a very beautiful image to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth. It is the endless fountain of
immortal drink. It pours constantly into our hearts from heaven. Thus, the beautiful bounty of the earth is called
“an endless fountain of immortal drink.”
9. What are the things that cause miseries, sorrows and sufferings to man?
Man himself, is the root cause of all his sufferings. We suffer from malice and distress because we lack human
qualities that makes us inhuman. Our life becomes gloomy. We cultivate unhealthy and evil ways. All such
things bring miseries, sorrows and sufferings to man.
10. What spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it removed?
Man is the creator of his woes. His own nature and actions make his life miserable. He faces miseries and
pains. A pall of despondence covers his dark spirits. A thing of beauty provides a ray of hope to man. Some
shape of beauty works wonders amid these sorrows and sufferings. It is a thing of beauty that removes the pall
of despondence over our dark spirits.
11. What is the source of the ‘endless fountain’ and what is its effect?
A fountain of eternal joy and immortality pours into the heart and soul of man. It flows right from the heavens
brink and pours into the human heart. It is like an immortal nectar. The immortal drink that nature’s endless
fountain pours into our hearts is a source of immense joy for us.
12. What is the message or the theme of the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’?
The very first line contains the message that John Keats, the great Romantic poet, wants to convey. Keats was a
worshipper of beauty. For him beauty was truth and truth, beauty. Hence, for him a thing of beauty is a joy
forever. Beauty never fades. Nor is it ever devalued. It never passes into nothingness. When we are full of
sorrows and sufferings, some form of beauty comes to our rescue. It removes the pall of sadness and sorrows
and gives us joy and pleasure. Thus, beauty is a boon for human beings.
13. Write in brief the central idea of the poem.
In this poem, the poet says that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. He compares a thing of beauty with a bower,
where we can enjoy sweet sleep. Then the poet mentions many things of beauty. He says that there is so much
grief and sadness on this earth that we can sustain our life only because of the things of beauty.
He compares the things of beauty with ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink pouring unto us from the
heaven’s brink’. In this way the poet underlines the fact that we should preserve and take care of the things of
beauty. They are joy not for ourselves but also for our coming generations.
The enchanted shepherd resolved to seek her in his admiration. This poem echoes the pleasure of the shepherd
as he wanders through the forests and finds pleasure in beholding the beautiful sights of nature. That beauty can
create joy in the soul that will last forever, is what is conveyed in the poem. The nature with its beauty, the sun,
the moon and daffodils give to life a new meaning and significance.
It relieves us from being weighed down by worldly worries. Keats, as a romantic poet, brings out the belief in
the power of nature to heal and give happiness. A beautiful thing is an object of joy because it gives us mental
peace and makes us happy. Its value lies in its effect on us and it never breeds a sense of nothingness. It will not
diminish with the passage of time.
In the metaphor, ‘immortal drink’, a feeling of immense joy has been compared to a drink that flows down from
heaven’s brink, like an endless fountain. There is use of alliteration in ‘noble natures’, ‘simple sheep’ and
‘cooling covert’. The poem abounds in the use of imagery, as in ‘flowery bands’, ‘daffodils with the green
world they live in’, ‘clear rills’, and ‘endless fountain.’
18. According to Keats, what spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it removed?
Keats says that there is general grief on this earth. Man’s life is full of disappointment and sadness. It appears as
if a shroud of disappointment is spread over our dark spirits. It is only some or the other things of beauty that
removes this pall of despondence.
20. How does Keats show his unhappiness with his fellow human beings?
Keats shows his unhappiness by saying that there are only few people, who are noble in character and who rise
above pretty differences by being magnanimous and generous. There is a dearth of such noble souls on our
earth; as man is selfish and self-centred. Trials and tribulations of life spread the pall of despondence over our
dark spirits. We can remove it by making life worthwhile by enjoying the beautiful things of life bestowed upon
us by nature, but we are keen on destroying them.